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The Zerga meteorite, an LL6 ordinary chondrite found at Aouelloul crater in 1973, is a small fragment of a larger mass whose pre-atmospheric radius was most likely between 20 and 125 cm. A typical amphoterite, it is a monomict breccia that has undergone at least one recrystallization episode.3He and21Ne contents define a shielding-corrected, cosmic ray exposure age of 21–24 × 106 years and the26Al content is consistent with a terrestrial age ?500,000 years (2σ limit). The K—Ar gas-retention age is 3.1 × 109 years. The meteorite's areal association with the impact crater is merely coincidental. A new K-Ar age of the glassy impactite found at Aouelloul dates the crater at 3.1 ± 0.3 × 106 years, sensibly indistinguishable from the recently determined age of nearby Tenoumer crater (2.5 ± 0.5 × 106years). The similar ages of these two impact craters, and their almost perfect linear alignment with a third, morphologically similar crater (Temimichat Ghallaman) over a distance of 600 km, suggests a simultaneous triple impact occasioned by the disruption of a large meteorite moving on a very shallow atmospheric trajectory. If so, the concomitant low impact angles may be responsible for the unusually shallow original depths inferred for two of the craters from gravity data.  相似文献   

岫岩陨石撞击坑结构高精度地震探测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
我国的岫岩陨石撞击坑位于辽东半岛北部低山丘陵地区,直径1.8 km,保存完好,已被多方面的证据证实为陨石撞击坑.陨石的撞击和此后的沉积作用在坑内形成了特殊的地球物理场,使坑内与坑外的介质在速度、密度等方面存在差异.本次通过采用反射和折射地震相结合的探测方法,利用陨石撞击所形成的岩石的地震波速度和波阻抗差异,获得了陨石坑...  相似文献   

位于美国弗吉尼亚东海岸直径85 km的Chesapeake湾撞击坑,是十几年前发现的由一颗陨星撞击形成的一个复杂撞击坑. 该坑的研究经历四个阶段:地下水调查、撞击坑的发现、美国多学科多部门的综合研究和即将进行的国际钻探取心项目. 钻井岩心中的角砾成份和微体化石,提示撞击坑的存在,并确定撞击发生在35 Ma前,即始新始晚期. 地震反射剖面资料帮助寻找到撞击坑的具体位置,确定撞击坑的结构和形态特征. Chesapeake湾撞击坑埋藏在新生界沉积层之下,是全球已知最大的、保存最好的撞击坑之一. Chesapeake湾撞击坑主要形态像一顶倒置的宽边大草帽,包括外缘、环状洼地、峰环(内缘)、内盆和中央峰. 撞击坑的形成破坏了原来的含水层,撞击坑当时即被富含咸水的抛射角砾岩和海啸角砾岩充填,再被后来的沉积层覆盖. Chesapeake湾撞击坑导致地面沉降、河流变向、海岸含水层的中断、内陆咸水楔的出现、地震,决定Chesapeake湾本身的位置,至今仍然影响当地居民的生活. 了解Chesapeake湾撞击坑对我国撞击坑研究具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

The Barda group of hills represents a centre of laccolithic intrusion. The rocks encountered here are pierite basalt, rhyolite, obsidian, granophyre, felsite, aplite and diorite. There is evidence for both « Fissure Type » and « Central Volcanic Type » of igneous activity in the region, which seem to have occurred in three different phases. The parent magma has been shown to be tholeiitic in composition. The acid rocks may have been formed by crystal fractionation along with diffusion of alkalis and volatiles. The origin of diorite is attributed to a process of hybridization.  相似文献   

Many crucial tasks in seismology, such as locating seismic events and estimating focal mechanisms, need crustal velocity models. The velocity models of shallow structures are particularly important in the simulation of ground motions. In southern Ontario, Canada, many small shallow earthquakes occur, generating high-frequency Rayleigh (Rg) waves that are sensitive to shallow structures. In this research, the dispersion of Rg waves was used to obtain shear-wave velocities in the top few kilometers of the crust in the Georgian Bay, Sudbury, and Thunder Bay areas of southern Ontario. Several shallow velocity models were obtained based on the dispersion of recorded Rg waves. The Rg waves generated by an m N 3.0 natural earthquake on the northern shore of Georgian Bay were used to obtain velocity models for the area of an earthquake swarm in 2007. The Rg waves generated by a mining induced event in the Sudbury area in 2005 were used to retrieve velocity models between Georgian Bay and the Ottawa River. The Rg waves generated by the largest event in a natural earthquake swarm near Thunder Bay in 2008 were used to obtain a velocity model in that swarm area. The basic feature of all the investigated models is that there is a top low-velocity layer with a thickness of about 0.5 km. The seismic velocities changed mainly within the top 2 km, where small earthquakes often occur.  相似文献   

