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In Anatolia (Turkey), extensive calc-alkaline volcanism has developed along discontinuous provinces from Neogene to Quaternary times as a consequence of plate convergence and continental collision. In the Nevsehir plateau, which is located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, volcanism consists of numerous monogenetic centres, several large stratovolcanoes and an extensive, mainly Neogene, rhyolitic ignimbrite field. Vent and caldera locations for the Neogene ignimbrites were not well known based on previous studies.In the Neogene ignimbrite sequence of the Nevsehir plateau, we have identified an old group of ignimbrites (Kavak ignimbrites) followed by five major ignimbrite units (Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) and two smaller, less extensive ones (Tahar, Sofular). Other ignimbrite units at the margin of the plateau occur as outliers of larger ignimbrites whose main distributions are beyond the plateau. Excellent exposure and physical continuity of the units over large areas have allowed establishment of the stratigraphic succession of the ignimbrites as, from bottom to top: Kavak, Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Tahar, Gördeles, Sofular, Kizilkaya. Our stratigraphic scheme refines previous ones by the identification of the Zelve ignimbrite and the correlation of the previously defined ‘Akköy’ ignimbrite with the Sarimaden Tepe ignimbrite. Correlations of distant ignimbrite remnants have been achieved by using a combination a field criteria: (1) sedimentological characterisitics; (2) phenocryst assemblage; (3) pumice vesiculation texture; (4) presence and characteristics of associated plinian fallout deposits; and (5) lithic types. The correlations significantly enlarge the estimates of the original extent and volume of most ignimbrites: volumes range between 80 km3 and 300 km3 for the major ignimbrites, corresponding to 2500–10,000 km3 in areal extent.The major ignimbrites of the Nevsehir plateau have an inferred source area in the Derinkuyu tectonic basin which extends mainly between Nevsehir and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. The Kavak ignimbrites and the Zelve ignimbrite have inferred sources located between Nevsehir and Derinkuyu, coincident with a negative gravity anomaly. The younger ignimbrites (Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) have inferred sources clustered to the south between the Erdas Dag and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. We found evidence of collapse structures on the northern and southern flanks of the Erdas Dag volcanic massif, and of a large updoming structure in the Sahinkalesi Tepe massif. The present-day Derinkuyu tectonic basin is mostly covered with Quaternary sediments and volcanics. The fault system which bounds the basin to the east provides evidence that the ignimbrite volcanism and inferred caldera formation took place in a locally extensional environment while the basin was already subsiding. Drilling and geophysical prospecting are necessary to decipher in detail the presently unknown internal structure of the basin and the inferred, probably coalesced or nested, calderas within it.  相似文献   

Taupo volcanic centre is one of two active rhyolite centres in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), and has been sporadically active over the past ca. 300 ka. At least four large-scale ignimbrites have erupted from the centre, including the well documented 26.5 ka Oruanui ignimbrite and 1.8 ka Taupo ignimbrite. Because stratigraphy of earlier ignimbrites and their sources are masked by later volcanism, disrupted by regional tectonics and obscured by poor exposure, indirect methods must be applied in order to determine their source regions. In this paper detailed componentry, density and petrology of lithic fragments from three ignimbrites (Rangatira Point, Oruanui, Taupo) are used to reveal aspects of the sub-Taupo caldera geology, including the evolution of the Taupo volcanic centre, to assist in ignimbrite correlation and to evaluate structures within the Taupo caldera complex. Lithic fragments identify a complex subsurface geology. The Rangatira Point ignimbrite sampled dominantly rhyolite lavas, plus a variety of welded ignimbrites, rare high-silica dacites and a single dolerite. Most lithic fragments in the Oruanui ignimbrite are andesite with minor rhyolite, welded ignimbrite, dacite and rounded greywacke, while in the Taupo ignimbrite, rhyolite is again the dominant lithic component with subordinate welded ignimbrites, andesite, and greywacke. The densities of lithic fragments indicate similar ranges of values for all lava types, and thus density is a poor indicator of lithology. Care must, therefore, be taken before interpreting subcrustal stratigraphy using density as the sole criterion. The petrography and geochemistry of lithic types are more specific, and the variation can be used to identify sources for the ignimbrites. Both pumice chemistry and rhyolite lithic fragments from the Rangatira Point ignimbrite are comparable to domes exposed at the southern end of the Western Dome Complex and, combined with limited outcrop information, suggest the most likely source for this unit is in the northern part of the Taupo caldera complex. The dominance of andesite lithic fragments in the Oruanui ignimbrite suggests a major andesite cone existed beneath the source area, and the different lithic suites between Oruanui and Taupo ignimbrites suggest these ignimbrites came, at least in part, from mutually exclusive collapse structures. We believe that the Oruanui caldera is sited principally in the northwestern part of present-day Lake Taupo and the Taupo caldera in the northeastern part. Identification of abundant ignimbrite lithics in the Taupo ignimbrite, which are considered to represent an intracaldera facies of an earlier ignimbrite, that is not exposed at the surface, suggest there was a further (pre-Oruanui) ignimbrite caldera in the Taupo ignimbrite eruptive vent region.  相似文献   

