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基于OMR的2.16米望远镜积分视场单元方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于积分视场单元的三维成像光谱技术日趋成熟,并且与传统的狭缝光谱仪相比有许多明显的优势。2.16m望远镜的OMR光谱仪是采用平面光栅分光的低色散卡焦光谱仪器,可以考虑对其进行积分视场单元的升级优化。在不改变OMR光谱仪自身结构,不影响现有功能的同时,利用“微透镜阵列+光纤束”的技术可以实现积分视场单元与OMR光谱仪的耦合。设计了两种方案,给出了升级积分视场单元后的空间分辨率和视场。  相似文献   

光谱仪是1 m太阳望远镜的主要终端设备之一,该望远镜采用地平式的机架结构和修正的格里高利光学系统。在望远镜跟踪太阳时,由于地平式望远镜的自身运动特点和光学系统中平面反射镜的存在,其光谱仪狭缝所在平面上的太阳像随时间绕主光轴旋转,因此光谱仪必须进行消旋才能正常工作。首先深入研究了光谱仪狭缝平面上像的旋转变化,分析其旋转范围、速度和加速度随时角变化的特性,然后根据光谱仪消旋精度并结合像的旋转特性提出伺服系统位置检测和驱动电机的主要性能指标,最后给出光谱仪消旋伺服控制方案。  相似文献   

We performed extensive data simulations for the planned ultra‐wide‐field, high‐precision photometric telescope ICE‐T (International Concordia Explorer Telescope). ICE‐T consists of two 60 cm‐aperture Schmidt telescopes with a joint field of view simultaneously in two photometric bandpasses. Two CCD cameras, each with a single 10.3k × 10.3k thinned back‐illuminated device, would image a sky field of 65 square degrees. Given a location of the telescope at Dome C on the East Antarctic Plateau, we searched for the star fields that best exploit the technical capabilities of the instrument and the site. We considered the effects of diurnal air mass and refraction variations, solar and lunar interference, interstellar absorption, overexposing of bright stars and ghosts, crowding by background stars, and the ratio of dwarf to giant stars in the field. Using NOMAD, SSA, Tycho‐2 and 2MASS‐based stellar positions and BVIJH magnitudes for these fields, we simulated the effects of the telescope's point‐spread‐function, the integration, and the co‐addition times. Simulations of transit light curves are presented for the selected star fields and convolved with the expected instrumental characteristics. For the brightest stars, we showed that ICE‐T should be capable of detecting a 2 REarth Super Earth around a G2 solar‐type star, as well as an Earth around an M0‐star – if these targets were as abundant as hot Jupiters. Simultaneously, the telescope would monitor the host star's surface activity in an astrophysically interpretable manner (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

One of the prime astrophysical interests of the Observatorium Bosscha is, and has always been, double star research: visual double star research with the double-60 cm Zeiss telescope (dedicated in 1928), and theoretical research of evolved massive spectroscopic binaries (since 1972). For one thing, this is the very reason that this IAU Colloquium No. 80, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Observatorium Bosscha in Lembang, is devoted to binary astrophysics.Up to now, visual, photographic, and photometric tools have been used for binary research at the Observatorium Bosscha. An important, essential additional tool for binary research is spectrographic equipment, in order to measure radial velocities of binary components.Therefore, we suggest to make a plan for a new modern telescope, a reflector with a primary mirror of about 2 m in diameter and with a modern spectrograph/detector combination for radial velocity measurements.At a number of major astronomical observatories scientists have been considerating to erect new telescopes devoted primarily to radial velocity measurements. The reason for this is that at the end of this decade the parallax and proper motion measurements to be made by the ESA astrometric satellite Hipparcos will become available of more than 100 000 single stars and double stars. At that time there will be a compelling need for radial velocity measurements of all these stars to complement the parallax and proper motion measurements. With the combination of this data enormous progress will be made in double star research, and in the study of galactic dynamics, another topic of interest of the Observatorium Bosscha. If it could be realized to build such a dedicated radial velocity telescope in Indonesia, Indonesian astronomers could take a leading role in this field of research.Without going into technical details, we would like to emphasize here that such a new instrument should be a trueNew Generation Telescope, and that the Institut Teknologi Bandung should participate from the very beginning in its design, construction and assembling, and the subsequent servicing; ITB could participate in the field of optics, mechanics, and electronics. Modern astronomy offers tremendous challenges to technology, which are of great interest to technological institutes. The new telescope should be computer controlled, and the spectrograph should have a modern digital read-out (Reticon, IPCS, or CCD). The telescope should have one of those recently becoming availablethin mirrors, allowing more mechanical freedom. It could be a telescope with a siderostat which feeds the light into a fixed telescope, thus improving both the stability of the telescope and that of the spectrograph. In this way the staff and students of ITB, as well as the technical staff of the Observatorium Bosscha will be drawn into modern techniques of many varieties. And for ITB such an enterprise may even have a spin-off into other fields than astronomy.One aspect which is of great importance for the new telescope is the selection of its site. The present site of the Observatorium Bosscha in Lembang is a good one, but for a new modern telescope one wants to make sure that it is going to be located at the most ideal site.Therefore an Indonesian site-survey should be initiated promptly. Site survey equipment is available at many big observatories and could be borrowed. The site survey should extend over at least 4–5 years to monitor the meteorological and environmental situation at many sites.In the meantime the design and fund rainsing can be considered. Modern day astronomy depends on financial support from governments and inter-governmental organizations. Therefore it is urged that a proposal for a new telescope as indicated above clearly describes the advantages of such a new telescope both for astrophysical research in Indonesia, and for the introduction of new technologies in Indonesian technological institutes.The recently formed Steering Committee for Indonesian-Netherlands Astrophysics (INA) is willing to explore the possibilities for this plan. We hope that after investigating the interest of ITB in this matter, a proposal could be made before the end of this year.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