By using crater impact morphological theory and mathematics modeling,the paper studies the cratering process and morphological features of the Xiuyan Crater in Northeast China based on remote sensing imagery,digital elevation model(DEM)and drilling and measuring data.The results show that:1)Simulated calculation indicates the diameter of the transient crater was1406±12 m and the depth was 497±4 m.The diameter of the final crater was 1758±15 m and the depth was 374.5±3.5 m;the thickness of the breccia lens was 188.5±0.5 m.The data is basically the same as previous drilling data.2)Preliminary determination of the size of Xiuyan impactor:The diameter at about 55 m for an iron meteorite,and about 115 m for a stony meteorite.3)The depth-to-diameter ratio is 0.143,similar to the typical simple crater.The circularity index of the Xiuyan Crater is0.884,indicating erosion and degradation.4)The distribution pattern of radial fractures has priority in NW-SE and WNW-ESE and these fractures control the development and evolution of drainage inside the crater.  相似文献   

A mechanism, of formation of magma chambers that feed volcanoes is discussed. Heat conditions and dimensions of magma chambers which have existed for more than several thousand years may become stable. The approximate equations of heat balance of these chambers are derived by calculating the temperatureT 1 of the magma entering chambers and the radiia of chambers. Calculations show that the radius of the shallow « peripheral » chambers of the Avachinsky volcano is less than 3–3.5 km. Possible maximum radii of « peripheral » magma chambers were estimated for the Kamchatkan volcanoes of medial size. The temperature difference in their chambers may reach 100–200 °C. This method can be applied to the calculations of « roots » of central-type volcanoes.  相似文献   

A detailed gravity survey was carried out on the island of Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. Gravity was measured on 107 stations and the Bouguer anomalies were computed by assuming geological densities. Aim of this survey was to complete the island structural pattern relatively to the shallower structures. Separation of the gravity anomaly field was carried out by means of data filtering, and two main components were discerned. The λ>2.2 km wavelength component, filtered out of the longer wavelength components, was interpreted quantitatively along a NW profile. The best fitting model consists of an upper layer of recent pyroclastic products (p=2.1 g/cm3) lying upon a highly compacted pyroclastic series or lavas (p=2.4 g/cm3). The shorter wavelength residual gravity field (λ<2.2 km) is characterized by two anomalies, located on Vulcanello and the «Fossa di Vulcano» crater. Vulcanello anomaly could be interpreted, given the geothermal state of the area, as due to an increase of the rock density consequent to propylization processes by high temperature fluids (T>200°C). «Fossa di Vulcano» anomaly is instead attributable to the local volcanic chimney. A schematic comprehensive model of Vulcano is also presented, which accounts for the available main geological and geophysical data.  相似文献   

On November 12, 1964, after a long swarm of preliminary earthquakes a gigantic directed blast took place at Shiveluch Volcano. The Crater top of the volcano with five large domes was completely destroyed. The deposits of the directed blast fell on an area of 98 sq. km, at a distance up to 10 km from the crater. The volume of the deposits is 1.5 km3 at least. A new crater was formed, its size is 1.5 × 3 km. Numerous pyroclastic flows were poured out the new crater. The eruption lasted only one hour, its thermal energy is 1,3 × 1025 ergs, kinetic energy of the blast ? 1 × 1024 ergs, air wave energy ? 1,8 × 1021 ergs. Initial velocity of the explosion: 280–310m/sec, pressure: 800–1000atm. The eruption of Shiveluch volcano belongs to the « Bezymianny type » eruption.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of meteorite impacts on magnetic properties including magnetic susceptibility and the Verwey transition of Ti-poor titanomagnetite of volcanic rocks from the 3.6 Ma old El’gygytgyn impact structure located in the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt in north-eastern Russia. The target rocks consist mainly of rhyolite with some andesites, and is a rare example of impact structures within volcanic target rocks on Earth. 27 samples from outside the crater, the crater rim and from the depth interval 316 to 517 m below lake bottom (mblb) of the El’gygytgyn ICDP drilling were studied. A significant decrease of the average specific magnetic susceptibility by around 90% was observed between felsic volcanic rocks from the surface (18.1 × 10-6 m3/kg) and the drill cores from near the crater central uplift (1.9 × 10-6 m3/kg). Ferrimagnetic Fe-Ti oxide assemblages (Verwey transition temperature, TV: -161 to -150°C, Curie temperature, TC: 451 to 581°C), occurring in all studied samples, differ significantly. At the surface titanomaghemite is ubiquitously associated with titanomagnetite. The drill cores lack titanomaghemite, but either show a transformation into titanomagnetite and ilmenite or a strong fragmentation associated with a second TV between -172 and -188°C. Reversible curves of temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility in the suevite indicate high depositional temperatures of at least 500°C. In the polymict and monomict impact breccia mechanical deformation of titanomagnetite and temperatures of at least 200-350°C related to the shock are suggested from temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility cycling. Lowtemperature oxidation along strongly brecciated grain surfaces in titanomagnetite is suggested to cause the lower TV and we suggest that this phenomenon is related to postimpact hydrothermal activity. The strong magnetic susceptibility decrease at El’gygytgyn is mainly influenced by shock, and post-impact hydrothermalism causes a significant additional depletion. These observations explain why magnetic lows are a ubiquitous phenomenon over impact structures.  相似文献   