Cenozoic volcanic activity started in southwestern Bolivia during the Oligocene. From the Early Miocene up to the Holocene, volcanism produced about 8000 km3 of lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Five major cycles could be distinguished.North—south-trending fissures in the eastern part of southwestern Bolivia were sources of Miocene ignimbrites. The eruptive centers of Pliocene ignimbrites are scattered throughout the investigated area, but are concentrated in the western part. During Pleistocene times small ignimbrite flows were formed by collapse of composite volcanoes.The oldest lavas (Oligocene) are alkaline and differ considerably from younger rocks, which are rhyodacites and dacites with only a small limited range of compositions. Based on the K2O/Na2O ratios and the mineralogical composition, the lavas can be subdivided into a calc-alkaline and a high-K calc-alkaline (shoshonitic) association. Hornblende is absent from lavas with high K2O/Na2O ratios.In southwestern Bolivia a westward migration of volcanic activity is apparent. The potassium content of the lavas decreases from the Miocene to the Holocene, whereas the sodium content increases. The potassium content cannot, therefore, be correlated with the depth of the Benioff zone. It is suggested, that the lavas and ignimbrites were formed by partial melting of material from different crustal levels.  相似文献   

Although the oldest volcanic rocks exposed at Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) are older than 300 ka, most of the island is covered by the 45–50 ka Green Tuff ignimbrite, thought to be related to the Cinque Denti caldera, and younger lavas and scoria cones. Pre-50 ka rocks (predominantly rheomorphic ignimbrites) are exposed at isolated sea cliffs, and their stratigraphy and chronology are not completely resolved. Based on volcanic stratigraphy and K/Ar dating, it has been proposed that the older La Vecchia caldera is related to ignimbrite Q (114 ka), and that ignimbrites F, D, and Z (106, 94, and 79 ka, respectively) were erupted after caldera formation. We report here the paleomagnetic directions obtained from 23 sites in ignimbrite P (133 ka) and four younger ignimbrites, and from an uncorrelated (and loosely dated) welded lithic breccia thought to record a caldera-forming eruption. The paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field recorded by ignimbrites is used as correlative tool, with an estimated time resolution in the order of 100 years. We find that ignimbrites D and Z correspond, in good agreement with recent Ar/Ar ages constraining the D/Z eruption to 87 ka. The welded lithic breccia correlates with a thinner breccia lying just below ignimbrite P at another locality, implying that collapse of the La Vecchia caldera took place at ~130–160 ka. This caldera was subsequently buried by ignimbrites P, Q, F, and D/Z. Paleomagnetic data also show that the northern caldera margin underwent a ~10° west–northwest (outwards) tilting after emplacement of ignimbrite P, possibly recording magma resurgence in the crust.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and geochronological data show that the late Cenozoic Ueno Basalts and related Nomugi-Toge and Hida volcanic suites of the Norikura Volcanic Chain, Japan, were active for ~ 1 million years. Temporal and spatial variations of the volcanic activity and chemistry of the volcanic products suggest that it was induced by a common mantle diapir. The Ueno Basalts are small monogenetic volcanoes scattered over an area 50 km in diameter, and comprise a small volcanic province. The Ueno Basalts are almost all subalkalic basalt to basaltic andesite, erupted through the late Pliocene to the earliest Pleistocene (2.7–1.5 Ma). Andesite to dacite of the Nomugi-Toge volcanic rocks were concurrently active in the back arc side, and two eruption stages (2.6–2.2 and 2.1–1.7 Ma) are recognizable. Two voluminous dacite and rhyolite ignimbrites, the Hida Volcanic Rocks, were erupted deeper in the back-arc region, at ca 1.75 and 1.7 Ma. Both the Nomugi-Toge and Hida suites are also subalkalic, except for the last ignimbrite. In the Ueno Basalts, alkali olivine basalt was erupted in the earliest stage, and was followed by subalkalic basalt, showing that the magma segregation depth ascended with time. This coincided with uplift of the volcanic province and with quasi-concentric expansion of the eruption centers, suggesting that an upwelling mantle diapir was the cause of the volcanism. The Nomugi-Toge andesite–dacite lavas and the Hida dacite and rhyolite ignimbrites are considered to have originated from the same mantle diapir, because of their close proximity to the Ueno Basalts and their near-contemporaneous activity. Mantle diapirs have a significant role in the origin of subalkalic volcanic rocks in the island arcs.  相似文献   

