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世界能源贸易网络的演化特征与能源竞合关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
何则  杨宇  刘毅  金凤君 《地理科学进展》2019,38(10):1621-1632
详尽地探讨全球能源贸易网络的演化特征及国际贸易的竞合关系,可为中国能源贸易政策的制定提供科学支撑。论文运用复杂网络方法,从整体格局出发研究了世界能源贸易网络的演化特征,并重点从供给与需求两方面分析了贸易集团演化与供需大国的能源竞合关系。研究结果表明:20世纪90年代以来,世界能源贸易关系不断趋于复杂化。近年来,能源贸易主体数量基本保持稳定,当前占世界总数近80%的国家/地区均参与能源贸易;世界能源贸易网络同时具有小世界特性与无标度特性;世界能源的进出口格局已发生重塑,能源的出口重心逐渐由东亚、中东、澳洲和欧洲转向了东欧、中东、北美、澳洲和西非等地区,进口重心由东亚、西欧和澳洲向北美、东亚和西欧转移;世界能源贸易网络存在四大集团,分别是以美国为首的贸易集团、欧洲-俄罗斯等国家贸易集团、东亚-东南亚贸易集团和澳大利亚-印度-非洲贸易集团等。地理距离、制度差异、历史文化及政治关系等是贸易集团演化的重要原因;贸易集团内,核心国家间的贸易依赖存在着非对称性,能源需求国进口来源的多元化现象更为突出,东亚、东南亚市场是供给国共同争夺的对象。  相似文献   

本文研究了全球石化产业的演进历程及特征,探讨了其影响因子及作用机制,归纳总结了全球石化产业发展的基本模式.研究认为,全球石化产业经历了萌芽阶段、美国独霸阶段、西欧追赶阶段和生产全球扩散阶段4大发展阶段,技术、原材料、市场、跨国公司、政策等因子是影响全球石化产业发展的主要因素,各因素在不同阶段的作用强度存在差异.在各种因素的综合作用下,全球石化产业呈现出三种发展模式:以美欧等核心经济体为代表的“技术创新推动型”、以拉美和东亚地区为代表的“进口替代型”和以中东北非地区为代表的“出口导向型”  相似文献   

本文利用全球新型冠状病毒疫苗(COVID-19疫苗,简称新冠疫苗)的开发、订购、捐赠和接种数据,借助GIS等技术方法,在明晰全球新冠疫苗开发与流通格局的基础上,探讨全球新冠疫苗接种的时空分异特征。结果表明:① 全球新冠疫苗开发格局呈明显的空间不均衡性,形成以西欧、北美和亚洲为核心的三足鼎立格局,美国、中国和英国等是新冠疫苗的主要开发国。② 全球新冠疫苗订购网络主要遵循定向扩展和不定向扩展两种扩展模式,订购联系总体上表现出早期集中于欧美发达国家内部,随后逐步向外部亚非拉国家扩展的特点。③ 全球新冠疫苗捐赠网络以中国和美国为双核,美国主要向东南亚、南亚和拉美等美国传统势力范围或战略地位重要国家进行捐赠,中国主要向南亚、东南亚和西亚等“一带一路”沿线国家和非洲国家进行捐赠。整体上新冠疫苗捐赠主要受捐赠双方联系密切程度、关系友好程度和捐赠国的国家战略需求及国际义务履行需要等因素综合影响,但不同捐赠国侧重点有所不同。④ 受全球新冠疫苗的开发、订购和捐赠格局影响,欧美发达国家的新冠疫苗接种进程领先于绝大多数亚非拉国家,但差异性正逐步缩小,中国的疫苗接种由相对较高水平区跃升至相对高水平区,成为发展中国家的代表。  相似文献   

