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气候变暖是当今时代所面临的最大挑战之一。在全球应对气候变暖的同时,作为前沿经济理念和发展模式的低碳经济应运而生了。按照低碳经济的内涵,江西发展低碳经济面临着机遇和挑战,总体上对正在实现“进位赶超、跨越发展、加快崛起”的江西是后发优势。为此,要做好八个方面的工作:坚持发展与保护并重不动摇,全社会树立低碳经济理念与方式,持续开展节能减排,大力发展低碳能源,着力改善自然生态系统质量,建立低碳与生态工业园区,加强农村环境综合整治,以科技创新支持低碳经济。  相似文献   

为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

全球气候变化对全球自然系统和社会经济产生了显著的影响,近百年来的气候变暖已经成为既定的科学事实。目前,世界各国对于发展低碳经济、建设低碳城市及承担碳减排任务以应对气候变化的共识不断得到加强,在此背景下,低碳社会、低碳生活等理念为人们所广泛关注和推崇。本文综述了气候变化的科学事实、碳排放与城市化之间的内在联系;阐述了低碳经济、低碳城市、"脱钩"理论、环境库兹涅茨理论、生态足迹和碳足迹理论的理论内涵;评述了目前低碳城市发展水平的测度指标体系、计算方法和评价标准,重点分析了人均碳排放、碳生产率、碳排放强度和碳能源排放系数等城市低碳发展水平指标,以及DPSIR模型、生态足迹模型、主成分分析和层次分析综合模型等低碳发展水平评价模型。最后,提出了目前该研究领域存在的科学问题,展望了未来的研究重点和发展方向。  相似文献   

为应对气候变化带来的严峻挑战,发展低碳经济已经成为国际社会共识。在详细分析中国能源密集型企业在低碳经济发展模式下所面临的挑战和机遇的基础上,就当前中国能源密集型企业应对气候变化的行动提出了具体建议。中国能源密集型企业应该积极行动起来,采取有效措施应对气候变化带来的挑战,并抓住发展低碳经济这一历史机遇,占领未来企业竞争的战略制高点,更好地实现企业自身的可持续发展。  相似文献   

2022年4月,IPCC发布了第六次评估报告(AR6)第三工作组报告(WGIII),指出当前全球气候治理行动与目标尚存巨大差距,亟待立即行动,推动经济、社会、科技全系统的深刻和全面变革。气候治理与经济社会发展、公共治理广泛交互,政策体系的设计需要更加注重多维度、多层级、多目标政策工具的交互,推动法律与规划、国家行动与城市等次国家行动、规制性政策与经济性政策、直接控排政策与间接气候政策间的协同,实现更全面、深入的低碳转型。为此,需优化政策供给,在明确长期变革愿景的基础上,强化气候治理对环境健康、经济增长等其他发展目标的溢出效应、关注气候治理对社会分配的影响、加强社会观念引导和广泛参与,有助于最大化综合效应、最小化行动阻力,为气候治理构建良好的政策环境。对我国而言,面对“双碳”目标的严峻挑战,亟待做好碳市场与其他关键政策节点衔接;鼓励、引导各地因地制宜自主行动深化低碳转型,强化国家支持和区域间协同;深入探索以低碳转型驱动高质量发展的协同路径;并从推动落实区域协调发展战略的角度,优化减排、增汇、负碳长期路径。通过跨系统、跨部门、多层级政策协同,构建经济社会、生态环境和气候治理等协同发展的新格...  相似文献   

交通部门在中长期具有很高的碳排放增长潜力,对我国低碳转型有重要影响。构建自下而上的能源系统模型PECE-LIU2017及其交通模块,设置未来交通发展的基准、NDC和低碳3个情景,深入分析交通需求背后的驱动因子及发展趋势,制定交通部门中长期低碳发展路径。结果显示,随着经济发展和人均收入水平提高,未来我国交通需求将持续增长。NDC情景下,交通部门有望在2038年左右达峰。在低碳情景下,我国交通部门2050年CO2排放将从基准情景30亿t降低为6亿t,并在2030年左右达峰,为我国中长期低碳发展目标贡献17.5%的累计减排量。2016—2050年低碳交通固定投资需求为15.7万亿元人民币,占我国中长期低碳投资总需求的53%。通过提高燃油经济性、推广新能源汽车以及发挥城市公共出行最大潜力,交通部门能够以技术可行的方式实现低碳转型,并对我国长期低碳发展战略做出重要贡献。  相似文献   

