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臭氧是地球大气中最重要的痕量气体之一,在气候变化和生态环境中均扮演着至关重要的角色。对流层臭氧作为光化学烟雾的重要成分之一,其浓度变化与人类活动息息相关。基于卫星遥感技术监测对流层臭氧浓度可以帮助我们更好地发现和定量解释对流层臭氧在不同季节、不同时刻以及不同区域的变化特征,探讨臭氧在对流层中的成因机制。随着卫星遥感技术的全面发展,臭氧遥感产品(例如臭氧总量、廓线等)无论在产品精度或是时空分辨率方面均取得了显著进步,然而,由于受较弱卫星信号与复杂下垫面的影响,对流层臭氧遥感产品精度仍无法满足目前对流层大气成分的精细化科学应用研究。主要围绕对流层臭氧卫星遥感,回顾和分析了臭氧卫星遥感载荷的发展历程和现状,结果表明国内外已基于不同谱段(紫外—可见光、热红外和太赫兹)实现了全球及区域臭氧的时空分布探测;讨论了基于不同技术遥感反演算法(直接与间接反演、多波段联合反演、天底—临边协同反演、基于机器学习技术的创新算法等)的特点及适用性,分析表明算法精度的提升包括从复杂大气背景下的辐射传输模拟、基于地面观测的先验信息优化以及仪器定标与信噪比等多方面的工作;展望了卫星遥感在全球和区域尺度提供可靠对流层臭...  相似文献   

基于物理模型的被动微波遥感反演土壤水分   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用土壤水分和海洋盐度(SMOS)卫星进行土壤水分反演的算法中,对地表发射率的描述仍采用半经验Q/H模型,该模型描述地表粗糙度对有效发射率在V和H极化下影响相同.基于微波散射理论模型-高级积分方程模型(AIEM)建立了一个针对SMOS传感器的参数配置,包含各种地表粗糙度和介电特性的裸露地表辐射模拟数据库,发展了L波段多角度地表辐射参数化模型.在此基础上,利用SMOS多角度双极化特点,建立了土壤水分反演算法.该算法可以消除粗糙度对土壤水分反演的影响,同时最小化反演过程中辅助信息引入带来影响.反演算法通过美国农业部提供的L波段多角度地基辐射计数据(BARC)进行验证,在20°~50°入射角,土壤水分反演精度在4%左右.  相似文献   

黑河流域遥感—地面观测同步试验:科学目标与试验方案   总被引:44,自引:17,他引:27  
介绍了黑河流域遥感-地面观测同步试验的科学背景、科学问题、研究目标以及观测试验方案和观测系统布置.总体目标是,开展航空-卫星遥感与地面观测同步试验,为发展流域科学积累基础数据;发展能够融合多源遥感观测的流域尺度陆面数据同化系统,为实现卫星遥感对流域的动态监测提供方法和范例.以具备鲜明的高寒与干旱区伴生为主要特征的黑河流域为试验区,以水循环为主要研究对象,利用航空遥感、卫星遥感、地面雷达、水文气象观测、通量观测、生态监测等相关设备,开展航空、卫星和地面配合的大型观测试验,精细观测干旱区内陆河流域高山冰雪和冻土带、山区水源涵养林带、中游人工绿洲及天然荒漠绿洲带的水循环和生态过程的各个分量;并且以航空遥感为桥梁,通过高精度的真实性验证,发展尺度转换方法,改善从卫星遥感资料反演和间接估计水循环各分量及与之密切联系的生态和其他地表过程分量的模型和算法.由寒区水文试验、森林水文试验和干旱区水文试验,以及一个集成研究--模拟平台和数据平台建设组成.拟观测的变量划分为5大类,分别是水文与生态变量、驱动数据、植被参数、土壤参数和空气动力参数.同步试验在流域尺度、重点试验区、加密观测区和观测小区4个尺度上展开.布置了加密的地面同步观测、通量和气象水文观测、降雨、径流及其他水文要素观测网络;使用了5类机载遥感传感器,分别是微波辐射计、激光雷达、高光谱成像仪、热红外成像仪和多光谱CCD相机;获取了丰富的可见光/近红外、热红外、主被动微波、激光雷达等卫星数据.  相似文献   

