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In this paper, a new transient forced quasi-resonant triad interaction theory in a beta channel is proposed to investigate the interaction between planetary-scale diffluent flow composed of zonal wavenumbers 1--3 and synoptic-scale waves produced continuously by a synoptic-scale vorticity source fixed upstream of an incipient blocking region during the life cycle of blocking. It is shown that the superposition of initial three Rossby waves for zonal wavenumbers 1 (monopole), 2 (dipole), and 3 (monopole), which permit triad quasi-resonance, can represent an incipient blocking event. The synoptic-scale eddies may act to amplify the incipient blocking and to excite a blocking circulation with a strong meander, whose flow pattern depends on the initial amplitudes of the planetary waves and both the intensity and location of preexisting synoptic-scale waves. The onset (decay) of the planetary-scale split-flow blocking is mainly represented by a strong increase (decrease) in the amplitude of the zonal wavenumber 2 component, having a dipole meridional structure related to the preexisting synoptic-scale eddies. The typical persistence time of the model blocking was of about 20 days, consistent with observations of blocking patterns. In our model, isolated asymmetric dipole blocking is formed by synoptic-scale waves. The instantaneous fields of total streamfunctions exhibit a remarkable resemblance to the synoptic maps observed during the life cycle of blocking. During the onset stage, the synoptic-scale waves are enhanced and split into two branches around the blocking region due to the feedback of the amplified blocking, in agreement with the observed changes of synoptic-scale waves in real blocking events. In addition, a diagnostic case study of blocking is presented to confirm the forced quasi-resonant triad interaction theory proposed here.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional asymmetric merger of two like-signed vorticity monopoles with different sizes and vorticities is examined by combining simplified analytical models and contour dynamics experiments. The model results can capture the key dynamics and hence allow the prediction of the critical merger distance in a number of the situations. The models ignore deformation of one of the two vortices, replacing it with a point vortex, and employ a corotating frame of reference with a rotation rate estimated by point vortices. Thus, the two vortex problem becomes two separate problems of a single vortex in a background shear flow. Vortex merger is found to happen when the vortex cannot resist the background shear flow. Vortex merger and merging processes depend on the centroid distance d, the circulation ratio, (qi and ri are the vorticity and radius, respectively) and initial conditions. In the lowest order, the background flow is approximated by a uniform shear field, and the behavior of an elliptical vortex can be described by the Kida (1981) equation supplemented with one describing the time evolution of the centroid distance. This model reveals that merger takes place because the natural rotation of an elliptical vortex is overcome by the background uniform shear flow; the ellipse inversely rotates and is drawn out by the background straining field. The vortex deformation in a background flow field induces an inward flow at the position of the other vortex; as a result, the centroid distance decreases and two vortices merge. The critical merger distance from this model agrees quite well with the results from contour dynamics experiments for two vortices. Inclusion of higher order non-uniform shear in the background flow extends the critical merger distance, which gives almost perfect estimates for the experiment. In the non-uniform shear flow, partial merger occurs, where the vortex sheds off a filament, but the remaining part of the vortex resumes its natural rotation.  相似文献   

