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基于交通、人口和经济的中国城市群识别   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
城市群是一个国家工业化和城镇化进程发展到较高阶段的自然产物,是国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的新型地域单元。当前,研究人员对城市群的识别尚没有一个统一、快速的技术体系,国内外研究人员对于中国城市群的准确识别和区域界定也不统一。在综合前人研究的基础上,作者首先厘清了城市群的基本概念;继而提出了一套以地球信息技术为支撑的,综合了交通、人口和经济属性判断的城市群快速识别和区划的技术流程,即以空间通达性的定量测算为基础,初步识别出空间上集结的城市集群;然后以城市集群的经济和社会属性为判据开展进一步的遴选,得到城市群空间分布及其区划界线。作者使用基础地理数据、DEM数据、空间化的经济社会格网数据,应用ArcInfo Macro Language 编程技术对中国的城市群进行了识别,研究明确了2000 年中国9 大城市群的空间位置及其覆盖区域。与国内外既有认识的对比表明,本研究技术路线简单、清晰,所得的中国城市群区划成果准确,具有可参比性。  相似文献   

中国产业结构变迁中的经济效率演进及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
现代经济增长过程表明,产业结构变迁与经济效率演进关系密不可分,具体反映在区域发展的阶段性与异质性上。运用DEA-BCC模型、Malmquist生产率指数分析中国三次产业静态综合效率与动态全要素生产率(TFP)的部门与区域变动情况,并基于DEA-Tobit两阶段分析框架构建面板计量模型,探究中国不同地区三次产业经济效率变动影响因素。研究表明:中国三次产业具备一定的静态规模效率,但仍有待优化;1978-2014年间,中国三次产业TFP均有提升,但一、二、三产业TFP增长对其部门经济贡献率依次递减,经济增长粗放型特征仍很明显;TFP增长主要源于技术进步,技术效率改进开始由以纯技术效率为主转向以规模效率为主;将三次产业TFP变动划分为四个阶段,制度、结构、要素、政策等红利对经济增长均有贡献,但在结构调整阶段,制度与结构红利让位于技术进步;三次产业TFP变动表现出显著的区域差异特征,总体上东部地区具有相对优势,中部地区表现为经济效率"凹地",东北地区二、三产业TFP变动反映出严峻的结构转型升级问题。由于不同产业内在发展规律差异,其经济效率影响因素表现出区内相对一致性及部门差异性特征,其中一、三产业结构变动、非农化水平、对外开放程度、人力资源禀赋等对第一产业经济效率产生显著正向作用,对外开放程度显著促进第二产业经济效率提升,而对外开放程度、人力资源禀赋对第三产业经济效率产生显著的负面影响。最后讨论了结论的主要政策启示。  相似文献   

雷军  李建刚  段祖亮  杨振 《干旱区地理》2018,41(6):1358-1366
城市群的研究成果对中国城市群总体格局形成起到了引领作用,为中国新型城镇化发展做出了重要贡献。通过关注位于丝绸之路经济带结合点的喀什城市圈,基于CiteSpace文献计量方法以中文核心期刊和EI、Web of Science核心合集数据,通过分析核心关键词、研究热点、研究机构和团队总结了国内外在喀什城市圈城镇化发展与生态环境交互胁迫效应方面的研究成果。认为目前对喀什城市圈研究非常薄弱,主要体现在研究重点集中在城镇化与生态环境关系探讨,从城市人口集聚、城市经济增长、城市空间扩张三个层面初步揭示了城市圈城镇化对水资源和土地资源单要素的胁迫作用;并从水资源、土地资源、大气环境等单要素角度深入研究城市圈生态环境对城镇化的限制作用。未来需加强喀什城市圈的研究和建设,以国家战略需求为导向,继续深化城市圈形成发育中资源环境交互胁迫效应方面的研究。  相似文献   

