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We present high-precision measurements of Mg and Fe isotopic compositions of olivine, orthopyroxene (opx), and clinopyroxene (cpx) for 18 lherzolite xenoliths from east central China and provide the first combined Fe and Mg isotopic study of the upper mantle. δ56Fe in olivines varies from 0.18‰ to −0.22‰ with an average of −0.01 ± 0.18‰ (2SD, n = 18), opx from 0.24‰ to −0.22‰ with an average of 0.04 ± 0.20‰, and cpx from 0.24‰ to −0.16‰ with an average of 0.10 ± 0.19‰. δ26Mg of olivines varies from −0.25‰ to −0.42‰ with an average of −0.34 ± 0.10‰ (2SD, n = 18), opx from −0.19‰ to −0.34‰ with an average of −0.25 ± 0.10‰, and cpx from −0.09‰ to −0.43‰ with an average of −0.24 ± 0.18‰. Although current precision (∼±0.06‰ for δ56Fe; ±0.10‰ for δ26Mg, 2SD) limits the ability to analytically distinguish inter-mineral isotopic fractionations, systematic behavior of inter-mineral fractionation for both Fe and Mg is statistically observed: Δ56Feol-cpx = −0.10 ± 0.12‰ (2SD, n = 18); Δ56Feol-opx = −0.05 ± 0.11‰; Δ26Mgol-opx = −0.09 ± 0.12‰; Δ26Mgol-cpx = −0.10 ± 0.15‰. Fe and Mg isotopic composition of bulk rocks were calculated based on the modes of olivine, opx, and cpx. The average δ56Fe of peridotites in this study is 0.01 ± 0.17‰ (2SD, n = 18), similar to the values of chondrites but slightly lower than mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and oceanic island basalts (OIB). The average δ26Mg is −0.30 ± 0.09‰, indistinguishable from chondrites, MORB, and OIB. Our data support the conclusion that the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) has chondritic δ56Fe and δ26Mg.The origin of inter-mineral fractionations of Fe and Mg isotopic ratios remains debated. δ56Fe between the main peridotite minerals shows positive linear correlations with slopes within error of unity, strongly suggesting intra-sample mineral-mineral Fe and Mg isotopic equilibrium. Because inter-mineral isotopic equilibrium should be reached earlier than major element equilibrium via chemical diffusion at mantle temperatures, Fe and Mg isotope ratios of coexisting minerals could be useful tools for justifying mineral thermometry and barometry on the basis of chemical equilibrium between minerals. Although most peridotites in this study exhibit a narrow range in δ56Fe, the larger deviations from average δ56Fe for three samples likely indicate changes due to metasomatic processes. Two samples show heavy δ56Fe relative to the average and they also have high La/Yb and total Fe content, consistent with metasomatic reaction between peridotite and Fe-rich and isotopically heavy melt. The other sample has light δ56Fe and slightly heavy δ26Mg, which may reflect Fe-Mg inter-diffusion between peridotite and percolating melt.  相似文献   

Holocene sediments from the Gotland Deep basin in the Baltic Sea were investigated for their Fe isotopic composition in order to assess the impact of changes in redox conditions and a transition from freshwater to brackish water on the isotope signature of iron. The sediments display variations in δ56Fe (differences in the 56Fe/54Fe ratio relative to the IRMM-14 standard) from −0.27 ± 0.09‰ to +0.21 ± 0.08‰. Samples deposited in a mainly limnic environment with oxygenated bottom water have a mean δ56Fe of +0.08 ± 0.13‰, which is identical to the mean Fe isotopic composition of igneous rocks and oxic marine sediments. In contrast, sediments that formed in brackish water under periodically euxinic conditions display significantly lighter Fe isotope signatures with a mean δ56Fe of −0.14 ± 0.19‰. Negative correlations of the δ56Fe values with the Fe/Al ratio and S content of the samples suggest that the isotopically light Fe in the periodically euxinic samples is associated with reactive Fe enrichments and sulfides. This is supported by analyses of pyrite separates from this unit that have a mean Fe isotopic composition of −1.06 ± 0.20‰ for δ56Fe. The supply of additional Fe with a light Fe isotopic signature can be explained with the shelf to basin Fe shuttle model. According to the Fe shuttle model, oxides and benthic ferrous Fe that is derived from dissimilatory iron reduction from shelves is transported and accumulated in euxinic basins. The data furthermore suggest that the euxinic water has a negative dissolved δ56Fe value of about −1.4‰ to −0.9‰. If negative Fe isotopic signatures are characteristic for euxinic sediment formation, widespread euxinia in the past might have shifted the Fe isotopic composition of dissolved Fe in the ocean towards more positive δ56Fe values.  相似文献   

