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根据春玉米田间试验资料和历史气候资料,对春玉米生长模拟模式进行了验证与灵敏性分析,在此基础上,运用逐步订正法将当前气候前景和大气环流模式输出资料结合历史气候资料生成的未来气候情景订正到1o×1o网格点上,与春玉米生长模拟模式相联接,就未来气候变化对我国东北地区春玉米生长、发育和最终产量的可能影响进行了网格化定量模拟,并对一些适应性对策的效果进行了定性或定量的分析。结果表明,在DKRZOPYC模拟的未来情景下,若保持当前作物品种和生产技术措施不变,研究区域除北部将平均增产70%外,其余地区都将有不同程度的减产,幅度在-10%~-50%之间,而在NCAR模拟的情景下,中西部地区将增产,其它地区可维持当前产量水平。适应性对策将对开发利用未来可能的气候资源,减缓未来气候变化的负效应,充分发挥其正效应起到积极作用,进而绝大部分区域将受益于未来水热条件的改变。  相似文献   

气候变化对我国南方双季稻发育和产量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
基于WOFOST作物模式,结合气候模式输出的气候情景资料,模拟研究了未来100a(2001-2100年)气候变化对我国南方双季稻发育和产量的影响。结果表明:未来气候情景下,我国南方大部分地区双季稻(早稻、晚稻)的生长期会有所缩短;产量可能会有所下降,但下降的幅度不是很大,其中早稻受气候变化的影响较大。  相似文献   

近十年来我国气候变暖影响研究的若干进展   总被引:51,自引:12,他引:51       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,我国政府和科技界十分关注气候王馥棠变暖对我国经济发展可能影响的评估, 开展了许多重大项目和课题的研究。该文仅就气候变暖对我国自然植被、农业、森林、水资源、能源利用和区域海平面上升等领域影响评估研究的若干有意义的初步结果简要归纳和评述如下:取自不同GCM模型的未来气候变化情景下的影响评估模拟表明,我国的特征性自然植被类型将会发生明显的变化。同当前气候(1951~1980年)下的模拟分布相比,到2050年我国几乎所有地方的农业种植制度均将发生较大变化;气候变暖将导致复种指数增加和种植方式多样化,但降水与蒸散之间可能出现的负平衡和土壤水分胁迫的增加以及生育期的可能缩短,最终将导致我国主要作物的产量下降。气候变暖对我国水资源最明显的影响将会发生在黄淮海流域,这个区域的水资源供需短缺将大大提高。同时,气候变暖将改变我国室内取暖和降温的能源需求关系:北方冬季取暖的能源消耗将减少, 而南方夏季降温的能源消耗将会增加。海平面的上升将使我国三个主要沿海低洼脆弱区,即珠江三角洲、长江三角洲和黄河三角洲,面临部分遭受海水淹没的威胁。  相似文献   

全球变暖中的科学问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2013年各国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组发布了第五次气候变化科学评估报告,以大量的观测分析和气候模式模拟证据,继续强调由于人类排放增加,全球正在变暖,未来将继续变暖的观点。本文综述研究全球变暖的几个深层次的科学问题,即多套全球气温观测资料的差异、不同标准气候态时段的作用、20世纪全球变暖的检测和归因及未来全球气温变化的走向,以此提出需进一步研究的科学问题。结果表明;需要进一步提高观测资料的质量;注意不同标准气候态时段对应的数值的不同;应进一步改善气候模式模拟年代际变率的能力及研究近15 a全球变暖减缓和停滞的原因,从而改善气候模式的模拟效果;造成预估未来全球气候变化的不确定性主要来自气候模式的差异、未来排放情景的差异及气候系统内部变率影响和自然外强迫的作用。  相似文献   

广东地区的气候变暖及其对农业的影响与对策   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
根据广东省86个站1961~2000年气温资料、广州市1908~2002年气温资料以及1958~2001年南海海平面资料,论证了广东省气候变暖的明显趋势;从热量资源、作物和品种布局、作物产量、病虫草害、农业气象灾害等方面论述了气候变暖对广东农业的可能影响,并提出了防范和适应气候变暖的农业对策.  相似文献   