论述了现代气候变化科学对人类新型发展观的贡献,中国对“发展”的新觉悟与国际发展观的演进相会合,从战略层面提高了对应对气候变化的认识,有力推动了巴黎气候大会的成功。本文归纳了《巴黎协定》所确立的新气候机制的4个要点和会后国际气候谈判面临的5个需要及时深化研究的新问题。中国确立的关于应对气候变化和低碳发展的目标,对创新我国发展路径具有战略意义,本文论述了这些发展目标的科学性。“十三五”是绿色、低碳转型的关键期,提出了需要抓紧做好的5个方面的工作。强调低碳与改善大气质量有很强的协同性,应对气候变化的国内外两个大局是互相促进、互相支持的,做好国内的事是根本。  相似文献   

目前,交通行业已成为中国局地大气污染物和温室气体的重要排放来源之一,而且随着交通运输规模的不断扩大,与工业和生活排放相比,交通排放贡献占比呈相对增加趋势。文中构建了“CGE-CIMS联合模型”,对中国交通行业实施环境经济政策的局地大气污染物和CO2协同控制效应进行量化评估。结果显示,与BAU情景相比,环境税、碳税、成品油消费税以及政策组合情景均促进了交通行业的电力消费替代汽油、柴油等石油制品,即使考虑政策实施后电力消费增加导致的间接排放,各情景下综合大气污染物协同减排量(ICER)仍为正值,即各项环境经济政策均具有较好的协同控制局地大气污染物和CO2的效果。本文最后提出了包括聚焦高排放交通工具,以补贴低碳交通方式配合绿色税制改革,以及电力行业低碳发展等交通行业实施环境经济政策的配套措施建议。  相似文献   

屋顶光伏为基础的农村新型能源系统战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国农村仍然面临着经济发展、清洁用能、环境保护、减少碳排放等多重问题,文中对我国农村地区发展屋顶光伏系统的资源潜力、技术方案、融资模式和重要意义进行了深入探讨和定量分析,结果表明,我国农村地区面临着能源、环境、经济发展的多重问题,“双碳”战略给解决“三农”问题提供了新的发展契机。发展以农村屋顶光伏系统为基础的新型农村能源系统是解决“三农”问题、实现乡村振兴的重点工作,也是我国建成新型电力系统、实现能源系统低碳转型的突破口和着力点。  相似文献   

开展交通领域大气污染物与温室气体协同减排研究对于实现能源、环境和气候变化综合管理具有重要意义.文中以我国交通部门污染物与温室气体协同治理为切入点,开展道路、铁路、水运、航空和管道运输等各子部门未来需求预测,并运用长期能源可替代规划系统模型(LEAP),通过构建基准情景、污染减排情景、绿色低碳情景和强化低碳情景,模拟分析...  相似文献   

《巴黎协定》确立了2020年后全球气候治理新机制,明确了全球应对气候变化长期目标,将加速世界范围内经济发展方式的低碳转型,推进能源体系的革命性变革,促进社会生产方式和消费方式的根本性转变,进而促进人类社会文明形态由工业文明向生态文明演变。全球低碳转型的紧迫形势,将重塑世界范围内经济、贸易、技术的竞争格局。中国以生态文明建设为指引,探索绿色低碳发展路径,确立有雄心、有力度的国家自主决定贡献目标和行动计划,推动能源生产和消费革命,加快经济发展方式的转变,既是顺应世界低碳转型的潮流,又是缓解国内资源环境制约和实现可持续发展的内在需要,是促进经济发展、环境保护和减缓碳排放的多赢战略。中国要以全球长期减排目标为指引,制定中长期低碳发展战略,打造低碳先进技术和发展方式的核心竞争力,同时深度参与全球治理,为建设人类命运共同体,应对全球生态危机体现大国的责任担当。  相似文献   

