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Geography matters? Whiteness and contemporary geography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mark McGuinness 《Area》2000,32(2):225-230
Summary The critique of whiteness furthers important critiques of static notions of ethnicity and identity. Interesting work on 'white-blind' geographers working on race and ethnicity has recently been initiated, yet a more systematic and wide ranging critique of the norms and assumptions of contemporary geographical research has yet to be fully established. After reviewing the recent White Studies literature, this paper examines an influential piece of contemporary geographical writing and suggests that if geography really is to matter, geographers need to consider more self-consciously how they themselves might be (unwittingly) complicit in such constructions.  相似文献   

While medical geography has grown eclectic to the point where a growing number of medical geographers prefer the terms health geographer, health geography, or the geography of health, schisms have nonetheless developed between Mayer et al. and those who have urged medical geographers to seek new epistemologies. Lost in this debate is the rapid and considerable growth of research by medical and health geographers. The author first reviews recent research on the mapping and modeling of diseases, then examines the literature on the access, delivery, and planning of health services. He then considers the debate over medical geography versus a geography of health. Opportunities are identified where medical, health, and population geographers can productively collaborate. Sharing many of the same theoretical and methodological strengths, weaknesses, and frustrations, medical, health, and population geographers need to work together toward creating inclusive geographies.  相似文献   

文章以去中心化和(逆)全球化为背景评估中国的人文地理学研究现状与未来去向。笔者认为近年贸易保护主义和中美争端的不断升级会减缓但不会扭转知识全球化的长期趋势。中国人文地理学者不应该对进入世界舞台失去信心,而应该勇敢正视当前理论和研究创新的重要机遇和挑战。文章通过对比中国人文地理学科与西方同行的研究,发现两者有不少共同的历史和传统,包括研究命题、研究框架和解释方式。比较而言,中国人文地理学更加规范统一、富有组织和系统性,并积极支持国家发展议程;而西方人文地理学强调个人自由、多样性、天马行空(“Blue-sky enquiry”)以及独立于政府的批判性视角。文章指出三种不同的价值观作为供中国人文地理学者进行理论批判的重要视角。其他可能的理论探索方式包括将问题置于不同的时间和空间,使用不同的数据和方法进行多重验证,从基本假设出发来进行理论解构,批判性地辨析因果关系,以及在不同的尺度下重新检视研究问题等。中国人文地理应通过更好地理解三种不同的地理知识,建立有利于激励研究创新的评估体系,探索国际研究和跨学科研究的前沿领域,促进比较研究,以及融合利用不同风格的研究方法等策略来促进研究创新。文章结尾提出三种可能的(逆)全球化情景供中国人文地理学者思考如何迈向充满新挑战和新机遇的未来。  相似文献   

地理学的政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2170-2175
中国地理学的发展当前正处于十字路口,面临诸多方向的选择。如外生地理学和内生地理学的分化,实用主义和科学主义的混行,系统地理学和区域地理学的脱节,经济地理学和人文地理学的互为归属。这些问题悬而不决使地理学的向心力逐渐弱化,地理学者不得不面对诸多学科发展方向上的困扰,以及对学科规范和学术认同上的困惑。笔者以为,此时“搁置争议”并不是办法。为了学科的长远发展,中国的地理学家和地理学会必须做出一些选择。坚持一元还是认同分化,这即是地理学的政治。  相似文献   

地理院系调整研究旨在通过对地理学认同产生不利影响的高校地理院系调整的解析,揭示地理学发展存在的学科与体制认同问题。基于对高校地理院系调整的回顾,分析地理院系调整的原因及影响,并结合当前地理院系发展态势阐明其启示。结果显示:学科认同与院系调整互为关联,尽管地理院系调整导致的解体并不表明地理学的终结,一般意义的调整也存在积极影响,但不同类型地理院系调整对地理学(特别是人文地理学)学科认同的不利影响仍然明显,并影响着体制层面的学科再生产。地理院系调整的发生是多因素共同影响的结果,复杂多样的因素及其影响表明地理院系面临竞争,需要地理学者既“正名”(塑造科学性、统一性的学科形象)又“指实”(完整的院系体制建设);既“向内”(地理院系及地理学家的努力)又“向外”(维护地理学及地理院系的完整性认同)的集体努力,在强化地理学综合性基础上形成“多轨发展”机制,强化地理学学科与体制认同。“跨学科典范”的塑造或许是当前地理院系应努力的现实目标。  相似文献   

