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X-C Zhang 《Climatic change》2007,84(3-4):337-363
Spatial downscaling of climate change scenarios can be a significant source of uncertainty in simulating climatic impacts on soil erosion, hydrology, and crop production. The objective of this study is to compare responses of simulated soil erosion, surface hydrology, and wheat and maize yields to two (implicit and explicit) spatial downscaling methods used to downscale the A2a, B2a, and GGa1 climate change scenarios projected by the Hadley Centre’s global climate model (HadCM3). The explicit method, in contrast to the implicit method, explicitly considers spatial differences of climate scenarios and variability during downscaling. Monthly projections of precipitation and temperature during 1950–2039 were used in the implicit and explicit spatial downscaling. A stochastic weather generator (CLIGEN) was then used to disaggregate monthly values to daily weather series following the spatial downscaling. The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model was run for a wheat–wheat–maize rotation under conventional tillage at the 8.7 and 17.6% slopes in southern Loess Plateau of China. Both explicit and implicit methods projected general increases in annual precipitation and temperature during 2010–2039 at the Changwu station. However, relative climate changes downscaled by the explicit method, as compared to the implicit method, appeared more dynamic or variable. Consequently, the responses to climate change, simulated with the explicit method, seemed more dynamic and sensitive. For a 1% increase in precipitation, percent increases in average annual runoff (soil loss) were 3–6 (4–10) times greater with the explicit method than those with the implicit method. Differences in grain yield were also found between the two methods. These contrasting results between the two methods indicate that spatial downscaling of climate change scenarios can be a significant source of uncertainty, and further underscore the importance of proper spatial treatments of climate change scenarios, and especially climate variability, prior to impact simulation. The implicit method, which applies aggregated climate changes at the GCM grid scale directly to a target station, is more appropriate for simulating a first-order regional response of nature resources to climate change. But for the site-specific impact assessments, especially for entities that are heavily influenced by local conditions such as soil loss and crop yield, the explicit method must be used.  相似文献   

Summary The crop model CERES-Wheat in combination with the stochastic weather generator were used to quantify the effect of uncertainties in selected climate change scenarios on the yields of winter wheat, which is the most important European cereal crop. Seven experimental sites with the high quality experimental data were selected in order to evaluate the crop model and to carry out the climate change impact analysis. The analysis was based on the multi-year crop model simulations run with the daily weather series prepared by the stochastic weather generator. Seven global circulation models (GCMs) were used to derive the climate change scenarios. In addition, seven GCM-based scenarios were averaged in order to derive the average scenario (AVG). The scenarios were constructed for three time periods (2025, 2050 and 2100) and two SRES emission scenarios (A2 and B1). The simulated results showed that: (1) Wheat yields tend to increase (40 out of 42 applied scenarios) in most locations in the range of 7.5–25.3% in all three time periods. In case of the CCSR scenario that predicts the most severe increase of air temperature, the yields would be reduced by 9.6% in 2050 and by 25.8% in 2100 if the A2 emission scenario would become reality. Differences between individual scenarios are large and statistically significant. Particularly for the time periods 2050 and 2100 there are doubts about the trend of the yield shifts. (2) The site effect was caused by the site-specific soil and climatic conditions. Importance of the site influence increases with increasing severity of imposed climatic changes and culminates for the emission scenario A2 and the time period 2100. The sustained tendency benefiting two warmest sites has been found as well as more positive response to the changed climatic conditions of the sites with deeper soil profiles. (3) Temperature variability proved to be an important factor and influenced both mean and standard deviation of the yields. Change of temperature variability by more than 25% leads to statistically significant changes in yield distribution. The effect of temperature variability decreases with increased values of mean temperature. (4) The study proved that the application of the AVG scenarios – despite possible objections of physical inconsistency – might be justifiable and convenient in some cases. It might bring results comparable to those derived from averaging outputs based on number of scenarios and provide more robust estimate than the application of only one selected GCM scenario.  相似文献   