中国城镇化与非农化的空间分异、相互关系和形成机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
曹广忠  马嘉文 《地理研究》2016,35(12):2249-2260
区域就业非农化和人口城镇化是相互关联且进程相对一致的过程,但由于发展背景和影响机制的不同,二者的关系有可能在空间和时间上呈现一定的差异性。基于第五、第六次人口普查资料,分析了中国人口城镇化与就业非农化水平和进程的空间格局、相互关系及其形成机制。研究发现:城镇化和非农化水平的分布和演变都具有明显的行政指向特征和地带分异特征,差异化的空间集散态势下,在不同地区二者形成了多样化的相互关系,但总体上相互促进、共同发展。在城镇化初期和中期阶段,非农化适当超前或同步于城镇化有利于促进城镇化水平的提高。主导驱动因素不一致是城镇化和非农化空间差异和相互关系形成的基础,要素投入引致的经济增长直接促进就业非农化进程,但人口城镇化则更多受到政府行为的影响;要素投入产出效率和政府政策实施力度的不同也导致这一机制过程呈现出鲜明的区域特征。  相似文献   

中国城市群绿色发展水平综合测度与时空演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
绿色发展日益重要,党的十八届五中全会把绿色发展确立为"十三五"时期的一项重要发展理念,而作为中国发展核心区域的城市群必然对绿色发展的推进起着至关重要的作用。以中国城市群为研究对象,构建绿色发展综合评价体系,采用投影寻踪模型、Pearson相关、变异系数、Theil指数等方法,综合分析中国城市群绿色发展时空特征及异质性。结果表明:(1)2005年以来中国城市群绿色发展水平波动上升,且呈一定的层级格局;城市群绿色发展差异显著,分为:高度推进区、快速推进区、稳步推进区、初步推进区、初始起步区5类。(2)经济发展要素为中国城市群绿色发展主导支撑、社会进步要素次之,生态文明要素逐步加快;不同层级城市群不同阶段主导要素演化不同;同一层级内差异同样显著。(3)不同层级城市群中心城市与城市群绿色发展等级匹配存在异质性,需区别对待。(4)中国城市群绿色发展水平差异呈一定发散趋势,层级间差异成为绿色发展差异的最主要原因。(5)最后,提出全面提升中国城市群绿色发展水平的建议:加强城市群交流与合作、实现资源共享,加大环境政策的创新以及推行力度。  相似文献   

詹子歆  戴林琳 《地理科学进展》2022,41(12):2271-2285
由于各地资源禀赋差异和各级政府之间的复杂关系,城市群交界地区不可避免地存在经济社会发展上的矛盾和不平衡。已有研究揭示了行政边界效应在省域、城市群等不同尺度均普遍存在,且在不同阶段影响土地利用变化的程度大小不一,但多将行政边界转化为虚拟变量而非空间地理要素,不足以理解中微观尺度各种因素之间的复杂相互作用。论文旨在利用1985—2020年的中国年度土地覆盖数据集,以区县为单元,运用质心迁移、核密度分析和Logistic回归方法,分析京津冀典型城市群交界地区“通州—武清—廊坊(通武廊)地区”不透水面(ISA)的扩张机理并测度行政边界效应的影响。结果显示:① 不同行政区因资源禀赋和所处发展阶段的不同,城市用地扩张的速度和主要时期存在一定的差异;② 由于要素的高度流动,地理邻近的行政区城市扩张驱动要素表现出一定的相似性;③ 在不同区域分工水平下,行政界线的边界效应对城市用地扩张的影响表现出一定差异性。通过“强—弱”管控提高通武廊地区各要素协调水平,减少行政边界对地方之间资源整合的负面影响,对于实现京津冀城市群协同发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   

