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Platform-based open ocean aquaculture (or mariculture) is a fledgling industry with a unique set of risks and uncertainties. In the past two decades, several commercial and experimental platform-based mariculture projects have been launched in the United States, however, all these projects failed or were abandoned because of operational problems or legal issues. The oil and gas infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico is well suited for mariculture systems as these platforms are large, sturdy and long lasting, and designed to operate in the offshore environment. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the costs and benefits of a open ocean aquaculture industry in the Gulf of Mexico with particular focus on platform-based aquaculture. The opportunities for the use of idle oil and gas structures for open ocean aquaculture are limited, but the reuse of previously removed structures may have more promise.  相似文献   

碳中和是应对气候变化的必由之路,海洋负排放是实现碳中和的重要途经。海洋作为地球最大碳库,研究发现越来越多的海洋和海岸带生物参与碳循环,并对海洋碳汇产生重要贡献。鱼类作为海洋生态系统中最重要组成部分之一,其在海洋碳循环中的作用还没有引起足够的重视。最新研究表明海洋鱼类在无机碳循环中发挥了重要作用,深化对鱼类参与碳循环过程的认识、量化其固碳潜力将有助于丰富海洋碳循环研究。本文首先系统梳理了鱼类参与碳循环的过程和机制等研究进展。鱼类通过产生碳酸盐粪便、水平和垂直迁移运输、生物扰动、生物碳和“尸体”碳以及食物网消耗与传输等方式参与海洋碳循环。鱼类参与碳循环的证据和参与海洋碳循环的重要性逐渐凸显。其次,本文提出目前鱼类参与碳循环研究存在的问题与挑战,包括渔业捕捞源汇之争、水产养殖业的机遇和挑战以及准确量化鱼源碳酸盐的困难,仍有待理论和方法学的深化研究和技术的革新去解决。最后本文提出鱼类参与碳循环的研究展望,及其在全球气候变化背景下的潜在机遇,同时结合当前渔业碳汇的发展进程以及行业需求,提出渔业减排固碳发展路径建议。本文旨在提升鱼类在海洋碳循环贡献和服务生态系统的潜力的认识,为海洋碳汇和渔业碳汇研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

工业革命以来,人类活动导致的以二氧化碳为代表的温室气体持续排放,被认为与全球气候变化密切相关,引发诸多极端气候事件,导致海平面上升、海水酸化、海水暖化等一系列环境负面效应。海洋是地球最大的活跃碳库,增汇潜力巨大。为应对全球气候变化,人为干预海洋生态系统、促进其对大气二氧化碳额外吸收封存的海洋负排放技术体系成为国际研究热点。根据负排放技术的应用场景,目前海洋负排放技术体系涵盖侧重于生态保护和修复的滨海湿地蓝碳、侧重于环境友好型养殖产业的海水养殖环境碳汇和借助生态工程技术手段的负排放工程增汇。海洋负排放技术在实现人为增汇的同时,有望通过促进海洋生物的生长和繁殖、提高海洋生态系统的稳定性和抗干扰能力、促进海洋生态系统内部及其与陆地生态系统之间的资源循环利用,发挥其生态治理功能,从而应对海洋环流改变、海水酸化脱氧等全球海洋环境恶化以及人类活动污染的局部胁迫。  相似文献   

Bangladesh has vast coastal and marine resources along its south edge. Due to the geographical position and climatic condition, the coastal area of the country is known as one of the highly productive areas of the world. Bangladesh is rich not only in terms of its vast water areas but also in terms of the biological diversity. One of the unique features of the coastal areas is the influence of the mangrove forests, which support a high number of fishes and other commercially important aquatic organisms. The biological and ecological values of the Bay of Bengal have been pointed out by many authors. The coastal and marine fisheries have been playing considerable roles not only in the social and economic development of the country but also in the regional ecological balance. A large number of commercially important fishes have long been exploited which are of high export values. Shrimp aquaculture has become a highly traded export-oriented industry for the last few decades. In spite of having bright prospects, marine aquaculture on a commercial basis as well as marine stock enhancement and sea ranching are yet to be developed. The marine fisheries sector has been suffering from chronic disintegration and mismanagement that have led to many consequences. Most of the commercially important fish stocks are either overexploited or under threat. Marine pollution has reached a level that could create an unmanageable situation in the near future; coastal shrimp farming has generated considerable debates due to its adverse environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The Bay of Bengal and its coastal areas are one of the most poorly studied areas of the world although it possesses high potential for further stock improvement. Proper attention is needed in every aspect of exploitation, handling and processing, export and marketing as well as in biological and institutional management strategies. The Bay of Bengal has been increasingly important for local development as well as for a global perspective. The coastal and marine fisheries of the Bay of Bengal are briefly reviewed in this paper to provide a salient feature of the available information and resource base and to identify future research and management needs.  相似文献   

