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中国科学技术信息研究所于2009年11月27日在北京国际会议中心发布《2009年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》,该报告由科学技术文献出版社2009年11月出版。  相似文献   
中国东北地区林地面积变化的动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is plenty of forests in Northeast China which contributes a lot to the conservation of water and land resources, produces timber products, and provides habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants. With changes of socio-economic factors as well as the geophysical conditions, there are dramatic changes on the spatial patterns of forest area. In this sense, it is of great significance to shed light on the dynamics of forest area changes to find the underlining reasons for shaping the changing patterns of forest area in Northeast China. To explore the dynamics of forest area change in Northeast China, an econometric model is developed which is composed of three equations identifying forestry production, conversion from open forest to closed forest and conversion from other land uses to closed forest so as to explore the impacts on the forest area changes from demographic, social, economic, location and geophysical factors. On this basis, we employ the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) model to simulate land-use conversions between forest area and non-forest cover and the land-use conversions within the sub-classes of forest area for the period 2000–2020 under business as usual scenario, environmental protection scenario and economic growth scenario. The simulation results show that forest area will expand continuously and there exist various kinds of changing patterns for the sub-classes of forest area, for example, closed forest will expand continuously and open forest and shrub will decrease a little bit, while area of other forest will keep intact. The research results provide meaningful decision-making information for conserving and exploiting the forest resources and making out the planning for forestry production in the Northeast China region.  相似文献   
Land pressure and adaptation are the main factors determining environmental degradation in most of China’s mountainous regions. Little attention so far has been paid to the adaptation strategies based on evaluation of land pressure in these regions. We evaluated the grain production pressure and economic development pressure for 21 small watersheds undergoing soil conservation measures in the northern mountainous region of China, compared the evaluation results with actual production for each of the watersheds, and analyzed the adaptation strategies. The results imply that land pressure was spatially heterogeneous among the sample watersheds, but there was a balancing trend between land pressure and productive capacity for each watershed. Under rising pressure, these watersheds developed a variety of adaptation strategies such as labor migration, increasing fruit and nut production, and expanding rural tourism if possible. These strategies result from evolution of the market economy in China, and persistent development of the national economy determines the variation of environment in these mountainous regions.  相似文献   
吴传钧先生1918年4月生.1941年毕业于中央大学地理系,1943年获该校硕士学位.1948年获得利物浦大学博士学位.历任中央大学和英国利物浦大学讲师,中国科学院地理研究所研究员、副所长.  相似文献   
中国地理学会百年庆典大会暨2009学术年会于2009年10月17-19日在北京举行.来自国家各部门、国际组织、国内外友好学术团体以及全国各有关地理单位的领导、嘉宾、代表和地理工作者共2000多人出席了17日上午在人民大会堂宴会厅隆重召开的百年庆典大会.  相似文献   
1继续完善了《地理科学进展》在线稿件处理系统在2009年建立的《地理科学进展》在线稿件处理系统平台基础上继续完善了其相关功能并发布了创刊以来的过刊论文,实现了网上投稿处理与发布的一体化,方便了作者和读者。  相似文献   
2008年4月2日,是我国杰出的地理学家、中国科学院资深院士、中国地理学会名誉理事长、国际地理联合会(IGU)原副主席、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员吴传钧先生90华诞。为了全面回顾和系统总结吴先生70多年来对中国现代地理学事业的杰出贡献,弘扬吴先生“治学与创业并重”的人生信念和治学精神,中国地理学会和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所在北京隆重举行了“吴传钧院士九十华诞贺寿座谈会暨人地关系地域系统学术研讨会”。  相似文献   
2008年11月2日.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所组织召开了“居住与城市环境的地理分析”国际学术研讨会。来自城市地理、城市规划、建筑、房地产、城市经济、行为心理学等领域的70余位中日学者和城市管理部门、产业界专家参加了国际学术研讨会。  相似文献   
姚鲁烽  何书金  赵歆 《地理学报》2013,68(3):429-429
2012 年12 月26 日,2012 年《中国学术期刊影响因子年报》和《中国学术期刊国际引证报告(2012 版)》发布会在北京国家会议中心举行.发布会由中国学术期刊(光盘版) 电子杂志社、中国科学文献计量评价研究中心、清华大学图书馆主办.来自全国有关科技期刊编辑部或主办单位的代表1800多人出席了发布会.  相似文献   
地理学时空变化类论文的写作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚鲁烽  何书金  赵歆 《地理学报》2013,68(7):1007-1011
地理要素时空变化研究是地理学论文的重要类型之一。时空变化类论文主要研究各类地理要素的地域分异特征、变化幅度差异、发展演化趋势和主要影响因素。在时空变化研究中,研究内容的系统性、研究范围和时段的选择、使用数据和绘制插图的要求等是论文写作中应注意的主要问题。  相似文献   
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