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Quiescent prominences It is found that Heii 4686 is emitted in the same cold region of 10000 K as hydrogen, metal and neutral helium emission lines. This conclusion is based on the finding that the observed width of 4686 is the same as the calculated width of 4686. The calculated width is derived from the observed widths of hydrogen and metallic lines. The large intensity of Heii 4686 in 10000 K can be explained by the ionization of Heii due to the UV radiation below 228 Å that comes from the corona and the transition region.Loop prominences The very broad width (30 to 50 km s–1) of 4686 for two post-flare loop prominences shows that the Heii line is emitted in hot regions different from regions of hydrogen and metal emission. From the widths of the Balmer lines and many metallic lines the kinetic temperature for one loop is found to be 16000 K in one part and 7600 K in another part. The electron densities are 1012.0 cm–3 and less than 1011.0 cm–3 respectively.Chromosphere The intensity of 4686 in the chromosphere can be interpreted in terms of a temperature of 10000 K with the ionization due to UV radiation. But, since observations of the width of 4686 are not available, a definitive conclusion for the chromosphere cannot be reached.  相似文献   

The present work is a review of papers related to the theory of prominence radiation. Special attention is paid to stationary equations and the theory of radiation diffusion in the lines and continua of hydrogen, helium and metals.We conclude that prominences are low-temperature formations T e 7000 K, of low density 1012 particles per cm3, n e 1011 cm–3, effective thickness 109 cm, and that the chemical composition of prominences and that of the Sun's atmosphere are the same. The prominence radiation in the lines of hydrogen, helium and metals is due mainly to quasiresonance scattering of the photospheric radiation.  相似文献   

The cooling effect of emission in the spectral lines, which dominates over continuous emission in the chromosphere and becomes important first around the temperature minimum, modifies greatly the radiative relaxation timet r in the solar atmosphere. This rises from low photospheric values to a maximum of 8 min just aboveT min, falls in the low chromosphere to 1.5 min because of line emission, but rises again to 6 min atT 7000–8400 K in the chromosphere where hydrogen ionization increases the specific heat.  相似文献   

We report an unsuccessful search for the He+ 4686 line in the low chromosphere. However, at the location of this line we detect a number of other chromospheric emission lines. This leads us to the conclusion that the He+ 4686 identification made in the past, as well as other identifications, are probably in error. Additionally the region of the neutral helium 4713 line is also studied.On leave from Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, Mitaka, Japan.  相似文献   

With thespectro-coronagraph and themultichannel subtractive double pass spectrograph (MSDP) at the Pic du Midi Observatory two quiescent prominences were observed simultaneously. From the spectro-coronagraph observations 2D maps of Hei 10830 , Fexiii 10798 and 10747 line intensities were obtained. In addition, we obtained 2D maps of the ratioR of the two iron lines. This ratio is used as a diagnostic for determining the density of the hot coronal plasma surrounding prominences. We found that the electron density is higher at the location of the prominences than in the corona, whereas small regions (40) of lower electron density are unevenly distributed around the prominences indicating that the surrounding corona is highly inhomogeneous. The density of the cavity is reduced by a factor 1.5 compared to the density of the prominence environment (5 × 108 cm–3). We discuss the existence of cavities around these prominences according to the orientation of their axes relative to the line of sight and according to the velocity field inside the prominences. Constraints on models for prominence formation are derived.  相似文献   

The energy levels and wave functions of hydrogen and helium atoms in the presence of large (107G) magnetic fields are found by assuming that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors may be approximated by those of a truncated Hamiltonian matrix. In these atoms, fields of this size produce, in addition to the usual Paschen-Back effect, a quadratic Zeeman effect. This contributes an upward shift to the energy of all levels, which at sufficiently high fields dominates the Paschen-Back splitting.The behavior of a number of eigenvalues and wave functions as a function of magnetic field is presented. The effects of the field on the wavelengths and strengths of the components of H and the helium lines 4471, 4026 and 4120 as well as the forbidden 4025 are examined. In hydrogen the lines are split into components attributed to the now nondegenerate transitionsnlm lnlml. In helium forbidden lines are excited, which may develop strengths larger than those of the allowed lines.  相似文献   

