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段万倜 《第四纪研究》1989,9(3):195-200
本文简要介绍了李四光教授从青少年直到逝世为止的毕生活动中的重要事迹。其中包括早年留学日本时参加中国同盟会和辛亥革命时期的活动;入英国伯明翰大学后,专攻地质科学,走上了“科学救国”的道路;新中国成立前后,专心致志地从事地质科学研究和地质教育工作,在长期的科学活动和社会活动中,为繁荣祖国科学事业,发展和提高中国地质科学水平,为社会主义经济建设寻找和开发矿产资源,做出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。在国内外科学界、知识界享有崇高的声誉,为后人留下了大量宝贵的科学文化财富,中国人民引以为荣。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了袁复礼教授中学、大学和赴美留学的经历,叙述了在中央地质调查所、北京大学、清华大学、西南联大、北京地质学院及武汉地质学院北京研究生部(后改名中国地质大学)所进行的教学活动,培育了几代人才;在建立中国地质学会、发展我国的考古事业中的开创作用;在西北科学考察中取得的突出成就;在进行基础地质研究和为国家找寻矿产、能源和水利工程建设中做出的重要贡献;在地层古生物学、考古学,特别是发展我国的地貌和第四纪地质学所起的开拓、奠基作用。同时也反映了他的高尚道德和优良学风。  相似文献   

王乃 《第四纪研究》1994,14(3):280-286
本文介绍已故法国地质学家A.Cailleux的生平和学术成就。他在第四纪地质学方面有很深的造诣,学识非常广博,晚年沉浸于行星学的研究。他曾获得法国的、外国的许多学术荣誉称号,除在法国巴黎大学执教外,还被邀请到许多国家的大学、研究机构去讲学和指导研究工作。他主张地貌学研究必须结合与地貌形成过程相关的沉积物的研究,认为只有这样,恢复地貌过程才有根据。他1961—1965年曾任第六届INQUA主席。  相似文献   

The University of Nairobi is currently the only University in Kenya which offers degree level courses in the earth sciences. The Department was founded in 1961, became part of an autonomous University in 1970, awarded its first degrees in 1972 and awarded its first Geology degrees in 1978. The Department currently offers a four-year B.Sc. course - delivered as part of a course unit system - and an M.Sc. programme in Geology. Students are admitted to the University after eight years of primary and four years of secondary schooling. Graduates find employment either in government departments or in the private sector. The Department currently has 15 academic staff who are involved in a variety of research projects. Currently, there are collaborative links with Universities in Germany, Sweden and South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper is an introduction to the special issue of Lithos honoring Ilmari Haapala, the 1982–2002 Professor of Geology and Mineralogy of the Department of Geology, University of Helsinki. The articles in the issue are based on invited presentations given at a January 12–14, 2003 symposium “Granitic Systems–State of the Art and Future Avenues” that was held at the Department of Geology, University of Helsinki on the occasion of Ilmari Haapala's December 31, 2002 retirement. The scientific achievements of Professor Haapala are briefly reviewed and the main results of the papers that comprise the volume are discussed.  相似文献   

Curt Teichert (K?nigsberg 1905—Arlington, Virginia 1996) provides in his life story examples of the many hardships and difficulties encountered by emigrants who were fortunate to escape Hitler′s regime. He was a great paleontologist and stratigrapher whose fieldwork on four continents involved nearly every fossil group; his interests were focussed mainly on the Paleozoic and the Triassic. His results and critical remarks on many general topics filled numerous publications. Remarkably, he accomplished all this under partly very unfavorable working conditions. He donated his scientific correspondence from his times in Germany, Denmark and Australia to the Geological Archive in Freiburg. The following article makes use of these documents. Teichert’s professional career started in Germany in the scientifically exciting nineteen-twenties; he worked at the universities in K?nigsberg, Munich and Freiburg/Breisgau. In Freiburg, however, he had serious disagreements with the Director of the Geological Institute there—this in spite of his investigations having produced some excellent results. The times around 1930 were a period of a global economic crisis, and, like many others, he could only survive financially by getting fellowships from different institutions and payments for publications. In 1933, his situation in Germany became even more critical: this was because he had married a “Non-Aryan”. However, he was able to work in Copenhagen from the end of 1933; this was largely a result of his having participated in 1931–1932 in an expedition to Greenland led by the Dane Lauge Koch. Unfortunately, he could not get a permanent position in Copenhagen because the relations between him and the influential Koch became very unpleasant. Noting Hitler′s war preparation, Teichert tried to escape from Europe. He wrote many touching letters to correspondents around the globe, receiving mostly disappointing answers. Finally, in 1937, he succeeded in getting the post of a research paleontologist at the University of Perth, in Western Australia. There he worked very successfully, both in the field and in the laboratory. Additionally, he cooperated with the University in lecturing, and contributed much to its collections. His wife Gertrud assisted him always in his work, with great effectiveness. Yet tenure still eluded him, even after seven years of hard work—tenure was what he wanted, understandably, especially after such a long period of uncertainty. Finally, he succeeded in getting tenure in Eastern Australia , but moved then to the USA in 1954. There his outstanding scientific qualities were fully recognized, both in the Geological Survey and in several universities, also as an editor of several classic publications.  相似文献   