在气候影响研究中引入随机天气发生器的方法和不确定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用不同的随机天气发生器生成一定气候背景下各种气候变率情景,许多学者在最近的研究中已经认识到气候变率对农作物生长发育影响的重要性。传统的气候影响评估方法直接以大气环流模式的模拟试验结果作为未来气候情景,这样不可能理解如上的重要性。本文着重评述将随机天气发生器应用于气候变化影响研究的一般方法框架,以及作者的具体个例研究方法。文中最后分析了目前该领域研究中还存在的一些不确定性。 在当前的气候变化影响研究中,有不同的方法用来研制一种称为WGEN的典型随机天气发生器的参数化方案及其随机试验方法。不同的研究者也有不同的参数调控方法。通常的思路是通过气候控制试验和2×CO2试验之间的气候变量平均值和方差的变化来扰动随机天气发生器的参数,以生成未来逐日气候变化情景。本文作者根据短期气候预测模式的输出产品建立了一套WGEN的参数化方案及其随机试验方法,并且在时间和空间两个尺度上检验和评估了此参数化方案下WGEN的模拟能力。另外,作者由未来降水的变化,调试随机天气发生器参数,生成了气候变率变化情景。这些参数调节可以产生各种不同类型和定性大小的气候变率变化,用于气候影响评估的敏感性分析。通过如上方法,作为一个个例,文中评估了未来气候变率变化  相似文献   

De Li Liu  Heping Zuo 《Climatic change》2012,115(3-4):629-666
This paper outlines a new statistical downscaling method based on a stochastic weather generator. The monthly climate projections from global climate models (GCMs) are first downscaled to specific sites using an inverse distance-weighted interpolation method. A bias correction procedure is then applied to the monthly GCM values of each site. Daily climate projections for the site are generated by using a stochastic weather generator, WGEN. For downscaling WGEN parameters, historical climate data from 1889 to 2008 are sorted, in an ascending order, into 6 climate groups. The WGEN parameters are downscaled based on the linear and non-linear relationships derived from the 6 groups of historical climates and future GCM projections. The overall averaged confidence intervals for these significant linear relationships between parameters and climate variables are 0.08 and 0.11 (the range of these parameters are up to a value of 1.0) at the observed mean and maximum values of climate variables, revealing a high confidence in extrapolating parameters for downscaling future climate. An evaluation procedure is set up to ensure that the downscaled daily sequences are consistent with monthly GCM output in terms of monthly means or totals. The performance of this model is evaluated through the comparison between the distributions of measured and downscaled climate data. Kruskall-Wallis rank (K-W) and Siegel-Tukey rank sum dispersion (S-T) tests are used. The results show that the method can reproduce the climate statistics at annual, monthly and daily time scales for both training and validation periods. The method is applied to 1062 sites across New South Wales (NSW) for 9 GCMs and three IPCC SRES emission scenarios, B1, A1B and A2, for the period of 1900–2099. Projected climate changes by 7 GCMs are also analyzed for the A2 emission scenario based on the downscaling results.  相似文献   

Our central goal is to determine the importance of including both mean and variability changes in climate change scenarios in an agricultural context. By adapting and applying a stochastic weather generator, we first tested the sensitivity of the CERES-Wheat model to combinations of mean and variability changes of temperature and precipitation for two locations in Kansas. With a 2°C increase in temperature with daily (and interannual) variance doubled, yields were further reduced compared to the mean only change. In contrast, the negative effects of the mean temperature increase were greatly ameliorated by variance decreased by one-half. Changes for precipitation are more complex, since change in variability naturally attends change in mean, and constraining the stochastic generator to mean change only is highly artificial. The crop model is sensitive to precipitation variance increases with increased mean and variance decreases with decreased mean. With increased mean precipitation and a further increase in variability Topeka (where wheat cropping is not very moisture limited) experiences decrease in yield after an initial increase from the 'mean change only case. At Goodland Kansas, a moisture-limited site where summer fallowing is practiced, yields are decreased with decreased precipitation, but are further decreased when variability is further reduced. The range of mean and variability changes to which the crop model is sensitive are within the range of changes found in regional climate modeling (RegCM) experiments for a CO2 doubling (compared to a control run experiment). We then formed two types of climate change scenarios based on the changes in climate found in the control and doubled CO2 experiments over the conterminous U. S. of RegCM: (1) one using only mean monthly changes in temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation; and (2) another that included these mean changes plus changes in daily (and interannual) variability. The scenarios were then applied to the CERES-Wheat model at four locations (Goodland, Topeka, Des Moines, Spokane) in the United States. Contrasting model responses to the two scenarios were found at three of the four sites. At Goodland, and Des Moines mean climate change increased mean yields and decreased yield variability, but the mean plus variance climate change reduced yields to levels closer to their base (unchanged) condition. At Spokane mean climate change increased yields, which were somewhat further increased with climate variability change. Three key aspects that contribute to crop response are identified: the marginality of the current climate for crop growth, the relative size of the mean and variance changes, and timing of these changes. Indices for quantifying uncertainty in the impact assessment were developed based on the nature of the climate scenario formed, and the magnitude of difference between model and observed values of relevant climate variables.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the performance of two mainstream downscaling techniques: statistical and dynamical downscaling and to compare the differences in their projection of future climate change and the resultant impact on wheat crop yields for three locations across New South Wales, Australia. Bureau of Meteorology statistically- and CSIRO dynamically-downscaled climate, derived or driven by the CSIRO Mk 3.5 coupled general circulation model, were firstly evaluated against observed climate data for the period 1980–1999. Future climate projections derived from the two downscaling approaches for the period centred on 2055 were then compared. A stochastic weather generator, LARS-WG, was used in this study to derive monthly climate changes and to construct climate change scenarios. The Agricultural Production System sIMulator-Wheat model was then combined with the constructed climate change scenarios to quantify the impact of climate change on wheat grain yield. Statistical results show that (1) in terms of reproducing the past climate, statistical downscaling performed better over dynamical downscaling in most of the cases including climate variables, their mean, variance and distribution, and study locations, (2) there is significant difference between the two downscaling techniques in projected future climate change except the mean value of rainfall across the three locations for most of the months; and (3) there is significant difference in projected wheat grain yields between the two downscaling techniques at two of the three locations.  相似文献   

