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王广华 《地质论评》2023,69(1):10-11
<正>(2022年11月29日)尊敬的王广华部长,各位院士专家,各位代表,同志们:大家好!在全党全国上下深入学习宣传贯彻党的二十大精神之际,今天我们隆重召开中国地质学会一百周年学术研讨会,共庆中国地质学会百年华诞,回顾百年奋斗历程,展望美好发展未来。我谨代表中国科协,向中国地质学会表示热烈祝贺!向学会会员和广大地质科技工作者致以诚挚问候!向关心支持学会发展的自然资源部等部门单位和社会各界表示衷心感谢!一百年前,章鸿钊、李四光等26位地质学家怀揣科学救国之志,创建中国地质学会,搭建起了地质科技工作者交流互助、奋发作为的平台。在革命、建设和改革的不同历史时期,学会始终秉承“地质报国”的初心使命,团结一代又一代地质科技工作者,与祖国同呼吸、与时代同脉搏,在推动地质学科发展和科技进步、促进我国经济社会发展中作出了重要贡献。党的十八大以来,面对新时代地质工作新要求,学会坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,围绕中心,服务大局,在深化党建强会、繁荣学术交流、建设一流期刊、普及地质科学、深化国际合作、培养举荐人才、加强自身建设等方面做了许多富有成效的工作。  相似文献   

各位领导、各位院士、专家、代表们、同志们: 上午好! 中国地质学会2009年学术年会今天在这里顺利召开.首先,我代表国土资源部党组、代表中国地质学会第38届理事会,向参加会议的代表表示热烈的欢迎!并通过你们向辛勤工作在地质科研、勘查、教学等领域的5万多名地质学会会员和全国广大地质工作者表示亲切的问候!向这次获奖中国地质学会第11届青年地质科技奖的同志们表示热烈的祝贺!  相似文献   

陈毓川 《地质论评》2002,48(6):564-565
各位领导、各位来宾、各位会员代表: 今天,我们怀着十分激动的心情在这里隆重纪念新中国地质工作50年和中国地质学会成立80周年,我代表中国地质学会向大会的召开表示热烈祝贺,并作一个简短的发言。 1 先辈创业历尽艰辛 随着工业革命的到来,现代地质学逐渐在西欧诞生和发展起来。1840年鸦片战争后,一批西方学者在中国开展了一些地质调查工作;中国的一批志士仁人为图实业救国,在中国传播了包括地质学在内的西方先进科学技术。1912年我国开始有了地质机构。1922年1月27日,中国地质学会在北京成立,有创立会员26人。中国地质学会的成立,使我国地质工作者有了自己的学术组织,促进了中国地质事业的发  相似文献   

朱训 《地质论评》1982,28(6):528-528
各位代表、各位来宾: 今天,来自全国各地的代表,来自澳大利亚,英国、加拿大、法国、希腊、日本、美国、西德的60多位外国朋友、香港同胞,在这里隆重集会,庆祝中国地质学会成立六十周年及中、新生代地质讨论会。我代表地质部门和全体地质工作者,向大会表示热烈祝贺,对各国的来宾表示热烈欢迎。  相似文献   

各位领导、各位来宾、同志们:大家好!在全国各行各业全面学习贯彻党的十六届三中全会精神的日子里,我们召开《中国地质》创刊50周年的座谈会,有着特殊的意义。在此,我谨代表国土资源部、中国地质调查局和《中国地质》编辑部委员会,向今天光临大会的各位领导、各位专家、各界朋友表示热烈的欢迎!向50年来关心、支持、帮助《中国地质》并为其发展做出过积极贡献的领导和同志们致以崇高的敬意!向50年来默默耕耘在《中国地质》这片热土上的历任编辑和编委们表示衷心的感谢!借此机会,我还要特别向那些一直关注《中国地质》成长的广大作者和读者们…  相似文献   

(一)在北戴河隆重举行中国地质学会成立六十周年纪念大会一九八二年八月三十一日,庆祝中国地质学会成立六十周年纪念大会在北戴河隆重召开。应邀参加大会的有从事地质工作数十年的老一辈著名地质学家,全国各地的代表,中国地质学会的理事,有关部门的领导和兄弟学会的代表约四百人;应邀参加大会的还有来自澳大利亚、美国、英国、西德、希腊、加拿大、法国和日本等国家的七十多位外国来宾;香港  相似文献   

