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适应性治理与气候变化:内蒙古草原案例分析与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应性治理通过边学边做,针对各地方的社会经济条件、自然生态系统、地方知识文化等基本特征,基于一个动态、自下而上和自组织的过程不断测试和修正制度安排与知识体系,形成一个旨在解决实际问题的循环过程。通过内蒙古3个地区案例的对比分析研究,基于对其气候变化风险和社会脆弱性的评估,发现其在气候变化影响下形成的不同程度的社会脆弱性正是源于不同的草原利用机制和基于此的社会合作机制。正是因为3个案例地的牧民有着不同的社会资本和社会记忆,所以他们面对极端天气导致的自然灾害时,采取了不同的应对方式,有的牧户可以依赖于社会资本移动牲畜来渡过难关,有的牧户则可以在嘎查范围内重启社会记忆,通过合理安排草场利用和移动牲畜提高自身的抗灾能力,而有的牧户则只能通过买草料独立抗灾。这样不同的结果有力证明了适应性治理在提升这些地区气候变化应对能力方面的必要性和可行性。在地区层面引入适应性治理,可以满足各利益相关方的需求,有利于自然、社会及管理的多学科协同,与“未来地球计划”的协同设计、协同实施和协同推广理念不谋而合,是“未来地球”思想在气候变化适应研究中的实践。  相似文献   

条件不稳定湿大气中三维理想地形上空对流的动力学特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
董继立  谈哲敏 《气象学报》2008,66(3):293-309
条件不稳定湿大气情况下,气流经过三维地形可以形成不同性质的对流系统以及不同特征的地形流结构,其对流系统、地形流的性质主要取决于地形上空的对流触发、对流-地形流-重力波三者之间的相互作用,同样这些过程对于地形降水的性质、分布起重要的作用.根据不同湿Fr数(Froude number),湿条件不稳定大气经过三维小尺度山地上空时其对流和地形流动存在4种不同的流域(flow regirnes):(1)下游传播对流模态;(2)上游传播和下游传播共存对流模态;(3)山峰附近准静止和下游传播共存对流模态;(4)下坡稳定和下游传播对流共存模态.地形上空对流系统主要可以通过两种不同机制形成:(1)地形直接的抬升或减速作用;(2)在地形流形成后,由于地形流本身特性(如上游分离、背风涡旋和下坡重力波破碎)触发.在较大的Fr数情况下,地形上空对流生成后反过来可以破坏上、下游的地形流结构,但对背风坡的重力波破碎影响较小.不同初始对流有效位能(CAPE)不仅可以影响对流系统的传播、发展,而且可以影响整体地形流性质.较低的初始CAPE有利于地形流的形成,此时对流对地形流结构特征的影响相对较小,其流场性质与低Fr数流域性质相似.  相似文献   

中程无线功率传输(WPT)可以采用几种不同的方式实现,如通过电感或电容耦合、谐振或非谐振网络实现.本文主要研究了通过感应耦合谐振器实现的WPT链路,而且只着重研究了利用2个谐振器的链路(直接链路)并工作在主谐振频率下的情况.研究结果表明,当工作在主谐振频率下,可以根据网络参数来对传输效率或负载功率进行优化.  相似文献   

|基于长江三角洲地区132个区/县的直接和间接CO2排放、人口、GDP和收入等数据,分析评估了区/县排放特征,并利用偏最小二乘法和残差法分别评估2012年区/县CO2排放影响因素和各区/县排放绩效。长三角地区的CO2排放在区/县层面上有较明显的聚集性,直接排放前40个区/县占总直接排放的86.59%。经济水平、总人口和人口密度对区/县CO2排放有较显著的影响。人口密度是负向驱动,即紧凑型发展比松散型发展有利于降低排放水平。排放绩效评估表明,76个区/县属于较优绩效,56个区/县属于较劣绩效。整体上看,当区/县总人口较小(<30万人)和总人口很大(>600万人)时,排放绩效相对较好,而总人口介于中间水平时,排放绩效的差异较大。因而,在长江三角洲地区进一步城镇化过程中,要充分重视城镇形态(人口密度)和总人口对于排放绩效的作用。  相似文献   