The Department of Geology,Peking University is the earliest geological institution of the Chinese universities.It was founded in 1909,initially as one of the two departments in the School of Science at the Peking Imperial University.After several events,recruitment commenced in 1917 and a new name was adopted:the Department of Geology,Peking University.When the war broke out in 1937,the  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of the lower part of the key Quaternary section at Castle Hill, Gardenstown, has shown that the sediments are not in stratigraphical order, but consist chiefly of glaciotectonites, including rafts of soft sediments, which were deposited by ice moving southeastwards from the Moray Firth. Sedimentary structures are preserved in some of the rafts, which are separated by subhorizontal shears. The rafts accreted subglacially under conditions of moderate to high strain, the final glacial event being the deposition of a thin, discontinuous sheet of till, probably derived from a more westerly direction. It is proposed that interbedded dark grey shelly clay, till and sand elsewhere in northern Banffshire were emplaced, at least in part, by a similar mechanism during either the Middle Devensian, or more likely, the Late Devensian. Sand and clay with paired bivalve shells, which were formerly exposed within the Quaternary successions at Castle Hill and inland at King Edward, some 12 km to the south, are interpreted to be within glacigenic rafts, and are not in situ deposits formed during a widespread marine transgression. It is suggested that the alternation of phases of constructional and excavational deformation within a single glacial event rather than discrete glaciations provides a useful model for glacial deposition in northern Banffshire, and more generally in northeast Scotland. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

北京地区基础地质研究史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京素有“中国地质工作摇篮”之称,是中国最早开展地质调查的地方,从1863年9月美国学者庞培莱调查京西地质开始,已有150多年的历史。中国学者编写了第一部基础地质专著《北京西山地质志》;民国时期“燕山运动”的提出和“北京猿人”的发现成为影响全国乃至世界的基础地质重大成果;解放后,地质工作者在北京率先实现1∶5万区域地质调查的全覆盖,出版了《北京市区域地质志》和《北京猿人遗址综合研究》;在唐山大地震后,开展北京平原基础地质的综合研究,提升北京区域地质研究程度。北京现在和将来的城市地质调查应立足于基础地质研究。  相似文献   

在原煤炭工业部组织的4次全国煤炭资源预测和评价中,其中3次分别运用了槽-台学说、地质力学理论和板块构造理论。简要评述了前3次煤田预测成果。在此基础上,通过分析第4次煤田预测以来的板块构造理论和煤田地质研究进展,以及对2006年6月开始的煤炭资源潜力评价,建议在总结阶段,应在不同板块构造体制下,根据含煤原型盆地恢复、大地构造单元性质与盆地构造演化,对煤炭聚积、煤化作用的控制和影响进行研究,并提出了建立板块构造理论指导下的中国煤炭资源潜力评价的工作思路与技术路线。   相似文献   

A brief history of training practicums at Zvenigorod is characterized according to its current state and organization, curriculum, teaching and field equipment, and everyday conditions. Each year in June from 45 to 75 students of the Faculty of Geology practice at the Biological Research Station of MSU. In the 40 years of this practicum, more than 2000 students of the Faculty of Geology of Moscow State University have attended the practicum.  相似文献   