This study extends a stochastic downscaling methodology to generation of an ensemble of hourly time series of meteorological variables that express possible future climate conditions at a point-scale. The stochastic downscaling uses general circulation model (GCM) realizations and an hourly weather generator, the Advanced WEather GENerator (AWE-GEN). Marginal distributions of factors of change are computed for several climate statistics using a Bayesian methodology that can weight GCM realizations based on the model relative performance with respect to a historical climate and a degree of disagreement in projecting future conditions. A Monte Carlo technique is used to sample the factors of change from their respective marginal distributions. As a comparison with traditional approaches, factors of change are also estimated by averaging GCM realizations. With either approach, the derived factors of change are applied to the climate statistics inferred from historical observations to re-evaluate parameters of the weather generator. The re-parameterized generator yields hourly time series of meteorological variables that can be considered to be representative of future climate conditions. In this study, the time series are generated in an ensemble mode to fully reflect the uncertainty of GCM projections, climate stochasticity, as well as uncertainties of the downscaling procedure. Applications of the methodology in reproducing future climate conditions for the periods of 2000–2009, 2046–2065 and 2081–2100, using the period of 1962–1992 as the historical baseline are discussed for the location of Firenze (Italy). The inferences of the methodology for the period of 2000–2009 are tested against observations to assess reliability of the stochastic downscaling procedure in reproducing statistics of meteorological variables at different time scales.  相似文献   

This paper addresses deficiencies of stochastic Weather Generators (WGs) in terms of reproduction of low-frequency variability and extremes, as well as the unanticipated effects of changes to precipitation occurrence under climate change scenarios on secondary variables. A new weather generator (named IWG) is developed in order to resolve such deficiencies and improve WGs performance. The proposed WG is composed of three major components, including a stochastic rainfall model able to reproduce realistic rainfall series containing extremes and inter-annual monthly variability, a multivariate daily temperature model conditioned to the rainfall occurrence, and a suitable multi-variate monthly generator to fit the low-frequency variability of daily maximum and minimum temperature series. The performance of IWG was tested by comparing statistical characteristics of the simulated and observed weather data, and by comparing statistical characteristics of the simulated runoff outputs by a daily rainfall-runoff model fed by the generated and observed weather data. Furthermore, IWG outputs are compared with those of the well-known LARS-WG weather generator. The tested characteristics are a variety of different daily statistics, low-frequency variability, and distribution of extremes. It is concluded that the performance of the IWG is acceptable, better than LARS-WG in the majority of tests, especially in reproduction of extremes and low-frequency variability of weather and runoff series.  相似文献   

Statistical downscaling is based on the fact that the large-scale climatic state and regional/local physiographic features control the regional climate. In the present paper, a stochastic weather generator is applied to seasonal precipitation and temperature forecasts produced by the International Research Institute for Climate and Society(IRI). In conjunction with the GLM(generalized linear modeling) weather generator, a resampling scheme is used to translate the uncertainty in the seasonal forecasts(the IRI format only specifies probabilities for three categories: below normal, near normal, and above normal) into the corresponding uncertainty for the daily weather statistics. The method is able to generate potentially useful shifts in the probability distributions of seasonally aggregated precipitation and minimum and maximum temperature, as well as more meaningful daily weather statistics for crop yields, such as the number of dry days and the amount of precipitation on wet days. The approach is extended to the case of climate change scenarios, treating a hypothetical return to a previously observed drier regime in the Pampas.  相似文献   

