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基于船位监控系统的拖网捕捞努力量提取方法研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了基于船位监控系统提取拖网捕捞努力量,通过统计航速获得3个峰值,拖网作业在第2个峰值,即1~2.1 m/s,拖网作业航向差一般在–50°~50°。利用航速、航向差阈值设定,把拖网船状态划分为慢速、作业、航行,然后提取出捕捞作业状态点,1 423艘拖网船共提取到处于捕捞状态的点318 433个,合计拖网捕捞时间15 921 h,利用反距离加权插值法生成捕捞强度分布变化趋势图。捕捞努力量在渔业资源研究中是重要的参考值之一,与传统的捕捞努力量计算方法相比,该方法具有实时、大范围、快速、分辨率高的特点,能够用于辅助渔业资源保护。  相似文献   

多目标渔业资源科学调查的分层方案设计优化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
渔业资源科学调查常用于收集高质量的生物学和生态学数据以进行渔业资源评估与管理。渔业资源调查设计优化十分必要,其有助于在经济有效的采样努力量下提高调查估计量的精度。对于估计单鱼种资源量指数和物种多样性指数为主的多目标渔业资源调查设计,本研究应用模拟方法评价和优化了分层随机采样设计的分层方案。在不同月份,对于不同调查目标,分别比较了不同分层方案设计的表现。对于大多数指标,与简单随机采样设计相比,分层方案设计可以提高调查估计量的精度。目前采用的具有5层的分层随机采样设计表现最好。通过分层方案设计可以补偿由于采样努力量降低造成的估计量精度的下降,采样努力量的减少有助于降低调查成本、减轻调查拖网对于种群数量较低鱼种的不利影响。本研究表明对于不同的调查目标,最优化的分层方案设计不同。调查后分析有助于改善渔业资源调查的分层方案设计。  相似文献   

关于拖网选择性影响因子的分析研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着渔业资源的下降,除了通过渔业法规严格管理渔业生产行为外,更应该使用高选择性的渔具。拖网是1种选择性比较差的渔具,对渔业资源的破坏十分严重。提高拖网选择性对保护渔业资源具有重要意义,本文就影响拖网选择性的因子进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

山东省海洋捕捞业结构调整研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文论述了我国海洋渔业半个世纪来的发展情况和取得的巨大成就。分析了山东省海洋渔业的发展、渔获量的变化、渔船数量及其结构的变化、渔具渔法等情况。指出了山东省海洋捕捞业存在的主要问题 :渔业资源严重衰退、渔捞努力量过大且结构不合理、渔捞作业方式单一、国际渔业形势严峻等。提出了山东省海洋捕捞业结构调整的建议 :将渔船总功率压缩到 76× 10 4kw,调整结构的具体方案 ;更新木质渔船为玻璃钢渔船 ;适度发展远洋渔船等措施。  相似文献   

黃、东海底栖动物区系的特点   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
中国海底栖动物的研究过去做得很少。解放前仅张玺等(1935,1936,1949)在山东半岛附近作过一些调查。解放后,随着海洋学和渔业研究工作的发展,才逐步展开了底栖生物定量和定性的调查研究,近年来,日本的一些水产研究机构,由于渔捞上的要求,也在黄、东海进行了一些调查,但已发表的论文很少,仅有松井魁和高井彻(1950,1951)根据渔捞拖网资料所做的黄、东海大形底栖动物群落和数量分布的研究(缺少种类  相似文献   

海州湾秋季鱼类β多样性组分分析及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于过度捕捞等人类活动的胁迫,近年来海州湾渔业资源严重衰退.为了解海州湾鱼类β多样性的变化特征及其影响因素,本研究根据2013?2017年秋季在海州湾及其邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,采用S?renson相异性指数等方法计算了调查站位间以及海州湾海域整体的鱼类β多样性,并将β多样性分解为周转和嵌套两个组分,分析...  相似文献   

本文运用B—H模型对南海北部底拖网的主要渔获对象:深水金线鱼、金线鱼、马六甲绯鲤、条尾绯鲤、多齿蛇鲻、蓝圆鲹、长尾大眼鲷、短尾大眼鲷、红鳍笛鲷、二长棘鲷、黄鲷的单位补充量渔获量进行评估,分析了拖网作业对不同鱼种产生的影响,并探讨了多鱼种渔业资源管理存在的问题和对策。  相似文献   