Rochechouart crater (France) occurs in crystalline rocks of the northwestern French Massif Central. The crater is deeply eroded and the present ground level is exactly (±50m) tangent to the crater floor. No morphologic evidence of the crater has been preserved. A complete range of shock effects is known on the scale of rocks and minerals, which permitted a study of shock zoning. Shock level was determined in thin section from petrographic analysis of each specimen. A systematic sampling was done on all the structure. Shock zones were determined at the same time in the fall-back unit and in the target. Correlations between rock types or shock level in allochthonous and autochthonous materials were observed. They imply restrictions for the late excavation stage: part of the material lying above the crater floor limit was never ejected, but only mixed with small relative displacement. Shock level is relatively higher in allochthonous breccias than in the target. The distribution of shock effects is very complicated at all scales, even at the scale of the whole structure. However, shock level is relatively high around the center of the structure defined from the breccia geometry. The most probable impact point is located about 4 km west of Rochechouart. The breccia unit is extremely thin (less than 60 m). The crater floor is extremely flat; its elevation does not vary more than±50m over the whole structure (about 300 km2). The lack of circular symmetry in particular in the distribution of impact melts could suggest a pronounced anisotropic structure of the target and/or an inclinated trajectory of the projectile. The original crater size is most probably between 20 and 25 km in diameter, determined from the actual extent of differents rock types or shock effects. A rapid post-crater readjustment is proposed to explain the flat floor. There was no important vertical displacement since the flat shape of the crater floor was attained.  相似文献   

Some recent calc-alkaline andesites and dacites from southern and central Martinique contain basic xenoliths belonging to two main petrographic types:
  • The most frequent one has a hyalodoleritic texture (« H type ») with hornblende + plagioclase + Fe-Ti oxides, set in an abundant glassy and vacuolar groundmass.
  • The other one exhibits a typical porphyritic basaltic texture (« B type ») and mineralogy (olivine + plagioclase + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + Fe-Ti oxides and scarce, or absent hornblende).
  • Gradual textural and mineralogical transitions occur between these two types (« I type ») with the progressive development of hornblende at the expense of olivine and pyroxenes. Mineralogical and chemical studies show no primary compositional correlations between the basaltic xenoliths and their host lavas, thus demonstrating that the former are not cognate inclusions; they are remnants of basaltic liquids intruded into andesitic to dacitic magma chambers. This interpretation is strengthened by the typical calc-alkaline basaltic composition of the xenoliths, whatever their petrographic type (« H », « I » or « B »). The intrusion of partly liquid, hot basaltic magma into colder water-saturated andesitic to dacitic bodies leads to drastic changes in physical conditions. The two components; the basaltic xenoliths are quenched and homogeneized with their host lavas with respect to To;fO2 andpH2O conditions. « H type » xenoliths represent original mostly liquid basalts in which such physical changes lead to the formation of hornblende and the development of a vacuolar and hyalodoleritic texture. The temperature increase of the acid magma depends on the amount of the intruding basalt and on the thermal contrast between the two components. The textural diversity which characterizes the xenoliths reflects the cooling rate of the basaltic fragments and/or their position relative to the basaltic bodies (chilled margins or inner, more crystallized, portions). In addition to physical equilibration (T, fO2) between the magmas, mixing involves:
  • mechanical transfer of phenocrysts from one component to another, in both directions;
  • volatile transfer to the basaltic xenoliths, with chemical exchanges.
  • It is here demonstrated that a short period of time (some ten hours to a few days) separates the mixing event from the eruption, outlining the importance of magma mixing in the triggering of eruption. The common occurrence of basaltic xenoliths (generally of « H » type) in calc-alkaline lavas is emphasized, showing that this mechanism is of first importance in calc-alkaline magma petrogenesis.  相似文献   

