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显微动态与功能CT-未来的21世纪CT   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
病理宏观肉眼诊断的空间分辨率为毫米数量级,而微观病理显微诊断的空间分辩为微米数量级。目前医学CT影像的空间分辨率已达到0.35mm已能满足宏观病理学诊断的要求。如果医学CT的空间分辩率再提高到微米水平,即可清晰显示细胞和组织的微细结构,从而满足现代医学临床病理诊断金标准的要求。目前工业CT(ICT)的空间分辨率已达到5-10微米,从而为提高医学CT的空间分辨率提供技术依据。本文给出用工业微焦点CT机首次对生物组织进行显微成像的结果。认为,应用微焦点X线源,以及采用钨酸镉集成电路CCD检测技术,进一步缩小检测器元件探头的尺寸和增加检测器探头的数目,可以提高医学CT的空间分辨率;应用电子束快速扫描技术,可以提高医学CT的时间分辨率,达到动态的水平:应用双能X线束扫描技术,可以进一步提高密度分辩率。如果未来医学CT的空间分辨率达到微米级(显微CT),时间分辨率达到毫秒级(动态CT),密度分辨率能观察到神经细胞有兴奋时胞内钙离子浓度的瞬态上升1000倍,即成为显微动态和功能CT,就可以观测人脑神经元在不同功能状态下的动态兴奋和时空编码过程,对进一步研究人脑的学习记忆和思维认知过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

近五年来在国内外显微CT的研究和应用,得到了很大的发展;微观病理显微诊断的空间分辨为微米数量级。目前医学CT影像的空间分辨率已达到0.35mm,已能满足宏观病理学诊断的要求。如何医学CT的空间分辨率再提高到微米水平,即可清晰显示细胞和组织的微细结构,从而满足现代医学临床病理诊断金标准的要求。目前工业CT(ICT)的空间分辨率已达到5-20微米,从而为提高医学CT的空间分辨率提供技术依据。本文引述用工业微焦点CT机首次对小动物组织进行显微成像的结果:提出应用微焦点X线源,以及采用钨酸镉集成电路CCD检测技术,进一步缩小检测元器件探头的尺寸和增加检测器探头的数目,可以提高医学CT的空间分辨率;应用电子束快速扫描技术,可以提高医学CT的时间分辨率,达到动态的水平;应用双能X线束扫描技术,可以进一步提高密度分辨率,如果未来医学CT的空间分辨率达到微米级(显微CT),时间分辨率达到毫秒级(动态CT),密度分辨率能观察到神经细胞有兴奋时,胞内钙离子浓度的瞬态上升1000倍,即成为显微动态和功能CT,就可以观测人脑神经元在不同功能状态下的动态兴奋和时空编码过程,对进一步研究人脑的记忆和思维认知过程有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国工程物理研究院应用电子学研究所为适应核技术领域中光电技术和脉冲功率技术的发展需要,目前设有国家863计划强辐射重点实验室。2006年6月研制成功我国首台基于数字平板探测器的微焦点X射线源225kV显微CT系统,以数字平板探测器为基础,采用锥束X-射线进行第三代扫描的显微CT  相似文献   

三英精密仪器有限公司制造的nanoVoxel系列X射线三维显微镜是拥有自主知识产权,具有超高分辨率的无损三维透视显微成像设备。设备采用独特的X光光学透镜显微成像技术,实际分辨率可达到0.5μm,即使传统医学和工业CT无法观察的对X光吸收很小的低原子序数的材料,比如先进复合材料中的橡胶、碳纤维、聚合物等,也可不借助染色直接进行观察成像。  相似文献   

在高应力状态下坝料的流变较为明显。为研究坝料流变对混凝土面板坝应力变形的影响,采用长科院九参数幂级数流变模型及其试验参数,对某高混凝土面板堆石坝进行应力、变形分析。结果表明,坝料流变使坝体变形明显增加,坝体应力有所减小。考虑坝料的流变特性后的面板法向位移(挠度)明显增加,面板坝轴向和顺坡向应力极值增加。对于分期浇筑面板和分期蓄水的高混凝土面板堆石坝,选用合适的流变本构模型正确地模拟堆石体的流变特性,可以为大坝填筑进度及面板分期浇筑时间的确定提供参考,并有助于正确地预测大坝的应力变形。  相似文献   

在陆内水体内激发气枪震源,利用其气泡振荡产生的地震波可以研究地下结构及速度变化.与海洋激发环境不同,陆内有限水体会影响气泡的振荡过程.本文利用有限元方法,对球对称情况下气泡在有限水体内的振荡过程进行了数值模拟分析,发现气枪震源在陆内水体内的气泡振荡存在临界大小,与气枪激发时产生的激波有关.模拟结果表明,水体较大时(半径大于100 m),可以继续使用无限水体模型;当水体较小时(半径小于50 m),固液边界反射的激波会改变气泡处的压力,进而改变气泡振荡过程,显著地提高气泡振荡的频率,降低振荡的幅度.相关数值模拟结果与实验观测相符,为陆内小水体中气枪的高频源场信号特征提供了合理的解释.基于有限水体的气泡振荡过程分析有助于提升对陆内水体气枪激发过程的理解,为气枪选址、设计、优化提供理论依据.  相似文献   

