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郭欣  郭学良  付丹红 《气象学报》2017,75(2):314-327
云凝结核(CCN)对云和降水的影响除与其物理化学性质密切相关外,还受到气象条件的影响,但此类研究较少。文中基于WRF中尺度数值模式,引入了表征大气层流速、层结稳定度和地形关系的湿弗罗德(Fw)数,研究揭示了CCN浓度的变化对不同Fw下形成的地形云和降水的影响。研究表明,当Fw≤1,接近临界流时,地形阻挡起主要作用,地形抬升和重力波作用主要发生在迎风坡一侧,主要形成层状云和向上游传播的浅对流波状云,降水主要发生在靠近山顶的迎风坡一侧。在此种情况下,CCN浓度升高对地形云和降水影响较小,当CCN浓度由100 cm~(-3)增至1000 cm~(-3)时,云滴含水量增大,但雨水含量减小,说明云粒子向降水粒子的转化效率降低,CCN浓度升高抑制了暖雨过程。但在云发展后期,云滴被上升气流带至高层形成过冷云滴,与雪粒子发生碰并形成霰粒子,使冰相物理过程有所增强。CCN浓度升高可导致20 h累积降水量减少10—15 mm,约减小7%—8%;当Fw1时,CCN浓度升高会导致20 h地形云累积降水量减小超过50%,最大达到96%,导致地形云几乎不产生降水,而且降水量峰值位置向山顶后移动5—10 km。研究表明,降水显著减小的原因不仅与CCN浓度升高有关,过山气流产生的背风坡焚风效应也起了非常重要的作用。由于CCN浓度升高形成了大量云滴粒子,使雨滴形成效率显著降低,不能形成降雨的大量云滴被强过山气流快速带至下游背风坡区,由于背风坡下坡气流的绝热加热形成的焚风效应很显著,导致云滴和雨滴快速蒸发,使降水显著减小。这一结果可以解释在落基山脉、以色列及中国华山发现的地形降水减小30%—50%的现象,说明气象环境条件在气溶胶影响降水中起重要作用,污染气溶胶与背风坡焚风效应产生的叠加效应可造成地形云降水显著减小。  相似文献   

条件不稳定湿大气中三维理想地形上空对流的动力学特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
董继立  谈哲敏 《气象学报》2008,66(3):293-309
条件不稳定湿大气情况下,气流经过三维地形可以形成不同性质的对流系统以及不同特征的地形流结构,其对流系统、地形流的性质主要取决于地形上空的对流触发、对流-地形流-重力波三者之间的相互作用,同样这些过程对于地形降水的性质、分布起重要的作用.根据不同湿Fr数(Froude number),湿条件不稳定大气经过三维小尺度山地上空时其对流和地形流动存在4种不同的流域(flow regirnes):(1)下游传播对流模态;(2)上游传播和下游传播共存对流模态;(3)山峰附近准静止和下游传播共存对流模态;(4)下坡稳定和下游传播对流共存模态.地形上空对流系统主要可以通过两种不同机制形成:(1)地形直接的抬升或减速作用;(2)在地形流形成后,由于地形流本身特性(如上游分离、背风涡旋和下坡重力波破碎)触发.在较大的Fr数情况下,地形上空对流生成后反过来可以破坏上、下游的地形流结构,但对背风坡的重力波破碎影响较小.不同初始对流有效位能(CAPE)不仅可以影响对流系统的传播、发展,而且可以影响整体地形流性质.较低的初始CAPE有利于地形流的形成,此时对流对地形流结构特征的影响相对较小,其流场性质与低Fr数流域性质相似.  相似文献   

分层气流条件下地形降水的二维理想数值试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨婷  闵锦忠  张申龑 《气象科学》2017,37(2):222-230
利用WRF v3.5中尺度数值模式,在条件不稳定层结下,针对分层气流(基本气流风速和大气湿浮力频率呈二层均匀分布)过山时,地形对降水的影响进行了多组二维理想数值试验,以研究不同高度、尺度山脉和不同方向基本气流对降水形态和分布的影响。模拟结果表明,地形重力波触发对流是地形降水的主要机制之一,地形波的特征(波长、振幅)和传播均受到地形和基本气流的影响,其中,强基本气流流经高而陡峭的山脉时,更容易在其背风坡捕捉到重力波,地形降水呈现多种模态,反之亦然;当改变基本气流与山脉交角时,主要通过影响地形强迫抬升速度、基流对波动稳定性发展来进一步影响地形降水的强度和分布。  相似文献   