    The petrology of the last few decades considers two main divisions of magmatic associations: the volcanic and the plutonic ones. But new field data obviously show that modern systems of igneous rocks should have three, rather than two, main divisions: volcanic, plutonic and volcano-plutonic. These three types of rock assemblages reflect the overall progress of igneous activity within the diverse natural processes. Only by admitting the presence of accompanying volcanic phenomena from shallow to intermediate plutonic phenomena, and vice versa, one can gain an understanding of magmatic evolution actually existing under certain geological conditions. The principal type of volcano-plutonic formations is associated with the late and postorogenic stages of tectono-magmatic cycles and is endowed with common petrographic and metallogenic features. The well studied volcano-plutonic complexes from the Late Mesozoic « East Asian belt », here described, illustrate this point of view. Some additional examples from certain other belts of folding have proved the regularity of such a trend in the tectono-magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

    On August 1, 1952, a new volcano named Bárcena was born on Isla San Benedicto, which is located about 300 nautical miles off the west coast of Mexico. A pyroclastic cone nearly 1100 feet above sea level was formed by August 2. By mid-September cone formation had ceased and a small lava plug capped the magma conduit in the crater. After a period of quiescence from mid-September until early November activity resumed and blocky, soda trachyte lava formed two domes in Bárcena crater during November and early December. On December 8 lava flowed through the base of the volcano and formed a delta nearly one-half mile out to sea by the end of February, 1953. All activity, except solfataric steaming, stopped by this date. Volcanic density flows («nuées ardentes ») descended the cone during the period of cone formation. As the expulsion of ash and steam decreased in early September, 1952, the exterior of the cone is believed to have been furrowed by these avalanches. Volcán Bárcena has an index of explosiveness of about 90 per cent, the highest of any known oceanic volcano in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Calculations indicate that about 10,500 million cubic feet (300 million cubic meters) of tephra and lava were erupted during the life of Bárcena.  相似文献   

    Sixteen arcuate intrusions have been emplaced at extremely high levels into the basaltic shield volcanoes of Saint Helena. These intrusions are of special interest because of their small size and modes of emplacement. The arcuate masses are of three distinctive types:
    1. Irregular, steeply inward-dipping, basic sheets with diameters of 150 m to 450 m infill tensional fractures originating at depths of about 500 m beneath the volcano surface.
    2. Strongly curved sheets from 25 m to 750 m in diameter are cross-sections of inclined intrusions which in three dimensions resemble single sticks of celery. These intrusions, varying from basalt to trachyte in composition, are infilled tensional fractures originating at « point » pressure sources, inclined to the horizontal, at depths of about 500 m below the surface.
    3. Salic intrusions with near-vertical sides and gently inclined roof-infillings have outer diameters of 350 m to 1070 m. Pressure exerted onto the flanks of the volcano by domed, convex upwards, areas of a magma chamber roof, at a depth of about 2 km, caused near-vertical ring fractures to form. Formation of a sub-horizontal cross fracture and subsequent intrusion of magma produced the « roof-infillings » by updoming the overlying basalts or sinking of the enclosed block, or combinations of the two processes. Two intrusions of this third type are multiple.

    Silicic peralkaline volcanic rocks of the afar depression (Ethiopia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Three main types of recent volcanism may be distinguished in the Afar Depression: 1) oceanic volcanism of the axial ranges; 2) volcanism along the margins where an attenuated sialic crust probably occurs; 3) mainly fissural volcanism of Central-Southern Afar, with associated central volcanoes, similar as a whole to the volcanism of the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Peralkaline silicic volcanic rocks are found in all the three groups but showing some different characteristics which seem related to their geological location and which probably reflect different sources. Moreover emplacement of peralkaline granitic bodies, associated with volcanics of the same composition, marks the first stage of formation of the Afar Depression, in the Early Miocene. Axial Ranges: Erta’Ale and Boina volcanic ranges indicate that peralkaline rocks are the final liquids produced by fractionation of basalt in shallow magma chambers of central volcanoes. The parental magma is a transitional type of basalt with a mildly alkalic affinity, which fractionated under lowpH2O-pO2 conditions. Transition to peralkaline liquids is realized without passing a «true» trachytic (low silica) stage. The first peralkaline liquid is a low silica comendite and evidence exists that «plagioclase effect» was active in determining the first peralkalinity. Within the peralkaline field a fractionation mainly controlled by alkali feldspar progressively increases the peralkalinity and silica oversaturation of residual liquids (transition from comendites to pantellerites). The most peralkaline pantellerites of Boina are produced by fractionation of an alkali feldspar of constant composition (Ab65–68 Or35–32) suggesting that these liquids lie on a «low temperature zone» of the peralkaline oversaturated system. Marginal Units: On the borders of the depression peralkaline silicics are found in volcanic massifs mainly made of metaluminous silicic products. Petrology and geochemistry suggest a complex origin. Crystal fractionation, contamination with sialic crust and chemical changes related to a volatile rich phase, all these processes probably played a role in the genesis of these peralkaline silicic rocks. Central-Southern Afar Fissural Volcanism: Mildly alkaline basalts are associated with peralkaline and metaluminous silicics; intermediate rocks are very scanty. Fractionation from deep seated magmatic bodies with selective eruptivity and partial melting at depth of associated basalts or of a common source material are possible genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

