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辽西义县组奔龙类化石一新种   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在辽宁西部义县头台的义县组中新发现的1件奔龙类化石标本,显示出许多中国鸟龙属(Sinornithosaurus)所具有的特征,如上颌骨眶前窝侧面具有装饰性凹坑、前颌骨齿无边缘小锯齿、齿骨后缘二分叉、指节Ⅲ-1略长于指节Ⅲ-2的2倍、踱骨Ⅲ部分窄踱型形态等。但其头骨的部分骨骼与千禧中国鸟龙(S.millenii)有明显的区别:前颌骨主体部分相对较高,其长仅稍大于其高,前颌骨角大,前颌骨上颌突与鼻突均很长,上颌骨不参与外鼻孔的构成,上颌骨窗相对较小且为圆形,方颧骨上升突明显长于颧骨突,齿骨长高之比小等。此外,新标本肠骨的耻骨柄前后方向的宽度小于髋臼宽度。这些不同之处表明,义县头台的标本应为中国鸟龙属另一新种,将其命名为郝氏中国鸟龙(新种)(S.haoiana sp.nov.)。  相似文献   

报道了一件产自辽西北票地区早白垩世义县组陆家屯层中的燕子沟辽角龙(Liaoceratops yanzigouensis)化石标本。该标本保存了燕子沟辽角龙的一些典型特征:前颌齿3颗;较大的三角形的眶前窝,外颧骨不发育;前齿骨上翘呈钩状;下颌后腹缘的边棱脊发育,并在其后部发育瘤状结节。根据对化石的CT扫描和三维图像重建,笔者对燕子沟辽角龙吻骨的形态特征进行了补充,包括吻骨前缘呈龙骨脊状,后侧发育一棱柱状纵脊等。此外,首次对燕子沟辽角龙的头后骨骼进行了描述,其中,股骨第四转子的特征可能对基干新角龙类的分类有一定意义。  相似文献   

本文描述了产自中国辽宁省北票市早白垩世义县组一新的伤齿龙类化石——柯氏辽宁猎龙(Liaoningvenator curriei gen. et sp. nov.)。它具有伤齿龙类以下特征: 数量众多且密集的上颌齿与下颌齿; 牙齿的齿冠与齿根之间显著收缩; 齿骨侧表面具有一沟, 营养孔位于该沟内; 远端尾椎背部的神经棘减弱为一个沟。它不同于其它伤齿龙类的特征主要为坐骨靴大, 侧面观近乎三角形, 坐骨闭孔突细长; 尾椎形态转变点位于第7尾椎。系统发育分析表明柯氏辽宁猎龙与短羽始中国羽龙(Eosinopteryx brevipenna)构成姊妹群, 位于同一分支内。它们具有如下共同特征: (1)上颌骨和下颌骨前面部分的牙齿前隆无锯齿; (2)颈肋较其相关节的椎体长; (3)肠骨前缘直。辽宁猎龙代表了辽西同等层位发现的第5个伤齿龙类。骨组织研究显示辽宁猎龙的骨骼已接近成熟, 死亡时至少4岁。它为该地区的基干伤齿龙类恐龙提供了新的解剖学信息, 并丰富了目前中国已知早白垩世伤齿龙类的多样性。  相似文献   

陈晓云  谭锴  卢立伍  姬书安 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3722-3732
本文记述了内蒙古西部阿拉善右旗阿拉腾敖包镇巴音塔拉一带上白垩统乌兰苏海组中的2件原角龙属Protoceratops头骨化石,头骨全长超过700 mm、齿骨腹缘近于平直、上颌骨侧面近水平向的嵴较直且较弱、〖JP2〗无上颌骨齿,表明其应归入似希腊鼻原角龙P. hellenikorhinus。该种鉴定特征被修订为:原角龙属个体较大的种,头骨全长超过700 mm,鼻骨角突发育,无前颌骨齿,上颌骨侧面前后方向的嵴相对平直且较弱,鳞骨腹突伸长且与方轭骨相接触,齿骨腹缘平直,前齿骨前缘与腹缘形成一明显夹角,隅骨后缘由一向后的三角形面形成。〖JP〗这是似希腊鼻原角龙在阿拉善地区的首次确切记录,阿拉善右旗巴音塔拉也成为该种化石继内蒙古乌拉特后旗巴音满都呼之后的第2个分布区,大大扩展了该种的地理分布范围,并为两地晚白垩世恐龙动物群的对比研究提供了关键信息。  相似文献   

