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载人潜水器在深海科学考察中的应用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
载人深潜技术是深海技术的前沿与制高点,也是深海科考最先进的技术手段之一。20世纪60年代以来,随着高新技术的发展,美国、法国、俄罗斯、日本等国在载人潜水器的研制和应用上取得了快速的发展,先后掌握了大深度载人深潜技术,具备了在复杂海况下进行水下作业的能力,实现了对深海和大洋洋底的现场观察、探测和取样等。目前,深海载人潜水器的考察范围已经遍及全球大陆坡深水区、洋中脊、海山、海沟和洋盆等海底区域,获得了大量的深海地质、地球物理、生物、化学和环境方面的信息或样品,取得了一批重大的发现和创新性的研究成果,推动了深海科学的发展。我国自主集成研制的"蛟龙"号载人潜水器顺利完成了7 000m级海试,并于2013年开始开展了试验性应用,取得了丰硕的科考成果。本文简要介绍了世界载人潜水器的发展现状及其在深海科学考察中的技术优势,综述了国内外载人潜水器在深海地质学、生物学和物理海洋学等领域中的应用情况。  相似文献   

The essence of methodological and engineering questions solved during the preparation and implementation of historic dives of the manned submersibles Mir-1 and Mir-2, allowing humans to see the bottom of the North Pole at a depth of 4300 m, are described together with innovative developments in underwater navigation, as well as the Mir’s propulsion, ballast, and other systems that ensured the safety of the dives. These innovative methods have opened up the Arctic’s underice space for scientific research and practical exploration for minerals with the direct participation of scientists and specialists.  相似文献   

李永祺  王蔚 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(6):1267-1274
深海及其底部生物圈的探测和研究,是当前海洋大科学研究的焦点,是未来的海洋科学,具有重要的战略意义。深海及其底深部生态学的研究,是其中的一项重要内容。本文简要回顾了深海生态学发展的三个里程碑以及中国在该学科的研究进展,提出了大力发展深海探测和钻探设备、技术,建设深海生态站和大洋钻探船;以生态系统为中心开展深海生态研究;将深海生态研究纳入国家和有关部门的研究计划、支持多学科交叉和融合的建议。  相似文献   

深海水下机器人主要用于深远海地质、矿物资源和生物调查研究,以及海洋石油工程服务等水下综合作业,能够实现深海近底高精度、长时间的定点取样作业及其他精细化调查。结合国内外深海ROV装备和技术发展现状,以新研发的6 000 m级"海龙Ⅲ"号ROV搭载"大洋一号"船执行的2018年南海综合海试和48航次为例,从深海试验流程和方法、浅水区功能测试、深水区功能测试、深海观测及取样功能测试等方面,详细阐述了ROV海上试验和应用作业过程,对作业水深、功率配置、水下运动能力、搭载能力等关键性能指标进行了试验验证。海上功能测试和试验性应用结果表明,"海龙Ⅲ"ROV各项性能指标满足设计要求,验证了系统在不同深度、不同地形条件下的观测取样作业能力,创新了深水ROV作业方法手段,分析得出此类装备目前在国内发展存在的不足之处,并结合实际应用提出后期改进计划,以期为深海ROV的海试应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

深海岩芯取样钻机是开展海洋科学研究、深海资源探测和海底地质取样所必备的关键性装备,随着深海运载器的大规模应用,利用运载器优势发展深海运载器小型岩芯取样探测技术得到了国内外学者的关注,并形成了研究热点方向。在深海运载器作业工具应用认识基础上,首次聚焦运载器岩芯取样钻机研究,对国内外运载器岩芯取样钻机的发展现状、技术特点进行了全面综述。同时,基于"蛟龙"号岩芯钻机研制及应用经验,讨论了发展运载器岩芯取样钻机的关键技术。最后总结了后续发展方向,以期为我国深海运载器岩芯钻机的研发和应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

