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If wind-stress or a horizontal oceanic density gradient acts over an ocean basin with an adjacent continental shelf and slope, sea-surface slopes and currents are set up along the shelf and slope with a return flow in the ocean. The currents evolve from zero at blocked ends of the shelf and basin. Such evolution is essentially barotropic (even for baroclinic forcing) and is relevant to all flow adjustments after longshore changes of depth profile or forcing. The distance over which this evolution takes place is investigated analytically for simple geometries, and numerically for a range of shelf, slope and ocean widths, shelf/ocean depth ratios, frictional decay rates and oscillatory frequencies. A close correspondence is found with the decay distance (group velocity x decay time) for a lowest mode continental shelf wave, often exceeding 1000 km. This correspondence is used to interpret some published model calculations of shelf and slope currents or return flows resulting from wind-stress or alongshore pressure gradients.Where a slope current is evolving, coastal sea levels do not follow oceanic levels. Implications for coastal/oceanic level differences are discussed. Oceanic sea-level features of shorter scale than the above 1000 km (say) do not penetrate fully to the coast. However, coastal sea levels averaged around small islands without broad shelves well represent surrounding oceanic levels.  相似文献   

We report on strong coast effect distortions observed for broadband marine magnetotelluric (MT) data collected on the forearc offshore northeastern Japan. Eight days of horizontal electric and magnetic fields recorded at eight seafloor stations and the horizontal magnetic fields from a land remote station were processed with a robust multiple-station algorithm, yielding good MT responses and inter-station transfer functions at periods of 7–10,000 s. Transverse electric (TE) mode responses have cusps in apparent resistivity and negative phases at periods around 1000 s, while the transverse magnetic (TM) mode responses are galvanically depressed below the TE responses. An analysis of inter-station transfer functions confirms that the apparent resistivity cusps are a magnetic field, rather than electric field, phenomenon, consisting of an amplitude minimum and rapid phase change around a characteristic frequency. Poynting vectors for a TE coast effect model study illustrate that the anomalous phases are associated with energy diffusing back up to the seafloor from below, after being turned around from its usual downward propagating trajectory by inductive coupling between the conductive ocean and the resistive seafloor along the continental margin. We show that the characteristic frequency and position of the TE mode apparent resistivity cusps are determined by a relatively simple combination of the electrical resistivity of the seafloor, the depth of the ocean, and the distance from the coastline. By including coastlines and bathymetry in 2D inversion, we recover the seafloor conductivity structure along the forearc, demonstrating that broadband data can constrain the thickness of conductive forearc sediments and the underlying high resistivity associated with the mantle wedge and subducting oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

The amplitude and phase values of the diurnal variations of the total magnetic field on the east coast of Canada were obtained from short time recordings over a four year period. The results show a decrease in amplitude and increase in phase of the variations at a station located near the continental margin relative to those at a coastal station, contrary to the expected ocean edge effect.  相似文献   

New imagery of ~14 100 km2 of seafloor along a 640 km stretch of the Alaska and Beaufort margins (ABM) in water depths from 250 to 2800 m depicts a repetitive association of glaciogenic bedforms (lineations and iceberg scours), broad erosional bathymetric features and adjacent downslope turbidite gullies. These bedforms have styles, depths and orientations similar to features discovered earlier on the Chukchi Borderland, up to 800 km northwest of the ABM. Lineations occur across the surface of a flattened bathymetric bench interpreted to have formed by an ice shelf sliding along the continental slope and scraping the seafloor at temporary grounding locations. The glacial geology of surrounding areas suggests that an ice shelf probably flowed from the mouths of overdeepened glacial troughs in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago westward along the ABM and across the Chukchi Borderland. This curved pathway indicates an obstruction to ice flow in the central Canada Basin, possibly caused by either a basin‐wide ice shelf or by a pile‐up of mega‐bergs originating from the Eurasian side of the Arctic Ocean. The ice shelf that affected the ABM may have formed between Oxygen Isotopic Stage 4 to 5b, possibly correlating to an inferred intra‐Stage 5 widespread Beringian glaciation. Evidence for glaciogenic features on the ABM corroborates suggestions that large ice volumes and extents existed in the Arctic during Pleistocene glacial periods. These findings have far‐reaching implications for Arctic climate studies, ocean circulation, sediment stratigraphy and the stability of circum‐Arctic continental ice masses. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