Summary Field mapping, analysis of borehole core and studies of geophysical potential field and seismic data can be used to demonstrate the existence of a number of distinct crustal blocks within Eastern Avalonia beneath eastern England and the southern North Sea. At the core of these blocks is the Midlands Microcraton which is flanked by Ordovician volcanic arc complexes exposed in Wales and the Lake District. A possible volcanic arc complex of comparable age in eastern England is concealed by late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic cover. These volcanic arc complexes resulted from subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath Avalonia prior to collision with Baltica and Laurentia in late Ordovician and Silurian time, respectively. The nature of the crust north and east of the concealed Caledonides of Eastern England and south of the lapetus Suture/Tornquist Sea Suture, which forms the basement to the southern North Sea, is unclear. Late Ordovician metamorphic ages from cores penetrating deformed metasedimentary rocks on the Mid-North Sea High suggest these rocks were involved in Avalonia-Baltica collision before final closure of the lapetus Ocean between Laurentia and Avalonia.  相似文献   

A new category of large-scale volcanism, here termed Snake River (SR)-type volcanism, is defined with reference to a distinctive volcanic facies association displayed by Miocene rocks in the central Snake River Plain area of southern Idaho and northern Nevada, USA. The facies association contrasts with those typical of silicic volcanism elsewhere and records unusual, voluminous and particularly environmentally devastating styles of eruption that remain poorly understood. It includes: (1) large-volume, lithic-poor rhyolitic ignimbrites with scarce pumice lapilli; (2) extensive, parallel-laminated, medium to coarse-grained ashfall deposits with large cuspate shards, crystals and a paucity of pumice lapilli; many are fused to black vitrophyre; (3) unusually extensive, large-volume rhyolite lavas; (4) unusually intense welding, rheomorphism, and widespread development of lava-like facies in the ignimbrites; (5) extensive, fines-rich ash deposits with abundant ash aggregates (pellets and accretionary lapilli); (6) the ashfall layers and ignimbrites contain abundant clasts of dense obsidian and vitrophyre; (7) a bimodal association between the rhyolitic rocks and numerous, coalescing low-profile basalt lava shields; and (8) widespread evidence of emplacement in lacustrine-alluvial environments, as revealed by intercalated lake sediments, ignimbrite peperites, rhyolitic and basaltic hyaloclastites, basalt pillow-lava deltas, rhyolitic and basaltic phreatomagmatic tuffs, alluvial sands and palaeosols. Many rhyolitic eruptions were high mass-flux, large volume and explosive (VEI 6–8), and involved H2O-poor, low-δ18O, metaluminous rhyolite magmas with unusually low viscosities, partly due to high magmatic temperatures (900–1,050°C). SR-type volcanism contrasts with silicic volcanism at many other volcanic fields, where the fall deposits are typically Plinian with pumice lapilli, the ignimbrites are low to medium grade (non-welded to eutaxitic) with abundant pumice lapilli or fiamme, and the rhyolite extrusions are small volume silicic domes and coulées. SR-type volcanism seems to have occurred at numerous times in Earth history, because elements of the facies association occur within some other volcanic fields, including Trans-Pecos Texas, Etendeka-Paraná, Lebombo, the English Lake District, the Proterozoic Keewanawan volcanics of Minnesota and the Yardea Dacite of Australia. