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Radiocarbon dates indicate a Farmdalian through Woodfordian age for fossil white spruce (Picea glauca) in the Tunica Hills, a greater time span than previously documented. These dates, furthermore, require revision of the ages of fluvial terrace deposits in the region. Spruce-bearing Terrace 1 sediments, previously regarded as late Woodfordian to Holocene age, are of Farmdalian to late Holocene age. Terrace 2 sediments, previously assigned a Sangamonian or Farmdalian age, are of probable Altonian age. Plant fossils in Terrace 1 sediments represent two climatically and temporally distinct assemblages: a cool-temperate, Farmdalian-Woodfordian assemblage dominated by white spruce but including deciduous hardwoods suggestive of an oak-hickory association; and a warm-temperate Holocene assemblage composed of southern hardwoods and nonarboreal species representative of the modern flora of the Tunica Hills. Locally, fossils of white spruce have been reworked into younger Terrace 1 sediments containing the warm-temperate plant assemblage. The transition from the cool-temperate flora to the modern warm-temperate flora in the Tunica Hills probably occurred around 12,000 yr B.P.  相似文献   

天山北缘河流阶地形成及构造变形定量分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
新生代以来,北天山山前发育了3排冲断褶皱带。新生代晚期一系列河流普遍穿过这3排冲断褶皱带并发育了三级河流阶地。在最新构造活动的影响下,河流阶地普遍发生变形,遭受抬升。利用光释光及14C年代学方法确定了塔西河三级阶地的形成年龄,并实际测量了三级阶地的高程。结果表明吐谷鲁背斜的构造抬升速率在32.85-28.75 ka问为9.50-12.57 mm/a,12-13 ka间为9.67-14.5 mm/a,全新世则增至10.79-23.44mm/a,天山基底的平均隆升速率达到3.39-3.86mm/a。通过对天山最高一级夷平面、野外实测侏罗纪地层高程及天山发育的煤层的相对隆升速率的研究则表明天山自24 Ma以来平均的隆升速率约为0.085-0.146 mm/a。结合对北天山其他主要河流阶地的观察及研究可以看出自晚更新世一全新世以来,天山北缘的最新构造活动具有不断加快的特征。  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations in an area surrounding the confluence of the upper Colorado and Concho Rivers, Edwards Plateau of West Texas, have produced a detailed landscape evolution model which provides a framework for discussion of the influences of geomorphic processes on the development, preservation, and visibility of the archaeological record. Field mapping within the study area has differentiated six allostrati-graphic units of fluvial origin in both valleys, as well as extensive eolian sand sheets along the Colorado River. Early to middle Pleistocene terrace remnants cap many upland areas, whereas two distinct late Pleistocene terrace surfaces are widespread within the study area at somewhat lower elevations. Fluvial activity during the time period of human occupation is represented by an extensive Holocene terrace and underlying valley fill, which is up to 11 m in thickness. Valley fill sediments can be subdivided into allostratigraphic units of early to middle Holocene (ca. 10,000–5000 yr B.P.) and late Holocene age (ca. 4600–1000 yr B.P.), which are separated by a buried soil profile. The modern incised channels and very narrow floodplains represent the last millennium. Eolian sand sheets of early to middle Holocene age overlie limestone- and shale-dominated uplands, Pleistocene terraces, and in some cases the Holocene valley fill along the Colorado River. Pleistocene terraces have been stable features in the landscape and available for settlement through the time period of human occupation. Archaeological materials of all ages occur at the surface, and the record preserved in individual sites range from that associated with discrete periods of activity to longer-term palimpsests that represent repeated use over millennia. Sites within early to middle Holocene and late Holocene fills represent short-term utilization of constructional floodplains during the Paleoindian through early Archaic and middle to late Archaic time periods respectively. By contrast, those that occur along the buried soil profile developed in the early to middle Holocene fill record middle to late Archaic cultural activity on stable terrace surfaces, and represent relatively discrete periods of activity to longer-term palimpsests that represent repeated use over the 3000–4000 years of subaerial exposure. Late Prehistoric sites occur as palimpsests on soils developed in late Holocene alluvium or stratified within modern floodplain facies. Paleoindian through Late Prehistoric sites occur stratified within eolian sand sheets or along the unconformity with subjacent fluvial deposits. The landscape evolution model from the upper Colorado and Concho Rivers is similar to that developed for other major valley axes of the Edwards Plateau. This model may be regionally applicable, and can be used to interpret the geomorphic setting and natural formation processes for already known sites, as well as provide an organizational framework for systematic surface and subsurface survey for new archaeological records. 0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Four late-Quaternary alluvial fills and terraces are recognized in Wolf Creek basin, a small (163 km2) drainage in the Kansas River system of the central Great Plains. Two terraces were created during the late Pleistocene: the T-4 is a fill-top terrace underlain by sand and gravel fill (Fill I), and the T-3 is a strath terrace cut on the Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone. Both Fill II (early Holocene) and Fill III (late Holocene) are exposed beneath the T-2, a Holocene fill-top terrace. The T-1 complex, consisting of one cut and three fill-top terraces, is underlain by Fills III and IV. A poorly developed floodplain (T-0) has formed within the past 1000 yr. As valleys in Wolf Creek basin filled during the early Holocene, an interval of soil formation occurred about 6800 yr B.P. Early Holocene fill has been found only in the basin's upper reaches, indicating that extensive erosion during the middle Holocene removed most early-Holocene fill from the middle and lower reaches of the basin. Valley filling between 5000 and 1000 yr B.P. was interrupted by soil formation about 1800, 1500, and 1200 yr B.P. As much as 6 m of entrenchment has occurred in the past 1000 yr. Holocene events in Wolf Creek basin correlate well with those in other localities in the central Great Plains, indicating that widespread changes in climate, along with adjustments driven by complex response, influenced fluvial activity.  相似文献   

