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《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(3):249-263
Mean conditions, seasonal, and ENSO-related (El Niño Southern Oscillation) variability in the vicinity of Wallis, Futuna, and Samoa islands (13°–15° S, 180°–170° W) over the 1973–1995 period are analysed for wind pseudo-stress, satellite-derived and in situ precipitation, sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS), sea level, and 0–450 m temperature and geostrophic current. The mean local conditions reflect the presence of the large scale features such as the western Pacific warm pool, the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), and the South Pacific anticyclonic gyre. The seasonal changes are closely related to the meridional migrations of the SPCZ, which passes twice a year over the region of study. During the warm phase of ENSO (El Niño), we generally observe saltier-than-average SSS (of the order of 0.4), consistent with a rainfall deficit (0.4 m yr−1), a hint of colder-than-average surface temperature is also identified in subsurface (0.3°C), a weak tendency for westward geostrophic current anomalies (2 cm s−1 at the surface), a sea level decrease (5–10 cm), together with easterly (5 m2s−2) and well marked southerly (10 m2s−2) wind pseudo-stress anomalies. Anomalies of similar magnitude, but of opposite sign, are detected during the cold phase of ENSO (La Niña). While these ENSO-related changes apply prior to the 1990s, they were not observed during the 1991–1994 period, which appears atypical.  相似文献   

谢玲娟 《台湾海峡》1994,13(4):346-352
本文41a(1949-1989年)的资料,对东南亚10°-25°N,105°-130°E范围7-9月出现的热带风暴异常路长进行了普查统计和气候分析。结果表明:产生异常路径热风暴的机率约占区域内热带风暴总数的20%;异常路径的产生与热带风暴所处的地理位置,季节,环下等因素有关。正确地考虑气候规律和具体的天气条件相结合是预报带式风暴异常路径成败的关键。  相似文献   

通过对TOGA-COARE期间的一组锚系仪器阵列资料的分析得出:在赤道西太平洋1°45′S,156°E.海域存在显著的半日潮频内波,它的水平波数(波长)、垂向波数、水平传播速度和垂向传播速度分别约为:3.3×10-2 km-1 (210 km),-1.6×10-3 m-1,2.0 m/s,-3.8 cm/s.波形向斜下方传播,亦即波能向斜上方传输.它在观测点西南方生成后,向东北方向传播,到达观测海区.流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致.旋转椭圆主轴方位角随深度变化,在浅层(40 m处)为北偏东30°,到深处(324 m)转为东偏南14°.总体上呈东北方向,表明波来自西南方向.  相似文献   

Observations from a five-mooring array deployed in the vicinity of Sedlo Seamount over a 4-month period, together with supporting hydrographic and underway ADCP measurements, are described. Sedlo Seamount is an elongated, intermediate depth seamount with three separate peaks, rising from 2200 m water depth to summit peaks between 950 and 780 m depth, located at 40°20′N, 26°40W. Currents measured in depth range 750 and 820 m – the layer close to the summit depth of the shallowest southeast peak – showed a mean anti-cyclonic flow around the seamount, with residual current velocities of 2–5 cm s−1. Significant mesoscale variability was present at this level, and this is attributed to the weak and variable background impinging flow. Stronger, more persistent currents were found at the summit mooring as a result of tidal rectification and some weak amplification. Below 1300 m, currents were extremely weak, even close to the seabed. Time series of relative vorticity for the depth layer 750–820 m showed persistent anti-cyclonic vorticity except for two periods of cyclonic vorticity. A mean relative vorticity of −0.06f (f=the local Coriolis frequency) was calculated from a triangle of current meters located at the flanks of the seamount. Modelling results confirmed that anti-cyclonic flow above the seamount was likely due to Taylor Cone generation driven by a combination of steady impinging and tidally rectified flow. The closed circulation pattern over the seamount was found to extend to ∼150 m above the summit level, consistent with simple idealised theory and the supporting hydrographic observations. At shallower depths (<500 m) model simulations predicted a predominantly cyclonic recirculation most likely controlled by topographic steering along the zonal axis of the seamount. There was some indication of flow reversal at these depths from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements carried out at one hydrographic survey. The model results were in good agreement with observations at the seamount summit, but were unable to reproduce the mesoscale variability patterns recorded in shallower layers. Kinetic energy patterns derived from the model revealed high variability in the oceanic far field downstream of the seamount summit probably as a result of complex flow interaction along the chain of seamount peaks. Possible impacts of the flow dynamics on the biological functioning at Sedlo Seamount and its surroundings are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对TOGA-COARE期间的一组锚系仪器阵列资料的分析得出:在赤道西太平洋1°45′S,156°E。海域存在显著的半日潮频内波,它的水平波数(波长)、垂向波数、水平传播速度和垂向传播速度分别约为:3.3×10-2km-1(210km),-1.6×10-3m-1,2.0m/s,-3.8cm/s。波形向斜下方传播,亦即波能向斜上方传输。它在观测点西南方生成后,向东北方向传播,到达观测海区。流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致。旋转椭圆主轴方位角随深度变化,在浅层(40m处)为北偏东30°,到深处(324m)转为东偏南14°。总体上呈东北方向,表明波来自西南方向。  相似文献   

