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Bangladesh is at the forefront of countries experiencing and debating climate change, despite having contributed little to global emissions, and has the greatest vulnerability to climate change due to inadequate institutional support for the dense population dispersed in low-lying terrain. A micro-level study of livelihoods in the Panpatti Union, a district of the coastal zone exposed to climate stress and an array of other social, economic and political stresses, demonstrated that adaptation strategies to a range of shocks were both reactive and proactive. The persistent nature of shocks, and the limited margins in which to respond, meant that achieving sustainable long-term livelihoods was unusually difficult. Despite cases of dynamism and flexibility, where livelihoods had been effectively diversified, rural people largely failed to reduce their exposure to vulnerability. That was especially true of extremely poor, landless and female-headed households. In such challenging circumstances external interventions were required to ensure sustainable development, but were unlikely because of the isolation of Panpatti and the number of villages and people in similar circumstances. This emphasised the need to develop a more robust livelihoods framework to support the most vulnerable communities in severe economic and environmental contexts where climate change is likely to exacerbate all existing problems.  相似文献   

The impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami on coastal tourism communities highlights the vulnerability of tourism destinations to external shocks. Based on fieldwork conducted in Thailand in the wake of this disaster, this paper addresses one fundamental question: what sociopolitical and environmental conditions contributed to the vulnerability of the affected tourism community of Khao Lak in the southern Phang Nga Province. We argue that an understanding of the root causes of destination vulnerability is vital not only for the successful implementation of regional recovery plans, but also for building long‐term resilience against future shocks. In the absence of an appropriate tourism vulnerability framework, this paper analyzes Khao Lak's vulnerability through an innovative theoretical framework comprised of the sustainability vulnerability framework, relational scale and place. The findings reveal that Khao Lak's vulnerability is shaped by 13 interlinked factors. These are the complex outcomes of social norms and developmental and dynamic governance processes driven by the competing agendas and scaled actions of key government and industry stakeholders. The identification and understanding of the drivers of Khao Lak's vulnerability and a strong vulnerability framework have significant implications for the wider tourism community. First, the empirical findings provide tourism communities with a blueprint for understanding the foundations of their vulnerability to external shocks. Second, the tourism vulnerability framework presented here provides destination communities and government stakeholders with an analytical tool through which to analyze their unique sociopolitical conditions. Together, these empirical and theoretical contributions bring us closer to securing sustainable livelihood futures for tourism dependent communities.  相似文献   

Has the notion of ‘sea change’ and its considerable implications for non-metropolitan coastal Australia been exaggerated? In this article alternative perspectives of ‘sea change’ in Australia are reviewed, and the policy implications of each assessed. One perspective regards migration to coastal areas beyond the capital cities as incidental to continued metropolitan primacy and unlikely to affect or change Australia's overall urban or economic structure. The other considers the movement as a significant and enduring process with major environmental and socio-economic repercussions. With reference to research conducted for the National Sea Change Taskforce, the article finds partial support for both positions, leading to a more revealing understanding of ‘sea change’ in Australia. A set of policy responses, sensitive to the particular qualities of Australian coastal environments and communities, are proposed for consideration by all three tiers of government.  相似文献   


This study investigates long-term appraisals of community recovery after a major environmental disaster. Specifically, we conducted a survey of 351 individuals living in coastal counties in Alabama and Florida on the five-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Using mixed methods that combined content analysis and ordinary least squares regression, we find that residents who believe they live in a community where neighbors help each other are more likely to see their communities as recovering. Conversely, reporting major effects from environmental problems, like lost fishing income, reduces perceptions of community recovery. Five years after the oil spill a majority of respondents saw little economic recovery and almost half perceived low environmental recovery. This reflects the importance of the environment to the long-term health and success of areas dependent on natural resources. It also suggests the need for directing funding toward community-level programs and preserving shared natural resources post-disaster.  相似文献   