基于2007年7月青海祁连站的野外加密探空资料,结合高分辨率的三维边界层模式,模拟研究了青藏高原东北边坡复杂地形条件下,边界层对流引起的干动力过程对该地区地形重力波产生及传播的影响机理。结果表明:在不同的背景场强迫下,高原东北边坡复杂地形上空对流和重力波的空间结构存在较大差异。当背景风向与山体垂直时,随着风速增加,山脊背风坡混合层顶附近大气不稳定能量加强,激发了下游区域较强的重力波信号,此时对流线组织性增强、重力波波列较长,高水汽含量的空气被波峰传输到较高的高度,为对流云发展提供了有利条件;当背景风向与山脊走向平行时,山顶上空对流发展旺盛,山脊背风坡混合层顶大气状态较稳定,激发的地形重力波信号较弱且波列较短,整个混合层顶附近水汽较少,对流云形成条件减弱;当背景大气浮力频率减小时,整个区域上空对流发展更加旺盛但组织性减弱,背风坡下游重力波向上传输的距离减小,信号不显著,混合层顶附近水汽分布均匀且变化幅度较小,有利于层状云发展。  相似文献   

亚洲夏季风区中尺度地形降水结构及分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用高分辨率TRMM、AIRS卫星实测资料, 从气候态的降水微物理过程角度分析了亚洲夏季风期间中尺度山脉对不同性质降水垂直结构和水平分布的影响。研究表明, 中尺度山脉迎风、背风坡均以层云降水为主, 层云降水强度在迎风坡强于背风坡; 对流降水在迎风坡主要为浅对流, 背风坡主要为深对流, 对流降水强度在背风坡强于迎风坡。沿西南季风推进方向依次经过的中尺度山脉, 其两侧发生降水像素个数、 降水微物理特征等差异逐渐减小, 其中, 对流降水迎风坡向背风坡转变明显, 而层云降水背风坡向迎风坡转变明显。大气稳定度与对流降水在迎风、背风坡的分布相一致。另外, 对中尺度地形降水的研究为区域气候模式模拟高精度地形降水分布提供了实测依据。  相似文献   

围绕地形如何影响降水、地形对降水的增幅影响,特别是地形对暴雨的影响研究进行综述。地形对降水的作用主要涉及动力和热力方面,包括迎风坡的阻塞回流、背风涡的生成或加深。地形的起伏通过触发地形重力波的生成,促进天气系统的发展。最后提出,在地形影响降水的数值模拟研究方面,应把更多的数据类型和高分辨率地形相结合,开展数据资料同化研究;气候统计研究方面,应着重开展山地降水的强度、大气环流形势等分析,以提高降水预报准确率。  相似文献   

地形降水试验和背风回流降水机制   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
李子良 《气象》2006,32(5):10-15
利用中尺度数值模式(ARPS模式)研究了湿气流过山脉地形和地形降水的产生机制。研究结果表明,地形降水是水汽、气流和地形相互作用而形成的。小山脉地形降水主要发生在山脉的迎风坡,表现出典型的迎风降水和背风雨影特征。而回流降水天气是湿气流过大的山脉地形的产物,大的山脉地形有利于风切变临界层的产生,地形降水并不只是简单的上坡降水,还有背风回流和背风波降水机制。  相似文献   

作者的目的是分析地形对由于热力差异所引起的局地锋生现象和地转适应过程的影响.为此,分别用零位涡流和均匀位涡流来近似代替实际大气,并借助位涡、绝对动量、位温的守恒关系,就地形对适应锋生和适应过程中能量转换等问题进行了简单讨论。初始位温扰动的水平分布及其相对于地形的位置对适应锋生有重要影响。当初始热力扰动主要位于地形迎风坡山脚时,地形不利于锋面形成,这时要形成锋面不连续,初始位温梯度的水平变化必须非常显著;当初始热力扰动主要位于山顶附近时,地形促进流体运动的辐合,有利于锋面不连续的形成,这时即使初始位温梯度的水平变化不是很大,也可能会形成锋面;当初始热力扰动主要位于背风坡时,地形是否有利于锋面不连续的形成取决于流体的层结情况,如果流体的基本层结很弱,地形促进锋面不连续的形成,反之,地形不利于锋面不连续的形成,这种差异主要是由于在这两种情况下,地形引起的下沉增温效应的强弱是不同的。另外,地形对地转适应过程中动能和位能之间的能量转换率也有影响,与没有地形的情况相比,当初始热力差异显著区位于迎风坡时,能量转换率减小,当不平衡场位于背风坡时,能量转换率增加,原因是在迎风坡流体要克服重力作功,在背风坡重力对流体作正功。  相似文献   

