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正贵州省第三测绘院以铜仁市为研究区域,依托地理国情普查成果,利用现代测绘地理信息技术和高分辨率卫星影像,立足实现市级精准扶贫"五个精准展现",进一步深化研发铜仁市精准扶贫作战图管理系统,助力铜仁市精准扶贫。针对铜仁市精准扶贫管理工作的难点,基于地理国情普查成果,贵州三院将扶贫办精准建档立卡的贫困户  相似文献   

为响应"十三五"扶贫规划,针对"精准扶贫"的内在要求,借助Web GIS技术从贫困对象的调查及贫困信息入库、贫困对象的空间分布特征、贫困户信息查询和帮扶措施的发布4个方面着手研发了精细化扶贫系统,从而服务于四川省武都镇精准扶贫工作的开展。  相似文献   

介绍了基于“天地图·新疆”平台,结合各类扶贫专题数据,综合运用网络技术、云服务技术、WebGIS等技术,服务于新疆扶贫开发工作而搭建起来的新疆精准扶贫管理系统.该系统是将精准扶贫工作与GIS进行有机结合,实现了对各种扶贫专题数据的查询、分析、统计等功能,为落实国家的精准扶贫政策,提升新疆精准扶贫的信息化和智能化水平提供有力的保障.  相似文献   

贫困问题一直是中国政府致力解决的社会问题,随着中国经济的发展,扶贫业绩显著,贫苦人口的分布也转变为"广而散,小而集中",呈现出碎片化分布的特点。针对"精准扶贫"政策实施过程中出现的贫困户精准识别、管理、帮扶、考核、预测等问题,提出了基于GIS的扶贫空间数据可视化、空间分析以及预测模型,对扶贫工作进行更好的规划、决策和预判。为此将GIS技术与"精准扶贫"政策进行了有机的契合,开发了基于GIS的精准扶贫管理平台,通过研究导致贫困的各种因素和障碍,初步对贫困的发展趋势进行预判,达到了可持续脱贫的目标。对贫困户建立的完善的帮扶追踪机制,扶贫监督管理方案,为"全民脱贫"目标奠定技术依托。使得扶贫工作的针对性更强,有效性得到改进,为后期扶贫攻坚打下良好基础。  相似文献   

正在精准扶贫决胜阶段,面对"哪里贫""怎么扶""帮扶效果又怎样"等扶贫工作中的突出问题,需要各级政府创新扶贫工作思路和方法、宏观施策;需要我们测绘地理信息人对扶贫大数据做整合与分析,精准发力。测绘地理信息技术为扶贫攻坚提供了"慧眼"、认清了方向,通过提供直观、多尺度的数据可视化展现方式,精准识别区域性贫困特征,为扶贫帮扶工作提供了不可或缺的测绘地理信息数据支撑保障。  相似文献   

针对精准扶贫档案管理中存在面广量多、地理空间分析少、动态分析不足以及精准扶贫档案展览方式较少等问题,提出了“一张图上综合管理和展示精准扶贫档案”的精准扶贫档案管理与展览解决方案。通过引入地理信息技术的数据管理和空间分析功能,赋予精准扶贫档案位置元素,通过行政区域地理位置与其相联系的精准扶贫档案数据进行联动查询、分析与统计,实现了集档案管理、档案展示、档案分析等功能于一体的精准扶贫档案管理方案。实现精准扶贫档案的数据标准化管理、空间数据分析,创新地理信息技术应用服务精准扶贫档案管理与展示的模式。  相似文献   

正坚持精准扶贫是党中央坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战做出的重大决策部署。现代测绘地理信息作为现代航空航天遥感、基础地理数据与网络信息技术紧密结合的战略性新型技术,可为扶贫攻坚提供"哪里贫""怎么扶""扶贫效果如何"的精准的数据支撑和技术服务。2015年以来,中国测绘科学研究院充分发挥测绘地理信息的优势和特点,依靠自身的人才、装备和技术优势,通过测"精"绘"准"助扶贫,走出了一条测绘服务精准扶贫的科学  相似文献   

正在近年召开的全国地理信息精准扶贫应用现场会上,工作人员现场演示"精准扶贫到户"工作平台,即贵州省国土资源云精准扶贫挂图作战系统,受到各方的充分肯定。精准扶贫作战图系统包括贫困县分布图、贫困人口分布图、贫困户脱贫动态图、增减挂钩易地扶贫搬迁作战图、土地整治就地脱贫作  相似文献   