天气指数保险不仅能有效地保障灾害损失,同时操作简单,理赔成本低,规避了逆向选择和道德风险,是一种农业保险的创新方式.为减轻设施蔬菜灾害损失,促进生产稳定发展,以低温为例,以黄瓜为代表,基于2005-2014年天津13个气象站的气象资料和2013-2015年蔬菜产量资料,根据低温致灾指标与蔬菜减产率的对应关系及其低温天气...  相似文献   

对于一个制作好的WPS表格,在改写状态下填写时由于不慎会将线条擦破而出现缺口,或者在手动制表时因未掌握好方向以及走线过多或不足而出现的“蛇足”,可用以下几种方法进行修补。1用手动制表法修补将光标置于需修改处的稍前方,对于粗线可按CTRL十一(或~、+、+)顺着需修补的地方走线,对于细线可按ALT十一(或十、平、十)键顺着需修补的地方走线,即可用完整的线条替代原来的破坏或多余线条。2用区位码第九区的制表符修补在改写状态下,将光标置于需修改的地方,按ALT十FI键进入区位码输入方式,选择所需的制表线、敲其代码…  相似文献   

熊亚军  扈海波  王迎春  郭虎 《气象》2008,34(5):14-19
以案例分析为主要形式,阐述了随机决策方法结合气象服务在企业决策经营中的应用.案例1的分析结果表明,当未来高影响天气出现的概率未知时,其为不确定型气象服务决策问题,可根据服务对象对待风险的偏好,相应采取乐观法、保守法或最小后悔值法来选择合适的服务方案.案例2表明,当未来高影响天气出现的概率已知时,其为确定型气象服务决策问题,可采用决策树模型的最大期望估算进行辅助决策.在确定型决策问题的灵敏度分析中,可将其转化为求临界概率的数学问题,并用图示法进行求解.  相似文献   

北半球夏季,北印度洋环流主要受到西南季风流控制,将热带印度洋水体从西向东进行跨海盆输运,然而在斯里兰卡南部沿岸存在一支与西南季风流方向相反的西向沿岸流,即南斯里兰卡沿岸流(SSLCC).本文主要利用ECCO2资料进行南斯里兰卡沿岸流的动力学特征研究.结果表明,SSLCC的形成和孟加拉湾局地环流密切相关.当斯里兰卡穹顶区(SLD)环流偏强时,斯里兰卡南部形成局地气旋式涡旋,斯里兰卡东部沿岸流在SLD西部向南流动,随着气旋式涡旋北部转向西流形成强的SSLCC.相比之下,SLD较弱时,沿岸流仅存在斯里兰卡东部沿岸,斯里兰卡东部沿岸流无法向西转向,SSLCC和西南季风流一起向东流动,其可能的主要原因是局地风应力对SLD产生的强度影响.研究还表明,SLD强度对SSLCC流向和强度有着重要影响.  相似文献   

斜压大气中双涡自组织与台风形成的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从数值研究和个例分析两个方面讨论了斜压大气中双涡自组织与台风形成的关系.首先,利用PSU/NCAR 第五代数值天气预报模式(MM5),设计了6个弱环境流场下的理想试验,研究斜压大气中双涡自组织对台风形成的影响,结果表明:斜压大气中双涡自组织存在一个临界距离dc,其值在380 km左右.当双涡间距d≤dc时,双涡可以自组织形成台风环流,当d>dc时,自组织现象不能发生.其次,选取一个对我国有重要影响典型台风个例,分析双涡自组织对其形成的影响,结果表明双涡自组织过程是对我国有重要影响台风形成的典型方式之一.  相似文献   