2009年5月24日夜间~26日夜间,新疆地区自西向东出现了明显的降水、大风、降温天气过程。为研究此次天气过程中天山地形的作用,本文用WRFV3.1模式对其进行了数值模拟,并通过改变天山山脉的地形高度设计了一组敏感性试验没,分析了天山地形对此次强天气过程中大风和降温的影响作用。结果表明,(1)天山山脉的地形作用是此次强降水天气过程在天山山区形成暴雨的主要原因之一;随着地形的升高,雨带在天山迎风坡一侧的带状分布特征越明显,迎风坡一侧的降水量极值越大;地形的抬升作用对暴雨在山脉迎风坡一侧的降雨量有明显的增幅作用,对其雨带分布也有显著影响;(2)天山山脉对5﹒25强降水天气过程中的西南暖湿气流有明显的分流与阻挡作用。天山山脉将西南暖湿气流分为南北两支,使北支的水汽混合比极大值减小,湿区范围增大;使南支的水汽混合比极大值增大,湿区范围增大。(3)天山山脉的地形抬升作用为5﹒25强降水过程在天山山区发生暴雨天气创造了水汽的垂直上升运动条件,对昆仑山北坡暖湿气流的垂直上升运动的也有一定的贡献作用。  相似文献   

Monte-Carlo 法模拟复杂地形对扩散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田瑞明 《大气科学》1994,18(1):36-42
不考虑边界层中层结作用,引入Kao得到的复杂地形中的平均流场分布和近十年来PBL实验和理论研究导出的新的湍流统计量参数化关系,本文用Monte-Carlo模式模拟了复杂地形对扩散的影响,结果表明:地形的影响主要是迎风坡抬升和背风坡下沉;陡峭地形和平缓地形的影响不完全相同;在陡峭地形和大的平缓地形的背风坡能够形成空腔区,空腔区内出现闭合的浓度中心,且地形越陡峭,闭合浓度中心的范围越大;大地形对扩散的影响可以掩盖其下风方小地形的影响。  相似文献   

Summary  Heavy precipitation events to the south of the Alps are usually associated with a southerly pre-frontal low-level jet advecting moisture toward the southern slopes of the Alps. Here we use idealised numerical simulations to assess the nature of the associated flow regimes and the mechanisms leading to vertical lifting and precipitation. The idealisations comprise: a simplified arc-shaped barrier-like orographic obstacle of Alpine scale; neglection of the tropopause; a stationary two-dimensional upstream flow configuration that includes a frontal structure and a low-level jet; hydrostatic dynamics with free-slip lower boundary conditions; and a simplified set of parameterizations to address dry, moist absolutely stable, and moist conditionally unstable upstream flow configurations. Within the dry dynamics, typical settings lead to Alpine-scale flow splitting with pronounced left/right asymmetries with respect to the incident southerly flow. Strong vertical lifting occurs over the western portion of the upstream slopes, within the stream of air that tries to circum go the elongated obstacle on the western flank. Thus, despite belonging to the “flow-around” regime, these flow configurations can exhibit vertical lifting over the whole height of the obstacle. The responsible asymmetry is primarily induced by the Coriolis effect in the presence of an elongated mountain, but it can further be intensified by the impinging low-level jet and the arc-shape of the Alpine topography. With a conditionally unstable moist upstream profile, the flow is able to surmount the obstacle without pronounced horizontal deflections. Maximum precipitation rates of are obtained. When moist convection is suppressed by using a moist absolutely stable upstream profile, the flow is again substantially deflected and shows the typical characteristics of the dry flow regime discussed above, with somewhat reduced precipitation rates as compared to the convective case. Overall there is evidence that the asymmetry introduced by the Coriolis effect, a pronounced low-level jet, and a moist upstream profile, all facilitate vertical lifting and thereby provide a suitable environment for heavy condensation and precipitation. Received March 22, 1999/Revised August 18, 1999  相似文献   