A soil survey around the archaeological site of Harappa, Pakistan revealed alluvial deposits of five distinct ages based on relative position in the landscape and degree of soil profile development. the youngest deposit (age 1) is in the lowest landscape position and has received flood waters as recently as 1988. Soils there are in an incipient stage of development: only organic carbon and soluble salts have accumulated at the surface of the profile. the age 2 deposit has not undergone significant pedogenic change, but is in a slightly higher landscape position than the youngest deposit. Elevated concentrations of P, and the presence of sand-sized pottery and brick fragments, indicate that this deposit was derived at least partially from archaeological material. the presence of small, soft calcite nodules (Stage II) and some soluble salt translocation are the primary pedogenic changes observed in the age 3 deposit. the age 4 deposit shows evidence of both carbonate and gypsum accumulation. Presence of large gypsum nodules in deep By horizons suggests that a high groundwater table has altered these soils. the oldest deposit, age 5, forms a late Pleistocene stream terrace of the Ravi River. the soil formed in this deposit exhibits considerable carbonate accumulation, with large, dense nodules (Stage II + ) and an argillic horizon. A 14C date from pedogenic calcite gives an age of 7080 ± 90 years B.P., indicating a minimum age of early Holocene. the soil survey suggests that the ancient city of Harappa was built on an age 5 stream terrace remnant, surrounded by Holocene floodplains and a meandering channel of the Ravi River.  相似文献   

高精度SPOT卫星影像和野外地质调查表明,曲江断裂南东段断错山前冲沟及河流Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级阶地,在探槽中见到断裂断错全新世地层,是一条右旋走滑的全新世活动断裂,兼有逆冲性质,断裂的最新活动是1970年通海7.8级地震。对曲江断裂典型走滑断错地貌进行研究,曲江断裂南东段在五街一带水平滑动速率为(3.36±0.1)mm/a,白林山一带水平滑动速率为(3.21±0.3)mm/a。  相似文献   

The Suru, Doda and Zanskar river valleys in the semi-arid region of Southern Zanskar Ranges (SZR) preserve a rich repository of the glacial and fluvial landforms, alluvial fans, and lacustrine deposits. Based on detailed field observations, geomorphic mapping and limited optical ages, we suggest four glaciations of decreasing magnitude in the SZR. The oldest Southern Zanskar Glaciation Stage (SZS-4) is inferred from glacially polished bedrock and tillite pinnacles. The SZS-4 is ascribed to the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS)-4/3. The subsequent SZS-3 is represented by obliterated and dissected moraines, and is assigned to MIS-2/Last Glacial Maximum. The multiple recessional moraines of SZS-2 glaciation are assigned the early to mid Holocene age whereas, the youngest SZS-1 moraines were deposited during the Little Ice Age. We suggest that during the SZS-2 glaciation, the Drang-Drung glacier shifted its course from Suru Valley (west) to the Doda Valley (east). The study area has preserved three generations of outwash gravel terraces, which broadly correlate with the phases of deglaciation associated with SZS-3, 2, and 1. The alluvial fan aggradation, lacustrine sedimentation, and loess deposition occurred during the mid-to-late Holocene. We suggest that glaciation was driven by a combination of the mid-latitude westerlies and the Indian Summer Monsoon during periods of cooler temperature, while phases of deglaciation occurred during enhanced temperature.  相似文献   