随着城市发展过程越来越快,交通与环境的矛盾日益突出,为了保全地面建筑物,采用隧道方案也越来越多。城市岩溶探测以钻探为主,再辅以高密度电法、浅层地震反射法等传统物探方法,这些方法效率低,且受场地条件限制,很难实施。电磁波CT技术作为近些年发展起来的地球物理探测技术,具有分辨率高、野外作业便利等优势,可以较好的揭露地下岩溶发育规模及特征。本文在传统的数据处理基础上,运用电磁波CT探测技术,通过反演设置最低限值、选用反射投影结果作为初始模型、利用低通滤波和角度限制技术和采取连续测线模式架构程序进行归一化计算处理等处理技术方法,大大提高电磁波CT资料解译的精确度。研究表明,电磁波CT探测技术在岩溶勘查中有很好的应用效果,探测结果对于城市隧道工程建设具有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

高密度电法CT成像技术在活断层探测中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
高密度电法CT成像技术近年来在工程物探上得到了广泛应用,已成为工程物探的一种主要方法之一,本文在无棣一益都断裂的活动性研究中,运用该方法取得了良好效果。这一工程实例表明利用高密度CT成像技术,辅以地质钻探,可以较精确地探测断裂活动的具体空间形态等,为开展大城市活断层探测与研究,进行合理城市规划和抗震设防提供依据。  相似文献   

中国体视学学会CT理论与应用分会(CSSCT)和清华同方威视技术股份有限公司主办、《CT理论与应用研究》编辑部协办,并欢迎有关单位参加主办、协办,将于2004年10月10日前后在北京市开会 :研讨“21世纪科技进步与CT及三维成像理论与应用,交流国外内CT和三维成像的理论、应用技术的成就和展望”。会议分5项议题: Symp1: CT理论、计算方法和软件:显微CT、锥束CT成像理论和算法; Symp2:工业CT和数字扫描成像、新型CT机和微焦点CT的设计和性能,信息反馈工程和其他应用;CT与NDT在线检测;Symp3: 医学CT扫描成像诊断: 高质量CT/MRI/PE…  相似文献   

X射线三维显微镜及其典型应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
X射线三维显微镜(显微CT)是目前发展最热门、成长最快的CT成像技术门类之一,在微纳制造技术、新材料以及电子科学等领域起着十分重要的作用并得到广泛的应用。X射线三维显微镜能够以亚微米的细节分辨能力对被检测对象内部结构进行无损的三维成像,是一种新型的检测设备。本文介绍了三英精密仪器有限公司研制的nano Voxel-2000系列X射线三维显微镜的结构和工作原理,展示了该仪器在系统设计、成像方法及应用分析方面的特色。该系列的X射线三维显微镜最大管电压为150 k V,采用5μm的微焦源实现低于500 nm的成像分辨率,能够进行不同尺寸样品、不同分辨率的成像。在此基础上,探讨了X射线显微镜的典型应用,主要对样品的内部结构、形貌进行表征。希望典型应用的实例能起到抛砖引玉的作用,吸引更多学者利用X射线三维显微成像技术开展科学研究,拓宽X射线三维显微镜的应用领域。  相似文献   

Horizontal and Vertical Well Comparison for In Situ Air Sparging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effectiveness ol vertical and horizontal well configurations for ground water remediation using in situ air sparging. A lexan lank was designed and constructed to allow both the visualization of air flow and quantitative measurement of the distribution of air flow. Two media, sand and glass beads. were tested with both Vertical and horizontal air sources. In each case, most of the air traveled through preferential channels as continuous flow rather than as discrete bubbles as reported in other studies. Liven though glass beads were selected to have the same grain-size distribution as the sand, air flow was quite different through the two media. Results show that glass beads are not a suitable material for modeling air flow through natural sediments. In this study, the horizontal well proved to be more effective than the vertical well by impacting more of the media with a uniform distribution of air throughout the media. The vertical well resulted in a nonuniform distribution of air flow with most of the air concentrated directly above the well.  相似文献   

新疆和田地区的山普拉墓地位于古丝绸之路南线的洛浦县城西南14公里处.20世纪80年代,考古人员对山普拉墓地进行多次发掘,其中玻璃珠类共计发现1369颗.本文主要以X射线CT技术为基础,对其中具有典型性代表的4颗蜻蜓眼玻璃珠从玻璃眼珠的基体、眼部装饰、气孔和珠孔等方面进行了深入分析,从而推测了最晚公元4世纪的历史背景下,...  相似文献   

