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We present a web client-server service WEB-IS, which we have developed for remote analysis and visualization of seismic data consisting of both small magnitude events and large earthquakes. We show that the problem-solving environment (PSE) intended for prediction of large magnitude earthquakes can be based on this WEB-IS idea. The clustering schemes, feature generation, feature extraction techniques and rendering algorithms form a computational framework of this environment. On the other hand, easy and fast access both to the seismic data distributed among distant computing resources and to computational and visualization resources can be realized in a GRID framework. We discuss the usefulness of NaradaBrokering (iNtegrated Asynchronous Real-time Adaptive Distributed Architecture) as a middleware, allowing for flexibility and high throughput for remote visualization of geophysical data. The WEB-IS functionality was tested both on synthetic and the actual earthquake catalogs. We consider the application of similar methodology for tsunami alerts.  相似文献   

WEB-IS, Web-based Integrated System, allows remote, interactive visualization of large-scale 3-D data over the Internet, along with data analysis and data mining. In this paper, we discuss the overall structure of WEB-IS. Up until now we have developed three sub-modules geared towards geophysical problems. WEB-IS1 allows geoscientists to navigate through their 3-D geophysical data, such as seismic structures or numerical simulations, and interactively analyze the statistics or apply data-mining techniques, such as cluster analysis. WEB-IS2 lets a user control Amira (a powerful 3-D visualization package) remotely and analyze, render and view large datasets across the Internet. WEB-IS3 is an imaging service that enables the user to control the scale of features to view through interactive zooming. In the near future, we propose to integrate the three components together through a middleware framework called NaradaBrokering (iNtegrated Asynchronous Real-time Adaptive Distributed Architecture, a distributed messaging infrastructure that can be used to intelligently route data between the originators and registered consumers) without regard for time or location. As a result, WEB-IS will improve its scalability and acquire properties of fault-tolerance. WEB-IS uses a combination of Java, C++, and through the use of NaradaBrokering will seamlessly integrate the server-side processing and user interaction utilities on the client. The server takes care of the processor intensive tasks, such as visualization and data mining, and sends either the resulting bitmap image or statistical results to the middleware across the Internet for viewing. WEB-IS is an easy-to-use service, which will eventually help geoscientists collaborate from different sites in a natural manner. It will be very useful in the next 10 years because of the increasing number of space missions and geophysical campaigns.  相似文献   

Amira is a powerful three-dimensional visualization package that has been employed recently by the science and engineering communities to gain insight into their data. We discuss a new paradigm for the use of Amira in the Earth sciences that relies on the client-server paradigm. We have developed a module called WEB-IS2, which provides web-based access to Amira. This tool allows Earth scientists to manipulate Amira controls remotely and to analyze, render and view large datasets through the Internet without regard for time or location. This could have important ramifications for GRID computing.  相似文献   

Amira is a powerful three-dimensional visualization package that has been employed recently by the science and engineering communities to gain insight into their data. We discuss a new paradigm for the use of Amira in the Earth sciences that relies on the client-server paradigm. We have developed a module called WEB-IS2, which provides web-based access to Amira. This tool allows Earth scientists to manipulate Amira controls remotely and to analyze, render and view large datasets through the Internet without regard for time or location. This could have important ramifications for GRID computing.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10069-003-0013-y  相似文献   

Amira is a powerful three-dimensional visualization package that has been employed recently by the science and engineering communities to gain insight into their data. We discuss a new paradigm for the use of Amira in the Earth sciences that relies on the client-server paradigm. We have developed a module called WEB-IS2, which provides web-based access to Amira. This tool allows Earth scientists to manipulate Amira controls remotely and to analyze, render and view large datasets through the Internet without regard for time or location. This could have important ramifications for GRID computing.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10069-003-0013-y  相似文献   

