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Most urban agglomerations located in the Mumbai coastal region in India are vulnerable to flooding due to increasing frequency of the short-duration heavy rainfall, by virtue of their location at foothills on one side and tidal variations on the other side. Steep slopes in the catchment ensure fast runoff and tidal variation adds to backwater effect in the drainage system, which together are favorable for flooding. The present study simulates the flood inundation due to heavy rainfall and high-tide conditions in a coastal urban catchment within Mumbai region with detention pond. Overland flow is modeled using a mass balance approach, which can adapt to hilly slopes and smoothly accommodate detention pond hydraulics. Dynamic wave channel routing based on finite element method captures the backwater effects due to tidal variation, and raster-based flood inundation model enables direct use of digital elevation model. The integrated model is capable of simulating detention pond hydraulics within the raster flood model for heavy rainfall events. The database required for the model is obtained from the geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing techniques. Application of the integrated model to literature problems and the catchment of the study area for two non-flooding events gave satisfactory results. Further, the model is applied to an extreme rainfall event of July 26, 2005, coinciding with high-tide conditions, which revealed vulnerability of the area to flooding despite of an existing detention pond. A sensitivity analysis on the location of detention pond indicated that catchment response can be better governed by relocating the detention pond to upstream of existing detention pond especially when heavy rainfall events are becoming frequent.  相似文献   

城市降水径流的污染来源与排放特征研究进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
综述了城市地表径流污染的成因、来源和排放特征的研究.城市降水径流污染来自3个方面:降水、城市地表和排水系统.其中,城市地表和排水系统是城市降水径流污染的主要来源.在具合流制排水系统的城市,20%~60%的径流污染(SS、COD和BOD5)来自排水系统.在一次降雨过程中,城市降雨径流污染的排放一般存在初期冲刷效应,径流中污染物浓度的峰值一般提前于径流的峰值.但是由于影响初期冲刷效应的因素多而随机,使得初期冲刷出现的频率和程度存在明显的差异,而且很难建立初期冲刷与降雨特征和流域特征的通用关系.  相似文献   

Infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) such as soakaways and permeable pavements use the capacity of the subsurface to attenuate surface water. The implementation of SuDS is required by the Floods and Water Management Act 2010, and the associated National Standards for Sustainable Drainage prioritise infiltration over other surface water drainage methods. This paper describes the development of a nationally derived Infiltration SuDS Map that enables preliminary assessment of the suitability of the ground for infiltration SuDS. It shows that national geological and hydrogeological datasets, developed by the British Geological Survey, can be used to support early planning decisions. The map comprises 24 GIS layers that both summarise and provide subsurface information on the suitability of the ground with respect to significant flooding and stability constraints, the drainage potential and considerations relating to ground stability and groundwater protection. The map was validated using an independent database of SuDS installations and was found to accurately describe the ground conditions in all 27 cases. The Infiltration SuDS Map suggests that 34.5 % of the United Kingdom is suitable or probably suitable for free-draining SuDS, but that the potential for infiltration SuDS at the city-scale varies depending on the ground conditions. For example, 60 % of Bradford was deemed as suitable, or probably suitable for Infiltration SuDS, whereas only 19 % of the area of Leicester was similarly classified.  相似文献   

Soil crust and slope angle are of important factors affecting runoff production and sediment yield. In the hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, North China, slope lands are distributed extensively and subjected to soil crusting; therefore, the research on the responses of runoff and soil loss to soil crust and slope angle is essential to soil and water conservation. In the study, five pairs of 1 m × 5 m plots with slope angles of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25° respectively, were established in Wangjiagou watershed, which was located at the Loess Plateau, China. Based on the two simulated rainfall events, uncrusted surface prior to the first simulated rainfall event, and crusted surface prior to the second rainfall event were distinguished. The runoff production and soil loss were measured at intervals of 5 min during the simulated events. It indicated that both soil crust and slope angle played an important role in runoff production and soil loss. With the reference slope angle of 5°, the relative importance of soil crust and slope angle in runoff production was calculated. It showed that soil crust effect on the total runoff volume decreased from 100 to ~40%, while slope angle effect increased from 0 to ~60% with increasing slope angle because soil crust less developed on the steeper slopes. Furthermore, soil crust effect was associated with rainfall duration. At the same slope angle, the relative importance of soil crust decreased with rainfall duration because new crust was formed on the uncrusted surface. The critical slope of erosion was also discussed. Soil loss increased with slope angle when the slope angle was less than 20°. Generally speaking, soil crust effect decreased with slope angle and/or rainfall duration.  相似文献   

