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网络文化是校园文化的重要组成部分,在和谐高校建设中,网络文化应该发挥重要作用.从20世纪90年代后期以来,高校陆续建成结构完整、功能多样、资源丰富的校园网,为网络文化建设奠定了基础.与此同时,网络文化建设的各种活动也开展得有声有色.与建设社会主义先进文化的要求相比,网络文化建设还任重道远,需要提高认识,加强领导,创新网络文化内容,建设一支高素质的网络文化建设、管理和研究队伍,提高大学生网络素养,净化网路环境.  相似文献   

随着体制改革深入、地勘单位的属地化管理,给市场经济下的地质档案工作提出了诸多新的问题,如档案工作重点的转移、档案门类的增加、服务对象的多样化等.为了使地质档案工作能适应市场经济的需要,要改变观念和管理体制、运作方式.本文就在市场经济中地质档案工作的新特点和采取的对策作粗浅的分析,供广大同行商榷.  相似文献   

21世纪是信息时代,网络技术迅猛发展、网络使用日趋频繁,大学生网络道德失范已经成为一个日益凸显的社会问题.详细地剖析了大学生网络思想道德失范的原因,探讨了网络环境中大学生思想道德教育的对策,引导大学生树立正确的网德观念,规范网络行为,增强综合素质.  相似文献   

召开这次全省地质灾害防治工作会议的目的是为了深入贯彻落实今年全国汛期地质灾害防治工作视频会议和全省国土资源工作会议精神,回顾总结我省“十一五”地质灾害防治工作,全面分析当前面临的形势,研究部署2011年地灾防治工作.刚才,我们表彰了全国优秀地质灾害群测群防监测员、全省地质灾害防治工作先进单位和先进个人,先进单位、先进个人的代表和全国“十杰”群测群防监测员作了典型发言;省气象局、省防办和部地环司的领导分别作了重要讲话.在此,我代表省国土资源厅和楼小东厅长,向受表彰的先进单位和个人、向优秀群测群防监测员表示衷心的祝贺!向国土资源部和省地质灾害防治工作联席会议成员单位长期以来,对我省地质灾害防治工作的关心、支持表示衷心的感谢!下面,我就如何依法防灾、科学减灾、提升地质灾害防御能力、确保人民群众生命财产安全再讲几点意见.  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,我国矿产资源供给难以满足现代化建设的需要.而<国务院关于加强地质工作的决定>正式出台,地质工作大发展、大转变的机遇也来临了.  相似文献   

机制创新是高校党校工作取得长效的研究难点。在梳理近年来高校党校工作制度建设现状基础上,从机制创新入手,实证分析高校党校工作的现行运行机制,进而提出加强高校党校工作的4大创新机制:一体化分层级双向互通机制、校内外内涵式动态互联机制、立体化发展式实践教育机制、质优化倒逼式绩效评价机制。  相似文献   

贵港市国土资源局十分重视国土资源通联宣传工作,紧紧围绕全市国土资源管埋的主旋律,采取有效措施,不断加强新闻报道和信息报送工作,坚持正确的舆论导向,建立牢固的宣传阵地,营造良好的宣传氛围,取得了明显的成效.  相似文献   

随着国土资源管理事业的不断发展,队伍建设特别是青年队伍建设日益受到各级国土资源管理部门的高度重视。宁波市国土资源局团委自2005年底成立以来,紧紧围绕国土资源管理中心工作,牢记使命和职责,积极通过健全团的组织、完善团的机制、规范团的管理、提高团的能力等方式和手段团结带领本系统广大团员青年在国土资源岗位上立足本职、争先创优,较好地发挥了助手和后备军作用,被共青团宁波市委评为2006年度“先进团组织”,为全系统“完善体制提高素质”活动的不断深入推进和国土部门新形象的塑造做出了自己的努力和贡献。其主要做法有:  相似文献   

"为全区经济社会发展做好地质找矿和地质技术服务是我局最主要的工作职责.我们必须确立以地质为本的理念,把全局工作重心转移到地质工作上来,为全区经济社会发展做好先行工作和基础服务."  相似文献   