V. A. Krat 《Solar physics》1967,1(2):191-203
A new model is proposed for the solar chromosphere, which is assumed to be an instable inhomogeneous formation, consisting of numerous elements (filaments), each with different temperature and density. Fluctuations of the magnetic field may give rise to chromospheric turbulence and may also cause the chromospheric inhomogeneities.The chromosphere is suggested to consist of four discrete groups of filaments: (1) metallic filaments where the conditions for the emission of lines of neutral metals are optimal, (2) hydrogenic elements, with optimum conditions for the emission of the Balmer series of hydrogen, (3) helium filaments, with optimum conditions for the appearence of the neutral helium lines, (4) the subcoronal filaments, representing a transition from chromospheric to coronal formations.The metallic filaments may be further subdivided, first into filaments where the emission arises from scattering of photospheric radiation - these emit lines of neutral metals and of some metallic ions (CaII, SrII, and others), and further into filaments where the emission is farther from LTE conditions; the latter filaments are characterized by a somewhat higher electron temperature and by an electron density at least exceeding that of the other elements by an order of 10. Computations of the optimum conditions for the emission of the neutral helium lines were made with the aid of new tables of Sobolev. The helium filaments in the low chromosphere have lower temperatures and are denser than those in the upper chromosphere; for a part they may also be considered as hydrogen filaments. The derivation of the physical parameters of the subcoronal filaments was based on data on the Heii4686 chromospheric line emission and also on rocket observations of the ultraviolet solar spectrum. In order to evaluate the relative distribution of the various filaments between heights of 0 and 5000 km, data on the radio emission of the Sun at 8 mm are also used. Characteristics of the proposed model of the chromosphere are given in Table III and Figure 1.  相似文献   

T. Hirayama 《Solar physics》1974,34(2):323-338
A theoretical model of flare which explains observed quantities in H, EUV, soft X-ray and flare-associated solar wind is presented. It is assumed that large mass observed in the soft X-ray flare and the solar wind comes from the chromosphere by the process like evaporation while flare is in progress. From mass and pressure balance in the chromosphere and the corona, the high temperature in the soft X-ray flare is shown to be attained by the larger mass loss to the solar wind compared with the mass remained in the corona, in accord with observations. The total energy of 1032 erg, the electron density of 1013.5 cm–3 in H flare, the temperature of the X-ray flare of 107.3K and the time to attain maximum H brightness (600 s) are derived consistent with observations. It is shown that the top height of the H flare is located about 1000 km lower than that of the active chromosphere because of evaporation. So-called limb flares are assigned to either post-flare loops, surges or rising prominences.The observed small thickness of the H flare is interpreted by free streaming and/or heat conduction. Applications are suggested to explain the maximum temperature of a coronal condensation and the formation of quiescent prominences.  相似文献   

We have analyzed X-ray images of the solar corona obtained by the S-054 telescope on Skylab, together with H filtergrams from the Catania Astrophysical Observatory and EUV and magnetic data, to study the morphology and the evolution of the coronal structures associated with prominences (coronal cavities).X-ray cavities are associated with prominences and are enclosed by series of loops of hot plasma typically higher than 5 × 109 cm. Helmet streamers can be observed only at very large heights (> 1 solar radius). The cavities show a higher luminosity when prominences have temporarily disappeared. The density in one of these X-ray cavities ( 3 × 108cm–3) is insufficient to allow formation of dense ( 1011 cm–3) prominences by local condensation from the corona.Prominences associated with young (up to three solar rotations) and old (greater than eight) magnetic neutral lines are significantly less stable than those associated with middle-aged neutral lines. Downward bending of the top of the inner magnetic loop, necessary in some models of prominences, is not detected in these X-ray observations. The relevance of these results to models of prominence formation is discussed.Presently at Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy.  相似文献   