地形对华北地区夏季降水影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:37,自引:10,他引:27  
范广洲  吕世华 《高原气象》1999,18(4):659-667
行星大气中地形效应的研究一直是人们十分重视的问题。本语文利用引进的NCAR-RegCM2模式就地形对华北地区夏季降水的影响进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,华北地区西部和北部的山脉地形对华北地区夏季降水有着非常重要的影响。尤其是对一些局地地区,甚至起到了决定性的作用。当降低地形高度时,华北地区夏季降水将明显减少。其物理机制可能主要有两点,一是降低地莆高度后,使华北地区迎风坡地形抬升作用减弱,从而减少了  相似文献   

Summary Idealized numerical simulations using the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) model indicate that three flow regimes, based on the moist Froude number, can be identified for a conditionally unstable, rotational, horizontally homogeneous, uniformly stratified flow over an idealized, three-dimensional, mesoscale mountain stretched spanwise to the impinging flow: (I) a quasi-stationary upslope convective system and an upstream-propagating convective system, (II) a quasi-stationary upslope convective system, and (III) a stationary upslope convective system and a quasi-stationary downstream convective system. Several major differences from a similar type of flow with no rotation over a two-dimensional mountain range are found. One important finding is that relatively strong mean flow produces a quasi-stationary mesoscale convective system (MCS) and maximum rainfall on the windward slope (upslope rain), instead of on the mountain peak or over the lee side.We found that the Coriolis force helps produce heavy upslope rainfall by making transition from flow-around the eastern part of the upslope to flow-over the western part of the upslope (transits to a higher flow regime) by deflecting the incident southerly flow to become east–southeasterly barrier winds. We found that the addition of the western flank of the arc-shaped mountain helps slow down the barrier wind from east and causes the maximum rainfall to move east of the windward slope. A lower-Froude number flow tends to produce a rainfall maximum near the concave region.Several other important facts can also be found in this study. The ratio of the maximum grid scale rainfall to the sub-grid scale rainfall increases when the moist Froude number increases. When the CAPE decreases, it is found that the upstream moist flow tends to shift to a higher Froude-number regime. Therefore, the Froude number cannot solely be used to define a moist flow regime when different CAPEs are considered. In another word, other parameters, such as CAPE, might play an important role in determining moist flow regimes.  相似文献   

基于ECMWF模式预报的台风降水地形订正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐燚  钱浩  罗玲  余晖 《气象学报》2019,77(4):674-685
为了解决复杂地形条件下ECMWF模式预报的台风降水较实况显著小的问题,对Smith 1979年提出的地形降水方程进行改进,提出以饱和湿层高度作为方程积分上限,针对不同高度地形设定不同的降水效率;以无量纲湿弗劳德数大于1作为有、无地形降水的判据;利用ECWMF细网格预报场,通过迎风坡地形降水估算方程来订正模式预报的台风降水。用该地形降水订正方法对1617号台风“鲇鱼”的降水进行了订正预报。结果表明,虽然在一些小尺度地形区域会产生明显的空报,但是对于大尺度地形区域的强降水有显著的订正效果。对1513、1521和1614台风的订正结果进一步表明,该地形降水订正方法对改进台风极端降水预报效果显著。需要指出的是,采用的地形降水订正方法仅考虑了稳定条件下的地形降水,对于其他情形下的地形降水订正方法尚待进一步的研究。   相似文献   

复杂山区上空垂直速度场和热力对流活动的理想数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用英国气象局高分辨率的边界层数值模式BLASIUS,针对中国西北一个复杂山区进行了一系列的理想数值模拟,分析了在不同天气条件下山区上空的垂直速度场分布和对流特征以及地形对热力对流活动的影响,同时讨论了与地形有关的对流触发机制。模式结果表明,复杂山区的垂直运动在稳定层结和风速较大的情况下较易预测,而在中性层结下,山区上空的垂直运动分布随机性强。在Froude数小于0.5的条件下,气流往往被山峰阻塞而在迎风坡造成地形强迫和辐合性抬升,从而易在迎风坡触发深对流活动;在背风坡则由于迎风坡的绕流重新辐合而造成垂直运动。绕流的辐合是触发深对流活动的另一重要因子。在大风或Froude数较大的条件下,地形重力波容易在山地下游被激发。地形重力波与对流活动的相互影响在模式中清楚可见。在适当的条件下,重力波除了可以与对流活动相耦合从而使气团上升到更高的高度外,重力波的走向很可能会影响到深对流系统的传播路径。研究还发现稳定度对相邻两条对流线之间的距离长短也有影响。稳定度较小时,相邻两条对流线之间的平均宽度趋向变大而单个对流线的强度也相应变大。定量化的结论和理论升华值得进一步的数值模拟研究。  相似文献   