针对国家发布的592个重点贫困县的扶贫管理与认知,基于MapGIS IGServer平台,聚焦贫困县信息查询、电子问卷、贫困户电子建档、基于数学经济模型的贫困程度评价、空间分析等功能,设计并实现了全国重点贫困县精准扶贫系统,为扶贫管理工作者提供方便快捷的精准扶贫信息查询和辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

正新春时节,山东省国土测绘院派出无人机小组,利用无人机航摄系统在沂南县双堠镇佛住村开展航摄作业。这已是该院为服务精准扶贫,按照更好实现对扶贫对象的精准识别、精准帮扶和精准管理要求,开展的第N次航摄工作。山东省国土测绘院积极投入扶贫攻坚工作,应用最新测绘技术,助力精准扶贫信息化管理,展开多点帮扶,为全面决胜小康社会贡献力量。  相似文献   

张兰兰  吴启明  申朝永  刘芳  陈砚国 《测绘通报》2021,(12):120-123,129
本文以赫章县为例,以乡镇为研究单元,从地形地貌、土地资源、交通条件等方面构建地理空间要素评价指标。并利用地理探测器、地理加权回归模型等方法,从空间的视角科学分析地理空间要素对贫困化空间分布的影响,揭示了贫困程度与资源环境的空间分布规律,为实现因地制宜、精准脱贫,以及巩固脱贫摘帽成果提供了决策参考。  相似文献   

刘吉  孙俊英  李琴  蔡忠亮 《测绘通报》2017,(12):127-130,137
为了在短期内实现贵州省精准扶贫海量数据高效率、高精度的外业采集工作,综合集成GIS技术、GPS技术、网络技术、数据库技术,基于智能移动终端研发了一套易携带、成本低、实时作业的APP外业采集系统,充分利用了APP系统下载即用、操作简单、使用方便、培训快速的优点,实现了对贫困户信息的实时采集、实时更新、实时考核、实时跟踪,大大提高了采集的工作效率,在贵州省国土资源云精准扶贫作战图管理系统项目建设中取得了良好的应用成效,验证了系统的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

界定生态产品概念、探索生态产品的价值,是实现生态保护、生态补偿以及生态扶贫的重要举措。探索县域森林生态系统的资源资产核算,有助于利用良好的森林生态资源,开展林业生态扶贫。本文以国家级贫困县——重庆市城口县为例,初步研究了森林资源资产核算方法,结果表明:1)城口县森林资源资产评估总额达到577886.48万元,远超其年均GDP;2)城口县不同乡镇森林资源资产表现出极大的分布差异,现有树种的资产量分布也极不平衡,栎类总资产达到357133.1万元,占全县所有乔木资产的62.2%;3)城口县森林生态服务价值总计487097.58万元,涵养水源、保育土壤是主要生态服务功能,中熟林与近熟林体现了主要生态服务价值。  相似文献   

Irrigation infrastructure development for smallholder farmers in developing countries increasingly gains attention in the light of domestic food security and poverty alleviation. However, these complex landscapes with small cultivated plots pose a challenge with regard to mapping and monitoring irrigated agriculture. This study presents an object-based approach to map irrigated agriculture in an area in the Central Rift Valley in Ethiopia using SPOT6 imagery. The study is a proof-of-concept that the use of shape, texture, neighbour and location information next to spectral information is beneficial for the classification of irrigated agriculture. The underlying assumption is that the application of irrigation has a positive effect on crop growth throughout the field, following the field's borders, which is detectable in an object-based approach. The type of agricultural system was also mapped, distinguishing smallholder farming and modern large-scale agriculture. Irrigated agriculture was mapped with an overall accuracy of 94% and a kappa coefficient of 0.85. Producer's and user's accuracies were on average 90.6% and 84.2% respectively. The distinction between smallholder farming and large-scale agriculture was identified with an overall accuracy of 95% and a kappa coefficient of 0.88. The classifications were performed at the field level, since the segmentation was able to adequately delineate individual fields. The additional use of object features proved essential for the identification of cropland plots, irrigation period and type of agricultural system. This method is independent of expert knowledge on crop phenology and absolute spectral values. The proposed method is useful for the assessment of spatio-temporal dynamics of irrigated (smallholder) agriculture in complex landscapes and yields a basis for land and water managers on agricultural water use.  相似文献   