随机天气模型参数化方案的研究及其模拟能力评估   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
文中介绍了随机天气模型 WGEN的基本结构及其模拟原理 ,并针对其中随机过程的统计结构特征和 GCMs输出要素的不同时空尺度特点 ,利用动态数据的参数化分析方法等统计学技术 ,确定了该模型参数的估计方法。同时基于蒙特卡罗数值计算原理 ,给出了 WGEN的随机试验方法 ,并通过模拟基准气候 ,从时间分布和空间场两方面对模型在中国东北地区的模拟效果及其能力进行了评估。结果表明 ,模型对于最高气温、最低气温、降水和辐射等要素均具有较好的模拟效果 ,模拟序列与观测序列的取值分布有较一致的概率特性。由此可以结合 GCMs大尺度网格上输出的月和年要素值 ,通过调控随机过程的参数 ,生成具有不同气候变率的 2× CO2 逐日气候变化情景 ,实现气候预测模式与气候影响模式的嵌套 ,进一步研究气候变率变化的可能影响。  相似文献   

针对目前大气环流模式在用于气候变化影响评估研究中时间分辨率较低的局恨性, 以及气候情景的要求和气候变化影响研究的需要, 结合GCM的模拟试验结果, 利用随机天气模式WGEN生成了中国东北地区未来气候变化的逐日情景, 其中包含了可能的气候变率信息, 可与作物动力模式等气候影响模式嵌套, 研究作物生长发育及其产量的可能变化, 及气候变率变化的可能影响等.  相似文献   

Here we simulate dryland agriculture in the United States in order to assess potential future agricultural production under a set of general circulation model (GCM)-based climate change scenarios. The total national production of three major grain crops—corn, soybeans, and winter wheat—and two forage crops—alfalfa and clover hay—is calculated for the actual present day core production area (CPA) of each of these crops. In general, higher global mean temperature (GMT) reduces production and higher atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) increases production. Depending on the climatic change scenarios employed overall national production of the crops studied changes by up to plus or minus 25% from present-day levels. Impacts are more significant regionally, with crop production varying by greater than ±50% from baseline levels. Analysis of currently possible production areas (CPPAs) for each crop indicates that the regions most likely to be affected by climate change are those on the margins of the areas in which they are currently grown. Crop yield variability was found to be primarily influenced by local weather and geographic features rather than by large-scale changes in climate patterns and atmospheric composition. Future US agronomic potential will be significantly affected by the changes in climate projected here. The nature of the crop response will depend primarily on to what extent precipitation patterns change and also on the degree of warming experienced.  相似文献   

Regional climate models (RCMs) have been increasingly used for climate change studies at the watershed scale. However, their performance is strongly dependent upon their driving conditions, internal parameterizations and domain configurations. Also, the spatial resolution of RCMs often exceeds the scales of small watersheds. This study developed a two-step downscaling method to generate climate change projections for small watersheds through combining a weighted multi-RCM ensemble and a stochastic weather generator. The ensemble was built on a set of five model performance metrics and generated regional patterns of climate change as monthly shift terms. The stochastic weather generator then incorporated these shift terms into observed climate normals and produced synthetic future weather series at the watershed scale. This method was applied to the Assiniboia area in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. The ensemble led to reduced biases in temperature and precipitation projections through properly emphasizing models with good performance. Projection of precipitation occurrence was particularly improved through introducing a weight-based probability threshold. The ensemble-derived climate change scenario was well reproduced as local daily weather series by the stochastic weather generator. The proposed combination of dynamical downscaling and statistical downscaling can improve the reliability and resolution of future climate projection for small prairie watersheds. It is also an efficient solution to produce alternative series of daily weather conditions that are important inputs for examining watershed responses to climate change and associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