以各频段水平极化和垂直极化发射率问的相关关系为条件,利用被动微波数据反演地表温度.算法既解决了地表温度反演过程中发射率难以确定的问题,又克服了热红外遥感受大气影响较大的缺点,其物理意义清晰,计算简便.算法以MODIS温度产品为评价标准,对36.5GHz和89 GHz反演结果进行分析.结果表明:89 GHz亮温数据反演精度高于36.5 GHz;与耕地和草场反演精度相比,裸土和山地反演精度较高.其原因在于高频数据穿透能力较低,能更好地表达地表温度.同时,低频数据相对高频更容易受到地表土壤水分变化的影响,发射率相对不够稳定,对反演结果有一定影响.  相似文献   

北疆牧区积雪图像分类与雪深反演模型的研究   总被引:25,自引:7,他引:18  
利用NOAA/AVHRR晴空气象条件下的资料, 建立积雪监测反演模型, 动态监测雪灾期间大范围的积雪空间分布状况, 对牧区雪灾综合评价及防灾救灾具有重要的意义. 使用北疆地区1996-97年2次雪灾期间的4个时相的晴空NOAA卫星数据及20个地面气象台站观测资料, 研究了云与雪的判识及图像去云处理方法, 提出了云层覆盖下图像缺值插补处理的一种新算法; 采用线性混合光谱分解方法, 研究了基于像元的积雪覆盖率及积雪空间分类算法, 模拟出北疆地区积雪深度遥感地学反演模型. 研究结果可为牧区雪情动态监测、分析与综合评价系统的建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   

甲烷(CH_(4))是仅次于二氧化碳(CO_(2))的重要温室气体。随着青藏高原气候的暖湿化,整个高原将可能成为一个潜在的碳源,要实现《巴黎协定》的1.5℃和2℃温控目标,需要准确估算未来剩余的碳排放空间。因此,准确地认识青藏高原大气CH_(4)的源汇特征、时空变化过程及机理,对预测及应对变暖,帮助政府做出科学的节能减排决策具有重要的现实意义。本文从大气CH_(4)的观测方法、源和汇、CH_(4)浓度的时空分布特征3个方面总结了青藏高原已有大气CH_(4)的研究进展,结果表明:目前,青藏高原大气CH_(4)观测主要有地基观测和卫星遥感,缺少空基观测,在卫星产品中,AIRS的CH_(4)浓度数据质量最好;青藏高原大气CH_(4)以自然来源为主,可以确定的主要来源有湿地、湖泊和畜牧业,地质活动、植被和多年冻土是否是CH_(4)的主要源还存在争议;吸收汇主要是对流层的OH自由基和高山草甸;青藏高原CH_(4)浓度的季节分布呈单峰特征,夏季最高,CH_(4)浓度的增减与亚洲夏季风的进退同步;青藏高原CH_(4)浓度年均增长约为5~8 ng·g^(-1),大于周边地区;青藏高原近地面的CH_(4)高值出现在中部,从地面到对流层顶CH_(4)浓度逐渐减小,但高原东部和北部减小幅度大于西南部。未来应加强大气CH_(4)三维连续观测,改进卫星反演算法和源汇解析模型,准确量化青藏高原大气CH_(4)时空变化过程,揭示其变化机理,以期为未来高效减排政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

多传感器联合反演高分辨率降水方法综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
精确测量具有强烈时空变异性的降水,是水文气象学颇具挑战的科学研究目标之一。基于多传感器联合反演降水(Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimation,MPE)的方法已成为卫星反演降水的主流趋势。首先介绍MPE方法的定义与分类,回顾MPE方法的历史发展阶段及研究现状;然后介绍主要的MPE算法,包括TRMM多卫星降水分析算法(TMPA)、气候预测中心算法(CMORPH)、全球卫星降水制图算法(GSMa P)、美国海军研究实验室联合算法(NRLB)和神经网络降水算法(PERSIANN);对比这5种主要算法的优缺点和反演精度(PERSIANN精度范围为-56%~200%,其他产品为-67%~10%),指出存在的主要问题,并且评价不同类型MPE算法的性能;最后结合目前存在的问题探讨MPE方法研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感资料反演感热和潜热通量的研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
区域平均感热和潜热通量是气象、水文、生态模式中的关键物理因子,卫星遥感反演为观测区域平均感热和潜热通量提供了可能。对利用卫星遥感资料反演地气通量的方法进行了总结和评述。首先描述了现在常用的反演方法,分析了方法中的各种假定对反演结果的影响,并对不同的模式反演结果进行了比较。还指出了评价卫星反演通量的精度时需要注意的问题。最后对该领域内现存的问题与发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

