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This study treats the energy balance during fast‐ice and floating‐ice conditions and examines overall seasonal patterns. The rate of ablation of the fast ice was controlled equally by net radiation and air temperature. The ratio of net/solar radiation increased 2.5 times during the ablation period owing to the decrease in ice albedo. Air temperature in the ablation zone was up to 8°C colder than that over the adjacent snow‐free terrestrial surface and remained near 0°Cfor the full ablation period. The sensible heat flux was small and downward (negative), whereas the evaporative heat flux was small and positive. Thus, the energy used in melting the ice was approximately equal to that provided by the net radiation. Above‐freezing air temperatures decreased the albedo through surface melting thus increasing net radiation. This combination of higher temperature and large net radiation was associated with offshore winds and resulted in large ablation relative to periods with colder onshore winds.

The floating‐ice period is one of great variability owing to changing ice conditions, variable current behaviour, tidal cycles and changing wind direction. The intertidal zone acts as a major heat sink, both early and late in the floating‐ice period. The turbulent heat fluxes were small and were either positive or negative. Nearly all of the energy from net radiation was used in melting ice and in warming tidal water during high tide and in warming the residual tidal ponds and in melting stranded ice rafts during low tide.

The overall study period, from May to September, included most of the season of positive radiation balance and above‐freezing temperatures. Winds were dominantly onshore in the first half of the period and equally onshore and offshore in the second half. Wind frequencies resembled longer term averages for other stations on James Bay and Hudson Bay. The ratio of net to solar radiation was at a maximum during the ice‐free period in August, whereas for adjacent terrestrial surfaces, it was largest at the summer solstice. Land‐sea breezes first developed in mid‐July and were influential in making offshore winds the dominant nocturnal regime. As a result, offshore winds were associated with small magnitudes of net radiation. Onshore winds were more than 5°C colder than those blowing offshore and their vapour pressure deficits were three times smaller. Convective heat fluxes were small for onshore winds and very small and usually negative for offshore winds. For all wind directions throughout the period, most of the available radiant energy was used to melt ice and to heat the sea water. This is a pattern similar to that of the ice‐covered or open sea and dissimilar to that of the adjacent terrestrial environment. It implies that the main energy‐balance transitions, during onshore airflow, occur at the high‐tide line.  相似文献   


This study reports on tower measurements from the intertidal zone taken during the ice‐free period between August 1 and September 20, 1985. Sea and air temperatures showed ranges of 8 and 14°C, respectively, and both were colder during onshore than during offshore winds. Onshore winds were associated with a nearly saturated atmosphere whereas offshore ones were quite dry. Surface albedo was twice as great for low tide as for high tide. The ratio net/solar radiation was 13% less at low tide owing to both the larger albedo and the stronger long‐wave radiation loss. Heat fluxes into the bottom sediments were small with net gains in August and net losses in September. During the day, heat storage in the water was large and positive. This occurred even with the tide out, when the ponded water continued to warm. At night the water gave up heat, both for low and high tide, and especially late in the season. The latent heat flux was always positive and was largest by day during low tide and by night during high tide. The sensible heat flux was positive for onshore winds and often negative for offshore winds. Under all wind directions heat storage constituted 60% of net radiation, the latent heat flux 35% and the remainder was proportioned equally between the sensible heat flux and the flux into the bottom sediments.  相似文献   


Summertime energy budgets of contiguous wetland tundra and forest near Churchill, Manitoba along the coast of Hudson Bay were measured over a five year period, 1989–1993. An examination of differences in energy budgets between the two sites showed that net radiation was similar in all years. Soil heat flux was greater at the tundra site in most, but not all, years. However, sensible heat flux was always larger at the forest site and latent heat flux was always greater at the tundra site. Mean daily Bowen ratios at both sites were less than unity in all years. Average Bowen ratios for the five years were 0.45 for tundra and 0.66 for forest. Wind direction is used as an analogue for changing climatic conditions where onshore winds are cooler and moister than offshore winds. Sensible and latent heat fluxes at both sites varied significantly between onshore and offshore wind regimes. However, differences between onshore and offshore fluxes at the tundra site were larger than for the forest. Thus, Bowen ratios also varied more at the tundra site. We have plotted the ratio of tundra‐to‐forest Bowen ratios as a measure of the relative sensitivity of energy partitioning to climatic change. The ratio decreases with increasing vapour pressure deficit (and increasing air temperature). We interpret these results as suggesting that energy partitioning over the wetland tundra is more sensitive to changes in climate than the treeline forest environment. Thus, as the climate warms and becomes drier, more additional energy goes into evaporation of water from the wetland tundra than from the forest.  相似文献   


The atmospheric model of Danard et al. (1983) is used to investigate the changes in heat, mass and momentum fluxes at the air‐sea interface in Hudson Bay when the seasonal sea surface temperature is varied. Comparisons of model predictions with data from a meteorological buoy located 400 km offshore showed that the model predicted the variations in wind speed and air temperature fairly well but underestimated their magnitudes. In addition it provided offshore heat and mass fluxes for which no direct observations were available.