One of the key goals of NASA’s astrophysics program is to answer the question: How did galaxies evolve into the spirals and elliptical galaxies that we see today? We describe a space mission concept called Galaxy Evolution Spectroscopic Explorer (GESE) to address this question by making a large spectroscopic survey of galaxies at a redshift, z~1 (look-back time of ~8 billion years). GESE is a 1.5-m space telescope with an ultraviolet (UV) multi-object slit spectrograph that can obtain spectra of hundreds of galaxies per exposure. The spectrograph covers the spectral range, 0.2–0.4 μm at a spectral resolving power, R~500. This observed spectral range corresponds to 0.1–0.2 μm as emitted by a galaxy at a redshift, z=1. The mission concept takes advantage of two new technological advances: (1) light-weighted, wide-field telescope mirrors, and (2) the Next-Generation MicroShutter Array (NG-MSA) to be used as a slit generator in the multi-object slit spectrograph.  相似文献   

本文概述1991年7月11日日全食时中国日食观测队在墨西哥LaPaz所作的近红外光谱观测情况及得到的初步结果。观测是用一强光力望远镜和一中小色散的光谱仪,配以CCD摄象机、图象处理器、微机等组成的探测系统进行的。日全食时,在λ10712-10972波区共摄得极上层光球和色球的无缝光谱41帧。日面外约1.096R处的有缝光谱35帧。文中还介绍了拍得的色球、日珥资料概况。  相似文献   

We describe the TRAnsportable Flbre COupled échelle Spectrograph (TRAFICOS) equipped with a Zeeman analyzer and manufactured mainly for the observation of stellar magnetic fields. The spectrograph, designed at the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam and constructed at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, is laid out in a quasi-Littrow configuration. The part attached to the Nasmyth focus of the 2 m telescope contains the telescope adapter for the fibre input and output of the star and calibration light, the cases for the flatfield and the wavelength calibration, and the Zeeman analyzer. The optical scheme and the reduction software are mentioned in some details and the first results of the determination of the magnetic field and radial velocity of several stars are given showing the performance of the device in comparison with existing data.  相似文献   

An automatic mirror guide has been designed and made for the Raduga fiber-optic echelle spectrograph. The new device was built into one of the parts of the spectrograph and allows the work of observers to be facilitated significantly. The automatic guide efficiently removes stellar image oscillations at frequencies of 0–2 Hz, which compensates almost completely for errors in setting the polar axis of a telescope and in its clockwork drive. The guide can be used on any telescope with a focal length of more than 5 m and has operated on two different telescopes. Over two observing seasons, several hundred stellar spectra were taken with the Raduga spectrograph using the automatic guide.  相似文献   