    Two contacts between Sudbury norite and northwest-trending diabase dikes and two contacts between the overlying micropegmatite and northwest dikes were investigated in order to estimate the depth of burial of the present erosion surface at the time of dike emplacement. A zone of hybrid paleomagnetic direction representing the vectorial sum of an older host component and an intrusion component of decreasing highest blocking temperature and intensity with distance from the intrusion was sought. Subtracting the calculated thermal effect of the intrusion from this highest blocking temperature yields the temperature of the host at the time of magma emplacement. Dividing this host temperature by an estimated paleogeothermal gradient yields the burial depth of the present erosion (or sampling) surface at the time of magma emplacement. Remanence direction in one of the dikes and norite contact zones is not typical for the Sudbury dike swarm of 1250 Ma age, and this contact is not further considered. An earlier published result for a norite-dike contact was reconsidered because of complicated dike geometry and included in this study. In one of the four usable contacts the hybrid zone is represented by three samples, in another by one sample, and in the remaining two only the contact zone width could be used. The final host temperature results are based on 4 individual calculations and show fair consistency with mean values of 287°C (s.d. 13°) and 267°C (s.d. 11°) calculated without and with a correction for viscosity of the host remanence respectively. Using a gradient of 26°C/km for 1250 Ma ago indicates a burial depth of9.5 ± 2km at that time. The fair consistency encourages the use of the method to deduce quantitatively the history of vertical motions of Precambrian terranes, the detail obtained being dependent on the presence of hybrid zones and of intrusions of various ages.  相似文献   

    The rocks outcropping along the Kombolcha-Eloa traverse (western Afar, Ethiopia) can be attributed chiefly to the so-called Oligocenic « Alaji Rhyolitic Series » (32–28 m.y. B.P.) and to the overlying « Termaber Basalts » (28–18 m.y. B.P.), these latter being emitted from a central volcano — Mt. Garfa — rising on the Afar margin and tilted during Miocene. The age and the genesis of the dikes crossing the investigated volcanic succession are discussed in the light of the radiometric ages quoted inMegrue et al. (1972), distinguishing the pre-, the syn- and the post-tilt dikes. The dikes connected with a central volcanism are fed by shallow basins, whereas the others, connected with a fissural volcanism, are to be related to strong tensional movements.  相似文献   

    High resolution40Ar-39Ar age spectra have been measured on plagioclase and glass from two howardites. Both the plagioclase and glass from the gas-rich Bununu howardite show well-defined age plateaux, yielding distinct ages of 4.42 ± 0.04 and 4.24 ± 0.05 AE, respectively. These age patterns are rather well behaved and are interpreted as representing the distinct times of formation of plagioclase from igneous processes and of glass fragments produced by impact on the meteorite body. The release pattern for the glass from the heavily shocked Malvern howardite is undulating at low and intermediate temperatures but does have a high-temperature plateau. Its age spectrum indicates little apparent diffusion loss, but rather an extensive redistribution of either40Ar during the shock event or of39Ar during the neutron irradiation or both. The total K-Ar age of Malvern glass is 3.64 ± 0.04 AE and the high-temperature plateau is 3.73 ± 0.05 AE. The age spectrum of the Malvern plagioclase has an intermediate temperature “plateau” at 3.80 AE that represents 20% of the total40Ar content and increases towards a high-temperature plateau at 4.29 ± 0.04 AE containing 26% of the total gas release. It seems likely that the event which formed the Malvern glass also reset part of the plagioclase. The distinct histories observed for the different phases of these howardites are consistent with their formation from a regolith. The present results along with similar young ages for igneous clasts from Kapoeta clearly show that the regoliths were extant on the parent bodies of howardites and that they were subjected to violent impact events at least as recently as 3.7 AE ago.  相似文献   

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