全球土地覆被时空变化与中国贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广东 《地理学报》2022,77(2):353-368
20世纪下半叶以来全球土地覆被发生了剧烈变化,人类活动对土地覆被变化的影响成为“人类世”最为显著的特征之一。科学评估全球土地覆被变化的时空过程和新态势,分析中国在其中扮演的角色和地位并提出优化路径,成为中国在可持续发展领域应对全球百年未有之大变局的核心任务之一。本文基于多源土地覆盖数据,运用地理空间分析方法定量刻画了全球土地覆被变化的时空演化过程,从景观尺度分析了地类间的转化关系以及全球“变绿”和森林覆盖度的变化趋势,揭示了中国对全球土地覆被时空变化的贡献。结果表明,1992—2015年全球土地覆被经历了显著变化,全球土地覆被变化度在南美洲中部、撒哈拉以南的非洲、中亚、东南亚和东亚等地形成显著的热点区。中国森林覆盖率从1990年的12.98%增至2020年的23.34%,湿地面积增长1908 km2,为维护全球生态安全贡献了力量,同时在城市用地增长、草地和其他用地减少等方面也有一定的限制作用。与全球其他国家不同,中国城市扩张占用耕地面积居全球第一位,高达7.3万km2。1999—2019年全球叶面积指数存在全球性的显著提高趋势。中国以仅占全球6.6%的植被面积,贡献了全球20%左右的叶面积增加量,引领了全球“变绿”过程。1990—2020年全球森林覆盖度变化呈现出空间集聚性。中国森林面积增长62.84万km2居全球前列,其中西南林区和秦巴山区是林地增长的主要区域,长三角、粤港澳大湾区和内蒙古东部部分地区是森林覆盖度降低的主要区域。中国未来应进一步提升经济社会发展与生态保护的均衡协调度,持续推进美丽中国建设,为全球生态安全和可持续发展贡献更大力量和更多经验。  相似文献   

全球整车及其零部件贸易格局演化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郑蕾  刘毅  刘卫东 《地理科学》2016,36(5):662-670
以汽车产业为例,采用中心性、E-I指数和核心-边缘模型等网络分析方法,分析2003~2013年间,全球整车及零部件贸易在全球化和区域化力量共同作用下的演化特征。结果显示:① 整车贸易和零部件贸易的全球化程度和区域化程度均有所提高,但贸易全球化特征相对更明显;② 整车贸易网络核心一直为德、日、美3国,零部件贸易网络核心则由美、日变为中、德;亚洲汽车零部件贸易网络以中国为核心迅速发展,欧洲汽车零部件贸易网络重心向东欧和南欧转移明显;③ 发动机系统组件贸易向以德国为首的欧洲国家集中,电子电器组件贸易向以中国为中心的东亚地区集中,附加值低的轮胎和内胎组件贸易向中国、印度、巴西等新兴市场分散。  相似文献   

For over 30 years, IHP (International Hydrological Programme) has been actively operating as a UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) international scientific cooperative programme in water research, water resources management, education and capacity-building, and the only broadly-based science programme of the UN (United Nations) system in this region. By a number of initiatives and networks, the IHP has progressively carried out activities on the quantity and quality of global/regional water resources, transboundary water resources management, mitigation of water related hazards, and water education. While addressing comprehensive areas over water challenges, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of water resources management for sustainable development and with respect to the expected changes in climate and environmental conditions. WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme) and its major product WWDR (World Water Development Report) in East Asia are under the framework of IHP which supports field oriented activities on monitoring freshwater, developing case studies, enhancing national assessment capacity, and facilitating decision making processes. In light of transboundary waters in IHP, RSC (Regional Steering Committee) plays a focal role for facilitating regional cooperation in the Southeast and East Asia and Pacific States. Furthermore, ISI (International Sediment Initiative) and IFI (International Flood Initiative) have significant roles, respectively, for the management of erosion and sedimentation in line with river system or reservoir management, and for the flood management focusing on capacity building of each country in East Asia. There are other major areas of concern under UNESCO’s IHP programme in East Asia, specifically in aspects including, mitigating water conflicts on transboundary aquifers through ISARM (International Shared Aquifer Resources Management), water management of arid areas through Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network (Asian G-WADI), and sustainable management of groundwater by UNESCO Water Chair, as well as water education through the programme of Sustainable Water Integrated Management- Educational Component.  相似文献   

