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北京秋季一次典型大气污染过程多站点分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
多站点多种大气污染物的同步在线观测对深入剖析大气污染的成因和演变机制有重要意义。以龙潭湖、北京325 m塔、双清路和阳坊4监测站点实时NOx、SO2、O3、PM2.5和PM10浓度观测数据为基础,介绍了北京地区2010年10月3~11日发生的一次典型污染过程。不同污染物在污染过程中变化特征不一致,表现为NOx、SO2、O3浓度有明显日变化,而PM浓度升高后一直维持在高值,日变化幅度很小。通过分析不同站点、相同污染物之间的相关性和变异系数发现,4站点间一次污染物NO和SO2空间浓度差别大,变异系数分别为77%和70%,相关系数低于0.44;而二次污染物NO2、PM2.5、O3空间浓度差别较小,变异系数分别为34%、36%和29%,相关系数均超过0.54。结合中尺度气象模式研究发现,该污染过程中,850 hPa高空持续的西南暖平流造成华北地区显著平流逆温,与近地层辐射逆温共同作用,使北京地区混合层高度维持在1200 m以下。低混合层高度和低风速限制了大气垂直和水平扩散,造成北京地区近地层污染物累积,形成重度污染。  相似文献   

为研究云贵高原城市遵义新冠期间大气污染物变化特征,利用2015—2020年遵义市空气质量监测数据、地面气象观测资料,分析新冠肺炎疫情防控期间遵义市主要大气污染物和气象要素的变化情况,研究空气质量对污染物减排和气象要素变化的响应。结果表明:疫情防控导致遵义市PM2.5、PM10和NO2质量浓度明显下降,但O3质量浓度小幅增加;PM2.5和NO2对人为减排的响应更敏感;防控期内遵义市气象条件比较有利于污染物的清除,防控减排措施导致PM2.5质量浓度下降25.34%。在疫情防控的背景下,O3浓度较2015—2019年明显偏高,PM2.5显著下降,这与疫情防控期间人员车辆外出明显减少有关,导致夜间滴定消耗O3的气体减少。减排措施对防控期间颗粒物污染浓度有明显的削弱作用。  相似文献   

中美大气化学联合考察实验结果的初步分析与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据临安区域本底站观测资料分析结果得出,中国中纬度地区秋、冬季O3及其前体物NOx等浓度偏高,可以对农作物和地表生态系统产生影响.观测结果表明:近地层大气O3浓度主要决定于地面总辐射量控制下的光化学反应过程;O3的生成受到前体物NOx的控制,但O3与NOx存在着明显的非线性关系.从PEM-WESTA和B的实验及1995年的观测资料表明,O3的生成效率随着NOx浓度的增大而减小.尽管O3的生成速率秋季比冬季的大,但由于秋季较高的NOx抑制了过氧基的生成,因此冬季O3的累积量几乎可以和秋季相比拟.在临安观测的NMHC和NOx的比值比国外同纬度地区测值要大.这说明在临安本底站O3的光化学生成中,NMHC不是控制物种.从而提示我们,在这些季节临安O3光化学产物能够被NOx浓度所控制.中美大气化学联合考察(PEM-WEST-B)实验期间,台湾省的卡盯站SO2的平均浓度为0.29ppb,O3的平均浓度为42.2ppb,可以认为此值为低纬度海岛的本底值.1994年PEM-WEST-B实验期间临安站的观测资料和台湾省的卡盯站资料相比,临安站SO2的浓度约为卡盯站SO2浓度的50倍左右,从而可以看出人类活动对大气本底的显着影响.  相似文献   

传统的空气质量模型多使用简化的光化学反应机制来模拟大气污染物的形成.这些机制主要基于烟雾箱实验拟合的反应速率和产物来模拟二次产物(如臭氧(O3))前体物的氧化反应,具有一定的不确定性,导致模拟结果产生偏差.针对该问题,本研究将详细的大气化学机理(MCMv3.3.1)与美国国家环境保护局研制的第三代空气质量预报和评估系统CMAQ相结合(CMAQ-MCM),模拟研究长三角地区2015年8月27—9月5日臭氧高发时段的空气质量.CMAQ-MCM模型可以较好地模拟长三角地区6个代表城市O3和其前体物随时间的变化趋势.对模拟的O3日最大8 h平均浓度的统计分析表明,徐州表现最好(标准平均误差=-0.15,标准平均偏差=0.23).在长三角地区,居民源对挥发性有机物(VOCs)的贡献最大,占39.08%,其次是交通运输(33.25%)和工业(25.56%).能源对总VOCs的贡献最小,约为2.11%.对活性氧化氮(NOy)的分析表明,其主要组分是NOx(80%),其次是硝酸(HNO3)(<10%).O3的空间分布与NOy和NOx非常相似.HCHO等其他氧化产物的分布与NOx相似,这很可能是由于在高NOx条件下VOCs氧化产生的产物.甲基乙烯基酮(MVK)和甲基丙烯醛(MACR)的空间分布与自然源VOCs (BVOCs)非常相似,表明长三角地区MVK和MACR主要由BVOCs氧化生成.长三角地区受到人为源和自然源排放相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

