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塔里木盆地环哈拉哈塘海相油气地球化学特征与成藏   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环哈拉哈塘凹陷是一个油气十分富集的含油气系统,但是各地区油气的性质与分布差异很大.研究认为已发现的原油和天然气均主要来自于O2 3烃源岩.油气性质的差异主要受油气充注成藏的控制.综合研究认为环哈拉哈塘凹陷油气藏主要经历了三期重要成藏期:晚加里东-早海西期油气主要来自满加尔凹陷寒武系烃源岩,原生古油藏中的烃类遭受强烈降解,目前在塔北隆起高部位形成大量残余干沥青;晚海西期,满加尔凹陷内中上奥陶统烃源岩开始大量生烃并在塔北隆起高部位聚集成藏,在海西期末期因遭受生物降解变成稠油;燕山-喜山期,哈拉哈塘凹陷南部及其以南的满加尔凹陷边缘的中上奥陶统烃源岩开始进入大量生液态烃阶段,生成的油气聚集在印支-燕山期之前形成的圈闭中,其中部分地区稠油遭到不同程度的稀释,或者受到强烈的气侵,导致原油出现明显的差异.  相似文献   

中国含油气盆地处于全球(晚期)新构造运动强烈活动区,近年来油气晚期快速成藏成为我国学者关注的热点.本文针对形成于渤中坳陷新构造运动强烈活动带的PL19-3大型油田,围绕油气生成、运移、聚集过程及其晚期快速成藏的识别标志进行了研究,指出新构造运动控制下的快速沉降导致的多生烃凹陷和多层段源岩快速成熟为大型油田晚期快速充注提供了充足的油源;郯庐断裂带与北京-蓬莱断裂带交汇区密集发育的晚期活动断裂和高孔渗性砂体构成了快速运移通道;频繁地震活动引起的断层"地震泵"作用是晚期快速充注的驱动机制.PL19-3油田高地温异常和油藏内温度非均一性,以及流体包裹体均一温度异常是晚期幕式快速充注的识别标志.  相似文献   

潜山构造带是中国东部断陷盆地中一种油气非常富集的构造单元.辽河西部凹陷兴隆台构造带是一个典型的潜山带.兴隆台潜山构造是断块作用下的潜山.受台安-大洼断裂周期活动的影响,兴隆台构造带断裂发育,多期断层纵横交织,成为油气运移的重要通道,油气通过断层呈阶梯式运移,在潜山内部和上覆的第三系不同层段中形成一系列不同类型油气藏,构成复式油气聚集带.兴隆台复式油气聚集带具有多油源供给、多期次充注、不同油源混合等特征.油气运聚具有"多源(多方向)多时期供烃、多渠道输导多层系聚集、多成因圈闭多期次成藏"的复式运聚特点;构成"潜山内幕裂缝型油气藏和潜山浅表层不整合遮挡油气藏"与"披覆断块型和砂岩上倾尖灭型油气藏"的油气藏分布系列.  相似文献   

通过对陆相断陷盆地的形成演化特征的整体剖析和对油气成藏主控因素控油气作用的系统研究,提出了油气网络成藏的新概念.油气网络(路)系指油气自源岩中生成后,在各种动力作用下,顺输导体系向周边运移后的路径在时空中构成的三维立体系统.研究表明,油气网络由四大要素构成,它们分别是形成油气网络的物质来源——烃源灶、聚集油气的网端——圈闭、联接网源与网端的网路——输导体系、促使网路中油气运移的网势——运移动力.与其它形式的网络系统相比,油气网络有3个基本特征:一是油气网络中的物质流动和信息流动在地史过程中不可逆;二是油气网络中物质和信息的流动是以物质损耗和信息损耗为代价;三是存在多种不同类型的运烃运力.各要素在地史过程中同一时期内活跃并联合作用形成油气藏概称为网络成藏作用.网络成藏作用具有3种基本模式,即网源内成藏、网路上成藏、网末端成藏.油气勘探实践中应用网络成藏模式的关键是首先确定主成藏期及主成藏期四大要素的控油气作用范围;然后通过各网络要素叠合作用预测最有利成藏区带;最后通过要素关联机制评价圈闭含油气性并确定钻探目标.论文以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷列举了应用实例.  相似文献   

