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海洋地球物理研究与海底探测声学技术的发展   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
海洋地球物理以物理学的思维与方法研究占地球三分之二面积的海洋系统.20世纪地球科学迅猛发展,它的重大进展是海底扩张说与板块构造说的出现和海底大洋的发现,以及前者所引发的地球科学思想革命,从固定论向活动论的思维转变.海底研究对于20世纪地球科学发展的贡献极为巨大,而海洋地球物理是推动海底科学研究的重要原动力.海洋地球物理在20世纪地球科学的发展中有过辉煌的成就,占有十分重要的地位;在新的21世纪里,海洋地球物理研究仍然保持着前沿科学的地位,继续推动着地球科学的进展.目前的海底探测主要还是依赖于声学探测技术.水下声学定位技术是实现水下探测系统精确定位和海底高精度探测的基础.传统性的海洋地震探测技术是研究海底构造与海洋岩石圈深部结构和寻找海底矿产的主力技术,它近年来无论在海上采集技术还是数据处理技术方面都发展得很快.多波束测深、侧扫声呐测图和海底地层剖面测量等则是近数十年快速发展起来探测海底浅部结构信息的技术.这些技术已经在当代海底科学研究、海底资源勘查、海洋工程和海洋开发,以及海洋军事活动等方面发挥出极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

由于实验室测试环境条件与深海海底的原位温压环境存在较大的差异,取样测量的沉积物声学参数通常偏离海底原位状态的真实值.该文利用深水型压载式沉积声学原位测量系统,在水深超过5000 m的西太平洋海域开展了沉积物声学原位测量试验,准确获取了深海底原位状态下沉积物的声速和声衰减系数,并同步采集了沉积物柱状样品.结果显示,实验室测量的沉积物声速、声衰减系数均高于原位测量结果.通过温压校正和数据—模型对比表明,实验室声速比与原位声速比存在较大的差异,难以通过温压校正模型和频散模型完全改正,这可能与深海沉积物的结构扰动有关.较之浅海沉积物,软弱的深海沉积物结构更易受到采样过程的扰动,因而深海沉积物的声学特性测量更为困难,这表明在深海海底声学研究采用原位测量技术具有必要性.该研究标志着我国海底声学研究由浅海走向深海,对推动海底声学的深入研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为了能够精确地测量海底表层沉积物的声学参数,自主研制了一种新型海底沉积物声学原位测量系统,与国内外传统的声学原位测量系统相比,该系统能够实时显示声波波形,调整测量参数,其工作方式除了站位式测量之外,还实现了拖行式连续测量,极大地提高了工作效率.根据前期海试情况,对海底仪器结构进行了重新设计,使之可以同时测量海底沉积物及海底海水的声学参数,同时建立了双向数字信道,解决了测量过程中系统信号的干扰问题.该系统的结构分为两部分:甲板控制单元和水下测量单元,整套系统通过主机控制程序进行控制,采用GPS定位系统测定仪器的大地坐标.为了检验系统的稳定性及准确性,分别进行了实验室水槽实验和海上试验.利用水声测量设备对测量系统进行实验室水槽标定分析,实验结果表明系统测量值相对误差仅为0.04%,测量结果具有较高的精度.海上试验在青岛胶州湾和东海海域进行,获得了试验区域海底沉积物声速和声衰减系数的测量数据,将测量数据与他人的研究结果进行对比分析,结果表明测量数据与前人研究结果一致,较为准确.该原位测量系统在站位式测量和拖行式测量中都能够快速准确地测量出沉积物声速和声衰减系数,可以作为海底底质声学测量的调查设备.  相似文献   

CFC-11是评估全球海洋环流模式的一个重要工具,海水中溶解的CFC-11被用来分析全球海洋模式的通风模拟.本文在中国气象局国家气候中心发展的40层全球海洋环流模式(MOM4_L40)增加了示踪物CFC-11模块,然后利用该模式研究了CFC-11在全球海洋中的分布,并评估了模式的通风能力.对CFC-11的海表浓度、柱总含量以及大洋剖面的垂直浓度分布和渗透深度进行了分析,结果表明,与观测相比,模式较好地再现了CFC-11在海洋表面的水平分布特征,CFC-11主要储存区位于西北大西洋、副热带北太平洋及南大洋,其浓度分布与温度分布梯度相反.沿三个大洋的5个剖面的CFC-11垂直分布模拟也与观测基本吻合.模式模拟的CFC-11分布情况与全球平均经向流函数吻合,在南大洋模拟效果更加接近观测值,深海模拟效果较好,渗透深度接近观测.同时,模拟与观测相比也存在偏差.比如在北大西洋主要的存储区域,模式低估了CFC-11的吸收,这与高纬的CFC-11向低纬过度输送有关,可能是受温盐环流和强迫资料的影响.总体来说,MOM_L40模式模拟大洋吸收的CFC-11总量是理想的,通过模拟被动示踪物CFC-11很好地再现了海洋的通风能力.  相似文献   