In 2003, several hydrothermal mounds located at 9°50′ N on the East Pacific Rise were described and sampled during the expedition of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh during dives of Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. These hydrothermal mounds were formed during a few recent years after the volcanic activity in this region that occurred in 1991. The studies of the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the hydrothermal deposits of these mounds and of the chemical composition of the principal sulfide minerals helped to describe the initial stage of the formation of the hydrothermal circulation system and the initiation of the hydrothermal ore formation.  相似文献   

深海被认为是地球上尚未被认识和开发的“最后疆域”,深海环境不仅可满足人类对未来资源的部分需求,还孕育出了独特的生态系统和特殊的生命过程。地球上绝大部分生态系统是利用光合作用来维持生命循环,而深海中存在着以化能合成为基础的生态系统。本文重点综述了国内外关于深海化能生态系统中大型生物多样性及其起源演化方面的研究进展,并对印太交汇区深海极端环境的生物多样性研究趋势和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对深海运载器海底岩芯原位取样作业需求,对基于水下运载器的深海原位取芯钻机在深海低温、高压、底层流速多变等特点条件下的作业机理及受力进行分析,并选取硬质合金钻头和PDC钻头进行了取芯钻头的轴向力、切向力和切削功率的数学力学对比计算,确定了单环四齿周向均布的金刚石复合片(PDC)钻头设计方案。在理论分析基础上,针对深海钴结壳设计了台架试验,开展钻进试验研究。通过理论计算和实验研究,探寻了一种基于深海运载器的钴结壳小型钻机设计方法,确定了钻机功率、转速、钻进正向压力和取芯率等基本参数选取范围,对开展海底岩芯原位取样作业具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Deep-sea benthic communities primarily rely on an allochthonous food source. This may be in the form of phytodetritus or as food falls e.g. sinking carcasses of nekton or debris of marine macrophyte algae. Deep-sea macrourids are the most abundant demersal fish in the deep ocean. Macrourids are generally considered to be the apex predators/scavengers in deep-sea communities. Baited camera experiments and stable isotope analyses have demonstrated that animal carrion derived from the surface waters is an important component in the diets of macrourids; some macrourid stomachs also contained vegetable/plant material e.g. onion peels, oranges, algae. The latter observations led us to the question: is plant material an attractive food source for deep-sea scavenging fish? We simulated a plant food fall using in situ benthic lander systems equipped with a baited time-lapse camera. Abyssal macrourids and cusk-eels were attracted to the bait, both feeding vigorously on the bait, and the majority of the bait was consumed in <30 h. These observations indicate (1) plant material can produce an odour plume similar to that of animal carrion and attracts deep-sea fish, and (2) deep-sea fish readily eat plant material. This represents to our knowledge the first in situ documentation of deep-sea fish ingesting plant material and highlights the variability in the scavenging nature of deep-sea fishes. This may have implications for food webs in areas where macrophyte/seagrass detritus is abundant at the seafloor e.g. canyon systems and continental shelves close to seagrass meadows (Bahamas and Mediterranean).  相似文献   