本文以2013-2017年我国鱼类、甲壳类、贝类、藻类、其他类产品海水养殖规模及产量的分析为基础,有别于现有文献关于我国海水养殖业发展现状的分析,创新性地使用比较优势模型并测算专业化系数,分析我国海水养殖结构特点,明确10个沿海省市的优势海水养殖产品及其养殖专业化程度,从而有针对性地指出我国海水养殖结构的优化方向。文章结果表明:(1)我国五类海水养殖产品的产量均呈上升趋势,且贝类的产量始终最高;海水养殖总面积有所下降,其中贝类产品的养殖面积虽逐年减少,但始终位于第一。(2)山东、福建、广东三省的海水养殖总产量、养殖规模和单产均位于全国10个沿海省市的前列。(3)10个沿海省市分别拥有自己的优势海水养殖产品,但只有海南充分发挥优势实现专业化生产。对此,我国应继续优化海水养殖产品布局,促进各省市对自身比较优势产品的规模化生产,从而推动全国海水养殖产业的高效专业化发展。  相似文献   

本文阐述了生物海洋学的内容及其研究状况。根据我国沿海特点,建议我国今后对生物海洋学研究的重点是:1.对不同水域初级生产力的研究。2.对沿海小型底栖生物在海洋生态系统能流和物质循环中的作用研究。3.河口,有代表性海域可溶性有机物(DOM)、颗粒有机物(POM)的来源、数量分布、化学组成,以及在海洋食物链的作用和鱼虾产卵场变动关系的研究。4.沿海养殖环境生原要素循环、环境容量及病害发生的环境研究。5.海洋生物对重要有机污染物和海藻毒素的吸收、富集、代谢、在食物链传递,以及生态影响和生态监测研究。6.沿海植物性碎屑向近海输运,及其在食物链中的作用研究。7.浮游生物的群集、支配群集因素,以及和渔业关系的研究。8.选择代表性海域开展物质通量的研究。  相似文献   

海洋微塑料污染现状及其对鱼类的生态毒理效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋微塑料污染已成为全球性环境问题,鉴于微塑料特殊的理化性质,其对海洋生物和海洋生态系统的生态效应愈发受到关注。本文在综述海洋微塑料来源、类型和分布状况的基础上,探讨了鱼类摄入微塑料的途径及其生态毒理学效应。研究表明,全球近岸、大洋和极地海域均有微塑料分布,我国微塑料污染亦较为严重。微塑料会对包括鱼类在内的海洋生物生存造成威胁,其被鱼类摄入的主要途径是经口误食,微塑料进入鱼体后可在不同组织和器官中迁移,消化道是主要蓄积器官。微塑料对海洋鱼类的生态毒理效应主要包括:(1)影响生殖与精卵发生;(2)降低存活率;(3)影响生长发育;(4)扰乱行为;(5)导致组织病变与炎症反应;(6)导致代谢紊乱;(7)干扰神经系统;(8)导致氧化应激;(9)干扰内分泌等。未来研究应重点关注微塑料在海洋生态系统中的迁移扩散过程、不同浓度和粒径微塑料对鱼类的生态毒理效应及致毒机制研究、微塑料和其他典型海洋污染物对鱼类的联合毒性效应,以及微塑料与海洋酸化、缺氧、升温等全球环境问题的叠加效应等。  相似文献   