Recent increases in the computational power of high-performance computing systems have led to a large gap between the high-resolution runs of numerical simulations—typically approaching 50–100 million tracers and 1–5 million grid points in two dimensions—and the modest resolution of 1–2 million pixels for conventional display devices. This technical problem is further compounded by the variety of fields produced by numerical simulations and the limited bandwidth available through the Internet in the course of collaborative ventures. We have developed a visualization system using the paradigm of web-based inquiry to address these mounting problems. We have employed, as a case study, a problem involving two-dimensional multi-scale dynamics of hydrous cold plumes at subduction zones. A Lagrangian marker method, in which the number of markers varies dynamically, is used to delineate the many different fields, such as temperature, viscosity, strain, and chemical composition. We found commercially available software to be insufficient for our visualization needs and so we were driven to develop a new set of tools tailored to high-resolution, multi-aspect, multi-scale simulations, and adaptable to many other applications in which large datasets involving tens of millions of tracers with many different fields are prevalent. In order to address this gap in visualization techniques, we have developed solutions for remote visualization and for local visualization. Our remote visualization solution is a web-based, zoomable image service (WEB-IS) that requires minimal bandwidth while allowing the user to explore our data through time, across many thermo–physical properties, and through different spatial scales. For local visualization, we found it optimal to use bandwidth-intensive, high-resolution display walls for performing parallel visualization in order to best comprehend the causal and temporal relationships between the multiple physical and chemical properties in a simulation.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10069-004-0017-2  相似文献   

在南京六合发现一保存较好的下颌骨化石,保存有5枚完整的臼齿。经刘冠邦教授鉴定,认为与他1993年在江苏北部泗洪地区发现的泗洪泗洪炭兽(Sihongotherium sihongense Liu et zhang)相似,但臼齿相对稍小,且齿冠磨损严重,故仅确定为泗洪炭兽未定种(Sihongotherium sp.),时代属中中新世;其照片经邱占祥院士鉴定也认为属炭兽类无疑。炭兽类始于欧、亚始新世中期,渐新世扩展到非洲和北美,到中新世灭绝。炭兽类在我国过去仅分别发现于内蒙、山西、云南的始新世至渐新世地层中,贵州也曾发现两枚臼齿,但时代不祥。由于化石较重要,经在六合实地调查,化石应产于六合组。六合组和雨花组是归于上新世或中新世,一直有争论,故泗洪炭兽在南京六合的发现,为六合组和雨花台组应为中新世提供了新的重要化石依据。  相似文献   

许杰教授对安徽南部奥陶系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许杰教授对安徽南部奥陶系的研究做了开创性的奠基工作。著有“长江下游之笔石化石”、“皖南地史及造山运动,等数篇专著。他所创立的谭家桥页岩、宁国页岩和胡乐页岩具有重要价值。  相似文献   

涂光炽 《第四纪研究》1995,15(4):297-300
侯德封同志是我国早期地球化学事业的开创者、组织者和设计师。他于50年代初提出的化学地史及60年代反复强调的核子地质均蕴育了浓厚的地球化学思维。在50年代我国制定12年科学技术发展规划和60年代创办我国第一个地球化学研究机构的过程中,侯老发挥了远见卓识和当机立断的地球化学事业开拓者的关键作用。在领导和组织建国后我国早期的稀有元素地球化学、同位素地球化学和铀钍地球化学科研工作中,侯老是主要的带头人,在学术思想上提出了指导性见解。  相似文献   

安志敏 《第四纪研究》1994,14(4):323-329
裴文中教授是中国史前考古学的开拓者和奠基人。他发现了中国猿人第一个头盖骨化石,确认石器及用火遗迹在这个遗址的存在;他还对非人工的“假石器”和“假骨器”,对中国旧石器文北的分期、中石器时代及新石器时代考古等方面做了大量的工作,为建立中国史前考古学体系做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

刘鸿允教授的代表作《中国古地理图》自1955年正式出版至今已43年。虽然在其后,随着我国地质工作向纵深的发展,在系统性、科学性、准确性等方面都有很大改进的古地理图  相似文献   

杨达源 《第四纪研究》2009,29(6):1170-1171
编辑按 杨怀仁先生是我国著名的地貌学与第四纪地质学家,在地貌与第四纪科学研究、教学和人才培养方面做出了杰出贡献。前不久,杨先生因病逝世。《第四纪研究》特刊载南京大学地理与海洋科学学院杨达源教授等撰写的纪念短文,以表达学界对先生的缅怀之情。  相似文献   

下蜀组在长江下游分布很广,与农副业生产关系密切,是许多大型工程建筑的地基持力层。虽然几十年来许多地层古生物学工作者做了大量的研究,使之成为晚新生界的典型层位,但对其成因和代表的环境等尚存在分歧看法。本文讨论一例五十年代可能发现于下蜀组底部的、近年来生境研究得十分清楚的生物化石,认为下蜀组沉积初期的环境可能是温湿、低平、多水域的,沉积成因类型可能是水成的。在生物证据不多的情况下,哪怕增加一点点说明问题的生物线索都显得异常珍贵,因为往往生物反映的环境面貌比较地全面和具体。  相似文献   