— To understand geomagnetic effects on systems with long conductors it is necessary to know the electric field those systems experience. For surface conductors such as power systems and pipelines this can easily be calculated from the magnetic field variations at the surface using the surface impedance of the earth. However, for calculating the electric fields in pipelines and submarine cables at the seafloor it is necessary to take account of the attenuating effect of the conducting seawater. Assuming that the fields are vertically propagating plane waves, we derive the transfer functions between the electric and magnetic fields at the seafloor and the magnetic field variations at the sea surface. These transfer functions are then used, with surface magnetic field data, to determine the power spectra of the seafloor magnetic and electric fields in a shallow sea (depth 100 m) and in the deep ocean (depth 5 km) for different values of the Kp magnetic activity index. For the period range considered (2 min to 3 hrs) the spectral characteristics of the seafloor magnetic and electric fields for a 100 m deep sea are very similar to those of the surface fields. For the deep ocean the seafloor spectra show a faster decrease in spectral density with increasing frequency compared to the surface fields. The results obtained are shown to be consistent with seafloor observations. Assessment of the seafloor electric fields produced by different levels of geomagnetic activity can be useful in the design of the power feed equipment for submarine cables and cathodic protection for undersea pipelines.  相似文献   

In a general lithospheric model of a simple divergent ocean and continental margin that satisfies the constraints of isostasy and gravity anomalies, the free-air gravity anomaly at the margin is modelled by an oceanic crust that thickens exponentially toward the margin from its common value of 6.4 km about 600 km from the margin to 17.7 km at the margin; this postulated thickening is supported empirically by seismic refraction measurements made near continental margins. The thickness of the oceanic crust matches that of the continental lithosphere at breakup, as observed today in Afar and East Africa, and is interpreted as the initial oceanic surface layer chilled against the continental lithosphere. With continued plate accretion, the chilled oceanic crust thins exponentially to a steadystate thickness, which is achieved about 40 m.y. after breakup. These findings contrast with the generally held view that the oceanic crust has a uniform thickness.During the first 40 m.y. of spreading, the thicker oceanic crust, of density 2.86 g/cm3, displaces the denser (3.32 g/cm3) subjacent material; by isostasy, the spreading ridge and the rest of the seafloor thus stand higher in younger( <40m.y.) oceans than they do in older(>40m.y.) oceans. This is postulated to be the cause of the empirical relationship between the crestal depth of spreading ridges and the age (or half-width) of ocean basins.  相似文献   

A seafloor electrical conductivity profile resulting from a more thorough analysis of magnetotelluric data from station S.F. Revisited than previously presented is compared to an earlier profile at Farewell to Aggy, station III. Both stations are located over the same interfracture zone segment of the Pacific plate, the first roughly 700 km off the coast of California (position 31°18′N, 128°20′W, water depth 4.5 km, plate age 30 m.y. estimated from nearby magnetic reversal number 12), the second approximately 800 km to the NNE of the mainland of Hawaii (position 26°32′N, 151°20′W, depth 5.3 km, age 72 m.y. estimated from adjacent magnetic reversal 30–31).The seafloor impedances at S.F. Revisited are only mildly polarized and their interpretation in terms of an isotropic, horizontally layered structure suggests the occurrence at about 85 km depth of a highly conducting layer with a conductance exceeding by roughly 4 × 103 S, an otherwise monotonically increasing conductivity trend. The implied dependence of conductivity with depth is therefore similar to that found earlier for station III, however with the following differences: the high-conductivity layer at station III occurs at a greater depth (140 km), it appears to have a slightly reduced excess conductance over the background, 3.5 × 103 S although this evidence should be used with caution, and the lithospheric conductivity at station III, surprisingly seems to be somewhat higher, an effect possibly related to the proximity of the Hawaiian chain and to its generic processes.  相似文献   

Present models of continental breakup envisage the formation of a rift valley which undergoes a protracted period of tectonism and eventual seafloor spreading in the axial part of the rift valley. This results in evidence of pre-breakup tectonism on most Atlantic-type margins in the form of normal blockfaults beneath the continental slope. The southeastern margin of the Australian continent has an unusually steep continental slope and shows little evidence of tectonism associated with the rift valley stage of development. The margin was formed by separation of the Lord Howe Rise and Australia during a phase of seafloor spreading in the Tasman Sea which lasted from about 80 to 60 m.y. B.P. Marine geophysical data over the central Lord Howe Rise indicate a contrast between the western and eastern part of of this structure. The western part shows faulted, rough basement topography, disturbed overlying sediments, and a relatively quiet magnetic field. The eastern part shows a smooth basement surface, undisturbed overlying sediments, and a high-amplitude, high-frequency magnetic field. It is suggested that the whole of the pre-breakup rift valley remained attached to the Lord Howe Rise. This explains the absence of rift valley structures within the eastern continental margin of Australia and implies non-axial breaching along the western boundary fault of a pre-Tasman Sea rift valley.  相似文献   