Brazil's nationally determined contribution (NDC) pledged under the Paris Agreement has marked a new stage in its climate policy towards strengthening low-carbon economic development beyond the recent drastic cuts in emissions from deforestation. Brazil especially means to limit oil consumption driven by future economic growth and to increase energy efficiency and biofuel use in the transport sector. On the other hand, Brazil still aspires to become a major petroleum province given its huge reserves of ‘pre-salt’ oil. This article aims to clarify under what conditions low-carbon economic development and oil exploration can possibly be combined in Brazil and what would be the energy system, environmental and macroeconomic implications of enabling policies for doing so. To address these questions, an energy–economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the Brazilian economy is used to simulate alternative scenarios up to 2030. The results first show that implementing the most recent energy plans, which take into account the new economic reality in Brazil, should lead to over 20% lower domestic CO2 emissions in 2030 than the indicative NDC target, and to the export of the bulk of newfound crude oil. Second, with the same level of oil production, deeper domestic decarbonization, triggered by additional carbon pricing and sustainable efficiency measures, appears achievable with very small gross domestic product (GDP) loss and maximum oil exports, while being aligned with a 2°C emission pathway. However, (i) extra oil exports may induce net additional emissions outside Brazil and be seen as a perverse incentive and (ii) the economic growth strategy based on high oil exports may hinder the necessary diversification of the Brazilian economy.

Key policy insights

  • Low-carbon development goals will strongly interact with oil policy in Brazil.

  • The 2030 NDC target should be easy to achieve considering the new economic reality in Brazil.

  • Deeper domestic decarbonization is achievable with very limited GDP loss and significant oil exports, while being aligned with a 2°C emission pathway.

  • A broad strategic vision is needed to reconcile climate policy, energy policy and other economic development objectives.


节能减排与中国经济的低碳发展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
 自1978年实行改革开放以来,中国走的是一条赶超型或压缩型的工业化道路。伴随着经济的高速增长,发达国家上百年工业化过程中分阶段出现的种种资源和环境问题在中国集中显现。面对资源短缺、环境污染和气候变化对经济增长的瓶颈性约束,国家在"十一五"规划纲要中提出了节能减排的具体目标。文章概述了"十一五"规划提出节能减排目标的背景,分析了其对控制温室气体排放的重要意义,总结了目前节能减排工作取得的成绩和存在的困难,提出了中国发展低碳经济的政策建议。  相似文献   

自1978年实行改革开放以来,中国走的是一条赶超型或压缩型的工业化道路。伴随着经济的高速增长,发达国家上百年工业化过程中分阶段出现的种种资源和环境问题在中国集中显现。面对资源短缺、环境污染和气候变化对经济增长的瓶颈性约束,国家在"十一五"规划纲要中提出了节能减排的具体目标。文章概述了"十一五"规划提出节能减排目标的背景,分析了其对控制温室气体排放的重要意义,总结了目前节能减排工作取得的成绩和存在的困难,提出了中国发展低碳经济的政策建议。  相似文献   

以主体功能定位为依据的国土空间开发格局为切入点,选择其中的城市化地区(重点/优化开发地区)进行社会经济和温室气体排放特征现状分析。研究认为,不同城市化地区所承载的城市(镇)化任务是十分不同的:优化开发区应以稳定和疏解人口为主,争取尽早达到排放峰值并下降;重点开发区应是承接非城市化地区人口(特别是重点生态功能区)的主要地区。但是这些地区普遍存在发展后劲不足或发展粗放的问题,进一步吸纳经济和人口的能力可能受限。在低碳发展的大背景下,寻找新的增长点和产业低碳化转型是重点开发区承担新型城市(镇)化任务的前提条件。  相似文献   

A practitioner's guide to a low-carbon economy: lessons from the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drawing primarily on the UK experience, five practical lessons are identified for policy makers who seek to decarbonize their economies. First, decarbonization needs a solid legal basis to give it credibility and overcome time inconsistency problems. Second, putting a price on carbon is essential, but low-carbon policies also have to address wider market, investment, and behavioural failures. This in turn raises issues of policy complexity and coordination. Third, the low-carbon economy is likely to be highly electrified. Clean electricity could be a cost-effective way of decarbonizing many parts of the economy, including transport, heating, and parts of industry. Decarbonization therefore starts in the power sector. Fourth, the low-carbon transition is primarily a revolution of production and not consumption. Both supply-side innovation and demand-side adjustments in lifestyle and behaviour are needed, though the former should dominate. Fifth, the transition to a low-carbon economy is economically and technologically feasible. Achieving it is a question of policy competence and having the political will to drive economic and social change.