Food security is the primary prerequisite for achieving other Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).Given that the MDG of“halving the proportion of hungers by 2015”was not realized as scheduled,it will be more pressing and challenging to reach the goal of zero hunger by 2030.So there is high urgency to find the pattern and mechanism of global food security from the perspective of spatio-temporal evolution.In this paper,based on the analysis of database by using a multi-index evaluation method and radar map area model,the global food security level for 172 countries from 2000 to 2014 were assessed;and then spatial autocorrelation analysis was conducted to depict the spatial patterns and changing characteristics of global food security;then,multi-nonlinear regression methods were employed to identify the factors affecting the food security patterns.The results show:1)The global food security pattern can be summarized as“high-high aggregation,low-low aggregation”.The most secure countries are mainly distributed in Western Europe,North America,Oceania and parts of East Asia.The least secure countries are mainly distributed in sub-Saharan Africa,South Asia and West Asia,and parts of Southeast Asia.2)Europe and sub-Saharan Africa are hot and cold spots of the global food security pattern respectively,while in non-aggregation areas,Haiti,North Korea,Tajikistan and Afghanistan have long-historical food insecurity problems.3)The pattern of global food security is generally stable,but the internal fluctuations in the extremely insecure groups were significant.The countries with the highest food insecurity are also the countries with the most fluctuated levels of food security.4)The annual average temperature,per capita GDP,proportion of people accessible to clean water,political stability and non-violence levels are the main factors influencing the global food security pattern.Research shows that the status of global food security has improved since the year 2000,yet there are still many challenges such as unstable global food security and acute regional food security issues.It will be difficult to understand these differences from a single factor,especially the annual average temperature and annual precipitation.The abnormal performance of the above factors indicates that appropriate natural conditions alone do not absolutely guarantee food security,while the levels of agricultural development,the purchasing power of residents,regional accessibility,as well as political and economic stability have more direct influence.  相似文献   

For over 30 years, IHP (International Hydrological Programme) has been actively operating as a UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) international scientific cooperative programme in water research, water resources management, education and capacity-building, and the only broadly-based science programme of the UN (United Nations) system in this region. By a number of initiatives and networks, the IHP has progressively carried out activities on the quantity and quality of global/regional water resources, transboundary water resources management, mitigation of water related hazards, and water education. While addressing comprehensive areas over water challenges, greater emphasis has been placed on the role of water resources management for sustainable development and with respect to the expected changes in climate and environmental conditions. WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme) and its major product WWDR (World Water Development Report) in East Asia are under the framework of IHP which supports field oriented activities on monitoring freshwater, developing case studies, enhancing national assessment capacity, and facilitating decision making processes. In light of transboundary waters in IHP, RSC (Regional Steering Committee) plays a focal role for facilitating regional cooperation in the Southeast and East Asia and Pacific States. Furthermore, ISI (International Sediment Initiative) and IFI (International Flood Initiative) have significant roles, respectively, for the management of erosion and sedimentation in line with river system or reservoir management, and for the flood management focusing on capacity building of each country in East Asia. There are other major areas of concern under UNESCO’s IHP programme in East Asia, specifically in aspects including, mitigating water conflicts on transboundary aquifers through ISARM (International Shared Aquifer Resources Management), water management of arid areas through Water and Development Information for Arid Lands- A Global Network (Asian G-WADI), and sustainable management of groundwater by UNESCO Water Chair, as well as water education through the programme of Sustainable Water Integrated Management-Educational Component. Author: Ramasamy Jayakumar, native of India, Ph.D, specialized in application of remote sensing, GIS, geo-statistical methods in hydrogeological modelling and irrigation water management.  相似文献   

王涛  刘承良  杜德斌 《地理学报》2021,76(7):1792-1809
随着全球气候变化和人类社会经济高速发展,水资源供需矛盾日益突出,国际河流流域跨境水冲突不断加剧,其时空演化规律成为当前跨学科研究的热点和难点。为此,从水冲突“事件—关系”视角,对1948—2018年间全球跨境水冲突的时空演化规律进行系统分析发现:① 1948—2018年全球跨境水冲突规模总体呈非单调波动增长态势,在1987年前后发生显著突变,表现出兼具趋势性、突变性和波动性等多维特征的非单调动力过程;② 全球跨境水冲突事件以围绕水文干预和资源权属争夺的低强度事件为主,大坝等水利工程建设引发的冲突显著增加,南亚、西亚和东非地区成为主导全球跨境水冲突趋势演化的“序参量”;③ 全球跨境水冲突呈现由单中心向多中心格局转变的空间扩散趋势,但“北多南少、东多西少、相对集中”的总体不均衡格局基本锁定,形成以30°N为中心、横跨南亚—中亚—西亚—东非高水资源压力区的水冲突密集带;④ 国家间跨境水冲突关系趋于普遍化、复杂化和网络化,发育多个流域性网络社团,但水冲突关系的“马太效应”和极化分布特征持续显著,产生“路径锁定”效应;水冲突“规模—强度”关系存在一定的空间错配。  相似文献   