From August 2002 to September 2004 a high-resolution mooring array was maintained across the western Arctic boundary current in the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska. The array consisted of profiling instrumentation, providing a timeseries of vertical sections of the current. Here we present the first-year velocity measurements, with emphasis on the Pacific water component of the current. The mean flow is characterized as a bottom-intensified jet of O (15 cm s−1) directed to the east, trapped to the shelfbreak near 100 m depth. Its width scale is only 10–15 km. Seasonally the flow has distinct configurations. During summer it becomes surface-intensified as it advects buoyant Alaskan Coastal water. In fall and winter the current often reverses (flows westward) under upwelling-favorable winds. Between the storms, as the eastward flow re-establishes, the current develops a deep extension to depths exceeding 700 m. In spring the bottom-trapped flow advects winter-transformed Pacific water emanating from the Chukchi Sea. The year-long mean volume transport of Pacific water is 0.13±0.08 Sv to the east, which is less than 20% of the long-term mean Bering Strait inflow. This implies that most of the Pacific water entering the Arctic goes elsewhere, contrary to expected dynamics and previous modeling results. Possible reasons for this are discussed. The mean Atlantic water transport (to 800 m depth) is 0.047±0.026 Sv, also smaller than anticipated.  相似文献   

正位处墨西哥东南角的坎昆是一座纯粹的旅游度假城市,这里的海有着56不同的蓝。从地图上看,向左是平静无波的墨西哥湾,向右是神秘瑰丽的加勒比海。海水像孩子般纯洁清透,将海底的变幻毫无保留地呈现。40年前,坎昆只是个居住着十几户渔民的小渔村。墨西哥政府看着北边美国、加拿大两个富有的邻居,冥思苦想怎么把他们的钱揣进自己的口袋。美国人爱海,加拿大人爱  相似文献   

1Introduction DuringtheTOGA COARE,extensivejointin ternationaloceanicobservationswerecarriedoutin thewesternequatorialPacificOceanandavasta mountofvaluabledatawereobtained.Themaindata usedhereincludethedatafromasinglemooringin strumentarrayat1°45′S,156°E,deployedbythe WoodsHoleOceanographicInstitution(WHOI)and theCTD(profilerofconductivity-temperature-depth)datacollectedbytheChineseRVXiangy anghongNo.5.Fangetal.(2000)described brieflytheseobservationdataandanalyzedthedis persion…  相似文献   