We analyzed the deuterium composition of individual plant-waxes in lake sediments from 28 watersheds that span a range of precipitation D/H, vegetation types and climates. The apparent isotopic fractionation (εa) between plant-wax n-alkanes and precipitation differs with watershed ecosystem type and structure, and decreases with increasing regional aridity as measured by enrichment of 2H and 18O associated with evaporation of lake waters. The most negative εa values represent signatures least affected by aridity; these values were −125 ± 5‰ for tropical evergreen and dry forests, −130‰ for a temperate broadleaf forest, −120 ± 9‰ for the high-altitude tropical páramo (herbs, shrubs and grasses), and −98 ± 6‰ for North American montane gymnosperm forests. Minimum εa values reflect ecosystem-dependent differences in leaf water enrichment and soil evaporation. Slopes of lipid/lake water isotopic enrichments differ slightly with ecosystem structure (i.e. open shrublands versus forests) and overall are quite small (slopes = 0-2), indicating low sensitivity of lipid δD variations to aridity compared with coexisting lake waters. This finding provides an approach for reconstructing ancient precipitation signatures based on plant-wax δD measurements and independent proxies for lake water changes with regional aridity. To illustrate this approach, we employ paired plant-wax δD and carbonate-δ18O measurements on lake sediments to estimate the isotopic composition of Miocene precipitation on the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   

The acidophilic iron-oxidizing bacterium, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, plays a part in the pyrite oxidation process and has been widely studied in order to determine the kinetics of the reactions and the isotopic composition of dissolved product sulphates, but the details of the oxidation processes at the surface of pyrite are still poorly known. In this study, oxygen and sulphur isotopic compositions (δ18O and δ34S) were analyzed for dissolved sulphates and water from experimental aerobic acidic (pH < 2) pyrite oxidation by A. ferrooxidans. The oxidation products attached to the pyrite surfaces were studied for their morphology (SEM), their chemistry (Raman spectroscopy) and for their δ18O (ion microprobe). They were compared to abiotically (Fe3+, H2O2, O2) oxidized pyrite surface compounds in order to constrain the oxidation pathways and to look for the existence of potential biosignatures for this system.The pyrite dissolution evolved from non-stoichiometric (during the first days) to stoichiometric (with increasing time) resulting in dissolved sulphates having distinct δ18O (e.g. +11.0‰ and −2.0‰, respectively) and δ34S (+4.5‰ and +2.8‰, respectively) values. The “oxidation layer” at the surface of pyrite is complex and made of iron oxides, sulphate, polysulphide, elemental sulphur and polythionates. Bio- and Fe3+-oxidation favour the development of monophased micrometric bumps made of hematite or sulphate while other abiotic oxidation processes result in more variable oxidation products. The δ18O of these oxidation products at the surface of oxidized pyrites are strongly variable (from ≈−40‰ to ≈+30‰) for all experiments.Isotopic fractionation between sulphates and pyrite, Δ34SSO4-pyrite, is equal to −1.3‰ and +0.4‰ for sulphates formed by stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric processes, respectively. These two values likely reflect either a S-S or a Fe-S bond breaking process. The Δ18OSO4-H2O and Δ18OSO4-O2 are estimated to be ≈+16‰ and ≈−25‰, respectively. These values are higher than previously published data and may reflect biological effects. The large δ18O heterogeneity measured at the surfaces of oxidized pyrites, whatever the oxidant, may be related (i) to the existence of local surface environments isolated from the solution in which the oxidation processes are different and (ii) to the stabilization at the pyrite surface of reaction intermediates that are not in isotopic equilibrium with the solution. Though the oxygen isotopic composition of surface oxidation products cannot be taken as a direct biosignature, the combined morphological, chemical and isotopic characterization of the surfaces of oxidized pyrites may furnish clues about a biological activity on a mineral surface.  相似文献   

