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美国海洋保护区国家管理体系及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李静  杨晓飞 《海洋科学》2019,43(7):139-147
从美国海洋保护区的立法基础、管理机构和职能分工、纳入国家管理体系的资质要求和流程等方面探析美国海洋保护区的国家管理体系。结合我国海洋保护区管理工作中存在的问题,提出完善我国海洋保护区的法律法规、建立健全海洋保护区综合管理网络体系、完善海洋保护区监督协调机制等对策建议,以期进一步提升我国海洋保护区管理的系统性和规范性,完善我国海洋保护区的管理体系,从而更好地保护我国的海洋生态,实现海洋资源的更有效利用,推进我国海洋生态文明建设的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,海洋保护区被不断的"巨型化",这一方面显示了国际社会对海洋保护的重视;另一方面,这股建设超大海洋保护区的浪潮也受到了很多科学工作者的质疑和批判。文章通过分析整理国内外相关文献,结合目前全球几个著名的超大海洋保护区案例,评价建设超大海洋保护区的利弊,并总结出我国海洋保护区建设可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential relationships between the ecosystem services provided by the coastal and marine environment and the designation of marine protected areas. The hypothesis is that relationships exist between the provision of ecosystem services and the features protected by marine protected areas. It is considered that protection will maintain these features in good ecological condition and in some cases will restore ecological functioning with positive effects on the delivery of ecosystem services, as pressures upon the protected features are reduced. As the number of marine protected area designations grows, system-wide effects to communities from improvements in delivery of a range of ecosystem services may be realised. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the jurisdictional marine protected area policies proposed by the English, Welsh and Scottish Governments. It presents structured assessment matrices developed from the literature and expert opinion, of ecosystem service provision by marine protected habitats and species and applies the findings to a range of existing UK marine protected areas to demonstrate its relevance. The approach and case study findings are discussed within the wider context of marine ecosystem services and marine protected area management.  相似文献   

为促进我国海水养殖和海洋生态环境保护的协调可持续发展,文章选取国内外权威数据库的中英文文献数据,基于CiteSpace工具系统梳理和分析海洋保护地养殖活动研究进展,并结合实际情况进行讨论。研究结果表明:海洋保护地养殖活动研究文献的发文量较少,但呈现逐渐增加的趋势,近期英文文献的发文量超过中文文献;中英文文献的高频关键词...  相似文献   

贯穿我国海洋特别保护区制度建设过程的主题是基于保护的开发以及与开发相协调的保护,但实践中这一主题在保护与开发2个端点之间游移,未实现制度设计的初衷,又因体制机制改革而发生制度变迁。新时代海洋自然公园制度、海洋自然保护区制度替代海洋特别保护区制度,并与海洋生态保护红线制度等相关制度相互配合,协同推进海洋自然保护地的分类分区管控。  相似文献   

No explicit “integrated coastal and ocean management” policy or program has been formally instituted to manage coastal and marine issues in México. Nevertheless two existing environmental policy tools: ecological zoning programs and coastal and marine protected areas, which have incorporated interagency and multi-stakeholder participation within their design, are currently being used in lieu of such strategy. Coastal and marine protected areas in México are the result of independent initiatives taken over the last 75 years and as a group cannot be characterized as the result of a systematic approach. Nevertheless México's 55 coastal and marine protected areas currently with a valid legal decree, occupy 11,791,824 ha which represents 69% of Mexico's total protected area surface. Only 46% of these include marine ecosystems with a total of 3,577,527 ha with the remaining 8,216,194 ha consisting of coastal ecosystems. (See In press update.)  相似文献   