利用地震海洋学方法在南海北部陆架和上陆坡区域发现了15个雾状层.这些雾状层的延伸长度从几千米到几十千米,厚度十几米到一百米,其顶界所处水深在135 m至715.5 m范围之间.雾状层在地震海洋学剖面上表现为强反射特征.不同于其他传统声学或光学方法,地震海洋学方法分辨率高,且能在短时间内对整个水体进行成像,可以记录到雾状层的时空变化特征,实现对雾状层的"四维"观测.南海北部上陆坡区域是内孤立波浅化、能量耗散集中的区域,在此过程中内孤立波会导致较大的波致流速,侵蚀海底使得表面沉积物再悬浮,进入水体,形成和维持雾状层的存在.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of a distinct later phase observed at stations near the Japan Trench associated with shallow, outer-rise earthquakes off the coast of Sanriku, northern Japan based on the analysis of three-component broadband seismograms and FDM simulations of seismic wave propagation using a heterogeneous structural model of the Japan Trench subduction zone. Snapshots of seismic wave propagation obtained through these simulations clearly demonstrate the complicated seismic wavefield constructed by a coupling of the ocean acoustic waves and the Rayleigh waves propagating within seawater and below the sea bottom by multiple reflections associated with shallow subduction zone earthquakes. We demonstrated that the conversion to the Rayleigh wave from the coupled ocean acoustic waves and the Rayleigh wave as they propagate upward along the slope of seafloor near the coast is the primary cause of the arrival of the distinct later phase at the station near the coast. Through a sequence of simulations using different structural models of the Japan Trench subduction zone, we determined that the thick layer of seawater along the trench and the suddenly rising sea bottom onshore of the Japanese island are the major causes of the distinct later phase. The results of the present study indicate that for realistic modeling of seismic wave propagation from the subduction zone earthquakes, a high-resolution bathymetry model is very crucial, although most current simulations do not include a water column in their simulation models.  相似文献   


We consider the linearized stability of a barotropic coastal current flowing parallel to a straight coastline over a continental shelf and slope whose depth varies monotonically with distance from the coast. Some necessary conditions for stability and various semi-circle theorems are reviewed for general current profiles and bottom topography. A criterion for topography to be a destabilizing influence is derived. Some general results for stable waves are also described. Analytic solutions are obtained for a piece-wise linear current profile and the exponential depth profile (Buchwald and Adams, 1968). Dispersion diagrams are obtained for a monotonic current profile, where it is shown that the effect of topography is destabilizing, and for a triangular current profile. The dispersion diagrams generally contain a finite number (usually one or two) of unstable waves, and a set of stable waves, which may be infinite in number. The results are applied to some specific coastal regimes.  相似文献   

Shear properties provide important information about the lithology, fluid content and stability of sediments but are difficult to measure using conventional seismics in the marine environment. Seafloor compliance measurements are sensitive to subsurface shear properties but have only been used in the Pacific Ocean and on shallow coastal shelves, where the source wave energy is known to be strong. We show here that seafloor compliance measurements can provide useful information about shear properties of marine sediments in less energetic settings and under high noise conditions caused by strong seafloor currents. We measured compliance at three sites in the Faroes‐Shetland sedimentary basin north of the Atlantic ocean. The sites have 1000 times higher noise levels than quiet seafloor sites and the source wave power is highly variable, but the data still reveal significant differences in sediment properties between two sites down to 2 kilometres beneath the seafloor. The first site, at the northern end of the basin, has an average shear velocity of 400 m/s in the upper 0.6 kilometres beneath the seafloor, increasing to approximately 2100 m/s at 2 kilometres beneath the seafloor. The second site, further south and to the west of the basin axis, has an average shear velocity of 150 m/s in the upper 0.6 kilometres beneath the seafloor, increasing to 1400 m/s at 2 kilometres beneath the seafloor. The sediments are probably unconsolidated in the upper 0.6 kilometres beneath the seafloor at both sites, with a mean grain size of 1 μm at the southern site and 20 μm at the northern site. The southern site has higher porosity at all depths and a higher risk of borehole collapse during drilling.  相似文献   