Because of the limitations both from the slit width and the slit length of the spectrograph used in high resolution work, the efficiency of a telescope, with an aperture between D0 = 9m and D0 = 55m, will be no better than that of a telescope with aperture D0. D0 can be identified as the maximum aperture of a ground-based telescope.  相似文献   

为了实现对云南天文台2.4m望远镜摄谱仪狭缝的远程监视,我们以CPLD为核心设计了CCD控制器,用PC-104嵌入式计算机采集图像,利用pcAnywhere软件实现远程数据传输,以较低的成本设计制作了一套狭缝监视系统。该系统目前已经通过测试,达到了狭缝监视的基本要求,并为下一步实现自动导星和Robotic观测打下了基础。本文详细介绍了该系统的软硬件设计和测试结果。  相似文献   

Since 1992 the solar tower telescope of Nanjing University (118°51 E, 32°03 N) as well as its multichannel solar spectrograph, originally established in 1982, have been reconstructed and a two-channel imaging spectrograph has been operated successfully. The apertures of the coelostat and the secondary mirror are both 60 cm. The spherical objective mirror, having an aperture of 43 cm and a focal length of 2170 cm, produces a solar image of 20 cm diameter. Two auxiliary telescopes using a small fraction of the coelostat's aperture were set up for guiding and H monochromatic monitoring. A multichannel spectrograph can be operated in six wavebands simultaneously. A CCD imaging spectrograph can be used for data acquisition at H and Caii K line wavebands automatically and simultaneously. The instrument consists of two CCD cameras, an image processor (SR-151), a personal computer, and a mechanical scanning device. The principal characteristics of the instruments are described. Some observational results are presented as examples.  相似文献   

The Beijing Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera(BFOSC) is one of the most important instruments operating in conjunction with the 2.16-m telescope at Xinglong Observatory. Every year there are~20 SCI-papers published based on observational data acquired with this telescope. In this work,we have systemically measured the total efficiency of the BFOSC that operates as part of the 2.16-m reflector, based on observations of two ESO flux standard stars. We have obtained the total efficiencies of the BFOSC instrument of different grisms with various slit widths in almost all ranges, and analyzed factors which effect the efficiency of this telescope and spectrograph. For astronomical observers, the result will be useful for them to select a suitable slit width, depending on their scientific goals and weather conditions during observations. For technicians, the result will help them to systemically identify the real efficiency of the telescope and spectrograph, and to further improve the total efficiency and observing capacity of the telescope technically.  相似文献   

We describe the future night‐time spectrograph for the GREGOR solar telescope and present its science core projects. The spectrograph provides a 3‐pixel resolution of up to R = 87 000 in 45 échelle orders covering the wavelength range 390‐900 nm with three grating settings. An iodine cell can be used for high‐precision radial velocity work in the 500‐630 nm range. The operation of the spectrograph and the telescope will be fully automated without the presence of humans during night‐time and will be based on the successful STELLA control system. Future upgrades include a second optical camera for even higher spectral resolution, a Stokes‐V polarimeter and a link to the laser‐frequency comb at the Vacuum Tower Telescope. The night‐time core projects are a study of the angular‐momentum evolution of “The Sun in Time” and a continuation of our long‐term Doppler imaging of active stars (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

An interferometric astrometric mission, aiming at accuracies at around the10 microarcsec level, was recommended as a high priority concept within thenew ESA Horizon 2000+ scientific programme. The original outline concept forsuch a mission, GAIA, presented its general feasibility but did not addressmany questions of implementation or optimisation. Another concept of aninterferometer for a scanning astrometric satellite is presented. It containsa simpler optical telescope and a more efficient detector system. The designutilizes the full resolution of all light in the dispersed fringes of aFizeau interferometer. A preliminary optimization of the satellite indicatesthat two telescope units with a baseline of 100 cm will achieve a precisionof 3, 8, 22, 68, 302 microarcsec for parallaxes of stars with V = 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 mag, respectively, from a 5 year mission. Simultaneousspectrophotometry of the entire spectrum of each star will be obtained with aresolution corresponding to intermediate band photometry. The expectedprecision of this photometry is about 0.003 mag for V = 16. The performance is good in crowded fields, at least up to one star per 5 arcsec2. A Hipparcos-type beam combiner of 150 cm width is placed in front of atelescope with 4 square apertures of 50 cm. The assumed focal length is f = 60 m and the field 0.5 degree diameter. The detector consists of CCDs used for time delayed integration (drift-scan.)  相似文献   