海洋观测数据的质量控制是建立高质量海洋科学数据库的基础,对于推动海洋及多学科交叉研究、预测预报、灾害预警等具有重要意义.随着各种自动化观测平台(仪器)的出现,海洋调查从近海逐渐拓展到开放大洋,海洋科学已进入大数据时代.目前,国内外对如何获得高质量的现场观测数据越来越重视.然而,由于获取数据手段多样、数据质量千差万别、数据错情类型繁多等因素,使得如何高效和精准地发现这些质量问题并对其进行质量控制是一个难点,也是数据处理中的核心技术.本文系统总结了海洋观测数据(温度、盐度、溶解氧等)质量控制的研究现状与最新进展,对比了国内外不同机构质量控制的差异,分析了现已取得的成果及存在的问题,探讨了开展质量控制性能评估的可能性,并就未来的发展方向提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

海洋中尺度涡与内波的地震图像   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海洋反射地震通常用于调查、研究海底地质构造,勘探油气与天然气水合物资源.近期研究表明多道反射地震方法也可以对水柱的热盐细结构成像.中尺度涡与内波是重要的物理海洋现象,但是常规的物理海洋调查是在间隔若干公里的离散测站上进行的,水平分辨率较低,因此对中尺度涡的结构与内波的横向分布了解较差.本文利用在大西洋东部、南海采集的地震数据给出了低频反射地震可以对中尺度涡与内波清晰成像的新的证据.反射地震方法较传统海洋观测手段,具有明显的优势,主要体现在高的水平分辨率和短时间内对整个海水剖面进行成像方面.从地震剖面上,能够清楚地观测到中尺度涡、内波造成的反射特征变化,从而有助于改进对能量在不同尺度的海水运动之间传递过程的认识.  相似文献   

海底天然气渗漏的地球物理特征及识别方法   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底天然气渗漏是在海洋环境中广泛分布的自然现象.海底天然气渗漏可以指示沉积层中的烃类聚集带,渗漏出的大量气体(主要是甲烷)可能影响全球的气候变化,此外,与海底渗漏相关的浅层气改变了海底沉积物的土工性质,可能对海底工程构成威胁.因此海底渗漏研究意义重大.海底天然气渗漏不仅影响海底沉积物的物理性质,而且还极大地改变海底地形地貌,它能在海底形成麻坑、泥火山、冷泉碳酸盐岩以及化学自养生物群落等现象.在海底渗漏发生的地方,地形地貌特征可以在海洋测深和逆向散射数据上得到反映;沉积物的声学特征可以在地震剖面上得到反映,如形成声混浊、声空白、亮点、多次波、速度下拉等;有些渗漏在海面形成油渍膜,油渍膜可以在合成孔径雷达图像上得到反映.根据海底渗漏的上述地球物理特征,可以识别出可能渗漏区域,海底渗漏的证实需要用到海底观测和取样分析资料.  相似文献   

绝对重力仪是用于直接测量重力加速度值的精密仪器,可以作为计量标准器对相对重力仪进行定期校准.现有绝对重力仪的测量精度可达微伽(1μGal=1×10-8m/s2)量级,测量精度主要受振动噪声的限制.垂直隔振和振动补偿技术是目前常用的两种处理振动噪声的方法.随着绝对重力仪在野外流动重力观测和海洋/航空重力测量中的应用需求日...  相似文献   

与拖曳式总场测量相比,海洋地磁三分量测量能够获得更多的地磁场矢量信息,并能通过船载测量在更大海区范围内进行.本文从船载三分量测量和拖曳三分量测量两个方面总结了国外的发展现状,分析了海洋地磁三分量测量中船磁(载体磁场)标定和载体定姿两个关键技术,并结合我国海洋磁测发展现状建议首先发展船载海洋地磁三分量测量系统.  相似文献   

对海洋环流进行准确且高效的模拟是海洋科学的一个基本任务,也是一个众所周知的难点,因为它涉及求解多变量的非线性偏微分方程组.本文首次提出一种基于量子计算机的海洋环流模拟算法,可以提供指数级的量子算力加速.本文算法从海洋动力学原始方程出发,经过空间和时间离散化得到若干具有稀疏系数矩阵的线性方程组,然后利用变分量子线性方程求解器求解,从而使算法更容易在近期量子计算机上运行.这一算法属于量子-经典混合算法,为此我们发展了一套基于量子存储器和l范数态层析的数据流控制方案,以完成量子计算机与经典计算机之间的数据交互.我们在MATLAB、量子虚拟机和真实量子计算机等多种计算平台上验证了算法的有效性,并讨论了测量次数和量子门噪声等因素对算法输出结果准确性的影响.结果表明,误差缓解技术可以有效提高输出解的精度.我们的算法是利用量子计算机模拟海洋环流这一挑战性问题的一个重要进展,随着量子计算科技的迅速发展,它有望在不久的将来获得应用,从而有力地促进海洋科学的发展.  相似文献   