The most important parameter determining air‐sea fluxes is the temperature difference between air and water. This determines the stability and the degree of vertical convection of the air. In the spring the colder water stabilizes the air, which depresses vertical convection. This reduces wind stress and evaporation while increasing the heat flux into the water. During the fall, the opposite occurs. The sea surface temperature is thus buffered against man‐made changes. When the temperature is decreased, for example, as the result of hydroelectric development in surrounding watersheds, the heat flux into the water increases while the wind stress decreases. Both effects increase the sea surface temperature, opposing the initial decrease. A one‐degree depression of sea surface temperature in summer is slowly offset by increased heating and no noticeable change in temperature remains at the end of the fall.  相似文献   


A coupled ice, ocean model for forecasting ice conditions on the Newfoundland shelf region is assessed by comparing hindcasts with satellite‐tracked ice beacon displacements and with changes in offshore ice edge location, ice thickness and southern ice extent derived from ice charts. The beacon velocity fields contain short timescale fluctuations which are not resolved by the model. The ratio of rms displacement error divided by the rms beacon displacement is 0.48 after 1 day and 0.23 after 8 days. The decrease in the scaled displacement error with increasing time is related to the short timescale motions. The skill in modelling displacement of the offshore ice edge is lower than in modelling ice displacement. Between mid‐February and mid‐April 1997, the effect of ice melt on the ice edge was a mean onshore displacement of 35 km overcoming an offshore advection of 24 km in 5 days.  相似文献   


A sea‐ice dataset derived from passive microwave data acquired by the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) is compared with a conventional sea‐ice dataset from Ice Branch, Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada. The conventional set uses data from several sources including ships of opportunity, reconnaissance aircraft, satellite photographs and climate stations. The comparison was made for a 3‐year period from 1979 to 1981 over Hudson Bay, an area that is covered with first‐year ice only. For 8 of the 12 months of the year, monthly area‐average ice concentrations are within one tenth; larger differences are evident during periods of melting and freeze‐up. Extensive ponding on first‐year ice during the melt season is interpreted as open water by the SMMR algorithm, leading to significant “errors” in the passive microwave dataset. By comparing the two datasets, we were able to show the extent of ponding on the ice for a complete seasonal melt cycle. During freeze‐up the algorithm, under some conditions, provides a better estimate of the amount of ice than a conventional dataset owing to the difficulty of observing the presence of new ice.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on sea breeze (SB) characteristics during May and August in the Bay of Alicante (south-eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, IP, Spain) for the period 2000–2005 in relation to dominating synoptic-scale winds. A dataset containing 292 SB events was objectively constructed to study the impact of the daily synoptic winds at 850 hPa on the main characteristics of SBs. The winds were used to designate three major synoptic-scale regimes: offshore, onshore, and coast-parallel flows. The SB features examined include mean lag of the SB passage, wind speed and direction at the time of onset, mean lag of SB cessation, mean duration of SB, mean maximum velocity, and inland propagation of SB. Some of the characteristics had not been previously considered in the literature. It is found that in comparison with onshore synoptic flows, offshore favors the delayed arrival and termination of SBs, resulting in a longer mean duration. Further, they produce the most intense passages, cause a more frequent southeasterly component, and result in a higher SB gust speed and shorter mean inland penetration. Results from coast-parallel flows are also presented. The strength of the large-scale flows plays a major role upon SB parameters, which essentially support other numerical modeling results.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional mesoscale model results support the claim of evening sea-breeze activity at Daly Waters, 280 km inland from the coast in northern Australia, the site of the Koorin boundary-layer experiment. The sea breeze occurs in conditions of strong onshore and alongshore geostrophic winds, not normally associated with such activity. It manifests itself at Daly Waters and in the model as a cooling in a layer 500–1000 m deep, as an associated surface pressure jump, as strong backing of the wind and, when an offshore low-level wind is present, as a collapse in the inland nocturnal jet.Both observational analysis and model results illustrate the rotational aspects of the deeply penetrating sea breeze; in our analysis this is represented in terms of a surge vector — the vector difference between the post- and pre-frontal low-level winds.There is further evidence to support earlier work that the sea breeze during the afternoon and well into the night — at least for these low-latitude experiments — behaves in many ways as an atmospheric gravity current, and that inland penetrations up to 500 km occur.  相似文献   

