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Recently, points of interest (POIs) recommendation has evolved into a hot research topic with real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel semantics-enhanced density-based clustering algorithm SEM-DTBJ-Cluster, to extract semantic POIs from GPS trajectories. We then take into account three different factors (popularity, temporal and geographical features) that can influence the recommendation score of a POI. We characterize the impacts caused by popularity, temporal and geographical information, by using different scoring functions based on three developed recommendation models. Finally, we combine the three scoring functions together and obtain a unified framework PTG-Recommend for recommending candidate POIs for a mobile user. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first that considers popularity, temporal and geographical information together. Experimental results on two real-world data sets strongly demonstrate that our framework is robust and effective, and outperforms the baseline recommendation methods in terms of precision and recall.  相似文献   

How to exploit various features of users and points of interest (POIs) for accurate POI recommendation is important in location-based social networks (LBSNs). In this paper, a novel POI recommendation framework, named RecNet, is proposed, which is developed based on a deep neural network (DNN) to incorporate various features in LBSNs and learn their joint influence on user behavior. More specifically, co-visiting, geographical and categorical influences in LBSNs are exploited to alleviate the data sparsity issue in POI recommendation and are converted to feature vector representations of POIs and users via feature embedding. Moreover, the embedded POIs and users are fed into a DNN pairwise to adaptively learn high-order interactions between features. Our method is evaluated on two publicly available LBSNs datasets and experimental results show that RecNet outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms for POI recommendation.  相似文献   

Although mixed use is an emerging strategy that has been widely accepted in urban planning for promoting neighbourhood vibrancy, there is no consensus on how to quantitatively measure the mix and the effects of mixed use on neighbourhood vibrancy. Shannon entropy, the most commonly used diversity measurement in assessing mixed use, has been found to be inadequate in measuring the multifaceted, multidimensional characteristics of mixed use. And lack of data also makes it difficult to find the relationship between mixed use and neighbourhood vibrancy. However, the recent availability of new sources including mobile phone data and Point of Interest (POI) data have made it possible to develop new indices of mixed use and neighbourhood vibrancy to analyse their relationships. Taking advantage of these emerging new data sources, this study used the numbers of mobile phone users in a 24-hour period as a proxy of neighbourhood vibrancy and used POIs from a navigation database to develop a series of mixed-use indicators that can better reflect the multifaceted, multidimensional characteristics of mixed-use neighbourhoods. The Hill numbers, a unified form of diversity measurement used in ecological literature that includes richness, entropy, and the Simpson index, are used to measure the degrees of mixed use. Using such fine-grained data sets and the Hill numbers allowed us to obtain better insights into the relationship between mixed use and neighbourhood vibrancy. Four models varying in POI measurements that reflect different dimensions of mixed use were presented. The results showed that either POI density or entropy can explain approximately 1% of neighbourhood vibrancy, while POI richness contributes significantly in improving neighbourhood vibrancy. The results also revealed that the entropy has limitations as a measure for representing mixed use and demonstrated the necessity of adopting a set of more appropriate measurements for mixed use. Increasing the number of POIs has limited power to improve neighbourhood vibrancy compared with encouraging the mixing of complementary POIs. These exploratory findings may be useful for adjusting mixed-use assessments and to help guide urban planning and neighbourhood design.  相似文献   

Integrating heterogeneous spatial data is a crucial problem for geographical information systems (GIS) applications. Previous studies mainly focus on the matching of heterogeneous road networks or heterogeneous polygonal data sets. Few literatures attempt to approach the problem of integrating the point of interest (POI) from volunteered geographic information (VGI) and professional road networks from official mapping agencies. Hence, the article proposes an approach for integrating VGI POIs and professional road networks. The proposed method first generates a POI connectivity graph by mining the linear cluster patterns from POIs. Secondly, the matching nodes between the POI connectivity graph and the associated road network are fulfilled by probabilistic relaxation and refined by a vector median filtering (VMF). Finally, POIs are aligned to the road network by an affine transformation according to the matching nodes. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method integrates both the POIs from VGI and the POIs from official mapping agencies with the associated road networks effectively and validly, providing a promising solution for enriching professional road networks by integrating VGI POIs.  相似文献   