利用一个有地形、边界层摩擦作用、简化的二层浅水锋面模型,在理论上研究了地形上空边界层流动中地面暖锋的结构及环流分布特征问题.暖锋的坡度主要取决于其暖域地转流、锋面移速,它随锋面移速增大而减小,这与冷锋特征相反.地形对暖锋坡度的影响作用较小.与无地形作用时相比,静止性暖锋冷域中,位于锋面界面附近的闭合正环流系,当暖锋位于地形上游,其伸展范围增大;当暖锋位于迎风坡时,其伸展范围缩小,中心位置上抬;锋面移至背风坡时,其伸展范围重新增大.对于冷域中远离地面暖锋的另一支正环流系来说,当暖锋位于地形上游或迎风坡时,它可被地形完全阻塞于背风侧,地形高度越高,地形阻塞作用越大.在暖锋锋区附近主要存在三支垂直上升运动带:(a)由于边界层摩擦辐合作用,导致在地面暖锋后缘暖区中形成一支水平尺度较小、强度较大的垂直运动带,它随着暖锋移速增大而减弱.该垂直运动带,当暖锋位于地形迎风侧,强度增加;暖锋位于地形背风侧,其强度减弱.(b)在锋区暖域沿锋面存在均匀的上升运动,(c)在冷域远离地面暖锋处,存在一支水平范围较宽,其中心位于边界层顶部附近的垂直运动带,当暖锋位于迎风坡时,这支垂直运动带可被地形阻塞于地形背风侧.  相似文献   

Natural resource management and conservation programs that promote building capacity and social learning among participants often lead to the formation of learning networks: a type of social network where learning is both a goal and potential outcome of the network. Through forming relationships and sharing information, participants in a learning network build social capital that can help a network achieve social and environmental goals. In this study, we explored social capital in a learning network that emerged through a large-scale marine governance effort, the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security. Through a mixture of social network analysis and key informant interviews, we examined the major patterns of information exchange among individuals who had participated in regional learning exchanges; evaluated whether the network's structure resulted in information sharing; and considered implications for strengthening network sustainability, capacity building, and learning. We found that the Regional Exchange network fostered information sharing among participants across national and organizational boundaries. While the network had individuals who were more central to information sharing, the network structure was generally decentralized, indicating potential resilience to changes in leadership and membership. Participants stressed the importance of the knowledge and connections they had acquired through the learning network; however, they expressed doubts regarding its sustainability and stressed the need for a strong coordinating entity. Our findings suggest that conservation learning networks have the ability to bridge cultural divides and promote social learning; however, a strong network coordinator and continuing efforts to support information sharing and learning are crucial to the network's strength and sustainability. The tangible learning and capacity development outcomes cultivated through Regional Exchange network underscore the value of and need to invest in conservation networks that support peer-to-peer learning.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that high social capital contributes to both positive public health outcomes and to climate change adaptation. Strong social networks have been said to support individuals and collective initiatives of adaptation and enhance resilience. As a result, there is an expectation that social capital could reduce vulnerability to risks from the impacts of climate change in the health sector. This paper examines evidence on the role social networks play in individuals’ responses to heat wave risk in a case study in the UK. Based on interviews with independently living elderly people and their primary social contacts in London and Norwich, we suggest that strong bonding networks could potentially exacerbate rather than reduce the vulnerability of elderly people to the effects of heat waves. Most respondents interviewed did not feel that heat waves posed a significant risk to them personally, and most said that they would be able to cope with hot weather. Bonding networks could perpetuate rather than challenge these narratives and therefore contribute to vulnerability rather than ameliorating it. These results suggest a complex rather than uniformly positive relationship between social capital, health and adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