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Twenty-four K-Ar radiometric ages are presented for late Cenozoic continental volcanic rocks of the Cordillera Occidental of southernmost Perú (lat. 16° 57′–17° 36′S). Rhyodacitic ignimbrite eruptions began in this transect during the Late Oligocene and continued episodically through the Miocene. The development of andesitic-dacitic strato volcanoes was initiated in the Pliocene and continues to the present.The earliest ignimbrite flows (25.3–22.7 Ma) are intercalated in the upper, coarsely-elastic member of the Moquegua Formation and demonstrate that this sedimentary unit accumulated in a trough, parallel to Andean tectonic trends, largely in the Oligocene. More voluminous ash-flow eruptions prevailed in the Early Miocene (22.8–17.6 Ma) and formed the extensively preserved Huaylillas Formation. This episode was coeval with a major phase of Andean uplift, and the pyroclastics overlie an erosional surface of regional extent incised into a Paleogene volcano-plutonic arc terrain. An age span of 14.2–8.9 Ma (mid-Late Miocene) is indicated for the younger Chuntacala Formation, which again comprises felsic ignimbrite flows, largely restricted to valleys incised into the pre-Huaylillas Formation lithologies, and, at lower altitudes, an extensive aggradational elastic facies. The youngest areally extensive ignimbrites, constituting the Sencca Formation, were extruded during the Late Miocene.In the earliest Pliocene, the ignimbrites were succeeded by more voluminous calcalkaline, intermediate flows which generated numerous large and small stratovolcanoes; these range in age from 5.3 to 1.6 Ma. Present-day, or Holocene, volcanism is restricted to several large stratovolcanoes which had begun their development during the Pleistocene (by 0.7 Ma).The late Oligocene/Early Miocene (ca. 22–23 Ma) reactivation of the volcanic arc coincided with a comparable increase in magmatic activity throughout much of the Cordilleras Occidental and Oriental of the Central Andes.  相似文献   

The Ezine region is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia where young granitic and volcanic rocks are widespread and show close spatial and temporal association. In this region magmatism began with the Kestanbol granite, which intruded into metamorphic basement rocks, and formed contact metamorphic aureole. To the east and southeast the pluton is surrounded by hypabyssal rocks, which in turn, are surrounded by volcanic associations. The volcanic rocks may be divided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological properties. Lavas and lahar deposits dominate the northern sector while ignimbrites dominate the southern sector. The ignimbrite eruptions were formed partly coevally with the plutonic and the associated volcanic rocks during the early Miocene. They appear to have been associated in a caldera collapse environment. Geochemical properties of the plutonic and the associated volcanic assemblages indicate that the magmas are hybrid and co-genetic and, were formed from a similar mantle source, under a compressional regime prior to the opening of the present E–W-trending graben of the Aegean western Anatolian region.  相似文献   