Few investigations have addressed the interaction between soil surface water regimes and raindrop impact on nutrient losses, especially under artesian seepage condition. A simulation study was conducted to examine the effects on nitrogen and phosphorus losses. Four soil surface water regimes were designed: free drainage, saturation with rainfall, artesian seepage without rainfall, and artesian seepage with rainfall. These water regimes were subjected to two surface treatments: with and without raindrop impact through placing nylon net over soil pan. The results showed saturation and seepage with rainfall conditions induced greater soil loss and nutrient losses than free drainage condition. Nutrient concentrations in runoff from artesian seepage without rainfall condition were 7.3–228.7 times those from free drainage condition. Nutrient losses by runoff from saturation and seepage with rainfall conditions increased by factors of 1.30–9.38 and 2.81–40.11 times, and the corresponding losses with eroded sediment by 1.37–7.67 and 1.75–9.0 times, respectively, relative to those from free drainage condition. Regardless of different soil surface water regimes, raindrop impact increased 20.90–94.0 % nutrient losses with eroded sediment by promoting soil loss, but it only significantly enhanced nutrient transport to runoff under free drainage condition.  相似文献   

This paper explores the disciplining of non-human actors through the example of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) managing surface water runoff. The lens of performativity is used to examine the move from pre-modern repressive forms of discipline, to mechanisms which attempt a more productive disciplinary engagement by finding space to reform water’s more unruly behaviours. After examining the problems with traditional disciplinary approaches to water of rapid transit and exile, the paper explores the implications of a move towards SuDS technology. This change is examined using a case study of Glasgow, Scotland, where there is an attempt to utilise less repressive disciplinary mechanisms and to find spaces in the city for surface water outside the hard drainage infrastructure. New approaches to the disciplining of urban water are conceptualised as being a performance of tension between water and those who would modify its behaviour.  相似文献   

To characterize a runoff pattern of non-point pollutants in relation with different land uses in a watershed, a monitoring activity and field measurements were carried out and data points were recorded during the rainfall events for 2 years. The study area includes industrial, urban, and rural sectors, which can represent a model case for the runoff study. Each sector was monitored with methodology and parameters including partial event mean concentration, first flush effect, mass first flush ratios, and correlation analysis. The Banwol Industrial Outfall No. 4 (4TG), an industrial area, showed a strong first flush effect, indicating that pollutants such as suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus, were discharged at the early stage of a storm. An MFF30 analysis of the runoff revealed a mean pollutant load was over 50 %. In the Ansan Stream, an urban area, a strong first flush effect did not appear; however, the concentrations of pollutants reached a peak some time later during a storm event. Then, the concentrations of pollutants quickly reduced. On the other hand, Jangjunbo and Munsan Stream, rural areas, did not exhibit the first flush effects, and when considering the value of MFF30, 30 % or fewer pollutants on average were discharged at the initial stage of a storm. This means most of pollutants were streamed out at the later time of a storm event. The monitoring results found that the runoff characteristics of non-point pollutants in industrial, urban, and rural areas were distinctly different and site-specific. Therefore, each watershed management plan should be prepared to meet its own characteristics. Also, this kind of data can be an important base in designing and sizing a regional wastewater treatment facility to treat pollutants from a contaminated watershed.  相似文献   