海陆颜色仪(OLCI)是搭载在Sentinel-3上的新型水色遥感传感器,其对于内陆清洁水体水质遥感监测的适用性有待验证.本研究以评价水体富营养化程度的重要参数叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度为指标,以高原湖泊洱海为研究区,基于2017年4月19日共20个星地同步实验数据,建立了3种可应用于OLCI数据的Chl.a浓度遥感估算模型(波段比值模型、三波段模型以及FLH模型),并估算了当日洱海Chl.a浓度的空间分布.结果表明:(1)选用波段Oa8(665 nm)、Oa11(708.75 nm)和Oa12(753.75 nm)构建的三波段模型最适用于洱海水域的Chl.a浓度估算,其平均绝对误差百分比为12.37%,低于波段比值模型的16.04%和FLH模型的13.50%;(2)对OLCI使用的大气校正方法中,基于去瑞利散射的暗像元法对估算模型的适用性要优于6S、FLAASH以及QUAC方法;(3)洱海OLCI影像中近岸水体受邻近效应影响严重,近红外波段Oa12(753.75 nm)受陆地邻近效应影响的距离为1~2个像元,而Oa8(665 nm)、Oa10(681.25 nm)和Oa11(708.75 nm)波段为1个像元;(4)2017年4月19日全湖Chl.a浓度均值为12.15±5.72μg/L,洱海中部水域Chl.a浓度最低(9.00~12.00μg/L),北部水域浓度最高(12.00~22.76μg/L),南部水域浓度稍高(12.00~14.00μg/L),阳南溪与波罗江入湖口受降雨径流的影响出现"羽流现象",导致Chl.a浓度偏低,约为8.33μg/L.  相似文献   

The evolution of an internal bore at the Malin shelf break   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Observations of internal waves were made at the Malin shelf edge during SESAME (Shelf Edge Studies Acoustic Measurement Experiment), a part of the NERC LOIS-SES experiment, in August-September 1996. These measurements provide a high resolution dataset demonstrating internal wave generation and propagation. This note presents observations of the evolution of an internal bore. The process is shown clearly in a sequence of thermistor chain tows across the shelf break covering a complete tidal cycle, as the double-sided bore transforms into a group of undulations and eventually into more distinct solitary waveforms. Current structures associated with the bore and waves were also observed by ship-mounted ADCP. Analysis of the waveforms in terms of the linear modes and empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) indicate the dominance of the first mode, which is typical of a shallow water seasonal thermocline environment. Determination of the phase speed of the waves from the consecutive ship surveys enabled the Doppler shift in the towed data to be removed, allowing analysis of the real length scales of the waves. The bore evolution has been modelled using a first order non-linear KdV model for the first mode, initialised with the waveform in the first survey. Comparison of the model and the observations show close agreement in the amplitudes, length scales, phase speeds and separations of the leading internal waves as they evolve. Finally, analysis of the observed internal wave shapes indicates that, within the uncertainties of measurement, the wave-lengths lie between those predicted by first and second order soliton theory.  相似文献   

The surface quasi-geostrophic approximation is re-written in an oceanic context using the two-dimensional semi-geostrophic approximation. The new formulation allows to take into account the presence of out-of-balance flow features at scales comparable to or smaller than the Rossby radius of deformation and for small bulk Richardson numbers. Analytical solutions show that, while the surface quasi-geostrophic approximation tends to underestimate the buoyancy anomaly, the inclusion of finite Rossby number allows for larger values of the buoyancy anomaly at depth. The projection of the surface semi-geostrophic solution on the first baroclinic modes is calculated. The result of the projection is a functional form that decreases with the values of the Rossby number and toward smaller scales. Solutions for constant and exponential profile for the background potential vorticity are compared. Results of the comparison show that, in agreement with the results found for balanced flows, even for large Rossby number the exponential profile for the background potential vorticity retains smaller values for the buoyancy anomaly at depth than the solution found using a constant potential vorticity profile.  相似文献   


The term ‘‘solitary wave'’ is usually used to denote a steadily propagating permanent form solution of a nonlinear wave equation, with the permanency arising from a balance between steepening and dispersive tendencies. It is known that large-scale thermal anomalies in the ocean are subject to a steepening mechanism driven by the beta effect, while at the smaller deformation scale, such phenomena are highly dispersive. It is shown here that the evolution of a physical system subject to both effects is governed by the ‘‘frontal semi-geostrophic equation'’ (FSGE), which is valid for large amplitude thermocline disturbances. Solitary wave solutions of the FSGE (here named planetons) are calculated and their properties are described with a view towards examining the behavior of finite amplitude solitary waves. In contrast, most known solitary wave solutions belong to weakly nonlinear wave equations (e.g., the Korteweg—deVries (KdV) equation).