The concentrations of mercury (Hg) and other trace metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Ba, Re, U) and the Hg isotopic composition were examined across a dramatic redox and productivity transition in a mid-Pleistocene Mediterranean Sea sapropel sequence. Characteristic trace metal enrichment in organic-rich layers was observed, with organic-rich sapropel layers ranging in Hg concentration from 314 to 488 ng/g (avg = 385), with an average enrichment in Hg by a factor of 5.9 compared to organic-poor background sediments, which range from 39 to 94 ng/g Hg (avg = 66). Comparison of seawater concentrations and sapropel accumulations of trace metals suggests that organic matter quantitatively delivers Hg to the seafloor. Near complete scavenging of Hg from the water column renders the sapropel Hg isotopic composition representative of mid-Pleistocene Mediterranean seawater. Sapropels have an average δ202Hg value of −0.91‰ ± 0.15‰ (n = 5, 1 SD) and Δ199Hg value of 0.11‰ ± 0.03‰ (n = 5, 1 SD). Background sediments have an average δ202Hg of −0.76‰ ± 0.16‰ (n = 5, 1 SD) and Δ199Hg of 0.05‰ ± 0.01‰ (n = 5, 1 SD), which is indistinguishable from the sapropel values. We suggest that the sapropel isotopic composition is most representative of the mid-Pleistocene Tyrrhenian Sea.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope fractionation factors associated with the aerobic consumption of methane (C1), ethane (C2), propane (C3), and n-butane (C4) were determined from incubations of marine sediment collected from the Coal Oil Point hydrocarbon seep field, located offshore Santa Barbara, CA. Hydrogen isotope fractionation factors for C1, C2 and C3 were determined concurrently. Fresh sediment samples from two seep areas were each slurried with sea water and treated with C1, C2, C3 or C4, or with mixtures of all four gases. Triplicate samples were incubated aerobically at 15 °C, and the stable isotope composition and headspace levels of C1-C4 were monitored over the course of the experiment. Oxidation was observed for all C1-C4 gases, with an apparent preference for C3 and C4 over C1 and C2 in the mixed-gas treatments. Fractionation factors were calculated using a Rayleigh model by comparing the δ13C and δD of the residual C1-C4 gases to their headspace levels. Carbon isotope fractionation factors (reported in ε or (α-1) × 1000 notation) were consistent between seep areas and were −26.5‰ ± 3.9 for C1, −8.0‰ ± 1.7 for C2, −4.8‰ ± 0.9 for C3 and −2.9‰ ± 0.9 for C4. Fractionation factors determined from mixed gas incubations were similar to those determined from individual gas incubations, though greater variability was observed during C1 consumption. In the case of C1 and C3 consumption, carbon isotope fractionation appears to decrease as substrate becomes limiting. Hydrogen isotope fractionation factors determined from the two seep areas differed for C1 oxidation but were similar for C2 and C3. Hydrogen isotope fractionation factors ranged from −319.9‰ to −156.4‰ for C1 incubations, and averaged −61.9‰ ± 8.3 for C2 incubations and −15.1‰ ± 1.9 for C3 incubations. The fractionation factors presented here may be applied to estimate the extent of C1-C4 oxidation in natural gas samples, and should prove useful in further studying the microbial oxidation of these compounds in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The formation of authigenic Ca-rich rhodochrosite (ACR) in sapropelic sediments of the Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea, is governed by deepwater renewal processes whereby saline water from the North Atlantic flushes the brackish anoxic Baltic Deeps. The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of these Mn-carbonates suggest that ACR formation takes place just below the sediment surface and that dissolved compounds from the deepwater column, such as water and bicarbonate molecules, were incorporated in ACR during authigenesis. Porewaters near the sediment surface display δ18O values of −5.4‰ (VSMOW) and are generally depleted in 18O, compared to the oxygen isotopic composition of water in equilibrium with Mn-carbonate solid solutions (ACR δ18O values are −4.6‰). This suggests that early burial diagenetic processes significantly modify the initial isotopic composition of water during Mn-carbonate formation. The reduction of sulfate having δ18O values of +8.4‰ accounts for a permanent enrichment of porewater 18O and observed δ18O values at depth equal to −4.6‰. However, this process does not explain the observed disequilibrium in the oxygen isotopic composition between water and ACR close to the sediment surface where Mn-carbonate formation takes place. Based on isotopic mass balance calculations, we suggest that MnO2 with δ18O values of +8.9‰ released oxygen enriched in 18O into the anoxic porewaters close below the sediment surface. This process should occur after oxygenation events during deepwater renewal when MnO2 accumulates at the surface of anoxic sediments. Manganese carbonates formed in these waters display δ18O values of ∼1.0‰ heavier than values expected solely from the initial deepwater composition. This quantitatively explains the discrepancy between paleosalinities calculated from ACR δ18O based on Mn-carbonate/water isotopic equilibrium fractionation and direct observations for the same period. Our results emphasize the important role of microbial MnO2 reduction during rhodochrosite authigenesis and suggest that Mn(II) activity, rather than alkalinity, is the limiting component for sedimentary Mn-carbonate formation.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of U in nature is generally assumed to be invariant. Here, we report variations of the 238U/235U isotope ratio in natural samples (basalts, granites, seawater, corals, black shales, suboxic sediments, ferromanganese crusts/nodules and BIFs) of ∼1.3‰, exceeding by far the analytical precision of our method (≈0.06‰, 2SD). U isotopes were analyzed with MC-ICP-MS using a mixed 236U-233U isotopic tracer (double spike) to correct for isotope fractionation during sample purification and instrumental mass bias. The largest isotope variations found in our survey are between oxidized and reduced depositional environments, with seawater and suboxic sediments falling in between. Light U isotope compositions (relative to SRM-950a) were observed for manganese crusts from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which display δ238U of −0.54‰ to −0.62‰ and for three of four analyzed Banded Iron Formations, which have δ238U of −0.89‰, −0.72‰ and −0.70‰, respectively. High δ238U values are observed for black shales from the Black Sea (unit-I and unit-II) and three Kupferschiefer samples (Germany), which display δ238U of −0.06‰ to +0.43‰. Also, suboxic sediments have slightly elevated δ238U (−0.41‰ to −0.16‰) compared to seawater, which has δ238U of −0.41 ± 0.03‰. Granites define a range of δ238U between −0.20‰ and −0.46‰, but all analyzed basalts are identical within uncertainties and slightly lighter than seawater (δ238U = −0.29‰).Our findings imply that U isotope fractionation occurs in both oxic (manganese crusts) and suboxic to euxinic environments with opposite directions. In the first case, we hypothesize that this fractionation results from adsorption of U to ferromanganese oxides, as is the case for Mo and possibly Tl isotopes. In the second case, reduction of soluble UVI to insoluble UIV probably results in fractionation toward heavy U isotope compositions relative to seawater. These findings imply that variable ocean redox conditions through geological time should result in variations of the seawater U isotope compositions, which may be recorded in sediments or fossils. Thus, U isotopes might be a promising novel geochemical tracer for paleo-redox conditions and the redox evolution on Earth. The discovery that 238U/235U varies in nature also has implications for the precision and accuracy of U-Pb dating. The total observed range in U isotope compositions would produce variations in 207Pb/206Pb ages of young U-bearing minerals of up to 3 Ma, and up to 2 Ma for minerals that are 3 billion years old.  相似文献   

