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随着新一轮科技产业变革深入发展,全球专利转移活动日趋活跃。借助复杂网络分析和负二项式回归分析,探讨中国对外专利引进网络和专利输出网络的时空演化特征,研究发现(:1)中国与其他国家和地区之间的专利转移网络日益稠密,参与专利转移的国家或地区数量不断增加,且专利转移网络表现出明显的空间异质性。欧洲、北美和东亚形成的“三足鼎立”格局逐步取代了欧美长期主导中国对外技术交流的“两极”格局。(2)在对外技术转移网络中逐渐形成台湾省、香港特别行政区、中国内地三大核心枢纽。中国内地技术进步明显,逐渐成为网络最大的核心,其专利引进规模一直大于专利的输出规模,但专利输出的增长速度更快。台湾省一直以技术输出为主导;香港特别行政区则一直扮演着技术中介的作用,技术输出和引进较为均衡;而澳门特别行政区的作用并不明显。(3)从跨国专利转移规模的影响因素中发现,加大研发投入和高新技术产品出口可以缩小技术差距以促进专利转移,畅通的技术通道确保了专利转移的持续进行,国民经济水平也存在一定的积极影响,但地理邻近性的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent economic turmoil in East Asia which has been linked to the convulsive nature of global capital movements. East Asia, once the site of rapid capital accumulation, lost its economic momentum beginning in July 1997 with a series of currency devaluations, culminating in a net outflow of private capital within a year. International capital's ability to disembed the region, however, has been highly uneven over space. That China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan are far more territorially resilient while others like Indonesia, Thailand, and South Korea initiated major political changes suggests that the geography of crisis is far more complex than is currently presented.  相似文献   

中国植茶技术的地理扩散与世界四大茶叶产区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶叶原产于中国,因其富含人体所需的数十种矿物质以及丰富的维生素,具有散郁气、驱睡气、养生气、除病气等诸多功效,加之物美价廉,因而深得人们喜爱。在过去的1500年间,茶叶作为传播中华文明的重要载体之一不断从中国向世界各地进行地理扩散。目前,世界上茶叶生产国已有50多个,由于受茶叶生境条件的制约,茶叶生产主要集中于南北纬30度之间的热带和亚热带地区,形成了东亚、南亚、东非和东南亚四大茶叶产区。本文从世界茶叶的起源和地理扩散入手,分析了世界茶叶生产的起源、扩散与地理分布格局,并在此基础上,对世界茶叶的生产趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   


This paper examines the recent economic turmoil in East Asia which has been linked to the convulsive nature of global capital movements. East Asia, once the site of rapid capital accumulation, lost its economic momentum beginning in July 1997 with a series of currency devaluations, culminating in a net outflow of private capital within a year. International capital's ability to disembed the region, however, has been highly uneven over space. That China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan are far more territorially resilient while others like Indonesia, Thailand, and South Korea initiated major political changes suggests that the geography of crisis is far more complex than is currently presented.  相似文献   

The rapid development of high-speed rail (HSR) is influencing regional development, regional structure, commuting, and regional integration. East Asia is the region with the world’s first and largest current operating and planned HSR network. In this paper, we examine the evolutionary mechanism and impacts on the transport circle and accessibility of HSR in East Asia. The results indicate that the HSR network first follows a “core-core” model and then forms a corridor in Japan, South Korea, and China Taiwan, but then forms a complete network in China Mainland. The current operating HSR lines are mostly distributed in regions with developed economies and dense populations, and more than half of the population and GDP in China can be served by HSR within 1 hour’s travel time. The planned HSR network will expand to the western region of China and Japan and the southern region of South Korea. The development of the current operating and planned HSR network considerably enlarges the transport circle of core cities, especially cities along trunk HSR lines. This 1 h transport circle of core cities has formed continuous regions in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Tokyo, Seoul, and along trunk HSR lines. The HSR network will bring about substantial improvement in accessiblity, but also increase the inequality of nodal accessibility in China Mainland. Spatially, the spatial patterns of the weighted shortest travel time of cities in China Mainland, Japan, and South Korea all present the “core-peripheral structure”, taking Zhengzhou, Tokyo, and Seoul, respectively, as core cities, and cities located along the trunk HSR lines gain large improvement in accessibility.  相似文献   

