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魏利敏  王风琴  王贵明  周学勤  梁贞 《气象》2007,33(S1):173-176
通过对乌海地区气候特征与葡萄种植所需气候条件对比,统计分析了葡萄种植的有利气象条件和不利因素。结果表明乌海地区气候条件非常适宜葡萄种植。  相似文献   

昌吉州栽培葡萄历史较久.三中全会以来,特别是近几年葡萄生产发展很快.目前,全州栽培面积近7千亩.随着果树种植业发展,这里将成为新兴的鲜食制罐葡萄生产基地.但是,昌吉州的葡萄生产中存在着许多农业气象问题.如:昌吉州的葡萄生产受气候条件的影响,产量不稳定,适宜当地气候发展葡萄的品种是什么?该品种的气候适应性如何?气候条件的优劣对品质和产量究竟有何影响?这些问题急需研究解决.  相似文献   

为塔里木灌区产业调整,发展红地球葡萄生产的气候适应性提供理论依据。利用阿拉尔市气象局1961-2003年气象资料,计算了灌区红地球葡萄生长发育阶段的主要气候指标并与参考文献进行比较,分析评价了灌区栽培红地球葡萄的气候适应性。结果表明:灌区红地球葡萄生育期间日照时数、日照百分率,≥10℃活动积温、无霜期、各生育阶段的温度,降水量等气候条件符合其生长发育的要求。灌区在生长发育阶段的气候条件适宜红地球葡萄栽培。春季的倒春寒、沙尘暴、扬沙天气和秋季的冷空气活动、降水天气对红地球葡萄的产量、品质有明显不利影响。  相似文献   

张蕾  张歆 《贵州气象》2002,26(2):33-34
葡萄是怕涝,喜光照,较耐旱的水果,通过观测资料的对比分析得知楼顶袋植葡萄的小气候条件比大田生长的气候条件有较明显的优越性,为推广塑料袋植葡萄提供了气候依据。  相似文献   

2003年异常气候对清徐葡萄的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
气候对葡萄生长发育的影响十分关键,以光照、温度和降水三要素为主。利用清徐地面气象资料,根据葡萄各生育阶段对气候资源的需求特点,比照该时期年内的实际气候状况,着重分析年度内气候异常与葡萄产量下降、品质降低之间的关系,并就如何减缓气候对葡萄生产的不利影响进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

唐守顺  王小云 《气象》1989,15(9):53-57
本文以萧县为例,分析了黄河故道葡萄栽培区的气候条件及其对生产的影响,指出了影响该地葡萄产量和品质的主要气候因子是温度,并提出了趋利避害的建议,为进行葡萄气候影响评价、提高栽培管理水平提供参考。  相似文献   

红提葡萄气候区划的制定有助于政府部门科学布局红提葡萄种植区域,提高种植区的红提葡萄品质和产量。还可带动当地种植业结构调整,从而提高霍尔果斯市气候资源利用率。利用霍尔果斯市及周边10个气象站1981-2020年逐日气象资料,采用数理统计和空间插值方法,根据红提葡萄种植的气候生态条件,筛选出≥10℃积温和无霜冻期作为红提葡萄的气候适宜性区划指标,将霍尔果斯市红提葡萄种植区划分为适宜种植区、次适宜种植区和不适宜种植区。适宜种植区分布在海拔720 m以下的南部平原地带;次适宜种植区分布在霍尔果斯市中部海拔720~950 m的山前平原;不适宜种植区位于霍尔果斯市域北部海拔高度950 m以上的天山山区。  相似文献   

艾比湖盆地位于准噶尔盆地的西部边缘。艾比湖湖面海拔189米,盆地多在海拔450米以下,属天山北坡西端的一部分。该地区热量较丰富,光照充足,水热条件配合较好。本文着重从农业气候角度分析艾比湖盆地发腱葡萄生产的前景。一、葡萄生态气候条件分析葡萄的栽培品种甚多,全世界总数在8000种以上,新疆也达200多个品种。按其地理分布和生理特征可分为三大种,即欧亚种、东亚种、北美种。各种下又分若干种群,不同种(群)间,生态气候条件差异较  相似文献   

本文从葡萄栽培的农业气象指标出发,对比分析了德清县葡萄生产的利弊气象条件,指出了葡萄生长期中易遭受的天气灾害。分析得出德清县属于葡萄生态气候条件相对较适宜区,并提出提高葡萄产量的栽培管理方法和措施,供生产部门参照。  相似文献   

222团发展酿酒葡萄的气候条件分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据葡萄的生物学特性及其对气候条件的要求,对222团的气候资源进行初步分析,结合3年葡萄生产的实际,提出本地区适宜酿酒葡萄的生长。  相似文献   