改革开放以来,特别是上个世纪九十年代后期,地质找矿工作陷入低谷。自2006年国务院发布《关于加强地质工作的决定》后,地质工作重新转入高潮。地勘单位纷纷从高校招聘专业技术人才,为地勘队伍注入了新的血液。就青海省第三地质矿产勘查院而言,近几年已经累计招聘大学生有五十多人。青年职工数量逐年上升,且这些青年职工大多数都在野外一线工作,是促进地勘单位当前和今后发展的重要力量。从青年员工的思想现状来看,他们胸怀创业的理想与激情,工作上进,求知欲强,干劲足,主流是好的。  相似文献   

The object of the paper is to provide an insight into the changes in livelihood strategies of the people in the Garhwal Himalayas over time. From sustaining an economy based on transit trade and subsistence agriculture, there has been a shift towards tourism in recent times. This shift has been due to the tradition of pilgrimage to the higher reaches and also due to promotion by the state by developing infrastructure and providing incentives. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the policies of the colonial state and the events leading to the destruction of forests and the impoverishment of the self-sustaining semi-pastoral economy in the Garhwal Himalayas are outlined. It is argued that the destruction of forests and subsequently, the economy of the Himalayas were directly responsible for the large-scale migration to the plains. This also led to further exploitation of forests by the people who were unfamiliar with any other form of livelihood. The paper also discusses the policies of the newly independent Indian state and sees them as an extension of the British policy of large-scale exploitation of Himalayan forests for the purpose of development and economic growth. In the third section, the growth of ecotourism as a direct outcome of the orocess of deforestation and as resulting from the need of society to conserve and yet to earn a livelihood is discussed. The case study of the Gangotrir egion examines the dilemma faced by the people of Garhwal in sustaining their livelihood, income or the development in the area. In addition, tourism has fostered monopolies of groups external to the region thereby contributing neither to the income or the development in the area. In addition, there is an added threat to the environment-deforestation, and erosion-a direct outcome of increased and unplanned tourism. Such problems demand state intervention and management of t.ourism. The conclusion to the paper asserts that in order that the requirements of the society to progress and to sustain itself in its natural habitat are not compromised, it is essential to increase the process of democratization by strengthening local structures and by vesting the community with the autonomy to determine its future. The paper therefore argues that ecotourism in the Himalayas undertaken without local involvement is not desirable. The constant need for local monitoring of external agencies or even of the State‘s participation and the need for re-evaluation of environmental standards are cumbersome details that add to the costs of promoting low-impact tourism. To be viable, ecotourism should be community based and the needs of the community, their ideas of conservation should be given prime importance and local community must be encouraged to review the standards governing conservation. Local structures should thus receive patronage and promotion, so that ecotourism becomes a dynamic facet of economic development.  相似文献   

陶渊明和华兹华斯都选择了归隐自然,希望藉大自然的幽静来摆脱社会的束缚,追求心灵的宁静,维持心理的平衡,因此,他们的诗歌中都表现出好静的特色。然而,由于社会文化背景的不同,两人对"静"有不同的感悟,他们的诗歌中达致宁静的方式和所表达的"静"的内涵也有所不同。从两位诗人的诗歌创作入手,探讨他们的"静"的文化特征。  相似文献   

发展矿产资源的综合利用、精深加工是矿产资源有效保护、合理利用、可持续发展和矿业产业结构战略性调整中的一项重要任务。针对辽宁省矿产资源综合利用、精深加工的现状及面临的问题,本文提出应制定相应的法律,依法保障矿产资源利用、精深加工;定期发布辽宁省《矿产资源精深加工、综合利用目录》,公布鼓励开发生产的产品;制定配套的矿业政策;开展政府网络信息服务;建立基金制度;提高技术水平并引进技术;有关部门应重视、支持、配合,这样才能最终实现矿产资源和矿业经济的整体性可持续发展。  相似文献   

As an open standard of data representation,XML breathes new energy to the Web application and the network computing.The development,advantage and status of XML and some standards relating to XML are reviewed.In addition,the authors put forward a method representing logging data and using UML language to establish the conceptual and logical model of logging data;using a logging data,explain how to establish the model as well as how to use XML to display and process geology data.  相似文献   

中国网络信息流的空间结构模式分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息流在社会空间结构研究,尤其是在城市空间结构研究中占据越来越重要的地位,本文以CERNET的数据为基础,分析了信息流的等级结构和流动模式,揭示了我国互联网网络结构的空间特征,并对其未来的发展变化提出了初步的设想以及对未来研究方向和方法的一些建议。  相似文献   