为支撑《全国海洋捕捞准用渔具目录》的实施与管理,本文利用套网法在黄海区海州湾海域开展了黄海双船变水层疏目拖网网囊选择性研究。在分析渔获的基础上,运用相对重要性指数(IRI)、Logistic模型等分析方法,获得了双船变水层疏目拖网渔获物种类组成、优势种和主要渔获物竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、小黄鱼(Larimichthys polyactis)和带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)的选择性曲线。研究显示,随着网囊网目尺寸的增加,渔获物质量和逃逸率均逐渐增加;竹荚鱼、小黄鱼和带鱼的50%选择体长(L_(0.5))逐渐增大,且L_(0.5)与网囊网目尺寸呈线性关系;双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸按照底拖网54 mm网目尺寸标准执行偏小。根据试验结果,结合小黄鱼、竹荚鱼和带鱼最小可捕规格,变水层疏目拖网网囊最佳网目尺寸分别为65.78、78.82和67.36 mm。在目前渔业资源状况下,为保护小黄鱼等中小型经济鱼类,建议将双船变水层疏目拖网网囊最小网目尺寸(网目内径)设定为66 mm。研究结果可为我国近海捕捞渔具管理以及渔业资源的可持续发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

水平光梯度下三疣梭子蟹趋光反应的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗会明  郑微云 《海洋学报》1981,3(2):300-306
三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus(Miers))分布黄海、东海和日本近海,其经济价值高、资源丰富,是一种重要的海产品,也是一种大有捕捞前途的渔业资源。然而,由于对它的趋光生理生态学问题缺乏研究,致使捕蟹技术长期未能得到改进,迄今基本上仍停留在底拖网和笼诱捕的旧渔法水平上[1-3],捕捞量的提高受到很大限制。  相似文献   

捕捞压力在改变南海鱼类种类演替和生物量波动方面所起的作用大于气候和环境因素是一个普遍的、有争议的假设。根据1959~2010年南海北部北部湾口底拖网的调查数据,报告了该海域鱼类种类组成、优势类群的丰度比例、生物量的季节和年际变化。建立了鱼类生物量与捕捞压力和气候变化外部因素之间的广义加性模型。结果表明,捕捞压力驱动底层渔业资源急剧下降的主要因素,并随着时间的推移,高值鱼类被低值鱼类所取代。1993年和1998年期间鱼类生物量的突然减少与同期厄尔尼诺事件相对应,气候变化可能是渔业拖网捕捞中中上层鱼类比例变化的主要驱动因素。为了更好地了解鱼类群落动态,需要区分捕捞压力和环境驱动因素对不同生活史策略鱼类物种的影响。  相似文献   

This article is an analysis of observed changes in the level of fishing effort and the spatial distribution of fishing effort following implementation of a marine reserve off the California coast. The Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) closes the area between depth contour based boundaries to commercial trawl fishing. In this analysis, commercial fishing vessels are grouped based on their level of fishing effort within the closed area prior to the closure in order to compare changes in effort levels between groups. The results suggest that the RCA may have had a small effect on the level of fishing effort in the California groundfish trawl fishery. Spatial distribution of fishing effort before and after implementation of the marine reserve is also compared. Some concentration of effort occurred along parts of the closed area boundaries. This pattern suggests the “fishing the line” behavior noted in the marine reserve literature, but other possible explanations exist including the effects of coincident changes in other regulations and changing bioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

The trawl fishery, which targets Cape hake Merluccius spp. and Agulhas sole Austroglossus pectoralis, takes chokka squid Loligo vulgaris reynaudii as by-catch. Catch and effort data from the trawl fishery for the period 1978–1996 are used to obtain annual estimates of catch rate (catch per unit effort cpue) for that period. Examination of the cpue trend shows a sharp decline in the early 1980s and, in order to identify factors that could have influenced that decline, the distribution of fishing effort is investigated both temporally and spatially. There is a possible change in the incidence of squid-directed catches over time, but their overall scarcity could have had only a small impact on the annual cpue trend. Further, using distribution of fishing effort to evaluate the effects of possible changes in fishing patterns, rather than changes in resource abundance, on the trend in trawl cpue, it became clear that there had been a contraction of the trawling grounds and changes in fishing patterns in relation to depth over time. Finally, a general linear model (GLM) is developed to quantify the effect on cpue of factors such as vessel characteristic, depth and position of the drag, season and target species, so obtaining a standardized trawl cpue index of chokka abundance. Analysis of that trend reveals a mean 7.7% annual decline for the period investigated, which should be interpreted as a strong sign of resource decline.  相似文献   