黄河源区黄河袭夺长江水系之初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程捷  田明中  张绪教 《地学前缘》2007,14(1):251-256
对黄河源区的河流地貌研究表明,该区共发育三级阶地,其中第一、第二级阶地形成于晚更新世的末期至全新世,而第三级阶地形成于晚更新世晚期。在晚更新世晚期,多石峡被切开,黄河源区晚更新世湖泊消失,现今黄河形成。随着现今黄河的形成和晚更新世湖泊的消失,南岸支流之一的多曲向南溯源侵蚀加强,并穿越巴颜喀拉山,夺取了巴颜喀拉山南侧原属于长江流域的贝敏曲和洛曲,使分水岭向南推进了25km,袭夺的时间为晚更新世末期。  相似文献   

Lower Palaeolithic artefacts have been reported at Happisburgh, north Norfolk, in sediments that have been assigned to the late Early Pleistocene, in either marine isotope stage (MIS) 25 or 21, using magnetostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and clast lithology. However, the proposal that these sediments were deposited by the ancestral River Thames is inconsistent both with the established late Early Pleistocene palaeogeography of the region and with the dispositions of the contemporaneous Thames terraces. The Happisburgh deposits were evidently emplaced by a local river, which reworked older sediments that from their lithology had been derived largely from the Bytham River rather than the Thames catchment. Nonetheless, the potential significance of this sedimentary succession for early human dispersal and behaviour requires a conservative assessment of its youngest possible age. Although its basal part is clearly Early Pleistocene, there is nothing to preclude an early Middle Pleistocene age for the overlying sediments that have yielded the artefacts and the mammalian biostratigraphic evidence. It is indeed arguable that these sediments date from the cooling transition at the end of MIS 15c, and are thus younger than the artefact-bearing succession at Pakefield. Pending the availability of additional dating evidence, future discussion of the Happisburgh site should be qualified with respect to any claim for an Early Pleistocene age for the human occupation indicated.  相似文献   

The geomorphology of the river terraces in the lower Vistula River valley of North PÖland is briefly described. They were earlier regarded as Late Wiirmian (terraces IX-IV) and Holocene (terraces III–I). Litho- and biostratigraphical studies of terrace depressions together with radiocarbon datings of their bottom layers indicate that even terrace II was formed during the Allerød Chronozone (11,800 to 11,000 B.P.) or earlier. In addition, radiocarbon datings have shown that the surface sediments of the flood plain were deposited in middle Holocene. These datings are of importance to the chronology of other large river valleys in the southern Baltic region. The interrelationship between erosion/accumulation in the Vistula valley and the shore level of the Baltic is also discussed.  相似文献   

In 1998, geoarchaeological research was carried out at the Upper Paleolithic site of Studenoe in the Transbaikal Region of Russia. The site is divided into three loci situated on two terraces overlooking the Chikoi River. Alluvial sediments beneath the oldest terrace (T2) consist of two depositional units. Radiocarbon ages indicate that aggradation of the T2 fill began before 18,000 yr B.P. Alluvial sediments beneath the lower terrace (T1) range in age from 13,000 to 10,000 yr B.P. and are divided into three depositional units. Both terraces are overlain by Holocene colluvium. Archaeological materials at Studenoe 1/1, 1/2, and 2 include dwellings, hearths, and thousands of bone and stone artifacts assigned to the late Upper Paleolithic through the Bronze Age. Evidence of microblade technology is present in all components of the site. Material from recent excavations of Paleolithic levels in the T2 fill at Studenoe includes mobiliary art, bone needles, and a large dwelling with four hearth features. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A geological map of Djebel Haroudj is presented which shows the distribution of volcanoes and six major basalt flows over an area of approximately 45,000 square kilometres. Differences between the flows are based on age rather than petrographic composition. The oldest flows most probably erupted in the late Pliocene, though it is possible that locally flows of Miocene or even Oligocene age are present. The middle flows most probably occurred during the Pleistocene. The absence of erosional forms and drainage indicates that the youngest flows are of post-pluvial, Holocene age. The zones of volcanic activity at Djebel Haroudj are related to three major tectonic elements of very different ages (see alsoKlitzsch 1966 a): the early Paleozoic southern Haroudj uplift, the western edge of the Mesozoic Tibesti-Sirte uplift, and the south-eastern prolongation of the Hon graben fault system of late Cretaceous to Tertiary age.  相似文献   

