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邵祺  常帅  付晓梅 《海洋通报》2019,38(1):53-62
水声通信和测距能力是实现水下航行器准确定位的重要技术手段。当前基于水声定位的方法主要有利用测距和测向功能的水声定位技术以及水声测距辅助导航技术,二者的系统物理复杂度都比较高。本文提出了一种基于单水声信标距离量测的匹配定位方法,航行器在水声信标测距覆盖范围内,利用航行过程中多次测距信息构建测距圆序列形成位置约束,基于航位推算导航信息,将航行器在连续测距时间段内的相对航迹在圆序列上进行最优匹配,从而获得位置估计,通过对测距误差进行补偿可进一步提升定位精度。本方法所需物理系统结构复杂度低、可操作性强,仿真实验表明,该方法可以独立实现较高精度的定位。  相似文献   

Wen-Hui Cheng   《Ocean Engineering》2005,32(3-4):499-512
The purpose of the current study is to introduce a set of mobile underwater positioning systems (MUPS) that will enable non-offshore vessels to execute underwater missions. Besides mobility, the system would also possess the advantage of having to use fewer acoustic instruments than conventional acoustic positioning systems. The method adopted by the system will involve the use of expendable and multi-functional bathythermographs (XBT) to measure the underwater acoustic speed and the depth of water at the same time. Then it must utilize the geometric relations formed by measuring the position of underwater targets at set intervals during navigation. In addition, since sound does not travel in a straight line when underwater, the iteration and convergence method must be used to perform corrections on the transmission speed and positional errors to obtain an accurate coordinate of the underwater target. After simulation testing, the positioning system established by the current study has proven to be fast in converging the error values along with high positioning accuracy of the system. The results of the study indicate that the MUPS built by the research institute can be utilized on a vessel, and will be very helpful in assisting the management of urgent underwater positioning missions.  相似文献   

基于长基线系统深海采矿ROV精确定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于深海采矿集矿机ROV的定位,采用传统的长基线水声定位系统通常存在较大误差。对此提出了一种新的算法模型,首先通过比较集矿机测量位置与前一次修正位置的几何关系,对当前集矿机的位置进行修正,然后利用新的集矿机位置修正声速的数值,并得出重新修正后的集矿机测量位置。这样反复的多重迭代使得在某一时刻集矿机ROV的测量位置逐步趋近其理想位置,实现长基线系统的水声精确的三维立体定位。通过数值仿真分析,结果显示与传统的长基线水声定位方法相比,通过该方法获得的集矿机行驶轨迹能更好地趋近其理想行驶曲线,表明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

通过探讨超短基线和GPS技术相结合的三维立体定位原理,分析超短基线定位误差来源,如安装偏差、声速误差、船姿态变化引起的偏差等,利用以最小二乘法为理论基础的动态校正法对超短基线定位误差进行了修正,将校正前后的定位数据标准偏差和剩余偏差处理后对比发现,这种方法可以极大地提高水下目标定位的精度,减少定位的误差,这也在实际应用...  相似文献   

文中关注水下潜航器导航定位时,电磁波传播途径中能量衰减、惯导系统长航时积累误差以及提高水下潜航器定位精度等问题。基于倒置的超短基线声学基阵,分析声波往返传播时间(RTT)、平面波近似方法和USBL导航解算方法及其坐标转换过程,结合INS误差方程,建立INS/USBL松组合模型。为进一步提高系统精度、动态性能和抗干扰性,考察USBL的原始斜距、斜距差以及声学基阵的空间分布信息,提出基于USBL原始输出信息的INS/USBL紧耦合组合导航方法。通过MATLAB仿真对导航算法进行验证,结果表明两种算法能充分抑制纯惯导误差随时间积累问题,且有效地估计出姿态、速度和位置误差角;其中紧耦合方法状态估计误差最小,导航参数精度相对松组合提高30%以上,对于提高水下载体导航定位精度、海洋探测具有重大意义。  相似文献   