‘Urban re-generations' is written as an afterword to the special issue of Australian Geographer on ‘The Politics of Urban Greening in Australian Cities'. The collection prompts a deep questioning of reparative and regenerative work associated with greening, green spaces and green infrastructures. The climate-driven 2019-2020 bushfire crisis and COVID-19 have amplified the visibility of the more-than-human connectivity of our cities and the deep underlying structures of social and environmental inequity underpinning a variety of urban green spaces and agendas. Inspired by the articles in this special issue, the afterword explores how we might call back the grammars and practices of regeneration from their service to the neo-liberal, settler-colonial city and instead nurture reparative de-colonial practices that aid in the collaborative work of re-composing, becoming into better relation with, and working in modes of situated historical and cultural difference, with green and just cities.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, sustained economic growth in Indonesia has lifted many millions of Indonesians out of poverty. But despite these developments, 28 per cent of the population still live below the official poverty line and many more remain vulnerable to falling into poverty. Coastal and fishing communities represent some of the poorer populations across Indonesia, their livelihoods increasingly threatened by deleterious environmental impacts and overfishing. This paper draws on an analysis of household surveys from two Sama Bajo fishing settlements in coastal Southeast Sulawesi. A predominantly maritime language community, Sama Bajo livelihoods are shaped by seasonal patterns of fishing and marine based harvesting and trading. Using a modified poverty survey instrument, the paper explores comparative patterns of poverty and prosperity in these two communities with a focus on livelihood dynamics, seasonality effects, and the enduring patron‐client relationships that sustain their market‐oriented way of life. Key findings highlight the vulnerability of female headed households given the highly gendered access to fishing success, and the significance of relational co‐dependencies between patron‐client networks that sustain the current patterns of fishing livelihoods. The paper highlights the need for more focussed livelihood research among vulnerable populations in Indonesia and smallholder fishing communities in particular.  相似文献   

杭州市农民工生计脆弱性特征与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民工是我国大城市中的弱势群体之一,极易受到失业、生产事故、经济波动等社会风险的冲击,其生计日益成为影响我国经济社会转型期国计民生的重要问题之一。本文从脆弱性视角出发,建立了符合城市农民工生计特征的生计资本评估指标体系,并结合实地调查资料对杭州市农民工生计脆弱性特征及成因进行了分析。研究认为,杭州农民工生计资本具有典型的脆弱性特征,突出表现在教育培训缺失、人力资本不足,租房生活为主、物质资本薄弱,收入水平低下、金融资本虚化,边缘感较强、社会资本匮乏。最后,探讨了可持续生计分析框架在大城市农民工生计问题研究中的适用性,并结合实证研究结果提出了增强大城市农民工生计资本降低其生计脆弱性的调控对策,以期为杭州市及我国其他大城市农民工生计可持续性研究提供新的分析思路和实践参考。  相似文献   

Non-climate variables shape vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change. Here, we describe how recent environmental and socio-economic developments have transformed reindeer herding and perceptions of weather on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. The reindeer industry has shrunk considerably since the early 1990s, when the winter range of the Western Arctic Caribou Herd expanded, and over 17 000 reindeer mixed with migrating caribou and left the region. Socio-economic and environmental repercussions make the continuation of herding tenuous, and erode the ability of herders to cope with weather variability, among other perturbations. We present a case study of one herder's annual cycle, and juxtapose physical drivers of herding activities, including weather-station and herder observations of local weather variability, with socio-economic factors. There is an increased urgency to access and monitor reindeer with caribou present, but herding plans are constrained by lower economic returns and the need to spend more time in non-herding jobs. Although weather is a greater concern now for immediate herd access, standard weather data are largely irrelevant to the mechanics of herding, whereas variables pertaining to the timing of biotic events (e.g., synchrony of spring break-up and calving) and visibility are attributed to lost herding opportunities. Short-term responses to weather conditions stem from more long-term vulnerability associated with caribou presence, reduced herd size, difficulties affording snowmobile maintenance or crew assistance, and dwindling market opportunities. We emphasize the environmental and socio-economic interactions that affect vulnerability and adaptive capacity for modern herding.  相似文献   

Community impacts from oil development in the Bakken Shale, located in the north central region of the United States, have been well reported in the press, including highly publicized accounts of social disruption. Less examined are communities on the periphery of such development, which experience related impacts unique to their location. Twenty-eight long-time residents from three Bakken periphery communities were interviewed to evaluate social and environmental impact perceptions, including perceived risks of place disruption. Findings suggest that whereas place meanings and identities were disrupted by the oil boom in Bakken core communities, they remain intact in these periphery communities. Findings further suggest periphery residents view their proximal location to the Bakken region as a social and economic “Goldilocks Zone:” close enough to benefit from spillover economic impacts, yet far enough away to avoid serious negative social impacts. This research extends understanding of place disruption and development impacts in energy periphery communities.  相似文献   