Holocene glacial advances in the Banff-Jasper-Yoho area of the Canadian Rocky Mountains have been extremely limited in extent. Limiting 14C dates from two sites within 1 km of contemporary glaciers of fresh terminal moraines indicate that the late Wisconsin Ice Sheet and valley glaciers disappeared prior to 9660 yr B.P. Two subsequent glacial advances are recognized. The earlier Crowfoot Advance is represented by moraines and rock-glacier deposits overlain by Mazama ash (6600 yr B.P.) and is therefore early Holocene or possibly late Wisconsin in age. The late Neoglacial Cavell Advance of the last few centuries is dated by dendrochronology and lichenometry. In addition, there is fragmentary, undated evidence of intermediate-age advance(s), mainly from rock-glacier deposits. All these advances were of limited extent (1–2 km beyond present ice margins) and the Cavell Advance was usually the most extensive. Major exceptions to this pattern occur only where rock glaciers or extensive ice-cored moraines developed during the earlier advance(s?). These deposits were not overrun by glaciers during the Cavell Advance because of their relatively greater downvalley extent and the physical barrier they presented to subsequent glacial advances. Earlier work which postulated more extensive early Holocene advances in the Canadian Rocky Mountains is shown to have inadequate dating control: Many of the features previously attributed to older Holocene events are late Wisconsin in age.  相似文献   

福建深沪湾地区古生物奇观成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对深沪湾地区晚更新世以来东部与西部阶地对比研究,证明了在深沪湾地区全新世以来活动断层的存在,从而为古生物奇观———古森林与古牡蛎礁共生的成因解译提供了新证据。同时在对深沪湾地区晚更新世以来的地层及新构造等综合研究基础上,提出了深沪湾的古森林与古牡蛎礁共生是海平面升降与新构造活动的共同作用下形成的认识。  相似文献   

A fine exposure of perennially frozen ice-rich silt and associated flora and vertebrate fauna of late-Quaternary age exists at Mamontova Gora along the Aldan River in central Yakutia, Siberia, U.S.S.R. The silt deposit caps a 50-m-high terrace and consists of three units. An upper layer 1–2 m thick overlies a 10–15-m-thick brownish to black silt layer. The lower silt layer is greenish to gray and about 15 m thick. All the silt is well sorted with 60% of the particles falling between 0.005 and 0.5 mm in diameter and is generally chemically and mineralogically homogeneous. The middle unit contains may extinct vertebrate mammal remains and ice wedges. The lower unit contains little vegetation and no ice wedges. The silt is widespread and exists as a loamy blanket on terraces at various elevations on both sides of the lower Aldan River. The origin of the silt blanket of late-Quaternary age in central Yakutia has long been controversial. Various hypotheses have been suggested, including lacustrine and alluvial, as well as frost-action origins. It is sometimes referred to as loess-like loam. Péwé believes the silt at Mamontova Gora is loess, some of which has been retransported very short distances by water. The silt probably was blown from wide, braided, unvegetated flood plains of rivers draining nearby glaciers. The silt deposits are late Quaternary in age and probably associated with the Maximum glaciation (Samarov) and Sartan and Syryan glaciations of Wisconsinan age. On the basis of biostratigraphy, 10 radiocarbon dates, and their relation to the nearby glacial record, it is felt that the upper unit at Mamontova Gora is Holocene and the middle unit is Wisconsinan. The youngest date available from the middle unit at this particular location is 26,000 years. Dates greater than 56,000 years were obtained in the lower part of the middle unit. The lower unit is definitely beyond the range of radiocarbon dating and probably is older than the last interglacial. The sediment, fauna, ice wedges, stratigraphy, and age of perennially frozen slit deposits in central Alaska are remarkably similar to those of the deposits exposed in central Yakutia. Both areas consist of unglaciated rolling lowlands and river terraces surrounded by high mountains that were extensively glaciated in Pleistocene time. The glaciers extended from the high mountains to the edges of the ranges. In both regions, extensively braided, silt-charged rivers drained the mountains and flowed through the lowlands on their way to the sea. It follows that there should be a similar late-Quaternary history.  相似文献   

