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气象服务产品是指气象服务部门“生产”的产出物。抛开产出物的自然属性,产品便具有产品性、商品性及信息性。只有把产品性、商品性与信息性统一起来,人们才能正确认识其社会属性。  相似文献   

实践呼唤着人们把理论研究的视野,尽快地扩展到气象经济领域。为此,本文拟就《气象经济学》的基本理论框架,作一些粗略论述。 一、气象是人类活动中最重要的自然因素之一。人类为要生存和更好地发展,必须观测气象、研究气象,不断地把大气活动规律广泛运用于国民经济各部门和社会生活各方面,以实现合理利用气候资源、充分利用气象要素,获得最佳经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

本文从经济学的角度,界定气象资源和气象服务的产业性质,阐明气象服务和社会再生产及其它产业的关系。  相似文献   

长清县土地生产力综合评价研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以济南市长清县为例 ,从农业利用的角度出发 ,科学地分析影响土地生产力的多种因素 ,利用 GIS技术和遥感技术 ,对土地生产力水平分别进行自然、社会经济技术以及二者综合的评价研究。通过“空间、属性一体化”定量计算 ,得出土地生产力的综合评价指数像元分布数据 ,像元的大小精确到 30 m× 30 m。  相似文献   

在人类社会生活中,信息无处不在.信息既是一种有价产品,又是一种商品,当信息转换成生产力或升华为新技术时,既能有效地提高产品的生产率和质量内涵,又能增强其市场竞争能力,从而可带来大规模的效益,创造出惊人的财富.  相似文献   

同机器生产力相比较,网络生产力不仅在理论上是一个崭新的经济学范畴,而且在实践层上,从其内部的基础结构以及同社会经济运行联系两方面,都呈现出鲜明的特征;网络生产力既具极强的经济定义,又具极强的经济学意义。  相似文献   

一、矿产资源是属于国家所有的财富矿产品是通过市场进行交换的商品 (一)矿产资源是属于国家所有的自然财富 矿产资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,是自然界中能为人所利用的一种自然要素.在矿业生产中,劳动对象就是矿产资源.矿产资源作为生产资料的重要组成部分,在矿业经济的资源配置中,比别的劳动工具或固定资产和流动资金,具有着更突出的地位,无疑,它是整个社会生产发展和布局的自然基础.  相似文献   

美国国家气候资料中心的气象服务对象隶属于美国国家海洋大气局的美国国家气候资料中心为了更好地服务于用户,成立了气象服务组织,成员大多是气象学位获得者,负责用各种方式回答各种各样的气象问题。要求提供信息的人中有三分之一是律师,因为许多法律诉讼案件中需要天...  相似文献   

影视艺术欣赏是人类在精神上对美的需求且与其对应的、按美的法则建造的“第二自然”,具有审美属性;是一种审美创造与审美关系。从悲剧、悲剧感,喜剧和喜剧感及其审美价值等方面均可印证这一说法。  相似文献   

甘肃黄土高原作物生长期土壤干旱及气候生产力特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了近40年甘肃黄土高原区域作物生长期土壤干旱和气候生产力特征,结果表明:(1) 土壤干旱和气候生产力在空间上表现为全区一致,区域内相关性很好.(2) 时间演变规律上,土壤干旱有加重的趋势、气候生产力呈下降的趋势.(3) 土壤干旱和气候生产力变化阶段性明显,年际变化具有3~5a的振荡,4a周期最为明显.  相似文献   