中国煤矿城市经济系统脆弱性评价   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
苏飞  张平宇  李鹤 《地理研究》2008,27(4):907-916
在对经济系统脆弱性概念进行界定的基础上,从煤矿城市经济系统对区域可采煤炭资源储量的暴露-敏感性和应对能力两个方面构建了脆弱性评估模型,并对全国25个地级以上煤矿城市进行了评估;在综合考虑不同煤矿城市经济系统脆弱性特征的基础上,根据脆弱性得分运用聚类分析法划分为3种类型。结果表明:(1)我国煤矿城市经济系统脆弱性总体上随着城市发展阶段的不断演进而增大;(2)不同地域的煤矿城市经济系统脆弱性平均得分呈现出东北>中部>西部>东部的趋势,脆弱性高的煤矿城市主要集中在东北地区;(3)不同规模的煤矿城市经济系统脆弱性平均得分呈现出大城市>中等城市>特大城市>小城市的变化趋势。  相似文献   

从脆弱性视角探究区域的可持续发展,将人海关系地域系统分为资源环境系统、经济系统和社会系统。运用集对分析和脆弱性评估相结合的方法,运用主、客观相结合的组合赋权法确定指标权重,分析1996—2014年辽宁沿海地区人海关系地域系统脆弱性的演变趋势,运用三角图法对1996—2014年辽宁沿海地区人海关系地域系统脆弱性进行分类,进而探究其可持续发展的模式。结果表明:(1)辽宁沿海地区人海关系地域系统脆弱性虽然波动频繁,但整体呈下降态势,稳定性显著增强;(2)研究期内,辽宁沿海地区人海关系地域系统没有出现单一子系统脆弱型,而复合子系统脆弱型和均衡脆弱型是其主要类型;(3)建议通过规避模式、适应模式及循环模式,加强陆海统筹,控制海洋资源的过度开发,充分合理利用资源,发展科学技术,培养人才,加强海洋污染治理和环境保护,降低辽宁沿海地区人海关系地域系统脆弱性,从而实现可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   


The purpose of the article is to explore the role of participation in organized leisure activities in young teenagers’ emotional place relations. Data from a survey of students in lower secondary schools were analysed using multivariate linear regression models to address the research questions concerning whether participation in organized leisure activities was associated with more positive community assessments in youths in line with early Nordic welfare theory and the role played by socio-economic hardships and gender in the association. The results showed that for boys there were no indications of a general positive association between participation in organized leisure activities and community assessments, while for girls the association was modest. Students who experienced socio-economic hardships had more negative assessments of community compared with well-off students, even when they participated in organized leisure activities. The author discusses the results according to a welfare theory approach to emotional place relations, supplemented by other theoretical perspectives. From a theoretical perspective, the findings point to social exclusion and inclusion dynamics instead of early Nordic welfare theory approaches to leisure participation. The author concludes that gender, class and school relations are strongly associated with young teenagers’ emotional place relations.  相似文献   

旅游发展与乡村劳动力回流研究——以西递村为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采取社会资本的研究视角,以安徽省南部世界文化遗产地西递村旅游发展与社会经济变迁的基本事实为案例,主要提出了一种对乡村外出劳动力向原社区回流并参与非农产业生产现象的社会经济解释。研究发现:①社区按年向有本社区户口的普通社区成员提供总收入相当比例的稳定收入,是吸引外出劳动力回流的重要原因;②社会资本和社会关系网络的效力在社区的空间范围之内才能得到发挥,是社区精英人物及与其有亲密关系的社区成员留守或回流的原因。  相似文献   

李春江  张艳  刘志林  柴彦威 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1606-1614
城市扩张和郊区化显著增加居民的通勤时间,减少居民在社区内及周边开展的日常活动,进而可能对居民的社区社会资本产生消极影响。基于2017年北京市26个社区居民的社区融合与活动日志问卷调查数据,通过构建结构方程模型,探讨通勤时间、社区活动对社区社会资本的影响机制。结果发现,控制居民社会经济属性和社区区位后,长时间通勤会减少居民在社区及周边1 000 m范围内开展的活动,并进一步对社区社交网络结构、社会信任和共同价值等社区社会资本的不同维度产生负面影响。此外,社区活动中社交娱乐活动的中介效应显著,而个人和家庭事务活动中介效应不显著。最后,证实了促进职住平衡、减少职住分离的规划政策对于增加居民社区活动及培育社区社会资本的重要意义。  相似文献   