赵峰  王子涵  曹玲  曾聪 《海洋科学》2023,47(11):97-109
黄东海是太平洋重要的边缘海,拥有丰富的海洋生物多样性资源,但在气候变化及人类活动的双重胁迫下,黄东海面临生物多样性衰退等问题,亟需加强保护。保护区网络被认为可有效防止或减缓人类活动和气候变化对生物多样性的负面影响,但连通性作为保护区网络的重要参数却很难直接测量。因此,本研究希望通过梳理已发表的黄东海间遗传连通性文献来揭示黄东海区域内的保护区是否形成网络。通过搜集已发表的137篇文献,共获得175个研究案例。超过半数的案例(65.71%)认为黄东海之间具有显著的遗传分化,这也意味着跨生态区群体间具有较低的遗传连通性。在总结影响因素时发现长江冲淡水、生境异质性、空间距离、进化过程、生活史(较短的浮游幼体期)、洋流等6个因素阻碍了黄东海群体间的遗传连通性,而洋流、生活史(较长的浮游幼体期)等2个因素促进了遗传连通性。进一步分析发现黄东海群体间的遗传连通性与空间距离呈显著的负相关,而与浮游幼体期呈正相关。因此,根据本研究结果,建议未来保护区网络建设应针对黄、东海生态区分别构建网络,在网络设计时应考虑保护对象的扩散能力及保护区间的空间距离。本研究不仅为构建涵盖黄东海的海洋保护区网络提供理论基础,...  相似文献   

文章根据2015—2016年东海区海洋保护区的调查研究资料,对东海区18个国家级海洋保护区环境现状进行分析。结果表明:东海区国家级海洋保护区环境状况总体较好,所有的保护区沉积物质量均符合第一类沉积物质量标准。浙江南麂列岛、福建深沪湾、浙江洞头、福建福瑶列岛、福建长乐、福建崇武、福建湄洲岛、福建厦门和城洲岛等9个保护区水质指标均符合相应的水质要求,其他保护区水质部分指标存在超标现象,超标因子主要是无机氮和活性磷酸盐,自然保护区中二者超标率均为50%,特别保护区中二者超标比率分别为50%和21.4%。水体营养物质过剩和人类活动加剧是东海区海洋保护区面临的主要环境问题。  相似文献   

东海区是我国最早开展海洋保护区建设的海区之一,被列为保护对象的生物资源、岛礁资源、景观资源和生态系统丰富多样。文章从数量和面积、典型特征以及保护对象3个方面概述东海区国家级海洋保护区的发展现状,提出目前保护区发展存在管理机构不完善、配套法规不健全、资金保障不稳定和监测能力不足等问题。在此基础上,提出加快管理机构建设,提升建设和管理水平;健全法律法规体系,夯实保护工作法律基础;拓宽资金来源,促进开发和保护协调发展;提高监视监测能力,加强保护对象监测评估的对策措施建议,以期为海洋保护区的建设和管理工作以及海洋生态环境的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于海岸带综合管理的理念,通过海域生态环境敏感性评价与海域生物多样性保护重要性评价,综合利用地理相关分析法、空间叠置法等定性和定量分区相结合的方法进行海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区划界,提出了海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系,将规划区域划分为生物多样性重点保护区、生物多样性养护区和生物多样性保护重点监督区.以福建泉州湾为案例,应用海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系,得出泉州湾生物多样性保护极重要地区是泉州湾河口湿地省级自然保护区,泉州湾生物多样性保护比较重要地区是晋江河口、洛阳江河口、晋江南岸地区及清源山.泉州湾海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区方案共划定26个分区,包括生物多样性重点保护区3个,生物多样性养护区14个,生物多样性保护重点监督区9个.泉州湾的应用结果表明,本研究提出的海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系具有一定的可行性和可操作性,可为泉州湾生物多样性保护管理提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   

Horta e Costa et al. (Marine Policy 72 (2), 2016) suggest a new way of defining marine protected areas based around an analysis of uses (primarily fishing, but also aquaculture, boating and anchoring). Whilst the authors highlight some important, we believe there are strong arguments to stick with the existing IUCN classification system and outline these in the following response. They include: the importance of having a global protected area classification system that includes both marine and terrestrial (many protected areas contain both); the challenge of generating accurate data, which would be increased by the proposals, and the multiple objectives of protected areas beyond those considered in the classification system. Furthermore, the current system was determined after a lengthy consultation process, involving hundreds of professionals around the world, and should not therefore be casually abandoned.  相似文献   