Tropical shrimp trawl fisheries are unsustainable, and similar sets of management measures are used globally to address the direct and indirect costs of their practices. Yet little is known about shrimp fishers’ perceptions, despite the clear importance of human behaviour in determining the success of fisheries management. This article presents the results of interviews with industrial shrimp trawl fishers from the southern Gulf of California, Mexico, and reveals fishers’ knowledge and attitudes that should be considered when developing management plans for industrial shrimp trawl fisheries. Fishers were asked to comment on problems facing the fishery, management options to address the issues, and the future of the fishery in general. The interviews also elicited new knowledge on effort and valuable components of bycatch, useful to the management process. Among the problems facing the Gulf of California fishery, fishers tended to identify those generated externally—fluctuations in shrimp populations, increases in fishing effort, decreases in shrimp prices and increasing overheads—and thus distance themselves from responsibility for management options. The successes of any mitigation measures for the fishery are likely to depend on proper enforcement and reliable governance, as our study indicates. Should strong enforcement be put in place, then trawl free areas seem to be the most pragmatic way to alleviate problems associated with the fishery; our effort data point to areas that might have greatest acceptance among fishers. A reduction in capacity would clearly complement marine zoning for trawl free areas. In the long run, however, it may be economic extinction of the fishery that reduces pressure on the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The improvement of fishing technology has been detrimental to the sustainability of fisheries, which is particularly clear for the bottom trawl fishery. Reducing its environmental impact is a key point for the development of a more sustainable fishery. The present work analyzed different possibilities to mitigate the impact of gears on the seabed and to increase the efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery of the Western Mediterranean. The analysis of three experiments showed that innovative technical and regulation measures can lead to benefits such as the reduction of fishing effort, the improvement of the cost-benefit relation and the reduction of the direct impact on the seabed and the indirect effect on the ecosystems through reduce discards and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. After years of studies focused on improving the sustainability of this fishery, it's about time to turn this improvement into reality.  相似文献   

大西洋大眼金枪鱼渔业概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大西洋大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)是高经济价值鱼种,其分布几乎覆盖整个大西洋水域。研究大西洋大眼金枪鱼的渔业对于我国远洋渔业意义重大。所以在此对其渔业及资源状况进行研究。根据三种主要渔业(延绳钓、围网和竿钓)的渔获量,可看出大眼金枪鱼渔业的发展概况。为了分析资源状况,文中使用了Waltirs and Hilborn(1976)产量模型。其结果是99.6千公吨的最大持续产量和114.7  相似文献   

船位监控系统(vessel monitoring system,VMS)数据在渔船作业特征挖掘分析方面已有较多应用。本文以粤渔10000/10011双拖渔船2017年8月16日—9月16日的VMS数据为例,详细分析了该双拖渔船的作业状态,研究了航次和网次提取方法,并对捕捞强度的空间分布进行了分析。研究结果表明,粤渔10000/10011有4个航速区间,分别为<1.0 m/s、1.0~1.8 m/s、1.8~2.9 m/s和>2.9 m/s,对应渔船的抛锚和慢速、夜间拖网航速、白天拖网航速和巡航状态;2017年8月16日—9月16日期间,粤渔10000/10011共进行了5个航次19个网次的拖网作业,其捕捞强度空间分布呈现近岸海域高离岸海域低的特征,且夜间拖网主要在离岸海域,白天拖网会转移到水深相对浅的近岸海域。  相似文献   

The commercial fishery for snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Bloch and Schneider) in the Hauraki Gulf is one of New Zealand's principal marine fisheries. The snapper catch from this area declined by 22% in 1972, and by a further 4% in 1973, following 4 y of high catches by Danish seiners.

Some of the decline can be attributed to economic factors within the industry, and adverse winter weather. However, the 1972 decline in Danish seine catches is an acceleration of an existing trend. It probably results from heavy exploitation of an accumulated stock, and from movement of a few strong year classes past the age at which they have contributed most to the catch. The slight recovery in the 1973 Danish seine catch resulted only from increased effort; catch per day at sea continued to fall. An improvement in catch and catch per day is unlikely for some years at least.