Poverty at the national and sub-national level is commonly mapped on the basis of household surveys. Typical poverty metrics like the head count index are not able to identify its underlaying factors, particularly in rural economies based on subsistence agriculture. This paper relates agro-ecological marginality identified from regional and global datasets including remote sensing products like the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and rainfall to rural agricultural production and food consumption in Burkina Faso. The objective is to analyze poverty patterns and to generate a fine resolution poverty map at the national scale. We compose a new indicator from a range of welfare indicators quantified from Georeferenced household surveys, indicating a spatially varying set of welfare and poverty states of rural communities. Next, a local spatial regression is used to relate each welfare and poverty state to the agro-ecological marginality. Our results show strong spatial dependency of welfare and poverty states over agro-ecological marginality in heterogeneous regions, indicating that environmental factors affect living conditions in rural communities. The agro-ecological stress and related marginality vary locally between rural communities within each region. About 58% variance in the welfare indicator is explained by the factors of rural agricultural production and 42% is explained by the factor of food consumption. We found that the spatially explicit approach based on multi-temporal remote sensing products effectively summarizes information on poverty and facilitates further interpretation of the newly developed welfare indicator. The proposed method was validated with poverty incidence obtained from national surveys.  相似文献   

GIS is increasingly used in poverty mapping but there is no generic data model for database development. Examples exist already of industry‐specific models. Having such a data model eases the complexity of incorporating spatial data in poverty assessments. This article raises awareness about the need for a generic poverty data model for use in poverty mapping. It seeks to stimulate a lively debate that will lead to the development and adoption of such a data model. The ultimate goal will be to get to some level of standardization for common data types that would facilitate spatial data use in poverty assessment and sharing among poverty projects. This article is a first step at developing a data model for poverty mapping at a conceptual level. Handling multidimensional social problems, such as poverty, using a spatial framework can be challenging because of the myriad of poverty indicators in use. Employing the entity‐relationship approach, a conceptual model is developed in the current article that identifies the key thematic layers, entities, and relationships. The conceptual model produced is useful for modeling the content of the database for use in assessing and monitoring poverty.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the public participation in environmental planning. After the decade for inaccessible information related to the decision taken, actually, the program of public participation is the reference of all the decision making process. However, there are some factors that limit this process, such as poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and often the social inequality. Therefore, this study focuses first on the benefits of public participation in environmental planning, then the involvement of the local population, and finally the decision making access using a case study of Madagascar.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the public participation in environmental planning. After the decade for inaccessible information related to the decision taken, actually, the program of public parti,cipation is the reference of all the decision making process. However, there are some factors that limit this process, such as poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and often the social inequality. Therefore, this study focuses first on the benefits of public participation in environmental planning, then the involvement of the local population, and finally the decision making access using a case study of Madagascar.  相似文献   

ArcGIS Engine是ArcGIS9中新增的两个突出产品之一,作为面向对象的嵌入式GIS,ArcGIS Engine能用来在一个组织内建立应用,为用户提供有针对性的GIS功能。它包含一个构建定制应用的开发包,使得进行GIS应用开发时彻底脱离了ArcGIS桌面平台,方便了地理信息的开发,也大大节约了开发成本。本文结合某大学校园地理信息系统来阐述利用ArcGIS Engine进行地理信息系统二次开发的原理和方法。  相似文献   

任福  唐旭  胡石元  王琨 《测绘通报》2019,(1):159-164
空间思维是地理科学认知学习与研究的基本思维模式。为满足新媒体融合背景下地理信息科学专业的素质人才培养需求,本文设计了包括地理空间模拟体验、空间信息地图绘读、隐喻信息语义认知和地理系统综合分析等针对空间思维能力训练的教学内容;明晰了地理空间思维在信息感知与整理、隐含信息挖掘、信息表达视觉化、行业服务支撑、空间治理决策等新媒体信息深度挖掘方向上的应用。本文研究有利于本科学生充分利用新媒体学习工具、系统化专业知识体系和提高自身地理空间思维素养,可以为地理信息科学本科专业教学提供有益的探索。  相似文献   

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