If managed in isolation, coastal and marine protected areas (MPAs) are vulnerable to natural resource development and exploitation occurring outside these areas—in particular, overfishing, alteration and destruction of habitats, and water pollution. Thus, protection of coastal and marine areas—of species, habitats, landscapes, and seascapes—should be integrated into spatial development strategies for larger areas, under the umbrella of integrated coastal and ocean management (ICM). This is typically easier said than done, since the actors involved in MPA networks and in ICM programs are often different, reflecting different cultures, networks of relationships, ministries, and goals and motivations.This article reviews the ecological, social and economic linkages between MPAs and the governance of broader ocean and coastal areas; sets forth nine guiding principles for managing MPAs within an ICM context; reviews work conducted under the Convention on Biological Diversity to operationalize the linkages between ICM and MPAs; and develops strategic guidance for addressing these linkages. The article ends with a call to bring together the diverse communities involved in marine protected areas, coastal and ocean management, and watershed management to collaborate in national-level ocean and coastal planning, including in the designation of networks of marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Seamount-associated communities and ecosystems have proven to be highly vulnerable to the impact of human activities. Globally, seamount and cold-water coral habitats and species, which often go along with each other, are considered a priority for developing conservation and sustainable management measures within and beyond national jurisdiction. Seamounts may be good candidates for site-based management such as by means of marine protected areas (MPAs), due to their singularity and isolation. In the north-east Atlantic, so far, there are only two seamounts managed as marine protected areas, both in the waters of the Azores, and several others as closed areas to fisheries by Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC).This paper describes, using the example of Sedlo Seamount, the development of a framework for the management of activities and interests of a potential offshore marine protected area. The work is based on the scientific results of the OASIS project and on input from various stakeholders, including fishery organizations, government and scientists. It reviews the current state of the site in terms of natural setting, existing uses and potential threats and proposes boundaries and regulations with the overall goal to manage human activities around Sedlo in a way that protects its ecosystem function and biodiversity, and its significance as a rather unexploited example of a seamount within a network of marine protected areas in the NE Atlantic. The resulting proposed management plan is a fundamental prerequisite to the establishment of the Sedlo Seamount as an offshore MPA, contributing to the OSPAR network of MPAs in the north-east Atlantic.  相似文献   

The development of seawater desalination plants to increase water reliability in coastal areas poses a threat to the health of near shore marine ecosystems and may affect the effectiveness of marine protected areas (MPAs) that have been established to meet international conservation targets. This paper applies a multi-criteria analysis approach to quantify stakeholder groups’ priorities for seawater desalination plants that have been proposed in communities adjacent to a National Marine Sanctuary. All groups placed the highest importance on minimizing environmental impacts on protected areas and endangered species that could be affected by water intake and brine discharge emphasizing the need for integrated land and sea conservation. Minimizing socio-economic impacts on coastal communities was much less important. Stakeholders also weighted reducing pressure on water levels in rivers, streams, and aquifers as more important than increasing water for residential consumption, which may foster coastal growth rather than replacing water taken from other sources. The study further revealed differences in the importance of multiple management objectives among stakeholder groups, which highlights the need to elicit distinct priorities of all groups to understand concerns and potential conflicts of desalination with existing marine users. The analysis of consistency ratios revealed that around half of all surveyed stakeholders had high inconsistencies in their responses, which suggests either a lack of understanding of desalination, or reflects the complexity of establishing desalination plants in coastal areas adjacent to a marine protected area.  相似文献   

A comparison of three marine protected areas in Indonesia illustrates many of the problems in management planning and implementation. Major factors influencing management are proximity to urban areas, the protected area's economic potential, current uses and the resolution of jurisdictional disputes. Isolation does not prevent resource depletion. Improving the economic conditions of local residents and gaining their commitment to environmentally sustainable commercial and subsistence resource uses within and near protected areas are vital to implementing area management.  相似文献   