为了研究海南省三亚地区冬春季大气污染状况,于2011年12月—2013年4月的冬春季节在三亚鹿回头村(监测点位于三亚市郊,三面临海,周围没有工业污染源)开展了大气主要污染物(NOx、O3、PM2.5)的连续监测,利用观测数据对三亚地区冬春季大气污染变化特征进行分析.结果表明:三亚地区大气污染物浓度均低于国家一级标准的浓度值,NO、NO2、NOx、O3、PM2.5质量浓度的日平均值(平均值±标准差)分别为(2.1±2.2)、(5.2±3.4)、(7.3±3.8)、(59.8±28.4)和(17.5±14.3)μg·m-3.在污染物的日变化方面,NOx、PM2.5呈现典型的双峰型,其峰值分别出现在08:00和17:00,峰谷在13:00;O3的日变化为单峰型,峰值出现在13:00.通过后向轨迹分析发现,三亚地区大气污染物受局地源排放和外源输送的共同影响,来自陆地的气流易造成污染物的积累,而来自海上的气流则有利于污染物的清除.  相似文献   

采用盱眙县环境监测站 2014年1—12月PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2、O3逐日质量浓度资料及盱眙国家基本气象站同期气象资料,分析不同气象条件下盱眙县空气质量变化.结果表明:盱眙县主要污染物是PM2.5、PM10,污染较轻的是SO2、NO2、O3;盱眙县空气质量变化趋势为春冬季污染严重,夏秋季污染较轻.气象条件中的降水因子对改善空气质量、清除颗粒物具有明显作用;当温度在0 ℃以下或30 ℃以上时空气质量相对较好,0~20 ℃时空气污染情况较为严重;偏东风时大气环境质量较差,偏北风时大气环境质量较好.  相似文献   

基于2016年11月24日—12月23日南京市草场门站、鼓楼站和仙林站的强化试验观测资料,分析了城市和郊区主要大气污染物的时空变化特征及其与气象要素的相互关系。研究发现:观测期间南京PM2.5、PM10、NO2、O3、CO、SO2月均质量浓度分别为52.84~84.34 μg·m-3、88.36~120.34 μg·m-3、49.98~51.66 μg·m-3、24.85~50.57 μg·m-3、0.99~1.2 mg·m-3和22.1~26.48 μg·m-3;近地面,城市大气污染物质量浓度高于郊区,其中城市O3比郊区高61.0%;在城市地区,除NO2和CO外,鼓楼站大气污染物质量浓度高于草场门站,其中鼓楼站PM2.5比草场门站高42.7%;PM2.5小时质量浓度最大为210.93 μg·m-3,重污染过程出现时风速较低、温度较高,郊区PM10、PM2.5、NO2质量浓度呈现高值时的最频风向为南风,O3和SO2质量浓度呈现高值时的最频风向分别为西风和西南风,所以郊区大气污染受城市输送影响。利用HYSPLIT模式研究发现12月4—8日和16—20日的污染气团分别来自西部和北方地区,聚类分析发现12月影响南京市的污染气团45%来自西部地区且移动速度较快,55%来自北方地区且移动速度较慢。由此可见,南京市冬季出现的大气污染,其形成不仅与本地排放和局地气象条件有关,而且西部和北方地区的远距离输送也会造成影响。  相似文献   