Policy relevance

Practically all major GHG emitters now have climate change legislation on their statute books. Given what is at stake, and the complexity of the task at hand, it is important that policy makers learn from each other and establish a code of good low-carbon practice. The main lessons from the UK are distilled and presented. Carbon policy is considered for key sectors, such as electricity, buildings, and transport, and possible decarbonization paths are also outlined. It is shown that the transition to a low-carbon economy is economically and technologically feasible. Achieving it is primarily a question of policy competence and political will. This in turn means that climate change action needs a strong legislative basis to give the reforms statutory legitimacy. Low-carbon policies will have to address a wide range of market, investment and behavioural failures. Putting a price on carbon is an essential starting point, but only one of many policy reforms.  相似文献   

This article discusses how renewable and low-carbon energies can serve as mitigation options of climate change in China’s power sector. Our study is based on scenarios developed in PowerPlan, a bottom-up model simulating a countries’ power sector and its emissions. We first adjusted the model to China’s present-day economy and power sector. We then developed different scenarios based on story lines for possible future developments in China. We simulated China’s carbon-based electricity production system of today and possible future transitions towards a low-carbon system relying on renewable and low-carbon energies. In our analysis, we compare the business-as-usual scenarios with more sustainable energy scenarios. We found that by increasing the share of renewable and nuclear energies to different levels, between 17% and 57% of all CO2 emissions from the power sector could be avoided by 2030 compared to the business-as-usual scenario. We also found that electricity generation costs increase when more sustainable power plants are installed. As a conclusion, China has two options: choosing for high climate change mitigation and high costs or choosing for moderate climate change mitigation and moderate costs. In case high climate change mitigation will be chosen, development assistance is likely to be needed to cover the costs.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the controversial debate over the effect of spatial organization on CO2 emissions by investigating the potential of infrastructure measures that favour lower mobility in achieving the transition to a low-carbon economy. The energy–economy–environment (E3) IMACLIM-R model is used to provide a detailed representation of passenger and freight transportation. Unlike many of the E3 models used to simulate mitigation options, IMACLIM-R represents both the technological and behavioural determinants of mobility. By comparing business-as-usual, carbon price only, and carbon price combined with transport policy scenarios, it is demonstrated that the measures that foster a modal shift towards low-carbon modes and a decoupling of mobility needs from economic activity significantly modify the sectoral distribution of mitigation efforts and reduce the level of carbon tax necessary to reach a given climate target relative to a ‘carbon price only’ policy.

Policy relevance

Curbing carbon emissions from transport activities is necessary in order to reach mitigation targets, but it poses a challenge for policy makers. The transport sector has two peculiarities: a weak ability to react to standard pricing measures (which encourages richer policy interventions) and a dependence on long-lived infrastructure (which imposes a delay between policy interventions and effective action). To address these problems, a framework is proposed for analysing the role of transport-specific measures adopted complementarily to carbon pricing in the context of international climate policies. Consideration is given to alternative approaches such as infrastructure measures designed to control mobility through less mobility-intensive denser agglomerations, investment reorientation towards public mode, and logistics reorganization towards less mobility-dependent production processes. Such measures can significantly reduce transport emissions in the long term and hence would moderate an increase in the carbon price and reduce its more important detrimental impacts on the economy.  相似文献   

基于2001-2015年黑龙江省温室气体排放统计核算数据,对地区GDP与温室气体排放的环境库兹涅茨曲线关系检验呈现倒U型,预期2019年达到理论拐点;通过偏最小二乘回归模型得到4个减排路径的年平均减排效果顺序依次为单位GDP化石能源消费量减少、经济结构调整、人均GDP增长、贸易结构变化;减排路径对应脉冲响应函数的动态冲击效果分别为波动性增排、收敛性减排、发散性减排、转变的排放作用;推动黑龙江省温室气体减排的路径顺序为控制化石能源消费量、优化经济结构、发展低碳经济、调整贸易结构。  相似文献   

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