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中国的传统文化强调进行重大决策必须讲究天时、地利、人和,建设低碳生态城市也要遵循这个原则。 从"天时"来看,转变城市原有发展模式已成全球大趋势。人类的文明可分为三个阶段——农耕文明、工业文明和生态文明。  相似文献   

8月29日是全国测绘法宣传日。今年测绘日的宣传主题是:"推进数字城市建设,提升测绘公共服务水平"。数字城市建设是近年来信息化测绘发展的最大亮点之一。作为经济社会发展最活跃、发展最快、信息最丰富的区域,城市的建设、管理和发展一刻也离不开测绘保障服务,对地理信息资源更新要求也最为迫切。目前,国家测绘局试点和推广的数字城市已达112个,约占全国地级市总数的1/3。数字城市已在城市建设、社会管理和政府决策等方面初见成效,为发展低碳经济、提高城市信息化水平和社会管理水平发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

很高兴参加由中国勘察设计协会主办的以"创新设计、低碳发展"为主题的工程设计科技创新大会,这个主题很好,大家在一起共谋行业科技发展大计,共同研讨如何提升设计行业在节能减排、低碳发展中的重要作用,很有意义。  相似文献   

2011全国工程设计创新大会圆满完成了历史使命,胜利闭幕了。大会以"创新设计、低碳发展"为主题,共谋行业科技创新发展大计,研讨提升工程设计在节能减排、低碳发展中的重大作用,顺应了经济社会发展的需要,切实把中央关于建设创新型国家、  相似文献   

张瑜  韩军青 《地下水》2011,33(2):182-183,186
山西作为我国能源大省,"富煤、富气、少油"是本省能源结构的典型特征,从而导致其二氧化碳排放量一直位居我国前列,如何实现从"高碳"到"低碳"的过渡,是山西省目前面临的最严峻挑战。运用SWOT模型分析评价了山西发展低碳经济的优劣势及其机遇和挑战,并构建了SWOT矩阵,对山西省走可持续发展之路有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

关键词城市规划低碳生态城市设计2012城市发展与规划大会召开城市规划低碳生态城市设计近日,由桂林市人民政府、中国城市规划学会等单位共同举办的2012城市发展与规划大会在桂林召开,会议主题为"宜居、低碳与可持续发展"。住房城乡建设部副部长仇保兴出席开幕式并作主题报告。会议由住房城乡建设部总规划师唐凯主持。仇保兴在题为《紧凑度与多样性》的主题报告中,阐述了紧凑度与多样性对于城市可持续发展的重要性。他在报告中强调,城市宜居的关键所在是"紧凑"与"多样"。一味追求城市的"高度化"并不是有效解决之道,合理紧凑度加上"开敞的自然田园风光"才是城市宜居、  相似文献   

6月14日-16日,中国勘察设计业在"十二五"开局之年的盛会——工程设计科技创新大会将在京召开,它的主题是"创新设计、低碳发展",中国勘察设计协会五届二次理事会将同期举行。  相似文献   

4月的辽宁,大地渐染春绿,若隐若现间散发着勃勃的生机。一年一度的"4·22世界地球日"(以下简称"地球日")又踏着春的脚步走进了我们的生活。今年"地球日"国土资源部确定的主题为"珍惜地球资源转变发展方式倡导低碳生活"。旨在借助"地球日"这个平台,提高公众对国土资源国情的认识,普及有关科学技术知识,  相似文献   

<正>关键词低碳社区试点建设近日,国家发改委发布了《低碳社区试点建设指南》(以下简称《指南》)。《指南》明确提出,要开展城市新建社区、城市既有社区和农村社区三类试点。《指南》明确,省级发改委根据国家低碳社区试点工作确定的总体要求,结合本地区低碳发展工作实际,制定工作方案。试点建设周期一般为3年左右。  相似文献   

