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本研究设计了一种潜标适用的新型信标机,它集成了GPS模块、数传模块、微处理器和压力开关等部件,可有效提高潜标回收过程中的目标定位能力。该信标机安装于潜标主浮体,通过压力开关控制电源。当主浮体位于海面时,信标机处于工作状态,它可以不断地将GPS位置数据通过无线传输方式向外发送,配套的接收端可以将接收的位置信息直观地显示在...  相似文献   

通过近两年3个以上项目的工作实践,对信标机在海洋钻探定位进行了总结,通过和RTK的比较来探索信标的操作特点,探索了信标机在1954北京坐标系和地方坐标系中平面定位的应用。  相似文献   

由于海洋内部环境复杂多变,加之渔业捕捞作业范围和深度的逐步扩大,对水下监测平台的安全构成了极大威胁。而且,在水下平台的海上回收作业过程中,恶劣海况、海雾、海面光反射等不利因素无不给回收过程造成很大麻烦,一旦平台浮出海面后漂出视距范围,将面临丢失风险。文中借助北斗定位导航系统,结合压力检测电路,设计并实现了一种可用于水下平台意外出水报警、出水后实时定位的卫星定位信标机系统,经多次应用,证明性能稳定可靠。  相似文献   

为了提高海洋观测研究浮标在位运行的安全性,自主设计了一种北斗/GPS双模定位信标。该信标采用传统的GPS技术进行定位结合“北斗”卫星特有的报文通信和定位功能,通过解决传统GPS信号盲区问题,为中国近海海洋观测研究浮标安全运行提供了更加有力的保障,同时提高了数据保密能力。该系统采用外部供电和内部自主供电相结合的模式,即使外部供电中断,也可保证正常运行不低于1 a,而且基本上不需要对信标进行专门维护,大大降低了运行和维护成本。与该信标配套的岸站管理系统具备发送和短信和邮件报警的功能,可实现浮标运行状态实时监控。  相似文献   

针对目前海洋观测网络通信距离、功耗、复杂度、抗干扰能力、成本之间的矛盾,提出了一种基于LoRa(long range)的海洋多功能信标组网观测系统。通过运用新型的LoRa调制技术,采用星型链路网络对多功能信标进行组网设计,并结合北斗通信,构建了一套覆盖范围广、功耗低,组网简单,抗干扰性强的海洋监测网络系统,能够有效实现近海和远海的全范围覆盖,同时降低了组网的成本。通过对多功能信标的低功耗设计,可有效降低信标功耗,延长了工作周期。通过室内和室外的模拟实验,验证了组网通信的有效性,以及远距离传输数据特性,为信标的升级设计和海洋组网观测打下了基础。  相似文献   

千米潜标系统是放置在1000m左右水深的海洋中的一套承载装置。该系统由布放船进行卫星导航定位,用声学释放器回收。系统上可以挂测量海洋环境参数的仪器,也可以挂试验框架,作挂板试验。千米潜标系统防护技术研究的任务是:保证潜标系统所有的连接部件,主浮体及所挂仪器与装置在90(+15)天内不发生影响其正常工作与回收的腐蚀与污损。国内没有深海腐蚀与污损方面的资料,参考浅海资料及国外有关资料,从各个分机每个零部件着手,又要考虑各分机在系统中的关系,使它们在海水中互相不影响其耐腐蚀性  相似文献   

邵祺  常帅  付晓梅 《海洋通报》2019,38(1):53-62
水声通信和测距能力是实现水下航行器准确定位的重要技术手段。当前基于水声定位的方法主要有利用测距和测向功能的水声定位技术以及水声测距辅助导航技术,二者的系统物理复杂度都比较高。本文提出了一种基于单水声信标距离量测的匹配定位方法,航行器在水声信标测距覆盖范围内,利用航行过程中多次测距信息构建测距圆序列形成位置约束,基于航位推算导航信息,将航行器在连续测距时间段内的相对航迹在圆序列上进行最优匹配,从而获得位置估计,通过对测距误差进行补偿可进一步提升定位精度。本方法所需物理系统结构复杂度低、可操作性强,仿真实验表明,该方法可以独立实现较高精度的定位。  相似文献   