辽宁锦州义县早白垩世义县组发现了一种新型燕鸟(Yanornis)化石.该新型化石具有燕鸟的典型特征,如齿骨直且约占头骨全长的2/3、每侧约含20枚牙齿,颈椎细长,异凹型.愈合荐椎包括9枚脊椎,前肢约为后肢长的1.1倍.近端脚趾较其它趾节长和粗壮.然而,该新型化石部分特征又不同于燕鸟的模式种——马氏燕鸟(Yanornis martini),如其肱骨三角肌脊强烈发育,约为肱骨长度的一半.尺骨、桡骨及手部近等长,均长于肱骨.耻骨联合部较短,与尾综骨等长,不到耻骨长度的1/6.腓骨较长,约为股骨长度的4/5,约为胫跗骨长度的2/3.跗跖骨较短并完全愈合,不及胫跗骨长度一半.根据该新型化石的独特性及其与义县鸟、松岭鸟和马氏燕鸟的特征对比,笔者建立了燕鸟一新种——国章燕鸟(Yanornis guozhangisp.nov.).此外,国章燕鸟(新种)颈部还保存有3条鱼化石,这一特殊现象为研究燕鸟的生活习性和发育模式提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

本文描述了产自中国辽宁省北票市早白垩世义县组一新的伤齿龙类化石——柯氏辽宁猎龙(Liaoningvenator curriei gen.et sp.nov.)。它具有伤齿龙类以下特征:数量众多且密集的上颌齿与下颌齿;牙齿的齿冠与齿根之间显著收缩;齿骨侧表面具有一沟,营养孔位于该沟内;远端尾椎背部的神经棘减弱为一个沟。它不同于其它伤齿龙类的特征主要为坐骨靴大,侧面观近乎三角形,坐骨闭孔突细长;尾椎形态转变点位于第7尾椎。系统发育分析表明柯氏辽宁猎龙与短羽始中国羽龙(Eosinopteryx brevipenna)构成姊妹群,位于同一分支内。它们具有如下共同特征:(1)上颌骨和下颌骨前面部分的牙齿前隆无锯齿;(2)颈肋较其相关节的椎体长;(3)肠骨前缘直。辽宁猎龙代表了辽西同等层位发现的第5个伤齿龙类。骨组织研究显示辽宁猎龙的骨骼已接近成熟,死亡时至少4岁。它为该地区的基干伤齿龙类恐龙提供了新的解剖学信息,并丰富了目前中国已知早白垩世伤齿龙类的多样性。  相似文献   

根据以下特征,建立驰龙类恐龙一新属新种——河南栾川盗龙(Luanchuanraptor henanensisgen.etsp.nov):牙齿后缘每5mm有24个小锯齿;前部背椎椎体具有小的椎体侧孔;后部脉弧的前后突短且为三分支;最后部的尾椎体的椎体前突拉长且包裹与其相邻的前部椎体,两椎体前突之间夹有低的刀片状的神经棘;乌喙骨的内面强烈凹陷;肱骨骨干直,肱骨三角脊几乎占肱骨长度的前部一半。河南栾川盗龙代表除在亚洲戈壁地区及中国东北地区之外发现的第一件驰龙类化石标本。  相似文献   

根据发现于辽宁省西部下白垩统义县组的一近乎完整翼龙骨架,确立了鸟掌龙类一新属新种:崔氏北方翼龙Boreopterus cuiae gen.et sp.nov.。崔氏北方翼龙以其数量多的牙齿,且前部的九对牙齿大于后部的牙齿,上下颌的第四对牙齿稍微大于第三对等特征不同于辽西及其周边地区所发现的任何具有头骨保存的翼龙类。总的来说,  相似文献   

