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芥川龙之介的《水虎》与果戈理的《狂人日记》、鲁迅的《狂人日记》均采用了现实主义与象征主义相结合的创作方法,一针见血地揭露了社会制度的黑暗与腐朽。但他们在创作方法上使用的象征主义和对社会现实揭露的广度与深度不完全相同,主人公的思想高度更是各不相同。作品创作的背景、历史条件,作者的思想高度、性格特点和创作风格是造成这些差别的根源。  相似文献   

在战后香港,左翼人士利用其和平环境对毛泽东的《讲话》精神进行了全面阐释和宣传。工作之一就是针对《讲话》中的文艺"向工农兵普及",积极实行文艺大众化的实践和对小资产阶级知识分子出身的文艺作家的思想改造。此时作家的思想改造主要表现为来自外部的左翼人士的文学批评和来自内部的对自己思想与创作的自省。拟以当时香港文坛的一份重要刊物——《文艺生活》月刊为主要考察对象,回到历史现场,重新审视小资产阶级知识分子作家在"天下大变"的历史转折关头为避免被抛弃而采取的姿态以及姿态背后的心态。  相似文献   

论Web主页的创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Web页面的制作技术进行了简要的总结,讨论了创作思想和创作方法,并结合实例进行了分析  相似文献   

通过小说《苔丝》文本分析了哈代创作思想的复杂性:他当过狂热的宗教信徒,但对基督教的信仰、怀疑和反叛是交织在一起的;他接受达尔文主义的进化论思想,但又受到叔本华悲观哲学的影响,对人生见解悲观宿命;他怀念农村宗法制田园生活,但又肯定和赞美自由资产阶级文明进步的一面。  相似文献   

《锦瑟》的主旨是千古之谜。道教、阴阳思想对诗人的影响和弗洛伊德的心理理论,认为:《锦瑟》不仅是李商隐悼念王氏的诗,更是诗人与王氏会魂的诗,正是源于结发夫妻间最真诚、最原始的世情感知,才促成诗人创作出这般辞意飘渺、意蕴丰厚的诗。  相似文献   

刘勰倾注其毕生的追求与思索而创作的体大思精的《文心雕龙》正是其美学生命与心理体验的显现。刘勰将其在独特的人生旅途中获得的心理体验贯穿于《文心雕龙》的文道论、创作论、鉴赏批评论和文体论之中,其中,"割情析采"中的鉴赏批评论蕴含了刘勰的"觇文见心"的同情体验、"贵古贱今"的孤独体验以及这两种体验的实践与超越,这些共同构成了其丰富深刻又灵动精妙的心理体验与美学生命。  相似文献   

2002年,在浙江省委、省政府的正确领导和国土资源部的具体部署下,全省各级国土资源部门的干部职工坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实中央人口资源环境工作座谈会和浙江省第十一次党代会精神,深入实施《土地管理法》和《矿产资源法》,国土资源工作紧紧围绕我省提前基本实现现代化的宏伟目标,努力为经济社会发展服务,各项工作取得了显著的成绩,得到了省委、省政府的高度评价。  相似文献   

鲁訔《杜甫年谱》与源于"鲁訔系统"的编年体杜集《百家注》和《草堂诗笺》蕴含了丰富的文献学信息,由此可重新检讨学者对已佚的《编注杜甫诗》的编次情况与渊源流变的看法。同时,鲁编本的支流《百家注》和《草堂诗笺》在编次上亦有异同和优劣之别。在了解二刊本的具体编次情况的基础上,学者可根据需要作合理取舍利用。  相似文献   

从江南士风这一视角解读《荷塘月色》以及朱自清写景散文.并从中透析朱自清散文创作的深层文化心理和文化渊源。  相似文献   

从江南士风这一视角解读《荷塘月色》以及朱自清写景散文,并从中透析朱自清散文创作的深层文化心理和文化渊源。  相似文献   

As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies, the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geography. Based on a consumer behavior analysis, this study explores the relationship between consumption space and the social strata of consumers in typical shopping malls in Guangzhou where the first shopping mall in China was built. The result shows that shopping malls have performed significant constructive functions of organizing consumers from different social classes into different consumption space. For middle- and upper-class consumers, the function of shopping malls centers on utilitarian consumption, identity recognition, and identity construction; whereas for lower-class consumers, its function revolves around pleasure and enjoyment. The symbolism of consumption space is the underlying reason for shopping malls to have their social constructive function. The findings of this research suggest that: 1) a shopping mall is a productive consumption space and a geographical space with subjectivity; 2) the micro-location of a shopping mall has social construction function; and 3) symbolic consumption is the core of social construction.  相似文献   

Comparative space-time thinking lies at the heart of spatiotemporally integrated social sciences. The multiple dimensions and scales of socioeconomic dynamics pose numerous challenges for the application and evaluation of public policies in the comparative context. At the same time, social scientists have been slow to adopt and implement new spatiotemporally explicit methods of data analy- sis due to the lack of extensible software packages, which becomes a major impediment to the promotion of spatiotemporal thinking. The proposed framework will address this need by developing a set of research questions based on space-time-distributional features of socioeconomic datasets. The authors aim to develop, evaluate, and implement this framework in an open source toolkit to comprehen- sively quantify the changes and level of hidden variation of space-time datasets across scales and dimensions. Free access to the source code allows a broader community to incorporate additional advances in perspectives and methods, thus facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration. Being written in Python, it is entirely cross-platform, lowering transmission costs in research and education.  相似文献   

曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中,精心塑造了两位女性形象,薛宝钗象征士子阶层的"修身治国平天下"的儒家思想人格。林黛玉象征士子阶层希望的"人格独立"的道家思想人格。她们既可"合而为一"又可"一分为二",是士子阶层社会生命和自然生命的两面。  相似文献   

Social capital has played an increasingly important role in regional development. China is a country with high stocks of social capital. Using several different indicators of social capital, this study tries to research the regional disparities in social capital and the influence of social capital on economic growth of China in 1978–2004. Measuring social capital with indicators of associations, charities and blood donation rates, this study finds significant regional disparities in social capital at provincial level in China. Those indicators for social capital are highly correlated with regional economic performance. Statistical analysis shows that social capital has a significant and positive effect on a long-term provincial economic growth. This relationship exists after controlling policy, macro location factors, and per capita GDP in the initial year. The empirical findings indicate that institutions, culture and social relations are critical for regional development in China. Therefore, the creation and support of social capital should be paid more attention to when making regional policy.  相似文献   

提出了 2 0 0 0年山东省地矿工作改革与发展的目标任务 ,部署了需要重点做好的各项工作。面对历史新纪元 ,全省地矿系统干部职工要继续发扬团结奋斗、开拓创新的精神 ,以更加优异的业绩 ,为山东经济的持续、快速、健康发展和社会全面进步做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

在世界航海过程中 ,人们创造了众多语言词汇 ,丰富了人类语言。英语中也有许多与航海有关的词语 ,它们语义的产生有其特定的背景 ,在使用过程中被赋予新的含义 ,至今广泛使用。  相似文献   

Land creation projects have been implemented in China to expand urban space in mountainous areas. In addition to the predictable settlement brought about by filling construction,varying degrees of land subsidence and engineering failures have a demonstrated relationship to groundwater level fluctuation induced by land creation engineering. In this work, we adopted a typical large-scale land creation project, Yan'an New City in Shaanxi province, West China, as our study area. Prior to conducting the main experiment,preliminary field investigation and groundwater level monitoring were conducted to determine the groundwater fluctuation trend induced by land creation engineering. Although a blind drainage system was implemented, the depth aspect of groundwater level changes after large-scale land creation still needed to be addressed. To study the degree of impact and the settlement mechanism induced by the rising groundwater level, we conducted a Water Immersion Test(WIT) in a typical land creation site for 107 days. The rising groundwater level was simulated by injecting water from the bottom of the filling foundation. During the WIT, the soil water content, surface subsidence, and internal settlement of soil at different depths were obtained. Surface subsidence development could be categorized into four stages during the water level increase. The second stage, which is defined as the point when the groundwater level rises to 10 m,marked the critical point in the process. Furthermore,it was ascertained that the local settlement in regions that were originally composed of steep slopes is larger than that in originally flat areas. In addition, ground cracks and sinkholes in the study area were inspected;and it was determined that they would become new channels that would accelerate water infiltration and exacerbate the settlement. Based on the results from our field investigation and testing, several suggestions are proposed for land creation projects to mitigate issues associated with construction-induced groundwater level rising.  相似文献   

企业管理者存在着管理动力不足和淘空企业的现象,这在很大程度上是内部控制环境出了问题.文章提出了优化董事会决策机制,理顺董事会与经理层关系;完善企业内部监控体系和信息系统;构建合理的管理组织架构;营造良好的企业文化以增强员工的素质等内部控制环境建设的基本思路.  相似文献   

地理信息科学与哲学、历史、文学、艺术、社会学、经济学、政治学、管理学等人文学与社会科学进行了全面的深度融合。一方面,地理信息科学领域的学者积极拓展研究领域,为人文学与社会科学领域的学者提供空间化、可视化的技术手段;另一方面,人文学与社会科学领域的学者积极学习和掌握地理信息技术,在研究中积极引入空间思维和空间可视化方法。同时,一些适用于人文学与社会科学研究者的开放平台、代码和工具不断涌现。本文在对空间综合人文学与社会科学的最新进展进行全面总结的基础上,探讨了空间人文学与社会科学研究的思路和框架,并分别对该框架各分支的研究进展进行了梳理和评述,包括:历史GIS,文学GIS,语言学GIS,GIS与哲学、人类动力学、人文地理学等;以及GIS与政治学及国际关系学,GIS与管理学、空间计量经济学、社会地理计算、空间社会网络与空间交互网络、犯罪地理学、健康地理与公共卫生学等。接着,本文对空间综合人文学与社会科学的研究方法进行了分析,包括:空间思维与空间计量、认知心理学与空间认知、空间可视化与虚拟地理分析、平台研发等。最后,对空间综合人文学与社会科学研究的关键问题和未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

大别造山带西段的新县高压超高压变质带中 ,分布着多种不同类型的榴辉岩。研究发现 ,尽管它们有着不同的峰变质条件 ,但都经历了相同的绿帘角闪岩相前进变质 ,具有相近的峰变质年龄和相似的退变质轨迹。其形成和折返可能与华北、扬子两大古陆在早奥陶世末的陆—陆碰撞有关。  相似文献   

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