国内气象服务研究中的公共气象服务主题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究国内气象服务研究中公共气象服务主题的研究状况及趋势,对1986~2010年以"气象服务"为主题的1439篇学术论文进行了知识图谱分析,整理出包括公共气象服务在内的14个气象服务研究热点。研究结果表明公共气象服务研究包含于应用气象服务研究层次,处于气象时效性低、服务专业性高的研究领域,与农业气象服务、气象信息服务、气候资源服务、应用气象服务等热点领域存在交叉性的特征,具有面向决策气象服务、公众气象服务、新农村建设、气象服务产业化和气象事业可持续发展的需求,侧重于信息传播、预警、效益、安全、网络的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Mt. Everest is often referred to as the earth's 'third' pole. As such it is relatively inaccessible and little is known about its meteorology. In 2005, an automatic weather station was operated at North Col (28°1′ 0.95" N, 86°57′ 48.4" E, 6523 m a.s.l.) of Mt. Everest. Based on the observational data, this paper compares the reanalysis data from NCEP/NCAR (hereafter NCEP-Ⅰ) and NCEP-DOE AMIP-Ⅱ (NCEP- Ⅱ), in order to understand which reanalysis data are more suitable for the high Himalayas with Mr. Everest region. When comparing with those from the other levels, pressure interpolated from 500 hPa level is closer to the observation and can capture more synoptic-scale variability, which may be due to the very complex topography around Mt. Everest and the intricately complicated orographic land-atmosphereocean interactions. The interpolation from both NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ daily minimum temperature and daily mean pressure can capture most synopticscale variability (r〉0.82, n=83, p〈0.001). However, there is difference between NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ reanalysis data because of different model parameterization. Comparing with the observation, the magnitude of variability was underestimated by 34.1%, 28.5 % and 27.1% for NCEP-Ⅰ temperature and pressure, and NCEP-Ⅱ pressure, respectively, while overestimated by 44.5 % for NCEP-Ⅱ temperature. For weather events interpolated from the reanalyzed data, NCEP-Ⅰ and NCEP-Ⅱ show the same features that weather events interpolated from pressure appear at the same day as those from the observation, and some events occur one day ahead, while most weather events and NCEP-Ⅱ temperature interpolated from NCEP-Ⅰ happen one day ahead of those from the observation, which is much important for the study on meteorology and climate changes in the region, and is very valuable from the view of improving the safety of climbers who attempt to climb Mt. Everest.  相似文献   

There are more people but less land in China,so food safety has always been a most important issue government concerned.With continuous population increase,economic development and environment protection,cropland occupation and supplement are unavoidable.It not only leads to the variation of cropland area,but also makes the light-temperature potential productivity per unit area different due to regional climate differentiation,therefore impacts the total potential productivity and food output eventually.So,it is necessary to analyze the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and to study its impact on total potential productivity,which is significant to reasonably develop natural resources and instruct agricultural arrangement.This study firstly discussed the variation and distribution of occupation and supplement croplands in China from 2000 to 2008,then analyzed the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and its effect on light-temperature potential productivity.The results demonstrate:1) From 2000 to 2008,the cropland variation presented occupation in the south and supplement in the north,but overall decreased.Supplement cropland was mainly from ecological reclamation(77.78%) and was mainly distributed in Northeast China and Northwest China with poor climatic and natural conditions.Occupation cropland was mainly used for construction(52.88%) and ecological restoration(44.78%) purposes,and was mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,and the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River with better climatic and natural conditions.2) The climate conditions were quite different in supplement and occupation cropland areas.The annual precipitation,annual accumulated temperature and average annual temperature were lower in the supplement cropland area,and its average po-tential productivity per unit was only 62% of occupation cropland area,which was the main reason for the decrease of total potential productivity.3) Cropland occupation and supplement led to the variation of total potential productivity and its spatial distribution.The productivity decreased in the south and increased in the north,but had a net loss of 4.38315×107 t in the whole country.The increase of cropland area was at the cost of reclaiming natural forest and grassland resources,and destroying natural ecological environment,while the decrease of cropland area was mainly due to a lot of cropland occupied by urban-rural construction,which threatened the sustainable use of cropland resources.  相似文献   

