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We investigate the dependence of the strength of galaxy clustering on intrinsic luminosity using the Anglo-Australian two degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS). The 2dFGRS is over an order of magnitude larger than previous redshift surveys used to address this issue. We measure the projected two-point correlation function of galaxies in a series of volume-limited samples. The projected correlation function is free from any distortion of the clustering pattern induced by peculiar motions and is well described by a power law in pair separation over the range     . The clustering of     galaxies in real space is well-fitted by a correlation length     and power-law slope     . The clustering amplitude increases slowly with absolute magnitude for galaxies fainter than M *, but rises more strongly at higher luminosities. At low luminosities, our results agree with measurements from the Southern Sky Redshift Survey 2 by Benoist et al. However, we find a weaker dependence of clustering strength on luminosity at the highest luminosities. The correlation function amplitude increases by a factor of 4.0 between     and −22.5, and the most luminous galaxies are 3.0 times more strongly clustered than L * galaxies. The power-law slope of the correlation function shows remarkably little variation for samples spanning a factor of 20 in luminosity. Our measurements are in very good agreement with the predictions of the hierarchical galaxy formation models of Benson et al.  相似文献   

Differences in clustering properties between galaxy subpopulations complicate the cosmological interpretation of the galaxy power spectrum, but can also provide insights about the physics underlying galaxy formation. To study the nature of this relative clustering, we perform a counts-in-cells analysis of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in which we measure the relative bias between pairs of galaxy subsamples of different luminosities and colours. We use a generalized  χ2  test to determine if the relative bias between each pair of subsamples is consistent with the simplest deterministic linear bias model, and we also use a maximum likelihood technique to further understand the nature of the relative bias between each pair. We find that the simple, deterministic model is a good fit for the luminosity-dependent bias on scales above  ∼2  h −1 Mpc  , which is good news for using magnitude-limited surveys for cosmology. However, the colour-dependent bias shows evidence for stochasticity and/or non-linearity which increases in strength towards smaller scales, in agreement with previous studies of stochastic bias. Also, confirming hints seen in earlier work, the luminosity-dependent bias for red galaxies is significantly different from that of blue galaxies: both luminous and dim red galaxies have higher bias than moderately bright red galaxies, whereas the biasing of blue galaxies is not strongly luminosity dependent. These results can be used to constrain galaxy formation models and also to quantify how the colour and luminosity selection of a galaxy survey can impact measurements of the cosmological matter power spectrum.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the higher order clustering of red and blue galaxies as a function of scale and luminosity made from the two-degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS). We use a counts-in-cells analysis to estimate the volume-averaged correlation functions,     , as a function of scale up to the order of   p = 5  , and also the reduced void probability function. Hierarchical amplitudes are constructed using the estimates of the correlation functions:     . We find that (i) red galaxies display stronger clustering than blue galaxies at all orders measured; (ii) red galaxies show values of   S p   that are strongly dependent on luminosity whereas blue galaxies show no segregation in   S p   within the errors; this is remarkable given the segregation in the variance; (iii) the linear relative bias shows the opposite trend to the hierarchical amplitudes, with little segregation for the red sequence and some segregation for the blue; (iv) faint red galaxies deviate significantly from the 'universal' negative binomial reduced void probabilities followed by all other galaxy populations. Our results show that the characteristic colour of a galaxy population reveals a unique signature in its spatial distribution. Such signatures will hopefully further elucidate the physics responsible for shaping the cosmological evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

在对不同光度星系大尺度分布进行空间两点相关函数分析的基础上,仍以CfA红移巡天资料为样本,对不同光度星系分布进行了交叉相关分析。结果表明,不同光度星系间的交叉相关函数仍可近似地以幂函数表示,说明不同光度星系在空间是一起成团的。但在较小尺度上((?)4—6Mpc),光度较高的星系间相关更强,而在更大一些尺度上光度较高的星系间相关减弱更快,甚至变得比与光度较低星系间的相关更弱。结合前面对自相关函数分析的结果可以看到,统计上看来,星系分布形成群和团。群或团中亮的星系形成更致密的分布而较暗的星系则在这些群和团中分布较弥散。此结果表明星系光度和其环境(密度)有关,从而从观测上为Biased星系形成理论提供了一个可能的证据。  相似文献   