All aspects of Marine Electromagnetic Research have made important advances over the last few years: theoretical studies, instrument design and data from equipment on the bottom of the ocean. The seafloor results show that the depth to the conducting asthenosphere is greater under older lithosphere and thus the thickness of the lithosphere increases with age. To obtain greater resolution of the electrical conductivity structure of the upper layers, several controlled source systems were developed. The first observations indicate a decrease in conductivity a few kilometers below the seafloor. Improved theoretical response curves for the electromagnetic fields at an ocean-continent boundary are now available. The theoretical curves, combined with land and seafloor data from coastal regions, allow the effects of the electric currents induced in the seawater to be separated from those caused by currents in the tectonic structure at the continental margin. Of growing interest is the application of electromagnetic methods to determine oceanographic wave parameters. Recent studies have investigated meanders in ocean current patterns, the response of internal edge waves and the tidal effect. With the forseeable improvements in seafloor instrumentation it will be possible to investigate the conductivity structure of offshore basins and the hydrothermal deposits associated with spreading ridges.  相似文献   

The eastern boundary of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (NASG) is an upwelling favorable region characterized by a mean southward flow. The Canary Upwelling Current (CUC) feeds from the interior ocean and flows south along the continental slope off NW Africa, effectively providing the eastern boundary condition for the NASG. We follow a joint approach using slope and deep-ocean data together with process-oriented modeling to investigate the characteristics and seasonal variability of the interior–coastal ocean connection, focusing on how much NASG interior water drains along the continental slope. First, the compiled sets of data show that interior central waters flow permanently between Madeira and the Iberian Peninsula at a rate of 2.5?±?0.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s-1 109 km s-1), with most of it reaching the slope and shelf regions north of the Canary Islands (1.5?±?0.7?Sv). Most of the water entering the African slope and shelf regions escapes south between the easternmost Canary Islands and the African coast: In 18 out of 22 monthly realizations, the flow was southward (?0.9?±?0.4?Sv) although an intense flow reversal occurred usually around November (1.7?±?0.9?Sv), probably as the result of a late fall intensification of the CUC north of the Canary Islands followed by instability and offshore flow diversion. Secondly, we explore how the eastern boundary drainage may be specified in a process-oriented one-layer quasigeostrophic numerical model. Non-zero normal flow and constant potential vorticity are alternative eastern boundary conditions, consistent with the idea of anticyclonic vorticity induced at the boundary by coastal jets. These boundary conditions cause interior water to exit the domain at the boundary, as if recirculating through the coastal ocean, and induce substantial modifications to the shape of the eastern NASG. The best model estimate for the annual mean eastward flow north of Madeira is 3.9?Sv and at the boundary is 3.3?Sv. The water exiting at the boundary splits with 1?Sv flowing into the Strait of Gibraltar and the remaining 2.3?Sv continuing south along the coastal ocean until the latitude of Cape Ghir. The model also displays significant wind-induced seasonal variability, with a maximum connection between the interior and coastal oceans taking place in autumn and winter, in qualitative agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Evidences of sedimentation affected by oceanic circulation, such as nepheloid layers and contourites are often observed along continental slopes. However, the oceanographic processes controlling sedimentation along continental margins remain poorly understood. Multibeam bathymetry and high-resolution seismic reflection data revealed a contourite depositional system in the Mozambican upper continental slope composed of a contourite terrace (a surface with a gentle seaward slope dominated by erosion) and a plastered drift (a convex-shape sedimentary deposit). A continuous alongslope channel and a field of sand dunes (mainly migrating upslope), formed during Holocene, were identified in the contourite terrace at the present seafloor. Seismic reflection data of the water column show internal waves and boluses propagating in the pycnocline near the upper slope. The channel and the dunes are probably the result of the interaction of the observed internal waves with the seafloor under two different conditions. The alongslope channel is located in a zone where intense barotropic tidal currents may arrest internal solitary waves, generating a hydraulic jump and focused erosion. However, upslope migrating dunes may be formed by bottom currents induced by internal solitary waves of elevation propagating landwards in the pycnocline. These small-scale sedimentary features generated by internal waves are superimposed on large-scale contouritic deposits, such as plastered drifts and contourite terraces, which are related to geostrophic currents. These findings provide new insights into the oceanographic processes that control sedimentation along continental margins that will help interpretation of palaeoceanographic conditions from the sedimentary record. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The distribution of planktic foraminifera from the continental slope onto the shelf of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay is discussed in relation to environmental factors. Samples were obtained between March and November, 2006–2008, along a bathymetric transect from 2000 to 145 m water depth, from 50 km off the shelf-break onto the outer shelf. Live specimens and empty tests (>100 μm) were collected with vertical plankton tows from the sea surface to a maximum water depth of 700 m, and temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, and fluorescence/chlorophyll-a concentration were recorded. Additional data on chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface temperature were derived from satellite imagery (Aqua MODIS and SeaWIFS). Planktic foraminifera were most abundant in the upper 80 m of the water column at all locations, with decreasing numbers towards the coast in March, April, and June. In November, maximum numbers of live specimens occurred at the outer shelf location. In July, planktic foraminiferal standing stocks were low throughout the sampling area.Chlorophyll-a concentration (i.e., food) and fresh water input were found to affect the abundance of planktic foraminifera along the transect; however we found no influence of water depth or proximity to the shelf.  相似文献   

