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结合气象行业标准《树木年轮气候研究树轮采样规范》(QX/T 90-2008)和树木年轮气候研究多年的实践经验,将树木年轮宽度气候分析中的树木年轮宽度资料采集步骤划分为野外采样、样本预处理、数据获取、数据交叉定年和年表研制。通过对树轮宽度资料采集过程中各个步骤及其质量控制的介绍,希望能为开展树木年轮宽度气候研究提供参考。  相似文献   

由于分布广泛、分辨率高、定年准确和气候敏感性好等原因,树木年轮在重建过去区域、半球甚至全球气候环境变化中扮演着重要角色。天山地处中亚干旱区,气候变化波动大,对全球变化响应敏感,植物生长的干旱胁迫作用强烈,天山山区分布有大量雪岭云杉和西伯利亚落叶松等长龄且对气候敏感的针叶树种,因此天山山区是树轮气候研究的理想区域。天山山区树轮气候研究始于20世纪70年代,尤其是近10 a有了长足的进步,有关天山山区树轮气候研究已经在国际上有一定影响。本文通过综述国内外对天山山区树轮气候研究的现状和进展,总结了近200 a基于树轮资料的天山山区较为一致的气候变化规律,并为进一步开展天山山区树轮气候研究提出建议。天山山区未来树木年轮气候学研究应在开展大量不同区域树木年轮气候学重建基础上,尝试理解树木径向生长对气候的响应机理研究,同时选用不同数理方法和多树木年轮指标进行长时间尺度和大空间范围重建工作,并讨论中亚干旱区过去千年气候变化的影响机制。  相似文献   

随着稳定同位素分析技术的进步和植物生理学研究的发展,稳定同位素在树轮气候研究中扮演着日益重要的角色。本文总结了用于气候分析的树木年轮稳定同位素资料获取与质量控制方法。包括对分析树轮样品的要求、树轮纤维素提取实验流程、树轮同位素的质谱分析方法和稳定碳同位素数据的处理方法等。为树轮稳定同位素实验分析提供参考,便于获得可靠的树轮同位素数据,且能够进行不同实验室之间数据结果的对比,为建立树木年轮同位素网络奠定基础。  相似文献   

通过结合气象行业标准《树木年轮气候研究树轮采样规范》(QX/T 90—2008)和DENDRO 2003树轮密度分析系统的多年使用经验,将树木年轮密度资料采集划分为树轮样本采集、样本处理、数据获取、数据交叉定年、树轮密度年表研制5个步骤。通过对密度资料采集过程中各个步骤的讨论,希望可以为将来制订规范的树轮密度资料采集技术方法提供参考。  相似文献   

高分辨率的树木年轮是记录历史时期气候变化的良好生物载体,在古气候研究中被广泛应用。但年轮宽度与气候因子之间有着复杂的联系,这种关系受气候因子之间的相互制衡和因物种而异的树木生长节律的共同影响。在利用树木年轮开展历史时期气候变化的研究中,剔除树木年轮与年龄相关的生长趋势是准确获取气候信号的先决条件。然而,传统的和相对改进的一些树轮标准化方法在拟合并剔除树龄相关的趋势及非气候干扰信息方面仍存在一些问题。本文利用经验模态分解(EMD)方法进行树轮资料的标准化方法研究, 对已获得的树轮生长序列所记录的信息进行分解,得到一系列不同物理意义的本征模态分量,结合多样本信息的对比及生物学特性,深入解读各分量表征的气候变化、环境干扰及缓慢生长趋势项等不同物理意义,进而剔除非气候信息,得到可以准确反映气候变化的代用序列,并将该方法与目前广泛采用的标准化方法进行对比,分析不同方法的利弊所在,为进一步改进树轮标准化方法提供新思路。  相似文献   

1.中国气象局树木年轮理化研究重点开放实验室坐落在乌鲁术齐市,建筑面积820m2,存有1000余棵树轮标本,配备有国际最先进的年轮读数仪、密度仪、显微照相等实验研究仪器,为国内、亚洲首位,增强了实验室年轮研究技术手段。主要研究方向:树木年轮气候、树木年轮水文、广义树木年轮生态学和树木年轮与环境污染等。  相似文献   

研究气候变化不能光依靠气象要素的观测记录,因为气象记录年代很短,并且不能充分地描述自然气候状况的变化范围。本文试图利用千年树轮宽度变化的古气候信息,例如用美国西部的刺毛果松树(bristlecone pine)的资料,来推测古气候的状况。由于刺毛果松树个别树木的树龄很高,而且还有一些死亡树木至今仍然存在,所以通过交叉定年代(cross dating),就可以得到很长的树轮宽度年表。所谓交叉定年代是指各树轮序列间宽年轮和窄  相似文献   