We have investigated the statistical clustering properties of galaxies by calculating the two-point galaxy correlation function from the optically selected Durham/UKST Galaxy Redshift Survey. This survey is magnitude-limited to b J∼17, contains ∼2500 galaxies sampled at a rate of one-in-three and surveys a ∼4×106 ( h −1 Mpc)3 volume of space. We have empirically determined the optimal method of estimating the two-point correlation function from just such a magnitude-limited survey. Applying our methods to this survey, we find that our redshift-space results agree well with those from previous optical surveys. In particular, we confirm the previously claimed detections of large-scale power out to ∼40 h −1 Mpc scales. We compare with two common models of cosmological structure formation and find that our two-point correlation function has power significantly in excess of the standard cold dark matter model in the 10–30 h −1 Mpc region. We therefore support the observational results of the APM galaxy survey. Given that only the redshift-space clustering can be measured directly, we use standard modelling methods and indirectly estimate the real-space two-point correlation function from the projected two-point correlation function. We then invert this projected correlation function to obtain an estimate of the spatial two-point correlation function in real space. This correlation function in real space has a lower amplitude than that in redshift space, but a steeper slope.  相似文献   

星系红移巡天的一个主要目标是依据光谱红移测距,详细刻画宇宙中星系的三维空间分布。由于星系本动速度的存在,红移空间的星系分布存在着严重畸变,在大小尺度上有着不同模式的各向同性偏离。通过对红移畸变的观测研究,人们可从中获取速度场的信息,因此,红移畸变已成为暗能量探测的重要探针之一,为检验宇宙学尺度上的引力模型提供帮助。当前星系红移巡天项目已经取得了非凡成功,为人们提供了详细的星系空间分布数据。人们据此测量了星系的相关函数和功率谱,提取了精确的红移畸变信号,并通过模型拟合限制出了一批不同红移处宇宙结构增长率的估值,为探索宇宙尺度的引力模式提供了数据支持。主要介绍红移畸变模型、星系红移巡天观测和宇宙结构增长率测量等研究进展。  相似文献   

We follow the evolution of the galaxy population in a ΛCDM cosmology by means of high-resolution N -body simulations in which the formation of galaxies and their observable properties are calculated using a semi-analytic model. We display images of the spatial distribution of galaxies in the simulations that illustrate its evolution and provide a qualitative understanding of the processes responsible for the various biases that develop. We consider three specific statistical measures of clustering at     and     : the correlation length (in both real and redshift space) of galaxies of different luminosity, the morphology–density relation and the genus curve of the topology of galaxy isodensity surfaces. For galaxies with luminosity below L ∗, the     correlation length depends very little on the luminosity of the sample, but for brighter galaxies it increases very rapidly, reaching values in excess of 10  h −1 Mpc. The 'accelerated' dynamical evolution experienced by galaxies in rich clusters, which is partly responsible for this effect, also results in a strong morphology–density relation. Remarkably, this relation is already well-established at     . The genus curves of the galaxies are significantly different from the genus curves of the dark matter, however this is not a result of genuine topological differences but rather of the sparse sampling of the density field provided by galaxies. The predictions of our model at     will be tested by forthcoming data from the 2dF and Sloan galaxy surveys, and those at     by the DEEP and VIRMOS surveys.  相似文献   

Galaxy clustering provides insightful clues to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, as well as the universe. The redshift assignment for the random sample is one of the key steps to accurately measure galaxy clustering. In this paper, by virtue of the mock galaxy catalogs, we investigate the effect of two redshift assignment methods on the measurement of galaxy two-point correlation functions(hereafter 2 PCFs), the V_(max) method and the "shuffled" method. We have found that the shuffled method significantly underestimates both of the projected 2 PCFs and the two-dimensional 2 PCFs in redshift space,while the V_(max) method does not show any notable bias on the 2 PCFs for volume-limited samples. For fluxlimited samples, the bias produced by the V_(max) method is less than half of the shuffled method on large scales. Therefore, we strongly recommend the V_(max) method to assign redshifts to random samples in the future galaxy clustering analysis.  相似文献   

We measure the autocorrelation function, ξ , of galaxies in the IRAS Point Source Catalogue galaxy redshift (PSC z ) survey and investigate its dependence on the far-infrared colour and absolute luminosity of the galaxies. We find that the PSC z survey correlation function can be modelled out to a scale of 10  h −1 Mpc as a power law of slope 1.30±0.04 and correlation length 4.77±0.20 . At a scale of 75  h −1 Mpc we find the value of J 3 to be 1500±400 .
We also find that galaxies with higher 100 μm/60 μm flux ratio, corresponding to cooler dust temperatures, are more strongly clustered than warmer galaxies. Splitting the survey into three colour subsamples, we find that, between 1 and 10  h −1 Mpc, the ratio of ξ is a factor of 1.5 higher for the cooler galaxies compared with the hotter galaxies. This is consistent with the suggestion that hotter galaxies have higher star formation rates, and correspond to later-type galaxies which are less clustered than earlier types.
Using volume-limited subsamples, we find a weak variation of ξ as a function of absolute luminosity, in the sense that more luminous galaxies are less clustered than fainter galaxies. The trend is consistent with the colour dependence of ξ and the observed colour–luminosity correlation, but the large uncertainties mean that it has a low statistical significance.  相似文献   