The rapid development of high-speed rail(HSR) is influencing regional development, regional structure, commuting, and regional integration. East Asia is the region with the world's first and largest current operating and planned HSR network. In this paper, we examine the evolutionary mechanism and impacts on the transport circle and accessibility of HSR in East Asia. The results indicate that the HSR network first follows a "core-core" model and then forms a corridor in Japan, South Korea, and China Taiwan, but then forms a complete network in China Mainland. The current operating HSR lines are mostly distributed in regions with developed economies and dense populations, and more than half of the population and GDP in China can be served by HSR within 1 hour's travel time. The planned HSR network will expand to the western region of China and Japan and the southern region of South Korea. The development of the current operating and planned HSR network considerably enlarges the transport circle of core cities, especially cities along trunk HSR lines. This 1 h transport circle of core cities has formed continuous regions in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, Tokyo, Seoul, and along trunk HSR lines. The HSR network will bring about substantial improvement in accessiblity, but also increase the inequality of nodal accessibility in China Mainland. Spatially, the spatial patterns of the weighted shortest travel time of cities in China Mainland, Japan, and South Korea all present the "core-peripheral structure", taking Zhengzhou, Tokyo, and Seoul, respectively, as core cities, and cities located along the trunk HSR lines gain large improvement in accessibility.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with how existing migration policies affect individual migrant women's choices, in particular, with the advancement, or consolidation, of a migrants' rights perspective. The focus is thereby on those migrants classified as unskilled, who constitute the largest and most vulnerable category among migrants. The analysis of migration policies has conventionally been approached from a state/government‐centred viewpoint that sees states as the key actors. This paper, however, emphasises a larger number of actors ‐ governmental and non‐governmental ‐ as well as the power relations among them to argue that protection through “legal regulation” in the absence of actual implementation is an incomplete solution to alleviate unfair labour conditions that migrants in general, and migrant women specifically, experience. Measures designed to “protect” migrants must be accompanied by measures that empower them, a role that has largely been taken on by existing migrant worker non‐governmental organisations (NGOs). Focussing on intra‐Asian migration flows in which Southeast Asia is the main labour sender and East Asia the receiver of Southeast Asian migrants, the paper explores the nexus between law and civic activism in the specific subject area of international labour migration and its gender implications.  相似文献   

I.MesozoicEraVolcanicAchvityDlepre-Tertlalyl11etal11olphicbase111entisOnlyexposedalongtheeastemflankoftheBackboneRangeoftl1eCentraIRangeinTaiwan(Figurel).Overlpngthebasen1e11t,tl1estratumofTertiarytoQuaten1alysysten11sexposed(Flgure2).Deposltlonofthepre-TertlaryrocksprobablybopninPen1llanperiodandextendedintoMesozoic.Theserockswerelatertectonizedandlnotal1lorPhosedinlateMesozoictil11earldtl1el11aJororogenic111ovelnentisnamedYenshanlllovelnent(t1ieNanaoorogenylnTaiwan).A:lthe111eta11…  相似文献   

基于世界经济论坛《旅游竞争力报告》和联合国商品贸易数据库,采用熵值法、耦合协调度及相对发展度模型、GIS空间分析等方法,分析2007—2015年“一带一路”沿线49国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口间的耦合协调发展关系及其时空演变。结果表明:①49国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口整体处于协调状态,随时间变化不明显,多数长期处于中度协调状态;②从空间演变趋势看,耦合协调度区域分异和变化程度均较明显,东西方向上由“U”型逐渐向一字型演变,而南北方向上由“U”型逐步演变为“L”型格局,其中,中亚地区耦合协调度等级最低,其次是南亚地区,东亚、东南亚、中东欧地区耦合协调度相对较好;③各国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口耦合协调类型分为两类——同步型和旅游服务出口滞后型;其中,以旅游服务出口滞后型数量最多,占比高达87.7%,而同步型国家主要分布在东亚和西亚地区,数量呈现缓慢增长趋势,至2015年该类型国家主要为中国、泰国、新加坡、卡塔尔、塞浦路斯、阿联酋等。  相似文献   