随着海洋仪器在海洋调查、海洋监测、海洋科研等领域的广泛应用,开展海洋仪器的计量检定校准工作成为了国家海洋计量站最基本的业务工作之一。“海洋仪器计量检定校准数据处理系统”是专门为海洋仪器计量检定、校准数据的处理而设计的软件系统,文章详细介绍了该系统的结构和功能。  相似文献   

海洋仪器可靠性是影响海洋仪器工程化和产业化的关键因素,已成为制约我国海洋仪器发展的一大瓶颈问题。针对海洋仪器可靠性提升的需求,本文综述分析了国内外海洋仪器可靠性研究现状,提出了一套适用于气象与水文海洋仪器的可靠性强化试验方法,以定点CTD(温盐深)、气温和气压等海洋水文气象测量仪为研究对象,设计了热应力步进、快速温变、振动步进以及综合环境应力等可靠性强化试验剖面并开展了相关试验。试验结果显示强化试验激发了海洋仪器故障,通过故障定位分析和设计改进,有效提升了设备可靠性水平。本文研究成果可为同类海洋仪器设备可靠性强化试验的开展提供良好借鉴。  相似文献   

根据黑匣子信标的特点,介绍了一种有针对性探测的黑匣子搜索定位设备的设计及实现过程。该黑匣子搜索定位设备采用剖面漂流浮标技术,通过加装水听器,实现对水下黑匣子信标信号进行区域定位和距离估算。发现目标后,自动上浮至水面,通过卫星将目标位置信息发往监控中心,实现目标快速搜索定位,节省人力物力,争取宝贵的搜索时间。通过原理样机的研制实现,经过相关的湖上验证试验表明,该型设备初步具备黑匣子探测能力。  相似文献   

The underwater position of the beacon determined using the conventional mode of the short-baseline acoustic positioning system (SBL system) is usually incorrect due to the inaccuracy of underwater-measured sound speed, which is affected by the environment. This article presents a corrected mode of SBL system to offer a precise solution for the underwater beacon position. The corrected mode using the formulation of Euclidean geometry converges quickly and efficiently, obtaining the precise position of the beacon. Finally, a simulation of coring missions of a vessel is presented to verify the accuracy of the corrected mode of the SBL system.  相似文献   

A high-resolution underwater acoustic pulse-Doppler navigation system has been developed and tested at sea. The system provides continuous, highly accurate tracking of underwater and ocean-surface platforms in a fixed 50-km2navigation net. Three reference buoys, moored 20 m from the ocean bottom, provide the navigation net used by shipboard processing equipment. Each reference buoy contains an acoustic transponder, used to obtain the acoustic travel times from the transponder to the platform, and a continuous-tone beacon, used to obtain the Doppler shift due to platform motion. The system is capable of determining the position of a platform with respect to the reference net with an error of 2-3 m. The relative position of the platform on a fix-to-fix basis can be determined within several centimeters over short time intervals (approx 10min).  相似文献   

Son-Cheol Yu   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(1):90-105
Automation of complicated underwater tasks require acoustic image based object recognition. This paper presents an acoustic image based real-time object recognition system. We proposed an acoustic image predictor to estimate an object's shape in advance. Depending on the acoustic camera's position, the predictor generates optimal template for recognition. The proposed method is implemented in our autonomous marine vehicle. For real-time processing, efficient recognition strategies are addressed. The vehicle detects an object and localizes it for recognition. In the detection process, the acoustic image's specific characteristics are used as the detection cues. In the localization process, the vehicle's horizontal and vertical positioning strategies are described. Efficient template generation method to minimize computing power is addressed. This realizes real-time recognition using the vehicle. To estimate the proposed system's accuracy and reliability, a recognition test was carried out in the field. The vehicle successfully recognized two different objects with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Wen-Hui Cheng   《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(5-6):693-707
Currently, most submerged bodies use the long-baseline acoustic position system (LBL) to identify the navigation position for submerging. A precise navigation position is always the target pursued by underwater technology. The conventional long-baseline acoustic position systems normally use Kalman filter correction to handle the problem of positional errors. This article proposes a new modification, which is based on the periodically measured actual navigation distance, and associated with the three-dimensional geometrical relations between the transponder on the seabed and the navigation distance. This new modification employs the iterative approximation to modify the errors of the measured navigation position from the conventional long-baseline acoustic position system. In order to verify the availability of the modified model by the essay, the study uses the navigation position for an underwater surveying submerged body as the study object. After the numerical simulation analysis, the result shows that the modification was presented by the article can only use very few iterations to precisely modify the errors of the measured navigation position from the conventional long-baseline acoustic position system, which is highly applicable for positioning in long-term and long-distance submersion. Moreover, the modification method proposed by the paper can also help submersion positioning for the underwater vehicle, as well as the military submerged body.  相似文献   