As competition for use of the ocean increases, coastal managers must consider the economic impacts of competing marine sectors in decision-making processes. To capture the full extent of the economic impacts of marine industries, multiplier values can be used to estimate the sum of direct, indirect, and induced effects on associated industries. This study provides a global synthesis of multiplier effects on four economic indicators of eight marine sectors in regions of varying size and development status. The average multiplier was 1.82, indicating that every dollar generated by a direct marine industry leads to an additional 82 cents generated by associated industries. The industry of offshore energy and the economic indicator of revenue had the largest multiplier effects. No significant difference was found between multiplier values in developed and developing regions, and weak correlations were found between multiplier value and region size. This synthesis offers the first global view of the economic multiplier effects of marine industries and can serve as a tool to support city- to country-level marine industry development decisions throughout the world, especially where similar data are not available.  相似文献   

Time series data was used to compute 5-year moving average rates of growth in salmon aquaculture production over time for four of the world's leading salmon farming countries, and globally. This analysis reveals a decline of 1.2% per year in global farmed salmon production since it peaked in 1966. Analysis of production data for all farmed finfish, both marine and freshwater, shows a decline of 0.34% per year in the growth rate from the peak year. These results have implications for global fisheries policy because it means that it is unlikely that aquaculture alone can meet the fish protein needs of humans.  相似文献   

刘培学  闫东  董丽  陈玉杰 《海洋科学》2020,44(11):87-93
近海海洋环境是最易受污染的区域,实时对海洋信息进行监测对近海养殖业、渔业有重要的作用。传统信息采集方法效率低下、传输距离近、能耗高、数据采集不准确,针对上述问题,设计了一种实时海洋信息采集传输系统,采集终端能够自动采集近海海洋环境的温度、溶解氧、pH值并通过无线网络将信息传给岸基协调器,岸基协调器可通过提出的二次卡尔曼滤波方法对信息进行滤波处理并由4G网络将信息上传至云平台。实验结果表明:系统能够对近海海洋环境进行信息实时采集,采集数据误差小,具有较高的一致性,功耗低,用户可随时随地查看信息。  相似文献   

Benefits humans rely on from the ocean – marine ecosystem services – are increasingly vulnerable under future climate. This paper reviews how three valued services have, and will continue to, shift under climate change: (1) capture fisheries, (2) food from aquaculture, and (3) protection from coastal hazards such as storms and sea-level rise. Climate adaptation planning is just beginning for fisheries, aquaculture production, and risk mitigation for coastal erosion and inundation. A few examples are highlighted, showing the promise of considering multiple ecosystem services in developing approaches to adapt to sea-level rise, ocean acidification, and rising sea temperatures.Ecosystem-based adaptation in fisheries and along coastlines and changes in aquaculture practices can improve resilience of species and habitats to future environmental challenges. Opportunities to use market incentives – such as compensation for services or nutrient trading schemes – are relatively untested in marine systems. Relocation of communities in response to rising sea levels illustrates the urgent need to manage human activities and investments in ecosystems to provide a sustainable flow of benefits in the face of future climate change.  相似文献   

海岸线作为海洋与陆地的分界线,是海域管理的重要界限和基础地理数据,也是地图编绘、海洋调查和海岸带演变研究的重要内容,准确掌握其位置、长度等信息,是提高海域管理科学化水平的必不可少的环节。文章结合广东省海岸线修测实际工作中发现的问题,对围海养殖区海岸线界定方法进行探讨。针对养殖区已进行土地确权的情况进行深入分析,并提出:以自然属性为主要依据判定海岸线位置;承认土地权利人的权利在先;围海养殖区的海岸线统一以靠陆一侧的外边缘线进行界定等解决方案。期望可以为海岸线修测和海域管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

海上养殖业对粮食安全有着至关重要的作用。然而,海上养殖的无序扩张和开发,阻碍了海上交通,同时也造成了海洋环境问题。为及时、准确地获取海上养殖信息,满足海岸带调查以及推进海上养殖规范化、科学化,提出一种基于谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine, GEE)平台实现长时间序列下海上养殖区信息快速提取的方法。本研究构建了一个基于随机森林分类的海上养殖区信息提取模型,该模型综合利用了Sentinel 1卫星SAR影像数据的VV和VH极化波段,以及Sentinel 2卫星的多光谱影像数据。此外,模型还融合了4个用于增强养殖区特征的指数,以提高养殖区域信息提取的准确性和效率。这种方法的应用旨在优化海上养殖区的识别过程,通过精确分析和利用不同数据源的互补优势,展现了〖JP2〗遥感技术在海洋养殖监测领域的巨大潜力。本研究对2017—2021年平潭县海上养殖区域进行判定与提取,实验结果表明,以养殖密度较低,养殖特征不明显为特征的海上养殖区,基于GEE平台的海上养殖区信息提取方法精度在90%以上,表明在复杂水体背景下对养殖区快速识别取得较好的效果,可为海上养殖科学规划与规范化管理提供有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

