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印尼大地震震前次声异常信号的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年12月26日发生在印尼苏门答腊岛附近印度洋海斌的地震震级高达9.0(Mw9.0),引起了巨大海啸.造成了几十万人的伤亡,至今全世界的人们还记忆犹新。美国地质调查局把此次地震列为百年以来全球第五大地震。时隔3个月,2005年3月29日在印尼又发生了Ms8.7地震,5月17日再次发生了7.1级地震。北京工业大学地震研究所在这几次印尼地震前都收到次声波异常信号,本文对这些异常信号进行了初步的分析与探讨。  相似文献   

北京时间2011年3月11日13时46分(05:46 UTC)日本东北部近海(38.3°N,142.4°E)发生Mw9.0级特大地震,此次地震的强度为日本近1200a来最强.随后环太平洋的数十个国家和地区的验潮站和海啸监测浮标均监测到了强震引发的越洋海啸,海啸奔袭23 h到达南美洲的智利沿岸;此次海啸除了对近场的日本东北部沿岸地区造成了巨大灾害,还对太平洋东岸的部分国家和地区造成了一定程度的影响.地震发生4 h后海啸波到达我国台湾东部沿海,6~8 h海啸波到达我国大陆东南沿海,受此影响我国发布了第一份海啸蓝色警报.本文利用海啸数值模型对此次地震海啸的产生、越洋传播过程进行了数值模拟,给出了海啸波能量在我国近海及泛太平洋区域分布特征;同时重点模拟分析了海啸波在日本及中国近海传播的波动特征,模拟结果与观测数据吻合良好.最后通过对数值模拟结果的分析,阐述了此次海啸对中国的影响,给出了潜在的日本地震海啸对中国的风险估计.  相似文献   

引言 2011年3月11日日本本州岛东海岸附近海域发生的M9.0地震(Tohoku earthquake,以下称“东日本大地震”——译者注)及其引发的海啸造成数以万计的人员死亡,造成的财产损失可能超过1万亿美元,这是有历史记录以来最严重的自然灾害之一。  相似文献   

2010年2月27日06时34分(北京时间14时34分),在智利中南部近岸(36.1°S,72.6°W)发生Mw8.8级地震,并引发了泛太平洋范围的海啸,太平洋沿岸多个国家的验潮站和海啸监测浮标均监测到了强震引发的海啸;海啸波传播25 h后到达我国沿海.本文利用海啸数值模型对此次地震海啸进行了数值模拟.重点模拟了我国沿...  相似文献   

2011年3月11日,日本当地时间14时46分,日本东北部海域发生Mw9.0地震并引发海啸,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失.地震引发的海啸影响到太平洋沿岸的大部分地区,并造成日本福岛第一核电站1~4号机组发生核泄漏事故.  相似文献   

根据中国地震局分析预报中心提供的资料 ,2 0 0 1年 2月华北地区 ( 3 3 .0°~ 42 .0°N,1 1 1 .0°~1 2 5 .0°E)共发生 ML≥ 3 .0地震 5次 (见表 1 ) ,1日 1 5时 0 4分黄海 ML 3 .6地震和 1 5日 0 9时 0 5分辽阳 ML 3 .6地震是 2月最显著的的事件。2月地震频度与 1月相比略有降低。参考 1 992年以来的月平均地震频次 ,地震活动月能量释放也处于偏低状态。震中主要分布在华北东部海域 ,整个华北地区活动水平相对较低。3月华北地区共发生 ML≥ 3 .0地震 5次 (见表 2 ) ,2日 1 2时 2 9分深井堡 ML 4.7地震是 3月最显著的事件。 3月地震…  相似文献   

1 地震发生 2021年6月10日19时46分,云南双柏发生MS 5.1地震(24.34°N,101.91°E),震源深度8 km.震区附近历史地震偏少,据统计,1900年以来震中50 km范围内共发生5级地震3次,与此次地震距离最近的为1927年3月20日玉溪新平5级地震(震中相距约28 km).据1:20万地质图及前人地震地质调查成果,震中周边30 km范围内无活动断裂发育,震中周边15 km范围内只有2条长度8—9 km长的小断层.为厘清此次地震的发震构造和孕震环境,笔者等人前往震区进行野外考察,重点调查震区构造背景.  相似文献   

2011年3月11日日本东北近海9.0级地震及伴发海啸造成了重大的人员伤亡和经济损失.本文介绍了这次灾害的特点和震后应急救灾行动,总结了此次应急的经验和不足,并对我国防震减灾工作提出了几点启示.  相似文献   

有关资料记载:1921年8月4日丹东市小寺地区可能发生5(3/4)级地震,并引起海啸危害。笔者通过现场考察和《安东县志》等史料的考证,认为这次地震不实,所发生的海啸不是地震引起的。本文最后对小寺地区容易遭受海啸危害的原因作了初步分析。这对丹东市的地震危险性分析是有一定意义的。  相似文献   

1984年9月14日,日本本州中部发生了M6.9的“长野县西部地震”(日本气象厅命名),有感范围甚广。此次地震是日本近年来仅次于北海道浦河地震(1982年3月21日,M7.1)的内陆大震。就长野县一带而言,则是明治时代以来发生过的最大地震(1918年11月曾发生过 M6.5的地震,长野烈度为日本气象厅烈度标度的4度)。长野县临近日本中部地区最大的活断层——阿寺断层,为了监视该断层的活动,从1978年开始把这一地区指定为日本全国8个地震特定观测地区之一,并布设了  相似文献   

