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三江源地区是国家重要生态安全屏障和生态文明先行示范区。科学认知三江源地区生态空间、农业空间、城镇空间的空间格局演变特征及驱动机制,对于促进国土空间格局优化具有重要意义。首先从单一土地利用类型入手,分析1992―2020年的变化特征;然后结合土地分类和量化评价辨识出农牧空间,进而界定出“三区空间”并对其演变特征进行分析;最后,利用地理探测器分析变化背后的驱动机制。结果表明:① 三江源地区城镇空间增幅达774.56%;生态空间和农业空间以2005年和2015年为转折点,分别呈“U”字型和倒“U”字型变化趋势;② 研究区仅发生了4种交叉转换:生态空间转农业空间规模为1154.1 km²,多发生在气候变化主导区,转化量大但速度在逐步放缓;农业空间转生态空间规模为1140.8 km²,多分布在气候与人类活动共同作用区,转化速度呈明显变快趋势;农业空间和生态空间转为城镇空间的总量分别为41.0 km²和12.3 km²,多分布在县(市)驻地镇附近,转化速度在三个阶段表现为“缓慢增长―变快―减缓”的态势;③ 地理基础条件是“三区空间”格局演化的基本动力和前提,制约着交叉转换的位置和方向;社会经济因素是演化的关键驱动力,对交叉转换规模和速度均具有显著影响;生态保护政策在2005年之后驱动作用显著,尤其在“生态―农业”空间的相互置换过程中发挥着稳定作用。本研究可为牧业地区主体功能降尺度传导和国土空间用途管制提供新思路,可应用于三江源地区生态环境保护决策和各级国土空间规划编制工作。  相似文献   

在“新冠”肺炎疫情发展过程中,人群动态的观测理论研究与应用受到了国内外许多研究人员和民众的重点关注,特别是公共卫生学、临床医学、地理学、公共管理学等多学科交叉,探索科学的疫情动态监测、精准防控、准确预测与有效应对等方面的理论与方法。本文首先系统介绍人群动态的观测理论研究背景和意义,概括地描述其核心的3个问题(观测其如何变、分析其为何变、控制其如何变),从信息地理学、测绘学等领域角度阐述人群动态的观测理论研究意义及其学科价值。接着,围绕人群动态的观测与时空应用,本文阐述地理时空大数据背景下人群动态的关键观测理论框架(如基础时空理论、时空定量与综合观测理论、时空过程优化理论等),及其所存在的瓶颈问题和发展需求。然后,结合未来理论研究与关注变化,阐述了4个典型的人群动态观测理论趋势变化,包括:数字化社会治理与公共安全/卫生应急等需求驱动下的精细化观测、公共利益至上与个人保护最大化兼顾下的差异化观测、对人观测与对地观测的集成化观测理论发展、高阶需求层次管控与服务的人群动态观测理论突破。最后,本文强调在多学科交叉背景下,指出重点发展人群大数据感知、多空间精细化观测、人地系统化建模等方面的基础理论与方法,实现差异化、集成化、层次化的对人观测,系统支撑面向地学的研究与时空应用,科学支撑不可逆的管理、控制、服务等社会治理现实应用决策。该方面理论研究,将对“新城镇化”、“美丽中国”、“人工智能”、“新基建”等国家战略中城市和区域的绿色、高效、智慧与可持续发展等都有重要支撑作用。  相似文献   

在大数据时代,高分辨率对地观测技术实现了对地球表层地理现象和地理过程最为真实、量化、全面覆盖又快速更新的数据化记录,可为地理空间认知研究的新发展奠定时空信息聚合与挖掘计算的基准。地理图斑是影像空间映射到地理空间中对于地理实体的抽象化表达,是构建地理场景和承载地理空间各类信息进而开展模式挖掘的最小单元。本文以地理图斑为基本对象,通过分析其中视觉模拟、符号推测等几类机器学习的协同计算机制,从空间、时间与属性等维度构建了集“分区分层感知”、“时空协同反演”、“多粒度决策”三者于一体的地理图斑智能计算模型,并以在贵州息烽县、广西江州区开展的农业种植结构制图与规划决策为应用案例,探索了地理图斑分布、生长以及功能3种模式的挖掘方法,并进一步设计了动态视角下开展图斑动力模式挖掘的研究思路。  相似文献   