张威  刘锐  刘亮 《地理科学进展》2015,34(7):871-882
东亚季风气候控制下的山地与岛屿冰期历史、冰川规模及其分布规律对深入探讨中国第四纪冰川的发生机制以及全球变化具有重要的科学意义。最新的绝对年代结果显示,中国东部及东亚沿海岛屿山地(包括中国台湾岛,日本本州岛、北海道,朝鲜盖马高原,俄罗斯远东山地等)的冰期启动与消亡时间存在显著差异,但均严格控制在末次冰期范围之内,相当于深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)4至2,冰川的发育规模在末次冰期早中期(MIS3/4)大于末次冰盛期(MIS2)。对研究区各山地和岛屿末次冰期冰川发育的基本特点进行比较后,明确了影响东亚季风影响区冰川作用的主要控制性因素有:气候因素、构造因素、纬度因素和海陆位置等,它们控制着末次冰期冰川的发生、分布与期次。在此控制性因素影响下,东亚低海拔山地不会出现比末次冰期更早的冰川作用。  相似文献   

合作与竞争并存是地区经济一体化乃至经济全球化过程中的重要特征,是当今世界各国在经济发展过程中必须处理好的重大课题。本文简要分析了中国同东亚其他各主要经济体之间合作与竞争关系的现状,预测了其发展前景,并提出了若干战略措施,以使中国同上述经济体的合作进一步加强,竞争更加有序。  相似文献   

选取UN Comtrade 2000年—2016年中国与南亚各国相关贸易数据,从中国与南亚的贸易现状入手,对中国在南亚地区的贸易格局进行了分析,并运用HM指数对中国与南亚国家的贸易相互依赖程度进行测算。研究表明:①中国与南亚地区的贸易总额呈增长态势,印度是中国在南亚最大的贸易伙伴;②中国与南亚各国贸易显著不平衡;③中国在南亚的贸易格局一直以印度为主,以巴基斯坦和孟加拉国为辅;④中国出口南亚的主要商品类别的国家间差异在缩小,以资本或技术密集型产品中的机械及运输设备为主;⑤中国进口南亚的主要商品类别的国家间差异较大,但以劳动密集型产品为主;⑥中国出口对南亚国家的依赖程度明显低于南亚国家出口对中国的依赖程度;⑦“一带一路”倡议提出至今,中国出口对南亚国家的依赖程度整体呈增长态势,而南亚国家出口对中国的依赖程度多呈下降态势。  相似文献   

台湾的红树林及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张伟强  黄镇国 《热带地理》1996,16(2):97-106
本文概述了台湾现代红树林的分布及其与气候,海流,底质等环境条件的关系,并将台湾的红树林与邻区做了对比。中国东南部陆,海域沉积物中红树花粉的分布变化规律在一程度上反映了第四纪以来的环境变迁。  相似文献   

Using the snow cover fraction (SNC) output from eight WCRP CMIP3 climate models under SRES A2, A1B, and B1 scenarios, the future trend of SNC over East Asia is analyzed. Results show that SNC is likely to decrease in East Asia, with the fastest decrease in spring, then winter and autumn, and the slowest in summer. In spring and winter the SNC decreases faster in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau than in northern East Asia, while in autumn there is little difference between them. Among the various scenarios, SRES A2 has the largest decrease trend, then A1B, and B1 has the smallest trend. The decrease in SNC is mainly caused by the changes in surface air temperature and snowfall, which contribute differently to the SNC trends in different regions and seasons.  相似文献   

Patent transfer has been regarded as an important channel for the nations and regions to acquire external technology, and also a direct research object to depict the relationship between supply and demand of technology flow. Therefore, based on traceable patent transfer data, this article has established a dual-pipeline theoretical framework of transnational-domestic technology transfer from the interaction of the global and local(glocal)perspective, and combines social networks, GIS spatial ana...  相似文献   