沈陆澄  陈中  侯璐璐 《热带地理》2022,42(10):1628-1639
以文化城市群为角度、潮汕文化为切入点、粤东文化城市群为案例,系统梳理其城市群发展脉络并分析其动力机制。研究发现:1)粤东城市群的空间形态随潮汕文化发展和社会生产生活实践而发生改变,呈现从西北逐渐向东南拓展的特征,单个城市空间形态表现为精细化、密布局的特征,城市群空间格局则经历了“带状—人字状—梳状—圈层式”的演变;2)“精细、重商、外向、融合”等潮汕文化要素分别在粤东城市群发育的4个阶段发挥着不同影响力,其中,“精细”和“重商”深刻影响着城市群个体化发展阶段的空间特征,“外向”和“融合”引领城市群集团化发展结构;3)文化城市群的演变实际是农耕文化、商业文化、工业文化、信息时代复合型新文化等多种要素在不同空间尺度下实现梯度式推演的结果;4)在不同时期,文化要素作用尺度从微观建筑建设层面逐渐扩大至中观城市景观层面,最终形成基于地方文化认同的城市群层面。  相似文献   

中国城市群科学选择与分级发展的争鸣及探索   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
城市群作为国家参与全球竞争与国际分工的全新地域单元,是中国新型工业化和新型城镇化发展到较高阶段的产物,是"一带一路"建设的主战场,因而在推进国家新型城镇化和经济社会发展中具有举足轻重的战略地位。城市群的发展不仅主宰着国家经济发展的命脉,也主导着中国新型城镇化的未来。但中国城市群在选择与培育过程中出现了一系列亟待解决的现实问题,需要从科学角度提出推进城市群健康发展的技术路径和科学方案。基于这一意图,中国地理学会、中国城市百人论坛和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所于2014年12月20日联合举办了首届《中国城市群发展高层论坛》。通过近100位专家激烈的辩论、争鸣与思考,一致认为:城市群在国家新型城镇化中占据主体地位并发挥重要作用,城市群的研究与发展是一个复杂科学问题和漫长过程,是一个自然自需过程,不能违背客观规律;城市群基本内涵和空间识别范围标准存在着激烈争论与思考,政策空间层面的城市群和学术空间层面的城市群有着不同的利益导向和价值取向;城市群选择和培育中存在着"滥圈滥划、扩容贪大、拔苗助长、无中生有、拼凑成群"等一系列亟待解决的"城市群病";未来中国城市群空间格局正在形成不同的组织方案;不同发育程度的城市群存在着不同的问题和不同的发展模式,如京津冀城市群的协同发展优化模式、长江三角洲城市群的扩围模式、珠江三角洲城市群的"两条腿"并行模式、辽中南城市群的空间整合模式、哈长城市群的"井"字型空间组织模式、中原城市群的战略整合模式、关中城市群的均衡组织模式等。  相似文献   

张凡  宁越敏  娄曦阳 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1664-1677
城市群已成为中国推进新型城镇化的主体形态,但各城市群的发展水平和在区域经济发展中的地位不同。本文引入竞争力这一概念,通过对城市群竞争力概念、内涵和评价方法的回顾,从经济竞争力、人力资源竞争力、基础设施竞争力、国际化竞争力和科技竞争力五个方面构建中国城市群竞争力评价指标体系。研究结果发现中国城市群的竞争力存在着发展水平差异和区域差异。按照综合竞争力和五项一级指标竞争力评价,13个城市群的发展水平可以分为四个层次:第一层次包括长三角、京津唐和珠三角三大城市群,是中国的经济中心和参与国际竞争合作的重要平台;第二层次包括成渝、山东半岛、辽中南、武汉等四个城市群,它们在部分方面的竞争力体现出了一定的优势和潜力,是区域经济的增长极。第三、第四层次城市群的竞争力较为薄弱。本文进一步提出城市群核心竞争力的概念,科创能力、国际化水平、资本集聚度是构成城市群核心竞争力的三大要素,城市群核心竞争力的差异在很大程度上造成了中国三大地带之间的发展差异,且由于先进生产要素分布的高度不均衡,中国区域发展差异的现象还将长期存在。  相似文献   