针对目前大气环流模式在用于气候变化影响评估研究中时间分辨率较低的局恨性, 以及气候情景的要求和气候变化影响研究的需要, 结合GCM的模拟试验结果, 利用随机天气模式WGEN生成了中国东北地区未来气候变化的逐日情景, 其中包含了可能的气候变率信息, 可与作物动力模式等气候影响模式嵌套, 研究作物生长发育及其产量的可能变化, 及气候变率变化的可能影响等.  相似文献   

双季稻主要气象灾害研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
热害、洪涝、干旱和冷害是影响我国双季稻安全生产的主要气象灾害。气候变化背景下,双季稻遭受的极端气候事件增加,应对气象灾害的任务更加紧迫。我国双季稻主要气象灾害的时空分布特征不同:热害、洪涝和干旱发生频率整体呈增加趋势,西部南部较高;冷害弱减轻,北高南低,不同生育期存在差异。文中对双季稻生产的影响、监测预警技术(站点监测、遥感监测、指标预警、数理统计和动态机理模型)以及防御气象灾害的减灾保产技术进行了阐述。针对当前气候资源的时空分布特点以及关于双季稻气象灾害研究存在的不足,提出了双季稻气象灾害在未来研究中需要重点关注的科学问题,即双季稻气象灾变过程及其动态监测指标体系、气候变暖背景下双季稻气象灾害遥感监测技术及其气象灾损动态评估技术、星-地耦合的双季稻气象灾变过程数值模式研发、双季稻种植制度对气候变化的适应性及其抗灾减灾新技术与示范研究,为双季稻有效防御气象灾害和稳产高产提供依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

内蒙古大兴安岭东南部气候变化对作物产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用大兴安岭东南部1971~2005年气温资料与玉米、大豆、小麦和马铃薯产量资料,分析了气候变暖对农业生产的可能影响,结果表明4种作物气候产量与各个气温因子的相关系数均为正值.由此可见气候变暖有利于该区各种作物产量的提高.气候变暖可使作物生长期延长8~15天,因此可以引种生长期为120~130天的高产品种,增加中、晚熟品种.气候变暖扩大了作物种植区域,作物的种植北界北推,范围扩大至49°45′N 以南的地区,上界升高至海拔400 m.但是气候变暖也增大了干旱发生的机率,加重了干旱的程度,增加了农作物害虫对农田的危害.气候变暖使异常天气事件增加,对农业产生一些不可逆的影响,使农业生产的不稳定性加剧.  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)第二工作组(WGII)报告认为,气候变化对世界上大部分区域的自然和人类系统的影响将进一步加剧,其对非洲最大的影响预计发生在半干旱的环境,增加现有的水资源可利用量和农业系统的压力;气候变化已导致北欧地区的谷物产量增加而南欧地区的产量降低,未来的变化将增加欧洲的灌溉需求;在亚洲的许多地区,气候变化将导致农业生产率下降;气候、大气CO2和海洋酸化的进一步变化预计将对大洋洲的水资源、海岸生态系统、基础设施、健康、农业和生物多样性产生实质性的影响;在北美,许多带来风险的气候压迫力的频率和强度将在未来几十年增加;中美洲和南美洲许多国家的持续高水平贫困导致了对气候变率和变化的高脆弱性;在北极,气候变化与非气候相关驱动在确定的物理、生物和社会经济风险上交互作用,变化率可能超过了社会系统适应的速率;在气候和非气候因素的影响下,小岛屿具有高度的脆弱性,同时,气候变暖将增加海洋生态系统的风险。  相似文献   

气候变化对越南北方水稻生产的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用越南北方各省19个代表站近50a的气候和水稻资料,采用EOF等数理统计方法,分析了气候变化对越南北方水稻生产的影响。同时讨论了水稻趋势产量和气象产量变化的特征,气温、降水等要素与水稻产量之间的关系以及1959年以来气象灾害对越南北方水稻产量形成的影响,并通过积分回归分析探讨了不同因子在不同时段对水稻生产的作用,进而提出在未来气候变暖背景下越南北方应采取的相应对策。  相似文献   