Urban land use information plays an essential role in a wide variety of urban planning and environmental monitoring processes. During the past few decades, with the rapid technological development of remote sensing (RS), geographic information systems (GIS) and geospatial big data, numerous methods have been developed to identify urban land use at a fine scale. Points-of-interest (POIs) have been widely used to extract information pertaining to urban land use types and functional zones. However, it is difficult to quantify the relationship between spatial distributions of POIs and regional land use types due to a lack of reliable models. Previous methods may ignore abundant spatial features that can be extracted from POIs. In this study, we establish an innovative framework that detects urban land use distributions at the scale of traffic analysis zones (TAZs) by integrating Baidu POIs and a Word2Vec model. This framework was implemented using a Google open-source model of a deep-learning language in 2013. First, data for the Pearl River Delta (PRD) are transformed into a TAZ-POI corpus using a greedy algorithm by considering the spatial distributions of TAZs and inner POIs. Then, high-dimensional characteristic vectors of POIs and TAZs are extracted using the Word2Vec model. Finally, to validate the reliability of the POI/TAZ vectors, we implement a K-Means-based clustering model to analyze correlations between the POI/TAZ vectors and deploy TAZ vectors to identify urban land use types using a random forest algorithm (RFA) model. Compared with some state-of-the-art probabilistic topic models (PTMs), the proposed method can efficiently obtain the highest accuracy (OA = 0.8728, kappa = 0.8399). Moreover, the results can be used to help urban planners to monitor dynamic urban land use and evaluate the impact of urban planning schemes.  相似文献   

消防站的空间布局事关城市发展与城市安全。本文以北京市五环内中心城区为研究区,使用44.34万条POI数据和道路网等相关数据,考虑易燃易爆、人群脆弱等不同特征的火灾风险因子,采用核密度分析、SAVEE模型等方法,识别出研究区内的火灾风险空间分布,进一步借助“位置—分配”模型和网络分析,并结合优化目标对研究区内消防站进行空间优化。主要研究结论为:①按照火灾风险从高到低排序,前10%的火灾风险区域主要集中在CBD—三里屯、北京古玩城—双井、王府井、南锣鼓巷—雍和宫等区域。②现有消防站对全部44.34万个POI请求点5分钟响应时间内的覆盖率为96.46%,总体覆盖效果较好,但在研究区西北和西南部的世纪城—闵庄一带覆盖不足。③综合考虑高火灾风险区、重要火灾风险因子、POI总体覆盖率和个体消防站覆盖面积相关标准等因素,经多次迭加运算分析得到最终需新增15个消防站点。优化后的各指标均有较大提升,可满足研究区的消防需求。  相似文献   

基于电子地图兴趣点的城市建成区边界识别方法   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:23  
许泽宁  高晓路 《地理学报》2016,71(6):928-939
城市建成区边界是认识和研究城市的重要基础性信息,也是落实城市功能空间布局、实施界限管控的前提。但是,以往通过夜间灯光的强度、土地覆被或建筑覆盖率等信息获取城市空间范围的方法,由于受到数据精度和尺度限制,对城市社会经济活动的解释性不强,因而存在较大局限性。电子地图兴趣点(POI)作为城市空间分析的基础数据之一,直观且有效地反映了各类城市要素的集聚状况。本文基于POI与城市空间结构和城市要素空间分布的关联性,提出了一种新的通过POI密度分布来判别城市建成区边界的技术方法。为此,开发了Densi-Graph分析方法,用来分析POI密度等值线的变化趋势,在此基础上对城乡过渡地带的阈值识别的方法进行了理论分析,并讨论了单中心圆结构、双中心“鱼眼型”结构、双中心“子母型”结构等各类城市POI密度等值线的生长规律,证明了Densi-Graph分析方法的适用性。较之以往的城市建成区边界识别方法,这种方法的基础数据更加直观可信,分析结果也更加客观。运用这种方法,本文对全国地级以上城市的建成区边界进行了实证分析,探索了城市建成区边界的阈值及其与城市人口规模、城市所在区域之间的关系。  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet and the digital revolution have meant increased reliance on electronic representations of information. Geospatial information has been readily adapted to the world of cyberspace, and most Web pages incorporate graphics, images, or maps to represent spatial and spatialized data. But flat computer screens do not facilitate a map or graph experience by those who are visually impaired. The traditional method for compensating for nonvisual access to maps and graphics has been to construct hard‐copy tactile maps. In this article, we examine an electronic accommodation for nonvisual users—the haptic map. Using new and off‐the‐shelf hardware—force feedback and vibrotactile mice—we explore how touch can be combined with virtual representations of shapes and patterns to enable nonvisual access to onscreen map or graphic material.  相似文献   