六大经济走廊是“一带一路”倡议的战略支柱,该区域横跨亚、欧、非大陆,涉及国家众多,地理条件千差万别,资源环境本底复杂。通过对沿线区域资源环境信息进行系统性、全面性的揭示,能够为科学推进“一带一路”倡议实施提供至关重要的决策支持作用。本文提出了面向协同创新的“一带一路”空间信息服务系统框架,综述了“一带一路”经济走廊地区在资源环境信息开发利用进展,具体包括资源环境格局与时空演变、联合国可持续发展目标监测与评价、防灾减灾知识服务关键技术应用、资源环境信息集成与共享、新冠疫情对经济社会发展影响,进而展望了其发展趋势和潜在的研究方向,为“一带一路”经济走廊的可持续发展提供决策支持。  相似文献   

面向新时期水利行业“补短板”和“强监管”的应用需求,遥感的前沿技术高光谱遥感凭借较高的光谱分辨率和图谱合一等优势,在水生态、水环境等水利行业的应用中发挥了重要作用,同时在水灾害、水资源等层面中也存在着一定的应用潜力。本文介绍了高光谱遥感的成像原理,回顾了成像光谱仪的发展,列举了目前国内外典型的高光谱载荷。重点介绍了高光谱遥感在水利行业的应用进展,包括水华及水生植物监测、水华和水草精确区分、叶绿素浓度反演、悬浮物浓度和泥沙含量定量估算等具体工作。指出高光谱遥感在实时大范围洪涝灾害应急监测、陆表水文参数定量反演等工作存在一定的发展潜力。最后对高光谱遥感在水利行业的应用存在的瓶颈问题进行总结分析并提出展望:多平台高光谱水利要素立体监测与集成技术研发;水利典型地物要素标准波谱数据库构建;水利高光谱遥感信息智能挖掘的理论方法研究。为拓宽高光谱遥感在水利应用中的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

社交媒体数据可以为台风灾害追踪、灾时救援和灾情评估提供及时有效的信息。现有研究常采用主题建模和情感分析等技术对台风期间社交媒体平台(如新浪微博等)舆论话题和情感变化进行研究。在省域范围内以小时为时间粒度的多维度有效性论证尚有欠缺,且在舆情分析时未能区分用户群体差异。本文以台风“利奇马”为例,在浙江省域范围内,以新浪微博数据为研究对象,首先从词频分析、台风关注度时空变化以及特定灾害事件响应3个角度探讨了微博数据对台风灾情响应的有效性;其次采用隐含狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)主题模型技术挖掘微博文本主题信息,并根据Louvain算法对主题社团进行划分;然后开发了一种基于自定义情感词典的情感分析方法用于情感指数计算,与SnowNLP相比情感倾向性预测精度得到了提高;最后分析了台风期间官方和民众在新浪微博平台上的话题关注以及情感演变差异。结果表明:① 在省级范围内,微博数据能有效反映台风动态和灾害时空分布;② 台风事件微博文本的主题变化反映了灾情不同阶段舆论关注点的动态变化;③ 官方微博文本比民众微博文本具有更明确的主题社团结构;④ 台风事件相关微博文本中的消极情绪在台风登陆后显著增加,其中民众微博文本对台风灾害的情绪响应更及时,官方微博文本中的情感表达始终相对积极。  相似文献   

随着“碳达峰”、“碳中和”发展目标的提出,液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,简称LNG)作为清洁低碳能源逐渐受到能源市场的重视。在此背景下,重点分析LNG海上运输网络演化模式,对掌握全球能源格局动态和中国的进口贸易现状具有重要意义。本文利用船舶轨迹数据和复杂网络理论,聚焦2018—2020年全球LNG海上运输网络演化趋势;同时针对中国的贸易现状,重点分析中国LNG进口来源、主要进口港分布及进口量排名前三的进口港的货源流入状况。结果表明:① 2018—2020年,全球LNG海上运输网络呈扩大趋势,并呈现出“无标度”特性;同时骨干网络节点连接的“广度”和“深度”正在增强,全球LNG贸易存在趋于垄断的风险;② “一带一路”国家贸易参与度强,中北美、南亚和东南亚地区的进口港数量和进口航次数增长尤为明显,萨贝塔、邦尼按照贸易出口量排名已进入全球前八;③ 网络的平均最短路径值在2018—2020年逐年递增,“转运港”业务新模态逐渐兴起;截止到2020年共有21个转运港口参与LNG贸易中,美国占据全球转运的主导地位;④ 中国的LNG进口货量规模发展迅速,海上运输网络流向趋于多元,但澳大利亚仍占据主要来源地位;按照进口量统计天津港、深圳港和永安港排名前三,“减碳”压力促使经济发达地区建设接收站并且不断增大进口量。  相似文献   