Latitudinal gradients in biodiversity are found in both terrestrial and marine environments, but little agreement exists on the mechanisms or ecological causes creating these patterns. Marine biodiversity patterns have been particularly challenging to document, because of the lack of appropriate data sets from ocean basins. We document latitudinal patterns of North Atlantic deep-sea benthic foraminifera and show that seasonality of primary productivity, as estimated from SeaWiFS satellite imagery, has a significant effect on diversity indices, with generally lower values of H(S), species ?, and species equitability found with high seasonality between 40 and 60°N. High foraminiferal diversity is not found in areas with phytodetritus deposition in the North Atlantic basin, which indicates that patch dynamics, biological disturbance, and sediment heterogeneity resulting from phytodetritus deposits do not create high deep-sea foraminiferal diversity. Annual resource stability, reflecting the timing of organic carbon flux and the mode of sedimentation, accounts for the benthic foraminiferal patterns found in this study and is an important variable structuring the deep-sea benthic foraminiferal community.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of several medusa species in the Kurile-Kamtchatka region of the Pacific Ocean is described. Animals were observed in the light cone from deep-sea submersibles Mir-1 and Mir-2 throughout the water column, from the surface to 5000–6000 m at four different sites. Bathy- and abyssopelagic species are noted along with the species living in an extremely wide depth range. A faunistic border is revealed at a depth of 3000 m. The contribution of gelatinous animals (medusae, siphonophores, salps) to the total deep-sea plankton biomass was estimated using a wire reference cube during nine dives in the highly productive areas of the northwest Pacific, eastern Pacific (California, Costa-Rica Dome), and subtropical oligotrophic areas. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过构建中尺度涡的数学模型,利用射线-简正波-抛物方程(RMPE)声学模型进行传播损失计算,进而分析在深海声道、深海会聚区、海底反射3种传播模式下,中尺度涡对深海声效应的影响。数值仿真结果显示,暖涡对深海声道、会聚区产生下压效果,使会聚区水平距离变大,深海声道深度方向上变宽;冷涡使会聚区上抬,距离变短,对声场散射现象明显。研究结果表明,涡旋环境条件下,声场特征会产生显著变化。试验结果揭示了中尺度涡对深海声场效应的影响,对指导海上运用中尺度涡现象开展的科学研究、工程实践、军事运用具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   


As the quest for deep-sea mineral resources is gaining momentum, environment and ocean mining have become important aspects of study. Because many of these deposits occur in international waters, the concern for environmental conservation in view of the effects of deep-sea mining is resulting in these effects being studied in different oceans, and efforts to develop regulations governing this exploitation are also underway at national and international levels. The impact assessment of deep-sea mining needs to encompass a variety of subjects, including environmental, socioeconomic, technological, and legal aspects. At the same time, effects of in situ environmental conditions on mining activities also need to be considered for effecient performance by the mining system. Differences in the degree of impact have been noticed during the mining simulation experiments by different investigating agencies. Therefore, interparameter comparisons, standardization of methods, and improvement in mining design are important considerations for proper utilization of resources, conservation of environment, and cost efficiency of the mining operations.  相似文献   

Conventional laboratory studies of deep-sea fish metabolism are not possible as these fish are typically killed during recovery to the surface. As these species are important members of deep-sea communities, the lack of these data represents a significant limitation to our understanding of the functioning of this ecosystem. An autonomous fish respirometer vehicle was developed in order to measure the oxygen consumption of deep-sea fish in situ. This new lander allows measurements to be made without handling or stressing the animals and without the logistical problems and great cost of submersible operations. The design, operation, and measurement methodology are described and preliminary data for Coryphaenoides armatus at 4000 m are presented. These Atlantic data appear to confirm the low metabolic rate measured in this species when compared to other gadid species.  相似文献   