Summary  It is expected that a change in climatic conditions due to global warming will directly impact agricultural production. Most climate change studies have been applied at very large scales, in which regions were represented by only one or two weather stations, which were mainly located at airports of major cities. The objective of this study was to determine the potential impact of climate change at a local level, taking into account weather data recorded at remote locations. Daily weather data for a 30-year period were obtained for more than 500 sites, representing the southeastern region of the USA. Climate change scenarios, using transient and equilibrium global circulation models (GCM), were defined, created and applied to the daily historical weather data. The modified temperature, precipitation and solar radiation databases corresponding to each of the climate change scenarios were used to run the CERES v.3.5 simulation model for maize and winter wheat and the CROPGRO v.3.5 model for soybean and peanut. The GCM scenarios projected a shorter duration of the crop-growing season. Under the current level of CO2, the GCM scenarios projected a decrease of crop yields in the 2020s. When the direct effects of CO2 were assumed in the study, the scenarios resulted in an increase in soybean and peanut yield. Under equilibrium , the GCM climate change scenarios projected a decrease of maize and winter wheat yield. The indirect effects of climate change also tended to decrease soybean and peanut yield. However, when the direct effects of CO2 were included, most of the scenarios resulted in an increase in legume yields. Possible changes in sowing data, hybrids and cultivar selection, and fertilization were considered as adaptation options to mitigate the potential negative impact of potential warming. Received July 20, 1999/Revised April 18, 2000  相似文献   

Joint variable spatial downscaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Joint Variable Spatial Downscaling (JVSD), a new statistical technique for downscaling gridded climatic variables, is developed to generate high resolution gridded datasets for regional watershed modeling and assessments. The proposed approach differs from previous statistical downscaling methods in that multiple climatic variables are downscaled simultaneously and consistently to produce realistic climate projections. In the bias correction step, JVSD uses a differencing process to create stationary joint cumulative frequency statistics of the variables being downscaled. The functional relationship between these statistics and those of the historical observation period is subsequently used to remove GCM bias. The original variables are recovered through summation of bias corrected differenced sequences. In the spatial disaggregation step, JVSD uses a historical analogue approach, with historical analogues identified simultaneously for all atmospheric fields and over all areas of the basin under study. Analysis and comparisons are performed for 20th Century Climate in Coupled Models (20C3M), broadly available for most GCMs. The results show that the proposed downscaling method is able to reproduce the sub-grid climatic features as well as their temporal/spatial variability in the historical periods. Comparisons are also performed for precipitation and temperature with other statistical and dynamic downscaling methods over the southeastern US and show that JVSD performs favorably. The downscaled sequences are used to assess the implications of GCM scenarios for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint river basin as part of a comprehensive climate change impact assessment.  相似文献   

This study assesses future climate change over East Asia using the Global/Regional Integrated Model system—Regional Model Program (RMP). The RMP is forced by two types of future climate scenarios produced by the Hadley Center Global Environmental Model version 2 (HG2); the representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios for the intergovernmental panel on climate change fifth assessment report (AR5). Analyses for the current (1980–2005) climate are performed to evaluate the RMP’s ability to reproduce precipitation and temperature. Two different future (2006–2050) simulations are compared with the current climatology to investigate the climatic change over East Asia centered in Korea. The RMP satisfactorily reproduces the observed seasonal mean and variation of precipitation and temperature. The spatial distribution of the simulated large-scale features and precipitation by the RMP is generally less reflective of current climatic conditions than that is given by the HG2, but their inter-annual variations in East Asia are better captured by the RMP. Furthermore, the RMP shows higher reproducibility of climate extremes including excessive heat wave and precipitation events over South Korea. In the future, strong warming is distinctly coupled with intensified monsoonal precipitation over East Asia. In particular, extreme weather conditions are increased and intensified over South Korea as follows: (1) The frequency of heat wave events with temperature greater than 30 °C is projected to increase by 131 and 111 % in the RCP 8.5 and 4.5 downscaling, relative to the current climate. (2) The RCP 8.5 downscaling shows the frequency and variability of heavy rainfall to increase by 24 and 31.5 %, respectively, while the statistics given by the RCP 4.5 downscaling are similar to those of the current climate.  相似文献   

The current study examines the recently proposed “bias correction and stochastic analogues” (BCSA) statistical spatial downscaling technique and attempts to improve it by conditioning coarse resolution data when generating replicates. While the BCSA method reproduces the statistical features of the observed fine data, this existing model does not replicate the observed coarse spatial pattern, and subsequently, the cross-correlation between the observed coarse data and downscaled fine data with the model cannot be preserved. To address the dissimilarity between the BCSA downscaled data and observed fine data, a new statistical spatial downscaling method, “conditional stochastic simulation with bias correction” (BCCS), which employs the conditional multivariate distribution and principal component analysis, is proposed. Gridded observed climate data of mean daily precipitation (mm/day) covering a month at 1/8° for a fine resolution and at 1° for a coarse resolution over Florida for the current and future periods were used to verify and cross-validate the proposed technique. The observed coarse and fine data cover the 50-year period from 1950 to1999, and the future RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate scenarios cover the 100-year period from 2000 to 2099. The verification and cross-validation results show that the proposed BCCS downscaling method serves as an effective alternative means of downscaling monthly precipitation levels to assess climate change effects on hydrological variables. The RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 GCM scenarios are successfully downscaled.  相似文献   