B. G. Hunt 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(3-4):509-521
Controversy continues to prevail concerning the reality of anthropogenically-induced climatic warming. One of the principal issues is the cause of the hiatus in the current global warming trend. There appears to be a widely held view that climatic change warming should exhibit an inexorable upwards trend, a view that implies there is no longer any input by climatic variability in the existing climatic system. The relative roles of climatic change and climatic variability are examined here using the same coupled global climatic model. For the former, the model is run using a specified CO2 growth scenario, while the latter consisted of a multi-millennial simulation where any climatic variability was attributable solely to internal processes within the climatic system. It is shown that internal climatic variability can produce global mean surface temperature anomalies of ±0.25?K and sustained positive and negative anomalies sufficient to account for the anomalous warming of the 1940s as well as the present hiatus in the observed global warming. The characteristics of the internally-induced negative temperature anomalies are such that if this internal natural variability is the cause of the observed hiatus, then a resumption of the observed global warming trend is to be expected within the next few years.  相似文献   

B. G. Hunt 《Climatic change》1998,38(2):133-157
The question as to whether the climatic anomalies associated with the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age can be attributed to natural climatic variability is explored in this paper. The output from a 500-year run with a global climatic model is used for this purpose. The model exhibits multi-decadal variability in its climatic outputs, which appears to have many of the characteristics of observed climatic data over the last millennium. Global distributions of surface temperature associated with peak warming and cooling phases of the model run highlight the spatial variability which occurs, and the lack of synchroneity in the response from region to region. Considerable year-to-year variability occurs in temperature anomaly patterns during the warming and cooling phases, indicating the complexity of the responses. The model results suggest that such climatic phases should not be considered as lengthy periods of universal warming or cooling. Comparison of observed time series of land surface temperature for the northern hemisphere for the last 500 years with model output indicates that most of the observed features in this climatic record can be reproduced by processes associated with internal mechanisms of the climatic system as reproduced in the model. While the model results do not exclude the possible contribution of external forcing agents as a contributing factor to these climatic episodes, the perception is that such agents would enhance existing naturally-induced climatic features rather than initiate them, at least for this time frame. Given the omnipresent nature of natural climatic variability, it is assumed that such variability rather than external forcing agents has primacy in generating and maintaining the underlying observed climatic variability. An understanding of the mechanisms and behaviour of such climatic features is becoming of increasing importance, in view of their possible role in modulating future climatic trends given the expected influence of the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

1951—2009年中国不同区域气温和降水量变化特征   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究中国不同区域气候变化特征,将全国按照气候区域划分为11个气候区,并利用1951—2009年中国194个国家基本/基准站月、年气温和降水观测资料,对全国及每个气候区平均温度及降水量的年和季节变化特征进行分析。结果表明:中国及各地区增温趋势均为极显著增加,尤其近20 a增温速度更快;而2007年成为有记录以来最暖的...  相似文献   

Agriculture appears to be one of the human activities most vulnerable to climatic changes due to its large dependence on environmental conditions. However, the diversity of Brazilian environmental conditions could be of great advantage to adapting this sector to new climatic conditions, which should be assessed as in this study on shifting Arabica coffee cultivation to the extreme south of the country. The methodology applied is the same the one used to define climatic risks in current productive regions of Brazil and their vulnerability to climatic change predicted by IPCC reports. The basic climatic parameters applied were frost probability and annual average temperature, since annual water deficit did not prove to be a restricting factor for Arabica coffee cultivation in the study area. The climatic conditions suitable for coffee production are: annual average temperature between 18??C and 22??C, annual water deficit less than 100?mm and frost probability (risk of lowest annual temperature less than 1??C) less than 25%. An area is said to have ??low climatic risks?? for coffee production when these three climatic conditions are met. Current climatic conditions were used and simulations of four temperature increases between 1??C and 4??C were also performed. The results indicated a substantial increase in the size of low climatic risks areas for the production of Arabica coffee in the extreme south of Brazil, mainly for mean temperature increases of 3??C in the study area in relation to present conditions. Increases of 2??C and 4??C were also favorable, but not as good as those obtained for 3??C. It should be underscored that areas with low climatic risks will be able to be found mainly in the extreme south of the study region, the border with Uruguay and North of Argentina.  相似文献   

近百年来中国的严重气候灾害   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
根据1880~1997年的各种气候序列,研究了118年中的严重气候灾害.这里严重有两重意义,首先是影响面广,其次是强度大.因此只研究了冷冬、冷夏、多台风、全国多雨、干旱及长江与黄河多雨、干旱等9种气候灾害.以大约10年一遇为严重灾害,以30~40年一遇为异常灾害.给出各种灾害出现的年份,扼要地分析了各种灾害出现的规律及可能的形成原因.  相似文献   