A submillimetre survey of the star formation history of radio galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of the first major systematic submillimetre survey of radio galaxies spanning the redshift range 1< z <5. The primary aim of this work is to elucidate the star formation history of this sub class of elliptical galaxies by tracing the cosmological evolution of dust mass. Using SCUBA on the JCMT, we have obtained 850-μm photometry of 47 radio galaxies to a consistent rms depth of 1 mJy, and have detected dust emission in 14 cases. The radio galaxy targets have been selected from a series of low-frequency radio surveys of increasing depth (3CRR, 6CE, etc.), in order to allow us to separate the effects of increasing redshift and increasing radio power on submillimetre luminosity. Although the dynamic range of our study is inevitably small, we find clear evidence that the typical submillimetre luminosity (and hence dust mass) of a powerful radio galaxy is a strongly increasing function of redshift; the detection rate rises from ≃15 per cent at z <2.5 to ≳75 per cent at z >2.5, and the average submillimetre luminosity rises at a rate ∝(1+ z )3 out to z ≃4. Moreover, our extensive sample allows us to argue that this behaviour is not driven by underlying correlations with other radio galaxy properties such as radio power, radio spectral index, or radio source size/age. Although radio selection may introduce other more subtle biases, the redshift distribution of our detected objects is in fact consistent with the most recent estimates of the redshift distribution of comparably bright submillimetre sources discovered in blank field surveys. The evolution of submillimetre luminosity found here for radio galaxies may thus be representative of massive ellipticals in general.  相似文献   

We measure the local galaxy far-infrared (FIR) 60 to 100 μm colour–luminosity distribution using an all-sky IRAS survey. This distribution is an important reference for the next generation of FIR–submillimetre surveys that have and will conduct deep extragalactic surveys at 250–500 μm. With the peak in dust-obscured star-forming activity leading to present-day giant ellipticals now believed to occur in submillimetre galaxies near   z ∼ 2.5  , these new FIR–submillimetre surveys will directly sample the spectral energy distributions of these distant objects at rest-frame FIR wavelengths similar to those at which local galaxies were observed by IRAS . We have taken care to correct for the temperature bias and the evolution effects in our IRAS 60-μm-selected sample. We verify that our colour–luminosity distribution is consistent with the measurements of the local FIR luminosity function, before applying it to the higher redshift Universe. We compare our colour–luminosity correlation with recent dust–temperature measurements of submillimetre galaxies and find evidence for pure luminosity evolution of the form  (1 + z )3  . This distribution will be useful for the development of evolutionary models for Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) and Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) surveys as it provides a statistical distribution of the rest-frame dust temperatures for galaxies as a function of luminosity.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation combined with high-resolution N -body simulations to make predictions for galaxy–dark matter correlations and apply them to galaxy–galaxy lensing. We analyse cross-power spectra between the dark matter and different galaxy samples selected by luminosity, colour or star formation rate. We compare the predictions with the recent detection by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We show that the correlation amplitude and the mean tangential shear depend strongly on the luminosity of the sample on scales below 1  h −1 Mpc, reflecting the correlation between the galaxy luminosity and the halo mass. The cross-correlation cannot, however, be used to infer the halo profile directly because different halo masses dominate on different scales and because not all galaxies are at the centres of the corresponding haloes. We compute the redshift evolution of the cross-correlation amplitude and compare it with those of galaxies and dark matter. We also compute the galaxy–dark matter correlation coefficient and show that it is close to unity on scales above 1  h −1 Mpc for all considered galaxy types. This would allow one to extract the bias and the dark matter power spectrum on large scales from the galaxy and galaxy–dark matter correlations.  相似文献   

We compare observations of the high-redshift galaxy population to the predictions of the galaxy formation model of Croton et al. and De Lucia & Blaizot. This model, implemented on the Millennium Simulation of the concordance Lambda cold dark matter cosmogony, introduces 'radio mode' feedback from the central galaxies of groups and clusters in order to obtain quantitative agreement with the luminosity, colour, morphology and clustering properties of the present-day galaxy population. Here we construct deep light cone surveys in order to compare model predictions to the observed counts and redshift distributions of distant galaxies, as well as to their inferred luminosity and mass functions out to redshift 5. With the exception of the mass functions, all these properties are sensitive to modelling of dust obscuration. A simple but plausible treatment agrees moderately well with most of the data. The predicted abundance of relatively massive  (∼ M *)  galaxies appears systematically high at high redshift, suggesting that such galaxies assemble earlier in this model than in the real Universe. An independent galaxy formation model implemented on the same simulation matches the observed mass functions slightly better, so the discrepancy probably reflects incomplete or inaccurate galaxy formation physics rather than problems with the underlying cosmogony.  相似文献   