We measured molecular distributions and compound-specific hydrogen (δD) and stable carbon isotopic ratios (δ13C) of mid- and long-chain n-alkanes in forest soils, wetland peats and lake sediments within the Dorokawa watershed, Hokkaido, Japan, to better understand sources and processes associate with delivery of terrestrial organic matter into the lake sediments. δ13C values of odd carbon numbered C23-C33n-alkanes ranged from −37.2‰ to −31.5‰, while δD values of these alkanes showed a large degree of variability that ranged from −244‰ to −180‰. Molecular distributions in combination with stable carbon isotopic compositions indicate a large contribution of C3 trees as the main source of n-alkanes in forested soils whereas n-alkanes in wetland soil are exclusively derived from marsh grass and/or moss. We found that the n-alkane δD values are much higher in forest soils than wetland peat. The higher δD values in forest samples could be explained by the enrichment of deuterium in leaf and soil waters due to increased evapotranspiration in the forest or differences in physiology of source plants between wetland and forest. A δ13C vs. δD diagram of n-alkanes among forest, wetland and lake samples showed that C25-C31n-alkanes deposited in lake sediments are mainly derived from tree leaves due to the preferential transport of the forest soil organic matter over the wetland or an increased contribution of atmospheric input of tree leaf wax in the offshore sites. This study demonstrates that compound-specific δD analysis provides a useful approach for better understanding source and transport of terrestrial biomarkers in a C3 plant-dominated catchment.  相似文献   