Grain maize yield in the main arable areas of the European Community (E.C.) was calculated with a simulation model, WOFOST, using historical weather data and average soil characteristics. The sensitivity of the model to individual weather variables was determined. Subsequent analyses were made using climate change scenarios with and without the direct effects of increased atmospheric CO2. The impact of crop management (sowing date, irrigation and cultivar type) in a changed climate was also assessed. Scenario climate change generally results in larger grain yields for the northern E.C., similar or slightly smaller yields for the central E.C. and considerably smaller yields for the southern E.C. The various climate change scenarios used appear to give considerably different changes in grain yield, both for each location and for the E.C. as a whole. Management analyses show that for both current and scenario climates the largest grain yield will be attained by varieties with an early start of grain filling, that average irrigation requirements to attain potential grain yield in the E.C. will increase with climate change but will decrease with both increased CO2 and climate change, and that sowing at both current and scenarios climate should occur as early as possible.The U.S. Government right to retain a nonexclusive, royalty-free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

中国南方双季稻播种面积占到全国水稻的85%以上, 研究该区域对气候变化的响应有助于科学地规划和管理双季稻生产。以江南、华南双季稻区为研究对象, 选取1961—2010年南方双季稻区275个数据完整性较好的气象观测站点, 对双季稻区平均气温、日照时数、降水量等气候资源演变规律及其可能变化的分析表明: 该研究区域正处于气温显著上升阶段, 气候倾向率为2℃/(10 a), 尤其是1997年气温突变之后升温幅度进一步增大, 气候倾向率增大为5℃/(10 a), 且秋冬季增温更为显著。研究区域降水年际波动较大, 无明显增减趋势; 从季节上看, 春秋降水有减少趋势, 而冬夏有增加趋势, 且使降水分布更为集中。从空间演变看, 双季稻区气候资源的演变趋势存在较大的差异, 其中华南稻区呈暖湿化, 对喜温好水的双季稻生产是利大于弊; 而江南稻区则呈暖干化趋势, 对水稻生产不利; 同时秋旱风险加大, 尤其是西部地区将面临水资源减少、水稻种植用水不足。另一方面, 随着双季稻区气候变暖, 早稻适宜播种期提前、早晚稻生长季延长, 热量资源增加以及薄膜育秧技术广泛应用等, 都将使双季稻种植格局调整。双季稻区高温日数增多, 早晚稻生长发育无效热量也随之增加, 整体上江南热量资源的有效性低于华南, 尤其是江西和湖南两省, 热量有效性均 < 85%;华南大部地区热量有效性均高于95%。因而, 各地可根据所处区域气候资源要素演变规律及热量有效性分布选取产量与品质更好的中晚熟品种种植, 提高水稻种植积极性, 促进早晚稻安全生产。   相似文献   

Summary  It is expected that a change in climatic conditions due to global warming will directly impact agricultural production. Most climate change studies have been applied at very large scales, in which regions were represented by only one or two weather stations, which were mainly located at airports of major cities. The objective of this study was to determine the potential impact of climate change at a local level, taking into account weather data recorded at remote locations. Daily weather data for a 30-year period were obtained for more than 500 sites, representing the southeastern region of the USA. Climate change scenarios, using transient and equilibrium global circulation models (GCM), were defined, created and applied to the daily historical weather data. The modified temperature, precipitation and solar radiation databases corresponding to each of the climate change scenarios were used to run the CERES v.3.5 simulation model for maize and winter wheat and the CROPGRO v.3.5 model for soybean and peanut. The GCM scenarios projected a shorter duration of the crop-growing season. Under the current level of CO2, the GCM scenarios projected a decrease of crop yields in the 2020s. When the direct effects of CO2 were assumed in the study, the scenarios resulted in an increase in soybean and peanut yield. Under equilibrium , the GCM climate change scenarios projected a decrease of maize and winter wheat yield. The indirect effects of climate change also tended to decrease soybean and peanut yield. However, when the direct effects of CO2 were included, most of the scenarios resulted in an increase in legume yields. Possible changes in sowing data, hybrids and cultivar selection, and fertilization were considered as adaptation options to mitigate the potential negative impact of potential warming. Received July 20, 1999/Revised April 18, 2000  相似文献   