过氧乙酰硝酸酯(PAN)是由VOCs和NOx的光化学反应生成的一种典型二次污染物,比O3更适合作为光化学污染的指示剂.2019年6—10月对浙江中部盆地金华市大气中PAN进行了在线监测,并对影响其体积分数变化的因素进行了分析,同时还分析了一次典型的光化学污染过程.结果表明,观测期间PAN的平均体积分数为0.656×10-9,最高体积分数为4.348×10-9,日均体积分数水平在0.130×10-9~2.203×10-9之间.PAN日变化特征显著,9月为明显的双峰变化,其他月份均为单峰.受气象条件的影响,夏季的污染程度显著低于秋季.9月27—30日典型污染时段内,PAN的小时均值是整个观测期均值的2.8倍,污染以本地积累为主.前体物浓度水平差异与去除机制的不同是影响PAN和O3相关性的重要因素,此外NO/NO2的比值是影响PAN生成速率的重要因素,PAN的峰值基本出现在NO/NO2比值较低的时段.在生成PAN的VOCs物种中,丙烷、乙烷和间/对二甲苯所占比例较大.  相似文献   

本文采用RBLM-chem模式,利用杭州市高分辨率城市建筑等资料,定量分析城市动力效应、热力效应以及城市植被、人为热对SO2、NO2、O3、PM2.5等主要污染物浓度的影响。结果表明,城市化过程使得大部分城区温度上升约1℃,相对湿度下降约6%,风速下降约0.8 m·s-1,湍流动能增强约0.03 m2·s-2。城市动力效应主要通过降低城市风速,使得城区污染物浓度升高,SO2浓度有近5 μg·m-3的上升,PM2.5、O3浓度也有近15 μg·m-3的上升。城市热力效应主要通过热岛环流使城区污染物向上输送,令地面污染物浓度降低,在城市大部分区域PM2.5都有大约10 μg·m-3的浓度下降。城市动力效应大于热力效应,城市的总体作用是使污染物浓度升高。城市下垫面使污染物浓度上升的另外一个机制是代替了自然有植被的下垫面,使污染物干沉降速度下降,但这一作用小于动力学效应。另一方面,人为热对城市主要污染物浓度都起着减小的作用,其中SO2、NO2、O3、PM2.5浓度降幅分别在2.5、3.0、6.0、10.0 μg·m-3左右。城市植被可以显著增加污染物干沉降速度,使主要污染物SO2、NO2、O3和PM2.5的干沉降速度分别上升0.1、0.1、0.03、0.06 m·s-1左右,相应地使上述污染物浓度分别下降2.5、6.0、4.0、6.0 μg·m-3左右。  相似文献   

以2014年武汉市大气污染源排放清单为基准,结合《武汉市城市空气质量达标规划(2013-2027年)》研究工作,预测了其实施后在控制"两高"行业新增产能、污染源综合治理、淘汰落后产能、控制机动车保有量等方面对武汉市SO2、NOx、PM10、PM2.5的减排量.利用嵌套网格空气质量预报模式系统(NAQPMS),模拟分析了《达标规划》大气污染治理重点工程实施的空气质量改善效果.结果表明:《达标规划》实施后,2020年武汉市SO2、NO2、PM10和PM2.5排放量将分别比2014年削减22%~66%、6%~37%、14%~40%和17%~46%;武汉市空气质量有所改善,但NO2和颗粒物年均浓度仍不能达到环境空气质量二级标准.  相似文献   

大气污染物排放清单是空气质量模拟和空气污染治理的重要依据.本研究比较分析了两套覆盖江苏省的2017年大气污染物排放清单,即分别由上海市环境科学研究院、江苏省环境科学研究院编制的"长三角清单"和"江苏省清单",并结合区域空气质量模型CMAQ评估不同清单对长三角地区2017年1、4、7、10月的空气质量模拟的影响.清单比较结果表明,除二氧化硫(SO2)以外,江苏省清单估算的各污染物排放量较长三角清单低.通过与观测数据比较,发现两套清单对SO2、氮氧化物(NOx)、臭氧(O3)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)的模型模拟性能均较好.江苏省清单与长三角清单两者的模拟结果空间分布接近,其中江苏省清单模拟的PM2.5和O3在长三角多数地区略低于长三角清单的模拟结果(1月O3除外).江苏省清单与长三角清单均能够用于空气质量模式模拟,可为江苏地区的细颗粒物和光化学烟雾污染的控制策略制定提供参考.  相似文献   