A suite of natural gases from the northern Songliao Basin in NE China were characterized for their molecular and carbon isotopic composition. Gases from shallow reservoirs display clear geochemical evidence of alteration by biodegradation, with very high dryness (C1/C2+ > 100), high C2/C3 and i-C4/n-C4 ratios, high nitrogen content and variable carbon dioxide content. Isotopic values show wide range variations (δ13CCH4 from −79.5‰ to −45.0‰, δ13CC2H6 from −53.7‰ to −32.2‰, δ13CC3H8 from −36.5‰ to −20.1‰, δ13CnC4H10 from −32.7‰ to −24.5‰, and δ13CCO2 from −21.6‰ to +10.5‰). A variety of genetic types can be recognized on the basis of chemical and isotopic composition together with their geological occurrence. Secondary microbial gas generation was masked by primary microbial gas and the mixing of newly generated methane with thermogenic methane already in place in the reservoir can cause very complicated isotopic signatures. System openness also was considered for shallow biodegraded gas accumulations. Gases from the Daqing Anticline are relatively wet with 13C enriched methane and 13C depleted CO2, representing typically thermogenic origin. Gases within the Longhupao-Da’an Terrace have variable dryness, 13C enriched methane and variable δ13C of CO2, suggesting dominant thermogenic origin and minor secondary microbial methane augment. The Puqian-Ao’nan Uplift contains relatively dry gas with 13C depleted methane and 13C enriched CO2, typical for secondary microbial gas with a minor part of thermogenic methane. Gas accumulations in the Western Slope are very dry with low carbon dioxide concentrations. Some gases contain 13C depleted methane, ethane and propane, indicating low maturity/primary microbial origin. Recognition of varying genetic gas types in the Songliao Basin helps explain the observed dominance of gas in the shallow reservoir and could serve as an analogue for other similar shallow gas systems.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the extent of volatile element recycling in convergent margin volcanism requires delineating likely source(s) of magmatic volatiles through stable isotopic characterization of sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen in erupted tephra with appropriate assessment of modification by degassing. The climactic eruption of Mt. Mazama ejected approximately 50 km3 of rhyodacitic magma into the atmosphere and resulted in formation of a 10-km diameter caldera now occupied by Crater Lake, Oregon (lat. 43°N, long. 122°W). Isotopic compositions of whole-rocks, matrix glasses and minerals from Mt. Mazama climactic, pre-climactic and postcaldera tephra were determined to identify the likely source(s) of H2O and S. Integration of stable isotopic data with petrologic data from melt inclusions has allowed for estimation of pre-eruptive dissolved volatile concentrations and placed constraints on the extent, conditions and style of degassing.Sulfur isotope analyses of climactic rhyodacitic whole rocks yield δ34S values of 2.8-14.8‰ with corresponding matrix glass values of 2.4-13.2‰. δ34S tends to increase with stratigraphic height through climactic eruptive units, consistent with open-system degassing. Dissolved sulfur concentrations in melt inclusions (MIs) from pre-climactic and climactic rhyodacitic pumices varies from 80 to 330 ppm, with highest concentrations in inclusions with 4.8-5.2 wt% H2O (by FTIR). Up to 50% of the initial S may have been lost through pre-eruptive degassing at depths of 4-5 km. Ion microprobe analyses of pyrrhotite in climactic rhyodacitic tephra and andesitic scoria indicate a range in δ34S from −0.4‰ to 5.8‰ and from −0.1‰ to 3.5‰, respectively. Initial δ34S values of rhyodacitic and andesitic magmas were likely near the mantle value of 0‰. Hydrogen isotope (δD) and total H2O analyses of rhyodacitic obsidian (and vitrophyre) from the climactic fall deposit yielded values οf −103 to −53‰ and 0.23-1.74 wt%, respectively. Values of δD and wt% H2O of obsidian decrease towards the top of the fall deposit. Samples with depleted δD, and mantle δ18O values, have elevated δ34S values consistent with open-system degassing. These results imply that more mantle-derived sulfur is degassed to the Earth’s atmosphere/hydrosphere through convergent margin volcanism than previously attributed. Magmatic degassing can modify initial isotopic compositions of sulfur by >14‰ (to δ34S values of 14‰ or more here) and hydrogen isotopic compositions by 90‰ (to δD values of −127‰ in this case).  相似文献   

Iron isotope compositions in marine pore fluids and sedimentary solid phases were measured at two sites along the California continental margin, where isotope compositions range from δ56Fe = −3.0‰ to +0.4‰. At one site near Monterey Canyon off central California, organic matter oxidation likely proceeds through a number of diagenetic pathways that include significant dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) and bacterial sulfate reduction, whereas at our other site in the Santa Barbara basin DIR appears to be comparatively small, and production of sulfides (FeS and pyrite) was extensive. The largest range in Fe isotope compositions is observed for Fe(II)aq in porewaters, which generally have the lowest δ56Fe values (minimum: −3.0‰) near the sediment surface, and increase with burial depth. δ56Fe values for FeS inferred from HCl extractions vary between ∼−0.4‰ and +0.4‰, but pyrite is similar at both stations, where an average δ56Fe value of −0.8 ± 0.2‰ was measured. We interpret variations in dissolved Fe isotope compositions to be best explained by open-system behavior that involves extensive recycling of Feflux. This study is the first to examine Fe isotope variations in modern marine sediments, and the results show that Fe isotopes in the various reactive Fe pools undergo isotopic fractionation during early diagenesis. Importantly, processes dominated by sulfide formation produce high-δ56Fe values for porewaters, whereas the opposite occurs when Fe(III)-oxides are present and DIR is a major pathway of organic carbon respiration. Because shelf pore fluids may carry a negative δ56Fe signature it is possible that the Fe isotope composition of ocean water reflects a significant contribution of shelf-derived iron to the open ocean. Such a signature would be an important means for tracing iron sources to the ocean and water mass circulation.  相似文献   