Contrary to general belief, not all large igneous provinces (LIPs) are characterised by rocks of basaltic composition. Silicic-dominated LIPs, such as the Whitsunday Volcanic Province of NE Australia, are being increasingly recognised in the rock record. These silicic LIPs are consistent in being: (1) volumetrically dominated by ignimbrite; (2) active over prolonged periods (40–50 m.y.), based on available age data; and (3) spatially and temporally associated with plate break-up. This silicic-dominated LIP, related to the break-up of eastern continental Gondwana, is also significant for being the source of >1.4×106 km3 of coeval volcanogenic sediment preserved in adjacent sedimentary basins of eastern Australia.The Whitsunday Volcanic Province is volumetrically dominated by medium- to high-grade, dacitic to rhyolitic lithic ignimbrites. Individual ignimbrite units are commonly between 10 and 100 m thick, and the ignimbrite-dominated sequences exceed 1 km in thickness. Coarse lithic lag breccias containing clasts up to 6 m diameter are associated with the ignimbrites in proximal sections. Pyroclastic surge and fallout deposits, subordinate basaltic to rhyolitic lavas, phreatomagmatic deposits, and locally significant thicknesses of coarse-grained volcanogenic conglomerate and sandstone are interbedded with the ignimbrites. The volcanic sequences are intruded by gabbro/dolerite to rhyolite dykes (up to 50 m in width), sills and comagmatic granite. Dyke orientations are primarily from NW to NNE.The volcanic sequences are characterised by the interstratification of proximal/near-vent lithofacies such as rhyolite domes and lavas, and basaltic agglomerate, with medial to distal facies of ignimbrite. The burial of these near-vent lithofacies by ignimbrites, coupled with the paucity of mass wastage products such as debris-flow deposits indicates a low-relief depositional environment. Furthermore, the volcanic succession records a temporal change in: (1) eruptive styles; (2) the nature of source vents; and (3) erupted compositions. An early explosive dacitic pyroclastic phase was succeeded by a later mixed pyroclastic-effusive phase producing an essentially bimodal suite of lavas and rhyolitic ignimbrite. From the nature and distribution of volcanic lithofacies, the volcanic sequences are interpreted to record the evolution of a multiple vent, low-relief volcanic region, dominated by several large caldera centres.  相似文献   

Recognition and correlation of rock units within geothermal fields is often hampered by high degrees of alteration that obscure primary mineralogies and lithological boundaries, and preclude direct dating by radiometric techniques. Magmatic zircons are commonly present in silicic volcanic rocks, where zircon saturation was achieved and zircons crystallized up to the point of eruption. Young zircons are highly resistant to hydrothermal alteration and can yield a record of their crystallization ages in otherwise heavily altered rocks. Zircon crystallization-age spectra have been obtained by SIMS techniques (SHRIMP-RG) from three samples of cuttings and a core sample from ignimbrite penetrated in 3 drillholes up to ~ 3.2 km deep at the Mangakino geothermal field in New Zealand. The crystallization ages are similar between the drillcore and cutting samples, indicating that downhole mixing of cuttings has not been important, and showing collectively that volcanic units of closely similar ages are represented between ~ 1.4 and ~ 3.2 km depth. This is despite apparent changes in the inferred primary volcanic lithology that had led to earlier inferences that multiple ignimbrites of contrasting age were present in this depth interval. Comparisons of zircon crystallization-age spectra and inferred primary mineralogical characteristics from the drillhole samples with surficial ignimbrites that crop out west of Mangakino suggest that the boreholes have entered a > 1.8-km-thick intracaldera fill of ignimbrite generated in the closely-spaced Kidnappers and Rocky Hill eruptions at ~ 1 Ma.  相似文献   

The Lengshuikeng Ag‐Pb‐Zn ore field is located in the North Wuyi Mesozoic volcanic belt south of the Qinzhou–Hangzhou suture zone between the Yangtze and Cathaysia paleo‐plates. Previous zircon U–Pb geochronological studies on ignimbrites and tuffs from this area have yielded conflicting ages of 157–161 Ma (Early Upper Jurassic) and 137–144 Ma (Early Lower Cretaceous). Volcanic rocks in the ore field have even been proposed to include both ages. Our SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating of the ignimbrite and tuff samples from the ore field, along with field observations and results from geochronological work on other volcanic and sub‐volcanic rocks in the region, shows that two populations of magmatic zircons, one autocrystic and the other xenocrystic, are present in the pyroclastic rocks. The autocrystic zircons have ages suggesting formation/eruption at approximately 140 Ma, whereas the xenocrystic zircons give ages of 155–159 Ma, indicating intrusion of granitic porphyries in the Early Upper Jurassic. Therefore, the pyroclastic rocks in the Lengshuikeng Ag–Pb–Zn ore field formed in the Early Lower Cretaceous. The youngest zircon U–Pb ages from pyroclastic rocks may not represent the formation/eruption ages of the host rock, depending most likely on the existence and/or abundance of juvenile or vitric pyroclasts in the rocks.  相似文献   