油气藏形成影响因素多、经历时间长,难以通过直观的手段再现油气运聚过程.侵入渗流数值模型可用于研究地下多孔介质中流体运移特征与规律.在国内外研究的基础上,探索二维、三维模型降维设计思路,把复杂多维模型转化为一维数组,简化计算流程,方便程序设计.采用二叉树排序方法设计了数据结构和计算模块,可以加速搜索进程,减少运移模拟时间.通过加载分形分析软件对模拟结果进行定量标定.应用键式侵入渗流模型讨论了非常规油气成藏过程.低地层倾角产生低浮力效果,低渗透储层造成运移阻力增大,结合大面积供烃过程,形成了形态复杂、分形值高、运移效率低的油气运移路径.常规油藏中储层非均质性与运移动力共同影响,控制储层内部油气分布规律和运移路径形态.算法改进后软件结构清晰,功能完备,同时便于修改和增减模块.键式侵入渗流数值模型可以用于研究成藏机理、分析油气分布规律,具有直观、灵活、科学的特点.  相似文献   

渤海新构造运动及其对晚期油气成藏的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
自中新世晚期(大约5.2 Ma B.P.)以来,渤海海域盆地进入裂后构造活动最活跃的新构造运动时期,致使渤海海域沉降沉积中心迁移、玄武岩喷发、地震频繁活动、深大断裂继承性活动和大量晚期断裂的生成.该期构造运动海域强度明显高于相邻陆域,呈现出幕式活动的特征.在新构造运动的影响和控制作用下,渤海海域含油气盆地形成了一批大型浅层背斜圈闭,油气输导体系得到优化,烃源岩晚期快速生烃,油气幕式充注成藏.本文以PL19-3油气藏为例,初步总结了渤海新构造运动控制油气晚期快速动态成藏的模式.  相似文献   

在油气勘探领域,沉积岩一直是研究的热点和焦点,对火成岩国内外均较少涉及且普遍认为它对油气的生成和聚集成藏有破坏作用.随着研究的进展,人们发现,岩浆侵入和喷出活动对油气成藏具有重要的作用,而且,岩浆岩本身还可能是很好的油气储层.研究表明,由岩浆侵入和喷出带来的热所形成的热场(岩浆热场)与油气成藏的关系几乎是全方位的,它几乎参与了油气生成、演化的全过程,既有有利于油气成藏的积极的一面,也有破坏油气成藏的消极的一面.大体表现在下述5个方面:(1)岩浆热场不仅可以造成围岩的变质和变形,其所带来的大量热和流体对油气的生成、运移、聚集以及油气藏的形成与保存有明显影响.(2)岩浆热场提高了有机质的热演化程度,使生油门限变浅,使烃源岩达到高成熟或过成熟,使烃源岩中残余有机质丰度降低.岩浆热场提高了盆地的地温梯度,使原本成熟度低的烃源岩达到生油窗的温度范围,促进生烃作用进程,加速烃源岩的热成熟,并为油气运移和聚集提供了运移通道、储集空间、封盖遮挡条件和圈闭构造,有利于油气的运移、聚集和成藏.岩浆热场带来的流体主要是由多元组分构成的超临界流体,其上升、对流、循环可使热场范围内的物质与能量发生调整和再分配.在流体上升过程中,可萃取、富集沉积物中的分散有机质,对生烃产生显著的加氢作用,从而为油气的形成补充物源.流体还能与围岩储层发生反应,改善储层的孔渗条件,有利于油气的聚集成藏,抑制烃类的热裂解.(3)岩浆热场还与非常规油气(页岩气、天然气水合物、煤层气等)有关.岩浆热场的作用主要是使泥页岩成熟度提高,岩浆侵入造成的构造压力使泥页岩产生大量裂缝,提高了泥页岩的有机孔隙度以及泥岩对页岩气的吸附力,使位于岩浆热场中的泥页岩生烃强度大、储集性好、吸附能力强,成为页岩气有利的富集区.(4)有机的煤、油、气与无机的金属相伴成矿(成藏)是最具吸引力的.油气田中常伴有各种金属元素,当含上述元素的热液与有机质相遇时,会促使有机质向烃类物质转化.有机与无机矿床(藏)时空上的密切联系,说明有机-无机质相互作用是多种能源矿产共存成藏(矿)的重要因素.有机油、气、煤所具有的吸附作用、还原环境和络合作用对无机铅锌金铜铀的沉淀、富集和成矿有利;同样,在烃类生成过程中,无机组分有时也具有催化剂的作用,也能使有机碳更多的与氢结合生成更多的烃类.(5)岩浆热场还是一把双刃剑,对油气成藏既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面.研究表明,油气大量生成和运移时期以前发生的岩浆活动对油气藏保存无不利影响,油气生成运移期或其以后的岩浆活动,则有可能对油气藏起明显的破坏作用.新形成的高温热场可能吞噬和破坏储油层及其结构,使油气向上散逸.此外,高温岩浆侵入生油层后,还会对周围生油母质及生成的油气进行烘烤使之炭化.  相似文献   