Li behaviour and distribution in the mantle were investigated by ion microprobe in situ measurements on co-existing olivine (ol), orthopyroxene (opx), clinopyroxene (cpx) and amphibole (amp) in xenoliths from the French Massif Central. The fertile spinel lherzolites of this study record increasing degrees of mantle metasomatism, from unmetasomatised anhydrous samples through cryptically metasomatised samples to highly metasomatised amphibole-rich samples. In anhydrous lherzolites, Li is preferentially incorporated into olivine (1.1-1.4 ppm, average values) compared to pyroxenes (0.2-0.9 ppm). The hydrous samples clearly show enrichment of Li in ol (1.5-5.0 ppm), opx (1.1-2.4 ppm) and cpx (2.4-5.4 ppm), while amphibole incorporates less Li than the co-existing phases (0.8-1.3 ppm). Average δ7Li values range from +7.6 to +14.5‰ in ol, from 5.1 to +13.7‰ in opx and from 8.8 to +10.3‰ in cpx from the anhydrous lherzolites. A layered peridotite sample (Sdi) shows higher Li content in all phases, with lighter isotopic composition in opx and cpx (−0.6 and −2‰ average δ7Li values, respectively). In the hydrous lherzolites average δ7Li values both overlap and extend beyond these ranges in ol (up to 17.5 ‰) and in opx (up to 22.9‰), and vary widely in cpx (−2.7 to +9.7‰). Low δ7Li values are observed in some opx (−10.4‰) and cpx (−13‰) from sample Sdi, and in cpx from three hydrous samples (from −9.7 to −5.3‰). The different anhydrous phases from the hydrous samples show large intra-grain variations in Li isotopic ratios (e.g., up to 18‰) compared to the same phases from the anhydrous samples (mostly less than 6‰), excepting sample Sdi which has up to 20.4‰ variation in cpx. Similar to the anhydrous silicates, amphiboles show a wide variation of δ7Li values on the intra-grain scale (2-27‰). These variations are interpreted to result from fractionation processes during metasomatism by a silicate melt undergoing compositional changes as it percolates through and reacts with the peridotite phases. Thus Li abundances and isotopic in situ measurements are useful for tracing metasomatic processes but the heterogeneities observed in the samples preclude any identification of a specific mantle source by its Li signature.  相似文献   

Magnesium isotopic composition of the Earth and chondrites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To constrain further the Mg isotopic composition of the Earth and chondrites, and investigate the behavior of Mg isotopes during planetary formation and magmatic processes, we report high-precision (±0.06‰ on δ25Mg and ±0.07‰ on δ26Mg, 2SD) analyses of Mg isotopes for (1) 47 mid-ocean ridge basalts covering global major ridge segments and spanning a broad range in latitudes, geochemical and radiogenic isotopic compositions; (2) 63 ocean island basalts from Hawaii (Kilauea, Koolau and Loihi) and French Polynesia (Society Island and Cook-Austral chain); (3) 29 peridotite xenoliths from Australia, China, France, Tanzania and USA; and (4) 38 carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites including 9 chondrite groups (CI, CM, CO, CV, L, LL, H, EH and EL).Oceanic basalts and peridotite xenoliths have similar Mg isotopic compositions, with average values of δ25Mg = −0.13 ± 0.05 (2SD) and δ26Mg = −0.26 ± 0.07 (2SD) for global oceanic basalts (n = 110) and δ25Mg = −0.13 ± 0.03 (2SD) and δ26Mg = −0.25 ± 0.04 (2SD) for global peridotite xenoliths (n = 29). The identical Mg isotopic compositions in oceanic basalts and peridotites suggest that equilibrium Mg isotope fractionation during partial melting of peridotite mantle and magmatic differentiation of basaltic magma is negligible. Thirty-eight chondrites have indistinguishable Mg isotopic compositions, with δ25Mg = −0.15 ± 0.04 (2SD) and δ26Mg = −0.28 ± 0.06 (2SD). The constancy of Mg isotopic compositions in all major types of chondrites suggest that primary and secondary processes that affected the chemical and oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrites did not significantly fractionate Mg isotopes.Collectively, the Mg isotopic composition of the Earth’s mantle, based on oceanic basalts and peridotites, is estimated to be −0.13 ± 0.04 for δ25Mg and −0.25 ± 0.07 for δ26Mg (2SD, n = 139). The Mg isotopic composition of the Earth, as represented by the mantle, is similar to chondrites. The chondritic composition of the Earth implies that Mg isotopes were well mixed during accretion of the inner solar system.  相似文献   

Bottled waters are an increasingly significant product in the human diet. In this work, we present a dataset of stable isotope ratios for bottled waters sampled in Greece. A total of 25 domestic brands of bottled still waters, collected on the Greek market in 2009, were analysed for δ18O and δ2H. The measured stable isotope ratios range from − 9.9‰ to − 6.9‰ for δ18O and from − 67.50‰ to − 46.5‰ for δ2H. Comparison of bottled water isotope ratios with natural spring water isotope ratios demonstrates that on average the isotopic composition of bottled water tends to be similar to the composition of naturally available local water sources, showing that bottled water isotope ratios preserve information about the water sources from which they were derived and suggesting that in many cases bottled water should not be considered as an isotopically distinct component of the human diet. This investigation also helped to determine the natural origin of bottled water, and to indicate differences between the natural and production processes. The production process may influence the isotopic composition of waters. No such modification was observed for sampled waters in this study. The isotopic methods applied can be used for the authentication of bottled waters and for use in the regulatory monitoring of water products.  相似文献   