庄德林  李嘉豪  陈紫若  刘雨晨 《地理科学》2022,42(11):1900-1911
基于稀土产业链视角,通过依赖关系构建稀土初级加工品、中级加工品和制成品贸易网络,运用社会网络分析法和动态指数随机图模型对稀土贸易网络结构演变特征及其影响机制进行对比分析。结果表明:① 3个环节稀土贸易网络均呈现向复杂网络演变的趋势,且稀土中级加工品贸易网络的变化趋势依次领先于稀土制成品和初级加工品贸易网络;② 从主干结构看,3个环节稀土贸易网络依次由欧洲主导向欧美并立演变、由中国主导向欧亚并立演变、由欧美亚三足鼎立向亚洲主导演变;③ 中国在3个环节稀土贸易网络中均发展成为直接影响力前三甲国家(地区),但其领先优势逐渐缩小,而间接影响力仅在初级加工品和制成品网络进入前三甲行列,且增幅较小;④ 互惠、三角形、星形辐射和星形扩张结构效应对3个环节稀土贸易网络动态演变具有显著的异质性影响。  相似文献   

基于世界经济论坛《旅游竞争力报告》和联合国商品贸易数据库,采用熵值法、耦合协调度及相对发展度模型、GIS空间分析等方法,分析2007—2015年“一带一路”沿线49国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口间的耦合协调发展关系及其时空演变。结果表明:①49国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口整体处于协调状态,随时间变化不明显,多数长期处于中度协调状态;②从空间演变趋势看,耦合协调度区域分异和变化程度均较明显,东西方向上由“U”型逐渐向一字型演变,而南北方向上由“U”型逐步演变为“L”型格局,其中,中亚地区耦合协调度等级最低,其次是南亚地区,东亚、东南亚、中东欧地区耦合协调度相对较好;③各国旅游竞争力与旅游服务出口耦合协调类型分为两类——同步型和旅游服务出口滞后型;其中,以旅游服务出口滞后型数量最多,占比高达87.7%,而同步型国家主要分布在东亚和西亚地区,数量呈现缓慢增长趋势,至2015年该类型国家主要为中国、泰国、新加坡、卡塔尔、塞浦路斯、阿联酋等。  相似文献   

2000—2014年全球粮食安全格局的时空演化及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粮食安全是实现可持续发展整体目标的基础,由于“至2015年使饥饿人口比例减半”的千年发展目标并未如期实现,使得2030年零饥饿目标的实现面临更大挑战。鉴于此,亟需从全球粮食安全格局的时空演化中寻找全球粮食安全问题的内在原因。在建立粮食安全评价因子数据集和粮食安全影响因素数据集的基础上,运用多指标综合评价法评价2000—2014年172个国家的粮食安全水平;进而通过空间自相关分析研究全球粮食安全格局的空间模式与变化特征;在此基础上运用多元非线性回归方法分析粮食安全格局的影响因素。结果表明:① 全球粮食安全格局呈现出社会经济发展与粮食安全水平“高—高集聚、低—低集聚”的空间模式,其中高值区主要分布在除东欧以外的欧洲区域、北美洲、大洋洲和东亚部分国家,低值区主要集中在撒哈拉以南非洲、南亚和西亚地区、以及东南亚部分国家;② 在99%的置信水平上,欧洲和撒哈拉以南非洲分别是全球粮食安全格局的热点和冷点,在非集聚区,海地和朝鲜等国存在长期粮食不安全问题;③ 全球粮食安全格局总体稳定,但极不安全和不安全组的内部变化明显,粮食安全水平波动最大的国家也是粮食最不安全的国家;④ 年平均气温、人均国内生产总值、获得洁净用水的人口占比、政治稳定与无暴力程度是全球粮食安全格局的主要影响因素。研究表明,自2000年以来,全球粮食安全状况有所改善,但2013年出现趋势性逆转。受气候变化、居民购买力、健康卫生水平和政治经济稳定性影响,全球粮食安全始终波动不稳,局部区域目前仍面临突出的粮食安全问题。为此,建议制定基于粮食供给、食物获取、食物利用和政治稳定性四大支柱的粮食安全战略,并通过全球乡村振兴策略来推动粮食安全建设,同时逐步引入城市农业等多元化生产方式,使高度城市化区域建立起更富弹性的食物系统。  相似文献   