Many impact studies require climate change information at a finer resolution than that provided by global climate models (GCMs). This paper investigates the performances of existing state-of-the-art rule induction and tree algorithms, namely single conjunctive rule learner, decision table, M5 model tree, and REPTree, and explores the impact of climate change on maximum and minimum temperatures (i.e., predictands) of 14 meteorological stations in the Upper Thames River Basin, Ontario, Canada. The data used for evaluation were large-scale predictor variables, extracted from National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis dataset and the simulations from third generation Canadian coupled global climate model. Data for four grid points covering the study region were used for developing the downscaling model. M5 model tree algorithm was found to yield better performance among all other learning techniques explored in the present study. Hence, this technique was applied to project predictands generated from GCM using three scenarios (A1B, A2, and B1) for the periods (2046–2065 and 2081–2100). A simple multiplicative shift was used for correcting predictand values. The potential of the downscaling models in simulating predictands was evaluated, and downscaling results reveal that the proposed downscaling model can reproduce local daily predictands from large-scale weather variables. Trend of projected maximum and minimum temperatures was studied for historical as well as downscaled values using GCM and scenario uncertainty. There is likely an increasing trend for T max and T min for A1B, A2, and B1 scenarios while decreasing trend has been observed for B1 scenarios during 2081–2100.  相似文献   

Future climate changes, as well as differences in climates from one location to another, may involve changes in climatic variability as well as changes in means. In this study, a synthetic weather generator is used to systematically change the within-year variability of temperature and precipitation (and therefore also the interannual variability), without altering long-term mean values. For precipitation, both the magnitude and the qualitative nature of the variability are manipulated. The synthetic daily weather series serve as input to four crop simulation models. Crop growth is simulated for two locations and three soil types. Results indicate that average predicted yield decreases with increasing temperature variability where growing-season temperatures are below the optimum specified in the crop model for photosynethsis or biomass accumulation. However, increasing within-year variability of temperature has little impact on year-to-year variability of yield. The influence of changed precipitation variability on yield was mediated by the nature of the soil. The response on a droughtier soil was greatest when precipitation amounts were altered while keeping occurrence patterns unchanged. When increasing variability of precipitation was achieved through fewer but larger rain events, average yield on a soil with a large plant-available water capacity was more affected. This second difference is attributed to the manner in which plant water uptake is simulated. Failure to account for within-season changes in temperature and precipitation variability may cause serious errors in predicting crop-yield responses to future climate change when air temperatures deviate from crop optima and when soil water is likely to be depleted at depth.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the impact of potential global warming on the magnitude of hail losses to winter cereal crops within two areas situated on the western slopes of New South Wales, Australia. A model relating historical crop hail losses to climatic variables was developed for each area. These models included seasonal measures of vertical instability, low-level moisture and the height of the freezing level. In both areas, windshear was not found to be an important factor influencing seasonal crop hail losses. The two crop hail loss models were then used in conjunction with upper-air climatic data from three single mixed-layer global climate models (GCMs). Each GCM was run for 1 × CO2 conditions and for 2 × CO2 conditions. The enhanced greenhouse effect on climatic variables was taken to be the difference between their values for these two runs. Changes to climatic variables were then translated directly into changes in the percentage value of the winter cereal crop lost due to hail. In both areas, the three GCMs agreed concerning the direction of change in each of the variables used in the crop hail loss model. GCM simulations of the greenhouse effect resulted in a decline in winter cereal crop hail losses, with the exception of one GCM simulation at one location where losses increased slightly. None of the changes due to the enhanced greenhouse effect, however, were significant owing to a large observed seasonal variability of crop hail losses. Also, the simulated seasonal variability of crop hail losses did not change significantly due to the enhanced greenhouse effect. These results depended on two important assumptions. Firstly, it was assumed that the dominant relationships between climatic variables and crop hail losses in the past would remain the same in a future climate. Secondly, it was assumed that the single mixed-layer GCMs used in the study were correctly predicting climate change under enhanced greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

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