不同尺度空间的城镇化与生态环境关系研究评述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城镇化和生态环境是当前人类社会面临的两大问题,二者之间的关系一直备受关注。在综述相关研究的基础上,分别对全球、国家、区域和城市四种不同尺度空间地域的城镇化与生态环境的关系研究热点、主要进展和差别进行了梳理对比。研究认为:全球尺度面向人类发展,侧重城镇化与生态环境交互关系的机制与规律研究;国家尺度面向发展阶段和需求,侧重中国城镇化与生态环境的关系阶段、关系类型的研究;区域尺度具有差异化自然和经济本底,存在多种类型的区域,较多对省级行政区、功能区和城市群区域的城镇化与生态环境关系研究;城市尺度的地域范围小,侧重与城市管理相关的城镇化与生态环境协调发展的理论与实践探讨。虽然不同尺度的研究可以相互借鉴和参照,但不同尺度空间的城镇化与生态环境关系研究不能混为一谈,需要设计面向空间尺度特征的研究框架,挖掘针对性问题,切实服务于不同地域的社会经济发展需要。  相似文献   

以城市群地级以上城市为生产单元,采用传统DEA、Bootstrap-DEA纠偏和Malmquist指数模型测算和分析中国东部4 大沿海城市群城市旅游业发展效率与时空特征。结果表明:①由传统DEA模型测度的城市群城市旅游业综合效率及其分解效率值均要高于Bootstrap-DEA纠偏模型测度后的效率值,表明了传统模型测度存在明显高估倾向的问题。② 2000 年以来4 大城市群主要直辖市、省会城市和核心城市旅游业投入资源利用综合水平呈持续良好态势;同时,长三角和珠三角城市旅游业平均投入资源利用综合水平呈无效向良好转变,京津冀和山东半岛城市旅游业则呈无效向中等转变。③ 2000 年以来珠三角和长三角城市旅游业综合效率受纯技术效率的影响程度略强于规模效率,而京津冀和山东半岛城市旅游业则反之。④ 2000年以来4 大城市群大多数城市提高幅度大但趋于下降,珠三角和长三角主要直辖市、省会城市和核心城市全要素生产率变化提高幅度略高于京津冀和山东半岛;同时,珠三角、长三角、京津冀和山东半岛城市旅游业平均全要素生产率提高幅度呈依次下降态势。  相似文献   

以环渤海地区京津冀、山东半岛和辽东半岛三大城市群地级以上城市为单元,采用数据包络分析和全要素生产率指数模型测算和分析三大城市群城市旅游业发展效率及其时空特征分解效率差异及其影响因素的演化阶段。结果表明:①2000 年以来京津冀和山东半岛城市群城市旅游业平均投入资源利用综合水平呈无效向中等转变,而辽东半岛城市群始终处于无效状态,各城市群主要直辖市、省会城市和核心城市旅游业投入资源利用综合水平呈无效向中等转变;②2000 年以来京津冀和山东半岛城市群城市旅游业综合效率受纯技术效率的影响和制约程度略强于规模效率,而辽东半岛城市群则反之;③2000 年以来环渤海地区三大城市群城市旅游业平均全要素生产率变化呈依次下降态势,且大多数城市提高幅度大但趋于下降,京津冀和山东半岛城市群主要直辖市、省会城市和核心城市全要素生产率变化提高幅度明显高于辽东半岛城市群。④环渤海地区三大城市群城市旅游业发展效率分别受旅游投资、旅游技术和旅游市场因素、旅游产品和旅游技术因素、旅游资源、旅游政策和旅游项目(产品)因素的影响,各自处于技术创新阶段、技术学习阶段和规模主导阶段。  相似文献   