In a two-and-a-half-layer quasi-geostrophic model, a process study is conducted on the interaction between a vortex and a zonal jet, both with constant potential vorticity. The vortex is a stable anticyclone, initially located north of the eastward jet. The potential vorticity of the jet is allowed to have various vertical structures, while the vortex is concentrated in only one layer. The flow parameters are set to values characteristic of the Azores region.First, the jet is stable. Weak vortices steadily drift north of the jet without crossing it while strong vortices can cross the jet and tear off a cyclone with which they pair as a heton (baroclinic dipole). This heton often breaks later in the shear exerted by the jet; the two vortices finally drift apart. When crossed by deep anticyclones, the jet develops meanders with 375 km wavelength. These results exhibit a noticeable similarity with the one-and-a-half-layer case studied in Part I.Secondly, the jet is allowed to be linearly unstable. In the absence of the vortex, it develops meanders with 175 km wavelength and 25-day e-folding time on the β-plane. For various vertical structures of the jet, baroclinic instability is shown to barely affect jet–vortex interaction if the linear growth rate of unstable waves is smaller than 1/(14 days). Further simulations with a linearly unstable, nonlinearly equilibrated jet evidence its strong temporal variability when crossed by a deep vortex on the β-plane. In particular, long waves can dominate the spectrum for a few months after jet crossing by the vortex. Again in this process, the deep vortex couples with a surface cyclone and both drift southwestward.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionIn the mid--high latitudes, l' blocking flow" is an importaht part of the low--frequency variability of the atmospheric circulation. Owing to its longevity and large amplitude, a blocking flow configuration can usually cause prolonged anomalous weather situations over certain extratropical regions. Therefore, it has been a primary interest of many synoptic anddynamical meteorologists. In the past decades, the interaction of planetary waves with migratory, synoptic--scale waves h…  相似文献   

This paper analyzes interannual variations of the blocking high over the Ural Mountains in the boreal winter and their association with the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (AO/NAO).In Jan...  相似文献   

随机分布的小尺度涡对涡旋自组织影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗哲贤  李春虎 《气象学报》2007,65(6):856-863
以往双涡相互作用的动力学一般都在决定性的框架内研究。文中用一个平流方程模式,实施积分时间为30 h的8组试验,分析决定性和随机性共存系统中双涡相互作用和涡旋自组织的问题。随机性通过以下方式引入模式:先用Iwayama方案生成随机分布的小尺度涡,再将这些小尺度涡加入初始场。试验中,初始随机分布小尺度涡的强度参数K分别取0.0、0.4、0.6、0.8和1.0。结果表明,没有小尺度涡的条件下(K=0.0),初始分离的两个β中尺度涡逆时针互旋,其准终态流型是两个分离的涡;引进小尺度涡后,K取0.8、1.0时,初始分离强度相同的两个β中尺度涡,逐渐形成主次之分。主涡将次涡拉伸成为螺旋带,其准终态流型是一个自组织起来的类似于台风环流的涡旋。准终态涡中心的相对涡度值随K值的加大而加大。结果还表明,准终态流型不仅与初始小尺度涡的强度参数有关,而且与初始小尺度涡的分布有关。此外,在相同初始场的情况下,还实施了3类不同边畀条件的试验:第1类,在东西边界取周期条件,在南北边界取固定条件;第2类,在所有边界均取固定条件;第3类,在所有边界均取周期条件。这3类试验的准终态流型相同,都显示出一个类似于台风涡旋的环流。根据这些结果可以初步认为,涡旋自组织的研究从决定性动力学向随机动力学的过渡是值得探索的。  相似文献   

在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,数值研究了涡群中双涡相互作用的问题,对比了弱环境流与涡群环境流两类条件下双涡作用的异同。指出:弱环境流条件下双涡合并的过程,在涡群环境条件下不再存在;同时,涡群环境流的引进可使涡强度显著增强。  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning the interaction of dual vortices have been made generally in the determin-istic framework. In this paper, by using an advection equation model, eight numerical experiments whose integration times are 30 h are performed in order to analyze the interaction of dual vortices and the vortex self-organization in a coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic compo-nents are introduced into the model by the way that the Iwayama scheme is used to produce the randomly distributed small-scale vortices which are then added into the initial field. The different intensity of the small-scale vortices is described by parameter K being 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively. When there is no small-scale vortex (K=0.0), two initially separated meso-beta vortices rotate counterclockwise mutu-ally, and their quasi-final flow pattern is still two separated vortices; after initially incorporating small-scale vortices (K=0.8, 1.0), the two separated meso-beta vortices of initially same intensity gradually evolve into a major and a secondary vortex in time integration. The major vortex pulls the secondary one, which gradually evolves into the spiral band of the major vortex. The quasi-final flow pattern is a self-organized vortex with typhoon-like circulation, and the relative vorticity at its center increases with increasing in K value, suggesting that small-scale vortices feed the self-organized vortex with vorticity. This may be a pos-sible mechanism responsible for changes in the strength of the self-organized vortex. Results also show that the quasi-final pattern not only relates with the initial intensity of the small-scale vortices, but also with their initial distribution. In addition, three experiments are also performed in the case of various boundary conditions. Firstly, the periodic condition is used on the E-W boundary, but the fixed condition on the S-N boundary; secondly, the fixed condition is set on all the boundaries; and thirdly, the periodic condition is chosen on all the boundaries. Their quasi-final flow patterns in the three experiments are the same with each other, exhibiting a larger scale typhoon-like circulation. Based on these results mentioned above, authors think that the transition of vortex self-organization study from the deterministic system to the coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components is worth exploring.  相似文献   