Summary Conclusion This colloquium on solar prominences - the first ever held - has shown that a major part of activity in prominence research in recent years concentrated on both observation and computation of the magnetic conditions which were found to play a crucial role for the development and the maintainance of prominences. Remarkable progress was made in fine-scale measurements of photospheric magnetic fields around filaments and in internal field measurements in prominences. In addition, important information on the structure of the magnetic fields in the chromosphere adjacent to the filaments may be derived from high resolution photographs of the H fine structure around filaments which have become available recently; unfortunately, an unambiguous determination of the vector field in the chromosphere is not yet possible.It is quite clear, now, that stable filaments extend along neutral lines which divide regions of opposite longitudinal magnetic fields. Different types of neutral lines are possible, depending on the history and relationship of the opposite field regions. There is convincing evidence that the magnetic field in the neighbouring chromosphere may run nearly parallel to the filament axis and that there are two field components in stable prominences: an axial field dominant in the lower parts and a transverse field dominant in the higher parts.Methods for the computation of possible prominence field configurations from measured longitudinal photospheric fields were developed in recent years. In a number of cases (e.g. for loop prominences) the observed configuration could be perfectly represented by a force-free or even a potential field; poor agreement was found between computed and measured field strengths in quiescent prominences. In order to reconcile both of them it is necessary to assume electric currents. Unambiguous solutions will not be found until measurements of the vector field in the photosphere and in the prominences are available.The two-dimensional Kippenhahn-Schlüter model is still considered a useful tool for the study of prominence support and stability. However, a more refined model taking into account both field components and considering also thermal stability conditions is available now. It was proposed that quiescent prominences may form in magnetically neutral sheets in the corona where fields of opposite directions meet.As for the problem of the origin of the dense prominence material there are still two opposite processes under discussion. The injection of material from below, which was mainly applied to loop prominences, has recently been considered also a possible mechanism for the formation of quiescent prominences. On the other hand, the main objections against the condensation mechanism could be removed: it was shown that (1) sufficient material is available in the surrounding corona, and that (2) coronal matter can be condensed to prominence densities and cooled to prominence temperatures in a sufficiently short time.The energy balance in prominences is largely dependent on their fine structure. It seems that a much better radiative loss function for optically thin matter is now available. The problem of the heat conduction can only be treated properly if the field configuration is known. Very little is known on the heating of the corona and the prominence in a complicated field configuration. For the optically thick prominences the energy balance becomes a complicated radiative transfer problem.Still little is known on the first days of prominence development and on the mechanism of first formation which, both, are crucial for the unterstanding of the prominence phenomenon. As a first important step, it was shown in high resolution H photographs that the chromospheric fine structure becomes aligned along the direction of the neutral line already before first filament appearance. More H studies and magnetic field measurements are badly needed.Recent studies have shown that even in stable prominences strong small-scale internal rotational or helical motions exist; they are not yet understood. On the other hand, no generally agreed interpretation of large-scale motions of prominences seems to exist. A first attempt to explain the ascendance of prominences, the Disparitions Brusques, as the result of a kink instability was made recently.New opportunities in prominence research are offered by the study of invisible radiations: X-rays and meterwaves provide important information, not available otherwise, on physical conditions in the coronal surroundings of prominences; EUV observations will provide data on the thin transition layer between the cool prominence and the hot coronal plasma.Mitt. aus dem Fraunhofer Institut No. 111.  相似文献   

Imaging spectroscopy of the Sun was carried out at the California State University Northridge San Fernando Observatory using an InGaAs near-IR video camera. Using the Sii 1082.71 nm and Hei 1083.03 nm lines the Evershed effect is measured simultaneously in the photosphere and the chromosphere for three sunspots; the speed of the Evershed flow is measured to be between 3 to 8 times greater in the Hei line than in the Sii line, and the direction is radially inward in the chromosphere and outward in the photosphere. Telluric absorption lines prevented a meaningful measurement of Oi 1128.7 nm limb emission, but an upper limit of 20×10–3 B is measured for chromospheric limb emission at Oi 1316.3 nm. Zeeman splitting in Fei 1564.9 nm was observed in six sunspot umbrae, and a linear relationship between magnetic field and umbral continuum intensity is confirmed.  相似文献   

Delaboudinière  J.P. 《Solar physics》1999,188(2):259-275
A diffuse emission is observed above the solar limb in the 304 Å channel of the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) onboard the SOHO spacecraft. Part of this emission is attributed to the presence of residual singly-ionized helium in the solar corona, which resonantly scatters the intense helium Lyman alpha radiation of the chromosphere. This emission can be distinguished from other coronal emissions in the EIT bandpass. Maps of the helium ion density integrated along the line of sight are derived. These agree well with models in the low latitude, closed magnetic field regions of the solar corona. However, the helium ions' abundance seems to be enhanced in the polar, open field regions above coronal holes. This may be related to acceleration processes of the fast solar wind close to the Sun.  相似文献   

Comparison between observations of macrospicules and numerical jet models obtained in our previous one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations suggests that H macrospicules and EUV macrospicules unseen in H have different physical origins. H macrospicules are produced by pressure gradient force at the bright point in the middle or in the upper chromosphere. On the other hand, EUV macrospicules unseen in H are produced by shock waves which originate from network bright-points in the photosphere or in the low chromosphere and have propagated through the chromosphere. An essential difference between the two types of macrospicules is the density ratio between macrospicules and the corona. The critical parameter causing this difference is the height of bright points. The general relation between the density in jets (including also regular spicules) and the height of bright points is discussed.  相似文献   