Sixteen groundwater samples collected from production wells tapping Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone and fractured basement aquifers in Sinai were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions, dissolved noble gas concentrations (recharge temperatures), tritium activities, and 14C abundances. Results define two groups of samples: Group I has older ages, lower recharge temperatures, and depleted isotopic compositions (adjusted 14C model age: 24,000–31,000 yr BP; δ18O: − 9.59‰ to − 6.53‰; δ2H: − 72.9‰ to − 42.9‰; < 1 TU; and recharge T: 17.5–22.0°C) compared to Group II (adjusted 14C model age: 700–4700 yr BP; δ18O: − 5.89‰ to − 4.84‰; δ2H: − 34.5‰ to − 24.1‰; < 1 to 2.78 TU; and recharge T: 20.6–26.2°C). Group II samples have isotopic compositions similar to those of average modern rainfall, with larger d-excess values than Group I waters, and locally measurable tritium activity (up to 2.8 TU). These observations are consistent with (1) the Nubian Aquifer being largely recharged prior to and/or during the Last Glacial Maximum (represented by Group I), possibly through the intensification of paleowesterlies; and (2) continued sporadic recharge during the relatively dry and warmer interglacial period (represented by Group II) under conditions similar to those of the present.  相似文献   

The redox state of Precambrian shallow seas has been linked with material cycle and evolution of the photosynthesis-based ecosystem. Iron is a redox-sensitive element and exists as a soluble Fe(II) species or insoluble Fe(III) species on Earth’s surface. Previous studies have shown that the iron isotopic ratio of marine sedimentary minerals is useful for understanding the ocean redox state, although the redox state of the Archean shallow sea is poorly known. This is partly because the conventional bulk isotope analytical technique has often been used, wherein the iron isotopic record may be dampened by the presence of isotopically different iron-bearing minerals within the same sample. Here we report a microscale iron isotopic ratio of individual pyrite grains in shallow marine stromatolitic carbonates over geological time using a newly developed, near-infrared femtosecond laser ablation multicollector ICP-MS technique (NIR-fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS).We have determined that the grain-scale iron isotopic distribution of pyrite from coeval samples shows a bimodal (2.7 and 2.3 Ga) or unimodal pattern (2.9, 2.6, and 0.7 Ga). In particular, pyrite from the 2.7 Ga Fortescue Group shows a unique bimodal distribution with highly positive (+1.0‰ defined as Type 1) and negative δ56Fe values (−1.8‰ defined as Type 2). Type 1 and 2 pyrites occasionally occur within different siliceous layers in the same rock specimen. Layer-scale iron isotopic heterogeneity indicates that the iron isotopic ratios of the two types of pyrite are not homogenized by diagenesis after deposition. Some cubic pyrites have a core with a positive δ56Fe value (1‰) and a rim with a crustal δ56Fe value (0‰). The observed isotopic zoning suggests that the positive δ56Fe value is a primary signature at the time of stromatolite formation, while secondary pyrite precipitated during diagenesis.The positive δ56Fe value of Type 1 and the large iron isotopic difference between Type 1 and 2 (2.8‰.) suggest partial Fe(II) oxidation in the 2.7-Ga shallow sea, i.e., pyritization of 56Fe-enriched ferric oxyhydroxide (Type 1) and 56Fe depleted Fe2+aq in seawater (Type 2). Type 2 pyrite was probably not produced by microbial iron redox cycling during diagenesis because this scenario requires a higher abundance of pyrite with δ56Fe of 0‰ than of −1.8‰. Consequently, the degree of Fe(II) oxidation in the 2.7-Ga shallow sea can be estimated by a Fe2+aq steady-state model. The model calculation shows that half the Fe2+aq influx was oxidized in the seawater. This implies that O2 produced by photosynthesis would have been completely consumed by oxidation of the Fe2+aq influx. Grain-scale iron isotopic distribution of pyrite could be a useful index for reconstructing the redox state of the Archean shallow sea.  相似文献   

