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室内空间模型是室内导航的基础和关键所在,针对当前多数室内空间模型在建模过程中只考虑部分导航相关的影响因素,适用范围有限这一问题,结合室内导航特点,综合考虑用户室内移动特征、几何和语义信息表达、路径规划效率3个方面的建模影响因素,提出一种基于图的语义室内导航模型。基于图论的方法构建室内导航概念模型,然后在概念模型的基础上提出具体的几何图模型构建方法和语义信息表达方式,设计图模型中节点和边的数据结构,最后研究将该模型用于不同情景下室内路径规划的具体流程。  相似文献   

室内导航网络是实现室内路径规划和导航的基础。针对现有室内导航网络存在拓扑连通结构不合理、生成路径几何形态不自然等问题,本文依据人类长期以来形成的“抄近路”习性及“避碰”安全需求,提出了一种符合人行走习惯的室内导航网络及其自动生成算法。该导航网络将室内可通行空间划分为普通房间和走廊,普通房间内网络映射为房间结点与门结点的直线连接;形状复杂的走廊空间则依据空间尺度和凹凸性被细分为狭窄走廊空间和开阔走廊空间,狭窄走廊空间以中轴线作为路线,开阔走廊空间则将门结点和通道口结点连接形成完全图;最后将房门结点连接到走廊路线,形成完整室内导航网络。试验结果表明:该模型及其生成算法能够依据室内空间尺度对复杂通行空间进行合理分区,生成与空间特征一致的导航网络结构,使得规划生成的最短路径形态更符合人们的行走习惯。  相似文献   

室内路网模型作为室内导航研究的基础,如何自动生成室内路网模型成为近年的研究热点。对于目前自动路网模型研究中出现的复杂环境适应度不够的问题,本文提出了一种室内楼层平面路网模型的自动提取方法。它将室内空间分为公共空间和专属空间两类,从而形成公共空间路径和专属空间路径,并用转换点将两类路径进行衔接;最终利用提取的公共空间路径、专属空间路径和连接路径构成楼层平面导航路网模型。基于此方法,将某学校教学楼一层建筑平面图生成平面自动路网模型,并从路径完整度、准确度及寻路情况3个方面与手动路网模型进行了对比分析,其表现良好。  相似文献   

针对室内空间三维导航、几何模型高质量渲染的需求与个人移动平台资源、计算能力有限之间的矛盾,在分析室内空间区域功能、明确室内单元类型的基础上,构建了能够表达室内空间各部分拓扑特征,且支持三维路径分析的室内空间网络拓扑关系模型,并在准确把握室内空间区域拓扑逻辑关系的前提下,探讨了顾及室内拓扑关系的空间分割和几何模型的组织和调度策略,以实现室内模型的动态遮断和剔除。实验结果表明,利用所提方法可以实现几何模型的实时遮断和剪裁,大幅度减少模型绘制的数量和数据量,提升数据传输和绘制的效率,为高逼真度的三维模型可视化绘制奠定了数据基础和保证。  相似文献   

袁德宝  闫瑜  王炳灵 《测绘通报》2019,(2):76-79,85
室内空间数据模型的表达能力是影响室内位置服务的关键因素,在进行室内空间位置服务之前,需要建立能够表达室内空间复杂特征的模型。针对这一需求,本文提出了一种多元混合室内空间模型,该模型基于传统的对象特征模型、几何空间模型和符号空间模型,通过其表达的几何和拓扑特征的优化组合来实现,可充分表达室内位置和目标间的连通关系,满足室内位置服务需求。针对大量应用程序需要相同的数据模型进行导航分析和信息交换,本文提出了一种使用IndoorGML描述室内空间模型的方法,该方法可实现室内空间模型信息在各设备端的共享。以北京某大型商场为例,建立了多元混合空间模型并使用IndoorGML对其进行描述,最后通过两目标间路径分析证明本文方法的应用价值。  相似文献   

室内导航是当前空间信息应用领域的一个热点问题,针对室内空间和室内导航应用需求的特点,提出了一种基于语义的室内空间导航模型。该模型以图论模型为理论基础进行空间的几何抽象和拓扑构建,在准确描述大型建筑室内拓扑关系的基础上,添加模型要素的属性信息以及属性与环境信息的语义关联约束,使模型可以根据出行者的具体需求或环境的变化,改变模型的属性信息,为精细化的导航服务提供基础。  相似文献   