The surface water development can help to address the growing demand for water resources and the effects of stormwater flooding on the local environment. The study area was chosen according to its special conditions where it represents one of the main headlands along the southern Mediterranean coast and receives amount of rainfall during the winter season. The main objective of this paper is to monitor and record data about the current surface water status as well as to have a systematic understanding of the water resources base in the study area, and this assessment will contribute in the exploitation of the surface water. The current research is integration between geomorphology, geology, remote sensing, and the applications of geographical information system. The total amount of annual rainfall and surface runoff are estimated (annual rainfall is 23.345 million m3 and surface runoff is 1.167 million m3). On the other hand, the surface runoff which has been resulted from one event (storm) is also estimated to be 483,000 m3/day. The present study introduce some recommendations; the cisterns should be established in the vicinities of the watersheds and on the downstream of the drainage basins to store water before draining to the sea, the dug should be in oolitic limestone to reduce drilling costs, the water reservoirs should be established to store large amount of surface water (from 2,000 to 3,000 m3). Dams are necessary to protect the agriculture activities from any flash hazard which is expected any time.  相似文献   

In this study, an approach for runoff and recharge estimations that can be applied in arid regions which suffer from lack of data is presented. Estimating groundwater recharge in arid regions is an extremely important but difficult task, the main reason is the scarcity of data in arid regions. This is true for the Eastern Egyptian Desert where groundwater is used for irrigation purposes in agricultural reclamation along the Red Sea coast line. As a result of the scarcity of hydrologic information, the relation between rainfall and runoff was calculated depending on the paleo-flood hydrology information. Two models were used to calculate the rainfall–runoff relationships for El Hawashyia basin and Ghazala sub-basin. Two computer programs known as Gerinne (meaning channel in German) and SMADA6 (Stormwater Management and Design Aid, version 6) were conjunctively used for this purpose. As a result of the model applied to El Hawashyia basin, a rainfall event of a total of 18.3 mm with duration 3 h at the station of Hurghada, which has an exceedance probability of 5–10 %, produces a discharge volume of 10.2 × 106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 4.7 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge). For the Ghazala sub-basin, the model yields a runoff volume of 3.16 × 106 m3 transferred from a total rainfall of 25 mm over a period of 3 h, as 3.2 mm of it was lost as infiltration.  相似文献   

Riverine sediment load, a reflection of basin erosion and sediment yield, is influenced by both climatic and human factors. Complex interaction between various factors within a basin dampens and counteracts the forces that drive sediment variations. The gross human impact index and the index estimation method have both been proposed to reflect the impacts of human activities on soil erosion and sediment yield. Sediment load and daily rainfall data from 1955 to 2010 in the upper Yangtze basin, and in the Wu, Jialing, Min and Jinsha subbasins, were collected to assess the human versus climatic impacts on sediment yield. From 1955 to 2010, the average annual runoff in the study area was 428.2 billion m3, and the average annual suspended sediment load was approximately 0.43 billion t. There was a critical point in 1984, 1985, 1991, 1993 and 1999 when the sediment load decreased in the Wu, Jialing, upper Yangtze, Min and Jinsha river, respectively. The annual regional rainfall erosivities in the upper Yangtze basin in most years ranged between 2,500 and 3,500 MJ mm hm?2 h?1 year?1 and fluctuated around 3,000 MJ mm hm?2 h?1 year?1 with a small coefficient of variation of 0.11. In the Jinsha subbasin, the index indicated that increasing rainfall erosivity could not account for the reduction in riverine sediment load and that anthropogenic erosion-control measures played a key role. The index values for the Min, Jialing and Wu subbasins ranged from 76 to 97 % and for the upper Yangtze basin is 95 %, demonstrating the joint effects of precipitation and human activities in all basins, with erosion-controlling measures playing a major role in sediment load reduction.  相似文献   