Matrix factorization is one of the most popular methods in recommendation systems. However, it faces two challenges related to the check-in data in point of interest (POI) recommendation: data scarcity and implicit feedback. To solve these problems, we propose a Feature-Space Separated Factorization Model (FSS-FM) in this paper. The model represents the POI feature spaces as separate slices, each of which represents a type of feature. Thus, spatial and temporal information and other contexts can be easily added to compensate for scarce data. Moreover, two commonly used objective functions for the factorization model, the weighted least squares and pairwise ranking functions, are combined to construct a hybrid optimization function. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-life data sets: Gowalla and Foursquare, and the results are compared with those of baseline methods to evaluate the model. The results suggest that the FSS-FM performs better than state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall on both data sets. The model with separate feature spaces can improve the performance of recommendation. The inclusion of spatial and temporal contexts further leverages the performance, and the spatial context is more influential than the temporal context. In addition, the capacity of hybrid optimization in improving POI recommendation is demonstrated.  相似文献   

城市轨道交通及其沿线土地一体化发展是城市可持续发展的关键问题。提高城市轨道交通可持续性和土地资源配置合理性的关键需掌握轨道交通客流与土地功能之间的依赖关系,而回归分析是研究二者关系的主要方法。既有研究对于土地利用的描述多基于用地面积等概略数据,难以揭示各类属性的用地对客流的影响机理及其空间效应。采用百度地图POI数据以刻画用地信息,提出城市轨道交通车站吸引范围内用地功能的细粒度描述方法,基于全局常参数和局部变参数的回归模型研究车站早高峰出站客流与粗细粒度土地利用的相互依赖关系及其空间效应。针对北京地铁的案例研究表明:车站出站客流与不同功能用地及POI的依赖程度和空间特征存在显著差异。早高峰出站客流更多地受到与就业通勤相关的商业服务业设施用地、公共管理与公共服务用地的影响。在细粒度层面上,出站客流对写字楼和政府机构的依赖性更大,二者显著分布在就业岗位密集的中心城区功能分区和城市核心区。基于细粒度POI的局部变参数模型能较好地识别各类土地利用对车站客流的影响及其空间异质性,案例研究表明车站客流与土地利用的依赖关系是各类属性功能用地影响及其空间效应的叠加。  相似文献   

POI数据在中国城市研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)数据的兴起带动了城市研究的革新。为梳理中国POI数据在城市研究的应用进展,阶段性总结其应用方向、数据分析方法及尚存不足,并为未来POI数据在中国城市发展中的应用提供思路和借鉴。应用CiteSpace工具对中国知网2010—2019年625篇相关文献进行知识图谱分析,结合分析结果对POI数据应用方向和数据分析方法进行梳理总结。结果表明:时间上,国内应用POI数据进行城市研究的文献在2013年后大量涌现,2017年呈现爆发式增长;应用上,主要用于城市功能区划分、城市中心区和边界识别、查明业态集聚分布以及兴趣点推荐4个方面;方法上,常用的有核密度分析、DBSCAN聚类分析和空间自相关分析3类。研究表明,POI地理大数据是一种研究城市发展的有效数据,有助于研究者深入了解城市的空间结构、分布格局和发展规律,未来可进一步与机器学习等算法结合,为城市外部扩张和内部功能结构调整在更长期的发展上提供一个决策分析手段,但POI数据尚无法代替面数据,研究时也要充分考虑到公众认知度高低对研究的影响。  相似文献   