Cimino Volcano, in Northern Latium, is one of the most characteristic centers of the early Quaternary acid post-orogenetic volcanism in Central Italy. Three stages in the volcanic activity are distinguished: extrusion of several lava domes; ignimbrite cruptions; effusion of more or less differentiated lava flows. Ignimbrites, that form a shield of over 300 sq. km, show characters of welding variable with the distance from the source area and, in a single section, with the level in the sheet. Most part of the Cimino volcanics (domes and ignimbrites) have a quartzlatite composition. The olivine-trachyte (selagite) inclusions in the domes and ignimbrites, and the dark quartz-latite to olivine-trachyte lava flows, could be the products of a pneumatolitic differentiation in the various stages of the magmatic cycle.  相似文献   

Sources of large-volume ignimbrites in the Central Andes are difficult to identify by conventional means. MSS band 7 LANDSAT imagery of the region was obtained with the specific objective of using the synoptic view to identify large ignimbrites and their sources. Two are described. The Guataquina ignimbrite covers some 2300 km2 and probably has a volume of some 70 km3. It appears to have a source in Cerro Guacha, a complex caldera-graben structure 25 km across. The Cerro Galan ignimbrite covers an area of some 2000 km' on the flanks of a major resurgent caldera some 30 km by 20 km across. Younger volcanic rocks have been erupted from two points on the caldera wall, and the structure appears to have had a geological history broadly similar to that of the Valles caldera.  相似文献   

A conspicuous graben extends for 800 kilometers through El Salvador and western Nicaragua to the Caribbean Sea in northeastern Costa Rica. Like the smaller but structurally similar Semangko and Toba Depressions of northern Sumatra, the trough is clearly related to voluminous volcanic eruptions during Late Tertiary time. In the region around Lakes Managua and Nicaragua, where the depression is best defined and reaches its greatest dimension, a thick series of Tertiary sediments and volcanic rocks provides a means of interpreting the Cenozoic history of the region. Following a long period of intermittent volcanic activity and sedimentation, extensive sheets of andesitic and dacitic ignimbrites were erupted during Late Miocene time from fissure sources which appear to have been located near the now-subsided central portion of the graben. Near the coast, ignimbrites flowed across a flat lagunal shore overwhelming and burying the tropical vegetation and finally coming to rest in shallow water. Unusual textures and chaotic mixtures of pumice with sediments and silicified wood characterize the bases of many of the water-laid ignimbrites. Subsidence of the graben does not appear to have occurred concurrently with the ignimbrite eruptions but followed them closely near the end of the Miocene or the beginning of Pliocene time. Subsequent activity has been confined to relatively smaller eruptions from central vents near the boundary faults of the graben.  相似文献   

The Bannaya–Karymshina area is situated in southern Kamchatka west of the East Kamchatka Volcanic Belt in the backarc part of the Kuril–Kamchatka island arc. The area is unique in that it contains abundant ejecta of calc-alkaline, acid, mostly ignimbrite, volcanism for a period of 4 Ma. Three rock complexes can be identified with rhyolitic and rhyodacitic compositions: Middle Pliocene ignimbrites, crystalloclastic tuffs of Eopleistocene age that fill in the Karymshina caldera, and Early Pleistocene intrusions. All of these are composed of rocks with normal total alkalinity, while the concentration of potassium places them at the boundary between moderate and high-potassium rocks. We sought to determine the composition of primary acid melts by studying the composition of the silicate phase in homogeneous melt inclusions that were conserved in quartz phenocrysts hosted by volcanic rocks of varying ages. Practically all the melt inclusions we analyzed show increased total alkalies and are in the class of trachyrhyodacites and trachyrhyolites, with the varieties of the highest alkali content being alkaline rhyolites and comendites; the concentration of K2O classifies them as subalkaline rocks; one also notes the increased alumina of the acid melts. The compositions and spatial locations of the melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts provide evidence of a three-phase crystallization in magma chambers at different depths. According to the experimental data, the quartz phenocrysts crystallized in a water-saturated melt at pressures of 0.1 to 3.5 kbars.  相似文献   

