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在浙江省海岸带资源综合调查取得大量成果的基础上,为了更好地发挥调查成果的作用,省科委聘请了有关专家,于1987年4月12日正式成立了“浙江省海岸带资源综合研究开发专家组”。该专家组隶属省科委领导,是浙江省海岸带资源综合调查研究、开发利用、保护与管理的专业顾问与咨询组织。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 6月 18日 ,在美国新罕布什尔州召开的由国际测量师联合会 (FIG)、国际海道测量组织 (IHO)及国际制图协会 (ICA)组成的联合咨询委员会第 15届会议上 ,海军大连舰艇学院海道测量专业正式通过A级国际海道测量师培训资格认证。成为世界上为数不多的国际海道测量师A级国际授权培训单位之一。这标志着我国海道测量专业具备了培训A级国际海道测量师的资格 ,率先步入了国际标准化教育行列。国际海道测量教育始于 2 0世纪 70年代后期 ,由国际测量师联合会 (FIG)和国际海道测量组织 (IHO)联合组建的国际咨询委员会具体负责…  相似文献   

《水科学和渔业文摘》(ASFA)咨询委员会第23届年会于1994年10月11~15日在国家海洋信息中心举行,来自4个国际组织、9个国家和出版商的26名代表出席了会议。  相似文献   

由于侧扫声纳应用领域不断扩大,用户要求不断提高,国际海道测量组织和世界测量技术发达国家相继发布了各自的新版测量规范和标准。本文将我国侧扫声纳现行测量标准与国际相关标准在系统探测能力、测线布设、数据采集、质量控制等方面进行比较详细的分析比较,指出了我国侧扫声纳测量规范在测线布设、数据采集要求等方面的不足,旨在推进我国测量标准尽快实现与国际接轨。  相似文献   

去年10月,在智利的“Rodolf Marsh”科学站召开了国际南极资源会议。大会由智利有关单位组织,有13个国家的55名代表出席了会议,其中有V·Fuchs等著名极地活动家和南极考察委员会的两位前任主席。会议内容涉及南极环境、生物资源、南极矿物资源的勘探和开发条件,海洋技术在南极应用的前景和最大可能性等问题。加拿大政府科学顾问F·Roots就最后一个问题作了报告。会议论文全部用英文发表。  相似文献   

1 编委会的组成本着高学术水平、学科带头人、较高的影响力、学科的合理分布以及年轻化的选人标准 ,组成了新的《海洋地质与第四纪地质》、《海洋地质动态》第四届编辑委员会。本届编委会共有委员 3 5人 ,平均年龄 45岁左右 ,最小者为 3 5岁 ,他们之中既有国家百、千、万人计划的学科带头人 ,又有“86 3”、“973”项目的首席科学家 ,还有担任研究院所和国际组织领导职务的专家 ,均是海洋地质和第四纪地质研究领域的精英和学科带头人 ;尤其是 1 4人组成的学术顾问集中了我国本领域内德高望重、学科开拓者、顶级学术水平以及享有国际声誉的…  相似文献   

本文对基于Cox比例风险模型的弹性SCAD变量的选择方法进行了研究,证明了弹性SCAD方法在进行变量选择时具有Oracle性质、渐近正态性及组效应。通过数值模拟,将弹性SCAD与几种常见变量选择方法作了比较,得出几种不同参数设定下的变量选择结果。通过肺癌实际数据比较了弹性SCAD方法和其他常见变量选择方法。研究结果表明,弹性SCAD方法选出的变量与临床结论一致并发现了需要进一步深入研究的变量。  相似文献   

为保障船舶航行安全,国际海道测量组织制定了国际海道测量标准并保持不断更新,我国也根据自身情况制定了海道测量的国家强制标准。从测深、定位、障碍物、潮位、潮流和底质等6个方面对国际海道测量标准和我国海道测量规范进行了分析比较,指出了它们在要求上的不同和差异,旨在供测量人员在实际工作中参考使用并推动国内测量规范与国际测量标准的衔接。  相似文献   