结合野外采样和使用WinDENDROTM树轮图像分析系统的经验,将树木年轮灰度资料的获取分为野外采样、样本预处理、获取树轮灰度资料、数据格式转换、存储树轮灰度资料、交叉定年、建立树轮灰度年表、气候分析等8个步骤,并对其中的各个环节及质量控制进行了阐述。为日后开展的树轮灰度资料获取工作提供参考。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠地处西风带、高原季风和东亚夏季风尾闾和交汇影响区,不仅是我国气候变化的敏感区,还是我国主要的沙尘源区和运移通道。通过总结分析阿拉善荒漠及周边地区的树木年轮学研究成果,综述了阿拉善荒漠绿洲区河/湖岸林、荒漠灌木、周边山地针叶林等乔灌木树种日-季-年尺度径向生长的主要气候限制因子、年轮记录的过去百余年来气候变化特征及其驱动机制。今后该区域树木年轮研究应更加注重未来气候发展趋势预测,并拓展更多研究树种及树轮指标,将荒漠区乔灌木年轮研究、荒漠周边山地树木年轮研究和荒漠演变过程三者有机地结合起来,为更加全面、深入了解阿拉善荒漠化驱动机制和治理决策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在天山北坡东部森林上限采集雪岭云杉样本,建立了树轮宽度年表和稳定碳同位素序列,采用相关函数分析了树轮宽度与木垒气象站温度和降水的关系,发现这一区域的树轮宽度主要受到水分条件的限制,但由于采样点位于森林上限,温度也限制了树木的生长,导致了树轮宽度记录降水信息能力减弱。树木年轮稳定碳同位素序列反映了工业革命以来,由于化石燃料燃烧,大气CO2浓度增加,大气δ13C降低的事实。将树轮δ13C序列进行校正后与木垒月气象资料的相关分析表明,树轮碳同位素序列与温度和降水的关系较为复杂,可能受到多种因素的共同影响。这一区域森林上限的树轮碳同位素并不是反映气候变化的最好指标。  相似文献   

辽宁省重点灌区的污染特征与环境风险研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对辽宁省污灌区污染现状,分析了沈抚和张士2个重点污灌区的环境风险。结果表明:长期污灌造成土壤、农作物和地下水的严重污染,沈抚灌区人群患病率明显高于对照区,且有逐年增高趋势,其中以肝肿大为主要疾病。张士灌区尿镉水平明显高于对照组,引起人群肾功能损伤。鉴于污灌区环境污染的复杂性与长期性,提出未来加快开展人体健康损害风险评估和区域健康风险研究重点。  相似文献   

Analysing a sample of 3,033 environmental conflicts around the globe, we compared conflicts reporting no human health impacts to those reporting health impacts linked to toxic pollution. Our study suggests four main findings. First, health impacts are a key concern for working-class communities. Second, the long-term effects of toxic pollution undermine communities' ability to act preventively. Third, industrial activities, waste management and nuclear energy conflicts are more likely to report health impacts than other economic activities. Last, mobilising groups are reluctant to consider the closure of a polluting project a successful outcome because of the persistence of toxic pollution across time. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of what we have termed ‘environmental health conflicts’ (EHCs).  相似文献   

Estimating the impacts on PM2.5pollution and CO2emissions by human activities in different urban regions is important for developing efficient policies.In early 2020,China implemented a lockdown policy to contain the spread of COVID-19,resulting in a significant reduction of human activities.This event presents a convenient opportunity to study the impact of human activities in the transportation and industrial sectors on air pollution.Here,we investigate the variations in air quality attributed to the COVID-19 lockdown policy in the megacities of China by combining in-situ environmental and meteorological datasets,the Suomi-NPP/VIIRS and the CO2emissions from the Carbon Monitor project.Our study shows that PM2.5concentrations in the spring of 2020 decreased by 41.87%in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD)and 43.30%in the Pearl River Delta(PRD),respectively,owing to the significant shutdown of traffic and manufacturing industries.However,PM2.5concentrations in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH)region only decreased by 2.01%because the energy and steel industries were not fully paused.In addition,unfavorable weather conditions contributed to further increases in the PM2.5concentration.Furthermore,CO2concentrations were not significantly affected in China during the short-term emission reduction,despite a 19.52%reduction in CO2emissions compared to the same period in 2019.Our results suggest that concerted efforts from different emission sectors and effective long-term emission reduction strategies are necessary to control air pollution and CO2emissions.  相似文献   

沈大高速公路旁粮食和水果中重金属污染特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以沈大高速公路为研究对象,采集高速公路旁种植的粮食和水果样品进行了重金属铅和镉的测定。结果表明:沈大高速公路旁粮食和水果已受到不同程度的铅镉污染,不同作物呈现不同的重金属污染特征。通过对不同处理方式处理后的水果中重金属的分析表明,土壤吸收和大气尘降是农作物中重金属的主要来源。公路交通的铅镉污染仍然是影响路旁农产品质量安全的重要因子之一。  相似文献   