中国城市群投入产出效率的综合测度与空间分异   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
方创琳  关兴良 《地理学报》2011,66(8):1011-1022
中国城市群是中国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,是中国主体功能区划中的重点开发区和优化开发区,在全国生产力布局格局中起着战略支撑点、增长极点和核心节点的作用。但城市群高密度的聚集导致高强度的相互作用,在拉动城市群高速度成长的同时,造成了高风险的生态环境威胁。如何客观评价城市群高密度集聚的效果?基于这一问题,本文从投入产出效率视角,构建城市群投入产出效率指标体系,采用CRS 模型、VRS 模型和Bootstrap-DEA 方法,综合测算了中国城市群投入产出效率、变化趋势及空间分异特征。结果表明,中国城市群投入产出效率总体较低且呈下降趋势,2002 年、2007 年中国城市群投入产出综合效率为0.853 和0.820,分别达到最优水平的85%和82%,平均综合效率下降了0.033;基于Bootstrap-DEA 纠偏后的中国城市群投入产出效率更低,但更可靠有效;城市群投入产出综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率总体表现为东部高于中部,中部高于西部的区域空间格局,呈现出与中国东、中、西区域经济发展格局相似的特征;2002-2007 年中国城市群规模效率指数微弱上升,全要素生产率指数、综合效率指数、技术效率变化指数以及纯技术效率指数下降趋势显著。该研究旨在为评估我国城市群高密度集聚的效果提供定量的测算依据,进而为提高中国城市群的投入产出效率与空间集聚效率奠定科学的决策基础。  相似文献   

The metropolitan resources comprehensive efficiencies (also called comprehensive technical efficiency, short for CTE, thereafter), change trends and causes are investigated using DEA and Malmquist index models, respectively, in China during the period 1990–2006. Firstly, the DEA model results show that the metropolitan CTE was just fair to middling with the characteristics of almost declining from the Eastern Coastal to Western China, and only few metropolises were DEA efficient. Secondly, the results also show that the PTE was correlated with the urban population sizes of metropolises negatively, and the SE correlated positively with the urban population sizes of metropolises in 1990, 2000 and 2006, that is, with urban population sizes getting larger the corresponding PTE was decreasing accordingly, and the SE was increasing consequently and the increasing rate was smaller with the scale increase. Thirdly, the influencing factors of metropolitan efficiency were SE and PTE in 1990 and 2000, respectively. But the PTE became the predominant influencing factor with the rapid expansions of built-up areas and population scales of metropolises in 2006. Fourthly, the Malmquist index results show that the CTE change trends were increasing weakly, the technological change trends were declining, and the TFP change trends were declining obviously during 1990–2006, in which they were all increasing during the sub-period 1990–2000, and all decreasing during the sub-period 2000–2006. Fifthly, the Malmquist index results also demonstrate that the CTE change trend was increasing weakly in the Eastern Coastal China, declining in Central China, and declining evidently in Western China. And with the urban population size increasing the increasing trends of SE became weaker and weaker. And the main causes for the CTE being not too high and its change trends and TFP change trends being increasing weakly lie mainly in the technological degeneracy and PTE change trends declining significantly during 2000–2006. Finally, the analyses show that the China’s metropolitan population boom and the rapid spread of built-up area had really caused their resources efficiency losses.  相似文献   

Employing DEA model and Malmquist productivity index, this paper probes into the urban efficiencies of 24 typical resources-based cities in China and their changes from 2000 to 2008. The research finds that the overall efficiencies of the resources-based cities are just at a general level, and only a few of them reach the optimal level. The scale efficiency is the major determining factor of the achievement of overall efficiency, the effect of which, never-theless, is reducing. From the perspective of classification characteristics, the re-sources-based cities in northeastern region have been in the front rank in terms of overall efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. There is a certain positive correlation between urban population scale and urban efficiency. The analysis of urban efficiency changes shows that the changes in overall efficiency of resources-based cities from 2000 to 2008 had a weak improving tendency. Both the technical change index and productivity change index decreased, indicating that the urban efficiency did not improve during this pe-riod, and the tendency of technical recession and productivity decline was obvious. In terms of the classification of urban efficiency changes, the urban overall efficiency improved in each of the four regions from 2000 to 2008, among which western region witnessed the greatest increase. Cities with different resource types have improved their urban overall efficiencies except steel-based cities. The urban overall efficiency increased in resources-based cities of different scales, with greater improvement in small and medium-sized cities than in big cities.  相似文献   