随着海洋、湖泊、河流和港口等人类活动逐渐增加,涉海工程产生的水下噪声污染及对海洋生物影响已引起广泛关注。工程建设期环境影响评价中,水下噪声测量逐渐成为海洋监管的要素。水下冲击打桩是工程建设中常见的低频水下脉冲声源,能够传播较远距离。如何规范地开展水下冲击打桩噪声测量至关重要。文章给出了水下冲击打桩噪声的通用测量方法,包括声学指标、测量系统、测量布放、声学测量配置、测量不确定性等,可为海洋工程建设影响评价、海洋生物生态保护等提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A trawl-resistant bottom mount (TRBM) has been developed to meet the needs of long-term deployment of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and Wave-Tide Gauges in water depths up to 300 m. This paper describes the unit's construction and operation together with practical lessons learned during development, testing, and use that can be applied to comparable platforms. The Barny Sentinel is derived from a larger version developed several years ago at SACLANT Center, now extensively redesigned to incorporate an RDI Sentinel ADCP and a Sea-Bird Wave-Tide Gauge. A concrete ring surrounding the fiberglass instrument housing serves as ballast and impact protection. Two independent recovery modes may be activated by acoustic commands, one of which can operate whether or not the platform is upright. Features have also been included to facilitate recovery by remotely operated underwater vehicle. A sending unit, temporarily attached during launch, provides real time information on platform depth and tilt, and confirms that the platform is properly positioned on the bottom before a launch commitment is made. A series of tests and applications have validated all basic functions and trawl resistance. Platform cost has been kept below that of the on-board instruments, while still maintaining the required high level of recoverability  相似文献   

水声通信及组网的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水声通信是海洋中无线信息传输的主要技术手段。水声通信技术在海洋环境监测、水下航行器/载人潜水器作业等方面有着广泛应用。同时,水声信道传输状态多变、海洋作业环境恶劣,对通信算法和设备可靠性有较高要求,水声通信及组网成为目前的研究热点。文中面向海洋环境监测领域,从水声通信物理层技术、网络技术及组网应用等方面进行介绍,并对未来技术趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

李焜  方世良 《海洋工程》2015,29(1):105-120
The conventional matched field processing (MFP) uses large vertical arrays to locate an underwater acoustic target. However, the use of large vertical arrays increases equipment and computational cost, and causes some problems such as element failures, and array tilting to degrade the localization performance. In this paper, the matched field localization method using two-hydrophone is proposed for underwater acoustic pulse signals with an unknown emitted signal waveform. Using the received signal of hydrophones and the ocean channel pulse response which can be calculated from an acoustic propagation model, the spectral matrix of the emitted signal for different source locations can be estimated by employing the method of frequency domain least squares. The resulting spectral matrix of the emitted signal for every grid region is then multiplied by the ocean channel frequency response matrix to generate the spectral matrix of replica signal. Finally, the matched field localization using two-hydrophone for underwater acoustic pulse signals of an unknown emitted signal waveform can be estimated by comparing the difference between the spectral matrixes of the received signal and the replica signal. The simulated results from a shallow water environment for broadband signals demonstrate the significant localization performance of the proposed method. In addition, the localization accuracy in five different cases are analyzed by the simulation trial, and the results show that the proposed method has a sharp peak and low sidelobes, overcoming the problem of high sidelobes in the conventional MFP due to lack of the number of elements.  相似文献   

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