The inland and offshore propagation speeds of a sea breeze circulation cell are simulated using a three-dimensional hydrostatic model within a terrain-following coordinate system. The model includes a third-order semi-Lagrangian advection scheme, which compares well in a one-dimensional stand-alone test with the more complex Bott and Smolarkiewicz advection schemes. Two turbulence schemes are available: a local scheme by Louis (1979) and a modified non-local scheme based on Zhang and Anthes (1982). Both compare well with higher-order closure schemes using the Wangara data set for Day 33–34 (Clark et al., 1971).Two-dimensional cross-sections derived from airborne sea breeze measurements (Finkele et al. 1995) constitute the basis for comparison with two-dimensional numerical model results. The offshore sea breeze propagation speed is defined as the speed at which the seaward extent of the sea breeze grows offshore. On a study day, the offshore sea breeze propagation speed, from both measurements and model, is -3.4 m s-1. The measured inland propagation speed of the sea breeze decreased somewhat during the day. The model results show a fairly uniform inland propagation speed of 1.6 m s-1 which corresponds to the average measured value. The offshore sea breeze propagation speed is about twice the inland propagation speed for this particular case study, from both the model and measurements.The influence of the offshore geostrophic wind on the sea breeze evolution, offshore extent and inland penetration are investigated. For moderate offshore geostrophic winds (-5.0 m s-1), the offshore and inland propagation speeds are non-uniform. The offshore extent in moderate geostrophic wind conditions is similar to the offshore extent in light wind conditions (-2.5 m s-1). The inland extent is greater in light offshore geostrophic winds than in moderate ones. This suggests that the offshore extent of the sea breeze is less sensitive to the offshore geostrophic wind than its inland extent. However, these results hold only if it is possible to define an inland propagation speed. For stronger offshore geostrophic winds (-7.5 m s-1), the sea breeze is completely offshore and the inland propagation speed is ill-defined.  相似文献   


Anemometer‐measured winds for the period 5–13 March 1994 were used to study the coherence of observed and forecast coastal winds along the mid‐Labrador shelf. The reliability of these variables in predicting the response of the ocean and ice to wind forcing is an important issue for ice forecasting in this area. Two anemometer‐equipped 2‐m ice beacons were deployed on pack ice north of Wolf Island and a third beacon was deployed on Grady Island. The results indicate that due to the influence of local topography, 10‐m winds observed at the meteorological station in Cartwright, Labrador provide a poor estimate (r2 = 0.2) of wind conditions over the offshore sea‐ice. In contrast, the σ = 1 level (~10 m) winds from the Canadian Meteorological Centre's Regional Finite Element (RFE) model provided a better correlation with anemometer beacon winds (0.90 for the 6‐hour forecast down to 0.45 at 36 hours). However, the RFE model overestimates the magnitude of the winds by 10–40%.

The response of the ocean and ice cover to wind forcing was measured by an ocean bottom‐mounted acoustic Doppler current proþler (ADCP). Relative to the 2‐m beacon winds, the ice moved at 2.5% of wind magnitude and turned 0.6° to the left of the wind. The ocean response decreased with depth until it reached a constant value of 0.9% of the wind speed. The turning angle increased from 0.3° to the right of the wind at 3.5 m to 50° at the lowest level measured by the ADCP (73 m depth). Approximately 57% of the variance in the ocean currents at 3 m below the surface can be attributed to the 2‐m winds; at 73 m the explained variance decreases to 27%.  相似文献   