张珂  鞠艳  李致家 《水科学进展》2021,32(2):182-191
通过构建基于重力卫星的实际蒸散发重建方法来获取高精度的实际蒸散发信息,为研究气候变化下的水循环规律提供关键信息。利用GLDAS陆面模式同化数据对GRACE重力卫星水储量观测数据进行空间降尺度,通过水量平衡法,重建了金沙江流域2002-2016年的子流域尺度实际蒸散发月序列。结果表明:①基于重力卫星观测与水量平衡方法重建的实际蒸散发(ETRecon)与ETPLSH、ETJung和ETMODIS3种遥感反演产品相比有较高的可靠性,其中与ETPLSH的相关性最高(r=0.82),与ETJung的平均差和均方根差最小。②研究区年均实际蒸散发为410.8 mm/a,空间分布上由西北向东南递增,年际变化上呈增加趋势。③季节尺度上,实际蒸散发夏季最高,呈逐年增加趋势;冬季最低,波动较平稳。  相似文献   

区域平均感热和潜热通量是气象、水文、生态模式中的关键物理因子,卫星遥感反演为观测区域平均感热和潜热通量提供了可能。对利用卫星遥感资料反演地气通量的方法进行了总结和评述。首先描述了现在常用的反演方法,分析了方法中的各种假定对反演结果的影响,并对不同的模式反演结果进行了比较。还指出了评价卫星反演通量的精度时需要注意的问题。最后对该领域内现存的问题与发展方向进行探讨。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(7):354-367
In the 1980s, ground-based monitoring of the ozone layer played a key role in the discovery of the Antarctic Ozone Hole as well as in the first documentation of significant winter and spring long-term downward trends in the populated mid-latitude regions. The article summarizes the close-to-hundred-year-long history of ground-based measurements of stratospheric ozone, and more recent observations of constituents that influence its equilibrium. Ozone observations began long before the recognition of the impact of increasing emissions of manmade ozone-depleting substances on ozone and therefore on UV levels, human health, ecosystems and the Earth climate. The historical ozone observations prior to 1980s are used as a reference for the assessments of the state of the ozone layer linked to the enforcement of the Montreal Protocol. In this paper, we describe the worldwide monitoring networks and their ozone observations used to determine long-term trends with an accuracy of a few percent per decade. Since 1989, the ground-based monitoring activities have provided support for the amendments of the Montreal Protocol (MP). They include monitoring of (a) the ozone total column and the vertical distribution at global scale, (b) the ozone-depleting substances (ODS) related to the MP such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and their decomposition products in the stratosphere, and (c) the atmospheric species playing a role in ozone depletion, e.g., nitrogen oxides, water vapor, aerosols, polar stratospheric clouds. We highlight important accomplishments in the atmospheric monitoring performed by the Global Atmosphere Watch program (GAW) run under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and by the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). We also address the complementary roles of ground-based networks and satellite instruments. High-quality ground-based measurements have been used to evaluate ozone variabilities and long-term trends, assess chemistry climate models, and check the long-term stability of satellite data, including more recently the merged satellite time-series developed for the detection of ozone recovery at global scale, which might be further modified by climate change.  相似文献   