水下声学定位、惯性导航定位、多普勒声纳以及组合导航定位是目前我国大洋科考调查工作中的几种主要水下导航定位技术。通过分析常规调查装备、ROV、AUV和载人潜水器等4类主要水下科考设备的导航定位系统实测数据,给出不同水下导航定位模式的现场作业精度,为我国大洋科考调查工作中水下导航定位技术的选择与应用等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Underwater robot positioning and navigation achieve autonomous underwater robot movement based on the premise that positioning obtains the coordinates of the relative position of the underwater robot using a sensor, and navigation yields a known location to the destination path planning. Due to the location of an underwater robot and the complex and changing environment in which it operates, it is difficult to achieve precise positioning using the traditional positioning method. This paper systematically analyzes and summarizes several typical localization and navigation methods of underwater robots, such as multisensor information fusion technology, underwater acoustic localization and navigation methods, GPS buoy, underwater vision, SLAM and coordinate localization and navigation of multiple underwater robots. Multisensory information fusion technology integrates the advantages of the above methods, enhances the system stability and robustness, overcomes the disadvantages of traditional positioning and navigation, and enables the autonomous navigation and positioning of underwater robots. Underwater acoustics enable flexible and convenient positioning, whereas GPS can achieve high-precision and high-positioning navigation information, and visual positioning effectively overcomes the problem of error accumulation. Multirobot cooperative positioning resolves the problem of positioning failure caused by the collapse of a single system and completes complex tasks that cannot be completed by a single robot, thus enhancing the stability and robustness of the system. This paper systematically describes the realization of these methods, presents an actual analysis of their respective advantages and problems, and discusses the development of the field of research prospects and application prospects.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated navigation system for underwater vehicles to improve the performance of a conventional inertial acoustic navigation system by introducing range measurement. The integrated navigation system is based on a strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) accompanying range sensor, Doppler velocity log (DVL), magnetic compass, and depth sensor. Two measurement models of the range sensor are derived and augmented to the inertial acoustic navigation system, respectively. A multirate extended Kalman filter (EKF) is adopted to propagate the error covariance with the inertial sensors, where the filter updates the measurement errors and the error covariance and corrects the system states when the external measurements are available. This paper demonstrates the improvement on the robustness and convergence of the integrated navigation system with range aiding (RA). This paper used experimental data obtained from a rotating arm test with a fish model to simulate the navigational performance. Strong points of the navigation system are the elimination of initial position errors and the robustness on the dropout of acoustic signals. The convergence speed and conditions of the initial error removal are examined with Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, numerical simulations are conducted with the six-degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) equations of motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in a boustrophedon survey mode to illustrate the effectiveness of the integrated navigation system.  相似文献   

高精度水下定位技术对于维护国家海疆安全、海洋权益和国民经济建设具有十分重要意义和实际应用价值。根据射线在水中的传播特性,利用双曲面定位方法建立长基线深海定位模型,通过计算机仿真获得4 000 m水下信源在10 km~2正方形范围内的定位误差精度及分布规律。结果表明:浮标网络中心位置定位精度最高,可得到亚米级;离中心位置越远,定位精度越差。  相似文献   

The underwater position of the beacon determined using the conventional mode of the short-baseline acoustic positioning system (SBL system) is usually incorrect due to the inaccuracy of underwater-measured sound speed, which is affected by the environment. This article presents a corrected mode of SBL system to offer a precise solution for the underwater beacon position. The corrected mode using the formulation of Euclidean geometry converges quickly and efficiently, obtaining the precise position of the beacon. Finally, a simulation of coring missions of a vessel is presented to verify the accuracy of the corrected mode of the SBL system.  相似文献   

针对海洋测量水下拖曳设备位置确定问题,综合考虑拖缆受力、海流影响以及水下拖体的运动性质,建立了水下拖曳设备的位置计算模型,并仿真计算分析了测量船在不同航行状态下拖曳设备位置确定的规律,探讨了不同海流效应对拖曳设备位置确定的影响。仿真计算结果表明,在海洋动态环境作用下,拖缆各方向的偏移明显呈曲线形状,非简单几何运算所确定。测船各方向的运动均可对水下拖体的位置在相应方向产生一定影响,而水下拖体位置的变化量小于测船拖点位置的变化量。海流对水下拖曳设备定位可造成数米的偏差,需进行相应改正。建议可考虑采取船载式ADCP实时测流辅助水下拖曳设备定位的工作模式。  相似文献   

水声导航、定位技术发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水声导航、定位技术在海洋科学和海洋工程中有着广泛的应用,近年来已逐渐向高精度、多传感器、多手段融合的方向发展.本文以导航、定位声纳的发展为关注对象,概述了水声导航、定位技术在技术前沿上的发展状况,提炼出其技术发展趋势,并介绍了水声导航、定位技术的应用前景.  相似文献   

Wen-Hui Cheng 《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(10):1271-1282
The SBL system (Short Baseline System) is usually utilized by offshore working vessels when performing its underwater orientation task so as to facilitate the exploitation of abundant benthal resources, therefore, the precise distance between the vessel and underwater targets for SBL system's estimation module are highly emphasized. However, hydrological data cited in the SBL system's estimation module is not real-time information and is difficult to accurately measure, which causes the calculation errors. Studies with regard to symmetrical SBL system are carried out by most of the researchers these days, yet research in this text shows the advantage to the asymmetrical SBL system's sensor on the vessel's bottom to be installed at discretion to measure and calculate the position. In addition to the locus equation used in the traditional position calculation, Haussiam Elimination, Cramer's rule, 3D geometry relation theory as well as substitution corrections applied to this asymmetrical SBL system to educe the correction for relative geometrical position between the underwater beacon and the sensor on the ship bottom. Through numeric simulation analysis, this SBL system is proved to be a high precision acoustic positioning system based on its quick correction and high precision position calculated by the asymmetrical SBL system established in this study.  相似文献   