We describe the integral field unit (IFU) which converts the Gemini Multiobject Spectrograph (GMOS) installed on the Gemini-North telescope to an integral field spectrograph,which produces spectra over a contiguous field of view of 7 × 5 arcsec with spatial sampling of 0.2 arcsecover the wavelength range 0.4-1.0 μm.GMOS is converted to this mode by the remote insertion of the IFU into thebeam in place of the masks used for the multiobject mode. A separate fieldof half the area of the main field, but otherwise identical, is alsoprovided to improve background subtraction. The IFU contains 1500lenslet-coupled fibres and was the first facility of any type for integralfield spectroscopy employed on an 8/10 m telescope.We describe the design, construction and testing of the GMOS IFU and present measurements of the throughput both in the laboratory and at the telescope. We compare these with a theoretical prediction made before construction started. All are in good agreement with each other, with the on-telescope throughput exceeding 60% (averaged over wavelength). Finallywe show an example of data obtained during commissioning to illustrate the power of the device.  相似文献   

We present the results of a variable star search in a field next to the edge-on galaxies NGC 4565 from the archive data of Beijing-Arizona-Taibei-Connecticut Multicolor Sky Survey. Three new variable stars were discovered. Based on spectra obtained from the 2.16 m NAOC telescope, we identify two of these as RR Lyr stars and one as a special T Tauri star.  相似文献   

By means of the RUBIKON multi-channel detector system with integrated grism spectrograph, attached to the Bochum 61cm telescope, five primary standars stars have been intercompared and an additional secondary standard star (HD 37027 in the center field of the LMC) has been set up in the wavelength range of 326–777 nm.  相似文献   

Modern astronomical spectroscopy makes use of multi‐aperture slits placed in the focal plane of telescopes before light enters the spectrograph. Multiple object spectroscopy (MOS) allows several spectra to be obtained simultaneously with a multiplexing gain from the order of dozens of objects in 4m class telescopes to few hundreds in larger 8 m telescopes. Many of these devices make use of metal plates which are punched, milled or laser cut and can be used only for observation of a given astronomical target. A typical observing night requires from 4 to 20 MOS masks, which have to be prepared during an off‐line procedure, usually days before. Here we report an innovative technique to carry out multi object spectroscopy based on changes of properties of photochromic materials. Photochromic MOS masks consist of polymer thin films which can be made opaque or transparent in a restricted wavelength range using alternatively UV and visible light. Slit patterns can thus be easily written by means of a red diode laser on a UV preflashed plate. Writing time for a 10 × 10 arcmin plate is a few minutes and the whole procedure can be performed promptly after the acquisition of the field image and without mechanical debris as in milling or laser cutting. A computer controlled writing device suited for the AFOSC camera of the Asiago 1.8m telescope was built. The same focal plane mask can be UV erased and used more than 450 times. High contrasts have been reached by means of an appropriate passband filter in the light beam of the spectrograph. Our first successful observation run took place in January 2003. Spectra of selected stars in the crowded M67 cluster field and emission lines from the gaseous planetary nebula M97 were obtained. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

SARG is a cross dispersed echelle spectrograph in operation since late spring 2000 at the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) 3.5 m telescope, La Palma. SARG offers both single object and long slit (up to 26 arcsec) observing modes covering a spectral range from λ = 0.37 up to1 μm, with resolution ranging from R = 29,000 up to R = 164,000. Cross dispersion is provided by means of a selection of four grisms; interference filters may be used for the long slit mode (up to 26 arcsec). A dioptric camera images the cross dispersed spectra onto a mosaic of two 2048 × 4096 EEV CCDs (pixel size: 13.5 μm) allowing complete spectral coverage at all resolving power for λ < 0.8 μm. In order to reach a high wavelength calibration precision an iodine-absorbing cell is provided. A Distributed Active Temperature Control System (DATCS) maintains constant the temperature of all spectrograph components at a preset value. Early results show that SARG works according to original specifications in terms of wavelength coverage, efficiency (measured peak efficiency is about 13%),resolution (maximum resolution R = 164,000 using a 0.3 arcsec slit, R ∼144,000 using an image slicer), and stability (preliminary estimates of radial velocity accuracy is ∼3 m/s using the iodine cell and ±150 m/s without the iodine cell). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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