自然资源大数据及其处理技术应用能够为自然资源研究与管理,特别是揭示自然资源系统要素、结构与关联研究提供基础支撑,为资源科学发展提供新思路、新方法和新技术。本文试图厘清自然资源大数据的概念、主要特征和发展趋势,分析自然资源大数据对于国民经济与社会发展的重要现实意义。自然资源大数据建设既是自然资源信息化的重要组成部分,也是提高自然资源产业及整个社会经济效率、完善自然资源治理结构和提升自然资源治理能力现代化的新手段。本文在地球系统科学体系下,构建了自然资源大数据应用研究的知识框架,基于“一图一网一平台”结构,提出建立空天地一体化自然资源大数据库和“生产-生活-生态”应用框架,探讨建立基于自然资源数据收集、处理与应用的结构体系,并以此技术框架分析了自然资源大数据应用研究的学科前沿进展和发展趋势。  相似文献   

自1978年以来,我国城镇化经历了外延粗放扩张式的快速发展模式,不具有可持续性。城市群作为推进后城镇化发展阶段的主体形态,其智慧化建设成为重要的研究内容。但智慧城市群建设如果缺乏理论指导,会陷入一定的盲目性。因此,本文力图通过对城市的“智慧”和城市群的空间概念体系的本质认知,构建“互联互通、生产、生活、生态”(简称为“一联三生”)体系下的智慧城市群理论框架。结果表明:① 智慧城市与智慧城市群的建设需要“命运共同体”的灵魂引领。在对心理学领域“智慧”充分认知的基础上,提出“以人为本的自主调节”的智慧城市灵魂。自主调节包括实时的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化;② “一联三生”构成城市群空间概念体系,包含“一联”和“三生”等4个主题内容;③ 实现“一联三生”的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化是智慧城市群构建的核心内容。结合粤港澳大湾区实际,提出了粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群的建设目标与内容,并探讨了地理空间信息在粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群建设中的支撑作用,为我国智慧城市群的框架构建提供理论参考。  相似文献   

中国属于太阳能资源丰富的国家之一,光伏装机量位居世界第一,未来其装机量仍会不断增加。本文拟利用遥感技术获取区域太阳能资源的时空分布,采用多因子评价模型对中国地区大型光伏电站区域适宜性进行评估,以期为光伏电站的选址提供科学依据。结合太阳总辐射、日照时数的稳定程度、离路网的距离、离城镇的距离和坡向5个因子,通过设定海拔以及土地覆盖类型对应的限制区域,利用MuSyQ辐射产品、DEM、道路网数据、VIIRS夜间灯光数据、土地覆盖产品得到因子图层,使用层次分析法确定各因子在模型中的权重,借助GIS进行叠加分析并分为“低适宜”、“较适宜”、“适宜”、“非常适宜”和“限制区”5类,得到光伏电站建设的空间适宜性分布。研究结果表明,西北地区的适宜区占全国的53.0%,“非常适宜”区占全国的47.3%,其累计光伏电站装机量占全国的45.6%。建设光伏电站的“适宜”和“非常适宜”区面积的大小与装机量的多少没有明显的线性关系。“非常适宜”区作为光伏电站的最佳建设场所,光伏发电潜力大于2016年全国发电量的5倍。同时,国家政策制定的装机规模指标以及光电补贴政策对光伏电站的选址也起了一定的指向作用。  相似文献   

In this study,a coupled tide-surge-wave model was developed and applied to the South Yellow Sea.The coupled model simulated the evolution of storm surges and waves caused by extreme weather events,such as tropical cyclones,cold waves,extratropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave,and tropical cyclones coupled with a cold wave.The modeled surge level and significant wave height matched the measured data well.Simulation results of the typhoon with different intensities revealed that the radius to the maximum wind speed of a typhoon with 1.5 times wind speed decreased,and its influence range was farther away from the Jiangsu coastal region;moreover,the impact on surge levels was weakened.Thereafter,eight hypothetical typhoons based on Typhoon Chan-hom were designed to investigate the effects of varying typhoon tracks on the extreme value and spatial distribution of storm surges in the offshore area of Jiangsu Province.The typhoon along path 2 mainly affected the Rudong coast,and the topography of the Rudong coast was conducive to the increase in surge level.Therefore,the typhoon along path 2 induced the largest surge level,which reached up to 2.91 m in the radial sand ridge area.The maximum surge levels in the Haizhou Bay area and the middle straight coastline area reached up to 2.37 and 2.08 m,respectively.In terms of typhoons active in offshore areas,the radial sand ridge area was most likely to be threatened by typhoon-induced storm surges.  相似文献   