单一导航系统无法满足水下运载体高精度、高可靠性的导航需求,文中根据常用水下导航系统的特点,提出基于可重置联邦滤波器的水下运载体导航定位方案,设计了以惯导系统(INS)为主参考系统,声学定位系统/深度计、多普勒计程仪(DVL)、罗经为子参考系统的联邦滤波器,并进行了仿真研究。结果表明文中设计的滤波器能有效融合各个传感器的导航信息,实现水下运载体高精度导航定位,并具有一定容错性。  相似文献   

通过分析连接水下运载体和信号浮标的缆绳的水下形态,提出一种将浮标的位置向水下延伸进行定位的方法。本方法比声学GPS定位系统更具经济性。并对拖曳系统某些参数进行了分析,得出了有益的结论。  相似文献   

基于ICCP匹配算法的海底地形匹配辅助导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用海底地形辅助导航是水下载体导航技术致力研究的新方向,采用ICCP算法作为对准匹配算法,利用实测地形数据和已知地形数据库,进行仿真计算,修正惯性导航系统累计误差,得到水下载体的最佳匹配位置,以提高水下载体的导航精度。  相似文献   

To achieve accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, an appropriate underwater terrain database storage format for underwater terrain-matching positioning is established using multi-beam data as underwater terrainmatching data. An underwater terrain interpolation error compensation method based on fractional Brownian motion is proposed for defects of normal terrain interpolation, and an underwater terrain-matching positioning method based on least squares estimation(LSE) is proposed for correlation analysis of topographic features. The Fisher method is introduced as a secondary criterion for pseudo localization appearing in a topographic features flat area, effectively reducing the impact of pseudo positioning points on matching accuracy and improving the positioning accuracy of terrain flat areas. Simulation experiments based on electronic chart and multi-beam sea trial data show that drift errors of an inertial navigation system can be corrected effectively using the proposed method. The positioning accuracy and practicality are high, satisfying the requirement of underwater accurate positioning.  相似文献   

To achieve accurate positioning of autonomous underwater vehicles, an appropriate underwater terrain database storage format for underwater terrain-matching positioning is established using multi-beam data as underwater terrain-matching data. An underwater terrain interpolation error compensation method based on fractional Brownian motion is proposed for defects of normal terrain interpolation, and an underwater terrain-matching positioning method based on least squares estimation (LSE) is proposed for correlation analysis of topographic features. The Fisher method is introduced as a secondary criterion for pseudo localization appearing in a topographic features flat area, effectively reducing the impact of pseudo positioning points on matching accuracy and improving the positioning accuracy of terrain flat areas. Simulation experiments based on electronic chart and multi-beam sea trial data show that drift errors of an inertial navigation system can be corrected effectively using the proposed method. The positioning accuracy and practicality are high, satisfying the requirement of underwater accurate positioning.  相似文献   

海洋中声速起伏导致水声信道发生变化,进而引起声线到达结构的变化,对水声传播及定位精度产生一定影响。为讨论这一效应,基于TDOA体制建立了考虑声线弯曲的水下目标无源定位模型,分析了声速起伏对水下声传播路径及传播时间的影响,进而研究了声速起伏对水下无源定位测量精度影响程度。结果表明:当水平传播距离较大时,声速剖面起伏对声传播路径及传播时间的影响更为显著;以典型四元阵为例,若基线长度为20 km,接收阵位于水下5 km处,在不考虑其它随机误差影响下,海洋声速起伏造成的声源定位误差量级在0.5 m以内。分析结果有助于更好地利用环境特征优化无源定位测量方案,可为高精度水下无源定位系统设计及精度评估提供依据。  相似文献   

GNSS/声纳定位精度主要取决于GNSS浮标阵列构型和测距精度。优化水面GNSS浮标阵列对提高定位精度和可靠性有重要意义。本文提出了基于高度角约束条件的GNSS浮标阵列优化搜索算法。基于GNSS浮标位于海平面和高度角约束条件,本文提出了优化PDOP算法。我们以5个浮标为例对该算法进行了验证,并且获得了完整解。最后,为了在PDOP最小的解中搜索到最优构型,我们提出了一个用来获取最小GDOP解的搜索算法。算法表明:在区域范围内,区域中心点处GDOP最小与区域PDOP均值最小是等价的。我们用中国南海实测数据阐明了5枚浮标情况下定位图形与定位精度的关系。  相似文献   

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