关于阻塞形势演变过程中波数域能量的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
陆日宇  黄荣辉 《大气科学》1996,20(3):269-278
本文对北半球冬季维持时间较长的三次阻塞形势形成前的纬向平均西风变化以及阻塞过程中波数域动能及其转换进行了诊断分析。分析结果表明:在阻塞形势形成前,由于波流相互作用,使得平均流减弱,并且波流相互作用在太平洋地区和大西洋地区有不同的特点;分析结果还表明:阻塞形势维持期间,由于波波相互作用,行星波异常增幅;而在崩溃期间,也主要通过波波相互作用使得行星波动能减少。  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning the interaction of dual vortices have been made generally in the deterministic framework. In this paper, by using an advection equation model, eight numerical experiments whose integration times are 30 h are performed in order to analyze the interaction of dual vortices and the vortex self-organization in a coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic components are introduced into the model by the way that the Iwayama scheme is used to produce the randomly distributed small-scale vortices which are then added into the initial field. The different intensity of the small-scale vortices is described by parameter K being 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively. When there is no small-scale vortex (K=0.0), two initially separated meso-beta vortices rotate counterclockwise mutually, and their quasi-final flow pattern is still two separated vortices; after initially incorporating small-scale vortices (K=0.8, 1.0), the two separated meso-beta vortices of initially same intensity gradually evolve into a major and a secondary vortex in time integration. The major vortex pulls the secondary one, which gradually evolves into the spiral band of the major vortex. The quasi-final flow pattern is a self-organized vortex with typhoon-like circulation, and the relative vorticity at its center increases with increasing in K value, suggesting that small-scale vortices feed the self-organized vortex with vorticity. This may be a possible mechanism responsible for changes in the strength of the self-organized vortex. Results also show that the quasi-final pattern not only relates with the initial intensity of the small-scale vortices, but also with their initial distribution. In addition, three experiments are also performed in the case of various boundary conditions. Firstly, the periodic condition is used on the E-W boundary, but the fixed condition on the S-N boundary; secondly, the fixed condition is set on all the boundaries; and thirdly, the periodic conditio  相似文献   

刘玉镇  任荣彩  何编 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1191-1206
基于与NCEP再分析资料的比较, 本文利用大气环流模式SAMIL和北京气候中心大气环流模式BCC_AGCM的1950~1999年的AMIP试验模拟数据, 对北半球冬季环流及平流层极涡振荡的模拟性能进行了评估分析。结果表明两个模式都可以再现北半球环流基本型以及环流振荡的主导模态。对冬季气候平均态的模拟, 两个模式模拟的热带—热带外温度梯度均偏大, 极夜急流偏强, 极涡偏冷偏强;100~20 hPa平均位势高度场谐波分析表明两个模式模 拟的行星波偏弱;气候平均的10 hPa极夜急流均存在1个月的季节漂移, 200 hPa副热带西风急流较NCEP偏弱。两个模式模拟的环流变化的主导模态均代表极涡振荡, SAMIL极涡振荡的强度大于BCC_AGCM, BCC_AGCM极涡振荡的频率要高于SAMIL。连续功率谱分析表明, NCEP资料中极涡振荡存在4.6个月的显著周期, 相应地, SAMIL中为5.5个月的显著周期, BCC_AGCM中为4.8个月。NCEP资料中的极涡振荡主要发生在12~3月, SAMIL模拟的极涡振荡主要发生在2~3月, BCC_AGCM模拟的极涡振荡主要发生在2~4月。  相似文献   