2004年12月26日印度尼西亚地震海啸灾害考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
印度洋地震海啸的灾害是严重的。本文介绍了印度尼西亚在这次地震海啸中的灾害情况,包括建筑物的破坏、生命线工程的破坏等。最后提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Sunarjo 《中国地震研究》2002,16(3):217-220
Indonesia is situated at the juncture of three major tectonic plates:the Eurasian,the Pacific and the Indo-Australian Plates,As a result,many parts of the country are classified as being at a high risk of earthquake and tsunami disasters.In Indonesia,the Bureau of Meteorology and Geophysics(BMG)is the agency responsible for the monitoring of tectonic earthquakes and tsunamis induced by them.For this purpose,BMG operates seismic networks throughout Indonsia.In order to serve better,BMG will have to improve its monitoring system.Many agencies and universities in Indonesia have done research in the field of seismology,including seismotectonics,earthquake hazards,and so on.Joint research has been done with agencies/universities from abroad.Considering the fact that some earthquake prone areas in Indonesia suffer from frequent disasters,a study on earthquake prediction in some areas of interest would contribute to achieving some long-term goals of the Bureau.  相似文献   

The December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that registered a moment magnitude (Mw) of 9.1 was one of the largest earthquakes in the world since 1900. The devastating tsunami that resulted from this earthquake caused more casualties than any previously reported tsunami. The number of fatalities and missing persons in the most seriously affected countries were Indonesia - 167,736, Sri Lanka - 35,322, India - 18,045 and Thailand - 8,212. This paper describes two field visits to assess tsunami effects in Sri Lanka by a combined team of Japanese and Sri Lankan researchers. The first field visit from December 30, 2004 – January 04, 2005 covered the western and southern coasts of Sri Lanka including the cities of Moratuwa, Beruwala, Bentota, Pereliya, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Talpe, Matara, Tangalla and Hambantota. The objectives of the first field visit were to investigate the damage caused by the tsunami and to obtain eyewitness information about wave arrival times. The second field visit from March 10–18, 2005 covered the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka and included Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Arugam Bay, Yala National Park and Kirinda. The objectives of the second visit were mainly to obtain eyewitness information about wave arrival times and inundation data, and to take relevant measurements using GPS instruments.  相似文献   

Tsunamis are one of the most destructive disasters in the ocean.Large tsunamis are mostly generated by earthquakes,and they can propagate across the ocean without significantly losing energy.During the shoaling process in coastal areas,the wave amplitude increases dramatically,causing severe life loss and property damage.There have been frequent tsunamis since the 21 st century,drawing the attention of many countries on the study of tsunami mechanism and warning.Tsunami records also play an essential role in deriving earthquake rupture models in subduction zones.This paper reviews the recent progress and limitations of tsunami research,from the aspects of tsunami generation,propagation,inversion and warning.Potential tsunami warning strategies are discussed and future prospects on tsunami research are provided.  相似文献   

On the evening of March 28, 2005 at 11:09?p.m. local time (16:09 UTC), a large earthquake occurred offshore of West Sumatra, Indonesia. With a moment magnitude (M w) of 8.6, the event caused substantial shaking damage and land level changes between Simeulue Island in the north and the Batu Islands in the south. The earthquake also generated a tsunami, which was observed throughout the source region as well as on distant tide gauges. While the tsunami was not as extreme as the tsunami of December 26th, 2004, it did cause significant flooding and damage at some locations. The spatial and temporal proximity of the two events led to a unique set of observational data from the earthquake and tsunami as well as insights relevant to tsunami hazard planning and education efforts.  相似文献   

1999年3月25日广东河源ML4.7级地震宏观影响场   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
根据地震现场宏观烈度调查资料,介绍了1999年3月25日广东河源市ML4.7级地震的影响场特征,与其他相近震级地震作了比较,发现这次地震的Ⅵ度极震区明显偏小,并认为这次地震与NNE和近EW向的断裂活动有密切关系。  相似文献   

We modeled a tsunami from the West Papua, Indonesia earthquakes on January 3, 2009 (M w?=?7.7). After the first earthquake, tsunami alerts were issued in Indonesia and Japan. The tsunami was recorded at many stations located in and around the Pacific Ocean. In particular, at Kushimoto on Kii Peninsula, the maximum amplitude was 43?cm, larger than that at Manokwari on New Guinea Island, near the epicenter. The tsunami was recorded on near-shore wave gauges, offshore GPS sensors and deep-sea bottom pressure sensors. We have collected more than 150 records and used 72 stations?? data with clear tsunami signals for the tsunami source modeling. We assumed two fault models (single fault and five subfaults) which are located to cover the aftershock area. The estimated average slip on the single fault model (80?×?40?km) is 0.64?m, which yields a seismic moment of 1.02?×?1020?Nm (M w?=?7.3). The observed tsunami waveforms at most stations are well explained by this model.  相似文献   

2018年8月5日印度尼西亚发生强烈地震,造成了生命和财产的重大损失,龙目岛附近的巴厘岛有明显震感。震中距西努沙登加拉首府马塔兰约45 km,距印尼首都雅加达约1 080 km。地震发生后印尼减灾机构发布黄色海啸预警并于当日21时25分解除。   相似文献   

根据地震现场宏观烈度调查资料,介绍了1999年3月25日广东河源市M  相似文献   

唐山地震前后的水平形变   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文运用分块均匀介质模型,研究了唐山地区从1954年以来的七期三角(边)测量资料,对于唐山地震前、后的水平形变得到一些新的认识,即在1964——1971年间,唐山菱形块体有向北北东方向的运动,块体內部则有某种程度的挤压应变积累。唐山地震断层在这一时期至少在浅部保持闭锁状态。由于测量精度的限制,未能得到可靠的震后形变信息,但根据震后一年内的两次测量得到的可靠性不高的结果推测,震后一年內的调整时期,唐山地震断层两侧的相对运动可能与震时相反,但量值很小。目前唐山地区没有明显的形变。   相似文献   

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