范嘉松 《第四纪研究》1994,14(2):125-128
尹赞勋教授是我国一位杰出的地质学家和古生物学家,他把自己整个一生贡献给中国地质学的发展和进步。本文记述他在中国科学院地质研究所工作期间的部分学术生涯,并涉及他指导年青科学工作者如何进行化石的研究,如何有效地开展科学研究,如何阅读英文书籍和文献等。所有这些教导对正在从事地质和古生物研究的年青一代将有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents a concise historic overview of the establishment and pathways of development of mathematical geology. Its very existence is largely due to the activity of Russian geologist Prof. Vistelius (1915–1995) who was the first president of the International Association of Mathematical Geology. Presented are important facts of biography of A. B. Vistelius, as well as the history of his scientific investigations. It is elucidated that in the USSR, mathematical geology, like genetics or cybernetics, was hardly accepted by the ideology that dominated at that time from its very appearance in the 40s. Both mathematical geology and its creator could not be squeezed into the tight limits of the Soviet ideology. But the difficulties only benefited his bright individuality and hardened his style of scientific reasoning, leadership, and fight for purity of science. Vistelius believed that mathematical geology would be the paradigm for geoscience in the 21st century. It is ascertained that the scientific ideology of conceptual modeling of geologic processes and objects suggested by Vistelius has totally proved itself. However, its further propagation is impeded by those geologists whose thinking is traditional and whose paradigm is old. This situation must be changed to enter the coming century equipped with economically reliable concepts ensuring sustainable development. It could be unprofitable and even dangerous to ignore the concepts developed by Prof. Vistelius. This paper focuses on the principal ideas of Prof. Vistelius and detailed large-scale program of development of mathematical geology in the foreseeable future. This program is fulfilled in the Institute of Mathematical Geology (IMAG) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, founded by Prof. Vistelius.  相似文献   

冯增昭 《古地理学报》2005,7(4):433-435
吴崇筠教授1954-1975年执教于中国石油大学的前身北京石油学院和华东石油学院,主要承担沉积岩石学的教学工作,先后编写了3本沉积岩石学著作。第一本是《沉积岩石学参考材料》,北京石油学院于上世纪50年代后期出版。第二本是《沉积岩石学》,中国工业出版社1961年出版,这是我国第一本公开出版的沉积岩石学教材。第三本是《沉积岩》,石油化学工业出版社1977年出版,这是我国第一本沉积岩石学专著。吴崇筠教授是中国石油大学沉积岩石学教学和教材建设的开拓者和奠基者。我们深切怀念吴崇筠教授。  相似文献   

随希渊师西康考察散记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
苏良赫 《第四纪研究》1993,13(4):314-319
袁复礼教授字希渊,他曾是我的学术导师。1939年,我随他在西康省(今四川省西部)做地质工作半年有余。我们曾在会理县通安测绘金矿和铜矿地质图件,在会理县北发现猫猫沟的碱性岩体等。我们是比较早的到西康做工作的地质学者。那里的高山深谷给我们很深的印象,在那里我们遇到过土司和彝族头人,增长了许多见识。  相似文献   

We reply to Prof. Linkov comments on our article entitled “Explicit versus implicit front advancing schemes for the simulation of hydraulic fracture growth” (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech., 2019, 43 (6), 1300–1315). We present additional results indicating that both the implicit and explicit front advancement schemes are robust even in the case of a large stress contrast.  相似文献   

许杰教授对笔石的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章系统记述了许杰教授在笔石学研究领域内所做的大量工作:论述了他的名著《长江下游之笔石化石》的科学及实践意义;阐述了他在笔石地层、笔石演化分类、笔石体的复杂化、笔石的发源中心问题诸方面所做的突出贡献。  相似文献   

震旦系有关问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
“震旦系”是我国最早提出并普遍使用的一个时间地层单位。1922年葛利普在其论“震旦系”的文章里[1],大致规定它的含义是:“在寒武系之下,变质的更老岩系(五台或泰山岩系)之上的未变质或浅变质的沉积层”。1924年,李四光记述了长江峡东区不整合覆于变质的三斗坪群之上,整合伏于寒武纪含三叶虫化石的石碑页岩之下的一套不变质地层,并援引葛利普定义而命名为震旦系。  相似文献   

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