1998年中国地质博物馆季强和姬书安、美国自然历史博物馆PhilipJ .Currie和MarkA .Novell对 2件产自辽宁省北票市上园乡四合屯上侏罗统义县组下部湖相沉积火山凝灰质页岩的带羽毛印痕的脊椎动物骨架化石研究后 ,确认其是一种长羽毛的小型兽足类恐龙。为感谢当时的中国副总理邹家华对辽西古生物研究的大力支持 ,特将其命名为邹氏尾羽龙。特征 :体长近 1m。前上颌骨具长而钩形的牙齿 ,齿根宽。上颌骨和齿骨无牙齿。尾短 (仅为体长 1/ 4 )。前肢较长而指爪较短。后肢长而粗壮。尾末端和前肢第 2指骨分别排列生长着长…  相似文献   

报道了美颌龙类一新属新种:季氏北票颌龙(Beipiaognathus jiigen. et sp. nov.)。它不仅具有美颌龙科的鉴定特征,如扇形的背椎神经脊和强壮的第一指第一指节,而且具有不同于其他美颌龙类的独具特征:不具有小锯齿的锥形牙齿,较长的尺骨,长而强壮的第二指第一指节,以及较短的尾部。这一发现进一步揭示了美颌龙类具有相当高的分异度,为了解美颌龙类的解剖学特征提供了重要信息  相似文献   

<正>A new dinosaur Chuxiongosaurus lufengensis gen.et sp.nov.is erected based on a nearly complete skull.The taxon is characterized by the lacrimal perpendicular to the ventral margin of the upper jaw,which is similar to that of Thecodontosaurus;a depression present on the dorsal profile of the snout behind the naris;the rostral profile of the maxilla slopes continuously towards the rostral tip;and the presence of 25 dentary teeth.It also displays prosauropod characters such as a relatively long skull,the slope of the maxillary rostral profile,and teeth that do not have basically constricted crowns.The new specimen is more basal than Anchisaurus and represents the first basal sauropod dinosaur from the Early Jurassic of China.  相似文献   

A new hadrosauroid dinosaur, Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei gen. et sp. nov., is described based on a complete left maxilla with articulated premaxilla and lacrimal fragments, and a complete left dentary from the mid-Cretaceous Sunjiawan Formation of Beipiao, Liaoning, northeastern China. Cladistic analysis shows that Shuangmiaosaurus is a basal hadrosauroid, and comprises the sister taxon to Hadrosauridae. In both Shuangmiaosaurus and Hadrosauridae, the maxilla-jugal suture is butt-jointed, rather than finger-in-recess articulation as in other basal hadrosauroids. However, Shuangmiaosaurus does not possess such hadrosaurid synapomorphies as the diamond-shaped maxillary crowns with reduced primary ridges and reduced marginal denticles.  相似文献   

A new basal neoceratopsian dinosaur, Helioceratops brachygnathus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Quantou Formation (late Early Cretaceous or early Late Cretaceous) in the Liufangzi locality (Jilin province, China). Helioceratops differs from other basal neoceratopsiaus with its deep dentary ramus, its steeply-inclined ventral predentary facet, its heterogeneous dentary crowns, and by the denticles and secondary ridges asymmetrically distributed on either side of the primary ridge on its dentary teeth. Along with Auroraceratops and Yamaceratops, Helioceratops represents one of the most derived non-coronosaurian neoceratopsians. The palaeogeographical distribution of basal neoceratopsians appears limited to northern China and southern Mongolia in the current state of our knowledge. It is therefore probable that this region constituted the birthplace for more advanced, Late Cretaceous Coronosauria.  相似文献   

A new basal hadrosauriform dinosaur, Xuwulong yueluni gen. et sp. nov., is reported based on an articulated specimen including a complete cranium, almost complete axial skeleton, and complete left pelvic girdle. The specimen is recovered from the Early Cretaceous Yujingzi Basin in the Jiuquan area, Gansu Province of northwestern China. Xuwulong is among the most basal members of hadrosauriform dinosaurs, and distinguished by its unique lower jaw in having a V-shaped rostral end of the dentary in lateral view and a mandibular articular surface which levels with mid-height of the dentary ramus, as well as an enlarged and downturned prepubic process. Including Xuwulong, three basal hadrosauriforms have been discovered from the Early Cretaceous Xinminpu Group in the Mazongshan area, making it an important area to study the origin and early evolution of duck-billed dinosaurs.  相似文献   