In the North China Plain, the grain yield of irrigated wheat-maize cropping system has been steadily increasing in the past decades under a significant warming climate. This paper combined regional and field data with modeling to analyze the changes in the climate in the last 40 years, and to investigate the influence of changes in crop varieties and management options to crop yield. In particular, we examined the impact of a planned adaptation strategy to climate change -“Double-Delay” technology, i.e., delay both the sowing time of wheat and the harvesting time of maize, on both wheat and maize yield. The results show that improved crop varieties and management options not only compensated some negative impact of reduced crop growth period on crop yield due to the increase in temperature, they have contributed significantly to crop yield increase. The increase in temperature before over-wintering stage enabled late sowing of winter wheat and late harvesting of maize, leading to overall 4–6% increase in total grain yield of the wheat-maize system. Increased use of farming machines and minimum tillage technology also shortened the time for field preparation from harvest time of summer maize to sowing time of winter wheat, which facilitated the later harvest of summer maize.  相似文献   

Ten wheat production sites of Pakistan were categorized into four climatic zones i.e. arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid to explore the vulnerability of wheat production in these zones to climate change using CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat model. The analysis was based on multi-year (1971–2000) crop model simulation runs using daily weather series under scenarios of increased temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) along with two scenarios of water management. Apart from this, sowing date as an adaptation option to offset the likely impacts of climate change was also considered. Increase in temperature resulted in yield declines in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zone. But the humid zone followed a positive trend of gain in yield with rise in temperature up to 4°C. Within a water regime, increase in CO2 concentration from 375 to 550 and 700 ppm will exert positive effect on gain in wheat yield but this positive effect is significantly variable in different climatic zones under rainfed conditions than the full irrigation. The highest response was shown by arid zone followed by semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones. But if the current baseline water regimes (i.e. full irrigation in arid and semi-arid zones and rainfed in sub-humid and humid zones) persist in future, the sub-humid zone will be most benefited in terms of significantly higher percent gain in yield by increasing CO2 level, mainly because of its rainfed water regime. Within a CO2 level the changes in water supply from rainfed to full irrigation shows an intense degree of responsiveness in terms of yield gain at 375 ppm CO2 level compared to 550 and 700 ppm. Arid and semi-arid zones were more responsive compared to sub-humid and humid zones. Rise in temperature reduced the length of crop life cycle in all areas, though at an accelerated rate in the humid zone. These results revealed that the climatic zones have shown a variable intensity of vulnerability to different scenarios of climate change and water management due to their inherent specific and spatial climatic features. In order to cope with the negative effects of climate change, alteration in sowing date towards cooler months will be an appropriate response by the farmers.  相似文献   

The likely effects on two tree species of a range of scenarios of climatic and atmospheric change expected by the year 2050 are investigated using a climatic mapping program, a simple simulation model and a process-based simulation model. Styrax tonkinensis is a native species for which relatively little information is available. Acacia mangium is an introduced species, which is important for pulp production in several other countries, and for which there is considerable information for growth and utilization. A climatic mapping program is used to show areas which may be suitable for these species under present and predicted conditions. Two simulation models are used to investigate likely effects on productivity of the two species for a range of climatic change scenarios for Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The estimated changes in production are predicted to be relatively small, though uncertainities associated with the simulations are quite high. However, the models highlight areas where more data are needed and also suggest some key regions in Vietnam which would be worth monitoring to detect early signs of the effects of climatic and atmospheric change.  相似文献   