利用若尔盖1971-2000年的大风、雷暴、冰雹、积雪、雾及飑的逐年各月气象资料,用现代统计方法,分别逐类、逐月、逐年代统计若尔盖地区旅游气象灾害出现频次、时间变化特征,并对其变化特征及主要旅游气象灾害发生规律进行气候综合分析,结合旅游安全社会经验,统计出若尔盖气象灾害发生月份集中在4-8月,主要是春、夏两个季节。而较少月份集中在8-2月,为秋、冬两季。若尔盖地区适宜旅游期月份为5、6、7、8、9月,非常适宜旅游区月份为6、7、8月,疗养期月份为7月。而该时段为灾害频发期,因此应特别注意对灾害天气的预防和应对。为当地旅游管理部门提供参考,为旅游投资与实施建设提供气象依据,为旅游者选择旅游季节及评估旅游安全提供帮助。  相似文献   

The present study proposes an index to assess the potential for adaptation to climate change for households in the mountainous regions. The index provides a realistic approach to recognize social and natural factors which contribute to successful adaptation and addresses several household functions, such as social networking, livelihood strategy, adjustment strategies, resource availability and accessibility. The proposed Adaptation Capability Index (ACI) is analytically defined, mathematically formulated and field tested on mountainous households in urban and semi-urban regions of the Uttarakhand Himalaya in India. To gather data on the topic relevant to the ACI, a household scale questionnaire was developed and administered to 120 heads of households through face-to-face interviews. The results highlight higher adaptive capability of urban households and low adaptation capacity of rural households due to poor farm productivity, low accessibility and availability of resources and technological input. Future programs and policies must include and implement regulations to remedy attributive factors responsible for higher adaptation. This paper may be applicable to other mountainous regions and may provide insights for effective adaptation strategies to climate change.  相似文献   

定西市气候资源特点与开发利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对定西市近50年的气候资源进行分析.结果表明定西市具有光照充足、光能资源丰富、气候温凉、热量分布差异大、降水少变率大、光热水匹配基本合理等特点.根据其气候资源的特点,提出了农业气候资源开发利用途径.  相似文献   

成都双流机场能见度气候特征及气象相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
能见度在气象学尤其是航空气象上具有重要意义.为了找出能见度与局地气象要素甚至气候特征的关系,通过对成都双流机场1986~2010年的自动观测资料进行统计分析,得到双流机场能见度的统计变化规律:机场低能见度(如能见度< 1000m)的日数呈逐年减少趋势;在温度、气压和湿度这些常规气象要素中,平均气温逐年递增,并且与低能见度天数呈较好的负相关关系;平均气压逐年减小,与低能见度天数基本呈正相关关系;而平均湿度逐年下降,并与低能见度天数保持一定的正相关特性.统计发生低能见度时的天气现象可知,雾尤其是辐射雾是造成双流机场低能见度的主要天气,其次是烟和强的降水.局地气温的升高是导致机场能见度变化的主要的直接因素,而导致局地变暖的原因可能是城市化的扩大,成都平原的气候变化,甚至东亚季风的改变也有贡献.  相似文献   

本文扼要回顾了国外关于核爆炸对人类生命、自然环境及气候影响的研究;介绍了近几年关于“核冬天”研究的新成果。通过沙暴尘埃对短波辐射吸收强度的分析,讨论了浓密气溶胶的天气气候效应。  相似文献   

从气象信息的数字化获取、智能化加工、可视化发布和网络化服务等方面论述了数字气象的基本概念和系统组成 ,讨论了数字气象系统建设的主要技术、基本思路和发展战略。  相似文献   

China is facing the three major agroenvironment problems, which include: chemical pollution, abnormal ecological balance and natural resource deterioration. These environment problems have depleted part of the comprehensive agricultural productivity and hence become a resistance to the further development of agriculture. A number of measures have been taken for controlling over pollution and ecosystem declining. But for the sustainable development the more efforts are suggested to make, including the more stern measures in the population control, adopting the new techniques of saving natural resources and high efficiency, encouraging a frugal life style as well as paying more attentions to the research on the agricultural environment protection.  相似文献   

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