In this study, we used satellite data (GOME and MOPITT) together with a global chemical-transport-model of atmosphere (MOZART-2) to characterize the chemical/aerosol composition over eastern China. We then estimated the effects of local emissions in China on the chemical budgets in other regions of the world. Likewise, we also investigated the effects of air pollution from other regions on the chemical budget over eastern China. The study shows that the column CO and NO x concentrations are also high in eastern China. The high CO and NO x concentrations produce modest levels of O3 concentrations during summer (about 40 to 50 ppbv) and very low O3 during winter (about 10 to 20 ppbv) in eastern China. The calculated NO2 column is fairly consistent from the GOME measurement. The calculated CO column is underestimated from the MOPITT measurement. One of the reasons of the underestimation of the predicted CO is due to a fact that the CO emissions were taken without considering the rapid increase of emissions from 1990 to 2000. The calculated surface O3 is consistent with the measured values, with strong seasonal variations. However, the measurement is very limited, and more measurements in eastern China will be needed. The column NO2 has a very strong seasonal variation in eastern China, with the highest concentrations during winter and the lowest concentrations during summer. The cause of this seasonal variability is mainly due to the seasonal changes in the chemical loss of NO x , which is very high in summer and very low during winter. The effects of the local emissions in China and long-range transport from other regions on the chemical distributions in eastern China are studied. The results show that NO x concentrations in eastern China are mostly caused by the local emissions in China, especially during the winter. The CO concentration over eastern China is from both the local emissions (30% to 40%) and the transport from other regions. Likewise, the CO emissions in China have an important effect on the other regions of the world, but the effect is limited in the northern hemisphere. The local emissions in China also have an important effect on surface O3 concentrations. During winter, the local emissions reduce the surface O3 concentrations by 30 to 50%. During summer, the local emissions produce about 50 to 70% of the O3 concentration in eastern China.  相似文献   

We show that photochemical processes in the lower half of the troposphere are strongly affected by the presence of liquid water clouds. Especially CH2O, an important intermediate of CH4 (and of other hydrocarbon) oxidation, is subject to enhanced breakdown in the aqueous phase. This reduces the formation of HO x -radicals via photodissociation of CH2O in the gas phase. In the droplets, the hydrated form of CH2O, its oxidation product HCO2 , and H2O2 recycle O2 radicals which, in turn, react with ozone. We show that the latter reaction is a significant sink for O3. Further O3 concentrations are reduced as a result of decreased formation of O3 during periods with clouds. Additionally, NO x , which acts as a catalyst in the photochemical formation of O3, is depleted by clouds during the night via scavenging of N2O5. This significantly reduces NO x -concentrations during subsequent daylight hours, so that less NO x is available for O3 production. Clouds thus directly reduce the concentrations of O3, CH2O, NO x , and HO x . Indirectly, this also affects the budgets of other trace gases, such as H2O2, CO, and H2.  相似文献   

Previous zero-dimensional photochemical calculations indicate that multiple tropospheric steady states may exist, in which different NO x (NO+NO2) levels could be supported by the same source of NO x . To investigate this possibility more closely, a one-dimensional photochemical model has been used to estimate the rate of removal of atmospheric NO x compounds at different NO x levels. At low NO x levels NO x is photochemically converted to HNO3, which is removed by either wet or dry deposition. At high NO x levels formation of HNO3 is inhibited, and NO x is removed by a variety of other processes, including rainout of N2O4 and N2O5, surface deposition of NO and NO2, and direct dissolution of NO and NO2 in rainwater. Multiple steady states are possible if surface deposition of NO x is relatively inefficient. The NO x source required to trigger high atmospheric NO x levels is approximately 10 to 15 times the present global emission rate-less than half the source strength predicted by the zero-dimensional model. NO x mixing ratios in excess of 10-7 would cause severe damage to the ozone layer and could result in either a climatic warming or cooling, depending upon the amount of NO2 present.  相似文献   

Ambient particulate sulfate measurements have been intermittently performed at a rural site in Israel over a period of more than two years. Concurrent measurements of ambient pollutants (SO2, NO–NOx, and O3), as well as meteorological data, were also carried out. The daily data included four particulate sulfate samples representing four successive 6 h accumulating periods. The measured concentrations of sulfate ions ranged from a low 2 g m-3 observed during the winter season to a high of >50 g m-3 obtained during the summer. Little correlation was obtained between the sulfate concentration and either O3 or SO2, although sulfate and O3 showed a similar diurnal and annual trend. Based on the data distribution and on a photochemical model, it was concluded that a large part of the particulate sulfate observed at the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea must be related to long-range transport from distant sources.  相似文献   