河南省华北型寒武纪—早奥陶世地层可分为7个组、21个生物带、10个阶。各组均为向北东、北西向的穿时体。向北东向穿时较高,反映向北东向的海侵较慢。自晚寒武世起,南西方向开始抬升,海水向北东方向运移。向北东方向抬升比北西方向慢,结束沉积晚。  相似文献   

本文利用综合地层学理论,在研究过程中选用了多门类生物地层学、同位素年龄地层学和火山地层学、生态地层学和岩石地层学及沉积地层学、地震地层学和测井地层学等手段,对鲁北区、鲁西南区、鲁中区和鲁东区中生代地层进行了划分和对比,即把沂沭断裂带以西的坊子组归为中、下侏罗统,三台组归为中侏罗统,分水岭组归为上侏罗统至下白垩统,西洼组归为下白垩统,“王氏组”归为上白垩统;把沂沭断裂带以东的莱阳组主要归为下白垩统中、下部,青山组归为下白垩统上部,王氏组归为上白垩统。  相似文献   

Similar to other areas of Pakistan, land resources in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is kept under various ownership regimes for socio-economic and ecological benefits. For the last three to four decades, communal lands and resources are subjected to high rate of degradation and deterioration, which is leading to multifarious socio-economical and ecological implications. This paper intends to look into factors that are responsible for the degradation of communal land and the adaptability of the management mechanisms developed by the local inhabitants to conserve these resources. Moreover, this study also explores the sustainability of these adopted strategies in present circumstances. Data regarding socio-economic parameters of the inhabitants and their interactions with communal lands were collected through questionnaire cum interview method. As long-term climatic data for the area do not exist therefore focus group discussions were conducted to document the changing trend in rainfall regimes and temperature variations for the last about four decades. Results indicate that communal lands are highly vulnerable to degradation due to biophysical and anthropogenic factors. Local inhabitants have developed suitable measures to control the situation, however, accelerated socio-economic transformations in the area have weakened the role of local institutions and that led to further degradation of these resources. Nevertheless, a number of locally formulated rules have been revived and implemented and it is hoped that these threatened resources would be conserved.  相似文献   

MDA和AOP是在软件开发技术中的两项新技术.MDA是一种试图使用模型(UML)来设计程序的技术,而AOP是用来解决OOP长期以来没有能够解决好的权限控制、事务处理、日志管理、安全性等会横切整个系统的责任问题.展示一个网上商店从PIM到PSM再到源码在.NET平台上的实现过程,给出了在MDA上的具体实现方案,并由此提出了一种可以描述不同环境中属性和方法的AOP容器,利用这种容器可进一步改进MDA.  相似文献   

中国耕地变化区的气候背景对比分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究我国耕地变化区的气候背景,对于了解耕地资源的生产能力,评价耕地占补平衡政策的实施效果,实现耕地资源保护和粮食安全等具有重要意义。本文在分析全国耕地空间变化的基础上,从年平均气温、年降水量和日照时数三个方面,研究耕地增加区和减少区的气候背景,并将其进行比较和分析,以期为国家保护耕地资源和发展农业生产等提供建议。研究结果表明,20世纪80年代末至2008年4个时段,耕地减少区比耕地增加区的年平均气温高0.45~1.05℃,年降水量高56.77~79.59mm,年日照时数少45.80~98.83h。耕地显著减少区比耕地显著增加区的年平均气温高0.81~1.85℃,年降水量高85.69~305.26mm,年日照时数少86.96~207.85h。在四个时段中,我国耕地重心逐渐北移且海拔升高。若海拔高度不变,耕地增加区比耕地减少区北移0.5-1个纬度,耕地显著增加区比耕地显著减少区北移1-2个纬度;若纬度不变,耕地增加区比耕地减少区,海拔升高100~200m,耕地显著增加区比耕地显著减少区,海拔升高150~350m。随年份增加,耕地增加区和显著增加区与耕地减少区和显著减少区在水分条件上的差别越来越大。这些结论对于研究我国粮食生产能力、评价耕地占补平衡、调整产业布局等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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