李立 《地下水》2011,33(2):93-94
在温室效应不断加剧的现代,城市低碳发展近年来受到世界许多国家的重视.水资源是城市生存和发展的基础,尤其在西安这样一个缺水的城市.本文通过对西安市水资源、水资源开发利用现状及开发利用中存在问题的分析,提出在低碳策略下保障水资源可持续利用以及合理可行的措施及对策.  相似文献   

本文以低碳经济的核心理论为基础,提出了适合国内一般城市的低碳景观设计的理论框架。在此框架下,依托低碳化城市景观规划研究、低碳景观施工方式研究、碳汇系统研究和碳排放量化体系研究几个方面的专项研究分析,归纳出了城市景观设计在低碳形势下的设计对策。  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 has resulted in 50% of Guangyuan city facing recovery from different extents of damages. The massive reconstruction provides a good opportunity for Guangyuan city to response to the National Council??s call for tackling climate change by developing a harmonised and low-carbon economy. However, there are many arguments about the definition of ??low carbon?? and the framework that low-carbon development should follow. Low-carbon development in an economically least developed region such as Guangyuan would provide evidence and contribute to the discussion. The paper employs CO2 emissions as an environmental indicator in scenario analysis to investigate Guangyuan??s future carbon performance in following the national call of reducing 40% of carbon intensity by 2020 and an alternative low-carbon development path. The results have demonstrated that a ??win?Cwin?? solution can be reached??keeping rapid economic growth while reducing CO2 emissions, however, only by addressing the ??correct?? determining factors. Technology improvements and production structure changes have been identified as the key determining factors to affect both carbon intensity and CO2 emissions in the future. The two factors are also interdependent. Governmental policies should give appropriate guideline to address both factors but with strong emphasis on production structure decarbonisation in order to avoid the mistake of ??polluting first and deal with the pollution later?? during the emission-intensive industrialisation processes that many western countries and China??s coastal regions have followed.  相似文献   

Liu  Yan  Liu  Rong  Jiang  Xin 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(1-2):173-191

Carbon dioxide contributes about 90% of global warming, which is mainly generated by residents’ daily consumption activities. This article explores the factors of low-carbon consumer behavior among college students and situational factors which contribute to explain intention–behavior gap. Combined with the existing research literature and the Model of Responsible Environmental Behavior, a model of the factors of Chinese college students’ low-carbon consumption behavior was constructed through a sample survey of college students in Jiangsu Province. Analysis results show that (1) College students’ low-carbon behavior intention has a significant positive effect on low-carbon consumption behaviors; (2) Attitudes, emotions, and habits indirectly affect low-carbon consumer behaviors through low-carbon behavior intention; (3) Low-carbon behavior ability and habits can also affect low-carbon consumption behaviors in a direct way; (4) The study of situational factors found that policies and regulations, economic costs, goals and feedback, and social norms have a significant regulating effect in the process of low-carbon behavior intention which has an impact on low-carbon consumption behaviors; (5) In terms of demographic factors, gender and education have a significant effect on low-carbon consumption behavior. Finally, this article discusses the policy measures to guide college students’ low-carbon consumption behavior from the government and the school level, respectively, and place a high hope on college students who can positively influence the entire social group to carry out low-carbon consumption and achieve the realization of China’s low-carbon goals.


张金昌 《探矿工程》2010,37(12):1-4
低碳经济是当今时代的主题,已被世界各国人民作为发展本国经济所追求的理想方式。作为国民经济建设先行官的地质工作组成部分的探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)技术与低碳经济有着密不可分的关系。针对当今时代特征及人类生存发展的时代主题,面对国民经济建设新形势,简要阐述了探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)技术与低碳经济的关系,以及技术本身发展的相关问题。  相似文献   