相空间EOF方法及其在气候诊断中的应用   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
李跃清 《高原气象》2001,20(1):88-93
提出了相空间EOF新方法,由此研究了四川测站降水和温度和气候变化。结果表明:突变性是气候变化最重要的特征,周期性是第二位的;突变在气候变化的高层次上有显著反映,低层次对突变具有反馈作用,正(负)反馈作用突出(掩盖)气候变化的突变性;并且在气候诊断分析中,这是一种有特色的方法。  相似文献   

北京地区气温诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢庄  李慧 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):820-825
本文讨论了北京地区百余年气温的变化特征,依据加法模型理论,提出了一种气候诊断和预测方法─—逐步回归多重因子方法,其优点在于将序列的周期因子、谱成分及外界气候振动因子同时引入回归模型中。这一方法,对单序列的气候诊断和预测具有明显效果。  相似文献   


Climatic simulations suggest that only slight changes in climatic variability are likely to be induced owing to greenhouse warming, and that these changes will project onto existing modes of climatic variability. A lesser studied aspect of the interaction of climatic variability with climatic change is how such a mutual interaction manifests itself as interannual climatic fluctuations. A number of examples are examined in this paper using simulations made with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Mark 2 coupled climatic model. The simulations included an ensemble based on four Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) cases, as well as individual ensembles for two selected SRES cases. In general, the intra‐ensemble variability for a given SRES case was quite similar to the inter‐ensemble variability of the four individual SRES cases. Time series of selected climatic variability and probability density function displays are used to illustrate the character of climatic variability for simulations out to 2100. Other examples include variations in droughts and pluvial events, and associated runoff, as the greenhouse effect progresses. The differing responses in the frequency of dry events among four SRES cases are also illustrated. The outbreak of cold events around 2050 is used to highlight the impact of climatic variability. Finally, case studies involving two large‐scale climatic phenomena are used to show the ongoing dominance of climatic variability.  相似文献   

The response of plant species to future climate conditions is probably dependent on their ecological characteristics, including climatic niche, demographic rates and functional traits. Using forest inventory data from 27 dominant woody species in Spanish forests, we explore the relationships between species characteristics and projected changes in their average climatic suitability (occurrence of suitable climatic conditions for a species in a given territory) obtained by empirical niche-based models, under a business-as-usual climate change scenario (A1, HadCM3, 2001–2100). We hypothesize that most species will suffer a decline in climatic suitability, with a less severe for species (i) currently living in more arid climates or exhibiting a broader current climatic niche; (ii) with higher current growth rates; (iii) with functional traits related to resistance to water deficits. The analysis confirm our hypothesis since apart from a few Mediterranean species, most species decrease their climatic suitability in the region under future climate, characterized by increased aridity. Also, species living in warmer locations or under a wider range of climatic conditions tend to experience less decrease in climatic suitability. As hypothesized, a positive relationship was detected between current relative growth rates and increase in future climatic suitability. Nevertheless, current tree mortality did not correlate with changes in future climatic suitability. In contrast with our hypothesis, functional traits did not show a clear relationship with changes in climate suitability; instead species often presented idiosyncratic responses that, in some cases, could reflect past management. These results suggest that the extrapolation of species performance to future climatic scenarios based on current patterns of dominance is constrained by factors other than species autoecology, particularly human activity.  相似文献   

选取参与东北地区短期气候预测业务质量评估的53个气象站的月平均气温、降水资料,NCEP/NCAR再分析的月平均500 hPa位势高度场资料,以及由NOAA重构的海温场资料,对比了新、旧气候平均态下,冬、夏季东北地区气温、降水及全球500 hPa位势高度场及海温场差异, 并分析了气候平均值改变对气候变化、影响评价和预测业务的影响。结果表明:就东北大部分地区而言,新气候态(1981-2010年)表征的气候较旧气候态(1971-2000年)更暖湿;新气候态的全球500 hPa位势高度值和海温值较旧气候态均有所增大;新气候态下东亚大槽强度和西伯利亚高压强度变弱是造成东北冬季气温升高的主要原因;西太副高和鄂霍次克海阻塞高压强度增强,是造成东北地区大部分月份降水量增加的主要原因;而东北冷涡强度减弱是造成东北地区6月降水量减少的主要原因;9月和10月降水量减少可能与海温的变化有关。气候平均值的改变会对气候业务产生影响,如需对冷冬事件和ENSO事件重新评估,对极端事件重新分析,及对要素预报量级和趋势产生影响。  相似文献   

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