Generally, it is assumed that UV-light, high temperature or reactive molecules like O3 and OH are needed to activate gas reactions in air. In consequence, the catalytic activity on natural materials such as sand and soil on the earth's surface is assumed to be insignificant. We have measured O2-dissociation rates on natural quartz sand at 40˚C and compared these with O2-dissociation rates near 500˚C on materials with well-known catalytic activity. In terms of probabilities for dissociation of impinging O2-molecules the measured rates are in the 10−12–10−4 range. We have also measured dissociation rates of H2 and N2, water-formation from H2 and O2 mixtures, exchange of N between N2, NO x and a breakdown of HNO3, NO2 and CH4 on natural quartz sand at 40˚C. The measured rates together with an effective global land area have been used to estimate the impact of thermodynamically driven reactions on the earth's surface on the global atmospheric budgets of H2, NO2 and CH4. The experimental data on natural quartz sand together with data from equilibrium calculations of air suggest that an expected increase in anthropogenic supply of air pollutants, such as NO x or other “reactive” nitrogen compounds, hydrogen and methane, will be counter-acted by catalysis on the earth's surface. On the other hand, at Polar Regions and boreal forests where the “reactive” nitrogen concentration is below equilibrium, the same catalytic effect activates formation of bio-available nitrogen compounds from N2, O2 and H2O.  相似文献   

Summary Vertical profiles of H2O, CO2, O3, NO and NO2 were measured during the Hartheim Experiment (HartX) to develop and calibrate a multi-layer resistance model to estimate deposition and emission of the cited gaseous species. The meteorological and gas concentration data were obtained with a 30 m high telescopic mast with 7 gas inlets located at 5 m intervals and meteorological sensors at 5, 15 and 30 m above ground; a complete gas profile was obtained every 9 min 20 s. Measured profiles were influenced by several exchange processes, namely evapotranspiration, dewfall, assimilation of CO2 in the tree crowns, soil respiration, deposition of NO2 and O3 to the soil and advection of NOx from the nearby highway. Surprisingly, no decrease in O3 concentration was observed in the crown layer during daytime, probably due to the relatively low density of foliage elements and strong turbulent mixing.The advantage of measuring in-canopy profiles is that turbulent exchange coefficients need not be estimated as a prerequisite to obtaining vertical flux estimates. In recent years, flux-gradient relationships in canopies have been subject to many criticisms. If fluxes are calculated at several heights considering only the transfers between the turbulent air and the interacting surfaces at a certain height, and those fluxes are then integrated vertically in a subsequent step, then exchange estimates (deposition or emission) can be obtained independent of turbulent exchange conditions.Typical estimated deposition velocities calculated for a 3-day period are between 4 and 10 mm/s for NO2 and about 4–9 mm/s for O3 (day and night values respectively). This leads to deposition rates of about 20–40 ng N/m2s for NO2 and about 30–40 mg O3/m2 deposited daily under the conditions encountered during HartX. Sensitivity tests done with the best available and most realistic values for model parametrization have shown that sensitivity is large with respect to the soil and cuticula resistances as well as for gas-phase ozone destruction and that more research is required to describe the effectiveness of cuticula and soil in modifying sink characteristics for NO2 and O3.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

The results from a one-dimensional photochemical model of the troposphere representative of summertime conditions at Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes are presented. A parameterization of mixing processes within the planetary boundary layer (PBL) has been incorporated into the model for both the daytime convective PBL and the formation of the nocturnal PBL. One result of the parameterized PBL is that the concentrations of some trace species in the free troposphere are 20–30% higher than when mixing processes are described by a vertical eddy diffusion coefficient which is held constant with respect to height and time.The calculations indicate that the lifetime of the oxides of nitrogen (NO x =NO+NO2) against photochemical conversion to nitric acid (HNO3) during summertime conditions is on the order of 6 h. This lifetime is short enough to deplete most of the NO x in the PBL, resulting in the finding that other reactive nitrogen species (HNO3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate) are more abundant than NO x throughout the free troposphere, even though NO x is the most abundant reactive nitrogen species at the surface. The effects of the inclusion of anthropogenic nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) chemistry are also discussed. The inclusion of NMHC chemistry has a pronounced effect on the photochemistry of tropospheric oxone and increases thein situ column production by more than 30%.  相似文献   

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