Knowing our own history? Geography department archives in the UK   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an analysis of the returns to a questionnaire survey on the state of department archives within UK departments of geography. The results of the survey are discussed in relation to recent work in geography which has examined the archive as a site for knowledge's making but seldom in its own terms as a resource for the history of geography, and studies within the archival sciences which have considered the archive as something more than a 'storehouse' for collective memory. The paper reveals that the archival record for the history of British geography is at best uneven, and in many departments non-existent, although information on departmental history is held, often as memory, by individual geographers. The paper considers the survey's implications for the future histories of British geography and addresses the nature of the UK geography department archive as resource and responsibility.  相似文献   

试论知识经济时代的地理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐建华 《地理科学》1999,19(4):349-352
近几年,知识经济这一概念在全世界范围得到迅速传播,引起了社会各界的强烈反响.尽管,对于知识经济时代空竟何时到来,学者们虽有争议,但是大家都不约而同地认为,知识经济这一概念恰当地概括了当今世界经济的特征和发展趋势,知识经济将改变人类社会经济生活的各个方面。  相似文献   

唐顺英  周尚意 《地理科学》2011,31(10):1159-1165
新文化地理学是英国一批文化地理学者在1980年代建立起来的知识体系。它与传统文化地理学有所不同,区别之一在于是否关注电影、文学作品、绘画等文本所再现的地方性。近年在英美文化地理学的核心刊物中,许多文章研究了由文本再现出来的地方性。地方性是文化地理学最主要的研究议题之一,它是文化地理学与其他人文地理学分支结合的关键概念。梳理这些文章,旨在归纳出文本在地方性形成中所起的作用。分析结论如下:① 文本可以通过再现3种内容来建构地方性:当地的景观、日常生活实践和业已消失的文化;② 文本再现地方性的机制多来自人们的意识形态需要,"我"与"他者"的精神诉求不同,再现的地方性也不同;③ 文本的再现对地方性既会有强化作用,也会有削弱作用。归纳出这种三种结论后,尚需要进一步讨论如下问题:在地方性的形成中,文本的作用是否是或缺的。如果不是或缺的,而是必须的,那么文化地理学者则必须研究文本中再现的地方性。  相似文献   

(Re)theorising population geography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Population geography has become separated from other branches of human geography by not engaging strongly with recent debates in social theory. The reasons for this partly lie in the wealth of data that population geographers have available to them concerning their major interest--demographic events....A case is made here for population geographers to consider in particular three areas of social theoretic debate--social construction theories, realist ideas on extensive and intensive research, and the politics of position. Suggestions are made as to what a (re)theorised population geography might look like."  相似文献   

身体、身体观以及人文地理学对身体的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
陶伟  王绍续  朱竑 《地理研究》2015,34(6):1173-1187
1970年代以来,伴随着消费主义和女权运动,身体研究在人文社会学科中兴起,一个被布莱恩·特纳(Bryan Turner)称之为“身体社会崛起”的时代来临了。身体研究成为西方人文与社会科学研究的“新大陆”,众多哲学家、社会理论学家纷纷投身于身体研究,重新解读了身体在认识世界和知识生产中的重要性。身体转向作为文化转向的一部分,同样受到了人文地理学家的关注。许多批判地理学家,如女性主义、马克思主义、反种族主义、后殖民主义、酷儿地理学家认为,身体研究是改善社会、文化、经济关系的可能途径。在“身体转向”的影响下,身体研究逐渐渗入到情感地理学、旅游地理学、乡村地理学等众多研究领域。与此同时,人文地理学家从人文社会科学中引入多种理论,如表演理论、精神分析法、非表征理论等对身体研究进行了探讨和阐释。基于这样的背景,梳理了西方人文地理学中有关身体研究的文献,归纳了人文地理学中身体研究的主要议题和理论,以及由此而展开的一系列具体的研究成果,此工作具有切实的学术意义并对后续相关研究的展开具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses New Zealand geography's recent engagement in institutional regeneration that is aimed at redeveloping the knowledge claims its geography community can make. This engagement has led to new levels of understanding among many New Zealand geographers of colearning and coproduction of knowledge as geographic processes involving knowledge, power, and authority relations. The article briefly outlines two linked trajectories: those relating to the gradual recognition of institutional collapse, and the commitment to remaking a new and generative institutional framework, and the uptake of ideas from international geography that helped with prioritizing revisioning and institutional regeneration. Lessons from New Zealand geography's sobering institutional experiences and new efforts at collective learning and activity to extend the spheres of geography's action are salutary for international geography.  相似文献   