各位代表、各位嘉宾: 昨天,我们在人民大会堂举行了“新中国地质工作50年暨中国地质学会成立80周年纪念大会”,今天,中国地质学会在这里继续举行“中国地质学会80周年—面向21世纪地质科学讨论会”。田凤山部长作为中国地质学会的理事长将要作主题报告。我受田部长委托,谨代表国土资源部,对中国地质学会成立80周年,表示热烈的祝贺! 中国地质学会是历史悠久、会员众多、人才济济、生机勃勃、在国内外都具有很大影响,并发挥了重要作用的学术团体。80年来,团结和组织广大地质科技工作者,以促成地质  相似文献   

各位领导、各位来宾、青年朋友们: 今天,华东六省一市的地学专家们,聚集在美丽的东方明珠——上海,进行以地学为主的多学科研究成果的交流,我代表中国地质学会和田凤山理事长对这次论坛的举办表示热烈的祝贺!向支持这次论坛召开的上海市房屋土地资源管理局等单位表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

尊敬的各位来宾、全体出席本届会议的专家、学者和年轻的同学们:我代表中国矿物岩石地球化学学会岩相古地理专业委员会、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会沉积学专业委员会、中国地质学会沉积地质专业委员会、中国地质学会地层古生物专业委员会、中国地质学会煤田地质专业委员会、中国石油学会石油地质专业委员会、SEPM(Society for Sedimentary Geology),向本届会议的承办单位中国矿业大学(北京)、中国矿业大学和中国煤炭地质总局,协办单位中国地质大学(北京)、中国地质大学(武汉)、中国石油大学(北京)、中国石油大学(华东)、河南理工大学、长江大学、西南石油大学和中国石油勘探开发研究院,表示衷心的感谢!向全体与会者表示热烈的欢迎!  相似文献   

马翠凤  王鑫  卢小莉  刘国  张孟伯  柴新夏 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040028-67040028
根据历史文献记载及档案查询,追寻中国地质学会成立时期的初心,传播科学精神,激励新时代地质人牢记使命,为实现中国梦努力奋斗  相似文献   

Humboldt, Arago, and the temperature of groundwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Yuriy Sokolov 《GeoJournal》1992,26(4):497-502
The discovery of a new continent that was later called America by Christopher Columbus some five hundred years ago, has in one way or another, influenced people the World over. The extraordinary significance of this event for mankind is displayed by the dimension of the consequences and the variety of reactions among nations and communities of the “Old World”.  相似文献   

Text, talk, things, and the subpolitics of performing place   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article tells the story of how a group of Dutch and Belgian citizens organized themselves to promote an area that they valued, to put it on the map, to raise awareness about its qualities, and to protect it from urban and industrial development. Our theoretical perspective focuses on the performative and political aspects of this place-making process and the discursive and material practices involved. We connect this to Beck’s concept of subpolitics.Our findings show how the group performed this place not only through text and talk - giving the area a name, using their knowledge and expertise to raise awareness about its values, lobbying and cooperating with decision-makers -, but also through things - installing art objects and information signs that articulate certain characteristics and values of the area. Our findings demonstrate the struggles involved in these performances. The group involved multiple perspectives on what the important values and characteristics of the area are and on what strategies would work best in trying to influence decision-making and protect the area. However, the use of expertise as the main strategy to gain influence excluded the more critical and activist strategies and privileging archaeological and historical values and characteristics came at the expense of attention on agricultural and natural values.Our findings make clear that performing place cannot be taken to be homogeneous and that it inevitably involves multiple perspectives and demands. The struggles, power relations and dynamics of inclusion and exclusion that this multiplicity implicates reveal a form of sub-politics that involves both politicization and depoliticization. Also, it is a form of subpolitics that is more diverse and ambiguous than Beck’s conceptualization presupposes by its emphasis on the role of outsiders as a homogeneous group.  相似文献   