To reduce typhoon-caused damages, numerical and empirical methods are often used to forecast typhoon storm surge. However, typhoon surge is a complex nonlinear process that is difficult to forecast accurately. We applied a principal component back-propagation neural network (PCBPNN) to predict the deviation in typhoon storm surge, in which data of the typhoon, upstream flood, and historical case studies were involved. With principal component analysis, 15 input factors were reduced to five principal components, and the application of the model was improved. Observation data from Huangpu Park in Shanghai, China were used to test the feasibility of the model. The results indicate that the model is capable of predicting a 12-hour warning before a typhoon surge.  相似文献   

The northern South China Sea(SCS) is frequently affected by typhoons. During severe storm events, wave-current interactions produce storm surges causing enormous damage in the path of the typhoon. To evaluate the influence of wave-current interactions on storm surge, we used a coupled ocean-atmospherewave-sediment transport(COAWST) modeling system with radiation-stress and vortex-force formulations to simulate two typically intense tropical storms that invaded the SCS, namely Typhoons Nuri(2008) and Hagupit(2008), and compared results with observations from the Hong Kong Observatory. Both radiationstress and vortex-force formulations significantly improved the accuracy of the simulation. Depending on which typhoon and the topography encountered, the influence of surface waves on the oceanic circulation showed different characteristics, including the differences of range and intensity of storm surge between vortex-force and radiation-stress experiments. During typhoon landing, strong sea-surface elevation in concert with wave set-up/set-down caused the adjustment of the momentum balance. In the direction perpendicular to the current, but especially in the cross-shore direction, the pressure gradient and wave effects on the current dominated the momentum balance.  相似文献   

A typhoon-induced storm surge simulation system was developed for the Qingdao area, including a typhoon diagnostic model for the generation of wind and pressure fields and a 2D Advanced Circulation (ADCIRC) model for simulating the associated storm surge with a 200 m resolution along the Qingdao coastline. The system was validated by an extreme surge event Typhoon Mamie (8509) and the parameters of Typhoon Mamie were used to investigate the sensitivity of typhoon paths to Qingdao storm surges with four selected paths: the paths of Typhoons Mamie (8509), Opal, 3921 and 2413, the selection being made according to their relative position to Qingdao. Experiments based on the Typhoon Mamie (8509) storm surge were also conducted to study the possible influences of future climate changes, including the sea level rise and sea surface temperature (SST) rise, on storm surges along the Qingdao coast. Storm surge conditions under both present day and future (the end of the 21st century) climate scenarios associated with the four selected paths were simulated. The results show that with the same intensity, when typhoons follow the paths of 3921 and 2413, they would lead to the most serious disasters in different areas of Qingdao. Sea level and SST affect storm surges in different ways: sea level rise affects storm surge mainly through its influence on the tide amplitude, while the increased SST has direct impact on the intensity of the surges. The possible maximum risk of storm surges in 2100 in the Qingdao area caused by typhoons like Mamie (8509) was also estimated in this study.  相似文献   

Extreme water level is an important consideration when designing coastal protection structures. However, frequency analysis recommended by standard codes only considers the annual maximum water level, whereas water levels should actually be regarded as a combination of astronomical tide and storm surge. The two impacting factors are both random variables, and this paper discusses their dependency structures and proposes a new joint probability method to determine extreme design water levels. The lognormal, Gumbel, Weibull, Pearson type 3, traditional maximum entropy, and modified maximum entropy distributions are applied to fit univariate data of astronomical tides and storm surges separately, and the bivariate normal, Gumbel-Hougaard, Frank and Clayton copulas are then utilized to construct their joint probability distributions. To ensure that the new design method is suitable for use with typhoon data, the annual occurrence frequency of typhoon processes is considered and corresponding bivariate compound probability distributions are proposed. Based on maximum water level data obtained from Hengmen hydrological station in the Pearl River Basin, China, these probability models are applied to obtain designs for extreme water levels using the largest sum of the astronomical tide and storm surge obtained under fixed joint return periods. These design values provide an improved approach for determining the necessary height of coastal and offshore structures.  相似文献   