地理科学的中国进展与国际趋势   总被引:61,自引:7,他引:54  
中国地理学取得了骄人的进展,表现在科研方向的突破、对国家建设的贡献、研究手段的革新、对科学和教育的贡献、对社会的贡献等方面。但当前中国也存在基础研究薄弱、学科整合不足、学术走向迷茫、竞争能力堪忧、全球视野欠缺、地理教育错位等问题。国际地理学对科学界所确定的关键研究问题表示出更大的关注,科学界也将更加了解地理学及其视角能对科学知识做出的贡献。地理学所关切的科学问题直指今天决策者的紧迫需求。地理学家以多种方式对解决实际问题做出贡献。国际地理学的发展聚焦在:揭示复杂系统中的不平衡和动态,认识全球化 (包括环境、经济、人口、政府和文化等)的潮流及其影响,建立从地方到全球的空间连续系列研究,利用包括时间系列数据在内的纵向数据进行过程比较研究,加强地理学理论、技术和研究成果对决策的影响,加强地理教育,包括努力提高公众的地理学能力,改进高等院校地理学家的训练,提高地理理解力,加强地理组织机构。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress of population geography in China since the 1980s. The review results suggest that contrary to the common perception of its invisibility and marginalized status in the field, tremendous progress has been made in population geography in China since the 1980s. Population geographers have made significant contribution to the understanding of a wide range of population issues from geographical perspectives, including migration, urbanization, population distribution, the relationships between population, environment and resources, aging, marriage patterns, and migrants’ crimes, although such contribution often did not appear in the geographical circle. Furthermore, population geographers have played an indispensable role in revitalizing population studies in China and forging its links to human geography, occupying an important position in this multi-disciplinary field. Population geographers’ contribution to the areas of migration and urbanization research has been particularly significant, reflected in their leading roles in these areas’ research. The paper demonstrates that as latecomers in the field after more than 20 years of isolation, population geographers in China have gone through a process of catching up and increasing engagement with developments in social sciences and increasing interaction with social scientists since the 1980s, and have benefited greatly from it; however, there is a tendency for population geography to be increasingly alienated from the main stream human geography, a phenomenon similar to but not exactly the same as Anglo-American geography in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The paper argues that population geography is only half way in the course to forge the links between population studies and human geography, and it needs to return to geographical sciences to strike a healthy balance between the field of population studies and that of human geography, and promote its further development in a multi-disciplinary field.  相似文献   

西方创新地理研究的知识图谱可视化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,创新问题日益受到西方人文地理学者的关注,并成为西方人文地理学研究的新方向。本文选择WOS(Web of Science)作为文献搜索引擎,选取在创新主题下刊发文章最多的500本期刊中的14本被社会科学引文索引SSCI收录的地理学期刊作为文献来源,以1982-2015年共2048篇英语创新主题文献记录作为数据源,基于显示知识发展进程与结构关系的可视化工具CiteSpace对数据进行关键词共现分析和文献共被引分析,绘制了西方创新地理研究的知识图谱,实现了本领域热点主题、知识基础和演进轨迹的可视化。研究发现:西方创新地理研究近30年来发文量和新兴关键词数量增长显著,研究者分布形成西欧、北美两大核心地区,近期研究指向热点关键词技术、溢出、集聚、研发、企业家精神;拥有较为明显的演进主体,研究内容宽广,主题尚不集中,全球城市、全球蜂鸣、空间化模式、产业、生命周期、剑桥地区(或剑桥现象)、知识、产业发展、区域创新战略是建立在32篇高被引文献之上的9个热点主题;经济地理学导向明显,尤其受新区域主义、转向潮流、演化经济地理学的发展影响显著,具有较为清晰的发展脉络。  相似文献   

孙俊  潘玉君  汤茂林  杜莹 《地理研究》2014,33(8):1557-1568
基于编史学视角对国外地理学史著作的中国部分以及中国地理学史著作的考察,重点论述了实证主义和思想史两类编史方法论特征。考察表明:国外实证主义地理学史以实证主义方法论为核心,是一种普遍主义和进步主义的叙事模式,这种模式里并不存在实质性的中国古代地理学,而中国近代地理学则是欧美地理学的移植。在后历史的立场上,对地理学应作宽泛的理解,实证主义地理学史是建构的历史,中国学者遵循实证主义方法论的重要意义在于建构了中国地理学理性的一面。中国地理学史人文的方面是通过思想史方法论建构起来的,这种方法通过中国古代原有文化体系、观念、概念、材料来认识地理学的发展史,首要的意义是与实证主义建构相反的还原。基于思想史方法论的中国近代地理学史研究表明,中国近代地理学的形成首要的并不是西方地理学的移植,而是自主地基于中国古代传统的学术重构,反映的是中西学术的双向互动,并不是西方地理学的单向传播。  相似文献   