含油气盆地作为地球系统中相对稳定的克拉通块体,从早期烃源岩发育环境、油气形成、储层溶蚀改造到油气聚集或者破坏都受到地球系统演化的影响.深部流体作为联系盆地内、外因素的纽带,以有机-无机相互作用的方式贯穿了油气形成和聚集的全过程.深部流体携带的营养物质促进了成烃生物的勃发和碳氢源的额外补充,有利于优质烃源岩的发育和提高烃源岩生烃潜力,其携带的能量促进了烃源岩早熟和高成熟烃源活化加氢生烃.深部富CO_2流体对碳酸盐岩、碎屑岩储层的溶蚀改造,改善了深层储集体空间,使得油气储集空间向更深延伸.深部超临界CO_2对深层滞留原油的萃取和泥页岩中CH_4的驱替,提高了深层和致密储层中烃类流动性.同时,深部流体携带的物质(C、H、催化物质)和能量不仅能够促使费托合成无机CH_4,促使有机质热演化生烃形成"热液石油",而且也能使得有机来源的原油发生热蚀变.因此,从地球层圈相互作用的视角看,深部流体不仅对沉积盆地输入了大量的外源C和H,改善了油气赋存空间,而且也提高了油气富集聚集效率.  相似文献   

断裂本身不能作为好的油气圈闭,沿断裂带垂向运移的烃类流体必须要向两盘砂体侧向分流,进入合适的储集空间才能够最终聚集成藏.但目前对于断裂-砂体耦合的复式输导体系研究相对较少,无法合理解释油田勘探中断裂两盘或断裂同一盘不同砂层之间油气富集程度差异较大的原因,成为制约目前断陷盆地油气精细勘探的"瓶颈".本文在断裂-砂体平面、剖面配置类型系统分析的基础上,阐述了断裂-砂体耦合运移油气的机理,并系统总结了7方面影响油气侧向分流的因素:盖层、断裂及砂体优势运移通道、断裂带诱导裂缝的发育程度、断裂-砂体接触面积、断裂和砂体间渗透率差异、砂体层间非均质性和砂体是否存在泄水通道.最后指出了目前断裂-砂体耦合侧向分流油气研究中存在的3方面主要问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

烃源岩的热演化、盖层的封闭性动态演化均受构造演化控制.中国南方海相层系经历了多期构造事件的叠加改造,明确控制源盖动态演化的关键构造事件,对保存条件有效性研究具有重要意义.从南方海相层系埋藏史类型、海相烃源岩的生烃过程、盖层的封闭性演化、油气藏保存和古油藏破坏与J3-K1构造事件的关系,论述了J3-K1构造事件对南方海相源盖成藏要素的控制作用.结果表明,J3-K1期间持续沉降埋深的地区,海相烃源岩长期持续生烃,生烃结束时间相对较晚,上覆盖层封闭性不断加强,油气得以保存.J3-K1期间遭受挤压变形、褶皱冲断、抬升剥蚀的地区,形成了早抬型埋藏史类型、海相烃源岩的生烃过程在J3-K1期间终止(或中止)、盖层封闭性减弱或被剥蚀殆尽,海相油气的保存条件遭受破坏.中国南方海相油气勘探的战略选区方向为J3-K1期间持续埋深沉降的地区.  相似文献   

Electronic probe microanalysis(EPMA) results of reservoir calcite cement from fourteen core samples in the Junggar Basin show that Mn-content varies largely between different samples from below the detect limitation to 4.14%,while it displays a generally good correlation with oil-gas shows.This,therefore,likely indicates that concentration of the Mn-content of the calcite cement has a close rela-tion to the intensity of petroleum fluid charging during hydrocarbon secondary migration.In order to assess this hypothesis,oxygen and strontium isotopic measurements on sixteen calcite veins host in source sequences were carried out to investigate the feature of the oil-source petroleum fluid.Analytical results imply that during hydrocarbon generation and migration,deep hot fluid has dissolved volcanic minerals interlined between mudstone source rocks.As Mn is a kind of typical trace element enriched in volcanic rocks,it is reasonable to conclude that the petroleum fluid formed in the source sequences would be Mn-rich.Consequently,calcite cements precipitated from such Mn-rich petroleum fluid would be Mn-rich accordingly.Due to the geologic chromatographic effect during migration along reservoir rocks,the decreasing of the Mn-content of the reservoir calcite cements indicates the migration direction.Then,this novel geotracer was further successfully applied in the study of hydrocarbon migration in the Junggar Basin in combination with organic geochemical analyses during the hydrocarbon migration.The Mn content of the reservoir calcite cement appears promising as a novel inorganic geotracer for the petroleum migration.This paper represents a search for novel indicators of secondary petroleum migration in tectonically complex basins based on fundamentals of the reservoir fluid-rock interactions.  相似文献   