海洋为人类生存和社会经济发展提供了重要的资源和环境条件,海洋生态适宜性研究能够评定海域的固有属性对生态保护和开发利用的适宜等级和潜力-限制因素.本研究以典型的海岛区洞头为例,构建了海洋生态适宜性评价的空间分析模型,计算得到其空间分布,进而开展了生态适宜度的功能分区;据此划分了洞头区的生态管控空间,判断了未来海域资源保护和开发利用管理的主导方向,提出了各管控区发展的资源优势及限制性因素.结果表明,洞头海域按照生态适宜度值的高低可以清晰地划分为重点保护区、一般保护区、适度开发区和优化开发区等4类功能区,分别占区域总面积的23%、50%、18%和9%;前两者为生态保护及恢复的重要区域,后两者是未来海洋资源开发利用的主要区域; 4类区域可以归并为生态保护、农渔业养殖、城镇开发3类管控功能区.本研究对开展海洋生态功能区划、协调海洋资源开发与区域生态保护的关系、构建基于生态系统的海洋综合管理模式具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Australian flora and fauna are both highly endemic and species-rich, yet they have been under enormous human pressure as ecosystems have been simplified and fragmented. In order to promote biodiversity Australia has ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and has released a Draft National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity. The purpose of this article is to explore how Australian biological diversity will be supported in a national system of marine protected areas. Attention is given firstly to the international and Australian responses to biological diversity, particularly with respect to the use of in situ conservation. This is followed by an overview of the Australian marine protected area system. An assessment is made on how marine protected areas can further conserve and enhance the unique biodiversity of Australia.  相似文献   

Coastal and marine areas the world over provide food, transportation, recreation, and energy resources to increasing numbers of people each year. As demands for these resources rise, the potential for user conflicts is radically heightened. This situation can be avoided or counteracted by instigating proactive multiple use planning. Multiple use zoning plans can only exist in a concrete management framework: marine and coastal protected areas provide just such a foundation. Nature-based or ecotourism can be encouraged in coastal protected areas aimed at achieving sustainability. Well-planned tourism provides economic and political incentives for management and for conservation, and may bring additional benefits to local communities and regional economies. Examples where nature-based tourism has been or is becoming successfully integrated into multiple use planning can be found in Quintana Roo, Mexico; the Lesser Antilles; and Australia, among other areas.  相似文献   

Historically, martial law in Taiwan severely restricted access to and use of coastal areas. Since the martial law was lifted in 1987, the government has permitted more than 80 development projects in coastal areas throughout Taiwan. However, rapid growth and overexploitation have led to significant degradation of oceanic and coastal environments. To protect and sustain marine ecosystem functions, species, and habitats, proactive conservation measures are needed. One of the most effective measures is the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). In this paper, we introduce the current situation of protected areas in Taiwan. We then discuss the general concepts of MPAs, describe the characteristics of Chinwan in the Penghu archipelago, and conclude with lessons learned from the attempt to establish an MPA at Chinwan.  相似文献   

Dudley et al. [9] commented on our paper [11], arguing that the current IUCN objective-based categorization of protected areas, which is also used in marine protected areas (MPAs), should not be abandoned and replaced by the new regulation-based classification system [11]. Here we clarify that we do not advocate replacing the current IUCN categories, but highlight the benefits of using both the objective-based IUCN categories and the new regulation-based classification when applied to MPAs. With an increasing number of MPA types being implemented, most of them multiple-use areas zoned for various purposes, assessing ecological and socioeconomic benefits is key for advancing conservation targets and policy objectives. Although the IUCN categories can be used both in terrestrial and marine systems, they were not designed to follow a gradient of impacts and there is often a mismatch between stated objectives and implemented regulations. The new regulation-based classification system addresses these problems by linking impacts of activities in marine systems with MPA and zone classes in a simple and globally applicable way. Applying both the IUCN categories and the regulation-based classes will increase transparency when assessing marine conservation goals.  相似文献   

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