Certain consistent features are demonstrated between a particular strong, vortex pair atmospheric blocking pattern over the eastern North Atlantic Ocean and Europe during January 1963 and an equivalent modon solution of the inviscid equivalent barotropic equation. Modons are uniformly translating, shape preserving, non-linear analytic solutions. The equivalent barotropic model for the atmosphere is derived as a lowest-order truncation of an expansion and projection of the quasigeostrophic equations with the empirical orthogonal pressure modes of the troposphere. The horizontal and vertical structure of the blocking pattern, as well as its intensity, are consistent with the modon dispersion relation. On the other hand, there remain some uncertainties about whether the pressure profile of the mean zonal wind is consistent with modon requirements and whether a stationary theoretical solution adequately reflects the essential dynamics of a fluctuating and regenerative blocking pattern.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, idealised conditions are used to study the influence of vertical structure of the bogus vortex on its motion in numerical models by comparing the resultant forecast tracks. Two vortices were used: one has a cyclonic circulation throughout the troposphere and the other has an upper tropospheric anticyclone. Both vortices have the same structure in the middle and lower troposphere. The two vortices were inserted into four different environmental flows on a beta-plane: (a) a resting atmosphere; (b) a uniform flow; (c) a horozontal shear flow and (d) a vertical shear flow. The results show that the forecast tracks are very sensitive to the vertical structure of the bogus vortex, especially when the environmental flow is very weak, or is westerly and has a cyclonic horizontal shear. However, this sensitivity is reduced in moderate vertical shear. This motion sensitivity is found to arise from the vertical coupling mechanism by which the upper-and lower-level circulations interact with each other when a horizontal displacement occurs between them.The vertical structure of the bogus vortex can also affect the intensity of the model cyclone, depending on the configuration of the environmental flow. In general, the bogus vortex without an upper-level anticyclone will intensify quicker and will develop more intense than the one with an upper-level anticyclone. The vertical coupling mechanism can result in different asymmetric rainfall pattern in cyclone core region depending on the vertical structure of the bogus vortex. The asymmetric divergent flow associated with these convective asymmetries may in turn further influence the vortex motion. It is suggested that care needs to be taken in determining the vertical structure of the bogus vortex in numerical models.With 14 Figures  相似文献   

基于观测和再分析资料,本文研究了近几十年来1月北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次年际变异主导模态特征及与其相联的大气背景场。结果表明,1980—2019年冬季(12月—次年2月)该地区阻塞高压频次年际变异的主导模态存在明显月际差异:12月表现为北大西洋东部-欧洲西部地区阻塞高压频次的显著同位相变化,1月为北大西洋东部-欧洲西部与乌拉尔山地区阻塞高压频次的具有显著的反位相变化即偶极子模态,2月则为北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次的显著同位相变化。进一步研究表明:1月北大西洋东部-乌拉尔山阻塞高压频次偶极子模态与同期局地纬向西风、纬向风垂直切变、经向位涡梯度等大气背景场异常偶极型变化相联系。当乌拉尔山地区关键大气背景场为负异常,而北大西洋东部-欧洲西部为正异常时,两个地区阻塞高压频次分别增加和减少,呈现偶极子模态;反之亦然。阻塞高压频次偶极子模态及相关的背景环流异常可通过调节水平温度平流、垂直运动和水汽输送等来影响1月欧亚北部气温和降水,以及它们的极端事件频次。当阻塞高压频次偶极子模态处于正位相时,乌拉尔山北部(南部)和欧洲南部增温(降温),极端暖、冷事件频次分别增加(减少)和减少(增加...  相似文献   