中国地理学期刊编辑出版研究的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵歆 《地理科学》2015,35(11):1437-1443
通过全面收集和系统整理中国地理学类期刊编辑发表的编辑出版研究成果,总结分析中国地理期刊在期刊发展方面的特点,包括地理期刊的总体发展、主要期刊的发展历程、英文期刊的发展、中外期刊发展对比等。概括分析了中国主要地理期刊载文、人文地理学科刊文、主要期刊引文分析等方面的统计结果。最后,对中国地理期刊编辑在期刊与学科发展关系、期刊选题和办刊思路、提高期刊编辑质量、防止稿件重复发表、电脑与网络使用方法等5方面的研究做出了全面总结。  相似文献   

本文对20世纪80年代以来中国人口地理学的发展进行了全面综述。尽管近年来中国人口地理学在地理学科领域给人留下的是萧条、甚至被边缘化的印象,但从跨学科的角度看,该学科还是取得了巨大进展。人口地理学者在复兴中国的人口学研究中发挥了不可或缺的作用,并在这一跨学科研究领域中占据了重要地位。人口地理学者从地理学的视角出发,在人口迁移流动、城镇化、人口分布、人口与资源和环境之间的关系、老龄化、婚姻模式和移民犯罪等众多人口问题的研究上作出了重要贡献,尤其是在人口迁移流动研究和人口城镇化若干问题的研究中占据着领先地位。中国人口地理学者自20世纪80年代以来与社会科学领域学者间的交流互动不断增加,在促进学科发展的同时,也出现了一种逐渐偏离主流人文地理学的倾向;今后,中国人口地理学应更多地回归地理学领域,在人口学和人文地理学两个领域间寻求健康、平衡的定位,以促进其在跨学科领域中获得进一步发展。  相似文献   

Progress of economic geography in China’s mainland since 2000   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Economic geography in China’s mainland has developed in a different way from that in many other countries. On the one hand, it has been increasingly active in participating in academic dialogues and knowledge development led by Anglophone countries; on the other hand, it takes practice-based and policy-oriented research, i.e. satisfying the demands from the Chinese government and society, as the linchpin of research. Since there has been a lot of literature reviewing the development of economic geography in the country before the new millennium, this paper will make a comprehensive analysis of the discipline in 2000–2015, based on a bibliometric survey and research projects done by Chinese economic geographers. The analysis indicates that (1) economic geography research in China’s mainland is unevenly distributed but concentrated in several leading institutions; (2) traditional research fields like human-nature system, regional disparity, industrial location and transportation geography remain dominant while new topics such as globalization, multinational corporations and foreign direct investments, information and communication technology, producer services, climate change and carbon emission emerge as important research areas; (3) Chinese economic geography is featured by policy-oriented research funded by government agencies, having considerable impacts on regional policy making in China, both national and regional. To conclude, the paper argues that the development of economic geography in China’s mainland needs to follow a dual track in the future, i.e. producing knowledge for the international academic community and undertaking policy-oriented research to enhance its role as a major consulting body for national, regional and local development.  相似文献   

关系经济地理的研究脉络与中国实践理论创新   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
刘逸 《地理研究》2020,39(5):1005-1017
关系经济地理学是当前经济地理学界的主要流派之一,当前国内研究对该流派中的全球生产网络分析框架较为熟悉,但是对流派本身的认识不足。本文全面回顾了该流派的缘起、孕育、成型和深化拓展的历程,对存在问题展开评述。主要得到三个结论:① 关系经济地理有鲜明的地理学科特色,是全球化研究不可或缺的中坚力量,是提升经济地理学科地位的重要支撑。② 关系经济地理当前的理论模型存在体系复杂、变量过多的问题,同时核心解释变量缺乏完整的理论推导逻辑,依然需要靠案例来完善实证,而无法定量测度。③ 当前学者已经在国际期刊上基于中国实践进行理论修补与创新,为我们提供了良好的示范。本文为此评述了两个系列的研究,评述基于中国实践进行理论创新的方法和路径。本文有助于推动中国经济地理研究的国际化,对探讨中国经济发展实践经验的理论创新,有着积极的科学意义。  相似文献   

Ethics in geography: giving moral form to the geographical imagination   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
James D Proctor 《Area》1998,30(1):8-18
Summary Geographers have become increasingly interested in questions of ethics. In this paper, I introduce the scope and major concerns of ethics, briefly reviewing recent literature as a means of situating geography's potential contribution. I then link ethics to the geographical imagination by developing a twofold schema representing geography's ontological project and epistemological process, an approach that unites existing professional and substantive ethical concerns among geographers. Examples of recent work by geographers in these areas are noted. I close with a set of broad questions at the interface of ethics and geography worthy of further reflection.  相似文献   

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