Radio galaxies are uniquely useful as probes of large-scale structure since their uniform identification with giant elliptical galaxies out to high redshift means that the evolution of their bias factor can be predicted. As the initial stage in a project to study large-scale structure with radio galaxies, we have performed a small redshift survey, selecting 29 radio galaxies in the range of 0.19相似文献   

康熙 《天文学进展》2005,23(2):135-143
基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展.在引入一系列合理的关于重子物质物理过程的假设,如气体冷却、恒星形成率、超新星能量反馈以后,结合N体数值模拟,星系形成的半解析模型一方面能较成功地预言许多与观测符合的近邻星系的性质,如光度函数、星系的两点相关函数、Thlly-Fisher关系、星系团中椭圆星系的颜色一星等关系等;另一方面还能较成功地预言宇宙的恒星形成历史,以及一部分高红移星系的性质,如Lyman-Break星系的数目随红移的分布.但是最近一些观测表明,半解析模型在高红移预言的大质量星系较少,且红星系数目也较观测少.重点讨论半解析模型成功与不足之处,并指出解决这些问题可能的途径。  相似文献   

Measurements of clustering in large-scale imaging surveys that make use of photometric redshifts depend on the uncertainties in the redshift determination. We have used light-cone simulations to show how the deprojection method successfully recovers the real-space correlation function when applied to mock photometric redshift surveys. We study how the errors in the redshift determination affect the quality of the recovered two-point correlation function. Considering the expected errors associated with the planned photometric redshift surveys, we conclude that this method provides information on the clustering of matter useful for the estimation of cosmological parameters that depend on the large-scale distribution of galaxies.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the observed correlation between a galaxy's shape and its surrounding density field on the measurement of third-order weak lensing shear statistics. Using numerical simulations, we estimate the systematic error contribution to a measurement of the third-order moment of the aperture mass statistic (GGG) from three-point intrinsic ellipticity correlations (III), and the three-point coupling between the weak lensing shear experienced by distant galaxies and the shape of foreground galaxies (GGI and GII). We find that third-order weak lensing statistics are typically more strongly contaminated by these physical systematics compared to second-order shear measurements, contaminating the measured three-point signal for moderately deep surveys with a median redshift   z m∼ 0.7  by ∼15 per cent. It has been shown that accurate photometric redshifts will be crucial to correct for this effect, once a model and the redshift dependence of the effect can be accurately constrained. To this end we provide redshift-dependent fitting functions to our results and propose a new tool for the observational study of intrinsic galaxy alignments. For a shallow survey with   z m∼ 0.4  we find III to be an order of magnitude larger than the expected cosmological GGG shear signal. Compared to the two-point intrinsic ellipticity correlation which is similar in amplitude to the two-point shear signal at these survey depths, third-order statistics therefore offer a promising new way to constrain models of intrinsic galaxy alignments. Early shallow data from the next generation of very wide weak lensing surveys will be optimal for this type of study.  相似文献   

We detect a positive angular correlation between bright, high-redshift QSOs and foreground galaxies. The QSOs are taken from the optically selected LBQS Catalogue, while the galaxies are from the APM Survey. The correlation amplitude is about a few per cent on angular scales of over a degree. It is a function of QSO redshift and apparent magnitude, in a way expected from weak lensing, and inconsistent with QSO–galaxy correlations being caused by physical associations, or uneven obscuration by Galactic dust. The correlations are ascribed to the weak lensing effect of the foreground dark matter, which is traced by the APM galaxies. The amplitude of the effect found here is compared to the analytical predictions from the literature, and to the predictions of a phenomenological model, which is based on the observed counts-in-cells distribution of APM galaxies. While the latter agree reasonably well with the analytical predictions (namely those of Dolag &38; Bartelmann and Sanz et al.), both underpredict the observed correlation amplitude on degree angular scales. We consider the possible ways to reconcile these observations with theory, and discuss the implications that these observations have on some aspects of extragalactic astronomy.  相似文献   

The angular cross-correlation between two galaxy samples separated in redshift is shown to be a useful measure of weak lensing by large-scale structure. Angular correlations in faint galaxies arise as a result of spatial clustering of the galaxies as well as gravitational lensing by dark matter along the line of sight. The lensing contribution to the two-point autocorrelation function is typically small compared with the gravitational clustering. However, the cross-correlation between two galaxy samples is almost unaffected by gravitational clustering provided that their redshift distributions do not overlap. The cross-correlation is then induced by magnification bias resulting from lensing by large-scale structure. We compute the expected amplitude of the cross-correlation for popular theoretical models of structure formation. For two populations with mean redshifts of ≃0.3 and 1, we find a cross-correlation signal of ≃1 per cent on arcmin scales and ≃3 per cent on scales of a few arcsec. The dependence on the cosmological parameters Ω and Λ, the dark matter power spectrum and the bias factor of the foreground galaxy population is explored.  相似文献   

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