It is common to use idealised materials to study the dynamics of granular transport in fluid flows, but the impact of this choice upon sediment behaviour has not been extensively explored. To tackle this research gap, two experiments were undertaken to explore the influence of a finer grain input to a channelized coarser granular flow driven by a shallow fluid flow. The first set of runs was undertaken using spherical glass beads, and the second set with natural fluvial sediment. The transport system approximates a narrow slice through the bedload at the bottom of a river. In the runs with natural grains, the infiltration of fine sediment into the bed was similar to the spherical glass beads, but with reduced infiltration capacity. We ascribe this behaviour to irregular and variable pore shapes and sizes in the natural material. The behaviour of the bedload in the natural material runs matched that of the bead runs only when the feed contained a high content of fines. When the feed contained a low content of fines the transport of natural grains was more complex, including the emergence of migrating collections of grains. However, the overall changes in bed and water slope due to the finer grain input were comparable in both sets of experiments. We conclude that artificial, idealised materials qualitatively represent sedimentary phenomena, but that quantitative differences in the outcomes must be expected. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

—?We study the filling of horizontal cracks with constant aperture driven by capillary forces. The physical model of the crack consists of a narrow gap between two flat glass plates (Hele-Shaw cell). The liquid enters the gap through a hole in the bottom plate. The flow is driven purely by the force acting on the contact lines between solid, liquid, and gas. We developed a theoretical model for this type of flow on the basis of Darcy's law; it allows for the consideration of different surface conditions.¶We run the experiment for two surface conditions: Surfaces boiled in hydrogen peroxide to remove initial contamination, and surfaces contaminated with 2-propanol after boiling in hydrogen peroxide. The flow rate depends on the gap aperture and on the interaction of the liquid with the air and the solid surfaces: The smaller the aperture, the lower the flow rate due to viscous resistance of the liquid. The flow rate is also reduced when the glass surfaces are contaminated with 2-propanol. The contact line force per unit length is approximately 60% higher on clean glass surfaces than it is on glass surfaces with the 2-propanol contamination. These experimental results are in agreement with our theoretical model and are confirmed by independent measurements of the liquid-solid interaction in capillary rise experiments under static conditions with the same Hele-Shaw cell.¶Another aspect of this study is the distribution of the liquid for the different surface conditions. The overall shape is a circular disk, as assumed in the theoretical model. However, a pronounced contact line roughness develops in case of the surfaces contaminated with 2-propanol, and air bubbles are trapped behind the contact line. A further analysis of the flow regime using the capillary number and the ratio of the viscosities of the involved fluids (water and air) reveals that the experiments take place in the transition zone between stable displacement and capillary fingering, i.e., neither viscous nor capillary fingers develop under the conditions of the experiment. The contact line roughness and the trapped air bubbles in the contaminated cell reflect local inhomogeneities of the surface wettability.  相似文献   

In diatremes and other volcanic vents, steep bodies of volcaniclastic material having differing properties (particle size distribution, proportion of lithic fragments, etc.) from those of the surrounding vent-filling volcaniclastic material are often found. It has been proposed that cylindrical or cone-shaped bodies result from the passage of “debris jets” generated after phreatomagmatic explosions or other discrete subterranean bursts. To learn more about such phenomena, we model experimentally the injection of gas-particulate dispersions through other particles. Analogue materials (glass beads or sand) and a finite amount of compressed air are used in the laboratory. The gas is made available by rapidly opening a valve—therefore the injection of gas and coloured particles into a granular host is a brief (<1 s), discrete event, comparable to what occurs in nature following subterranean explosions. The injection assumes a bubble shape while expanding and propagating upwards. In reaction, the upper part of the clastic host moves upward and outward above the ‘bubble’, forming a ‘dome’. The doming effect is much more pronounced for shallow injection depths (thin hosts), with dome angles reaching more than 45°. Significant surface doming is also observed for some full-scale subterranean blasts (e.g. buried nuclear explosions), so it is not an artefact of our setup. What happens next in the experiments depends on the depth of injection and the nature of the host material. With shallow injection into a permeable host (glass beads), the compressed air in the “bubble’ is able to diffuse rapidly through the roof. Meanwhile the coloured beads sediment into the transient cavity, which is also closing laterally because of inward-directed granular flow of the host. Depending on the initial gas pressure in the reservoir, the two-phase flow can “erupt” or not; non-erupting injections produce cylindrical bodies of coloured beads whereas erupting runs produce flaring upward or conical deposits. Changing the particle size of the host glass beads does not have a large effect under the size range investigated (100–200 to 300–400 μm). Doubling the host thickness (injection depth) requires a doubling of the initial gas pressure to produce similar phenomena. Such injections—whether erupting or wholly subterranean—provide a compelling explanation for the origin and characteristics of multiple cross-cutting bodies that have been documented for diatreme and other vent deposits.  相似文献   