An ice core sampling program was conducted during the North Water (NOW) Polynya Project 1998 Experiment in northern Baffin Bay during April‐May 1998. The physical properties of snow and sea ice as well as the microstructure and stable isotopic composition of first‐year landfast sea ice near the polynya were investigated. The thickness of sea ice at the sampling sites ranged between 147 and 194 cm with thinner snow cover during the period between mid‐April and late May. The ice was characterized as typical first‐year landfast sea ice, being composed of a thin granular ice layer at the top and an underlying columnar ice layer towards the bottom of the ice. The samples obtained at a site closer to the ice edge of the polynya contained a thin granular ice layer originating from frazil ice near the ice bottom. Formation of frazil ice was considered to be caused by turbulent processes induced by winds, waves and currents forced from the polynya and also mixing with water masses produced at the polynya.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the formation and maintenance of the North Water Polynya, Baffin Bay in winter using a multi‐category sea‐ice model coupled with the Princeton ocean model. Monthly climatological atmospheric data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis provides the forcing. An objectively‐analysed climatology provides the initial ocean temperature and salinity. Wind stress drives the ice in a cyclonic gyre around northern Baffin Bay. Localized regions of thin ice form where wind drives ice away from coastlines or fast ice. The regions of thin ice are characterized by enhanced ice growth, exceeding 1.2 m mo?1. In the regions of thin ice, surface ocean heat flux is also enhanced and is between 30–60 W m?2. Surface heat flux is, in part, attributable to convective mixing and entrainment driven by ice growth. The surface heat flux reflects advection of the warm West Greenland Current. Heat and salt balances show that horizontal advective exchange counterbalances surface fluxes of heat and salt.  相似文献   


Airborne measurements of mean wind velocity and turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer under wintertime conditions of cold offshore advection suggest that at a height of 50 m the mean wind speed increases with offshore distance by roughly 20% over a horizontal scale of order 10 km. Similarly, the vertical gust velocity and turbulent kinetic energy decay on scales of order 3.5 km by factors of 1.5 and 3.2, respectively. The scale of cross‐shore variations in the vertical fluxes of heat and downwind momentum is also 10 km, and the momentum flux is found to be roughly constant to 300 m, whereas the heat flux decreases with height. The stability parameter, z/L (where z = 50 m and L is the local Monin‐Obukhov length), is generally small over land but may reach order one over the warm ocean. The magnitude and horizontal length scales associated with the offshore variations in wind speed and turbulence are reasonably consistent with model results for a simple roughness change, but a more sophisticated model is required to interpret the combined effects of surface roughness and heat flux contrasts between land and sea.

Comparisons between aircraft and profile‐adjusted surface measurements of wind speed indicate that Doppler biases of 1–2 m s?1 in the aircraft data caused by surface motions must be accounted for. In addition, the wind direction measurements of the Minimet anemometer buoy deployed in CASP are found to be in error by 25 ± 5°, possibly due to a misalignment of the anemometer vane. The vertical fluxes of heat and momentum show reasonably good agreement with surface estimates based on the Minimet data.  相似文献   


The climatic role of sea ice is assessed in a survey of the recent literature. Theoretical or model‐based results are compared with existing evidence of ice‐atmosphere interactions over scales ranging from the local and regional to the hemispheric and global.

The evidence shows that sea‐ice fluctuations are meteorologically important locally, primarily through associations with air temperature. On the regional and hemispheric scales, atmospheric and sea‐ice fluctuations are correlated according to both observational evidence and model experiments. While the causal links have not been evaluated quantitatively, there is evidence that the stronger signal occurs in the response of the ice to the atmosphere. On the longer time‐scales, model experiments and qualitative arguments suggest that sea ice may play a major role in the climatic change. However, the results of large‐scale coupled model simulations contain deficiencies and must be viewed with caution pending more realistic treatments of sea‐ice dynamics, leads, ice thickness variations, and the areally‐integraled effects of the small‐scale features of sea ice.  相似文献   


The characteristics of microseisms measured in four vaults of the Southern Ontario Seismic Network within 30 km of the shore of Lake Ontario are analysed. It is shown that the rms values in the 1–3 Hz band are coherent between the stations, indicating a common generative mechanism. A distinct onshore intermittent flux of Rayleigh‐like wave energy was detected at a site near the shore. Microseismic energy in this band is distinctly correlated with the wind speed. The incremental microseismic energy above an absolute minimum activity as a function of wind direction, for a given fixed wind speed, correlates with the average fetch of the wind over the lake, indicating that the source of microseisms is the lake itself. The sensitivity to fetch effects is similar for both onshore and offshore stations indicating that shoaling is probably not a source. Niagara Falls, which also can have a wind‐dependent flow from Lake Erie, causes a measurable effect to at least 25 km but does not significantly affect stations at a distance of 150 km.  相似文献   


A lagged cross‐correlation analysis of climatic data from the period 1953–1984 was carried out for three regions of Northern Canada (Beaufort Sea, Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay/Labrador Sea) to determine the relationships between sea‐ice anomalies and surface air temperature and river discharge anomalies. Significant negative correlations at the 95% level were found between sea‐ice and temperature anomalies. A significant correlation at the 95% level was found between sea‐ice and river discharge anomalies in only one of two subregions studied.  相似文献   