王学求 《地球学报》2020,41(6):739-746
关键资源已经成为工业4.0和低碳能源不可替代的原材料。构成关键资源的元素有50余种, 这些元素是现代社会的先进制造、电子产品、低碳能源、国防安全、生物医药等必须的原材料, 因此也称为关键元素。地球化学勘查是研究和探测关键元素分布和超常富集, 寻找关键资源行之有效的方法。中国在关键元素的分布和深部探测地球化学领域走在了国际前列, 形成了从全球尺度、全国尺度、矿区尺度直到纳米尺度地球化学探测技术体系, 实现从二维到三维、从浅表矿到千米深度矿产探测能力的飞跃, 不仅圈定了一批全国稀土、锂、铀的超常富集区, 而且取得了多处深部金矿和铜矿勘查的重大突破。本专辑选择部分研究成果介绍了稀土元素、新能源金属(铀、锂、钴)、金、铜等关键资源地球化学勘查中取得的新进展和成果。为了响应国家号召“把论文写在祖国大地上”, 专辑作者把优质素材形成的论文发表在自己的杂志上, 作为本期特邀主编对他们的奉献精神表示衷心感谢和崇高的敬意!  相似文献   

王欢  马冰  贾凌霄  于洋  胡嘉修  王为 《中国地质》2021,48(6):1720-1733
在"碳中和"目标的驱动下,全球能源系统向清洁化、低碳化甚至无碳化发展已是大势所趋。针对向清洁能源转型的需求,采用了统计对比、分类汇总、综合分析等方法,分析研究了关键矿产在电池、电网、低碳发电和氢能等行业中的作用和需求。结合当前关键矿产产量的地理集中度高、项目开发周期长、资源质量下降等矿产供应和投资计划不能满足清洁能源转型的需求等问题,提出确保关键矿产多样性供应,推动价值链各环节的技术创新,扩大回收利用,增强供应链弹性和市场透明度,将更高的环境、社会和治理标准纳入主流程及加强生产者和消费者之间的国际合作等建议。  相似文献   

景锦  李鹏远  李天骄 《地球学报》2023,44(2):305-314
在全球能源低碳转型的背景下,白银不仅广泛应用于电子电气、钎焊合金等传统工业领域以及首饰银器和投资领域,更是与光伏、电动汽车和5G技术等绿色清洁能源领域密切相关。本研究采用部门分析法分别预测在既定政策情景(STEPS)、宣布承诺情景(APS)和2050年净零排放情景(NZE)三种情景下光伏、电动汽车领域的白银需求,并使用ARIMA模型分析传统工业领域需求,预测至2035年全球白银需求。研究结果表明,三种情景下, 2035年工业领域对白银的需求量分别为19 360 t、21 621 t和26 894 t。在中情景下(APS情景)低碳领域白银需求量将在2031年超过传统工业领域白银需求量;在高情景下(NZE情景)低碳领域需求量将在2024年超过传统工业领域白银需求量。  相似文献   

Chen  Yanchun  Han  Botang  Liu  Wenmei 《Natural Hazards》2016,84(1):317-332
This paper investigates the relationship between green technology innovation and energy intensity for 29 provinces in Mainland China from 1999 to 2010. Based on changes in energy intensity in the data, the provinces are divided into four groups: the conventional group, the gradational group, the contemporary group, and the low-carbon group. Industrial structure is included in the study because of its impact on energy intensity, thus avoiding the problem of omitted variable bias. The empirical results indicate that there is a negative, long-run, cointegrated relationship between energy intensity and green technology innovation. We also discover unidirectional causality from green technology innovation to energy intensity in the conventional and low-carbon groups, whereas green technology innovation directly affects energy intensity through a feedback system for the gradational and contemporary groups. To achieve the goal of energy intensity, policymakers should encourage green technology diffusion from the low-carbon group to the conventional group and improve the share of green technology innovation in the gradational and contemporary groups.  相似文献   

Regnier  G.  Salinas  P.  Jacquemyn  C.  Jackson  M. D. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2022,30(4):1179-1198
Hydrogeology Journal - Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) has significant potential to provide largescale seasonal cooling and heating in the built environment, offering a low-carbon alternative...  相似文献   

Guo  Daoyan  Chen  Hong  Long  Ruyin 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(1-2):419-435
Natural Hazards - The implementation of personal carbon trading (PCT) scheme is urgently required in the context of low-carbon development. It is a key issue and a difficult problem for government...  相似文献   

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