The current storm wave hazard assessment tends to rely on a statistical method using wave models and fewer historical data which do not consider the effects of tidal and storm surge.In this paper,the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN was used to hindcast storm events in the last 30 years.We simulated storm wave on the basis of a large set of historical storms in the North-West Pacific Basin between 1985 and 2015 in Houshui Bay using the wave-current coupled model ADCIRC+SWAN to obtain the storm wave level maps.The results were used for the statistical analysis of the maximum significant wave heights in Houshui Bay and the behavior of wave associated with storm track.Comparisons made between observations and simulated results during typhoon Rammasun(2014)indicate agreement.In addition,results demonstrate that significant wave height in Houshui Bay is dominated by the storm wind velocity and the storm track.Two groups of synthetic storm tracks were designed to further investigate the worst case of typhoon scenarios.The storm wave analysis method developed for the Houshui Bay is significant in assisting government's decision-making in rational planning of deep sea net-cage culture.The method can be applied to other bays in the Hainan Island as well.  相似文献   

In recent years, fast economic development demands for more land use and thus many reclamation projects are initiated around the Sanmen Bay, Zhejiang, SE China in the East China Sea, for which tidal and storm surge levels are reassessed. A two-dimensional numerical model based on an advanced circulation model(ADCIRC) was applied to evaluate the impact of reclamation projects on tidal and storm surge levels in the bay. The results show that the shoreline relocation and topographic change had opposite effects on tidal heights. Shoreline relocation decreased the tidal amplitude, while siltation caused topographic change and increased the amplitude. Such variations of the amplitude were significant in the top areas of Sanmen Bay. Three types of typhoon paths were selected for a case study to investigate the impacts of shoreline relocation and topographic change on storm surge level. Results show that the maximum increase in storm surge level due to shoreline relocation was less than 0.06 m. The rise of peak surge level due to the change of topography was significant and the peak surge level rose when siltation increased. The maximum surge level rise occurred in the path of northwest landing typhoons, which exceeded 0.24 m at the top of the bay. The rise in peak surge level can potentially lead to severe damages and losses in Sanmen Bay and more attention needs to be paid to this problem of shoreline change in the future.  相似文献   

信息化与时空大数据时代的到来为地图学的表达和分析能力提出了新的需求。现有地图学的理论难以支撑上述需求,在建模要素、信息处理、表现形式等方面仍存在明显不足。本文以地理场景这一新地图学概念为基础,论述了地理场景的内涵和特点,阐述了从地图向场景转化的必要性和主要技术途径,并提出了用于应对新时代地图学发展需求的数据模型、计算模型和表达模型。数据模型方面可从基于地理信息六要素集成表达的几何代数统一数据模型进行突破;计算模型则可利用多元信息求解的数学空间,构建相应的映射、关联及算子化求解策略;最后提出了兼顾时空分布、演化过程和要素相互作用的场景自适应综合与多模式展示的表达模型发展方向。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Thestormsurgeisoneofthemostimportantphe nomenathatendangerthecoastalengineeringfacili ties .Everyyearthereareabout 1 2tropicalcyclonesmakinglandfallatthemainlandofChinafromMaytoOctober (MuandTu ,2 0 0 0 ) .Whentheastronomictideishigh ,the…  相似文献   

Storm surge is one of the predominant natural threats to coastal communities. Qingdao is located on the southern coast of the Shandong Peninsula in China. The storm surge disaster in Qingdao depends on various influencing factors such as the intensity, duration, and route of the passing typhoon, and thus a comprehensive understanding of natural coastal hazards is essential. In order to make up the defects of merely using the warning water level, this paper presents two statistical distribution models(Poisson Bi- variable Gumbel Logistic Distribution and Poisson Bi-variable Log-normal Distribution) to classify the intensity of storm surge. We emphasize the joint return period of typhoon-induced water levels and wave heights measured in the coastal area of Qingdao since 1949. The present study establishes a new criterion to classify the intensity grade of catastrophic storms using the typhoon surge estimated by the two models. A case study demonstrates that the new criterion is well defined in terms of probability concept, is easy to implement, and fits well the calculation of storm surge intensity. The procedures with the proposed statistical models would be useful for the disaster mitigation in other coastal areas influenced by typhoons.  相似文献   

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