A total of seventeen vertical profiles of ozone were obtained during an Indo-USSR collaborative experiment on ozonesonde intercomparison conducted at Thumba during March 1983. The vertical distribution of ozone was measured using rocket-borne, balloon-borne as well as ground-based instruments. Four different rocket ozonesondes from India and USSR and the balloon ozonesonde were used to makein situ observations of ozone concentrations in addition to the Dobson spectrophotometric observations of total ozone and Umkehr. The rocket and the balloon launchings were effected in three salvos and measurements were made at different times of the day as well as during night. The results of all these measurements are used to obtain a mean ozone vertical distribution over Thumba foT the spring equinoxial period. The mean profile shows the maximum ozone concentration at 27 km with a value of (3.86±0-52)×1012 molecules per cc. Comparison of this mean profile with available satellite data for the equatorial regions shows that, in general, the Thumba values are lower by 10–15% at altitudes below 40 km and larger at altitudes above 50 km compared to the satellite results. The data also show evidence for a day-to-day variability and a possible day-to-night variability in the ozone vertical distribution with the night-time values higher than the daytime values at all altitudes above 35 km and the difference is found to increase with the increasing altitude.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(7):432-434
NASA has a long and significant history in observations and data analysis research for understanding the short- and long-term changes in ozone in the atmosphere. For nearly 40 years, NASA has overseen satellite observations of stratospheric ozone. These observations have been augmented by ground-based remote sensing, balloon borne, and aircraft observations of ozone and ozone-related species and by continuous observations of ozone depleting substances. Together, they form the evidential basis for understanding ozone changes over these past four decades. Also, NASA has continuously funded laboratory, modeling and data analysis activities to better understand the observations obtained by NASA and other programs. NASA has plans to continue these activities in the future, at a level consistent with available funding, other Earth Science observational priorities, and more importantly, with a goal of ensuring that data exist to understand changes in ozone in the future as the abundances of ozone depleting substances decrease and those of greenhouse gases increase.  相似文献   

Precise gravity networks and profiles have been established in three locations in Canada for the purpose of measuring possible gravity changes associated with seismic events. All measurements were made using two LaCoste and Romberg model D gravimeters. The standard deviation of a single observed gravity difference ranges from 50 to 120 nm/sec2. The precision of the measurements appears to depend mainly on the amount of exposure to vibration during transportation. A preliminary comparison between results of different instruments reveals unexplained discrepancies, and calibration tests show that the D meter scale factor varies significantly with either dial reading or reset screw position or both.  相似文献   

中高层大气研究的空间探测   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
中高层大气研究对于深入理解全球变化和日地关系十分重要,也为有关航天与临近空间飞行的环境保障提供基础。中高层大气研究的目的是要深入了解其中发生的主要过程及其耦合,并发展各种模式。在现代中高层大气研究中,地基、高空飞机、高空气球、火箭和空间观测提供了动力、热力和化学成分结构与变化的资料,其中空间观测起到至关重要的作用。将对用于中高层大气研究的卫星任务和传感器载荷进行综述,同时列举一些中高层大气空间观测的科学结果。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(7):347-353
After the well-reported record loss of Arctic stratospheric ozone of up to 38% in the winter 2010–2011, further large depletion of 27% occurred in the winter 2015–2016. Record low winter polar vortex temperatures, below the threshold for ice polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) formation, persisted for one month in January 2016. This is the first observation of such an event and resulted in unprecedented dehydration/denitrification of the polar vortex. Although chemistry–climate models (CCMs) generally predict further cooling of the lower stratosphere with the increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), significant differences are found between model results indicating relatively large uncertainties in the predictions. The link between stratospheric temperature and ozone loss is well understood and the observed relationship is well captured by chemical transport models (CTMs). However, the strong dynamical variability in the Arctic means that large ozone depletion events like those of 2010–2011 and 2015–2016 may still occur until the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances return to their 1960 values. It is thus likely that the stratospheric ozone recovery, currently anticipated for the mid-2030s, might be significantly delayed. Most important in order to predict the future evolution of Arctic ozone and to reduce the uncertainty of the timing for its recovery is to ensure continuation of high-quality ground-based and satellite ozone observations with special focus on monitoring the annual ozone loss during the Arctic winter.  相似文献   