Air Channel Formation, Size, Spacing, and Tortuosity During Air Sparging   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Characterizing mass transfer during in situ air sparging requires knowledge of the size, shape, and interfacial area of air channels. These characteristics were determined by analysis of digital images of air channels passing through submerged glass beads having particle size in the sand range. Pore-scale channeling occurred in all cases. The analysis showed that the air channels were narrower, more tortuous, more closely spaced, and moved nearly vertically through the coarser media. In the finer media, air channels had larger diameter, were spaced further apart, and passed nearly horizontally through the media. The mean diameter of the channels varied between 2.8 and 8.1 mm, and the mean spacing varied between 8.3 and 19.4 mm. Estimates of the area of the air-water interface per unit volume of soil (a0), computed using data from the digital images and an assumed arrangement of channels, ranged from 0.02 to 0.2 mm2/mm3. Larger a0 were obtained for coarser media and uniformly graded media. These estimates of a0 compare well with published values for common packed-column materials and for unsaturated soils.  相似文献   

公元前7年内蒙古包头地区8级地震的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂宗笙 《地震学报》2013,35(4):584-603
公元前7年11月11日(汉成帝绥和二年九月丙辰)地震, 由于历史文献记载的不确定性, 长期存在分歧, 也没有学者开展过调查研究, 中国地震目录均未收入. 考古发现包头市麻池周边汉代部分木椁墓中木椁四周填塞的碎砖瓦陶片及文字瓦当, 是房屋毁坏以后的建筑垃圾和日用陶器残片的混合物, 这些房屋是在公元前52年(甘露二年)到公元前33年(竞宁元年)以后在麻池古城(汉五原郡)建成的. 上述房屋的毁坏发生在西汉晚期的墓葬稍前. 房屋毁坏的原因, 可排除自然因素、 战争及人为破坏, 更可能是由于突发性的地震灾害所致. 公元前7年地震正好发生在这一时期, 并使北边郡国30余处坏城郭, 凡压杀400余人. 根据木椁四周填塞碎砖瓦陶片的汉墓分析, 麻池古城房屋、 殿堂遭受严重破坏, 死亡人数达200人以上, 地震及其它天灾人祸, 使麻池古城逐渐衰退, 最后荒废. 结合大青山山前断裂所形成的距今2 000年前的地震形变带遗迹综合分析, 公元前7年11月11日地震宏观震中在麻池一带, 震中烈度为Ⅹ度, 震级达8级, 命名为内蒙古包头8级地震.   相似文献   

采用中国地震局工程力学研究所研制的SLJ-100型三分向力平衡加速度计,进行泉州东、西塔结构脉动反应测试和模态分析,可为同类古塔的测试和研究提供参考;提出了砖石古塔自振周期的计算公式,可为砖石古塔的抗震计算、鉴定及抗震加固提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

Laboratory Study of Air Sparging: Air Flow Visualization   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Laboratory flow visualization experiments, using glass beads as the porous medium, were conducted to study air sparging, an innovative technology for subsurface contaminant remediation. The purpose of these experiments was to observe how air flows through saturated porous media and to obtain a basic understanding of air plume formation and medium heterogeneity effects. The experiments indicate that air flow occurring in discrete, stable channels is the most probable flow behavior in medium to fine grained water saturated porous media and that medium heterogeneity plays an important role in the development of air channels. Several simulated scales of heterogeneities, from pore to field, have been studied. The results suggest that air channel formation is sensitive to the various scales of heterogeneities. Site-specific hydrogeologic settings have to be carefully reviewed before air sparging is applied to remediate sites contaminated by volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

目的:分析局灶性磨玻璃结节(fGGO)MDCT 1mm薄层重建后的表现,得到早期肺癌磨玻璃结节的影像学特征。方法:分析53例已经活检或抗炎治疗证实有病理结果的肺部磨玻璃结节,分析其影像学征象,包括病变位置、大小、形态、界面、边缘、空泡、支气管扩张及蜂窝征、细支气管充气、胸膜凹陷征、血管聚集增粗以及mGGO中GGO含量,统计分析各征象在良恶性之间的差异。结果:良、恶性fGGO边缘、界面以及血管聚集增粗具有统计学差异,P<0.05;而患者的一般资料、病灶基本信息及病灶形态、空泡支气管蜂窝、细支气管充气、胸膜凹陷以及mGGO中GGO含量在良恶性fGGO的表现差异不明显,P>0.05。结论:MDCT 1mm薄层重建后的fGGO影像学特征对于鉴别良恶性fGGO及诊断早期肺癌具有极其重要的应用价值。   相似文献   

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