Indisputable geochronology of Icelandic volcanism may contribute to improving the use of volcanic proxies for paleoenvironmental studies. Accurate and reliable ages may also provide some useful constraints in studying the possible relationship between volcanism and deglaciation in Iceland. Given the difficulty of dating accurately young and low potassic volcanic samples from Iceland, the relationship between deglaciation and increasing levels of volcanism has been shown only for the last deglaciation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential of the unspiked K–Ar dating method for dating Quaternary Icelandic volcanic rocks, because we consider that reliable K–Ar ages of interglacial and sub-glacial volcanic products may generate useful data sets for paleoclimatic reconstructions, so enabling the link between glaciation and volcanic activity to be better established. Given the ages and precisions obtained, this study demonstrates that the unspiked K–Ar method is a promising tool for reconstructing the recent volcanic activity in Iceland during glacial and interglacial intervals.  相似文献   

The rocks comprising the Kari Kari massif southeast of the city of Potosi, Bolivia, consist entirely of welded ignimbrites. It is argued that the massif constitutes the resurgent centre of a 20-m.y.-old resurgent caldera. Plutonic rocks are exposed in the south, but volcanic rocks of the caldera rim are exposed in the north, and indicate a shallower erosion level there. The volcanic rocks consist of a coarse moat deposit, consisting of angular fragments of basement material and juvenile clasts, overlain by an extensive garnet-bearing ignimbrite. A plant-fossil-bearing lacustrine deposit was laid down in a lake within the caldera. The Cerro Rico stock, noted for its silver-tin mineralisation, may be a late intrusion along the caldera ring fractures.  相似文献   

Occurrence and field relations of an extensive ignimbrite sheet near Afyon in Central Anatolia are described. These rhyolitic ignimbrites are part of the important Neogene volcanic activity in Turkey and belong to the alignment of volcanic complexes along the inner border of the Taurian ranges. In close stratigraphical connection and in the same tectonic position as the rhyolites there occurs an assemblage of high-potassic, intermediate to basic volcanic rocks (alkali trachytes, mela-trachytes, latites and leucite-bearing rocks). Petrological and magmatological considerations led to the conclusion that the rhyolites and the potassic series, in spite of the close geological connection, are not related by processes of magmatic differentiation. Arguments in favour of an anatectic origin of the rhyolitic melt are presented. The occurrence of garnet and allanite as accessory minerals and as inclusions in the salic minerals of the ignimbrite are interpreted as relictic witnesses of a sialic parent rock. However, the trace elements, especially high Rb connected with low Sr, Ba and Zr and K/Rb ratios below 100 give a pattern generally explained by strong fractionation processes.  相似文献   

Voluminous sheets of rhyolitic ignimbrites were crupted during Miocene time in a region of Central America that is underlain by a thick sequence of middle Paleozoic and older metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Strontium isotopic ratios of fifteen ignimbrites range from 0.7035 to as high as 0.7175. These values are markedly higher than those measured for cale-alkaline lavas of the same province, but overlap the range found in basement rocks that may have served as source rocks for anateetic magmas. This relationship is in contrast to that found in the western United States where siliceous ignimbrites are not significantly richer in radiogenic strontium than are the basalt erupted through the same basement series. Several possible models for the origin of the large volumes of siliceous magma are examined in terms of major-element and isotopic relations, experimental studies of phase relations, and the thermal requirements of melting or assimilating basement rocks. A mathematical model for the effects of assimilation in open and closed systems permits a comparison of predicted chemical and isotopic compositions with those observed and places limits on the plausibility of various schemes of contamination with or without concurrent crystal fractionation. None of the models is without its flaws. Recent suggestions that large volumes of siliceous magma may be derived from the mantle or lower crust explain certain aspects of the Central American ignimbrites very well if one postulates that the high strontium ratios resulted from contamination of the magma with radiogenic strontium released by the break-down of mieas in basement rocks through which the magmas rose. Such a model fails to explain the apparent restriction of large rhyolitic ignimbrite cruptions to areas underlain by thick continental crust.  相似文献   

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