There have been many models of both fundamental particles and the cosmos which have involved rotation, spin or vorticity. Most of these entail something spinning about a fixed axis. This paper qualitatively describes a more general rotation which shows promise in unifying the fundamental forces and explaining various cosmological phenomena.  相似文献   

Observations of the longitudinal magnetic field of several prominences were made with the D3, H, and H lines. There is no significant difference in the magnetic field measured with the helium and hydrogen lines. The possibility of a true difference in the fields on a scale much finer than that of our observations is not excluded.  相似文献   

Pécseli  Hans  Engvold  OddbjØrn 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):73-86
The nature of thin, highly inclined threads observed in quiescent prominences has puzzled solar physicists for a long time. When assuming that the threads represent truly inclined magnetic fields, the supporting mechanism of prominence plasma against gravity has remained an open issue. This paper examines the levitation of prominence plasma exerted by weakly damped MHD waves in nearly vertical magnetic flux tubes. It is shown that the wave damping, and resulting `radiation pressure', caused predominantly by ion-neutral collisions in the `cold' prominence plasma, may balance the acceleration of gravity provided the oscillation frequency is 2 rad s–1 (f0.5 Hz). Such short wave periods may be the result of small-scale magnetic reconnections in the highly fragmentary magnetic field of quiescent prominences. In the proposed model, the wave induced levitation acts predominantly on plasma – neutral gas mixtures.  相似文献   

New observations of solar spicules at Pulkovo, made simultaneously in 4 spectral regions, are described. The profiles of the H, D3, H, H and K lines were derived for 23 spicules.The spicules occur usually in narrow bundles and can be resolved into separate objects only due to a dispersion of radial velocities inside the bundle. The spicules in D3 are diffuse with faint interspicular emission.The emission of hydrogen, helium and Caii originate in different parts of spicules with different radial and turbulent velocities. The core of a spicule with Caii emission is a narrow rope several tens of km in diameter for the normal section. The optical thickness of a spicule in H is approximately 1.0 and the atomic density varies from 1011 to 1012 cm–3.The helium emission in spicules seems to be produced by different mechanisms, one of them being the external radiation of corona and subcoronal matter.The model of a solar spicule is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the study on the periodicity and the distribution of the sudden disappearance of the solar prominences (SD) on the chromosphere. The spectral analysis of the SD, from 1039 to 1762 Carrington rotation number, shows a typical period at 138 (10.3 yr) solar rotations in the northern hemisphere and at 153 (11.4 yr) solar rotations in the southern hemisphere of the Sun. The power spectral analysis of the asymmetry index yields a primary peak at 155 (11.6 yr) solar rotations. By plotting the distribution of SD along the Carrington longitude, it can be seen that the distribution of the SD is nearly uniform.  相似文献   

Spectroheliograms obtained in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lines and the Lyman continuum are used to determine the rotation rate of the solar chromosphere, transition region, and corona. A cross-correlation analysis of the observations indicates the presence of differential rotation through the chromosphere and transition region. The rotation rate does not vary with height. The average sidereal rotation rate is given by (deg day–1) = 13.46 - 2.99 sin2 B where B is the solar latitude. This rate agrees with spectroscopic determinations of the photospheric rotation rate, but is slower by 1 deg day–1) = 13.46 - 2.99 sin2 than rates determined from the apparent motion of photospheric magnetic fields and from the brightest points of active regions observed in the EUV. The corona does not clearly show differential rotation as do the chromosphere and transition region.  相似文献   

The RS CVn binary stellar system HR 1099 is a source of both X-ray and radio flares. We present here a model of the system in which the two types of flare are produced by the same population of mildly-relativistic ( 10) electrons, injected into a coronal loop. After reviewing possible radiation mechanisms we conclude that, given the probable conditions in the flaring region, the radio emission is gyrosynchrotron radiation and the X-ray emission is thermal bremsstrahlung. The thermal X-ray source must lie in the stellar chromosphere, but the apparent absence of plasma absorption at radio frequencies indicates that the radio source is located high in the coronal loop. Using the relationships given by Dulk and Marsh (1982) for the radio emission from a power-law electron energy spectrum,N() ( - 1), we conclude that 3 7, with 30% of the electron population trapped in the radio source. Some implications of these results for one particular version of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

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