The dielectric constants and dielectric loss values of 4 Ca-containing minerals were determined at 1 MHz using a two-terminal method and empirically determined edge corrections. The results are: vesuvianitel κ′ a=9.93 tan δ=0.006 κ′ c=9.79 tan δ=0.005 vesuvianitel κ′ a=10.02 tan δ=0.002 κ′ c=9.85 tan δ=0.003 zoisite1 κ′ a =10.49 tan δ=0.0006 κ′ b =15.31 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ c=9.51 tan δ=0.0008 zoisite2 κ′ a =10.55 tan δ=0.0011 κ′ b =15.45 tan δ=0.0013 κ′ c=9.39 tan δ=0.0008 epidote κ′ 11= 9.52 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ 22=17.1 tan δ=0.0009 κ′ 33= 9.37 tan δ=0.0006 fluorapatite1 κ′ a =10.48 tan δ=0.0008 κ′ c = 8.72 tan δ=0.0114 fluorapatite2 κ′ a =10.40 tan δ=0.0010 κ′ c=8.26 tan δ=0.0178 The deviation (δ) between measured dielectric polarizabilities as determined from the Clausius-Mosotti equation and those calculated from the sum of oxide polarizabilities according to α D (mineral)=∑ α D (oxides) for vesuvianite is ~ 0.5%. The large deviations of epidote and zoisite from the additivity rule with Δ=+ 10.1 and + 11.7%, respectively, are attributed to “rattling” Ca ions. The combined effects of both a large F thermal parameter and possible F-ion conductivity in fluorapatite are believed to be responsible for Δ=+2–3%. Although variation of oxygen polarizability with oxygen molar volume (Vo) is believed to affect the total polarizabilities, the variation of Vo in these Ca minerals is too small to observe the effect.  相似文献   

Based on the historical records of natural disasters and human wars of the final 35 years in the late Ming Dynasty (1610–1644 AD) obtained using different spatial scales, a set of grading systems were established to classify, grade and present these records and their spatiotemporal characteristics. From natural and human perspectives to quantitative analyses of the direct causes of the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, the author draws conclusion regarding a total of six immediate factors, which were, according to the rate of contribution from high to low, internal rebellions, drought, inter-ethnic conflicts, locust, flood and external wars. Among these causes, human factors accounted for approximately 47%, while natural factors accounted for approximately 53%. Attribution analysis indicated that the basin areas in east China were sensitive to climate change during the Ming Dynasty. Severe drought and locusts in a cooling environment were the main natural causes, while frequent internal rebellions and inter-ethnic conflicts influenced by financial crisis were the major human factors. Although natural factors accounted for a greater percentage than human factors in the rate of contribution to the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, they were the only external factors impacting social development and changes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of a study of 11 isotope systems (3He/4He, 40Ar/36Ar, 34S/32S, 65Cu/63Cu, 62Ni/60Ni, 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, 206–208Pb/204Pb, Hf–Nd, U–Pb, and Re–Os) in the rocks and ores of the Cu–Ni–PGE deposits of the Norilsk ore district. Almost all the results were obtained at the Center of Isotopic Research of the Karpinskii All-Russia Research Institute of Geology. The use of a number of independent genetic isotopic signatures and comprehensive isotopic knowledge provided a methodic basis for the interpretation of approximately 5000 isotopic analyses of various elements. The presence of materials from two sources, crust and mantle, was detected in the composition of the rocks and ores. The contribution of the crustal source is especially significant in the paleofluids (gas–liquid microinclusions) of the ore-forming medium. Crustal solutions were probably a transport medium during ore formation. Air argon is dominant in the ores, which indicates a connection between the paleofluids and the atmosphere. This suggests intense groundwater circulation during the crystallization of ore minerals. The age of the rocks and ores of the Norilsk deposits was determined. The stage of orebody formation is restricted to a narrow age interval of 250 ± 10 Ma. An isotopic criterion was proposed for the ore-bearing potential of mafic intrusions in the Norilsk–Taimyr region. It includes several interrelated isotopic ratios of various elements: He, Ar, S, and others.  相似文献   

The behavior of trace elements under conditions of partial melting of granitoid rocks has been studied. The element’s partition coefficients between minerals and the melt Dimin/melt depends, in the first place, on the composition of the primary melt. In biotite the HREE Di are a little below 1, while those of LREE, especially Di for Ce, are 1–3 orders of magnitude less. This leads to an efficient differentiation of REEs in anatexic melts especially when biotite is the main mineral phase of restite. On the contrary, there are feldspars, the Di of which cannot provide such a magnitude of differentiation. Unlike garnets and pyroxenes, whose stability in restite permits enrichment of anatexic melts produced in migmatization zones with Nb, Ti, and Cr, the presence of biotite in restite causes depletion of melts with those elements as well as with Rb. Feldspars, under conditions of their fractional crystallization or during differentiation of an anatexic melt, deplete the latter with Sr, Ba, and Rb, but enrich it with Nb, Ti, Cr, Y, Zr, and V.  相似文献   

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