室内路网模型是提供室内位置服务的基础,主要应用于室内导航、最优路径查询等方面。根据对室内环境的空间结构分析,建立了室内位置信息图,并在此基础上结合三角网剖分思想,探索了室内空间区域剖分方法,通过配合ArcGIS软件进行二次开发实现了从路径点获取到路网模型构建的全过程处理。实验表明,这种室内路网模型构建方法可行、有效。  相似文献   

室内位置地图是实现位置服务的基础,不仅包含室内空间对象的几何信息,而且还包含对象之间的位置关联关系和语义特征。现有的地图数据模型缺少从位置服务的角度对室内空间的全面分析和描述,难以满足多样化的应用需求。采用面向对象方法构建了室内位置地图概念模型和逻辑模型,实现室内空间几何形态、位置关系和语义特征的统一描述,并通过位置和语义关联提供精准化、适人化的信息服务。结合商场室内个性化推荐与路径导航等位置服务实验,初步验证数据模型的有效性。  相似文献   

室内位置信息模型与智能位置服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业中心、交通枢纽、医院、停车场等复杂室内及地下空间的安全管理与应急响应对室内外无缝导航与位置服务的需求日益迫切,提出了一种室内位置信息模型,扩展了OGC标准CityGML和IndoorGML中的位置信息描述,提供了描述室内相对位置和室内绝对位置的本体,介绍了一种针对三维建筑物模型的室内空间自动提取方法,为智能位置服务奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

提出了一种构建室内行人通行网络的方法,利用矢量建筑图自动构建室内建筑、地标的可视关系,建立行人导航通行规则,支持室内导航路径规划。实验结果表明,此方法能够有效描述室内行人通行规则,并满足拓扑网络构建的实时性需求,减少大规模存储与维护室内路网的压力。在此基础上提出了一种多目标导航路径优化算法,该算法时间开销较低,能够实时地进行路径规划,得到的最优路径与最短路径相比具有更高的地标可见性和覆盖率。  相似文献   

车载导航系统中顾及道路转向限制的弧段Dijkstra算法   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
韩刚  蒋捷  陈军  曹元大 《测绘学报》2002,31(4):366-368
路径规划作为组成车载导航系统的核心模块,其效率对整个系统有着至关重要的影响,传统路径规划常用的Dijkstra算法是根据道路“有向图”中的节点进行计算,相关的交通属性附加在道路节点上,事实上,道路转向限制不仅与节点(交叉口)有关,而且与相连的2条道路弧段有关,若要用节点表达道路转向限制,需要把2条弧段间的转向关系转换为相邻的3个节点之间的关系。这种转换增大存储空间和转换时间的开销,还增加了搜索的复杂度。为了解决这一问题,提出将原来附属于节点上的转向关系转移到相应的弧段上,用节点-弧段关系表达网络的连通性,用弧段-弧段转向关系表达交叉路口的转向限制,在此基础上,提出了一种顾及导航转向限制的弧段Dijkstra算法,试验表明,该算法能够有效地进行顾及道路转向限制的路径规划。  相似文献   

Various network model creation algorithms have been introduced to demonstrate a better approximation of the actual walking pattern and to provide a better wayfinding guide. However, it is under‐investigated which algorithm creates the most appropriate indoor navigation network model in the context of wayfinding applications. Due to the lack of discussion, some studies unconsciously extended an algorithm designed for creating an outdoor navigation network model to indoor space applications. This is problematic because indoor space has different spatial contexts from outdoor space, such as non‐linear space and no‐designated walking space. Our solution is to select five well‐known algorithms that have been introduced, to reproduce the algorithm for the automated construction of the indoor navigation network model, and to evaluate the applicability of algorithms for indoor wayfinding applications. This article compares the quality of wayfinding results from the output of the indoor navigation network model against two criteria: route efficiency (i.e., length) and route simplicity (i.e., number of directions). Our statistical analysis illustrates that the visibility graph algorithm is the most appropriate for indoor wayfinding applications.  相似文献   