The equatorial electrojet (EEJ) is an intense daytime ionospheric current that circulates eastward along the geomagnetic dip equator. In this work, the EEJ current intensity was studied from ground-based magnetic data and CHAllenging Minisatellite Playoad (CHAMP) satellite observations. The ground-based magnetic data were recorded along a meridian chain of three stations across the dip equator in West Africa. These stations were operated by the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP). For the CHAMP satellite data, vector magnetometer records during geomagnetically quiet periods with Kp?≤?2 were used. To estimate the EEJ current intensity, we have first isolated its magnetic effect from CHAMP satellite observations for 10 years (from July 2000 to September 2010). The results were used to analyze the EEJ seasonal variability and the local time and longitude dependence. In addition, a comparison between ground-based and satellite observations of the EEJ current intensity was made. A good correlation was found between satellite and ground-based EEJ current intensity, with an average correlation coefficient of r 2 ~0.93. This performed correlation show that the technique used in this study can be extended to all ground magnetic stations for modeling the EEJ phenomena.  相似文献   

臭氧变化及其气候效应的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了近20年来臭氧变化的规律和机制及其气候效应等领域的研究进展,指出对流层臭氧(主要在北半球)增加、平流层臭氧减少和臭氧总量减少是全球臭氧的变化趋势,原因主要是人类活动导致的NOx、NMHC、CO、CH4等对流层臭氧前体物的增加和NOx、H2O、N2O、CFCs等平流层臭氧损耗物质的增加。臭氧变化引起的气候效应表现在对流层臭氧的增加将带来地表和低层大气的升温,平流层臭氧的减少则可能导致地表和低层大气的升温或降温。将全球或区域气候模式和大气化学模式进行完全耦合来研究臭氧变化的气候效应是一种十分有效的手段,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Most of the world’s major river deltas are sinking relative to local sea level. The effects of subsidence can include aquifer salinization, infrastructure damage, increased vulnerability to flooding and storm surges, and permanent inundation of low-lying land. Consequently, determining the relative importance of natural vs. anthropogenic pressures in driving delta subsidence is a topic of ongoing research. This article presents a review of knowledge with respect to delta surface-elevation loss. The field is rapidly advancing due to applications of space-based techniques: InSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar), GPS (global positioning system), and satellite ocean altimetry. These techniques have shed new light on a variety of subsidence processes, including tectonics, isostatic adjustment, and the spatial and temporal variability of sediment compaction. They also confirm that subsidence associated with fluid extraction can outpace sea-level rise by up to two orders of magnitude, resulting in effective sea-level rise that is one-hundred times faster than the global average rate. In coming years, space-based and airborne instruments will be critical in providing near-real-time monitoring to facilitate management decisions in sinking deltas. However, ground-based observations continue to be necessary for generating complete measurements of surface-elevation change. Numerical modeling should seek to simulate couplings between subsidence processes for greater predictive power.  相似文献   

李传勋  王素 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3548-3554
软土非线性固结变形计算目前还主要依赖于数值方法,致使非线性固结理论的工程应用受到极大限制。引入经典的e-lg?' 和e-lgkv非线性关系,在自重应力均匀分布假定下通过变量代换并利用迭代法给出压缩指数Cc与渗透指数Ck比值不等于1时的非线性固结近似解析解。在Cc /Ck趋近1时本文解与其等于1时的差分解及精确解相差无几。但如果Cc /Ck值偏离1,该近似解会存在一定偏差,且偏差值会随Cc /Ck值偏离1的程度和外荷载增加而逐渐增大。在一般工程荷载作用下,如果Cc /Ck值介于0.9~1.1之间,本文解的平均固结度与差分解间最大偏差在2%左右。当Cc /Ck值在0.75~1.25之间时,本文解的平均固结度与差分解最大偏差在5%左右。如果Cc /Ck值在0.5~1.5之间,本文解的平均固结度与差分解间最大偏差在10%左右。当外荷载一定时,土层的非线性固结速率会随着Cc /Ck值的增大而减慢。如果Cc /Ck<1,土层的非线性固结速率会随外荷载的增大而加快;相反,如果Cc/Ck>1,土层的非线性固结速率会随外荷载增大而减慢。  相似文献   

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