Feasibility studies recently suggest that sequestration of anthropogenic CO2 in the deep ocean could help reduce the atmospheric CO2 concentration. However, implementation of this strategy could have a significant environmental impact on marine organisms. This has highlighted the urgent need of further studies concerning the biological impact of CO2 ocean sequestration. In this paper we summarize the recent literature reporting on the biological impact of CO2 and discuss the research work required for the future. Although fundamental research of the effect of CO2 on marine organisms before the practical consideration of CO2 ocean sequestration was limited, laboratory and field studies concerning biological impacts have been increasing after the first international workshop in 1991 discussing CO2 ocean sequestration. Acute impacts of CO2 ocean sequestration could be determined by laboratory and field experiments and assessed by simulation models as described by the following papers in this section. On the other hand, chronic effects of CO2 ocean sequestration, those directly related to the marine ecosystem, would be difficult to verify by means of experiments and to assess using ecosystem models. One of the practical solutions for this issue implies field experiments starting with controlled small scale and eventually to a large scale of CO2 injection intended to determine ecosystem alteration. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Purposeful deep-sea carbon dioxide sequestration by direct injection of liquid CO2 into the deep waters of the ocean has the potential to mitigate the rapid rise in atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases. One issue of concern for this carbon sequestration option is the impact of changes in seawater chemistry caused by CO2 injection on deep-sea ecosystems. The effects of deep-sea carbon dioxide injection on infaunal deep-sea organisms were evaluated during a field experiment in 3600 m depth off California, in which liquid CO2 was released on the seafloor. Exposure to the dissolution plume emanating from the liquid CO2 resulted in high rates of mortality for flagellates, amoebae, and nematodes inhabiting sediments in close proximity to sites of CO2 release. Results from this study indicate that large changes in seawater chemistry (i.e. pH reductions of ∼0.5–1.0 pH units) near CO2 release sites will cause high mortality rates for nearby infaunal deep-sea communities. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Despite rapidly growing interest in the effects of ocean acidification on marine animals, the ability of deep-sea animals to acclimate or adapt to reduced pH conditions has received little attention. Deep-sea species are generally thought to be less tolerant of environmental variation than shallow-living species because they inhabit relatively stable conditions for nearly all environmental parameters. To explore whether deep-sea hermit crabs (Pagurus tanneri) can acclimate to ocean acidification over several weeks, we compared behavioral “boldness,” measured as time taken to re-emerge from shells after a simulated predatory attack by a toy octopus, under ambient (pH ~7.6) and expected future (pH ~7.1) conditions. The boldness measure for crab behavioral responses did not differ between different pH treatments, suggesting that future deep-sea acidification would not influence anti-predatory behavior. However, we did not examine the effects of olfactory cues released by predators that may affect hermit crab behavior and could be influenced by changes in the ocean carbonate system driven by increasing CO2 levels.  相似文献   

Single species populations and natural populations of phytoplankton were grown in mixtures of surface sea water and deep ocean water. The yields of Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the natural species assemblages were positively correlated with the percentage of deep water in the mixture. Single species populations of Thalassiosira weissflogii and Amphidinum sp. showed yields which were positively correlated with per cent deep water at low deep water concentrations and negatively correlated at high deep water concentrations. Transition from the positive to the negative slope occurred at about 75% deep water for T. weissflogii and at about 25% deep water for Amphidinium. Populations were apparently limited by an inorganic nutrient, probably nitrogen, in the region of positive slope and by some other factor, probably organic, in the region of negative slope. The addition of EDTA increased the yields of T. weissflogii and Amphidinium in the presence of deep water and reduced lag times in the growth of the natural populations.  相似文献   

为解决深海有中继海底光缆项目技术难题,中国海底电缆建设有限公司开发了海底光缆敷设施工控制软件,填补我国相关领域的空白。文章介绍海底光缆敷设施工余量控制的原理和控制软件的操作流程:海底光缆余量包括区域余量、底部余量和释放余量,余量控制是海底光缆敷设施工中最关键的核心技术环节,应用控制软件可极大地降低计算量和提高计算精确度,并可通过在施工中不断调整计划,从而极大地提高施工质量,具有传统人工计算不可比拟的优势。  相似文献   


Reliable power supply, precise position determination and effective communication are the key requirements for strategic autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) involved in long duration scientific missions, search operations and when operated as a swarm. The paper presents the challenging range of AUV developed for deep water, Polar and intervention applications; demanding technical requirements for strategic AUV; reliability modeling done on the lithium-ion batteries to identify the redundancy requirements for achieving near-zero failures; navigation model to estimate the achievable level of position accuracies using the state-of-the-art navigation system; limitations in underwater communication; and their importance in realizing vehicle autonomy and swarm intelligence. It is identified that a strategic grade Doppler velocity- aided inertial navigation system could provide position accuracies of about 0.5% of the distance travelled when navigated using sea bottom or ice reference, and a 38?kWh lithium-ion battery pack requires about 7% redundant battery capacity to achieve a failure probability of <?1% in a period of 1 year.  相似文献   

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