沙尘天气是东亚地区常见的灾害性天气之一,强沙尘天气的发生不仅导致建筑物倒塌、人畜伤亡、植被破坏,还会导致火灾、空气污染等环境问题,对人体健康、社会经济活动及其全球沙尘循环产生重要影响。然而从东亚地区沙尘天气在长时间序列区域特征角度上系统分析的研究较少。基于此,本文利用1981—2019年东亚地区697个地面气象站点沙尘数据,分析了其区域时空分布特征。结果表明:空间上,东亚沙尘天气集中在位于内陆干旱区的蒙古国和中国西北地区,其中弱沙尘天气集中在中国北方地区,而强沙尘天气则集中在蒙古国。月变化上,东亚沙尘天气集中在春季(3—5月份),在相对低纬度的中国青藏高原北麓沙尘天气3月份最多,位于中纬度的中国北方大部分地区4月份最多,而较高纬度的哈萨克斯坦东部和蒙古国5月份最多。年际变化上,40a间东亚沙尘呈减少趋势,尤其是在2000年之后多项生态工程的有效实施下中国北方大部分区域沙尘天气显著减少,但近几年内蒙古中西部地区强沙尘天气呈增长趋势;在生态环境较脆弱的蒙古国和塔克拉玛干沙漠等区域弱沙尘天气和强沙尘天气均呈增长趋势。本研究对准确地掌握东亚沙尘分布特征和防范沙尘灾害具有重要意义。  相似文献   

极地热状况异常与冬季季风高压的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任广成 《地理研究》1991,10(3):37-42
应用1951—1986年北半球海平面气压资料定义了冬季季风高压,并就季风高压与极地热状况的关系及其对东亚气温的影响进行分析。结果发现:季风高压强弱变化对我国冬季气温具有显著影响,对苏联远东南部地区及日本等地的气温趋势也具有一定的影响作用。  相似文献   

夏季北极涛动与西北夏季干湿特征的年代际关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 摘要: 利用中国西北地区(新、青、甘、宁、陕及内蒙古西部地区)1960—2003年131个测站夏季降水量、小型蒸发皿蒸发量,NECP/NCAR月平均再分析资料及夏季北极涛动指数,首先通过降水量和蒸发量定义了均一化干湿指数,进而分析了夏季北极涛动同西北地区夏季干湿特征之间的关系。研究表明:夏季北极涛动与西北地区大部分地区夏季干湿特征之间存在着显著的正相关关系,特别是年代际尺度上关系尤其密切。夏季北极涛动与西北地区夏季干湿特征空间变化的南北差异密切相关,在夏季AO偏强年代,海平面气压场在东亚大陆为正距平,太平洋为负距平;700 hPa风场在贝加尔湖地区及其下方有较强的反气旋性距平环流,西北西风带区出现西风距平,季风区出现北风距平,而500 hPa高度场在中国西北地区表现为西低东高结构。这样使得东亚夏季风偏弱,西北西风带区在夏季以西风气流为主,降水偏多,气候偏湿,而季风区盛行偏北气流,降水偏少,气候偏干。反之亦然。  相似文献   

在东亚地区的地缘政治结构中,中日两国形成以相互竞争为主要特征的地缘战略关系。日本出于“零和”模式的战略思维,把中国作为竞争对手,采用多种地缘政治手段,制约中国,争夺在东亚地区的战略主导权,企图将中国置于战略被动地位,给中国的战略环境造成一定的困难。  相似文献   

袁家冬  刘绍峰 《地理科学》2014,34(8):914-920
琉球群岛何时开始出现人类?琉球人来自哪里?琉球民族是一个独立的民族还是大和民族的一个分支?这些关于琉球民族本质的问题目前学术上尚存争论。运用文献分析法和综合分析法,对考古学、文化人类学和群体遗传学的研究成果进行系统整理和分析评价。在此基础上,对琉球群岛人类种群的起源、迁移以及琉球人与东亚地区其他民族之间的亲缘关系进行讨论。考古学研究发现,在旧石器时代琉球群岛已有人类活动的痕迹。群体遗传学关于人类线粒体DNA与Y染色体解析以及基因组比较研究证明,起源于非洲的古人类,大约在新生代第四纪更新世晚期迁移至东南亚地区,之后逐渐扩散至日本列岛和琉球群岛成为现代日本人和琉球人的祖先。琉球人与日本人的亲缘关系密切,都保留着阿伊努人的生物学遗传特征。考古学发现和文化人类学对于文化相近性的分析显示,冲绳诸岛以北的北琉球文化与日本的绳文文化亲缘关系密切,先岛诸岛的南琉球文化与南岛系文化更为接近。此外,14世纪以后在琉球王国与东亚各国的贸易交流过程中,来自中国大陆、朝鲜半岛和东南亚地区的一些文化要素也渗透到传统的琉球文化之中。  相似文献   

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