沙田 《海洋与湖沼》1985,16(6):511-511
由国际头足类咨询委员会(Cephalopod International Advisory Council)组织召开的第一届国际头足类工作会议和学术讨论会于1985年6月17—30日在法国南部地中海畔的邦纽举行。出席会议的有来自世界五大洲十四个国家的代表46人,中国科学院海洋研究所应邀派出一名代表参加了会议。 头足类与燐虾、中层鱼类并称为“世界三大潜在渔业资源”。头足类位居海洋营养级金字塔的中层,是重要的组成部分,为海洋生态系统数量调节的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

刘崇义青岛海水公司教授级高工,原水源规划办公室顾问,兼职青岛海洋大学教授。1951~1952参加治淮工程,1953~1969在北京交通部水运设计院及天津第一水运设计院,1970~1990任交通部第一航务工程局第二工程公司设计科研所副所长。长期从事港口规划、设计、科研工作。目前参与青岛市海水厂的建设和胶州湾规划保护咨询工作,任《海岸工程》杂志副主编。曾参加我国首次自行设计的湛江港,裕溪口港的选址、总体布置和港内铁路设计,是秦皇岛、佳木斯等五港口工程设计的总负责人和总平面设计。组织并参与日照港、烟台港、龙口港、前湾港、黄海…  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2000,43(4-5):389-407
In the early 1990s, integrated coastal management (ICM) in the Mediterranean basin found general acceptance as an important issue both at national and international levels, and since then it has been, though slowly, steadily developed. Donor organizations such as the European Union and the World Bank, and the UNEP's Mediterranean Action Plan played catalyst roles in this development by initiating and supporting pilot projects. In 1992, the European Union launched the Mediterranean programs in by 1999 which the environment, and especially the coastal environment, was considered as a priority issue. Parallel to this development, several NGO initiatives took place for public awareness on pressing coastal issues and in training and education. The idea of MEDCOAST, which is an NGO network of Euro-Mediterranean academic institutions, was born in 1990 and the new initiative was launched in two directions in 1993. One of these was the organization of the First International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (2–5 November 1993, Antalya, Turkey), which placed strong emphasis on the management issues. The second was the development of a project proposal to the Med-Campus program of the European Union. The project, which had the title of Educational Programs in Coastal Zone Management, was selected for funding and became operational in early 1994. The first international training program organized by MEDCOAST was the MEDCOAST Institute 94: Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean. This three-week long training effort took place in August–September 1994. Since then, MEDCOAST organized eight training programs in by 1999 five different countries, which were participated by 173 professionals representing 31 countries. Development of an international Masters Degree program in ICM was the second goal of the MEDCOAST's Med-Campus project. Efforts for pursuing this goal are still continuing. This paper elaborates the potential for the NGO's contribution to training and education in the field of integrated coastal management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea by introducing the MEDCOAST experience. It presents the past and planned MEDCOAST efforts and discusses the strengths and limitations of the role of NGOs at the regional scale.  相似文献   

The experience of 19 donor agencies and international organizations with evaluation of ICM initiatives is surveyed to analyze the differences in the evaluative purposes and methodologies and their relevance to a “learning-based approach” to ICM. We group evaluation into three broad categories: performance evaluation, management capacity assessment and outcomes evaluation. Performance evaluations address the quality of project implementation, and the degree to which project goals are achieved. Management capacity assessments are conducted to determine the adequacy of management structures and governance processes as these relate to generally accepted international standards and experience. Outcome assessments evaluate the impacts of a coastal management initiative upon coastal resources and the associated human society(s). The survey show that most donor evaluations emphasize performance evaluation, but usually combine elements of all three types. There is strong interest among international donors investing in coastal management in learning from and advancing coastal management practice. If donors are to maximize leaning and commit to an adaptive approach to ICM they will need to modify the manner in which project monitoring and evaluations are conducted, analyzed and distributed. A number of modifications to current approaches to evaluation are suggested in the paper.  相似文献   

深海路由勘察中深拖与AUV的技术对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
详细研究了深海路由勘察项目中使用的深拖作业系统、AUV作业系统和相关的作业技术难点,总结了测量级AUV的技术优势,并对国际深海测绘级AUV的现状进行分析。对比结果显示现代深海勘察设备科技含量大幅度提高,AUV将逐渐取代走航式深拖成为深海工程勘察的新方式。  相似文献   