A new hadrosauroid dinosaur,Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei gen.et sp.nov,is descuibed based on a complete left maxilla with articulated premaxilla and lacrimal fragments,and a complete left dentary from the mid-Cretaceous Sunjiawan Formation of Beipiao.Liaoning,northeastern China.Chadistic analysis shows that Shuangmiaosaurus is a basal hadrosauroid,and comprises the sister taxon to Hadrosauridae.In both Shuangmiaosqurus and Hadrosaurids.However,Shuangmiaosaurus does not possess such hadrosaurid synapomorphies as the diamond-shaped maxillary crowns with reduced primary ridges and reduced marginal denticles.  相似文献   

A new basal neoceratopsian dinosaur, Helioceratops brachygnathus gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Quantou Formation (late Early Cretaceous or early Late Cretaceous) in the Liufangzi locality (Jilin province, China). Helioceratops differs from other basal neoceratopsians with its deep dentary ramus, its steeply-inclined ventral predentary facet, its heterogeneous dentary crowns, and by the denticles and secondary ridges asymmetrically distributed on either side of the primary ridge on its dentary teeth. Along with Auroraceratops and Yamaceratops, Helioceratops represents one of the most derived non-coronosaurian neoceratopsians. The palaeogeographical distribution of basal neoceratopsians appears limited to northern China and southern Mongolia in the current state of our knowledge. It is therefore probable that this region constituted the birthplace for more advanced, Late Cretaceous Coronosauria.  相似文献   

To date three taxa of troodontid theropod dinosaurs have been recognized from Upper Cretaceous strata in two regions of the Kyzylkum Desert in Uzbekistan. The Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation in the southwestern Kyzylkum Desert has yielded isolated serrated teeth and some postcranial bones of an indeterminate troodontid. In the central Kyzylkum Desert troodontids are known from the Cenomanian Dzharakuduk Formation (Urbacodon itemirensis) and the Turonian Bissekty Formation (Urbacodon sp.). Urbacodon itemirensis is known from a single dentary whereas Urbacodon sp. is represented by isolated teeth, maxilla and dentary fragments, a partial braincase, and some postcranial bones. The troodontid affinities of Urbacodon are supported by several synapomorphies: presence of a subotic recess; reduced basal tubera placed directly under the occipital condyle; maxilla participating in the margin of the external naris; nutrient foramina on dentary situated within a deep lateral groove; dentary without distinct interdental plates; large number of small dentary and maxillary teeth; teeth constricted between root and crown; anterior dentary teeth smaller, more numerous, more closely spaced than those in the middle of the tooth row, and implanted in a groove; posterior dorsal vertebrae with tall and posterodorsally tapering neural spines; and presence of a midline sulcus on the neural arches of distal caudals. Among Troodontidae, Urbacodon resembles Byronosaurus, Gobivenator, and Xixiasaurus in the absence of serrations on the tooth crowns and having premaxillary teeth that are D-shaped in cross-section. However, phylogenetic analysis did not recover a clade of Asiatic troodontids with unserrated teeth.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the lacustrine deposits in Yixian County of Western Liaoning have been assigned to either “the Dakangpu Bed” of the Yixian Formation or the Jiufotang Formation. However, a 206Pb/238U age of 126.47±0.87 Ma is newly obtained from the tuff sample (06051) of the lacustrine deposits in the Baitaigou fossil site of Potaizi village, Yixian County, indicating that the lacustrine deposits in Potaizi area are approximately equivalent to the Wumingshan volcanics of the Sihetun Bed of the Yixian Formation in Beipiao. From our new dating data have arisen some new problems: Where could we find the Jiufotang Formation in Yixian County? How widely distributed is the Jiufotang Formation in Western Liaoning? Could the traditionally named Jiufotang Formation somewhere in Western Liaoning be the synchronous deposits of other litho-units (e.g. the Yixian Formation) in different facies? Could some lacustrine deposits somewhere in Western Liaoning have been assigned to the Jiufotang Formation?  相似文献   

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