Zimbabwe is a mineral-rich country with a long history of Earth Science Education. The establishment of a University Geology Department in 1960 allowed the country to produce its own earth science graduates. These graduates are readily absorbed by the mining industry and few are without work. Demand for places at the University is high and entry standards reflect this. Students enter the University after GCE A levels in three science subjects and most go on to graduate. Degree programmes include B.Sc. General in Geology (plus another science), B.Sc. Honours in Geology and M.Sc. in Exploration Geology and in Geophysics. The undergraduate curriculum is broad-based and increasingly vocationally orientated. A well-equipped building caters for relatively large student numbers and also houses analytical facilities used for research and teaching. Computers are used in teaching from the first year onwards. Staff are on average poorly qualified compared to other universities, but there is an impressive research element. The Department has good links with many overseas universities and external funding agencies play a strong supporting role. That said, financial constraints remain the greatest barrier to future development, although increasing links with the mining industry may cushion this.  相似文献   

The 41st Tectonic Conference on General and Regional Problems of Geotectonics and Geodynamics was held January 29–February 2, 2008 by the Interagency Tectonic Committee, Division of Earth Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The Geological Institute, RAS, and the Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University (MSU), participated in the organization of the conference.  相似文献   

以南充为代表的川东北丘陵红层区特殊的地质地貌和气候特点,导致该地区地下水的发育、赋存具有一定的特殊性。地下水赋存以裂隙性为主,决定红层富水性的重要因素是含水层的自身条件,水文网的发育、展布及气象等因素也对地下水的形成、分布与储存、富集具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

吴福元 《岩石学报》2021,37(1):284-316
1913年成立的中央地质调查所(成立时称农商部地质调查所)是中国建立的第一个国家级科研机构,代表了中国现代科学的起始,在中国现代科学发展史上具有举足轻重的地位。在它成立后的几十年间,中央地质调查所在区域地质调查、矿产资源勘查、大地构造学、地震学、土壤学、古生物与古人类学等众多领域,取得了一系列举世瞩目的学术成就,是民国时期我国最享有国际声誉的研究单位。1951年,中央地质调查所被正式改组为中国科学院地质研究所。根据当时新中国地质工作"一元化"的要求,原中央研究院地质研究所和原国民政府资源委员会矿产测勘处的部分地质研究人员也一同并入该研究所,使其成为当时我国最大的地质研究机构。1952年6月开始,刚成立不久的中国科学院地质研究所的科技人员开始分流。首先是研究所的古生物研究人员分流到新成立的中国科学院古生物研究所(即现在的中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所),它是在原中央研究院地质研究所基础上成立的。1952年9月,研究所土壤研究室扩充建设为中国科学院土壤研究所。1952年底左右,因新中国大规模经济建设的需求,大批科技人员分流到刚成立的地质部及所属的地质勘探队。从这一脉络可以看出,中国科学院地质研究所是中央地质调查所的传承和延续,而学术界大多认为中央地质调查所已于解放初期解体或撤销的观点与史实并不相符。  相似文献   

笔者是袁复礼教授30年代末期的学生,回顾了在西南联大受袁老师教诲;在清华大学地学系和北京地质学院共事期间得袁老师帮助的情况。老师的优良学风和高尚品德使我们体会到:所谓教育决不仅限于课堂上的“授业”、“解惑”。为人师者的一言一行,其涵育和启发的作用有时更为重要。我们后来虽然成了不同学科的学术带头人和院、系负责人,但袁老师始终是我们的榜样。  相似文献   

张文佑教授自1934年北京大学地质系毕业开始从事地学研究以来,迄今已整整五十年了。张文佑教授是国内外著名的地质学家和大地构造学家,现任中国科学院主席团成员、中国科学院地学部常委、中国科学院地质研究所所长和国务院学位委员会委员,并兼任中国地质学会和中国石油学会副理事长以及其他多种职务,五十年代早期还曾任中国科学院学术秘书处秘书。  相似文献   

李连捷先生是著名的土壤学家。因为有地质学的背景,他的土壤发生与分类研究特别注重地学因素,其中包括成土母质的影响。1932年他在燕京大学毕业后,跟随J.Thorp开始了他的土壤学专业生涯。J.Thorp1936的中国土壤分类系统即基于李连捷与他的同事们累积的土壤调查资料。李先生毕生从事土壤地理与土地资源研究,走遍中国许多地区,对揭示中国土壤的特性、发生和分布做出了突出贡献。解放前,李先生的土壤调查工作主要是建立土类和土系。解放后,他参加和领导了许多重大的服务于农业发展的土壤综合考察工作。通过土壤调查和教学活动,他为我国的土壤分类发展做出了突出贡献。他总是追求土壤分类的革新。他在晚年引入和介绍了美国土壤系统分类,支持建立“中国土壤系统分类”。  相似文献   

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