宽肩台式无人工护面块体的抛石防波堤是一种新型结构的斜坡堤,它是靠在波浪长期作用下最终形成的动力平衡断面来防浪的。大连北良粮食中转港系银行贷款建设的项目,该港的防波堤采用了宽肩台式结构,这在我国尚属首例。本文为该港宽肩台式防波堤设计方案稳定性的试验研究成果。  相似文献   

A number of fisheries development projects are undertaken every year in recognition of the important role fisheries play in many coastal communities. The objectives vary, but typically go beyond a limited focus on fisheries management and the ecosystem. This makes it difficult to evaluate the contribution of a project, particularly in data poor environments such as most developing countries. This paper used the recently developed Fisheries Performance Indicators (FPIs) to evaluate the impact of a World Bank development project in a Liberian coastal community. FPIs are designed to capture economic and social performance of a fisheries system in addition to the management and environmental impacts. The results show improvements in most ecological dimensions, and also in many social and economic dimensions targeted by the project. Hence, the project intervention appears to be positive. However, some indicators, particularly in relation to general governance in Liberia, showed a negative development which was not caused by the project.  相似文献   

海洋光学遥感器的辐射定标与数据真实性检验综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
遥感数据定量化应用遥感技术深入发展亟须解决的重要课题,对遥感器进行辐射定标,对遥感数据进行真实性检验的工作已在深入开展,本文介绍了国际关于定标/真实性检验的组织及分工概况,简要阐述了定标/真实性检验的概念与做法,着重讨论了与海洋光学遥感器有关的辐射定标/真实性检验,综述了国外在这方面的若干做法,并在我们工作的基础上提出了开展此项工作的几个关键问题及中能解决的途径。  相似文献   

废弃海洋桩基平台拆除方案的系统决策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海洋平台拆除是一项复杂的、受多种因素制约的、涉及许多技术领域的综合性系统工程。采取适当的拆除方案是工程安全、经济、环保地进行的基础和保证。针对这一问题,文章对拆除方案的评估进行了系统的研究,从环境、工艺、安全、经济、工期的角度建立了拆除方案评估指标体系,并综合运用群决策层次分析理论和模糊数学理论对拆除方案进行系统的评估。经实例验证,所建立的评估指标体系,可科学、公正、快捷地对方案进行评估,为决策者提供科学的决策基础。  相似文献   

The state of many fisheries and fishery resources requires a major change in development and management policies and strategies, at national and regional levels. The international Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, adopted in FAO in 1995, provides the operational framework for such change, in all fisheries, in the oceans, inland waters, EEZs, international waters, as well as in aquaculture. In their respective areas of competence and in close collaboration, FAO and the World Bank are committed to facilitate the implementation of the Code by fishing and coastal nations. This paper presents the strategy they have developed for the purpose. The paper elaborates on: (1) the main policy-related issues faced by fisheries worldwide (bio-ecological, technological, economic, socio-cultural, institutional and legal, as well as scientific); (2) the Code of Conduct, its background, structure and scope; (3) the basis of the implementation strategy by FAO and the Bank; and the main types of activities involved at global, regional and national levels. In conclusion it describes briefly the main elements of changes imbedded in the strategy and shows that the implementation by FAO and the Bank as well as by the countries has already actively started.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2000,43(4-5):361-377
Advancing knowledge in integrated coastal management (ICM) is a key element of the ICM Strategic Agenda of the World Bank in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Advancing knowledge encompasses both the transfer of information and skills as well as the sharing of information and synthesis of local knowledge to support decision-making processes in client countries. Facilitating access to knowledge, generating new information and knowledge are key to empowerment. A key goal of development is empowering people to manage their own destinies. The World Bank is committed to this goal and makes concerted efforts to make information accessible and to promote knowledge in a variety of disciplines through a mix of modalities. The aim of this paper is to discuss select interventions supported by the Bank to promote ICM in SSA, the context within which they are implemented and emerging lessons from the experience.  相似文献   

Recent studies carried out in the Nymphe Bank area of the north Celtic Sea and in the south Irish Sea have prompted a re-assessment of the deposits formerly described as Neogene. Comparison between seismic profiles and borehole results show that the Neogene unit which underlies a boulder clay, correlates with marine sands and gravels and an earlier boulder clay. This, along with other evidence has led us to propose a Pleistocene age for this unit. The approximate extent of these deposits in the south Irish Sea and the north east Celtic Sea is indicated.  相似文献   

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