The degradation of air quality, an environmental consequence of anthropogenic activities, poses a challenge to human health. However, the corresponding control measures incur additional costs. This study presents an analysis of the health and socioeconomic benefits of air quality control measures and climate change mitigation. Multidisciplinary modelling was used for PM2.5 and ozone distribution to analyze the co-benefits of end-of-pipe measures and electrification as well as their period-specific impacts on human health and the economy. The results indicated that the long-term impacts of end-of-pipe technologies and electrification in Japan's residential, building, and transportation sectors could reduce premature deaths, caused by PM2.5 and ozone pollution, by 65,500 annually from 2010 to 2050. These technologies could save a per capita work hour loss of 3.64 h and avoid an economic loss of 5.43 billion USD by 2050. This study predicted climate actions would enable western Japan to benefit from PM2.5 control measures, whereas the entire country would benefit from ozone pollution reduction.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the air pollution level of Ankara and to generate the air pollution map of this city by using Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf as a biomonitor. Lichen samples were collected from unpolluted area at Yaprakli Mountains, Cankiri in November 2002 and transplanted to 27 localities in Ankara. Lichen samples were retrieved following an exposure of 3 and 6 months. Heavy metal, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, contents were determined by using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP). The chlorophyll a and b contents were determined by using DMSO method. The increase in Ni, Pb, Zn and chlorophyll a content of the specimens were statistically important. All the increases and decreases in the variables could be explained by the environmental stress like pollution, but it is hard to say that this is the only reason of these changes, also climatic conditions, seasons, strength of the light and the physiological status of the plant itself effective on these changes. According to the results of heavy metal analysis Pseudevernia furfuracea continued to accumulate heavy metals and worked well as a biomonitor. The air pollution level of Ankara shows great variations because of the great area of the city.  相似文献   

基于国家生态环境部发布的环境空气质量监测数据等资料,采取调查研究与量化分析相结合的方法,对关中地区西安、渭南、咸阳、铜川、宝鸡5市空气质量的总体特征和空间差异进行研究.结果表明:颗粒污染物普遍严重超标,其中PM2.5和PM10分别超标91%和77%;空气污染具有明显的季节性,冬季的首要污染物是PM2.5和PM10,夏季的主要污染物是O3;关中空气污染受地形、气象条件和工业排放、采暖、施工、道路扬尘、汽车尾气等人类活动综合影响,大气污染具有相似性,同时表现出一定的差异性.  相似文献   

This paper uses the dataset of Pollution Information Transparency Index covering 113 Chinese cities and the period of 2008–2011 to find out what contributes to different levels of environmental information disclosure across Chinese cities and the correlation between cities’ Pollution Information Transparency Indexes and local pollution. We find that cities whose mayors have longer tenures and PhD degrees are likely to release more environmental information. In addition, the higher the number of internet users and income per capita, the closer a city is to Hong Kong, and the lower a city’s unemployment rate, the greater the level of environmental disclosure is. An efficient local legal system is also found to facilitate information disclosure.We also find that in most cases, high Pollution Information Transparency Indexes are associated with lower pollutant levels and more pollution-control investment, suggesting the effectiveness of China’s environmental disclosure in pollution control. Community pressure for a better environment is shown to reinforce the role of environmental disclosure in pollution reduction. We find no evidence that environmental disclosure improves the efficacy of traditional environmental regulation in pollution control. Nevertheless, different aspects of environmental disclosure vary a lot in their effectiveness in pollution reduction and the results here indicate that inducing cities to respond to public information requests is perhaps the most effective method of pollution control in China.  相似文献   

Marine plastic pollution is caused by humans and has become ubiquitous in the marine environment. Despite the widely acknowledged ecological consequences, the scientific evidence regarding detrimental human health impacts is currently debated, and there is no substantive evidence surrounding public opinion with respect to marine plastic pollution and human health. Results from a 15-country survey (n = 15,179) found that both the European and Australian public were highly concerned about the potential human health impacts of marine plastic pollution, and strongly supported the funding of research which aims to better understand its health/wellbeing implications. Multi-level modelling revealed that these perceptions varied across socio-demographic factors (e.g. gender), political orientation, marine contact factors (e.g. marine occupation and engagement in coastal recreation activities) and personality traits (e.g. openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness). Quantifying attitudes, as well as understanding how individual-level differences shape risk perception will enable policy makers and communicators to develop more targeted communications and initiatives that target a reduction in marine plastic pollution.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems provide a wide range of goods and services that directly and indirectly benefit economies and support human health and wellbeing. However, these ecosystems are vulnerable to anthropogenic influences such as climate change, pollution and habitat destruction. The European Union (EU) recognises the role of the blue economy in providing jobs and contributing to economic growth, with the EU Integrated Maritime Policy being a cross-sectoral framework within which maritime activities are managed and coordinated. Sustainability is a central tenet, ensuring that sectors such as aquaculture and offshore wind energy, which are earmarked for growth, must develop in ways that do not negatively impact the health of the marine environment. However, there is currently little consideration of how these activities might impact public health. The current research used survey data from 14 European countries to explore public perceptions of these issues, broadly focusing on 10 maritime activities, with a specific focus on five activities related to the EU’s 2012 Blue Growth Strategy. The respondents appreciated the interconnections between these maritime activities, environmental protection and public health, as well as the potential trade-offs. Preferences for policy intervention to protect public health from different activities were predicted by both marine contact (marine sector employment, recreational activities) and socio-demographic (political attitudes, gender, age) variables, potentially aiding future engagement and communication initiatives. Substantive differences observed across countries in terms of policy preferences for different activities, however, warn against generalising for the European population as a whole.  相似文献   

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