Summary Two-thirds of the land mass of Taiwan island is covered by mountains that affect precipitation systems over the island. To understand the influence of such terrain on a precipitation system was one of the objectives of TAMEX (Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment, Kuo and Chen, 1990). During the passage of these precipitation systems, Doppler radar readings as well as conventional data were collected. On 17 June, 1987 a precipitation system moving toward northeastern Taiwan dumped over 100 mm of rainfall per day near the mountain foothills, not far from the ocean. Over the lee side, the precipitation amount was less. The radar data results indicate that a series of cells formed about 10 km upstream of the coastal area and moved toward the mountains under the influence of an easterly wind. The zonal speed was about 4 to 8 ms–1. The time interval for the formation of these convective cells was about 40 minutes. They intensified near the coastal area, the foot hills and the mountain slope, but their intensity decreased on the lee-side. A two-dimensional, nonhydrostatic model with a terrain-following coordinate system was employed to study the influence of environmental wind patterns and terrain on the characteristics of a precipitation system. Simulation results indicate that a series of clouds associated with an updraft formed at the middle level, about 10 to 20 km east of the mountain foothills (near the coast line), under the influence of easterly winds in a very moist environment. Then, updrafts associated with cloud water travelled westward from the cloudy region, intensifying near the bottom of the mountains and in the coastal areas due to orographic lifting. Then, convective cells formed. As these cells continued moving westward and upward near the foothills as well as the upslope area near the mountain top, their intensity increased. But once they passed over the mountain top to the lee side, their intensity decreased. The time interval for the formation of cells was about 35 minutes and the size of the cells was about 5 to 8 km horizontally. The numerical results are qualitatively consistent with the observations. Sensitivity studies indicate that the magnitude of the wind speed influenced the formation of the cells. The low level wind profiles affected the movement of cells on the lee-side of the mountain, and the height of mountain also had an impact on the characteristics of the precipitation cells.With 18 Figures  相似文献   

单多普勒雷达在山区火箭人工增雨中的应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用单多普勒雷达资料产品对2003年8月3日和8月9日鄂西山区两次火箭增雨的作业条件和效果进行分析。分析表明:依据多普勒雷达资料,利用山区迎风坡地形对云系的抬升作用,适时开展火箭作业进行人工催化,可以达到显著的增雨效果。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dependence on environmental conditions of altitudinal precipitation differences in the northern Alps, based on high-resolution numerical simulations with the MM5 model for a selected region in the Bavarian Alps (Zugspitze mountain and surrounding valley stations). Three exemplary precipitation events representing climatological regimes with different orographic enhancement characteristics are selected. After validating the MM5 precipitation fields against the available surface observations, the model results are used to analyse the interactions of atmospheric dynamics and cloud microphysics with the local orography. The first two cases (19–22 March 1997, 05–09 February 1999) are characterized by a strong northwesterly or northerly flow, associated with large precipitation differences between the mountain and the surrounding valley stations. For these cases, the model results indicate a dominance of the classical seeder–feeder mechanism, with strong orographic lifting generating dense orographic clouds over each individual mountain ridge, which in turn intensify precipitation. The related surface precipitation maxima can be found near the mountain peaks or somewhat in the lee due to hydrometeor drifting. The third case (05–07 December 1992) represents conditions with relatively small (i.e. below climatological average) precipitation differences between the Zugspitze and the surrounding valley stations. For this event, the model results indicate that relatively weak ambient winds at and below Alpine crest level (700 hPa) were primarily responsible for the lack of substantial precipitation enhancement. Precipitation was nevertheless moderately intense because of strong frontal lifting at higher levels. In all three cases, the agreement between simulated and observed precipitation patterns is so high that there is good reason to expect that mountain–valley precipitation differences will be quantitatively predictable for nonconvective events once a sufficiently high model resolution is computationally affordable.  相似文献   

利用PSU/NCAR MM5V3中尺度数值模式进行了鲁中山区地形对一次台风暴雨的数值模拟敏感性试验,结果分析表明:鲁中山区地形作用对山东省暴雨有重要影响,迎风坡可引起低层气流和水汽的辐合上升运动增强,降水量增加,但偏北气流在迎风坡的水汽辐合不明显,降水量影响不大;山顶引起低层辐合上升运动减弱,辐散下沉运动增强,降水量减小;背风坡引起低层气流和水汽的辐合上升运动增强,降水量增加。  相似文献   

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