The northern shore of Lake Ontario is one of the longest settled parts of Canada beginning around 1795. Accelerated settlement and deforestation after 1840 resulted in massive soil loss from easily-eroded Pleistocene glacial landscapes and the siltation of creeks and lagoons. Channel capacity was reduced but river flow was enhanced by diminished infiltration resulting in straightening of meandering channels, accelerated erosion of stream banks, increased incidence of downstream flooding and large influxes of mud to Lake Ontario. Conservation measures after World War II were successful but rapid urban sprawl after 1970 hardened watersheds and badly impacted the quality and quantity of surface and ground waters flowing to Lake Ontario. The Frenchman’s Bay watershed (27 km2) 50 km east of Toronto is one of the country’s most urbanized (pop: 100,000; 76 % urban cover) and is crossed by Canada’s busiest highway (Highway 401). The watershed drains to Lake Ontario through a coastal lagoon (Frenchman’s Bay) in which pre-settlement postglacial carbonate is abruptly overlain by a ‘European settlement’ mud layer rich in weed pollen and organic debris; the uppermost ‘urban’ part of this deposit shows elevated level of metals and other contaminants. This layer records soil loss after 1840 and more recently, the influx of contaminated urban waters and sediment. Some 7,600 tonnes of road salt have been applied to the lagoon watershed each year producing spikes of brackish surface runoff during winter thaws. Some 50 % of the total salt applied to the entire watershed is conveyed directly to Frenchman’s Bay Lagoon via surface runoff; the rest enters the groundwater system resulting in year-round brackish baseflow to creeks. Chloride continues to be stored in underlying aquifers such that the system has yet to reach a steady-state discharge. Future salinity of baseflow reaching the lagoon can be expected to increase by about 40 %. Rapid migration of contaminated groundwater is facilitated by the widespread presence of thick (<8 m) coarse-grained and heterogeneous fill materials of the built landscape. The watershed is experiencing ongoing changes in land use as urban infilling proceeds. The aquatic ecology of inflowing creeks to the lagoon has been greatly impacted resulting in major loss of wetlands and submergent vegetation and distinct changes in the structure of fish populations. This is the most detailed study of an urban watershed in Canada; lack of knowledge elsewhere is a constraint on the design and testing of mitigation measures and is a major impediment to assessing the impact of ongoing climate change on urban water resources, and the effects of urban runoff on Great Lakes water quality.  相似文献   

山坡表层关键带结构与水文连通性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
山丘区是洪水的"策源地",山丘区坡地、沟谷及间歇性河道为洪水的形成提供了通道,同时也是水文连通时空变化最为强烈的地带。然而,对流域表层关键带结构特征及其水文连通机制等的认识尚存不足,限制了产汇流理论及模型方法的发展和应用。通过对比国内外山坡水文实验,发现山坡物理结构连通性控制并深刻影响着水流的连通过程,现有水文连通实验侧重孔隙等微观尺度的规律研究,与水文模型理论存在尺度上的巨大偏差。为此,提出水文连通性应侧重揭示水流在山坡地表、地下的宏观表象通道及分布特征,探索径流连通的动力学机制,即山坡水文连通性研究重在剖析其结构特征的水文累积效应,应保持关键带结构特征合理概化与产汇流理论适度复杂之间的平衡。  相似文献   

以三峡库区界垭小流域内不同交通荷载土质道路为研究对象,通过自然降雨观测研究其侵蚀规律和污染物流失特征。研究结果表明,交通荷载大的干道产流率和侵蚀率均高于交通荷载低的支道,对产流率影响显著的因子主要为降雨量,对产沙率影响显著的因子为降雨量、雨强。雨型对污染物的流失特征影响显著,前期集中型降雨下,污染物流失过程线与降雨过程线同步性较好,泥沙、总氮、铵态氮、泥沙结合态磷和溶解态磷均发生了较强的初始冲刷效应;中期集中型降雨下,污染物流失浓度峰值优先于雨强峰值,且氮和磷等初始冲刷强度低于前期集中型降雨,泥沙无初始冲刷效应。  相似文献   