The North Sea Basin has been subsiding during the Quaternary and contains hundreds of metres of fill. Seismic surveys (170 000 km2) provide new evidence on Early Quaternary sedimentation, from about 2.75 Ma to around the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma). We present an informal seismic stratigraphy for the Early Quaternary of the North Sea, and calculate sediment volumes for major units. Early Quaternary sediment thickness is > 1000 m in the northern basin and >700 m in the central basin (total about 40 000 km3). Northern North Sea basin-fill comprises several clinoform units, prograding westward over 60 000 km2. Architecture of the central basin also comprises clinoforms, building from the southeast. To the west, an acoustically layered and mounded unit (Unit Z) was deposited. Remaining accommodation space was filled with fine-grained sediments of two Central Basin units. Above these units, an Upper Regional Unconformity-equivalent (URU) records a conformable surface with flat-lying units that indicate stronger direct glacial influence than on the sediments below. On the North Sea Plateau north of 59°N, the Upper Regional Unconformity (URU) is defined by a shift from westward to eastward dipping seismic reflectors, recording a major change in sedimentation, with the Shetland Platform becoming a significant source. A model of Early Quaternary sediment delivery to the North Sea shows sources from the Scandinavian ice sheet and major European rivers. Clinoforms prograding west in the northern North Sea Basin, representing glacigenic debris flows, indicate an ice sheet on the western Scandinavian margin. In the central basin, sediments are generally fine-grained, suggesting a distal fluvial or glacifluvial origin from European rivers. Ploughmarks also demonstrate that icebergs, derived from an ice sheet to the north, drifted into the central North Sea Basin. By contrast, sediments and glacial landforms above the URU provide evidence for the later presence of a grounded ice sheet.  相似文献   

A widespread seamount province, the Rano Rahi Field, is located near the superfast spreading Southern East Pacific Rise (SEPR) between 15°–19° S. Particularly abundant volcanic edifices are found on Pacific Plate aged 0 to 6.5 Ma between 17°–19° S, an area greater than 100,000 km2. The numbers of seamounts and their volume are several times greater than those of a comparablysurveyed area near the Northern East Pacific Rise (NEPR), 8°–17° N. Most of the Rano Rahi seamounts belong to chains, which vary in length from 25 km to >240 km and which are very nearly collinear with the Pacific absolute and relative plate motion directions. Bends of 10°–15° occur along a few of the chains, and some adjacent chains converge or diverge slightly. Many seamount chains have fluctuations in volume along their length, and statistical tests suggest that some adjacent chains trade-off in volume. Several seamount chains split into two lines of volcanoes approaching the axis. In general, seamount chains composed of individual circular volcanoes are found near the axis; the chains consist of variably-overlapping edifices in the central part of the survey; to the west, volcanic ridges predominate. Near the SEPR, the volume of nearaxis seamount edifices is generally reduced near areas of deflated cross-sectional area of the axial ridge. Fresh lava flows, as imaged by sidescan sonar and sampled by dredging, exist around some seamounts throughout the entire survey area, in sharp contrast to the absence of fresh flows beyond 30 km from the NEPR. Also, the increases in seamount abundance and volume extend to much greater crustal ages than near the NEPR. Seamount magnetization analysis is also consistent with this wider zone of seamount growth, and it demonstrates the asynchronous formation of most of the seamount chains and volcanic ridges. The variety of observations of the SEPR seamounts suggests that a number of factors and mechanisms might bring about their formation, including the mantle upwelling associated with superfast spreading, off-axis mantle heterogeneities, miniplumes and local upwelling, and the vulnerability of the lithosphere to penetration by volumes of magma. In particular, we note the association of extensive, recent volcanism with intermediate wavelength gravity lineaments lows on crust aged 6 Ma. This suggests that the lineaments and some of the seamounts share a common cause which may be related to ridge-perpendicular asthenospheric convection and/or some manner of extension in the lithosphere.  相似文献   