Recent climate analyses indicate that average global temperature is rising and both global drought occurrence and precipitation intensity are increasing. The nature of climate change is unique to each location, and its impact, both positive and negative, is predicted to be widespread. One area to be potentially affected includes management and use of outdoor natural resources such as the Appalachian Trail (AT), a 3500 km continuous hiking trail in the eastern United States. Observed historical (1895-2008) and projected future (to 2099) seasonal temperature and precipitation trends were examined along the AT. The AT has generally warmed since 1895, with greater warming occurring more recently. The warming has been greatest in the northern part of the AT and during winter. Precipitation trends show wide spatial variation depending upon the season, but generally precipitation has increased more in the northern than southern AT. Temperature and precipitation are projected to increase for all regions during all seasons in the future. Implications of these changes are discussed with respect to hiker experience and trail management.  相似文献   

东亚土地覆盖环境背景数字地面模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香宝  刘纪远  张增祥 《地理研究》2001,20(6):653-659
应用地理信息系统、遥感技术及数字地面模型方法,选取影响东亚土地覆盖环境背景的主要因素高程带、坡度、坡向、气温、降水量、最大可能蒸散量、湿润度及植被指数等指标,在统一的投影、统一的空间分辨率、统一的空间范围等前提下,对它们进行单要素的专题数字地面模型研究,并用主成份分析方法将各单项数字地面模型进行集成,生成包含各单项要素特征的综合性的数字地面模型,最后对综合性数字地面模型所反映的东亚土地覆盖环境背景特征作了分析  相似文献   

郭晓寅  陈发虎  施祺 《地理科学》2000,20(5):422-426
首次利用GIS技术并结合沉积学研究结果,计算全新世两个时段石羊河流域终闾湖泊的面积,建立石羊河流域水热平衡模型,进而恢复全新世两个时期的降水量。  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal pattern of the global water resource has significantly changed with climate change and intensified human activities. The regional economy and ecological environment are highly affected by terrestrial water storage (TWS), especially in arid areas. To investigate the variation of TWS and its influencing factors under changing environments, the response relationships between TWS and changing environments (climate change and human activities) in Central Asia have been analyzed based on the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data, Climatic Research Unit (CRU) climate data and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data products (MOD16A2, MOD13A3 and MCD12Q1) from 2003 to 2013. The slope and Pearson correlation analysis methods were used. Results indicate that: (1) TWS in about 77 % of the study area has decreased from 2003 to 2013. The total change volume of TWS is about 2915.6 × 108 m3. The areas of decreased TWS are mainly distributed in the middle of Central Asia, while the areas of increased TWS are concentrated in the middle-altitude regions of the Kazakhstan hills and Tarim Basin. (2) TWS in about 5.91% of areas, mainly distributed in the mountain and piedmont zones, is significantly positively correlated with precipitation, while only 3.78% of areas show significant correlation between TWS and temperature. If the response time was delayed by three months, there would be a very good correlation between temperature and TWS. (3) There is a significantly positive relationship between TWS and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in 13.35% of the study area. (4) The area of significantly positive correlation between TWS and evapotranspiration is about 31.87%, mainly situated in mountainous areas and northwestern Kazakhstan. The reduction of regional TWS is related to precipitation more than evaporation. Increasing farmland area may explain why some areas show increasing precipitation and decreasing evapotranspiration. (5) The influences of land use on TWS are still not very clear. This study could provide scientific data useful for the estimation of changes in TWS with climate change and human activities.  相似文献   