Among numerous stream-valley terrace deposits of the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plains that occupy chronologically and spatially intermediate positions between the youngest coastwise (coast-parallel) Pleistocene surface and the present, active floodplain, those of the Tunica Hills seem to provide by far the best opportunity for radiometric dating. Earlier views on the age of the Little Bayou Sara creek alluvium, represented by a single, 8 to 10-m-thick unit, ranged between the last interglaciation and middle Holocene. Reexamination of these deposits in the Little Bayou Sara and adjacent valleys clearly suggests their Late Pleistocene (apparently Farmdalian Interstade) age. The majority of the 14 available dates from the Little Bayou Sara and Tunica Bayou valleys proved to be too young, due to postdepositinal contamination. Dates ranging between 33,720 and 25,965 yr B.P. came from samples thought to be uncontaminated. Plant and faunal elements with boreal affinities in the unique fossil assemblage appear to be relicts of a preceding, full-glacial period, as regarded by Brown (1938). The absence of colder climate taxa from the Wilcox Bluff flora on Bayou Sara is insufficient evidence for a suggested Sangamon Interglacial age of the flora, and the terrace stratigraphy holds no proof for that view either. Only a single, loess-mantled, constructional, Quaternary, valley-terrace surface is present in the area. A narrow, low, actively developing floodplain terrace along Little Bayou Sara, cut into the Pleistocene alluvial unit, is primarily erosional in origin and has no bearing on the age of that unit. The age of the Tunica Hills terrace unit may provide comparison for dating intermediate valley-terrace deposits in favorable coastal settings elsewhere.  相似文献   

U–Pb detrital zircon ages are reported from Puncoviscana Formation (late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian) and Mesón Group (Late Cambrian) greywackes of northwest Argentina, to constrain provenance and depositional environment.The new data are combined with previously-published detrital zircon ages, to show that Puncoviscana Formation age patterns contain two broad groups: late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic (1150–850 Ma) and late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian (650–520 Ma); with their relative proportions varying inversely with youngest component age. The 1150–850 Ma age components are dominant in greywackes with oldest late Neoproterozoic components > 600 Ma. The former diminish considerably when late Neoproteozoic components become dominant and younger, to 520 Ma. A northernmost greywacke sample from Purmamarca, Jujuy, is distinctive: whilst its zircon age pattern partly resembles other Puncoviscana Formation samples, it contains no Cambrian–late Neoproterozoic ages, the youngest ages being early Neoproterozoic. This may reflect an early, Neoproterozoic, passive-margin depocentre for the Formation, or an older (early Neoproterozoic) succession within it, which may predate the Brasiliano orogeny in Brazil. The youngest age components, c. 520 Ma, in a greywacke from Rancagua (Cachi, Salta province), dominate an almost unimodal pattern suggestive of contemporary volcanic sources at a late Early Cambrian depocentre. Detrital zircon age patterns of the Mesón Group (Lizoite Formation) have major Cambrian–latest Neoproterozoic components resembling those of the Puncoviscana Formation, but its Mesoproterozoic component is diminished, and there are no significant age components of this age. Small youngest components at c. 500 Ma suggest a maximum Late Cambrian stratigraphic age. The Puncoviscana Formation detrital zircon patterns suggest a provenance in a continental hinterland having a stabilised, extensive late Mesoproterozoic orogen (with minor Paleoproterozoic and Archean precursors), and a more variable late Neoproterozoic orogen containing an evolving sequence of less extensive subcomponents. A direct relationship with the Brazilian Shield is suggested; with sediment supplies originating within active-margin orogens of the interior and collisional orogens at the suture between African and South American cratons, but ultimate deposition in passive-margin environments of western Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

南迦巴瓦峰西北坡末次冰期以来的冰川变化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本区自晚更新世以来的冰川变化可分为距今25000—10000年的末次冰期、距今3500—1000年的新冰期和距今400—200年的小冰期,冰川面积逐次减小,雪线上升,与气候变化具同步性。  相似文献   

根据野外调查结果,重点阐述了维西-乔后断裂晚第四纪活动特征,并对其与红河断裂之间的关系进行了探讨分析。维西-乔后断裂对晚新生代盆地具有明显的控制作用,右旋走滑特征明显,沿线山脊和河流表现为同步右旋位错。德胜和长邑南探槽揭示其断错了晚更新世晚期-全新世堆积。岩曲-石岩村一带Ⅱ级河流阶地和后缘洪积扇上发育长约3 km、高2.5 m左右的断层陡坎。根据洪积扇、冲沟和河流阶地位错量估算,该断裂晚更新世晚期以来右旋水平滑动速率为1.8~2.4 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.30~0.35 mm/a。它南与红河断裂相连,北与金沙江断裂相接,新生代以来具有与红河断裂和金沙江断裂相似的运动学特征、相同的地质演化历史和构造变形机制,是红河活动断裂的北延部分。维西-乔后断裂与红河、金沙江以及德钦-中甸-大具等断裂一起,共同构成了川滇活动块体的西部边界。   相似文献   

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