Outdoor navigation is widely used in daily life, but faces various issues related to the fidelity of outdoor navigation networks. For instance, agents (pedestrians) are often guided via unrealistic detours around places without clear paths (e.g., squares) or if there are vertical constraints such as overpasses/bridges. This is partly explained by the fact that the main sources of navigation networks in current outdoor navigation are two‐dimensional road/street networks. Utilizing a three‐dimensional space‐based navigation model, compatible with some indoor approaches, is a popular way to address the above‐mentioned issues. A 3D space‐based navigation model is generated by treating 3D spaces as nodes and the shared faces as edges. Inputs of this model are enclosed 3D spaces (volumes). However, outdoor spaces are generally open and unbounded. This article puts forward an approach to enclose outdoor spaces and mimic the indoor environments to derive a network based on connectivity and accessibility of spaces. The approach uses 2.5D maps and consists of three major steps: object footprint determination, footprint classification and space creation. Two use cases demonstrate the proposed approach. Enclosing outdoor spaces opens a new research direction toward providing seamless indoor/outdoor navigation for a range of agents.  相似文献   

针对现有三维点云模型重建对象化和结构化信息缺失的问题,提出一种基于图模型的二维图像语义到三维点云语义传递的算法。该算法利用扩展全卷积神经网络提取2D图像的室内空间布局和对象语义,基于以2D图像超像素和3D点云为结点构建融合图像间一致性和图像内一致性的图模型,实现2D语义到3D语义的传递。基于点云分类实验的结果表明,该方法能够得到精度较高的室内三维点云语义分类结果,点云分类的精度可达到73.875 2%,且分类效果较好。  相似文献   

3D indoor navigation in multi‐story buildings and under changing environments is still difficult to perform. 3D models of buildings are commonly not available or outdated. 3D point clouds turned out to be a very practical way to capture 3D interior spaces and provide a notion of an empty space. Therefore, pathfinding in point clouds is rapidly emerging. However, processing of raw point clouds can be very expensive, as these are semantically poor and unstructured data. In this article we present an innovative octree‐based approach for processing of 3D indoor point clouds for the purpose of multi‐story pathfinding. We semantically identify the construction elements, which are of importance for the indoor navigation of humans (i.e., floors, walls, stairs, and obstacles), and use these to delineate the available navigable space. To illustrate the usability of this approach, we applied it to real‐world data sets and computed paths considering user constraints. The structuring of the point cloud into an octree approximation improves the point cloud processing and provides a structure for the empty space of the point cloud. It is also helpful to compute paths sufficiently accurate in their consideration of the spatial complexity. The entire process is automatic and able to deal with a large number of multi‐story indoor environments.  相似文献   

现有的室内三维模型重建中,通常将墙等承担空间分隔作用的室内导航元素看作一个整体,通过对墙的提取来实现房间子空间的分割。然而,一面墙的两个墙面形态上的差异会造成室内三维重建过程中房间细节的损失,并且引起门窗提取的困难。针对这一现象,提出了一种细化空间分隔的思想,通过将一面墙细化为两个墙面,利用区域生长算法获取墙面角点,从而获得室内的精细化表达;同时利用对应墙面上对应区域的点云密度比对方法,规避门窗提取中遮挡墙面的障碍物对提取结果的影响。结果表明,该方法可以对室内门窗进行有效地提取,从而为导航网络的生成提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

In light of the many improvements within 3D urban modeling and Location‐Based Services, this article provides a timely review of the state‐of‐the‐art on integrating indoor and outdoor spaces in pedestrian navigation guidance aids. With people moving seamlessly between buildings and surrounding areas, navigation guidance tools should extend from merely outdoor or indoor guidance, to provide support in the combined indoor‐outdoor context. This article first examines the challenges and complexities of integrating indoor and outdoor spaces into a single navigation system. Next, by using objective selection criteria, 36 relevant studies were withheld and further reviewed on their specific developments in data model requirements, and algorithmic and context support for integrated IO navigation systems. This review shows that the challenges of dealing with both indoor and outdoor space structures, while taking into account pedestrian's freer use of space, currently complicate the proposition of a unified IO space concept for navigation. However, there are some ongoing developments (e.g. context definitions, algorithmic extensions, increased data availability, growing awareness of pedestrians’ perception during wayfinding) that will help to bring outdoor and indoor spaces closer together in the realm of combined geospatial analysis.  相似文献   

点云地图是智能机器人自主导航的基础。文中提出一种基于深度相机的机器人室内导航点云地图生成方法,通过对图像特征的快速提取与匹配,实时估计相机位姿;综合考虑彩色图像的投影误差与深度图像的反投影误差,应用图优化算法对关键帧位姿与地图点进行联合优化;通过环路检测与地图优化降低估计误差累积的影响;利用估计得到的相机位姿将关键帧对应的图像点云进行拼接融合,形成表示三维空间场景结构的稠密点云地图。通过实验验证方法的有效性、精确性与实时性。  相似文献   

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