By analyzing a data set collected using a moored instrument array and CTD during TOGA-COARE, it is found that there exist remarkable internal tides in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean around 1°45′S,156°E, whose horizontal wavenumber (wavelength), vertical wavenumber, h 156° orizontal propagation speed and vertical propagation speed are 3.3×10-2km-1(210 km),-1.6×10-3m, 2.0 m/s and -3.8 cm/s, respectively, that is, the waveform propagates downwards slantingly. Moreover, the propagating direction rotates statistically clockwise as the depth increases and its cause is unclear.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of a 1°-square of sea floor 100 miles northeast of the Azores has revealed the presence of scarps over 30 km long striking generally 120°, transverse to the regional topographic and magnetic lineations. They are not associated with a major fracture zone. Sedimentation in the area appears to have been by a mixture of pelagic and turbidity-current processes, with a Miocene increase in sedimentation rate probably indicating the subaerial emergence of the Azores Archipelago. Magnetic anomalies were identified along a number of profiles between the survey area and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest, and indicate a short period of increased spreading rate from about 12-3 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

A regional study of the continental margin between the Senja and Molloy-Spitsbergen fracture zones reveals that the transition from continental to oceanic crust occurs in a narrow zone beneath the outer shelf and uppermost slope. The postulated continent-ocean boundary appears to be fault-related consisting of sheared and rifted segments. The marginal structures are compatible with a plate tectonic model in which the southern Greenland Sea opened along a northeasterly propagating plate boundary in the Eocene, whereas the northern Greenland Sea started opening in the early Oligocene. The main structure at the margin is the Hornsund Fault Zone which probably reflects an old zone of weakness rejuvenated in the Tertiary, first by shear and later by extensional movements. In the early Tertiary local transpressional and transtensional components along the plate boundary are associated with the Spitsbergen Orogeny, emplacement of belts of high-density oceanic crust and tectonism in the western Barents Sea. A complex volcanic rifted margin characterized by the Bjørnøya Marginal High links the predominantly sheared margin segments on either side. The main ridge-like segment of the Hovgaard Fracture Zone was originally part of the Spitsbergen margin. In a regional sense, the Hornsund Fault Zone demarcates the eastern boundary of the Tertiary sedimentary wedge which reaches a total thickness of more than 7 km. There appears to have been a considerable increase in deposition of sediments the last 5–6 my. Depocentres located seaward of the east-west fjord systems and submarine depressions indicate a relationship between late Cenozoic glaciations and high sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

台风是影响我国的主要灾害性天气系统之一,虽然影响山东半岛及其附近海域的次数较少,但从历史记载可以看出,由于台风的北上和突然西折,往往给鲁辽地区带来巨大的损失。本文试从各基层气象台一般能具有的气象资料入手,采取简单易行的方法,对能否进入35°N以北125°E以西的台风做一些粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