The FSGE is shown to reduce to the KdV equation at small amplitudes. Classical sech2 solitons thus represent a limiting class of solutions to the FSGE. The primary new effect on planetons at finite amplitudes is nonlinear dispersion. It is argued that due to this effect the propagation rates of finite amplitude planetons differ significantly from the ‘‘weak planeton'', or KdV, dispersion relation. Planeton structure is found to be simple and reminiscent of KdV solitons. Numerical evidence is presented which suggests that collisions between finite amplitude solitary waves are weakly inelastic, indicating the loss of true soliton behavior of the FSGE at moderate amplitudes. Lastly, the sensitivity of solitary waves to the existence of a nontrivial far field is demonstrated and the role of this analysis in the interpretation of lab experiments and the evolution of the thermocline is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a numerical forecast system designed for prediction of physical and biological dynamics of a coastal inlet. It is based on a coastal ocean observatory that was located at Lunenburg Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. Biological, chemical, optical, and physical measurements were collected from instrumented moorings, weekly sampling and detailed surveys from 2002 through 2007. Here we present a framework for calibration and evaluation of an ecosystem model using data from the summer of 2007. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model was coupled to a simple biological (Nutrients-Phytoplankton-Detritus) model; a simple model was used so results could be compared directly to observed biological and chemical variables using skill scores as a first step toward data-assimilation modeling. As a complement to this analysis, variability of model output, e.g., the nutrient limitation term, was examined to understand the modeled biological response to the simulated physical environment. Skill scores based on variances in observed and simulated time-series of biological components were also investigated. Coastal upwelling/downwelling simulated through this model has been found to increase modeled biological activity in the bay. Also model skill in reproducing the observed patterns in nutrients and phytoplankton has been increased due to the restoring conditions for biology set up at the open ocean boundaries of the bay.  相似文献   


It is shown that the turning surfaces associated with internal waves in a uniformly rotating, density stratified, Boussinesq fluid in the presence of an arbitrary gravitational field are regular points for the governing eigenvalue differential equation. The results are illustrated for two particular examples that have geophysical and astrophysical significance, namely radially directed spherical gravity, and the gravitational field in a rapidly rotating cylinder.  相似文献   

Introduction With the development of science and technology, the accuracy of gravity measurement is im-proved. The gravity observation with FG5 gravimeter has reached accuracy of μ magnitude. And the high accurate superconducting gravimeter can detect the tiny signal of 10?2 μ magnitude in frequency domain. With the high-accuracy gravity observation on Earth′s surface, the Earth′s tidal parameters can be determined precisely. And the observations can also be used to invert the struc-ture…  相似文献   

岩石声波差异衰减特征及工程应用前景探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
声波在岩石材料中传播时会发生差异衰减现象.由于岩石强度、完整性不同,造成其频率响应不同,声波通过不同强度的岩石时,对不同频率的声波信号滤除状况也就有所不同.通过力学强度高的岩石时,声波基本能够保持其原有频率成分,相反,当通过低强度岩石时,高频分量会迅速衰减而缺失,主要保留低频分量.通过实例研究,分析了声谱衰减特征与岩样矿物组成、密度及结构完整性的关系,验证了声谱衰减特征与岩体强度具有很好相关性的结论.通过分析研究声波信号在不同岩体中传播的衰减变化,指出声波衰减在一定程度上能够反映出岩体的风化程度、破碎状态、强度及各向异性等特征.可以发展成为岩体工程地质勘测、试验和施工中的常规实验方法.  相似文献   

A new simple two-scale model on the polarimetric microwave emission of ocean surface is derived at first, which can be ex-pressed as an integral of weighting functions (M0 and M2) and ocean surface curvature spectrum coefficients (C0 and C2). This provides a simple way to investigate the effect of curvature spectrum on ocean emission. It is found that ocean waves with wavelengths both comparable to and much greater than the electromagnetic wavelength can contribute to the harmonics of ocean surface microwav...  相似文献   

我国油气资源勘探开发中存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:30,自引:22,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文对中国石油、天然气资源作了重点的介绍.强调了这些资源对我国国民经济和国防建设的重要性.目前,我国油气资源短缺的现象日益严重.作者指明了在前第三纪海相残留盆地中勘探这些资源,会带来光明的前景.  相似文献   

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