中国沿海水产设施污损生物特点及防除途径   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
严涛  刘姗姗  曹文浩 《海洋通报》2008,27(1):102-110
海洋污损生物的附着会影响养殖设施与外部环境的水体交换、增加外载荷和缩短网箱使用寿命,并与养殖贝类和藻类争夺附着基和饵料,甚至直接附着在养殖对象上影响其生长发育.综述了中国沿海水产养殖设施污损生物的特点及常用防除方法,从海洋生物天然防污作用机制、污损生物附着机理、优势种发育生物学及生态习性等方面,初步探讨了新型防污途径及其应用前景.  相似文献   

Sustainable development depends on maintaining ecosystem services which are concentrated in coastal marine and estuarine ecosystems. Analyses of the science needed to manage human uses of ecosystem services have concentrated on terrestrial ecosystems. Our focus is on the provision of multidisciplinary data needed to inform adaptive, ecosystem-based approaches (EBAs) for maintaining coastal ecosystem services based on comparative ecosystem analyses. Key indicators of pressures on coastal ecosystems, ecosystem states and the impacts of changes in states on services are identified for monitoring and analysis at a global coastal network of sentinel sites nested in the ocean-climate observing system. Biodiversity is targeted as the “master” indicator because of its importance to a broad spectrum of services. Ultimately, successful implementation of EBAs will depend on establishing integrated, holistic approaches to ocean governance that oversee the development of integrated, operational ocean observing systems based on the data and information requirements specified by a broad spectrum of stakeholders for sustainable development. Sustained engagement of such a spectrum of stakeholders on a global scale is not feasible. The global coastal network will need to be customized locally and regionally based on priorities established by stakeholders in their respective regions. The E.U. Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the U.S. Recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force are important examples of emerging regional scale approaches. The effectiveness of these policies will depend on the co-evolution of ocean policy and the observing system under the auspices of integrated ocean governance.  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
由中国海洋工程学会主办,南京水利科学研究院承办,大连理工大学海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室协办的第十二届中国海岸工程学术讨论会于2005年10月16-19日在云南省昆明市召开。邱大洪名誉理事长、谢世楞、严以新、李润培、李京武、左其华等副理事长出席了会议。全国从事海洋工程研究包括高等院校、设计、科研、建设和施工等39个部门的近百名代表参加了学术交流。17日上午,严以新副理事长主持了开幕式,并致开幕词;窦希萍副秘书长作了学会近两年来的工作总结。严以新和左其华教授分别主持了大会主题报告。中国科学院院士邱大洪教授论述了沿海海…  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in China. The Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources, such as offshore engineering, coastal engineering, dive and salvage, utilization of marine energy resources and underwater engineering.[第一段]  相似文献   

Aims and Scope     
China Ocean Engineering takes as its prime function the integration of new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of ocean engineering, with particular reference to developments in China. Tne Journal is concerned with all engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of ocean resources, such as offshore engineering, coastal engineering, dive and salvage, utilization of marine energy, resourees and underwater engineering.  相似文献   

Ocean urea fertilization is one geoengineering proposal aimed at not only reducing the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide but also increasing fish populations in nutrient poor areas of the ocean. Theoretically ocean fertilization promises great benefits but there is also the possibility of serious environmental damage to consider. The nature of ocean urea fertilization means it is more likely to be carried out in coastal waters, providing States with different powers to enforce their laws compared to ocean iron fertilization which is more suitable to waters beyond national jurisdiction. This paper considers the process and effect urea, when used for the purpose of ocean fertilization, may have on the marine environment as well as the social implications, particularly for coastal and island people in developing nations.  相似文献   

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