The exceptional sea‐ice retreat and advance that occurred in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica during August 1993 was the largest such winter event in this sector of the Antarctic during the satellite era. The reasons for this fluctuation of ice are investigated using passive microwave satellite imagery, ice motion vectors derived from the satellite data, in‐situ meteorological reports and near‐surface winds and temperatures from the European Centre for Medium‐range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) numerical weather prediction model. The ice edge retreat of more than 400 km took place near 80°W from approximately 1–15 August, although the southward migration of the ice edge was not continuous and short periods of advance were also recorded. Between 16 August and 2 September there was almost continuous sea‐ice recovery. The rate of change of the ice edge location during both the retreat and advance phases significantly exceeded the southward and northward velocity components of ice within the pack, pointing to the importance of ice production and melting during this event. During the month, markedly different air masses affected the area, resulting in temperature changes from +2°C to ‐21°C at the nearby Rothera station. ‘Bulk’ movement of the pack, and compaction and divergence of the sea ice, made a secondary, but still significant, contribution to the observed advance and retreat. The ice extent fluctuations were so extreme because strong meridional atmospheric flow was experienced in a sector of the Southern Ocean where relatively low ice concentrations were occurring. The very rapid ice retreat/advance was associated with pronounced low‐high surface pressure anomaly couplets on either side of the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   


Three arrays of current‐meter moorings were deployed under landfast sea ice in southeast Hudson Bay for eight weeks in spring 1986. Spectral analysis shows low‐frequency signals with periods of 3 to 11 days. These signals are interpreted as being due to coastal‐trapped waves propagating cyclonically in Hudson Bay; their theoretical dispersion relations and corresponding modal structures are presented for winter stratification and are compared with observations. At a period of 3 days both the modified external Kelvin wave and higher mode continental shelf waves may be important in describing the observed low‐frequency variability, whereas at a period of 10 days the Kelvin wave appears to be the dominant mode. The generation mechanisms for these coastal trapped waves are also investigated. Two sources have been studied: the longshore atmospheric pressure gradient and the average atmospheric pressure over the ice cover in Hudson Bay. Coherence and phase analyses performed with time series of longshore current and atmospheric forcing data reveal that both the average atmospheric pressure and the longshore atmospheric pressure gradient are important in explaining the observed low‐frequency variability, without indicating which one is the most important.  相似文献   


A one‐dimensional oceanic mixed‐layer model was used to simulate the annual surface layer properties of Hudson Bay. The model reproduces the sparse available data well and shows the equal importance of seasonal ice cover and run‐off on the pycnocline pattern. In spring, the large freshwater input from run‐off and local ice melt followed by summer heating slows the deepening of the pycnocline depth by wind mixing. As these stabilizing effects decrease and the wind strength increases, the pycnocline depth increases in the fall and continues to increase in the winter when the salt rejection effect during ice growth replaces the cooling effect. In the spring the salt rejection reduces and run‐off increases; the large pycnocline depth cannot be maintained and a shallow pycnocline is formed, starting a new seasonal cycle.

When the run‐off cycle includes the effects of hydroelectric developments, the results indicate that a new shallow surface pycnocline is formed earlier in the spring. This causes a decrease in surface layer temperature and salinity, thus stimulating more ice growth. On the other hand, in the summer the surface layer salinity is higher and the temperature lower. This decreases the stability, thus further deepening the pycnocline and increasing the deviations from normal conditions.  相似文献   


During November 1976 to February 1977 near‐surface wind, current and temperature measurements were made at three sites along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Strong tidal currents and major intrusions of warmer, fresher offshore coastal water were superimposed upon the estuarine circulation of near‐surface seaward flow. The r.m.s. amplitudes of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal currents were ~30 cms‐1 and 30–47 cm s‐1, respectively. The vector‐mean flow at 4 m‐depth was seaward and decreased in speed from 28 cm s‐1 at 74 km from the entrance to 9 cm s‐1 at 11 km from the entrance. On five occasions intrusions of 1–3 C warmer northeast Pacific coastal water occurred for durations of 1–10 days. The 25 cm s‐1 up‐strait speed of the intrusive lens agreed to within 20% of the gravity current speed computed from Benjamin's (1968) hydraulic model. The near‐surface currents associated with the intrusions and the southerly coastal winds were significantly correlated, indicating that the intrusions were initiated when shoreward Ekman currents advected Pacific coastal water into the Strait. The reversals were not significantly coherent with the along‐strait sea surface slope measured along the north side of the Strait nor were they strongly related to local wind forcing.  相似文献   

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