Snapper catches by other methods (trawl, long line, and set net) also declined during 1972, but the available data on fishing effort do not allow a detailed analysis. The trawl catch in the gulf fell further in 1973 as fishing effort was diverted to other grounds, but the catch by lines and nets improved slightly.  相似文献   

The present study assessed trends in resource-use, partitioning and management in the Ungwana Bay fishery, Kenya, using surplus production models. The fishery is one of East Africa’s important marine fisheries sustaining a bottom trawl commercial fishery and a resident-migrant artisanal fishery. Two models: Schaefer (1954) and Gulland and Fox (1975) were applied to catch-effort data over a 21-year period to model maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and optimal effort (fMSY) to examine the status of resource exploitation and provide reference points for sustainable management. In the artisanal fishery, model MSYs range from 392-446 t to 1283-1473 t for shrimps and fish respectively compared to mean annual landings of 60 t for shrimp and 758 t for fish. These landings represent <50% of the model MSYs suggesting under exploitation in the sub-sector. Moreover, current fishing effort applied stands at <0.5 fMSY. On the other hand, mean annual landings in bottom trawl commercial fishery, at about 330 t for shrimps and 583 t and fish represent about 90% of the model MSYs of 352-391 t and 499-602 t for shrimps and fish respectively. Therefore, the bottom trawl commercial fishery is likely under full exploitation. Similarly, the current effort is estimated at >0.7 fMSY. Resource management in the bay is faced with numerous problems including resource-use conflicts, poor economic conditions in artisanal fishery, poor legislation, and inadequate research augmented by poor reporting systems for catch-effort statistics. Thus, the fishery lacks clearly defined exploitation regimes. Fisheries research and assessment of the marine resources are important for sustainability of the fishery. Moreover, income diversification in the poverty ridden artisanal fishery would go a long way in addressing resource-use conflicts and use of deleterious fishing methods in the sub-sector. Borrowing from the successes of the Japanese community-based fisheries resource management (CBFRM) which has easily resolved numerous fisheries management issues in coastal small-scale commercial fisheries, and the beach management unit (BMU) system which has been applied to the artisanal fisheries of south coast Kenya with enormous benefits, it is envisaged that a hybrid CBFRM-BMU system presents the best approach to sustainable resource-use in the Ungwana Bay fishery.  相似文献   

The Shark Bay trawl fishery is Western Australia's most valuable prawn fishery (worth AUD$25 million in 2014). The 18-vessel fleet targets western king prawns (Penaeus latisulcatus), brown tiger prawns (P. esculentus) and also retains saucer scallops (Ylistrum balloti) and blue swimmer crabs (Portunus armatus). Increased fuel prices, falling prawn prices and lower catches of other species, following extreme environmental events, have impacted fishery profits. A biomass dynamics model with an economic component indicated that total revenue levels start to decline when annual effort increases beyond ~ 200 fishing days per boat. Annual effort required to achieve MEY, when based solely on prawn fishing, is 115–150 days per boat after accounting for fixed and variable fishing costs and annual fishing efficiency increases of 1–2%. From 2007–2014, the adjusted effort was 188–192 days per boat. Fishing occurred between March and November during 7–8 fishing periods, separated by 5–8 day (low catchability) moon closure periods. An empirical daily profit assessment (2007–2015), accounting for recruitment variation, daily prawn size compositions, monthly market prices for different prawn species and sizes, and daily fishing costs, showed vessels made profits on ~ 115–160 days and losses on ~ 15–55 days per year, when fishing occurred near the full moon. The fishery benefitted in 2013–2015 by starting later in the year and better targeting within-season effort. This management strategy within the effort-control framework, which improved profitability, maintained higher spawning stocks and reduced ecosystem fishing impacts, has wider application in prawn fishery management.  相似文献   

黄海西部渔业资源状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨纪明 《海洋科学》1988,12(4):70-71
黄海是中国大陆和朝鲜半岛之间的陆架浅海,北起鸭绿江口,南迄长江口北,西北部与渤海相通,南部和东海相连。这个海域位于暖温带,既有暖流的进入,又有沿岸流和冷水团终年存在。这样的环境条件,决定了海洋动物区系和渔业资源中以暖温性鱼类(小黄鱼、真鲷、蓝点鲅、青鳞鱼、皱唇鲨、孔鳐等)为主、同时兼有暖水性(鲐鱼、鳓鱼等)和冷温性(太平洋鲱、鳕鱼  相似文献   

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