Multi-day rainfall events are an important cause of recent severe flooding in Pakistan, and any change in the magnitude of such events may have severe impact upon urban structures such as dams, urban drainage systems, and flood. This article uses statistical distributions to define extremes of annual rainfall of different cities of Punjab (Lahore, Murree, Sialkot, and Jhelum) with given return periods. Our calculations suggest that general extreme value is the best-fitted distribution for the extreme annual rainfall of different cities of Punjab. Our calculations show that different cities of Punjab have 5 years return period for receiving more than 100 mm daily rainfall. While they have 30 years return period for receiving more than 200 mm daily rainfall. This asks for construction of new dams in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Zinc, major ion, and other trace metal (V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb) concentrations were measured within 172 street and stream runoff samples in the Atlanta metropolitan region and in relatively undeveloped watersheds within the Georgia Piedmont and Blue Ridge Provinces. Peachtree Creek, draining a densely populated area of Atlanta, was the primary sampling location and samples were acquired under a wide range of hydrological conditions. Zinc concentrations within street runoff [median (Zn)urban street runoff=905 µg/l] were significantly greater than zinc concentrations within storm runoff [median (Zn)Peachtree Creek=60 µg/l], which were, in turn, greater than zinc concentrations within non-storm runoff [median (Zn)Peachtree Creek=14 µg/l]. Zinc concentrations were not significantly greater within urban base flow than within non-urban base flow, indicating that the primary source of pollution is "event water" or street runoff. Zinc was the only heavy metal present in greater than "background" concentrations (i.e., >10 µg/l), which is likely the result of automotive pollution that is omnipresent within the study area. Analysis of storm alkalinity dilution trends indicate that simple mixing between polluted street runoff and groundwater cannot account for the zinc concentrations observed within storm and recession flows. A two end member mass balance model suggests that a large proportion of the zinc present in the street runoff is adsorbed and transported on surfaces of the suspended sediment. Adsorption is readily possible at the near neutral pH (~6.5) of turbid storm discharge.  相似文献   

Flash flood forecasting of catchment systems is one of the challenges especially in the arid ungauged basins. This study is attempted to estimate the relationship between rainfall and runoff and also to provide flash flood hazard warnings for ungauged basins based on the hydrological characteristics using geographic information system (GIS). Morphometric characteristics of drainage basins provide a means for describing the hydrological behavior of a basin. The study examined the morphometric parameters of Wadi Rabigh with emphasis on its implication for hydrologic processes through the integration analysis between morphometric parameters and GIS techniques. Data for this study were obtained from ASTER data for digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, topographic map (1:50,000), and geological maps (1,250,000) which were subject to field confirmation. About 36 morphometric parameters were measured and calculated, and interlinked to produce nine effective parameters for the evaluation of the flash flood hazard degree of the study area. Based on nine effective morphometric parameters that directly influence on the hydrologic behavior of the Wadi through time of concentration, the flash flood hazard of the Rabigh basin and its subbasins was identified and classified into three groups (High, medium, and low hazard degree). The present work proved that the physiographic features of drainage basin contribute to the possibility of a flash flood hazard evaluation for any particular drainage area. The study provides details on the flash flood prone subbasins and the mitigation measures. This study also helps to plan rainwater harvesting and watershed management in the flash flood alert zones. Based on two historical data events of rainfall and the corresponding maximum flow rate, morphometric parameters and Stormwater Management and Design Aid software (SMADA 6), it could be to generate the hydrograph of Wadi Rabigh basin. As a result of the model applied to Wadi Rabigh basin, a rainfall event of a total of 22 mm with a duration of 5 h at the station nearby the study area, which has an exceedance probability of 50 % and return period around 2 years, produces a discharge volume of 15.2?×?106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 12.5 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge).  相似文献   

Flash floods are the most common type of natural hazards that cause loss of life and massive damage to economic activities. During the last few decades, their impact increased due to rapid urbanization and settlement in downstream areas, which are desirable place for development. Wadi Asyuti, much like other wadis in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, is prone to flash flood problems. Analysis and interpretation of microwave remotely sensed data obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data using GIS techniques provided information on physical characteristics of catchments and rainfall zones. These data play a crucial role in mapping flash flood potentials and predicting hydrologic conditions in space and time. In order to delineate flash flood potentials in Wadi Asyuti basin, several morphometric parameters that tend to promote higher flood peak and runoff, including drainage characteristics, basin relief, texture, and geometry were computed, ranked, and combined using several approaches. The resulting flash flood potential maps, categorized the sub-basins into five classes, ranging from very low to very high flood potentials. In addition, integrating the spatially distributed drainage density, rainfall intensity, and slope gradient further highlighted areas of potential flooding within the Wadi Asyuti basin. Processing of recent Landsat-8 imagery acquired on March 15, 2014, validated the flood potential maps and offered an opportunity to measure the extent (200–900 m in width) of the flooding zone within the flash flood event on March 9, 2014, as well as revealed vulnerable areas of social and economic activities. These results demonstrated that excessive rainfall intensity in areas of higher topographic relief, steep slope, and drainage density are the major causes of flash floods. Furthermore, integration of remote sensing data and GIS techniques allowed mapping flood-prone areas in a fast and cost-effective to help decision makers in preventing flood hazards in the future.  相似文献   