The future changes of atmospheric blocking over the Euro-Atlantic sector, diagnosed from an ensemble of 17 global-climate simulations obtained with the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model, are shown to be largely explainable from the change of the 500 hPa mean zonal circulation and its variance. The reduction of the blocking frequency over the Atlantic and the increased frequency of easterly upper-level flow poleward of 60°N are well explained by the changes of mean zonal circulation. In winter and autumn an additional downstream shift of the frequency maximum is simulated. This is also seen in a subset of the CMIP5 models with RCP8.5. To explain this downstream shift requires the inclusion of the changing variance. It is suggested that the increased downstream variance is caused by the stronger, more eastward extending future jet, which promotes Rossby wave breaking and blocking to occur further downstream. The same relation between jet-strength and central-blocking longitude is found in the variability of the current climate.  相似文献   

东移低涡动力学的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用一个正压原始方程模式实施了六组试验,研究了东移低涡的动力学。结果表明:无论是切变基流与低涡的相互作用,还是涡块与低涡的相互作用,都可引起低涡强度在短暂时段内增强,但整个积分时段内低涡强度的演变仍呈下降趋势。切变基流、低涡和多个涡块的相互作用,可以改变下降的趋势。正相对涡度切变基流中低涡和涡块的合并,是东移低涡强度得以维持和发展的一个直接的原因。  相似文献   

Dehai Luo  Yao Yao 《大气科学进展》2014,31(5):1181-1196
The flow patterns of Euro-Atlantic blocking events in winter are investigated by dividing the sector into three sub- regions: 60°-30°W (Greenland region); 20°W-30°E [eastern Atlantic-Europe (EAE) region]; and 50°-90°E (Ural region). It is shown that blocking events in winter are extremely frequent in the three sub-regions. Composite 500-mb geopotential height fields for intense and long-lived blocking events demonstrate that the blocking fields over Greenland and Ural regions exhibit southwest-northeast (SW-NE) and southeast-northwest (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type patterns, respectively, while the composite field over the EAE region exhibits an Ω-type pattern. The type of composite blocking pattern seems to be related to the position of the blocking region relative to the positive center of the climatological stationary wave (CSW) anomaly existing near 10°W.
The physical cause of why there are different composite blocking types in the three sub-regions is identified using a nonlinear multiscale interaction model. It is found that when the blocking event is in almost the same position as the positive CSW anomaly, the planetary-scale field can exhibit an Ω-type pattern due to the enhanced positive CSW anomaly. Neverthe- less, a SW-NE (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type block can occur due to the reduced positive CSW anomaly as it is farther in the west (east) of the positive CSW anomaly. The total fields of blocking in the three regions may exhibit a meandering flow comprised of several isolated anticyclonic and cyclonic vortices, which resembles the Berggren-Bolin-Rossby meandering jet type.  相似文献   