A large-scale fluid flow and solute transport model was developed for the crystalline bedrock at Olkiluoto Island, Finland, which is considered as potential deep geological repository for spent nuclear fuel. Site characterization showed that the main flow pathways in the low-permeability crystalline bedrock on the island are 13 subhorizontal fracture zones. Compared to other sites investigated in the context of deep disposal of spent nuclear fuel, most deep boreholes drilled at Olkiluoto are not packed-off but are instead left open. These open boreholes intersect the main fracture zones and create hydraulic connections between them, thus modifying groundwater flow. The combined impact of fracture zones and open boreholes on groundwater flow is simulated at the scale of the island. The modeling approach couples a geomodel that represents the fracture zones and boreholes with a numerical model that simulates fluid flow and solute transport. The geometry of the fracture zones that are intersected by boreholes is complex, and the 3D geomodel was therefore constructed with a tetrahedral mesh. The geomodel was imported into the numerical model to simulate a pumping test conducted on Olkiluoto Island. The pumping test simulation demonstrates that fracture-borehole intersections must be accurately discretized, because they strongly control groundwater flow. The tetrahedral mesh provides an accurate representation of these intersections. The calibrated flow model was then used for illustrative scenarios of radionuclide migration to show the impact of fracture zones on solute transport once the boreholes were backfilled. These mass transport simulations constitute base cases for future predictive analyses and sensitivity studies, since they represent key processes to take into consideration for repository performance assessment.  相似文献   

The results of 3D numerical simulation of coupled flow and transport processes of light-waste migration in heterogeneous aquifer with brine are described. The study is based on the geological data and monitoring of deep-well injection of liquid waste at Chepetsk Mechanical Plant (ChMZ, Glazov). The buoyancy of light waste is simulated for the post-injection period of 300 years using different conceptual models of heterogeneity. The procedure of 3D geostatistical simulation based on transition probability analysis with TSIM code of the reservoir heterogeneity is presented. The results of the ascending waste migration simulation using SEAWAT2000 code indicate that both the variable fluid density and the hydraulic heterogeneity must be considered in the forecast models for determining the possible waste distribution during the injection and the post injection periods.  相似文献   

主动底辟盐构造的二维离散元模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
盐岩底辟构造是一类与油气藏关系极为密切的构造类型,是当前国外构造地质研究和油气勘探的热点.目前盐岩底辟构造的研究仍处于描述性阶段,对盐及其相关构造动力学演化的研究还很薄弱.对于油气而言,盐岩底辟构造既提供了油气运移的驱动力和运移通道,又可以产生丰富的圈闭.离散元模拟是构造地质地球物理研究中一种新的动力学模拟方法,作者通过构建离散元模型,模拟了主动底辟盐构造断裂系统的演化过程,结果表明,该断裂系统的发育主要经历了对称变形、不对称变形、整体破裂三个阶段.研究结果揭示了盐岩底辟构造的动力学演化过程,有利于提高对盐岩底辟构造相关油气藏的勘探和预测.  相似文献   

Taking the hydrocarbon source rocks of Ordovician, Lower Paleozoic in the Ordos Basin as the main research object, the characteristics of petroleum geological dynamics about geohistory, geothermal history, hydrocarbon generation history and hydrocarbon expulsion history were studied by using the methods of basin numerical modeling dynamically and pool-forming dynamics. It is shown that the Ordovician strata had entirely undergone five stages of initial deposition, uplift and erosion, rapid subsidence, alternating uplift and subsidence, and differential uplift and erosion; that under the background of lower heat flow on the whole, the paleoheat flow of Ordovician strata in the basin could be divided into two large stages of relatively high heat flow values period before Cretaceous deposition and relatively low ones after it; that the thermal evolution of organic matters in the hydrocarbon source rocks of Ordovician had entered into high mature-postmature stage on the whole and the intensity of gas generated was greater than that of oil generated, the hydrocarbon being mainly natural gas; and that the curves of the intensity of oil and gas expulsion at each time unit showed the feature of multi-peak-type, the accumulative intensity of gas expulsion was greater than that of oil expulsion. Thus natural gas exploration potential is good.  相似文献   