蔡善柱  陆林 《地理科学》2014,34(7):794-802
运用数据包络分析法(DEA)及Malmquist生产率指数法,选择实际利用外资额、进口总额作为输入指标与GDP、出口总额作为输出指标,测算了中国41个国家级经济技术开发区2001~2010年的综合效率与全要素生产率指数,并对其时空分异特征进行分析。研究结果表明:① 平均综合效率偏低,总体呈“M”型变化趋势;② 综合效率区域差异明显,西部最高,东部次之,中部最低;③ TFP年均增长率为1.025,处于低速增长状态,说明开发区的整体生产效率逐年改善;④ TFP增长率地区分布为东部最高,西部次之,中部最低,综合效率较高的开发区TFP增长率反而较低;⑤ 对GDP增长速度与TFP增长速度双低的开发区进行分类指导与合理整治,以全面提高开发区的可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

薛静静  沈镭  彭保发  刘立涛 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1414-1424
本文对中国的能源输出大省和能源输入大省进行了界定,运用DEA方法测度了2000-2010年能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效及节能潜力,对能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效特征进行系统归纳和比较,分析能源消费绩效形成原因,并利用Malmquist生产率指数方法对2000-2010年能源输出和输入大省的能源消费经济绩效、环境绩效变化趋势进行了深入研究,探讨提高能源输出和输入大省能源消费绩效的对策措施。研究结果表明:① 能源输出大省的能源消费绩效未达最优主要受规模效率制约,规模效率和纯技术效率对能源输入大省能源消费绩效未达最优的共同制约比较明显;② 能源输出大省的整体能源消费经济绩效改善落后于能源输入大省,但在环境绩效改善方面能源输出大省整体上强于能源输入大省;③ 技术进步是决定能源输出和输入大省能源消费绩效变化趋势的关键;④ 半数能源输出大省和大部分能源输入大省存在投入冗余现象,基于环境产出投入冗余远高于基于经济产出投入冗余,尤其是能源输入大省。  相似文献   

The traditional data envelopment analysis(DEA), bootstrap-DEA and Malmquist models are employed to measure different tourism efficiencies and their spatial characteristics of 61 cities in six coastal urban agglomerations in eastern China. The following conclusions are drawn.(1) The comprehensive efficiency(CE) of urban tourism using the bootstrap-DEA model is lower than the CE level using the DEA-CRS model, which confirms the significant tendency of the DEA-CRS model to overestimate results.(2) The geometric CE averages of urban tourism in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) and the Pearl River Delta(PRD) have changed from ineffective to effective since 2000, the averages in the Beijing-TianjinHebei(BTH) and the Shandong Peninsula(SDP) have changed from ineffective to moderately effective since 2000, and those in the Central and Southern Liaoning(CSL) and the West Bank of Taiwan Strait(WBTS) have been ineffective since 2000.(3) The CE values of urban tourism in the PRD, the YRD, the BTH and the SDP have been slightly affected by the pure technical efficiency(PTE), whereas the CE values in the CSL and the WBTS have been slightly affected by the scale efficiency(SE) since 2000.(4) Spatially, the range of geometric averages of the total factor productivity(TFP) for the PRD, the YRD, the BTH, the SDP, the WBTS and the CSL has decreased sequentially, while the one for most cities in six urban agglomerations has exhibited a downward trend since 2000.(5) Collectively, the natural conditions, the economic policies and the tourism capital drive the SE change of urban tourism of the CSL and the WBTS. The tourism enterprises for increasing returns to scale and imitating innovative technology have an effect on the CE change of urban tourism in the BTH and the SDP. The tourism market competition drives the PTE change of urban tourism in the PRD and the YRD. Although the PTE and the SE of urban tourism in six coastal urban agglomerations suffer from uncertain events, the  相似文献   