Local communities are adopting sustainable development goals as outlined in Agenda 21. The pressure-state-response model proposed by the OECD and adopted in Australia is extended with environmental sustainability and environmental health indicators to emphasise interaction between the bio-physical and socio-economic sub-systems. Indicators are selected with the participation of local residents to monitor sensitive local environmental concerns, to motivate change and to provide benchmarks for comparison with other areas. Partnerships are proposed to use established programmes to provide much of the data required.  相似文献   

村落遗产地社区居民旅游发展态度的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王纯阳  屈海林 《地理学报》2014,69(2):278-288
构建了社区依恋、社区关注、社区参与、旅游影响感知和社区居民旅游发展态度的结构关系模型,并以村落遗产地——福建土楼为例,采用结构方程模型(SEM) 验证社区居民旅游发展态度的影响因素,并引入个人获益作为调节变量,剖析在获益居民和没有获益的居民中,各种旅游感知对旅游发展态度的影响是否存在显著差异。研究结果表明:① 经济获益感知、社会文化获益感知和环境获益感知均对态度具有显著正向影响,而经济成本感知对态度具有显著负向影响;② 社区依恋通过社会文化获益感知和环境获益感知对态度产生间接影响;③ 社区关注通过经济获益感知和环境获益感知间接影响态度,并通过经济成本感知间接影响态度;④ 社区参与通过经济获益感知、社会文化获益感知和环境获益感知对态度产生间接正向影响,并通过经济成本感知对态度产生间接负向影响;⑤ 经济获益感知、社会文化获益感知和环境获益感知对态度的影响对获益居民比没有获益的居民要大,而经济成本感知、社会文化成本感知与环境成本感知对态度的影响对没有获益的居民比获益居民要大。  相似文献   


Air travel has become central to Australian academic practice, with flying increasingly seen as crucial to the progression of successful academic careers. This paper seeks to understand why academic air travel has come to be perceived as so necessary, particularly given its significant environmental, social, and economic implications. Drawing on the mobilities paradigm and social practice theory, we seek to understand how air travel practices are a key part of contemporary academic careers. We conducted an online survey of 301 academics and 24 in depth semi-structured interviews to understand academic air travel in Australia, finding that it is seen as a means to connect and collaborate within and between academic communities, and to counteract the effects of ‘remoteness'. This remoteness is experienced domestically and internationally, by Australian academics who feel they must travel to perceived centres of knowledge production to further their careers. Academics often frame their ‘need' for connections as necessarily involving physical co-presence. Air travel offers career benefits for those who can take advantage of it, and corresponding drawbacks for those ‘stuck on the ground’. We conclude by discussing the need for valuing localised forms of collaboration as markers of success, and developing imaginative alternatives to academic flying.  相似文献   

Tl1eincreaseindomeSticmarkotalonecouldnotachieveeconon1icgrowthti1atChinaexpenencedinthel98os.Chinahasanaverageannualgrowthrateofl4.3perwtinthepenodofl978-l99o,whichisoneofthehighestinAsiaandtheworId.Sucl1highecononticgrowthhasbamachievedthrougheconon1icrefon11sandglobalizationofitseconomy.TheglobaliZationofitseconon1yisanintentionaleffortoftheopa1policyadoPtedinl978.BecauseofthelrlOCationaladvantage,itisnotsuI`Prisingtofindthateconomicgrowthofthecoastalprovincesisfasterthanililandprovince…  相似文献   

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) programs have taken a variety of forms that depend on many mediating factors, such as national and local politics, land tenure, regional collective action, the capacity of intermediaries, and socio-ecological context. This diversity has produced unsurprisingly mixed experiences, with many falling short of achieving the twin goals of environmental and social benefits and some causing adverse consequences. This study examines one rare PES case that has contributed both to forest conservation and to community livelihoods. In this study, community forest owners from four indigenous communities in the Mexican cloud forest evaluate their participation in ten years of a public PES program to support watershed stewardship. We argue that attention to indigenous sovereignty and self-determination in program implementation contributed to widely appreciated socio-environmental benefits. Though many PES programs are implemented in indigenous communities, scholarly debates have rarely dealt directly with these issues.  相似文献   

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