Most of petroliferous sedimentary basins in China have experienced multiple phases of tectonic evolution and deposition, and are characterized by tectonic and depositional superimposition. The term "superimposed basin" is suggested to describe those basins which consist of two or more simple prototype basins superimposing vertically and/or coalescing laterally. The characteristics of petroliferous superimposed basins are "multiple stages of basin forming and reworking, multiple layers of source rocks, multiple periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, multiple periods of petroleum migration-accumulation-escape". Therefore,applying the wave process analysis method to studying the process of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation, and reservoir formation, and then establishing theory of "petroleum accumulation system" is helpful to enhancing petroleum exploration efficiency in superimposed basins.This paper will, based on case study in the Tarim basin, report the major developments in studying basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and petroleum accumulation. In study of basin formation, (1) geophysical comprehensive profiles reveal that the Tarim plate has been subducted beneath the Tianshan orogenic belt with an interfinger structure and that the deep structure in the eastern section of the Tianshan orogenic belt is different from that in the western section. (2) The vertical variation in debris and geochemical composition reveals the nature and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution history of the Kuqa Depression. (3) Field investigation and paleostress reconstruction show that the Kuqa Depression has undergone gravity-driven extension in sedimentary cover when the Tianshan uplifted vertically. In hydrocarbon generation study, new developments include (1) setting environmental index to judge high grade source rocks in marine carbonates, and (2) establishing the lower limit of the organic carbon content for effective carbonate source rocks. In petroleum accumulation study, (1) methods of determining paleopressure and paleotemperature of forming fluid inclusions have been established. (2) The petroleum source analysis has indicated that the crude oil in the Lunnan and Tahe oilfields are derived from the source rocks of the Middle and Upper Ordovician. (3) Three generations of oil inclusions from the Lunnan oilfield have been recognized and dated.  相似文献   

针对地下工程领域隧道超前预报地震波波场传播与成像中存在的问题,通过数值模拟,构建二维含低速异常的隧道介质模型,研究隧道弹性波场传播规律和异常体边界成像准确性.首先,利用一阶速度-应力波动方程和高阶交错网格有限差分计算方法,导出隧道超前预报数值模拟的稳定性条件和边界条件,对上述隧道模型进行数值模拟,识别波场特征;其次,利用叠前逆时偏移成像方法,对压制噪音干扰后的波场在互相关成像条件下,对隧道模型中的异常体边界进行逆时偏移成像.研究结果表明:采用高阶交错网格有限差分正演获得异常体边界清晰的反射波和角点产生的散射波;逆时偏移算法获得隧道内异常体准确成像结果,从而大大提高隧道超前预报的分辨率与准确性;靠近掌子面单一震源、多道接收观测系统对异常体成像效果最佳,为隧道内高效数据采集提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.  相似文献   

Flow and displacement of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media occurs in many subsurface systems, related to underground natural resource recovery and storage projects, as well as environmental remediation schemes. A thorough understanding of non-Newtonian fluid flow through porous media is of fundamental importance in these engineering applications. Considerable progress has been made in our understanding of single-phase porous flow behavior of non-Newtonian fluids through many quantitative and experimental studies over the past few decades. However, very little research can be found in the literature regarding multi-phase non-Newtonian fluid flow or numerical modeling approaches for such analyses.For non-Newtonian fluid flow through porous media, the governing equations become nonlinear, even under single-phase flow conditions, because effective viscosity for the non-Newtonian fluid is a highly nonlinear function of the shear rate, or the pore velocity. The solution for such problems can in general only be obtained by numerical methods.We have developed a three-dimensional, fully implicit, integral finite difference simulator for single- and multi-phase flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous/fractured media. The methodology, architecture and numerical scheme of the model are based on a general multi-phase, multi-component fluid and heat flow simulator — TOUGH2. Several rheological models for power-law and Bingham non-Newtonian fluids have been incorporated into the model. In addition, the model predictions on single- and multi-phase flow of the power-law and Bingham fluids have been verified against the analytical solutions available for these problems, and in all the cases the numerical simulations are in good agreement with the analytical solutions. In this presentation, we will discuss the numerical scheme used in the treatment of non-Newtonian properties, and several benchmark problems for model verification.In an effort to demonstrate the three-dimensional modeling capability of the model, a three-dimensional, two-phase flow example is also presented to examine the model results using laboratory and simulation results existing for the three-dimensional problem with Newtonian fluid flow.  相似文献   

Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.  相似文献   

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