The traditional data envelopment analysis(DEA), bootstrap-DEA and Malmquist models are employed to measure different tourism efficiencies and their spatial characteristics of 61 cities in six coastal urban agglomerations in eastern China. The following conclusions are drawn.(1) The comprehensive efficiency(CE) of urban tourism using the bootstrap-DEA model is lower than the CE level using the DEA-CRS model, which confirms the significant tendency of the DEA-CRS model to overestimate results.(2) The geometric CE averages of urban tourism in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) and the Pearl River Delta(PRD) have changed from ineffective to effective since 2000, the averages in the Beijing-TianjinHebei(BTH) and the Shandong Peninsula(SDP) have changed from ineffective to moderately effective since 2000, and those in the Central and Southern Liaoning(CSL) and the West Bank of Taiwan Strait(WBTS) have been ineffective since 2000.(3) The CE values of urban tourism in the PRD, the YRD, the BTH and the SDP have been slightly affected by the pure technical efficiency(PTE), whereas the CE values in the CSL and the WBTS have been slightly affected by the scale efficiency(SE) since 2000.(4) Spatially, the range of geometric averages of the total factor productivity(TFP) for the PRD, the YRD, the BTH, the SDP, the WBTS and the CSL has decreased sequentially, while the one for most cities in six urban agglomerations has exhibited a downward trend since 2000.(5) Collectively, the natural conditions, the economic policies and the tourism capital drive the SE change of urban tourism of the CSL and the WBTS. The tourism enterprises for increasing returns to scale and imitating innovative technology have an effect on the CE change of urban tourism in the BTH and the SDP. The tourism market competition drives the PTE change of urban tourism in the PRD and the YRD. Although the PTE and the SE of urban tourism in six coastal urban agglomerations suffer from uncertain events, the CE maintained overall sound momentum since 2000.  相似文献   

According to the connotation and structure of science and technology resources and some relevant data of more than 286 cities at prefecture level and above during 2001-2010, using modified method—Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), science and technology (S&T) resource allocation efficiency of different cities in different periods has been figured out, which, uncovers the distributional difference and change law of S&T resource allocation efficiency from the time-space dimension. Based on that, this paper has analyzed and discussed the spatial distribution pattern and evolution trend of S&T resource allocation efficiency in different cities by virtue of the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA). It turned out that: (1) the average of S&T resource allocation efficiency in cities at prefecture level and above has always stayed at low levels, moreover, with repeated fluctuations between high and low, which shows a decreasing trend year by year. Besides, the gap between the East and the West is widening. (2) The asymmetrical distribution of S&T resource allocation efficiency presents a spatial pattern of successively decreasing from Eastern China, Central China to Western China. The cities whose S&T resource allocation efficiency are at higher level and high level take on a cluster distribution, which fits well with the 23 forming urban agglomerations in China. (3) The coupling degree between S&T resource allocation efficiency and economic environment assumes a certain positive correlation, but not completely the same. The differentiation of S&T resource allocation efficiency is common in regional development, whose existence and evolution are directly or indirectly influenced by and regarded as the reflection of many elements, such as geographical location, the natural endowment and environment of S&T resources and so on. (4) In the perspective of the evolution of spatial structure, S&T resource allocation efficiency of the cities at prefecture level and above shows a notable spatial autocorrelation, which in every period presents a positive correlation. The spatial distribution of S&T resource allocation efficiency in neighboring cities seems to be similar in group, which tends to escalate stepwise. Meanwhile, the whole differentiation of geographical space has a diminishing tendency. (5) Viewed from LISA agglomeration map of S&T resource allocation efficiency in different periods, four agglomeration types have changed differently in spatial location and the range of spatial agglomeration. And the continuity of S&T resource allocation efficiency in geographical space is gradually increasing.  相似文献   

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