The morphotectonic setting of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) between21°12 and 22°40 S and its recent and past hydrothermalactivity were the focus of the Russian R/V Geolog Fersmans expeditionin 1987–1988.The EPR axial zone in the study area is comprised of three segmentsseparated by overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) near 21°44 and22°08 S. The northern segment is the shallowest of three and hasa distinct massive axial ridge, trapeziodal in cross-section, toppedby a very wide flat summit surface and cut by a well-developedcentral graben. These features testify to intense magmatism and to avoluminous crustal magmatic chamber underlying the whole segment.Fine-scale segmentation is most clearly revealed in the structure ofthe central graben within which several 4th-order segments can bedistinguished. This scale of segmentation is also reflected on flanks of theaxis by variations in the character and intensity of faulting.According to structural and petrologic data, the magmatism is mostintense in the central part of the segment which is probably locateddirectly over a magmatic diapir supplying the melt to the whole segment.Magma migration at the subcrustal level from the center towards the ends ofthe segment with discrete injection into the crustal magmatic chamber ispresumed.The central segment is broken into two morphologically distinct partsseparated by a deval. In the subsided northern part, the wide summit of theaxial ridge is cut by a well-developed, intensely fractured axialgraben. In the southern part, the axial ridge is relatively elevated, butnarrow with an ephemeral graben along its crest. The character and intensityof faulting on the axial flanks are also considerably different in thenorthern and southern parts of the segment. Thus, the magmatic supply tothese two parts is thought to originate from two different sources. If so,then at present the magma chamber underlying the southern part of thesegment is probably at the stage of replenishment, while in the north it isat the stage of deep cooling.The southern segment is structurally similar to the central one. Howeverthere is considerably less intensive magmatic activity in this region,especially south of 22°30 S where the axial ridge is narrow, andtriangular in cross-section.Both OSCs studied are marked by abrupt narrowing and sharp subsidence ofthe tips of axial ridges within the northern limbs. The southern OSC limbsare morphologically similar to normal sections of axial ridges. In bothcases the flanks are structurally and morphologically disrupted adjacent tothe OSCs and oblique structures can be traced far southward of the OSCflanks. Due to the spatial position of oblique structures on the the flanksit is presumed that the OSC near 22°07 S is migrating northward.The 21°44 S OSC zone has apparently undergone small spatialoscillations. In spite of the small amplitude of lateral displacement, thiszone is marked by prominent bathymetric anomalies.Numerous massive sulfide deposits were discovered atop the axial ridgealong the entire length of the uplifted and hydrothermally active northernsegment. Ore metal concentrations in near-bottom waters are maximumover the southern part of the northern segment, while maximum concentrationsof the same metals in surficial sediments are confined to the central partof the same segment. We surmise that there has been a recentalong-axis shift of the zone of maximum hydrothermal activity fromthe middle of the segment to its present position in the southern part ofthe segment. Considering sedimentation rates, the age of this shift can beapproximately estimated to be 5 to 10 thousand years before the present.The relatively Mg-enriched basalts of the middle part of thenorthern segment represent a tike of a more primitive pattern, while therelatively Fe-rich rocks of its southern part probably reflect alarge degree of fractionation at shallow crustal levels. Considering thistrend, in addition to morphotectonic data we presume that subaxial magmaflow from the middle to the southern part of the segment is responsible forthe along-axis shift of hydrothermal activity.In the central segment of the study area, massive sulfides have only beendiscovered south of the 21°55 S deval, where the axial ridgeshoals and where the existence of a subjacent magma chamber is presumed.The very weak manifestations of recent volcanism within the southernsegment explain the absence of hydrothermal activity and sulfide depositswithin this segment.  相似文献   

Detailed bathymetric data from a Hydrosweep multibeam sonar survey of a 250 km-long portion of the superfast-spreading southern East Pacific Rise crest and flanks show that the along-axis variation in morphology and axial depth differs significantly from that observed at the fast-spreading northern East Pacific Rise. While the deep mantle upwelling pattern is similar under the northern and southern East Pacific Rise, our observations require that the connectivity of the shallow, subcrestal plumbing system be more efficient beneath the super-fast spreading southern East Pacific Rise than beneath the slower spreading northern East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   