热浪作为城市化特征灾害之一,严重影响着城市居民的生命健康。目前针对热浪的研究主要聚焦基于静态数据的时空模式、风险管理和脆弱性评价分析方向,对动态人口暴露度的研究尚少。论文基于手机定位数据,首先融合深圳市逐时人口与气温时空分布模型,揭示热浪动态人口暴露度水平;其次,构建基于7类城市兴趣点(point of interest,POI)与不同时段人口分布的地理加权回归模型,初步分析了热浪环境下POI对人群行为模式的影响机制。结果显示:① 相比于基准时段(2018年7月28日12:00~18:00),2018年7月26日至8月1日热浪平均辐射范围在7月29日以8.66倍速增长,至7月30日则以18.93倍速跃至峰值,覆盖区域整体呈现西部高于东部、南部低于北部的特征;② 人口在不同时段均表现为明显的带状聚集分布态势,且人口暴露度与气温和人口的动态演变紧密关联,其暴露度同热浪扩散幅度相似,总体呈2.29倍等比增长,辐射范围包括南山区、福田区、罗湖区等城市商业、工业、住宅中心人口密集区域;③ 同类POI在不同时刻、不同POI在相同时刻对人群减少热浪暴露的移动交互行为具有明显的时空驱动机制差异及选择偏好特征。在持续性城市化背景下,该研究方法可为同类的城市灾害人口暴露度分析提供一定的科学参考。  相似文献   

移动地图的自适应模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为一种新的电子地图应用模式,移动地图的制图模型和应用模式都不同于其他类型的地图。在分析移动地图特点的基础上给出移动地图自适应要素的数据模型与组件结构,将自适应要素划分为时空要素、操作要素、技术要素、信息要素、用户要素以及使用环境要素等。移动地图自适应模型的研究可以指导移动地图的设计,实现其服务的个性化和智能化。  相似文献   

The experiments described in this article combine response time measurements and eye movement data to gain insight into the users' cognitive processes while working with dynamic and interactive maps. Experts and novices participated in a user study with a ‘between user’ design. Twenty screen maps were presented in a random order to each participant, on which he had to execute a visual search. The combined information of the button actions and eye tracker reveals that both user groups showed a similar pattern in the time intervals needed to locate the subsequent names. From this pattern, information about the users' cognitive load could be derived: use of working memory, learning effect and so on. Moreover, the response times also showed that experts were significantly faster in finding the names in the map image. This is further explained by the eye movement metrics: experts had significantly shorter fixations and more fixations per second meaning that they could interpret a larger part of the map in the same amount of time. As a consequence, they could locate objects in the map image more efficiently and thus faster.  相似文献   

基于POI大数据的沈阳市住宅与零售业空间关联分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
城市住宅及其价格与区域商服业的空间关联性量化研究是人文-经济地理学的重要研究内容。以辽宁省沈阳市为案例,以住宅和零售业兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI)为数据源,基于空间核密度分析提取住宅和各类零售业的空间聚类形态,量化表达商住空间布局的相关性,并在此基础上运用地统计方法测算房价的空间异质性及其与零售业态空间布局的差异特征。结果表明,零售业的整体空间聚集特征与住宅相似,呈现中心城区块状聚集、外围城区多中心离散的分布格局;零售业与住宅核密度相关系数为0.95,超市、便利店等小规模的零售业与住宅密度相关性较强,商场商厦的聚集效应落后于城市住宅,大型零售业应该在铁西经济技术开发区等住宅密集区规划选址,为居民提供高端购物服务;住宅价格的倒“U”型空间分布模式与零售业空间密度的圈层衰减特征相符。  相似文献   

Local search services allow a user to search for businesses that satisfy a given geographical constraint. In contrast to traditional web search engines, current local search services rely heavily on static, structured data. Although this yields very accurate systems, it also implies a limited coverage, and limited support for using landmarks and neighborhood names in queries. To overcome these limitations, we propose to augment the structured information available to a local search service, based on the vast amount of unstructured and semi‐structured data available on the web. This requires a computational framework to represent vague natural language information about the nearness of places, as well as the spatial extent of vague neighborhoods. In this paper, we propose such a framework based on fuzzy set theory, and show how natural language information can be translated into this framework. We provide experimental results that show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques, and demonstrate that local search based on natural language hints about the location of places with an unknown address, is feasible.  相似文献   

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