We analyzed the Se isotopic composition of black shales and related kerogen and sulfide fractions from the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se deposit, the La’erma Se-Au deposit and the Yutangba Se deposit in southern China to constrain metal sources and accumulation processes, both subjects of disagreement in the scientific community. Se at the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se polymetallic deposit displayed a restricted range of δ82Se values (−1.6‰ to 2.4‰ with a mean of 0.6‰) suggesting a major hydrothermal origin where aqueous Se was probably transported as H2Se, along with H2S, and precipitated directly as selenides or in sulfides. Se at the La’erma Se-Au deposit covers a larger range in δ82Se values (−3.8‰ to 5.4‰ with a mean of 0.3‰), suggesting Se redistribution following redox transformations, leading to kinetic isotopic fractionation. The largest Se isotopic variation so far in natural terrestrial samples was found in the Yutangba Se deposit, with δ82Se values varying from −12.77‰ to 4.93‰. On the basis of variations in Se isotopes in the deposit, along with other geological and geochemical evidence, the “redox model” (supergene alteration) explains the occurrence of native Se in the deposit. Overall, hydrothermal systems may be a potentially important Se source to form economic deposits in comparison to seawater sources. Significantly, our study indicates that either secondary hydrothermal or supergene alteration is a key factor in Se enrichment in black shales. Redistribution of Se, and probably other redox-sensitive metals like Mo, Cr and V, leads to isotopic fractionation which may be used to fingerprint such alteration/precipitation processes.  相似文献   

We evaluate anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in the Black Sea water column by determining distributions of archaea-specific glyceryl dialkyl glyceryl tetraethers (GDGTs) and 13C isotopic compositions of their constituent biphytanes in suspended particulate matter (SPM), sinking particulate matter collected in sediment traps, and surface sediments. We also determined isotopic compositions of fatty acids specific to sulfate-reducing bacteria to test for biomarker and isotopic evidence of a syntrophic relationship between archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria in carrying out AOM. Bicyclic and tricyclic GDGTs and their constituent 13C-depleted monocyclic and bicyclic biphytanes (down to −67‰) indicative of archaea involved in AOM were present in SPM in the anoxic zone below 700 m depth. In contrast, GDGT-0 and crenarchaeol derived from planktonic crenarchaeota dominated the GDGT distributions in the oxic surface and shallow anoxic waters. Fatty acids indicative of sulfate-reducing bacteria (i.e., iso- and anteiso-C15) were not strongly isotopically depleted (e.g., −32 to −25‰), although anteiso-C15 was 5‰ more depleted in 13C than iso-C15. Our results suggest that either AOM is carried out by archaea independent of sulfate-reducing bacteria or those sulfate-reducing bacteria involved in a syntrophy with methane-oxidizing archaea constitute a small enough fraction of the total sulfate-reducing bacterial community that an isotope depletion in their fatty acids is not readily detected. Sinking particulate material collected in sediment traps and the underlying sediments in the anoxic zone contained the biomarker and isotope signature of upper-water column archaea. AOM-specific GDGTs and 13C-depleted biphytanes characteristic of the SPM in the deep anoxic zone are not incorporated into sinking particles and are not efficiently transported to the sediments. This observation suggests that sediments may not always record AOM in overlying euxinic water columns and helps explain the absence of AOM-derived biomarkers in sediments deposited during past periods of elevated levels of methane in the ocean.  相似文献   

Boron isotope compositions (δ11B) and B concentrations of rains and snows were studied in order to characterize the sources and fractionation processes during the boron atmospheric cycle. The 11B/10B ratios of instantaneous and cumulative rains and snows from coastal and continental sites show a large range of variations, from −1.5 ± 0.4 to +26.0 ± 0.5‰ and from −10.2 ± 0.5 to +34.4 ± 0.2‰, respectively. Boron concentrations in rains and snows vary between 0.1 and 3.0 ppb. All these precipitation samples are enriched in 10B compared to the ocean value (δ11B = +39.5‰). An empirical rain-vapour isotopic fractionation of +31‰ is estimated from three largely independent methods. The deduced seawater-vapour fractionation is +25.5‰, with the difference between the rain and seawater fractionations principally reflecting changes in the speciation of boron in the liquid with ∼100% B(OH)3 present in precipitations. A boron meteoric water line, δD = 2.6δ11B − 133, is proposed which describes the relationship between δD and δ11B in many, but not all, precipitations. Boron isotopic compositions of precipitations can be related to that of the seawater reservoir by the seawater-vapour fractionation and one or more of (1) the rain-vapour isotopic fractionation, (2) evolution of the δ11B value of the atmospheric vapour reservoir via condensation-precipitation processes (Rayleigh distillation process), (3) any contribution of vapour from the evaporation of seawater aerosols, and (4) any contribution from particulate matter, principally sea salt, continental dust and, perhaps more regionally, anthropogenic sources (burning of biomass and fossil fuels). From the δ11B values of continental precipitations, a sea salt contribution cannot be more than a percent or so of the total B in precipitation over these areas.  相似文献   

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