This paper is the first of a series describing the vertical distribution of midwater fishes in the eastern North Atlantic in areas approximately 10° of latitude apart near the 20° meridian. As such, it is concerned solely with collections made in 30°N, 23°W. The results are based primarily upon RMT 8 net samples collected using an opening-closing RMT 1+8 combination net. In all, 17,443 specimens were caught by RMT 8, divisible into 37 families, 66 genera with 98 species identified. Numerically the most abundant groups recognized were the Gonostomatidae (60% total catch), Macrorhamphosidae (23%) and Myctophidae (7%). Some definition of vertical limits is provided for the majority of species represented, but only 31 are considered in detail. Where possible, observed biological phenomena (e.g. development, sexual maturity, sexual dimorphism, etc.) and distribution limits have been correlated. In general, the characteristics of species' distributions, and the observed relations of distribution and migratory behaviour were as one would anticipate from past work. Among many species, a size-depth stratification was observed, and with migrants, migratory behaviour appeared dependent upon developmental state. The mode of species development, however, had no bearing upon ultimate migratory behaviour. Certain non-migratory elements of the population of an habitually migrant species, e.g. Chauliodus danae, could not be satisfactorily interpreted upon the basis of biological factors examines. Migrant species principally occupied 400–900 m depth by day, and 25–300 m by night, although they occurred at greater depths. Reverse migrations were only observed in Macrorhamphosus. The overall catches were dominated by non-migrants, and at depths greater that 200 m these comprised the most abundant species per depth at all times. Cyclothone constituted the most abundant genus sampled and provided greatest insight into distributional and biological detail. C. braueri, the most numerous species, is probably a single spawner, and the results demonstrate a size-depth stratification that may be correlated with sexual maturity stages. The olfactory structure in males is more complicated than previously described. The larger males develop a snout prolongation which would improve water flow through the nasal rosette and hence olfaction. Unlike C. microdon, C. braueri probably does not undergo sex-reversal. Developmental notes are included for the myctophid species Notoscopelus resplendens, Benthosema suborbitale, and Hygophum hygomi in the Appendix.  相似文献   

本文首先从重力异常相关性分析、地面重力异常场逼近效果以及数值计算稳定性出发,讨论分析了外部引力场扰动点质量赋值模式的数据结构,提出以窗口移动方式控制点质量对场元观测的作用范围,达到简化模型结构的目的。在此基础上。提出采用超松驰迭代法解算经结构简化以后具有稀疏矩阵特征的边值条件方程,并使用此法实际解算了中国地区1°×1°点质量,最后对解算结果作了全面分析和检验,证明以窗口移动方式简化解算点质量的数据结构,具有多方面的优越性。  相似文献   

对东太平洋海隆(EPRⅠ区和Ⅱ区)和南大西洋中脊(SMAR)6个站位新鲜的玄武岩样品进行了岩石学及地球化学研究。结果显示,EPR玄武岩样品可分为辉石玄武岩、气孔玄武岩和玻基玄武岩3种类型,SMAR玄武岩样品主要为辉石玄武岩。EPR和SMAR玄武岩样品的标准矿物组合相同,均出现了石英和紫苏辉石标准矿物,为典型的拉斑玄武岩。EPRⅠ区和SMAR玄武岩表现出轻稀土富集的配分模式,可能受到了富集地幔源区(EMORB)的影响,其玄武岩可能形成于未经历早期熔融事件的富集地幔或部分熔融程度相对较低。EPRⅡ区玄武岩为正常型洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB),其源区为经历了早期熔融事件的、亏损洋中脊地幔源区(DMM),且源岩部分熔融程度较高。EPRⅠ区与Ⅱ区不同的幔源特征说明东太平洋海隆地幔源区存在不均一性。  相似文献   

Abundance, vertical distribution and stage composition of Calanus finmarchicus was analysed for a period of four and half years, 1971–1975, based on data collected at weather station India in the North Atlantic (59°N, 19°W). The passage of the Great Salinity Anomaly in the area was reflected by a decrease in the salinity from 1973 to 1975. Calanus finmarchicus arrives at the surface by the end of March and stays in the upper 50 m, but with a stage segregation in the vertical distribution, until the descent periods at the end of May–June and in August–September. During this period two or three cohorts develop, apparently in close relation with the phytoplankton pulses. Abundance is highly variable, with maximum values ranging from 8770 ind m−2 in 1974 to 56,541 ind m−2 in 1973. There was no clear effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly, the maximum abundance occurring the year the Great Salinity Anomaly arrived, 1973, and the minimum values occurring the next year, 1974, when the effect of the Great Salinity Anomaly was well established. However, the structure of the population seems to have been affected during the Great Salinity Anomaly. Possible interactions between phytoplankton blooms, the Great Salinity Anomaly and C. finmarchicus population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

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