The recently developed SWATDRAIN model was employed to assess the impact of controlled drainage on the water table dynamics, subsurface drainage, and surface runoff in an agricultural watershed in Ontario, Canada. Controlled drainage was defined with a depth of 1.0 m to restrict flow at the drain outlet to maintain the water table at 0.5 m below the surface level during the winter (November–April) and at 0.6 m during the summer (June–August) months. The effects of the absence, or implementation, of drainage water management were predicted for the 3-year period of 1991–1993. Implementing controlled drainage resulted in a 16 % reduction in the mean annual drain flow, while increasing surface runoff by as much as 71 %. This indicates that overall watershed hydrology could be significantly impacted by the implementation of controlled drainage. This research demonstrates the SWATDRAIN model’s ability to predict the controlled drainage in small agricultural watersheds.  相似文献   

There is a need for research that advances understanding of flow alterations in contemporary watersheds where natural and anthropogenic interactions can confound mitigation efforts. Event-based flow frequency, timing, magnitude, and rate of change were quantified at five-site nested gauging sites in a representative mixed-land-use watershed of the central USA. Statistically independent storms were paired by site (n = 111 × 5 sites) to test for significant differences in event-based rainfall and flow response variables (n = 17) between gauging sites. Increased frequency of small peak flow events (i.e., 64 more events less than 4.0 m3 s?1) was observed at the rural–urban interface of the watershed. Differences in flow response were apparent during drier periods when small rainfall events resulted in increased flow response at urban sites in the lower reaches. Relationships between rainfall and peak flow were stronger with decreased pasture/crop land use and increased urban land use by approximately 20%. Event-based total rainfall explained 40–68% of the variance in peak flow (p < 0.001). Coefficients of determination (r2) were negatively correlated with pasture/crop land use (r2 = 0.92; p = 0.007; n = 5) and positively correlated with urban land use (r2 = 0.90; p = 0.008; n = 5). Significant differences in flow metrics were observed between rural and urban sites (p < 0.05; n = 111) that were not explained by differences in rainfall variables and drainage area. An urban influence on flow timing was observed using median time lag to peak centroid and time of maximum precipitation to peak flow. Results highlight the need to establish manageable flow targets in rapidly urbanizing mixed-land-use watersheds.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the first flush phenomenon from residential, commercial and industrial catchments. Stormwater was grab sampled and the flow rate was measured during 52 storm events. The dimensionless cumulative pollutant mass and runoff volume were used to determine the runoff volume needed to transport 50 and 80 % of total pollutant mass. Almost all the constituents did not satisfy this first flush definition except for total suspended solids (TSS) in the commercial catchment. The averages first runoff volume required to remove 50 and 80 % of the total pollutant mass were 37 and 67, 35 and 65, and 36 and 64 % for the residential, commercial and industrial catchments, respectively. It seemed that less runoff is required to transport the same amount of pollutant loadings in tropical urban catchments than in temperate regions. BOD, COD, NH3-N, SRP and TP consistently showed strong first flush effects in all catchments. The first flush strengths of TSS, BOD, COD, NH3-N and TP in the commercial catchment were strongly correlated with total rainfall, rainfall duration, max 5 min intensity, runoff volume and peak flow, but not with antecedent dry days. Management of the first 10 mm runoff depth would be able to capture about half of the total pollutant mass in stormwater runoff that would otherwise goes to drains.  相似文献   

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