The construction of S-wave velocity models of marine sediments down to hundreds of meters below the seafloor is important in a number of disciplines. One of the most significant trends in marine geophysics is to use interface waves to estimate shallow shear velocities which play an important role in determining the shallow crustal structure. In marine settings, the waves trapped near the fluid–solid interface are called Scholte waves, and this is the subject of the study. In 1998, there were experiments on the Ninetyeast Ridge (Central Indian Ocean) to study the shallow seismic structure at the drilled site. The data were acquired by both ocean bottom seismometer and ocean bottom hydrophone. A new type of seafloor implosion sources has been used in this experiment, which successfully excited fast and high frequency (>500 Hz) body waves and slow, intermediate frequency (<20 Hz) Scholte waves. The fundamental and first higher mode Scholte waves have both been excited by the implosion source. Here, the Scholte waves are investigated with a full waveform modeling and a group velocity inversion approach. Shear wave velocities for the uppermost layers of the region are inferred and results from the different methods are compared. We find that the full waveform modeling is important to understand the intrinsic attenuation of the Scholte waves between 1 and 20 Hz. The modeling shows that the S-wave velocity varies from 195 to 350 m/s in the first 16 m of the uppermost layer. Depths levels of high S-wave impedance contrasts compare well to the layer depth derived from a P-wave analysis as well as from drilling data. As expected, the P- to S-wave velocity ratio is very high in the uppermost 16 m of the seafloor and the Poisson ratio is nearly 0.5. Depth levels of high S-wave impedance contrasts are comparable to the layer depth derived from drilling data.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地油气地质显示盆地内具有生物成因和热成因天然气的巨大生成能力和远景. 地震剖面显示盆地内发育有泥底辟和气烟囱、沟通泥底辟和气烟囱与海底的断裂及可能正在活动的天然气冷泉,这些特征非常有利于天然气水合物的发育. 通过天然气水合物热力学稳定域预测,确定了琼东南盆地天然气水合物的平面和剖面分布特征. 生物成因甲烷水合物分布于水深大于约600m的海底,稳定带最大厚度约314m;热成因天然气水合物分布于水深大于约450m的海区,稳定带最大厚度约410m. 盆地内天然气水合物远景总量约10×109m3,水合物天然气远景为1.6×1012m3.  相似文献   

Tide gauge (TG) data along the northern Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts are compared to the sea-surface height (SSH) anomaly obtained from ocean altimetry (TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2) for a period of nine years (1993–2001). The TG measures the SSH relative to the ground whereas the altimetry does so with respect to the geocentric reference frame; therefore their difference would be in principle a vertical ground motion of the TG sites, though there are different error sources for this estimate as is discussed in the paper. In this study we estimate such vertical ground motion, for each TG site, from the slope of the SSH time series of the (non-seasonal) difference between the TG record and the altimetry measurement at a point closest to the TG. Where possible, these estimates are further compared with those derived from nearby continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) data series. These results on vertical ground motion along the Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts provide useful source data for studying, contrasting, and constraining tectonic models of the region. For example, in the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and in the western coast of Greece, a general subsidence is observed which may be related to the Adriatic lithosphere subducting beneath the Eurasian plate along the Dinarides fault.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a semidiurnal internal tidal wave at a narrow Mexican Pacific shelf is discussed using the data of temperature obtained by an anchored instrument and data of field surveys. The internal tide on the shelf is dominated by an inclined wave, which propagates upward and onshore along a continental slope. Despite its reflection from the bottom and from the surface of the ocean, they remain inclined and totally destroyed over the course of one wavelength. Due to wave reflection from the inclined bottom, the horizontal and vertical wave number increase threefold when the wave goes into shallow waters. The wave undergoes nonlinear transformation and overturns forming several homogeneous temperature layers up to 20 m thick. The most intense disturbances of water layers are observed near the bottom, where the slope angle approaches its critical value. Because of nonlinear effects, the wave carries cool deep water out to the shallow depth and causes coastal upwelling. Intense solar warming together with vertical mixing results in a rapid rise of temperature in the 130-m water column that was observed.  相似文献   

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