Increasing rates of climate migration may be of economic and national concern to sending and destination countries. It has been argued that social networks—the ties connecting an origin and destination—may operate as “migration corridors” with the potential to strongly facilitate climate change-related migration. This study investigates whether social networks at the household and community levels amplify or suppress the impact of climate change on international migration from rural Mexico. A novel set of 15 climate change indices was generated based on daily temperature and precipitation data for 214 weather stations across Mexico. Employing geostatistical interpolation techniques, the climate change values were linked to 68 rural municipalities for which sociodemographic data and detailed migration histories were available from the Mexican Migration Project. Multi-level discrete-time event-history models were used to investigate the effect of climate change on international migration between 1986 and 1999. At the household level, the effect of social networks was approximated by comparing the first to the last move, assuming that through the first move a household establishes internal social capital. At the community level, the impact of social capital was explored through interactions with a measure of the proportion of adults with migration experience. The results show that rather than amplifying, social capital may suppress the sensitivity of migration to climate triggers, suggesting that social networks could facilitate climate change adaptation in place.  相似文献   

There has been a growing recognition regarding the use of social networks to engage communities in government actions. However, despite increasing awareness of social networks, there is very limited evidence for their application in relation to climate policy. This study fills this gap by assessing the potential of social networks for engaging local communities in climate adaptation policy, drawing on a case study of the Shoalhaven region in Australia. Participants from key representative groups were recruited using a purposive snowball sampling technique (N?=?24). By mapping knowledge acquisition and diffusion networks in relation to climate adaption at the local scale, this study identified key nodes within the networks. Findings demonstrate that although climate adaptation information was acquired from a diverse range of sources, the sharing knowledge networks were far more dispersed. Furthermore, although 165 knowledge sources were identified, three nodes had coverage cross the entire network, and as such acted as boundary spanners within the sharing network. This research demonstrates the utility of social network analysis to reveal the underlying knowledge networks and structures that influence community engagement pathways and in doing so outlines key implications in relation to engaging local communities in climate policy and action.

Policy relevance

The rapid development of adaptation as a mainstream strategy for managing the risks of climate change has resulted in the emergence of a broad range of adaptation policies and management strategies globally. However, the success of these initiatives is largely dependent on their acceptance and uptake by local communities, which to date remains a significant challenge. Accordingly, policy makers require novel approaches to overcome barriers to community engagement so as to enhance the likely success of community engagement pathways. This article demonstrates the value of using social network analysis to reveal the underlying knowledge network structures. This approach makes it possible to identify key individuals within a community who can disseminate adaptation information quickly across broad geographic ranges. By utilizing this approach, policy makers globally will be able to increase the extent to which adaption initiatives are accepted and adhered to by local communities, thus increasing their success.  相似文献   

以Twitter、Facebook为代表的社交媒体在防灾减灾方面的作用越来越受到关注.中国是世界上海洋灾害最为严重的国家之一,海洋防灾减灾是目前我国面临的十分紧迫的问题.近年来,智能手机和网络的普及让中国的社交媒体进入了人们的日常生活.借鉴国外社交媒体在防灾减灾方面的经验,我们认为中国的社交媒体在海洋防灾减灾中同样拥有巨大潜力.本文首先介绍了"21世纪海上丝绸之路"沿线的几个国家利用社交媒体开展海洋防灾减灾工作的情况,随后总结了当前中国在海洋灾害预警、灾害信息传播及灾害管理等方面的实际情况.最后,借鉴国外先进的经验和做法,为进一步提升中国社交媒体在海洋防灾减灾工作中的作用提出了启示性的对策建议.  相似文献   