Studies of environmental change often belong to one of two traditions, each generating different human responses. Landscape change in the United States, defined as transformations of the country's land surface over the past half-century, typically is characterized as dominating in magnitude and ubiquitous in spatial extent. Two studies based on rephotography suggest otherwise: Stability seems to be characteristic of recent American landscape history. Perhaps the experiences of everyday lives–necessarily concentrated into those landscapes that have most changed in individual human lifetimes–influence human outlooks. By contrast, recent and anticipated global change, exemplified by human-induced climate modification, creates a different impression: People underestimate the magnitude and impact of such environmental modification. Part of this reaction may lie, again, in the limitations of human experience. Nonetheless, several examples suggest that the characteristics of a dynamic nature, structured by abruptness resulting from process thresholds, complicate the anticipation of global change. Whether landscape or global, change often generates a human sense of regret. Yet, the Texas naturalist, Roy Bedichek, demonstrated that human-induced change may generate patterns in the natural world that bring us pleasure. His wisdom may help to soften the dread that many feel for landscape and global change. [Key words: landscape, environmental change, United States.]  相似文献   

沙尘天气是东亚地区常见的灾害性天气之一,强沙尘天气的发生不仅导致建筑物倒塌、人畜伤亡、植被破坏,还会导致火灾、空气污染等环境问题,对人体健康、社会经济活动及其全球沙尘循环产生重要影响。然而从东亚地区沙尘天气在长时间序列区域特征角度上系统分析的研究较少。基于此,本文利用1981—2019年东亚地区697个地面气象站点沙尘数据,分析了其区域时空分布特征。结果表明:空间上,东亚沙尘天气集中在位于内陆干旱区的蒙古国和中国西北地区,其中弱沙尘天气集中在中国北方地区,而强沙尘天气则集中在蒙古国。月变化上,东亚沙尘天气集中在春季(3—5月份),在相对低纬度的中国青藏高原北麓沙尘天气3月份最多,位于中纬度的中国北方大部分地区4月份最多,而较高纬度的哈萨克斯坦东部和蒙古国5月份最多。年际变化上,40a间东亚沙尘呈减少趋势,尤其是在2000年之后多项生态工程的有效实施下中国北方大部分区域沙尘天气显著减少,但近几年内蒙古中西部地区强沙尘天气呈增长趋势;在生态环境较脆弱的蒙古国和塔克拉玛干沙漠等区域弱沙尘天气和强沙尘天气均呈增长趋势。本研究对准确地掌握东亚沙尘分布特征和防范沙尘灾害具有重要意义。  相似文献   

北京市土地利用变化的空间分布特征   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45  
土地利用变化是全球变化中的重要组成部分 ,是短期内人类活动对自然环境施加影响的显著表现形式。本文基于遥感和地理信息系统技术 ,利用LandsatTM图像的解译成果 ,分析了北京市 1985~ 2 0 0 0年土地利用变化的空间分布特征。研究表明 ,在这 15年的时间里 ,北京市林地和城乡、工矿、居住用地的转移趋势明显 ,两者的转移率分别达到 4 0 78%和37 60 % ,主要以林地内部、林地向草地转移、居住用地的内部和工矿废弃地还林还草等类型为主。同时 ,各类土地利用类型的净变化呈现出明显的区域差异。  相似文献   

世界地理结构与美国的全球战略及军力设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文旨在阐明世界地理结构在大国战略制定及军力设计中的基础性作用,以助于认识中国全球发展道路上面临的地缘安全风险和机遇。由于世界陆地、人口和经济活动相对集中于东半球特别是欧亚大陆,欧亚大陆历来是世界大国逐鹿的中心舞台。美国作为人类历史上第一个非欧亚大陆上的霸权国家,一直把防范欧亚大陆上出现区域性霸权作为国家安全的最高目标。本文从世界地理结构及其动态变化的角度,分析东半球尤其是欧亚大陆孕育世界大国和人类文明的地理优势,解析美国的地理区位对其早期崛起的影响,以及在这一地理条件下其全球战略的形成,并重点探讨美国基于防范欧亚大陆出现区域性霸权的全球军力设计。文章最后指出,在中美战略博弈中,位于欧亚大陆东缘的中国具有天然的地缘优势。  相似文献   

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