A complete theory of the linear initial-value problem for Rossby waves on a class of smooth circular vortices in both f-plane and polar-region geometries is presented in the limit of small and large Rossby deformation radius. Although restricted to the interior region of barotropically stable circular vortices possessing a single extrema in tangential wind, the theory covers all azimuthal wavenumbers. The non-dimensional evolution equation for perturbation potential vorticity is shown to depend on only one parameter, G, involving the azimuthal wavenumber, the basic state radial potential vorticity gradient, the interior deformation radius, and the interior Rossby number.In Hankel transform space the problem admits a Schrödinger’s equation formulation which permits a qualitative and quantitative discussion of the interaction between vortex Rossby wave disturbances and the mean vortex. New conservation laws are developed which give exact time-evolving bounds for disturbance kinetic energy. Using results from the theory of Lie groups a nontrivial separation of variables can be achieved to obtain an exact solution for asymmetric balanced disturbances covering a wide range of geophysical vortex applications including tropical cyclone, polar vortex, and cyclone/anticyclone interiors in barotropic dynamics. The expansion for square summable potential vorticity comprises a discrete basis of radially propagating sheared vortex Rossby wave packets with nontrivial transient behavior. The solution representation is new, and for this class of swirling flows gives deeper physical insight into the dynamics of perturbed vortex interiors than the more traditional approach of Laplace transform or continuous-spectrum normal-mode representations. In general, initial disturbances are shown to excite two regions of wave activity. At the extrema of these barotropically stable vortices and for a certain range of wavenumbers, the Rossby wave dynamics are shown to become nonlinear for all initial conditions. Extensions of the theory are proposed.  相似文献   

小尺度系统对涡旋自组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在涡旋自组织动力学的框架内,利用.厂平面准地转正压模式讨论小尺度涡旋系统对两个中β尺度涡旋的自组织过程的影响。4组数值试验表明:小尺度涡旋的存在,可能会改变双涡相互作用的终态,使原本不合并的两个涡旋组织起来;双涡相互作用的终态对小尺度涡旋的初始位置敏感;存在“Z”型敏感区域,当小尺度涡旋出现在这一区域时,就有可能改变双涡相互作用的终态;小尺度涡旋对双涡相互作用产生影响需具备4个条件,即初始位于敏感区内,有足够的强度,距离适当且生存时间足够长。  相似文献   

Summary Numerical experiments are performed for inviscid flow past an idealized topography to investigate the formation and development of lee mesolows, mesovortices and mesocyclones. For a nonrotating, low-Froude number flow over a bell-shaped moutain, a pair of mesovortices form on the lee slope move downstream and weaken at later times. The advection speed of the lee vortices is found to be about two-thirds of the basic wind velocity, which is due to the existence of a reversed pressure gradient just upstream of the vortices. The lee vortices do not concur with the upstream stagnation point in time, but rather form at a later time. It is found that a pair of lee vortices form for a flow withFr=0.66, but take a longer time to form than in lower-Froude number flows. Since the lee vortices are formed rather progressively, their formation may be explained by the baroclinically-induced vorticity tilting as the mountain waves become more and more nonlinear.A stationary mesohigh and mesolow pressure couplet forms across the mountain and is produced in both high and low-Froude number flows. The results of the high Froude number simulations agree well with the classical results predicted by linear, hydrostatic mountain wave theory. It is found that the lee mesolow is not necessarily colocated with the lee vortices. The mesolow is formed by the downslope wind associated with the orographically forced gravity waves through adiabatic warming. The earth's rotation acts to strengthen (weaken) the cyclonic (anticyclonic) vortex and shifts the lee mesolow to the right for an observer facing downstream. The cyclonic vortex then develops into a mesocyclone with the addition of planetary vorticity at later times. For a flow over a steeper mountain, the disturbance is stronger even though the Froude number is kept the same.For a southwesterly flow past the real topography of Taiwan, there is no stagnation point or lee vortices formed because the impinging angle of the flow is small. A major mesoscale low forms to the southeast of the Central Mountain Range (CMR), while a mesohigh forms upstream. For a westerly flow past Taiwan, a stagnation point forms upstream of the mountain and a pair of vortices form on the lee and move downstream at later times. The cyclonic vortex then develops into a mesocyclone. A mesolow also forms to the southeast of Taiwan. For a northeasterly flow past Taiwan, the mesolow forms to the northwest of the mountain. Similar to flows over idealized topographies, the Taiwan mesolow is formed by the downslope wind associated with mountain waves through adiabatic warming. A conceptual model of the Taiwan southeast mesolow and mesocyclone is proposed.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

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