There is now a growing literature emphasizing the critical importance of social variables in the formulation of coastal management policies seeking to tackle climate change impacts. This paper focuses on the role of social capital, which is increasingly identified as having a significant role in climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. We focus on public perceptions of the social costs and benefits arising from two management options (managed retreat/realignment and hold-the-line), the resulting level of policy acceptability, and how this acceptability is mediated by social capital parameters within coastal communities. These issues are examined by means of a quantitative social survey implemented in Romney Marsh (east Sussex/Kent, UK), an area facing significant impacts from climate change. We tested two models through path analysis with latent structures. The first correlates respondents’ perceived costs and benefits with the level of public acceptability of the two policy options. In the second model, we introduce social capital variables, investigating the impacts on perceived social costs and benefits of the policy options, and the overall effect on the level of public acceptability. Our findings demonstrate: (1) perceived social costs and benefits of proposed policy options influence the level of public acceptability of these policies; (2) these social costs and benefits are connected with the level of public acceptability; and (3) specific social capital parameters (i.e. social trust, institutional trust, social networks and social reciprocity) influence perceived policy costs and benefits, and also have a significant impact on the level of public acceptability of proposed policy options.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to orientate research on local food networks more firmly towards ideas of grassroots and social niche innovations. Drawing on recent conceptual ideas from strategic niche management, this paper provides an exploratory analysis of attempts to spread grassroots social innovations through the Big Lottery Local Food programme run by the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts in England. This £ 59.8 million programme aims to distribute grants to a variety of food-related projects and to make locally grown food more accessible and affordable to local communities. Insights into 29 funded projects, of varying length and scale of operation, are provided through over 150 telephone and personal interviews. While the Local Food programme is undoubtedly about bringing small, often neglected pieces of land into production and increasing access to affordable food, results show that the programme is also very much seen as a vehicle for building community capacity through facilitating community cohesion, healthy eating, educational enhancement and integrating disadvantaged groups into mainstream society and economy. The paper concludes with some reflections on the extent to which the concept of grassroots social innovations, as a form of niche innovation, can help understand the ability of local food networks to develop the capacity of communities to respond to locally identified problems and to effect more widespread, sustainable change.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to better understand the various individual and household factors that influence resilience, that is, people⬢s ability to respond adequately to shocks and stressors. One of our hypotheses is that resilience does not simply reflect the expected effects of quantifiable factors such as level of assets, or even less quantifiable social processes such as people⬢s experience, but is also determined by more subjective dimensions related to people⬢s perceptions of their ability to cope, adapt or transform in the face of adverse events. Data collected over two years in Fiji, Ghana, Sri Lanka and Vietnam confirms the importance of wealth in the recovery process of households affected by shocks and stressors. However our results challenge the idea that within communities, assets are a systematic differentiator in people⬢s response to adverse events. The findings regarding social capital are mixed and call for more research: social capital had a strong positive influence on resilience at the community level, yet our analysis failed to demonstrate any tangible positive correlation at the household level. Finally, the data confirm that, like vulnerability, resilience is at least in part socially constructed, endogenous to individual and groups, and hence contingent on knowledge, attitudes to risk, culture and subjectivity.  相似文献   

How social networks support or constrain the transition to co-management of small-scale fisheries and marine reserves is poorly understood. In this paper, we undertake a comparative analysis of the social network structures associated with the transition to co-management in three Jamaican marine reserves. Data from quantitative social relational surveys (n = 380) are integrated with data from semi-structured interviews (n = 63) and focus groups (n = 10) to assess how patterns of relational ties and interactions between and among fishermen and other local level actors (e.g., managers, wardens, NGO staff) support and constrain the transition to co-management. Our research suggests that the transitions to co-management were supported by a combination of three network structure and relational attributes: (i) the presence and position of institutional entrepreneurs; (ii) a dense central core of network actors; and (iii) the prevalence of horizontal ties and vertical linkages held by the community-based organizations formally responsible for the management of the marine reserves. Our findings also show that overall low network cohesion in the three reserves and limited social influence among the wardens may be problematic for sustained collective action that extends beyond the core set of network actors. These findings suggest the importance of strategies to enhance collective action, specifically through attention to the attributes of the corresponding social networks, as a means to contribute to successful transitions to co-management of marine reserves and small-scale fisheries. Our results provide more precise guidance, through social network analysis, on where in the respective networks social capital and leadership may require support or enhancement, and thus on how to target interventions for greatest effect.  相似文献   

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