生产实践中水稻生育期变化是气候条件和品种更新等因素共同作用的结果。利用东北地区13个农业气象站点1992—2012年水稻试验观测资料,分析水稻生育期的变化及其与东北变暖趋势、水稻品种调整的关系。结果表明:水稻生长季平均气温和≥10℃积温在1992—2001年呈显著增加趋势,水稻生长季积温的差别最大可达500℃?d,从2002年开始升温趋势减缓,并略有下降。相应地,2002—2012年与1992—2001年的物候期基本上呈现相反的变化特征,其中抽穗期、乳熟期、成熟期在1992—2001年明显提前,分别提前了3.1、2.9、4.5 d/10a,移栽期、分蘖期、成熟期则在2002—2012年呈现出明显的推迟趋势,分别推迟了4.6、4.7、2.0 d/10a;生育期的变化受多种因素影响,但播种-移栽期、乳熟-成熟期在1992—2001年分别缩短了0.7、1.6 d/10a,而在2002—2012年则分别延长了2.9、2.8 d/10a;总的来说,1992—2012年水稻全生育期整体延长了3.7 d/10a,其主要归因于营养生长期的延长。在试验资料比较完整的12个站点所做的分析表明,在东北水稻种植的生产实践中,不断地通过品种调整适应气候条件的改变,多数站点水稻实际生育期与品种审定生育日数差别较小,说明其品种的选择能够与当年的气候条件较好地匹配,充分利用了当地的气候资源。延吉站、梅河口站、通化站随着气候的持续波动又显示出水稻实际生育期与品种审定生育日数偏差增大的趋势,宁安站和前郭尔罗斯站的水稻种植品种的审定生育日数几乎没有改变。因此,迫切需要对东北气候变化的科学事实和水稻种植适应气候变化的生产实践进行系统的总结,为东北水稻生产适应气候变化提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Estimates of impact of climate change on crop production could be biased depending upon the uncertainties in climate change scenarios, region of study, crop models used for impact assessment and the level of management. This study reports the results of a study where the impact of various climate change scenarios has been assessed on grain yields of irrigated rice with two popular crop simulation models- Ceres-Rice and ORYZA1N at different levels of N management. The results showed that the direct effect of climate change on rice crops in different agroclimatic regions in India would always be positive irrespective of the various uncertainties. Rice yields increased between 1.0 and 16.8% in pessimistic scenarios of climate change depending upon the level of management and model used. These increases were between 3.5 and 33.8% in optimistic scenarios. At current as well as improved level of management, southern and western parts of India which currently have relatively lower temperatures compared to northern and eastern regions, are likely to show greater sensitivity in rice yields under climate change. The response to climate change is small at low N management compared to optimal management. The magnitude of this impact can be biased upto 32% depending on the uncertainty in climate change scenario, level of management and crop model used. These conclusions are highly dependent on the specific thresholds of phenology and photosynthesis to change in temperature used in the models. Caution is needed in using the impact assessment results made with the average simulated grain yields and mean changes in climatic parameters.  相似文献   

不同方法在湖南省早稻产量动态预报中的比较   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高产量趋势预报的准确性和定量预报的准确率,利用1962—2002年气象、早稻产量和田间观测资料,建立基于气候适宜度、关键气象因子、作物生长模型的湖南省早稻产量动态预报方法,进行回代检验;并利用2003—2012年资料进行预报检验。分析表明:3种方法的预报准确率比较接近,平均在93.8%以上;基于气候适宜度预报方法的趋势预报准确性最高,较基于关键气象因子的预报方法高4%~6%;基于作物生长模型预报方法的误差5%以内样本百分率最高,较基于气候适宜度的预报方法高2%~20%。研究结果为湖南省早稻产量动态预报筛选出了较优的方法,即产量趋势预报选用基于气候适宜度的方法,定量预报选用基于作物生长模型的方法,同时可供我国其他早稻区的产量动态预报方法研究借鉴。  相似文献   

Dynamic adaptation of maize and wheat production to climate change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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